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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 7, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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the service of the people, the strength of our people are reserved, the paths are fearful, our choir is the highest, clearest hymns, the work is done, the joy of ours, our earth is evil.
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bright name, glory to the peoples of the protyr union, our beloved mother, our manech, excuse belarus, our beloved power like.
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good evening, live panorama, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova about the main events of this wednesday. the belarusian beauty will be in the window very soon, less than a month before the launch of our cosmonaut into orbit. peaceful protest of peasants is stifled by police force, warsaw gambit. are the polish authorities ready? hear your farmers or the voice of the ukrainian oligarchy louder. and the sports intrigue of the evening, the battle of two. politics and economics today in the ministry the era of a new reality and our course in foreign affairs have determined the main tasks for this year. what
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does it cost us to build a house, how many square meters will they build, is the price fair, which area to choose for living, an apartment or our own house in the village. each of us has asked these questions. we will discuss the popular topic, construction and the housing market, in the economic environment, after the panorama. macron's dispatch statement nato troops in ukraine are full of comments and interpretations, while the alliance’s armies are conducting exercises more and more intensively. the belarusian troops certainly feel it.
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the project has a place to live. the ceremonial farewell to baikanur took place today in the star city, ahead of two weeks of pre-launch training for the main and backup crew, and then orbit. among the participants are two belarusians, thanks to whom our country is taking a step in space exploration. both passed a difficult selection, on equal terms, participated in tests of weightlessness, cold and water. let me remind you that only one marina vasilevskaya will go to the stars, and for her understudy, anastasia lenkova, perhaps everything is still ahead. why the ceremonial breakfast before departure to baikanur is held in secrecy and what talisman natalya lenkova gave to her daughter. emotions of warmth and love in the report by daria belousova petrovskaya. according to tradition, the farewell of the main and backup crew of nokon begins with breakfast. it takes place behind closed doors. the press.
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only colleagues and family members are present. such secrecy is only for the sake of the health of the crew members. you cannot get sick before a flight, so contact with large numbers of people is strictly prohibited. the tulists understand everything , they are not offended, they wait patiently on the street, they perk up when the figures of astronauts appear in the distance among the fir trees, judging by the smiles, everyone leaves from starry to baikanur in a good mood, the management wished us proper work, it was very pleasant that a lot of people came to the gala breakfast before leaving, and therefore we said huge words to everyone gratitude for the preparation , for such a heartfelt send-off, the management wished us good luck, success, so that the main crew takes off as planned, and we are ready for the flight, we will do everything 100%, even more, i’m sure, because with such a crew we can only go into space, and the road to the stars for marina vasilevskaya turned out very successfully, out of several thousand
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applications, she was chosen to join the main crew, she will become the first woman in sovereign belarus to go into space, with difficult tests in weightlessness behind her. centrifuges, training for survival in a winter forest on the water, exams on the ability to navigate in emergency situations and knowledge of the ship. a lot has been accomplished, but the most important start of her life is still ahead. a whole troop of relatives, parents, aunt, uncle, nephew, came to see off baikanor. mom was nervous and tried to avoid the attention of the press. we love and are waiting for her. are you worried? of course we are worried. would you like to fly into space yourself? i wouldn't fly. father. responsible, hardworking, and we will, of course, eagerly wait for her here at her strength, skills, efforts , we have her so i’m still excited, well, i try
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to support her with all my soul, heart, this is the whole family, we love her, we are proud that we have such an honor to participate in space in flight, belarusian mother of anastasia lenkova , she is part of... she always dreamed of flying into space since childhood, i think she will achieve it. marina vasilevskaya will spend 12 days on the iss, she will work on biomedicine research, perform experiments on growing plants in space, as well. will test complex devices in conditions of weightlessness, she will be helped by a more experienced colleague, cosmonaut oleg novitsky, this is already his fourth flight into space. from the chkalovsky airfield , the crews will fly to kazakhstan on ikan, where they will go through the final stages of preparation for the flight. the launch of the twenty-first
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expedition to visit the iss is scheduled for march 21. dari belosa petrovsk alexander lyubitelev, star town, russia. place in the new world order has established the contours of the direction of its own dynamic development. this was announced today at collegium in the ministry of foreign affairs, the west does not accept the multipolar world order that is now being formed. he is trying to maintain his political, financial and economic dominance by any means necessary. the target of western policy is the sovereignty of countries that stand for justice, peace and creation. among them is belarus, which felt it first hand. sanctions pressure, but we managed to adapt the economy to work under conditions of illegal and severe restrictions. about the belarusian defense system, our correspondent, svetlana lukyanyuk. the era of a new reality and the transformation of international
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relations. belarus is building its foreign policy and economic course with trusted partners. 200 countries with whom we trade today and 160 where we send our goods for... export priority is russia, china, the global south and the far arc. today we talked about the tasks completed in 23rd year for this year. the heads of the belarusian diplomatic mission and the leadership of mit discussed the main thing with the prime minister. the sanctions affected the delivery routes of goods and our bullets buyers, but we are ready to work with new ones. and last year showed that traffic is two-way, and the world is big. in contrast to the western direction, which, as the minister said, is predictable.
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legislation, nightmare their business, misinform their population, grossly violate international trade law, while understanding that all this and...
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we have already developed close relations with the people's republic of china, india, pakistan, iran, our cis partners, so for supporting formats of the eurasian economic union, sco and brix in broad terms context. belarus’ accession to the sco is now at the final stage, and our country’s accession to brix has been initiated, and also, as noted in the foreign ministry, we are promoting an application to the bali treaty. for active cooperation with asian, the association of southeast
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asian nations. svetlana alkinyuk, ivan martinovich, television news agency. investments, exports and industry are priority areas of work for the ministry of economy. today, at an extended meeting, the boards outlined the main tasks for 2024 and drew a line under last year. thus, the belarusian economy is showing recovery dynamics and gdp growth rates. 3.9% and the dynamics remain at the beginning of the year. growth drivers, industry, construction and trade. as for industry, its volumes have also increased, 107.7%. to the level of the twenty-second year. so many products will come off assembly lines in 2023. agriculture also worked above plan, albeit not at the same pace, but also in the black, 101 overall. here, of course,
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weather forecasts make significant adjustments to the forecast. among the main solutions tasks based on the results of the past year, outpacing the growth of household incomes. real wages across the country increased by 11%. and what is important, pension growth is ensured. inflation was recorded as one of the lowest in the region, 5.8%, much lower than predicted. the stated growth rate will be noted by the relevant minister, which was made possible by the restructuring of foreign trade and a large-scale investment program. last year , export support tools were expanded, and expenses for these purposes were increased by 20%. mechanisms to increase funding have been developed construction of infrastructure facilities for rental housing. a mechanism for preferential lending has been launched for the purchase of consumer goods by the population.
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economy, we maintained an approach in which we provided weekly monitoring of the implementation of three main programs for the country : the investment program, production and export. to increase the country's investment potential , the investment law was updated, the document will come into force this summer, for example, compensation for investments is provided investors in infrastructure development. the task of the ministry of economics and economy is that all novelties of the document must be supported by relevant projects. why should we build a house? people's theme,
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construction and housing market. today the talk show experts are focusing on the “economic environment.” residential development, then we have shifted approaches in terms of the fact that we do not build houses one by one, but we build up entire microdistricts, and it is in this microdistrict that the developer is already at the design stage, who is constructing engineering and transport infrastructure in in the future, it will be gradually built up with residential buildings, he is working on all these issues to ensure proper comfort. selling
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apartments, in my personal opinion, has become much more difficult because people see the rent. because it is sold and sold at a market price, that is, if, for example, a person on the waiting list receives an apartment and receives a preferential loan for this, this is one look at the purchase, but the consumer who accumulates, who takes out a loan at the market rate, certainly demands, already demands more , let's say, an attentive attitude towards yourself, towards your
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needs, today is a benefit, it can tomorrow affect what was cheap today, you bought from a participant somewhere, but... rather than hearing about the problems of your peasants, it is easier and cheaper to give them democratic cuffs. the warsaw police began forcefully dispersing farmers who came to
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the office today with the hope of still being heard by their authorities. farmers are dying, or rather being killed.
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thoroughly, they built barricades, set up peaceful indignation, the authorities prepared roadblocks at the entrance to the city, to help about 200 police officers from other regions of poland arrived at the warsaw garrison. the law enforcement officers, having cordoned off the prime minister's office, immediately made it clear that they do not intend to stand on ceremony with the protesters; in accordance with the european tradition, they use batons and pepper gas and stun guns as a weighty argument.
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arrests are reported, people literally have to fight with the police to protect themselves. yourself and others, but in whose direction the preponderance of power is obvious. the protest, which is peaceful in its essence, is already overshadowed by police lawlessness, but the most criminal thing is that what the protesters are doing is just burning tires with fires, a common thing in general for the country, but not today. they weren’t allowed to attend the protest, we’re talking about farmers with equipment, they decided to stage their own blockade of warsaw, they almost completely blocked the entrances to the city, scattering bales of hay on the roadway, but they
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found themselves under strict police supervision, they even used a helicopter to convince them, such a forceful dispersal became a clear signal to everyone who is dissatisfied, poland is not a country where you can express your opinion, especially against authorities, because they have their own plans for each pole. there are a lot of protesters , there haven’t been such a large number of protesters in polish cities for a long time, but this is of course not the first, this is another protest , the same protest took place in warsaw 2 weeks ago, so this discontent is heating up, both farmers and and others already... representatives of other industries, they have no other choice. polish farmers have once again become a toy in the hands of the authorities, and they will be allowed to protest only within the limits of what is permitted, and it does not matter who is now at the helm.
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tuvsk, morowiecki and other state-owned companies will gladly sell their country to the satisfaction of brussels and washington. evgeny belousov, mikhail drugakov, tv news agency. however, the money is not used for bread, but for bayonets. warsaw continues to cultivate its military... ambitions, the country's minister of national defense said that poland is creating drone forces, and we are talking not only about unmanned aerial vehicles, but also sea-based ground-based drones. let me remind you that earlier, kasinyak kamysh, miscalculated that the polish arms agency would purchase from the swedish anti-tank grenade launchers company worth about one and a half billion dollars. in the footsteps of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, its baltic neighbors, lithuania will lead the most. large-scale military exercises from the moment of gaining independence , about 600 military personnel will take part in the maneuvers, 2,500 people will be mobilized, another 2.0
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will be called in to verify data. the lithuanian ministry of defense calls the main scenario of the exercises the training of actions in the suvali corridor, which is adjacent to the grodno region of belarus and the kaliningrad region of russia. latvian the authorities will spend over 300 million euros on the so-called. strengthening the eastern borders, this means the creation of anti-tank fortifications, minefields and the construction of storage facilities for explosives, engineering and technical materials. latvia will prepare a plan to blow up its bridges, highways and railways. europe, in a militaristic frenzy, is raising the stakes, as seen in macron’s latest statement, which called on europeans to send nato troops to ukraine. the belarusian army takes into account the intensity of the situation. prepares for any scenario in which the field situation develops aerial training against the backdrop of growth, confrontation in the disposition project. on air disposition is
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gagarin. go. how much vigor macron brought to infoworld. how many bloggers perked up, analysts revolted. the world agenda is buzzing with various news, but many are still repelled by... the statement of the french president about nato troops in ukraine. the crowd of people refusing to implement this idea was, as expected, quite friendly, and as expected, there was confirmation of the seriousness of their intentions. little support so far level in estonia, but this is a start. in any case, the issue ceased to be taboo, and the subsequent interceptions and publication of the conversation of the german military about the attack on the crimean bridge fell into the prepared forward path. protests from moscow, of course, followed. the german authorities are in conflict. reacted, but no one is surprised at all that russia’s strategic facilities are casually viewed as a target by representatives of the north atlantic alliance. in general, in
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international affairs, a boring military monday without light at the end of the tunnel, which means at the training grounds the belarusian army has a continuous webinar between reconnaissance officers and missilemen, and drone operators with artillerymen. nuts, components, and training mechanisms are adjusted to combat reality immediately in the field, often bypassing textbooks and manuals. to manage activities that can be left without control, they are not there; everything needs to be controlled, to a greater extent not even controlled, but actually managed these processes. because you always work with people, work with equipment - this requires manual control, there is experience that can be convey, you can tell , even to the brigade commander, therefore, well, this is live work and as you can see, it takes place mainly at training grounds, because it is in the troops that this result is achieved, success, as shown by a special military operation in ukraine, there are no immortal weapons it happens, but
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many millions... abram will be able to destroy a drone for $600, in the victory equation there is only one constant - the professionalism of the fighters, and this professionalism today presupposes versatility. i must be able to be a gunner, loading from the ground shells, i still have to be able to trust my gunner, he didn’t let me down, everything worked out great. mutual communication is at the highest level, everyone helps each other. there is an opinion that the sky will soon become hotter. long-range systems such as taurus are making their way. those striving for a stormshadow scalpel, one of the ways to combat these missiles is interception by fighters, and we, of course, do not wait until we have to learn such a technique, we practice it in advance. by the way, belarusian aviators were among the first in the world to begin aiming mig-29 fighters at cruise missiles. now in the arsenal there is a more serious machine - the su-30 sm, it does not stand idle. we have mastered it completely; in 4 years we have completed practical launches of guided
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missiles. at the shuluk training ground, we participated in many exercises, as per the plan of the attack commander, according to the plan of the minister of defense, we performed an out-of-bounds landing, that is, mastering is underway, that is, in full swing, it remains so that now the level of each pilot is, so to speak , maximum, so that he can operate this aircraft, carry out tasks at any time, as i already... by the way, didn’t you notice how on against the backdrop of new revolutionary slogans of intentions, nato secretary general jens stoltenberg wilted, but what a hawk, what a provider of threats and harsh statements he was, how he could sharply scold russia and belarus, the planet froze in amazement, now you only dream about these good old days. ukraine is rapidly
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glorifying fascist murderers. recently, in the city of nikopol, one of the streets was named in honor of pyotr dichenko, who during the great patriotic war led the sd punisher battalion. and then a number in the ss unit, participated in mass executions of poles and thousands of soviet citizens. in the town of kanev, the street named after bunin was renamed. now it bears the name of the editor-in-chief of the anti-semitic newspaper, instigator of the wholesale extermination of jews, ulas samchuk. in other words, ukraine , in its own way, is tempting the nazis into the next world. throughout the year we will remember the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, and in may 2025 we will celebrate the anniversary of the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war. some people are surprised and don't understand why do we still sacredly honor these events, but the sacred memory of war, genocide,
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great feat and... the power of the human spirit is already sewn into our dna. and those who have forgotten their history are today provoking new wars. about modern generations of winners and losers, our author's program "platform". the last 2 years in the world have become the most conflict-ridden since the end of the cold war. in 2023, there were 183 regional conflicts on the planet, a 30 -year record, analysts from the international institute for strategic studies read. the disappointing facts from the authors of the review sound like this: the defining feature of the modern global conflict landscape has become their intractability. there is a grim picture of increasing violence in many regions, with wars chronically preventing the establishment of peace. other numbers are also scary. the number of cases
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of violence and military conflicts in just one year. increased by 28%, and the death toll by 14%. and yet, analysts especially pay attention, war is again perceived by some state leaders as a useful political tool. i don’t know about you, but i get goosebumps from such a conclusion, i am from that generation who knows about war only from history textbooks, eyewitness accounts, newsreels and works of art, and i am not ashamed to admit that a simple human desire, if only there was no war, one of the main things in recent years: we belarusians have a desire for peace in the anthem, in the blood, in the way of thinking, despite the fact that there are those who think differently, who question our victory, deny genocide on our land, for whom the huts are not ala? it's just geographical names, despite the fact that there are madmen for whom the occupiers are murderers, mercilessly exterminating women, old people and children with sadism, almost liberators from the soviet past. in june 2020, alexander lukashenko took part in the opening ceremony
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of the memorial complex in memory of burned villages in the village of borki, kirov region. that's what we were talking about then. even after the fall of hitler's regime, the idea of ​​fascism. have not remained in the past, they live in those who today call the holiday of may 9 victory, who glorify traitors and collaborators, worships nazi symbols, fascism, hatred under the banner of democracy, belarusians cannot let people in on their land, how can such flirting with historical truth end in memory, we know, we don’t have to go far, since the end of 2013, more than 2,500 soviet ones have been dismantled in ukraine monuments, 987 settlements and 52,000 streets were renamed. in latvia, by the end of 2022
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, 124 soviet military monuments have been dismantled, including all 69 objects on the government’s list and 55 objects that were not included in the list, but were demolished on the initiative of the local government. in poland, after the adoption in 2016 of a law banning the propaganda of communism or another totalitarian system , more than 420 soviet monuments were demolished; they are insanely called monuments of lies, completely forgetting about who exactly liberated the country from fascist evil spirits, and what kind of screen is not covered today, raising in different countries , neo-fascism is the focus of democracy, and the struggle for rights and freedoms, excuse the taftology, but there is no greater freedom in the world anymore responsibilities than to choose the world. they are the people who are in the ranks around the clock, so that every belarusian feels under reliable protection, amon works, a familiar exclamation, also known from blockbusters based on our
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project. working for results, the main thing is solving citizens' problems. the first session of the regional council of deputies of the new convocation was held in vitebsk. dmitry
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demidov was unanimously elected chairman; before that, he headed the novopolotsk city executive committee. the chairman emphasized the need for personal and on-site receptions for ensuring a decent life for citizens. we must understand the reasons. the situation on the territory of the gomel, brest, minsk and mogilev regions due to flood waters, certain sections of roads are flooded, but the life of the population is not disrupted, food and
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medicine are brought to residents of cut-off villages by water, if necessary , a doctor is delivered to their home, if resettlement is necessary, people are evacuated in advance prepared places for temporary stay, but so far no such requests have been received. in the yetkovsky district sosh overflowed its banks in... natalya ignatenko went on a boat to visit the kostrovityans. residents of polyanivka jokingly call themselves islanders. water cut off the village from the mainland on all sides, since mid-january the sosh and its influx have been rising, for the fourth day at 7 cm. osvod has organized a water service, accepts applications for the delivery of food, medicine, and other essential goods, if anyone needs it, he forwards local residents to the opposite bank of the river. normally, all products are imported, someone needs to be brought into the city, brought back. on the boat, the staff of the osvod
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helped get to the branch to the stationary store, stocked up for a few days, so they brought some bread for themselves and the neighbors need help, milk, sour cream, and this is baby food, let it lie further for about a month and a half 250 m of gravel the roads were completely submerged, the depth of flooding in some places was up to 70 cm, in another part of the village in the lowlands it was much deeper. in the summer there are onions, but in the season of high water, the sow and its influx literally turn it into aspic. now in this in the lowland the water depth is 4 meters . people are used to high water, there is no panic, they know that they will not be left alone. as
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soon as the gardens dry out, the owners of private farmsteads will return to their usual spring activities, they say, worse things have happened, it’s tolerable, that year we had water all the way to here, the tree was floating, there were no bushes to be seen, there were no strawberries in the water either. there is no evacuation yet, but cases of evacuation have already been provided for, for example, the entire second floor of this hotel will be able to accommodate up to 50 people, four temporary accommodation reception points have been identified of the population, at each point there is a reception group for recording tasks, also providing first aid, now we are in one of... one of the points of temporary accommodation of the population on the basis of a hotel, three points
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are located in educational institutions. in general, the flood situation in the country today is characterized as stable. currently, in all regions, in particular in thirty-three districts, 170 private residential buildings, 730 private farmsteads, 53 sections of highways, and seven highways remain flooded. bridges, as well as 257 outbuildings, all necessary measures have been taken to promptly respond to emerging problems, in particular for the livelihoods of our population. the map of flooding and flood waters in the gomel region is known, hydrological monitoring of the level of rivers and reservoirs is carried out around the clock. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, television news agency. successfully developing social. everything for a comfortable
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and high-quality life, which is why the man did not want to leave his native nest after graduation from school, now his children are growing up there, what is so attractive about one of the oldest cities in our country, pinsk, we will tell you in the project a place to live. i come from the city of pinsk, i am a native pinsk resident, after graduating from school i simply didn’t want to leave anywhere, i graduated from an educational institution, and now i’m here to stay. work, a successfully
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developing, socially oriented beautiful city, all this is our pinsk, commemorated for the first time in 1997, all this time a large number of faiths existed peacefully in it, the third city in the bresse region according to number of residents, about 130,000 residents here today, today the city of pinsk is among the top ten cities with accelerated development. medical services are provided to the population at a fairly high level , equipment is being modernized , vehicles are being updated, the construction of a new infectious hospital building, the reconstruction of an oncology clinic, these objects at the republican level were declared
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youth construction projects, now in a new microdistrict, the microdistrict is called pearl, there is a lot of social housing, very large the amount of housing allocated to large families, there are apartments that were received by the military, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the police, construction is progressing at the proper level, the queue in our city is decreasing. and we can be proud that this production is located here, and in our city there is the only enterprise in the country producing wooden
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construction sets. centuries of construction, the thickness of the walls in some places reaches a meter, the only cardinal of belarus, kazimir svyontyk, once studied here, now there is a museum here belarusian polesie, choreographic school. a landmark, a functioning church , inside there is an organ, in the original, preserved with wooden pipes, simply with a divine sound, you need to come and hear it , our cardinal casimir świętok served as a pastor here, he is buried here in the crypt, and a catholic icon is kept here inside ,
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the pinsk madonna, who, according to legend, protected the city and the temple from the destruction of those wars. our population has every opportunity to study, live, work in the city, just without leaving here, i like it for its people, its aesthetics, its identity and unique culture, a city that i wouldn’t trade for anything. on the eve of march 8 and the approach of the warm sunny season
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, a new health campaign was launched within the walls of the beltv and radio company, this is a continuation of a large project of two primary branches of the belarusian women's union. belarusian women achieve a lot in this life, take an active civic position, reach various heights in the profession, but often...
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which we carried out on the basis of one of the clinics in minsk, yielded results, now these women are closely involved in their health, women and the belarusian women's union, among other things , help us a lot in all our preventive projects, which we would not carry out on the basis of the republican scientific and practical center of oncology, and i believe that a woman is the engine of any progress and supports any endeavors, but she herself must also be healthy, often women. they don’t pay as much attention to their health as they do to the health of their children and relatives, so women also need to be given attention, and we are trying, the task of the oncology campaign is to attract the attention of women. to the problem and give an impetus to ensure that the fair half always has time in their schedule between work and home. big hockey today is in
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the spotlight of the whole country; the capital's dynamo at the minsk arena hosts dynamo moscow in the third match of the 1/8 finals of the gagarin cup. after two matches of the series in the capital of russia, alexei kudashov’s team leads the confrontation 2:0, so the belarusians today it is extremely important to win.
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the total volume of declared investments exceeds 1,400 million us dollars; in general , we have already invested more than 850 million us dollars in the project from various sources, so . we are developing and indeed, as you said, we are rightfully the pearl of the economic zone of the silk road. the majority of our residents, of course, are companies with chinese capital, belarusian companies take second place, followed by russian companies, companies from eu countries and non-cis countries. russian companies, how active are people coming to us today? you know, russian companies and russian businesses have become very active in the belarusian market lately; we often receive delegations from russian businesses and russian regions. we have a number of advantages, we offer tax benefits, customs benefits, preferential policies in general, we
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probably occupy a leading position, we absorb the best practices, we study world experience, we are constantly improving our legislation in favor of residents. by the way, we already have several decrees from the head state advertises the activities of our project, which indicates high attention from the leadership of our country, and of course, these are the conditions for... the business that we offer is ready-made production sites, this is land both for rent and for private ownership, this is all the infrastructure, by the way, we have all the conditions created in the priority development territory, that is, we have all the land prepared for transfer to investors and residents, all communications have been created, luxury roads have been created, more than 300 km have been laid there various communications, and we are developing further. russian companies, what kind of innovative product will they produce on...
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the territory of belarus? to a large trading platform and of course this will have a positive impact not only on the development of the park, but on the economy of our country as a whole. we also have russian companies they are also engaged in such areas as new materials, pharmacology, and one of our residents this year will begin producing products in the field of veterinary medicine. medical preparations for veterinary medicine, this is a russian resident , so they have an interest, and of course, our platform is also of great interest to them, what other business ideas are implemented by residents today, if we take non-russian companies, in general, the largest, the largest, the most interesting, perhaps the most unique for the belarusian market, you know, the most diverse, probably, a lot has already been said about our large anchor projects, so i will not
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repeat myself, i will talk about those residents that we accepted last year.
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in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports, hello, big hockey, today in the spotlight of the whole country, the capital's dynamo
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at the minsk arena hosted dynamo moscow in the third match of 1/8. of the gagarin cup final , after two matches of the series in the capital of russia , alexei kudashov’s team led the confrontation 2:0. therefore, it was extremely important for belarusians to win today, despite all the the strength and power of the guests, we recall that it was dynamo moscow that won the regular season of the continental hockey league. in the first period, roman gorbunov opened the scoring, in the second , nick merkley increased the hosts' advantage, but cedric paquette reduced the gap. the same merkley put an end to the game. 3:1. dynamo is stronger. the series of up to four victories will continue on friday, march 8, again at the minsk arena. we cheer for our hockey players together. belarusian classic in the belarusian football cup. bategi and dynamo minsk played the first match of the 1/4 finals of the tournament. nominally home match borisov team played on...


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