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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 8, 2024 12:00am-12:21am MSK

12:00 am
“girls, there are such men there, but we don’t need any turkish thinkers, we need to put up with misha before it’s too late, olechka, we ordered the whole dress, you proved the dress, yes olechka, but maybe, maybe more the truth is that not everything is lost, you will have mercy, cool down, if you find another, let him immediately turn off his fishing rods, the fisherman is unfinished, but don’t press on a person , it’s not easy for him, especially if there is no wedding, then the question of suitability will again become an issue at our head office." so vacation must be used for its intended purpose, namely, to find a new groom, but for now , olya’s duties are to be fulfilled, fulfilled, adochka semyonovna, dear, i can work remotely, we have online sales, an online store, no, i called myself a load, go on vacation, good luck, thank you.
12:01 am
what, do you think i still have a chance? you can’t love this glamorous hen, well, for you she’s a hen, but for him maybe she ’s a firebird, with men in general you won’t understand what they need, well, yes, hello, oh, hello, and now you’ll live with us, what are you against? no, i'm just for it, let's sit and watch horrors, i already have enough horrors in my life, it’s a walking horror, but you’ve done your homework, right? wash
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for textbooks, aunt, this groom of yours, he’s still confused, he’s not a fool, if i were him, i would definitely marry you, i heard, through the mouth of a baby, yes, only matvey is not a baby, and in general, he’ll go to his moscow and he ’ll marry this one of mine, well, do i want him, i don’t know, i’ll lock her in the section for violent people, and i’ll isolate him to the quiet ones so that he doesn’t run away, but no, nel, that’s enough already. they've screwed up so many things into other people's lives, no, if it's fate you want to be with someone else, well, i’ll be only happy for him, oh, yes, i see how happy you are, sitting up straight, jumping up to the ceiling, by the way, there’s condensed milk on the ceiling of my house, that’s condensed milk, well, yes.
12:03 am
good afternoon, why did you come? hello, what does the visitor owe? hello, matvey, i came to my apartment to get my things. sorry for interrupting. make yourself at home, olga. if you want coffee, i'll go, i can have it with cinnamon. i fell out of love with colica. it is becoming more and more similar in taste. maybe we can go back then? and you? i don't see the point. we're coming soon let's part forever. but before that , please try musho. oh, what is charlotte? yes. in the oven, help yourself, ol
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, maybe you’ll stay, otherwise i’m bored here without you, i ’ve already washed the dishes, the floors, condensed milk, wiped off the ceiling, and if this killer continues to be so clumsy, then i ’ll do some repairs for you here, well? what are we waiting for, there are some women there, my friends from work, how they are at the wrong time, maybe they will hide for us and not open it, open it, we hear you, it will help, open it. psychological help,
12:05 am
hello, mikhail, hello, hello, hello, you know, i would imagine you exactly like vasily, oh, we have some kind of quick salt, some vasily has already showed up at your place, ladies, good afternoon, allow me to introduce myself, mikhail - it’s me, i’m glad to finally meet you mikhail, so that’s who you are, and this is my nephew, vasily, he’s from penzi, or rather from irkudsk, uncle, yes, well, dear ladies, i ask you to come to the kitchen to try a wonderful charlotte. please, please, come in, come in, come in, don’t be shy, what are you doing now? fingers, and we'll go, perhaps, yes, what should we do, here's charlotte, damn, oh, and we thought you
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had a fight, well, you quarreled, you made up, things happen in life, yes, yes, you fought, you kissed, you got married, you divorced, man. it’s simple, oh, mikhail, olenka told us so many interesting things about you, horror , yes, oh, pa-dam, wow, bravo, bravo, bravo, mikhail, i wonder what she told you about me, what you and fisherman, yes, you like to cook, and that you write books, and that once you caught a hooligan, and then he was released, and she told you how fell in love with me from... a glance, and still loves me, no, she didn’t tell me, i didn’t tell you, you told me many times, yes, of course, yeah, come on, help yourself, thank you, oh, that’s it it’s just, it’s just finger -licking good, dear friends, sorry, mm, but
12:07 am
since our two sailboats of love are no longer drifting in the ocean of loneliness, i propose to drink to their pomo, let’s, let’s, yes, deer. we will introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the countryside. vladimir alexandrovich, i know that you have a lot of crops growing here, that's right, but the three most important ones are potatoes, this enterprise produces from 4 to 6,000 tons of potatoes per year, and you are that same family. who once in her life bought one piece of land, restored a house there, they couldn’t stop anymore, yes, yes, but they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business, our bathhouse is located right on the bank of the old the bed
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of the islach river, now it is frozen, 50 meters from here you run through a small forest, there we have our own beach directly with the islach river itself, if, for example, as it begins with should the fields be cleaned? we are setting off on an expedition through the depths of our land and the snow, we are trying to get rid of everything. the mission is advocating in search of the sacred songs of the people who not only captured them, but also the current meaning of our agul sales in the future. things are going to happen in the past near braščyny. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. i’ll guess, this past year we visited
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khmelev, in the zhabinka region. in 1725 , the people published the spasabrazhenskaya church. adzin from the oldest temples on breščyne, haloşny temple of the man.
12:10 am
bitter, oh, how bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, ho! well, volka olenka, olenka, so that everything is fine with you, bitter, bitter, how, oh, one, two, three, four, five, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
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15 , 16, 17, 18, 19, hurray, girls, this is love. how are you, by the way, what do you order me to do with your benefit performance today? now everyone
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is sure that we will get married, still kissing in the forest, you didn’t like it, you will leave for this moscow of yours, and what should i tell people, he will say that the cellar shot me, this joke is not funny at all, you can get killed for it, by the way, i worry about you, but you don’t care, you just get into the role and play. forgive me, i thought it would be better this way, or maybe you’ll stay, oh, okay, we’ll stand, and now you’ll walk, i mean, well, i mean, on foot.
12:13 am
wait, can i get stolen too? of course, i won't go without you. and a delicious pie, don’t worry, our people will always be next to you, as soon as the criminals approach you, we will catch them. what if you don't make it in time? then you will be killed. he will fire you and demote me in rank. but this is not in my plans. so everything will be fine. don’t write down the pie recipes, please, well, for my wife, just right now , otherwise you never know what, so what, this thing
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will help, from the field, yes, kidnapping is unlikely, well, if anything happens, you, it’s you who scream , it ’s not my fault, it’s all his fault, if i had known, i would have taken someone else from the hospital, because you know, misha, matvey, forgive me, yes, don’t apologize, misha, matvey! everything is the same, what does it matter what the experimental hamster's name is? by the way, you were much more to me than a hamster, it sounds like a funeral oration, don’t croak, do you think that if you were indifferent to me, i would go under the field with you, you were just inconvenient to refuse ivanenko, also one such word, you will go alone with... dani with the killer. well, are you ready? went.
12:15 am
we'll have a long time to walk like this. we won't accept bandits yet. it's like fishing. bait, you ’re actually not a fisherman at all, so there’s no point in pretending to be an expert, well, maybe i’m a fisherman fake, but i can stand for myself, yeah, i stood up already, i stood up so hard that i got hit on the head. you don’t remember anything, i hope i’ll find out now, the main thing is that this killer sniper is with me, otherwise he’ll shoot right from the bushes in the head, that’s right, i should have put on a helmet, i got a black one, you got a white one with a photo, you’re kidding, here i have it your legs are giving way, as if there is something wrong with your head, it didn’t bother you before, first,
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first, second, objects are moving parallel to the pavilion, tea and coffee. how can you hear the reception? kolya, can i ask you a question? yes, do you remember, just before margot arrived, you wanted to talk to me about something, you wanted to tell me about your deception, you couldn’t lie anymore, let’s go.
12:17 am
matvey, this, this is me who must ask you for forgiveness for breaking the comedy in front of you. nothing, it was even pleasant. at least i will certainly never forget this. we took him. where? way, way. “it’s scary to think that you could choose someone else, no, i would choose you, even if i could rewind time back, it would be you, because you are the sea, stop,
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don’t say that i’m your fiancé, i won’t win this the second time, no, no, no, of course not, not a fiancé. you will never be him, when i saw you, eyes, smile, voice, quoting my favorite poems, somehow i immediately felt that, well, that you are the very person i have always been waiting for. well, now let you marry this mark of yours, well, well, you’re mine, and i love you very much, ugh,
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let me go, what’s this, let me go, now you too, of course, here’s a girl in a suit. oh, this is not a criminal, so maybe we’ll keep her for now we’ll lock the car, just in case, so that the operation won’t be disrupted, what kind of operation, wait, who’s watching matvey sorokiy, who’s watching matvey sorokin, what are you doing, hey,
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guys. with extreme calm they are preparing an assassination attempt on you, the car is running quickly quickly quickly, you are criminals stop, quickly go, quickly into the car, go, both sit down, now shoot, come on, come on, come on, come on, blow, come on, the car,


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