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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 9, 2024 10:35am-11:30am MSK

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together, it means we are strong, when one is alone, i think something is very, very not unpleasant for everyone, it’s good when they understand each other, and we can do everything to help everyone, i’m the kind of person who likes to collect everything , i’ll tell you, everyone is coming to me, thank god, i’m very happy, someone needs a board, someone needs a block, someone needs some kind of metal, i have pipes there, fittings are there, that’s it everything is lying there, that ’s why i’m collecting everything, let it be, let it be, let it come to me, i... everyone there is very happy it’s nice when people come to me, you need to communicate with people, you need to share with people, you need to understand people with people, you know, that ’s the most important thing, if no one comes to me for any reason, it seems to me that no one needs me, you understand that if they come to me, i am very pleased, i am glad that someone else needs me and can bring some benefit, this is the most important thing in life for me.
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active combat activities. in a short period of time, the zaslonovtsy destroyed about ten food warehouses and boldly attacked german garrisons located in villages near orsha, they organized the collapse of railway trains heading to the front line. november 13, 1942, the fasts learned that the headquarters was located in the village of kuva.
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on march 7, 1943, he was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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elena nikolaevna, good evening, good evening, everyone has heard everywhere about the primary bsj, bsj events, bsj youth, now women and entrepreneurs have united under the auspices of this organization, right? and it turns out that everything they undertake. a woman grows up on
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jelly beans, and it’s not sexist remark, well, let men feel envy, that’s envy or a feeling. when business representatives tried to stir up people and bring them to the streets, then an entrepreneur from vitebsk, elena prokhorova , united them and created the primary organization of the vitebsk region, i’m not confusing anything, yes, well, probably not, but there are several
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amendments, in the twentieth year, yes indeed , a primary organization was formed, or rather it was formed far before the twentieth year, registered, so...
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the heads and succumb to that rhetoric, and not fall from the heights of formed illusions, then, well, i tried to convince, take a sober view of things and calculate, then we formed a cell that simply began to comprehend what was happening, why exactly you, why did you need this, in principle, more than anyone else, probably? because there were always a lot of active people around me, and i was very afraid for them, i, probably, as a person who empathizes with other people’s problems, some other people’s lives, simply took the position for myself that you can’t stay on the sidelines, you can’t get involved
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only by protecting my own interests, i need to somehow unite the society that is around me, try to protect it from what they are trying to instill in it, that is... well , it was not like some kind of mission that i entrusted myself with, rather an introduction of the soul, or what? well, i just don’t think that at that very moment you were thinking in such categories: mission, the dictates of the soul, this happened spontaneously, most likely, right? and this was a panotheia, naturally, that is , of course, there was no such formulated idea, so we must do so, it was, well, just simple.
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federation in kazakhstan, that is, the amount has been reduced , look what is happening in the russian maternity leave, up to one and a half years, our women were left for 3 years, probably this is the longest time period in general in the world. 11 state programs exist to support motherhood and childhood, we have given women the opportunity
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for free, this is not present in any country in the world today, so it’s natural how not to perceive the president differently when we understand that he supports a woman like no one else, well, this was before the twentieth year and there were programs, and maternity leave was of such a duration, and construction. for those with many children, but why then among those who went out into the street there weren’t as many of them as they tried to impose on us, but still they were, and there were mothers of many children, yes, and women walked in white, and women’s waving, so these ones, yes, with white flowers, why then are women, some of them, yes, they still don’t give a damn about what the state does for them, for their children, and actually went out into the street, that’s how you explained it to yourself, because how... you talked to them, you probably talked to the people who took part in this, i’m sure of it, but it’s difficult for me now, of course,
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to say the things that happened then, what forms of persuasion i had to use, but, probably, the infantilism of many of our women and the reluctance to analyze allowed them to be suggestible, suggestible, well, yes, about suggestibility and emotionality, one cannot take away, this is true. but you come from a fairly patriarchal family, right? yes, authority the men in this family were unshakable, and at the same time , since childhood you have been able to shoot professionally, now you have several business areas. how does it all fit together for you? well , these are, you know, okay, i won’t say that these are men’s things, but still, why do they combine in you? well, i have a lot of feminine things in me, i don’t argue. starting from my appearance, and even as a woman, i stand straight when entering the house, my
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men at home do not feel this at all, that there is something masculine in me, some kind of core that could, well, naturally, when acute situations arise in the family, they are also present, i become tough, but this is probably due to the background that is generally present in my life, business, business has become...
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he understands that the means of production need to be serviced somehow and so on, so we grow to a dairy processing plant, then a meat processing plant, and so on and so forth, approximately the same thing happened to me, i initially started with the hunting business, that is, it was just a retail store, and for the sale of what weapons, so not bad, not bad, weapons, ammunition, and my hobby has outgrown.
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100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us who will answer all your questions, are you ready to meet our guest and each of them has a question for the adults. the questions are honest and they really ask what interests them. what do you expect from the children you meet now? i expect interesting questions and interesting thoughts. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task - honestly answer all original and sometimes
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awkward questions. you always pay attention to clothes. we were once taught that the word democracy is the most wonderful word in the world when it comes to politics, but words like dictatorship or authoritarianism are supposedly very bad words. ancient greek philosophers then said that in democracies, power is held by a group of people in order to create good for themselves, and not for the entire population. this is what was originally meant
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by democracy. what kind of authoritarianism do we have? in my opinion, in our country it relies on the strength of the executive branch when we have it. this, in my understanding, is reasonable, sensible and righteous authoritarianism, this is very important for understanding the structure of power in belarus. author's project of igor turai propaganda, look at. on the belarus24 tv channel. but tell me, for your hobby, yes, your father went through afghanistan, your brother went through chechnya, well, he passed,
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he didn’t pass, he was in aviation, so in any case, yes, your husband is a colonel in the reserve, yes, your son also chose the military i'm trying, yes, yes, yes, elena, today, when we talk about war, they no longer seem like a fantasy. want women to acquire the skills to use weapons, my position on this in this part is as follows: firstly, a woman who owns
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a weapon will never use it for attack purposes, only for self-defense, secondly, than, excuse the taftology in advance, the more in a world of women owning guns, the more peace there is in the world. now the chairman of the belarusian women's union would applaud, yes, the more peace there is in the world, yes, yes, interesting, okay, lena, last year in the country hosted the first ever forum of women entrepreneurs, energy and creativity, and in belarus, well, the number of women, according to my information, is growing every year, and what we don’t know about women’s business, or the phrase itself, this is women’s business, is already atapism on... i'll probably start with the answer to the first question, yes, the forum gave women and entrepreneurs the opportunity
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to gain a certain confidence that there is a bridge between the business community and government bodies and the possibility of their interaction, this bridge really exists and it it’s working, the most important thing is that the belarusian women’s union now gives... confidence that we can act as a guarantor of this bridge, yeah, and there are already examples of the functioning of our community, in general, the belarusian women’s union with government bodies, broadcasts business positions are often not just in the form of some kind of indignation, some kind of mutual claims, no, these are serious proposals for optimization
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completely, they will include six conferences, which we distribute across regions, we are decentralizing our actions
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in order to reach the maximum audience , increase traffic to the forum in order to make this event interesting, here is the first conference to be held in grodno, called evolution of legislation, instructions for use, it was initiated by the wing of entrepreneurs and will... .to maintain a dialogue platform, again with six relevant ministries, and what is your basic education? legal, do you feel it? well, perhaps, having the same education, i understand perfectly well, the construction of phrases sometimes depends on the terminology, but how big a shark do you need to be today to get into your business wing and what kind of business do your wards represent, well, on average, let’s say, you ’re probably analyzing for what? build your business
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successfully, legally, or have the idea of ​​building a business, and when admitting us to the business wing, we do not evaluate the size of the wallet, we evaluate the scale of the idea, the scale of involvement in the process of building some socially significant projects, some important ones for the benefit of belarus , well, support, first of all, for the ideology of the belarusian union of women.
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and an entrepreneur, there is the owner of a beauty salon, and the head of an enterprise, for example, does not depend on the size , such collaborations are created already in the process of interaction that are difficult even to convey, in our country large businesses cannot often be present in the implementation of projects, but they help with rubles , and micro and small businesses often implement projects independently and are directly involved in implementation. but the greatest magic of the belarusian women’s union, i wouldn’t have it any other way i can call it that big business teaches small and growing businesses how to successfully implement themselves, and small businesses , on the contrary, share ideas and provide the opportunity to invest, and the most important thing that is happening in the belarusian women’s union is that businessmen are starting to communicate
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more and more.
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an amazing adventure for foreigners in belarus, hello, hello, my name is, what's your name? and my name is olga, it’s very nice, the cook was in charge of preparing for the feast, it was he who led the work, only men were cooks, then... an ecuadorian has been living here for 8 years and traveling around our cities and villages, i’m in some kind of standard, well , if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, but the standard should be, of course, mine, probably , no, i ’m too scary for the first time , it’s normal, you felt like a prisoner , probably now you should feel like a warrior, come on, okay, let’s go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by the hands of our children and children
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do. happy to talk about the most picturesque places of the country, it was unexpected, some kind of film wants to build mine, that people have already walked here, ran through all sorts of massacres, all sorts of epic stories, look at the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel. let me remind you that the presidential term of the ukrainian clown expires on march 31 , but he is in no hurry to leave his chair. despite the failure to fulfill election promises, but this is different, not even an hour has passed, and after the closing of polling stations in belarus, and the state debt ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections, the lack osce observers and forced elections in fear and repression. the state department does not say that observers are not required in the united states, that ballot boxes are opaque for
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voting, and that they still exist. troll early voting by mail. the single voting day passed without incident, the turnout was more than 70%, and the atmosphere of fear and repression looked something like this. everything went at the highest level, at the level of the world standard, an example for the democratic world. the united states sent this signal to keep the world on edge if anyone now denies that there is no democracy in the republic of belarus, come, look, evaluate, and don’t argue. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. i can say that i personally see a lot of photographs from events, they
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are nice to look at, yes, they don’t give off the air of officialdom, well, i see that people really enjoy the fact that they get together and communicate , under your wing there are many bright, quite recognizable women, if svetlana sushko... olga rachko, i her i know, she works for us , too, yes , at the same time, hundreds of jokes have been invented about women’s groups about compatibility and women, when they even work together, these are stereotypes today in your opinion, or hidden competition, let’s call it that, there is even in the organization, and i would be lying if i said that everything is smooth, of course, i am for honesty, any stereotype. of course, there is some kind of background and underlying basis, in the belarusian women’s union there are also various kinds - pitfalls, trends, but for myself personally,
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i guess i accepted and transmitted this idea to the regions, that the belarusian women’s union is not a place where ambitions are realized, but a different task. you are a tough person, it seems to me, yes, but what problems do women’s businesses have today and how are they solved? and i wouldn’t differentiate here by gender, so - women’s and men’s businesses do not exist, there is simply a business, and it
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belongs to either a woman or a man, yes, absolutely right, good, and the problem is only one thing, in my opinion, this lack of an equal competitive environment, with this place in more detail, yes, what do you have. it all comes down to the issue of taxation, absolutely right, it is impossible to compete in the same type of activity when an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity with the entire cost structure that is present in
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the implementation of their activities carry out the same work, in my opinion, here these issues need to be regulated very seriously today, but they also tried to regulate them, they introduced restrictions on the number of hired workers, well... i i think that this is not enough, it is not enough , but today there is already a bill stating that there will be a seamless transition from individual entrepreneurs to legal entities, it is clear that it is probably not entirely correct to broadcast this now , because it is just a bill, but belarusian business, it is now undergoing a serious evolution, of course it has already evolved, it is already more formalized, more civilized, more refined and... i am proud that belarusian business takes this position for itself, unlike ours closest neighbors, where absolute chaos is happening in tax legislation, in general in matters of regulating activities in terms of
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licensing, certification, standardization , there are a lot of questions from businessmen, somewhere there is dissatisfaction, but i believe that even those tools that are available today. .. exist, they reflect the loyal position of the state in relation to business to such an extent, the same structure of desk control, which is currently represented in the tax authorities, makes it possible to to correct.
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since we are not talking now about women's business, men's business, but the banking sector, how much does it trust women's projects, women's business, how much of a difference does it make in this case, if a man and or a woman manager comes for a loan, to receive certain things, in your opinion, well it is difficult for women to complain about fate.
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king of bsj, after all, do they come to the organization
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to take something from the state or do they give it to the state? how much are our businesswomen willing to invest? you know, compared to men, let's do it this way, well, i guess i’ll tell you a secret, after all, even for their good deeds, women sometimes ask men for money, the belarusian women’s union often asks for help. specifically to the male, not even the business community, to state-owned enterprises , in order for us to be assisted in certain moments, but... members in the belarusian women's union, the entrepreneur's wing currently numbers a little more than a thousand, yeah, it has undergone a lot of changes , a cell of entrepreneurs in the city of vitebsk since the twentieth year,
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different people came who were simply consumers, we didn’t kick anyone out, they themselves took this position... without interference, and somewhere they remained on the sidelines, there were those who were not indifferent and were ready to help with their own ruble and their own actions, so i can safely say that rabbit entrepreneurs are this segment is not the main revenue-generating segment for the budget of the belarusian women's union, but it is used for some targeted charity events. most likely we allocate more resources than the belarusian women's union as a whole. okay, let's talk about it in a little more detail, yes, your organization has the prefix business, but who else but business should help, well, naturally, kssr has long been part of the vocabulary of good, respected
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companies, yes, i will not hide the fact that in the twentieth we lost several charitable initiatives, and you and i have been behind the scenes for a little bit already... 3 years, i can name them in name order, or i can reveal them a little separately, these are projects such as a new step into a new life, this is a project, then disclose it, because you understand, the project itself is nothing, well, no name what he doesn’t talk about, but of course, well, there is such a not very popular topic, because it is quite complex, this is a drug crime,
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that’s all, the direction is clear to me, then the second project is resources. if business exists, then we must participate in the social sector not only in the form of paying taxes, but also in some way take part in charitable missions, so this is how the initiative is born, what you said about drug addiction, well this initiative, why this particular one, why this particular one
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the direction, in your opinion, requires the attention of your organization, your community, or is it the person himself who comes with the initiative or with a request for assistance. they were the ones who also tried to shake them up and they were shaking them up, yes, well, it’s clear why , it’s understandable, and that is, a high level of responsibility. there was a girl in our circle who became involved in one of the crimes, and we decided that
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we cannot leave this problem aside, and if we do not work with this problem through children, then... that financial literacy exists, and this is what you need to learn, that business is not about instant profit and so on, that is, this girl, what is she?
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the last one is about a philosophical question , on the title page of the bsg it is written:
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the word was sacred in the beginning, we are women, we have something to say, well , natalya ivanovna kachanova carried the same thought, yes, the voice of belarusian women is heard, we men have been concerned about the question since time immemorial , what women want is a great film about it. yes, i will allow myself to combine what the belarusian woman wants to say, you and i are already in dialogue touched on this topic, well , probably the most burning topic, which is now, probably, urgent for any woman, and we want to live in a peaceful country, then what a woman simply wants, let it remain a mystery to men, will be...
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to us in the capital is being acquired by our famous breads, well, our technologists are constantly working on developing new types and
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the range of bakery products is updated annually by up to 30%, well, mainly, of course, these are confectionery products, new bread products also appear, of course not as often as confectionery products, because today it’s still difficult to find those flavors of bread, our assortment is quite wide. sourdough bread is our brand today, our pride, probably , of our enterprise, because all bakeries produce custard bread, this is a complex technology, very long, from the beginning of preparation, probably, the basis is the preparation of the tea leaves, and from the beginning of the preparation of the leaves to packaging finished product. at least 16 hours pass, which is why today they are in great demand and very popular, probably this
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sourdough bread, but what about this trend, giving up everything? flour, bread is harmful, you feel from the demand that this influence of a healthy lifestyle somehow affects the demand for your products, in fact bread is so harmful, no, with confidence, we can say with confidence that bread is not harmful, it is even healthy, and well, you need to eat it every day; bread made from rye flour contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. enriched with dietary fiber, plus you also have many new products with various nuts, dried fruits, which is also good for health. today, they are also in demand, not just the simple breads that we prepare, with various additives, these are sunflower seeds, this is linseed, we use baking mixtures that are rich in dietary fiber, contain fiber, so if
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we talk about the geography of exports, where belarusian products are supplied today ? mainly supplied to the city of minsk, minsk region to the regions of belarus, in addition , bakery products are exported, the main supplier, the main market - this is the russian federation, the city of moscow, st. petersburg, smolensk, omsk, krasnodar and many other cities of russia; we send frozen bread or freshly baked bread, fresh products are sent to these regions.
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yes, our sales period for frozen bread is up to 6 months, confectionery up to 12 months.


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