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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 10, 2024 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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adventures from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq. kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite azer space 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with tv channel belarus 24 and discover belarus.
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hello, what news became bombs, who launched them why, we are talking about this today, but before moving on to the facts, andrei petrovich, doesn’t it seem like there is a smell of a new big war? well, look, everywhere from every iron today they say: the third world war has already begun, the second say, the third world war is on the threshold, the fourth say, you know, a hybrid war is being waged, somewhere there is a proxy war, that is, there are so many wars that are around us either underway or they are not being carried out, well , it is very, very difficult for the average person to figure it out, yes, yes, we will look into it, but is there a feeling that right now they are preparing for something really seriously, for the next step, without a doubt.
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let's say who is preparing, firstly, and what is being prepared against us, in general, if we take it on a planetary scale, all this is being prepared, and the greatest evil today is globalism, when everyone is put under the same brush, where the subjectivity of the state is decided, where the national elites are replaced transnational and so on, if you go down to our state level, then you can identify three main such objects that pose the greatest threat to us, what really poses a danger from a military point of view, well, first, these are...
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transnational companies and various different funds, primarily financial, which in their interests use private military promotion companies there, or some states that are interested in promoting the interests of these companies, and accordingly , they represent these three main elements for us.
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in your pocket, that’s exactly what they got into today, their standard of living has dropped significantly, secondly, the resource base is depleting, it only seems to us that it remains.
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we can declare both a state of emergency and martial law, this is a new body that is built into this system of, let’s say, management, and in military terms , too, the supreme national assembly should receive certain powers, that is, what we are discussing today is such closed decree, it is not on the internet, but it is necessary
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understand that, let’s say, if they don’t fight with us, maybe they will show some kind of combined activity against us, it ’s russia that is fighting with ukraine very kindly, all the leadership there is alive and well, if they fight against us ... they immediately hit you on the head, that is, here is the governing body, there is the president, as the most important center, which makes decisions on everything else, that is, it is necessary that the country is not beheaded, so the supreme national assembly also receives certain new powers, which previously had he wasn't there then there is when they talk about the supply of taurus to ukraine, we understand that this is a threat not only to the russian federation, we will discuss it with us, i know the next question, well, of course, that is, combined activity was correctly said, that is, today it begins, as you know, exactly at 4:00 in the morning, no, they will act if you choose one person to name this.
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of his own powerlessness, pistorius tried to throw a stone towards russia, saying that this is part of putin’s information war, although it
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turns out strangely that the germans are planning an attack, the russians are still to blame. andrey, what was that? well, look, there are two factors : internal and external, that is, from the outside , in principle, everything is clear, for about 3 months they discussed the delivery of taurus, and in order to disrupt it, apparently they waited until the last minute, then they threw out this record, that is, it was a little earlier done, apparently now there will be no delivery, because against such a backdrop of scandal they will deliver it already. as if they won’t be able to painlessly for germany itself, that is, it will be some kind of internal, say, conflict, the second factor is probably even more important - this is internal, that is, today germany has a rather weak ruling coalition, the sdp, there is chancellor scholz, but they say that scholz’s successor, if they castling, maybe it’s pistorius, and pistorius got such a good torpedo on board, so with this wiretapping, that is, after this, his political career will no longer work out, but if it had worked out, he would be a much more dangerous person than schols, that is, even without holding early elections in germany. yes or the next ones, they could change the chancellor, because scholz is unpopular there against the backdrop of these farmers, strikes, protests, we would have a new
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person, most likely defense minister pistorius, who would be responsible for german foreign policy, so this person was dunked a little, that is, today the sdp no longer has any prospects of somehow retaining power, most likely they will leave, but the cdu, the csu have risen, this is a party that worked much better with putin, there are examples or something, that is, in principle, maybe some bridges will be built with them well, hurry up confirmation of your words, the fact that in germany itself they are not so much discussing it, but many here are already beginning to lean towards the fact that it got there specifically for the purpose of either giving missiles there, or not
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giving missiles, well, nothing is clear at all , as they say, the world press is simply confused, some are talking about one thing, others about another, you know, well, for some reason everyone has left aside such a small unnoticed thing, after which such a scandal suddenly broke out, the germans of crimea turned to the president of the russian federation with a request for money.
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yes, which we know are divided, or what is connected from helsinki, there were two countries, germany and the gdr, well, it seemed like, well, what’s wrong with that, but don’t care, no one pays attention to this russia today, even at the level sports, at the economic level, everything else , and so on and so forth, well, you understand that today they are only giving an informational reason, but separatist forces in the form of some bavarians, selesians or some prussians who disappeared, they will be found beyond any doubt, and what is inside this country, which... still does not yet have sovereignty, and the most important thing is that the denunciation of this treaty will lead to
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the fact that a peace treaty, an agreement with germany has not yet been concluded by the soviet union, by the soviet union, and by no country at all concluded from the four that signed, also an interesting fact, we also, wait, so you say what russia should do, look, this is a purely political game, before this politics was played only on our field, but today we are starting to play there on that field, there is a reason. a purely formal question, they are used on russian territory, they are used with the use of, or rather they are launched at, german soldiers, this is a reason for declaring war, this is unambiguous, this is no secret to anyone, but
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so many of these red lines have already been crossed that today it is easy to talk about some military component probably doesn’t come, let’s remember, what about the northern streams, what’s the answer? there is no answer, with the crimean bridge, which has already been repaired twice, what is the answer, but the il-76, which they shot down the patriots, i firmly believe that it was ukrainian servicemen who were sitting there, and not some germans or americans, you know, well , at the same time, no one continues to impose any sanctions against these states, demand something, but i say, that we can’t wash ourselves away from the malaysian boeing or from this invented bullshit, why? here you go, the information component, their game on our field, of course.
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here we will illustrate this, we will continue further, in general, indeed, if we finish off scholz, then he won’t have a week i wondered, besides this entry, he had a personal mistake, the chancellor’s revelation that the british and french had been present in ukraine for a long time, who were helping to guide stormshadow missiles at targets, and scalp was called a slapped ally and blatant abuse of intelligence, and what kind of secrets could there be, so the new york times recently published a huge article about the american spy network.
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and germany, it never existed, not in a single century can we find friendship between france and germany, so i think it’s like this. what do you think about this news? the pentagon could secretly remove zelensky from kiev, like the nazis who saved the overthrown italian dictator musalini in 1943.
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where you can’t say anything bad and so on, she said that, well, if it was possible, i would even slap him in the face, because it’s impossible to look at this clown who is just practicing. by the fact that he travels, takes pictures with hollywood stars, hugs, smiles, at a time when people are dying in his country, this ex pentagon employee, by the way, he continues
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that he names the reasons why zelensky can be taken out of kiev, the offensive of russian troops, growing unrest within the country, refusal to hold elections, imprisonment of people who oppose zelensky, according to him, the united states can transfer zelensky to lviv, and ukraine, like italy. during the second world war it may split into two parts, andrey, what do you think, well, they can certainly do this, but we see that, probably, zelensky’s russia is still beneficial or necessary in some way, because this is a person who makes irrational decisions, i want to defend bakhmud, we will put i don’t know 10 brigades there , that’s what i wanted, that is, the person who makes such decisions, he must be protected, that is, protected, let him work in peace, so he was there, still under the influence, under the influence of certain drugs there, the doctors also probably confirm. then they throw out this story, look, they spent a year ago, zelensky should be worried when they write such things about him, when the money was coming outside, they were saying, we’ll defeat everyone , we’ll get to kursk, we’ll exchange territories there,
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russia, that means that’s it, the kremlin will fall, there were such victorious reports, which means that somewhere around september the time passes, a completely reverse process begins, there there were articles in the western press, which means that he was a bad commander, the money was stolen, the counter-offensive failed, there are bad people there, which means that the generals and soldiers are not like that either, so they absolutely dramatically changed this point of view, that is, what was the truth then, yes ? now it has become true, well, you know, i think the truth is somewhere in the middle, that is, they are pursuing a certain american agenda, an agenda in the spirit that you stole our money, you are bad people, that is, they conducted some kind of audit of the funds that they went on a counterattack and were very dissatisfied, hence all this criticism in the western press, which undermines the generals there and zelensky and everyone else, well, these are all the same people, they have not become better there, those who accepted, understand my eyelids, yes as wei shouted, that is, like we saw that they were stealing everything and it was unclear what they were doing there, so why believe them, that is, this is informational.
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there is a crisis of the genre, because journalists too, i think there is no need to discount them; they still feel a certain hunger; they turn to
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historical subjects, yes, which we have already been discussing for 5 minutes; in parallel, there is another topic going on: that ukraine has something up its sleeve and will surprise russia literally next month, so this one too... well, it’s clear, that is, ukraine has already been taken into nato, which means that all that remains is to take these ones, then there are idiots, well, they kind of fit into this locomotive of this ukrainian military propaganda, somewhere it works , you know, the money went to the counter-offensive, and
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what came on our runaways was some piece of this money, it went like would also be to support ukrainian interests , certain sabotage activities, there was some kind of espionage they were doing here, some underground groups, but it was all in favor of ukraine, not even in favor of nato or anyone else there, that is, ukraine was the operator who gave them this money, as soon as the americans said that you know about us... we will introduce you to belarusian enterprises and their outstanding results.
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our enterprise is a very unique enterprise in its own way; we are the only enterprise in the country that operates on a full cycle. we need to start this with the thread, so that there is quality of the thread, this is a collection of classicism, baroque and various of these trends, these people from generation to generation passed on their professionalism, their attitude to this matter, then we will continue to produce it. approach to business which everyone should strive for, my work for me is probably, i will not be afraid of these loud words, this is the meaning of my life, my work for me is a second family, this is a second home, we keep up with the times, today we feel ourselves young, and we want to continue to feel young, otherwise in this competition today
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it will be very difficult to resist... we will bring the viewer closer to science, as science, and specifically biotechnology helps turn grain into gold, the product from which amino acids are made - this is our glucose syrup, which bacteria eat and produce amino acids, to put it very simply, it’s very simple and the most important thing is that it ’s clear, let’s tell you how talented they are. scientists changed our lives. we, like scientists , are cautious in making predictions, but having delved into the essence, we do not rule out that in the near future many people will start talking about agronomics. our project is about agriculture, well, accordingly, agro, then, after all, we are more about the economy, so agronomics, that is, a hint of agriculture. since the project should help increase profitability of enterprises, increase control over their implementation. accordingly,
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the name is short. makes it clear what this project will be about, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel, and we continue, so, who in europe needs war, i would like to believe that macron simply suffered from incontinence of words, or was it a freudian saying when he almost ordered the advance of senate troops to ukraine, but no,
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this is the most sovereign country in europe, a nuclear power, yes, a nuclear power that produces everything from space to party equipment for in order to visit, figuratively speaking , and cook their own bacon, they have everything, this is a self-sufficient country, the most important thing that they have is a very strong military lobby, the lobby of the generals, so the president makes the decision there, yes, he alone, yes he the commander-in-chief, and the supreme commander-in-chief is beyond everything, but the general lobby there is very, very strong, this has passed since the time of charles degaulle, this is the first. what we are talking about is whether macron uttered these words or not, let’s take a look at how events developed, who is talking about what i said, for example, the conference that was held in munich every year, with all the attempts to create, to give it such a global look, everything shifted somewhere, to ukraine and how to inflict a strategic defeat on russia. the next paris conference, where they just discussed the creation of a new long-range coalition, including the use of these missiles there,
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taurus everything else. russia will have to fight in the next 5 years, austin loyd, us secretary of defense, that with not only the chief of general staff france, let's see what the same boris pistorius was talking about, the german defense minister was also talking about vaccinating with russia, some of us here didn't understand why the president was adopting a decree on ...
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it would seem that ordinary citizens conducted a survey for the lagaro newspaper, 68% of the country's residents , the french, do not approve of the position of their belligerent president, well, it seems like everything, there is common sense, but about... we continue to read the same survey and see 31% support macron, and this is a bit too much, agree, look, here i will continue, but we have forgotten everything about such documents as the treaty on representations and security guarantees, which was prescribed by great britain, germany, france, we all believe that this is it, we have read everything in plain text, so what, what -this is a declaration of some intentions, yes, of eternal friendship, but it must be said that any document... adopted in the military sphere necessarily contains closed protocols, and what is in these closed protocols we can only guess, well not clearly not a declaration of love and eternal friendship only,
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military-technical issues are probably open there, as well as financial and economic issues, issues related to military education and training, and most likely, since they are already talking about this, it is possible that they also write about special forces, and what specialists and what advisers must. go there, and most likely, the deployment of some forces there is prescribed under any pretext, peacekeeping, let’s humanitarian, for example, let’s do it, we will not participate in the conflict, we will only block the borders, we will block the border with belarus, and let ukraine and russia fight with each other, in this corridor that we will define , so i say that this is an aspect that needs to be treated very, very carefully, and this document has been adopted, and what is written in it, i say , these are...
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not connected with third countries, because for them today, no matter what macron says, no matter what scholz says, they cannot act on their own, and the agreements you are talking about, they will be forced to fix all this for the international community for
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those middle countries of the grand coalition about which they dream, but it is not being formed today, as in 2001 after september 11, these injections from the west, they are aimed precisely at what...
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is fighting and dying, they also understand this, so they told why we canceled peace negotiations, because a riot happened , the russians are carrying out genocide, they came to kill everyone, look, here is the proof, 2 years pass, it turns out the russians have come to return the status of the russian language, so they are ready to liberate the territory where the troops have entered and so on and so forth, this doesn't fight with the fact that they've been talking for 2 years. and that someone there blushed, maybe apologized for all this
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propaganda that they poured out, and we should say thank you, yes, what do you mean you understood us correctly now, you showed the agreement that we talked about 2 years ago with you like as agreed, thank you very much , but i think not, besides, it means ukraine, well, they said, this is a tactic, we can pretend that we are signing anything, that is, the status there does not matter, etc., etc. they waited there until the beginning of april, then apparently there were some tasks on the ground have already been completed, they decided that we were all winding down these negotiations. that is, if they needed another 2 weeks, they would have talked for another 2 weeks, they would have also bargained in crimea on other objects for everything, well, i think that russia, maybe, didn’t quite believe them either, because the president had previously voiced more regarding the crimea, that for example, they offered to lease it to ukraine, but who would lease it, i think i can let it slip, well, this is also all tactics, these are negotiations, which, probably, both sides are not they completely perceived it as, well , we’re talking about the fact that ukrainians still have a chance, but on the other hand, do they have the will and resources to take advantage of this chance today? they have a big gap between the mood there in the capital in the western
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regions and between the front, before there was no such gap, just a year ago, there was such hysterical inspiration that we will defeat everyone, today they are already broken, that’s how long it will last, as it were, well the military has a different situation there, but the civilians can see that there is a certain kind of dismorality, here they are they mobilize them there, force them to fight, hand over money for all this, it’s difficult there today, so if this is the situation, at least it will continue for maybe six months, at least there will be big problems there, that’s why. so, well, yes, that is, before, a year ago, of course, we didn’t see this , we laughed at the news that zelensky could be evacuated, he’s a hostage to the situation he agreed to, so naturally, some measures are guaranteed measures were provided to him in the sense that you will be given certain financial resources, you can steal as much as you can steal, they will take you out in any case and will not let you be torn apart by people who are not your own, first of all. not to the enemies who are portrayed as the russian federation,
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you see, it was possible to do peace negotiations right away earlier, it is possible now, it is possible in six months, in a year, the question, we see, the question is the destroyed infrastructure, external debts and, most importantly, human deaths , that’s it, that’s the only thing, the longer this conflict drags on, the less... i don’t think that russia will help him, international, just international
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, look, dmitriyevich, it’s not for nothing that i’m being ironic now, and when i say when the red cross, i understand that you are opposing within one large organization, i think, i was sure that i am sure now that when you were part of the red cross, well, we started, you thought that this was such a complacent highest values ​​in the best sense of the word, when a person fights for another person, well, we saw that there are different approaches, including political ones, but... look, what all states should remember, in context our topic, you can’t say it better than blinken, the us secretary of state, we will now listen to a short fragment, and then we will continue.
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why have we been suffering for so many centuries, yes, because in front of us everyone is constantly walking back and forth, but the other question is what, some small country has been opposing the united states of america, europe with sanctions, everything else for 30 years, you think , they love us for this,
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they want to completely erase us, i don’t know in what way, but to destroy, level, put the same cutlet puppets as in ukraine put.
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sounds cannibalistic, surprising , not surprising, of course, but it’s strange that they allow themselves to voice it publicly like that, because they are allowed to do this, they were allowed to do this, there is very little time left, olga egirevna, i want to move on to the beautiful, taking this opportunity we, in your person, want to congratulate all our wonderful belarusian ladies, but also those who
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watch us without being in belarus, on the wonderful holiday that is approaching march 8th. yesterday there was a big women’s forum. invited the president to at some point we all understood that, well, march 8 is really not only about beauty, progression, about, as it is fashionable to say now, about other higher energies, but also about a lot of serious work, which is impossible without women today, i propose a small fragment and after that we will summarize the program. this year the family capital program is completing its implementation. it has shown its effectiveness and relevance. on the part of large families, alexander grigorievich, is the issue of its continuation being considered when we introduced this practice of family capital, we had 63, in my opinion, thousands of large families somewhere, now there are 123, judge for yourself, we are solving
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the most important issue, there is no more important issue than... this is my must, support for large families, well, military, but family capital, i think i’ll have to, i’ll be happy to.
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we think about the future, the only country in the region that changes the concepts of military security, national security,
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signs documents that are aimed exclusively at the future, that is, we see the world is exclusively in positive colors , taking into account the whole situation, we are moving forward, at a time when ukraine does not think about its children, we think about ours, a couple of programs ago we discussed with you what a belarusian citizen should be focused on today? assembly, choose this understanding: time has chosen us, your words, i absolutely support them, and what does time require of us today in this case? balance, first of all, because we see that they want to drag us into other people’s games, we no longer do this let's say, i think that on june 22 , 1941 for...
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which controls the main financial flows, there are weapons that come there from the big countries of the big rich blocs, that is , if we don’t have these weapons from another
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bloc, well, you know too , you can love the children there and everything else , but it doesn’t help the general security much, and of course the funds, what is the president talking about, how much money can we give today for these demographic issues with the condition that we need to spend even more, maybe on defense goals, this is the main task that our state is solving today, there is currency, here we need to distribute it correctly, and ours will depend on how the president distributes it...
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after all, here today, yesterday, i got from all this from this whole meeting i liked a very good thing, which shows the progressive policy of our president not only in words, but how to stimulate the birth rate, but how to get out of this hole that formed in our country in ninety-three , and not only here, but how align, because that the population is gradually decreasing slightly further. and he said a very cool phrase, alexander grigorievich , at the time of the adoption of maternity capital, in our country there were, as he said, in my opinion, i don’t remember, 64 or 60, in my opinion, 64,000 large families, at the moment more than 120, doubled during this period, this is the whole policy, that you can force people to give birth, you can force people to work, you can force people not to work, to fight,
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to do whatever you want, to dig or not to dig, but to give birth... it is impossible to force, because a normal woman, if she feels uncertainty about the future, she will not give birth to a large number of children, she may not give birth at all, because she needs to understand that there is support, not even in maternal capital , just support from the state, a calm, normal country, of course we will have prosperity, because we have an increasing number of large families, and that’s the most important thing to show. our country. andrey petrovich may our beautiful day never did not go out, among thousands of thousands, time chose us. yes, this wonderful quatrain by mikhail matusovsky, yes, testifies that today the time has come that chose us, we do not choose this time, in these conditions we have to live today. yes, this is related to issues of demographic security, of course, these are, first of all , women, these are our wonderful mothers, our wives,
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these are our sisters, daughters. churchel, winston churchel, in which this is the most famous speech, which is everywhere in classical textbooks, quoted everywhere and so on, what was said there, well, the first one was about how to correctly conduct democratic elections, that it is anglo-saxon democracy. must follow all this, well, at the same time, he just forgot to mention that 17 years had not passed since they only allowed women to vote, only 18 years after his speech would racial segregation be abolished, and blacks, well, or races of the black race would be allowed take part in voting in elections, then there is about nuclear weapons, a very interesting report that what a blessing that
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the united states has nuclear weapons today; it did not go to the communists, because otherwise there was a threat, again. double standards about what? not even a year has passed since they just destroyed this kheroshima nagasaki, and this was the only time when these nuclear weapons were used, then everything is constantly talked about, it is known what, this is an iron curtain for flexing muscles, yes, and most importantly, everywhere , what it all boiled down to was that it was precisely this racial superiority that the anglo-saxons should do all this by uniting with each other, and what has changed today?
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everything you wanted to know about the meaning of human existence, for everyone there is god’s providence; this providence will already be fully revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the second coming of christ, when... the lord will reward everyone according to their deeds. on the religious education of children. i, as a priest, very often try to be at school and invite children to our events from school, including excursions and various
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spiritual and moral events, which, exhibitions and others that take place on the territory of our temple. and thus, our temple, it is filled with children's voices, it is filled. which, like dust, covers our soul, and some become a stone wall, separating us from god. look, there are 24 spiritual and educational projects on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. each of them has their own story of getting to know belarus. during these years that i have been here in belarus, well, i, well, somehow.
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our republican rehabilitation center was built according to the program of the president of children of belarus, this is a unique institution, and the ministry of labor, social protection, this is one of the forms of rehabilitation in such a special form of rehabilitation as a social institution, mainly for children with cerebral palsy. 80% are children with musculoskeletal disorders and this is the cerebral palsy group. lately, we have begun to immediately accept children with concomitant pathologies for rehabilitation, that is, children with autism.


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