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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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mood for the bread, we, of course, have our own recipe, which we won’t tell anyone, well , just flour, water, the rest are our ingredients, this is how dad’s bun is connected at the top, and this is a long-standing tradition when the first one congratulates the first on march 8 , and as correctly, colleagues noted, the only one who sends a postcard on the occasion of the spring holiday, each of us journalists has a huge collection, but not only media people receive their circulation.
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the country's most famous postcard for march 8 this year there are half a thousand copies, 60 of them sent abroad, among women of various professions, these emotions need to be seen. of course, this postcard will be like a memory, like a relic for my children, for my family. most belarusians have three days off per week, and the president, despite his busy schedule, always has time for sports. take note, summer is coming and you need to be in shape. behind the scenes of the presidential work, on the sidelines of the filming process, no productions, everything is as it is, next time you will see even more, this is the time of the first. the beginning of spring
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there is still a time when food security issues are under special control , it is better to prepare these sleds in advance, and not only on farms, equipment manufacturers and scientists also present their developments for the agricultural season, we are doing everything to ensure that the country remains a lean harvest, and this is against the backdrop of european countries, which cover farmers. protests fragrant message from the government on city streets. the attitude towards those who feed old europe is kind of mocking. behind the dung riots and road blockades is an indicator of thoughtless politics. there for some reason instead of their own bread, they promote ukrainian grain, which constrains and strangles the local farmers. we are more interested in the fact that in belarus the sowing season begins as always, calmly, smoothly, mainly from the southern regions, and if there are dark spots, this is a separate farm.
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who distinguished themselves even before entering the fields. our quality control went to the mogilev region for inspection. who drives into the sowing season without wheels on broken equipment? of course, i haven’t dealt with this preselka yet. and how can we steer in the fields without an assault? agronomist? they say you didn't either, and still don't no. a lifeline, how the right approach can pull a farm out of the mud, now the issue seems to have all been resolved. agricultural news of the season, from technology to culture. characterized by relative early maturity. hack nature, for whom last year's drought was only a joy. amazing from this find. revaluation of the harvest, the president's prophecy long before weather anomalies. grain today.
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an exclusive, a variety that doesn’t even exist yet, our quality control is already sorting it out. starting whistle for some regions and the team will prepare for others, but in a big marathon it is passive, everyone will run along their own distance and at their own time, the rule is set by the weather, but such a run-up is permissible only on the field. but you can’t write off the preparation of the farms themselves for bad weather, if the equipment doesn’t work, here all the questions, again, in the language of sports, are addressed to coaches or managers, and even on ... the benches they can receive their yellow cards. we invite you to try on the role of an arbitrator. try to judge just from the pictures which of the two farms is still in list of outsiders. the correct answer, that things are not going smoothly in this farm,
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will be hinted at by a lopsided sign at the entrance, although there will be a parade of new equipment right away. good marketing, all the best is on display, but it’s worth going further, and then there’s a breakdown... discator, spare parts have already been delivered to it, it is necessary to replace some components of the element, they brought spare parts, hubs, disks, it’s all there, and one more thing is needed wheel, the obidovichs rely only on new equipment, the old equipment is not ready. and was not prepared, at the moment we are not we see no machine operators repairing equipment , although it was still quite possible to work, only one new village, everything else is old and faulty, like the units for soil cultivation, this is what this
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nekrasov agro farm looked like back in the fall, whether they managed it in time for the spring season, our quality control checks , the territory itself does not present the farm as super-successful and the area for sowing has doubled. if these spare parts are not available, then what will we look for in the neighbors, with high readiness throughout the mogilev region, they are rolling on half-flat wheels, without a main steering wheel in the fields, there is no agronomist on the farm at all, only a young manager, a year as a director, they didn’t take on this
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, today they put out a cultivator, they finished it , they installed it, how many machine operators do you have, 23 people, and today this is how many are involved . well, about ten people , i definitely saw here what the similarities are between the two farms: the vnekrasovo agro manager is also only a year old, but spare parts are somehow found, and the equipment is being repaired, and personnel holes have been filled, in the busiest time for a while former employees also promise to get involved, now, as it were, all the issues have been resolved by march 15 and the equipment will be ready to go into the field, this is how the issues with the equipment were resolved, well , our sponsored organization is helping us with the equipment, we bought a new nine-meter seed drill, the tractor fixed what was faulty, we went, tried it, saw how the cheese was there, and
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found a small group of machine operators in obidovichi near the tractor, turning the wheel, but they turned out to be almost elusive, well , let’s not play to the end, adult locks, well, we're playing catch-up. for example, a new model of selkie vira from the soderzhinsky manufacturer, high accuracy, even if you plant 400 kg per hectare, and here the harvest is already underway, because summer comes twice a year, such conditions in the greenhouses of the center for agriculture of the academy of sciences are created to speed up selection, consider exclusive for our channel, a variety of azim
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barley, which does not exist yet, but one of these grains can become its ancestor, but it will take about 10 years, why do you need so much time? from the experimental harvest only the best grain is crossed again and planted, and so on in a circle, for years, until the ideal result is achieved, we cut the side scales with tweezers. we take out the anthers, three anthers, then put on a parchment insulator and after 3 days it is pollinated by another ear. the main puzzle for scientific farmers in the new belarusian climate is summer drought, which especially manifested itself last year. of course, nothing can live without water, but how can you outwit the weather? we must during this period, the end of the small beginning of june, so that our varieties or our plants the growing season has ended. in order to already sow the following crops
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, so that it is undemanding, we are making a new plant protection system, a new fertilizer system, already in this agricultural season the fruits of scientists can germinate on farms, and sima is a variety of wheat, it is characterized by relative early ripening, and before the onset of ripening , he manages to form a high mass of thousands of grains, the fields should have their own belarusian crops. the president has repeatedly aimed technology at this during the agricultural season and he himself often inspects the fields, monitors from the air during flights, and 2 years ago, as if anticipating the coming of an imminent drought and even more tension in geopolitics, he would prophetically say: grain is the new gold, if not oil. in order to ensure our own food security, so that we have, as people say, bread and bread on our table, so that processors are provided with raw materials, and livestock. feed, now we all need to organize as much as possible. strada
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is, if you like, our food front, and everything depends on this front. on in a war, as in a war, the winner is the one who is better prepared, who has used all the resources and fights from dawn to dusk. as i often say, it is better to fight on this front than on a hot one. and when the stakes are so high, food security is at stake, of course, and the economy will always support those lagging behind. and equipment and personnel, they will involve those who will run the sowing and harvest marathon first, because the strong must help the weak. working on rural fields, like on football fields, is a team effort, but if the goalkeeper misses goals, the captain will be held accountable for his mistakes. for quality in the answer was vladislav bundir, andrey novgorodtsev, sergey matveychuk and sergey volynets. well , at least every leader, if he really is one, should now look into the fields. logic and emotions, strong
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character and female intuition. these qualities help the heroine of our next story make difficult management decisions. irina polikova, head of the gorodok district , the northernmost in belarus. only the welcome at the new place of work was warm, well, then difficult everyday life in the risky farming zone. lucky with the team - says leader, and therefore... the result will be , there are only a few days off after a year of work in the position, but there is a smile on my face, optimism in my words and inspiration in my soul, i just adore driving myself and now i turn on loud music, i drove through the fields, this my element, i grew up in the village. irina polikova is a young leader, she headed the gorodok district a little over a year ago, and received an offer for a new job while being a deputy of the house of representatives. i wasn’t afraid after a while and said: i didn’t regret it. once i received
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such a proposal, but it means that they saw potential in me, and that means that they saw in me that person whom you can try to trust, give the opportunity to prove yourself. every morning the chairman of the regional executive committee begins with a planning meeting, today the first item on the agenda is preparation for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, the town. the district celebrated the date as one of the first in the vitebsk region. in december 1943, the offensive operation was commanded by the legendary military commander ivan bagramyan. by date on an electronic version of the book memory has appeared at the immortality memorial complex. there are 96 military burial grounds for war victims on the territory of the garazovsky district. each one is assigned either an educational institution or an organization of a district enterprise that monitors the improvement throughout the year. the town is alive with interesting and important affairs. in september, the regional center, by the way the birthplace of
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konstantin verenitsyn, the author of the poem taras on parnassus, hosted the thirtieth anniversary of writing, but this is not the only the tourist highlight of these places. the belarusian arctic, the so-called gorodok region, located in the very north of the country, boasts temperature records with a minus sign and numerous natural monuments left by the glacier. but what is good for a tourist is not so good for an agrarian; working on these lands is another task. the soils are low grade, so what’s more, if it’s not a square, it’s a rock garden. hello from that same glacier.
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not all equipment is ready yet, so checks every day. another spicy one the topic is livestock diet. winter is coming to an end, is there enough food? now we are partially purchasing feed, we foresaw this situation, so we decided to sow rye for mowing in the fall so that in the early spring, in may, we begin to prepare our own feed. what the town has in abundance is snow; people come to the local roller ski track.
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so to speak, european class two- or three-bed rooms, our rehabilitation is quite good, underwater massage, solarium, there is someone to carry out the assigned tasks with, of course, the team itself is worthy, but at home you are the leader? no, when i go home , i immediately have my daughter, so i turn off my chairman of the executive committee, well, i learned, i learned, when i come home, that’s all that happens at work, i don’t bring home any negativity, i. .. i’m grateful to my husband for allowing me to be like this, but maybe i’m getting ready, call me there, say, well, at least you’ll come home for dinner, strong-willed character is a family trait, daughter lisa dreams of a military career, but here in choreographic class commander in chief mentor tatyana osipova, together with her team zadorenki, took the grand prix of the republican superpro competition 2023.
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the dancers from the town are known throughout belarus. the children take great pleasure in going to competitions with them; for them it is, of course, a sea of ​​impressions and emotions; we return to our favorite city, where we continue to study and achieve some results. cool, cool professional teachers who give a great background, put on interesting performances and are a pleasure to work with. lisa, now i’ll ask you a question. not as an artist, but as the daughter of a district leader, do you often see your mother at home? of course i see my mother, but... she leaves when i’m still sleeping and comes the same way as me, when i’m already asleep, my mother came here with her soul, my mother does everything very professionally, everything for the people, she gets tired, doesn’t show it, of course , but he gets tired, the everyday life of a district leader is never easy, the civil service does not make concessions, even for women, but there are still some bonuses, on holidays irina
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polikova’s office looks like this, on the main air, and mikhail khristoforov. and thanks to our women at high level are not only in local government. behind the legendary belarusian quality is also the beautiful half of the country. and both well-known and local belarusian ones can compete with even the most popular imported brand. now there will be a story of two sisters. they have created the kind of clothes that people travel from afar to buy. about the personalities of belarusian fashion, the filming of world film projects and me.
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she started at the belarusian academy of arts, and received her second fashion education in london. studied with world-famous designers and even worked as a costume designer on fantastic beasts, from my second year i started working, that is, interacting there with theater designers, with hatmaker philip treacy, making hats for the royal family, and well, i worked for him during the period when he was preparing for the king. when i arrived at the university , a week later everyone started walking around with suitcases, that is, it ’s not just a small suitcase, but it’s an xl
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size, these are notes, these are all sorts of materials, that is, well, for example, it took me about 25-30 m of fabric when everything is with different streams come, they film some fast and furious or cars and the same elizabeth or some monsters, it all flows into one. the dining room and you see some strange symbiosis of people, what was life like in london, and in general, what do you remember, what are the brightest moments? my teacher changed my hairstyles and hair color for a whole month, when i started working, i had a lower, lower threshold, it was about 31% of the salary tax, that is, those who...
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but to maintain their health , they are very tolerant of all minorities, in the same in england there is a moment when they impose this, as in the same children's books, that a girl kisses a girl, that a boy can wear dresses there, it is shown that this must be tried, practiced, so that the same child there can feel the same in himself. both male and female. after 4 years of living in england, yana returned to belarus with her older
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sister yulia, they entered the big game and created their own clothing brand. as we like to say, we, like the chinese, have a very cool tradition, all the knowledge, which they have accumulated, they consider it possible and necessary to implement it in their homeland. yulia is an economist by training and has worked as a top manager in russia. extensive experience in sales, so in a business for two , all financial worries are on her, and a london expert is responsible for analyzing fashion trends, developing sketches and selecting materials. belarusians are currently choosing feminine models, bright colors, they also choose, for example, as outerwear specifically for the winter season, or this coat, or it is light, that is, the lower parts remain dark. i draw prints that are limited, this is a very popular design , belarusians love it very much, this is a symbol of the stork
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, here we, for example, have wool on top, we have cotton on the bottom so that it doesn’t prick, we use, for example, expensive treatments, then there is an eye loop, we use a good lining, we all wear headphones now, it’s so dynamic. much more, despite the fact that in europe abroad there is , so to speak, a choice, when we... entered the belarusian market, we were faced with the fact that our consumer is also an eight-year-old girl who asks her mother to buy a light-shot, which is not even her size, since our
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line is completely different, an adult woman of 72 years old, who came in diamonds, when we watch our buyer, she is a beautiful woman who wants to make herself beautiful, first of all for herself, who wants to look beautiful. stylish, modern, talented - this is the personality of belarusian fashion represented by our women. they not only follow modern trends, but are also trendsetters. we create our own and do it with high quality, the year obliges us, which means there will be demand anywhere in the world. on the main broadcast are elizaveta senyak, alexey petrov, alexander moguchiy and sergey korniev. while someone is creating, some, dishonest people are creating lawlessness. today, under special control, the topic of sales in second-hand stores is the origins of new clothes and shoes, imported under the guise of being used. but these are also effective documents and tax fraud, several have already been checked by the state control committee throughout the country dozens of stores, more than 1000
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units of new items were identified, selling... warehouses near minsk, state control officers are working , this is not the first time the financial police have been in this premises, this batch of goods is prohibited for sale, it’s all due to gray schemes. the audits carried out by the financial investigation bodies show that the shadow turnover of foreign-made light industry goods is estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles, and the budget is missing out on millions of rubles in taxes and customs duties. moreover, using various gray schemes will supply new stock clothing to our country, the markup on clothing is in the hundreds
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of percent. one of the main schemes for the supply of new foreign clothes to our country is associated with their supply under the guise of used ones. the first route for such goods is from europe. new items are presented as used. zbu customs duties are 0.18 euros per 1 kg. at the same time, for new things 2.25 euros per kilo, that is, the difference is almost 10 times. as a rule, tags are cut off from such clothes, mixed with second-hand items and transported as one category. tags are already in belarus. returned to its place, the benefits are colossal. the second way from russia, the scheme works as follows: there is a certain chup who wants to sell things. as a rule, wholesalers purchase from the moscow gardening market, this is such a modern cherkizov market, in general there are no quality certificates for such things, and in order to legalize the goods from us, chup turns to a belarusian wholesaler and buys cheap goods for a certain weight. thus, things from the gardener receive documents. was
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34 stores were inspected in all regional centers of the country, as well as five of the largest warehouses in the minsk region, and as a result, more than 10 thousand new items of clothing were identified, which, according to documents, either arrived at the warehouse or in stores as used items, this various kinds of men's, women's and children's clothing, shoes, hats, jackets, jeans, and the like. the owner of this store in brest, purchases all goods using invoices from wholesalers in belarus, although the latter.
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we want to work honestly, we try to work honestly, we never hid anything from anyone. in total, since december last year , eight stores and six business entities that sell second-hand goods were inspected in the brest region, and the violations of some were especially impressive. during the inspections, in all stores, facts were revealed that new clothes were being sold under the guise of second-hand items. it was established that over 2,740 units of new clothing were offered for sale at these retail outlets. despite the fact that... the items were new, the goods had labels and branded price tags stores in foreign countries, but according to the documents they were listed as formerly used items. it must be said that the work of gray resale entails a series of violations, just bend your fingers, first a new product is transported across the border under the guise of a used one, then trying to legalize it, they draw up essentially fictitious documents for it, and then tax manipulation begins. for example, now employees of the department of foreign affairs are working on one popular
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metropolitan store on its instagram page. more than 150,000 people subscribed, bright advertising, good reviews, and meanwhile, during an inspection of the store, financial police officers found this notebook: this is nothing more than black accounting. to understand, in just one day the store sold about 150 products with an average receipt of 50 rubles. and all this without taxes. during the verification activities , facts were established that a number of business entities in the city of minsk were implementing under. type of second-hand items, so -called stock items, second-hand items, completely new, never-used items of clothing, accessories and shoes. except in addition, during the verification activities, facts were also established that these business entities maintained so-called rough accounting, that is, when the facts of the sale to the population of these items,
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clothing, accessories, shoes, for cash, were not reflected in the accounting records of the enterprises. in addition to the economic component of important safety, you buy here. belarusian is not for pathos or catchphrase, for example, the same svetanok is the only enterprise in the country certified for the production of clothing for babies. in addition to their own wide line of clothing, the fabric is also sold to many famous brands. in collaboration with the ministry of sports on svetanka they began to release from the pyatele.


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