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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 13, 2024 9:30am-9:50am MSK

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project, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. let me remind you that the presidential term of the school program, together with the participants of the ukrainian clown, expires on march 31, but he is in no hurry to leave his chair, despite the failure to fulfill election promises, but this is different. less than an hour after the polling stations closed in belarus, the state ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections, the absence of observers from the osce and forced elections in fear and repression. the state debt does not tell what they have in the usa observers are not required, that ballot boxes are opaque for voting, and there is also uncontrolled early voting by mail. the single voting day has passed. without
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any incidents, the turnout was over 70%, and the atmosphere of fear and repression looked something like this. everything went at the highest level, at the level of the world standard, an example for the democratic world. the united states sent such a signal to keep the world in suspense, if anyone now denies that there is no democracy in the republic of belarus, come, see, evaluate, and don't argue. ksenia lebedeva's author's view on the policy of double standards. this is different in the project, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest, and we continue, now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble strengthened against the russian ruble, and the dollar and yuan rose in price. so, the following rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles, 21 kopecks. behind. 10
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yuan at auction gave 4 rubles 46 kopecks. 3.53 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 50 kopecks. the 2024 sowing campaign has started. yuzhanie was the first to enter the fields back in the last day of the calendar winter. but even there , the cold still took its toll and temporarily slowed down the progress of agricultural work. now , after the big weekend , absolutely all regions have joined the marathon. countries, is the technology ready, is there enough fertilizer and is there room for experimentation in this year’s sowing season? anton malyuta asked nikolai leshik, head of the relevant department of the ministry of agriculture and food. nikolai vladimirovich, hello, sowing season 2024, can we say that it has already begun? hello, yes, weather. this year was unique, spring
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seemed to have already come into its own, the temperature of the arterial column rose quite well at the beginning of the first day of march, and the brest region was one of the first, as has traditionally already happened, to begin testing sowing units in the field, that is, it began seu, at the same time, work is underway to fertilize winter grain plants that were sown during... the period for the current year's harvest, which also means we have started fertilizing the azim crop, is there any pattern by region when everything should already even let’s say, the vitebsk region, and as monitoring showed, already in the first days of march, winter grain plants in almost all regions resumed their growing season, they began to actively breathe and develop, so a decision was made to start fertilizing. nitrogen
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fertilizers for these plants, as for sowing spring crops, the more limiting factor here is the inability to work in the field, since the soil still sticks to the cultivation tools, some areas are still flooded, which again prevents the entry of equipment, and night frosts still give an average temperature lower than that recommended for harvesting spring plants, so we had to wait a little, but with the onset of positive temperatures, work will resume and... i think we will reach the optimal pace of work in the next 5-6 days namely the sowing of spring grain crops. well, keep your finger on the pulse every day, and what else is important besides the weather, maybe the readiness of the equipment, what else to start sowing. well, first of all, this is a good attitude, this is
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an optimistic attitude, with seeds we ensured, fertilizer accumulation takes into account the availability of funds at mineral producing plants. hectares, winter crops are sown on an area of ​​424,000 hectares, this is almost an annual level, in the instructions of both the government and the head of state it is everywhere that it is necessary to increase production not by increasing the area, but by increasing productivity.
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spring sowing is expected to be carried out on an area of ​​almost 2.5 million hectares, and the main structure of spring sowing is corn, which in total will occupy... hectares, sugar beets, as a raw material base for our sugar factories, it again remains at the level of almost the previous year, as provided by the government decision, about 102,000 hectares, well , we will also grow potatoes, flax and vegetables almost at the level of the previous year . will there be an experiment in this seed? the establishment of experiments with belarusian varieties in the regions of demonstration fields will continue, so that local farmers can see the potential of belarusian varieties so that they can compare them with foreign ones analogues, and it’s natural to make
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the right choice, taking into account the support of our selection process, at the same time do no harm, get a decent harvest, a decent volume, plan. volume of bread, feed, raw materials for the processing industry. great, good luck to you , thanks for the interview. and that’s it for today, we will tell you all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy in the area of ​​interest tomorrow. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. i wish you good luck in all your endeavors.
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hello viewer, my name is ur, this is my propaganda, let’s start, today we’ll talk about the main thing about the most important thing, that’s me, about the president about women, on tuesday alexander lukashenko. invited to the women's forum to talk not just with members of the belarusian women's union, an organization extremely respected in our country, but in general to talk with and about women . why is it important? i stick to my line and repeat, it doesn’t matter what you call the system of public administration in the country. this can be called strong power, it can be called
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authoritarianism, dictatorship. these are all forms, not contents of power. we have a leader who at the inauguration said, among other things, that the role of a leader is like a locomotive, like an icebreaker. to pave the way for the nation and lead the people. this is very different from what a politician in the western sense should do. a politician is absolutely not obliged to be any kind of icebreaker; he does not have to lead anyone. but must do what those who elected him require of him, often this is far from being a nation, and these are two very big differences: a leader offers a course to the people, understanding exactly how it needs to be followed, and leads the people along if the people support this course, and the politician waits for what course someone will somehow offer him, after which he begins to think about how to follow this course in general go, and then, at the very least, tries to lead along this course, at best the people, at worst a part of the people, but in a system of strong power the figure of a leader is very important, it... is much more important than the figure of a politician in a democratic system of government, in which there is often a lack of power,
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limited power or simply weak power. in the character of alexander lukashenko, as a leader, there is boundless respect for women. i will allow myself to touch upon something personal in the character of the man alexander grigorievich: there is the most reverent attitude towards a woman, even with a touch of rational and correct admiration for female beauty and female intelligence. height and strength, why am i there, sometimes i see the president in an indecent atmosphere, without a television camera, without extra eyes, i dare say, any woman within a kilometer radius falls under alexander’s colossal charm lukashenko, for this, in general , he doesn’t do anything special, he remains himself, but to be himself in this case is to give a woman the main thing she needs, a feeling of security and confidence that all issues will be resolved, that same 2020 , which it would be time to forget a long time ago, since we already have a new one. elections are already a year away, but nevertheless, this is simply a very clear indicator of problems that were resolved with
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absolute confidence. in the presidential circle, yes, there are quite a few women, they are different, and yes, some of them were a little more worried about country, for myself, for my children, i won’t give names, but i saw with my own eyes how just recently anxious and emotional women calmed down and exhaled when he came, when he was somewhere soft and enveloping, and somewhere... then harshly and specifically, depending on how... it was necessary for the varying degrees of emotionality of women, he reassured, don’t worry, i said, we will solve it all, you have nothing to worry about, no one will hurt you, we won’t hurt the country we will give, especially, i guarantee it to you, and women will be deprived of their anxieties and fears, why is this, because it is important for a woman not only to know, to understand, but also to feel, and very often feeling is even much more important for them than to know, women treat me well, because i am your most ardent supporter and a person... a person is far from
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ideal, but exclusively devoted to a woman, i believe that our nature has not created anything more perfect than a woman, this is not because i am with you, this is my firm conviction, these are those women who for some reason listened enough to western values ​​and became, well if not fighters, for gender equality, then supporters of all this nonsense, you are sure that you need to exchange this. our male ascension of you to the top of the universe, to the banal, we are all equal, here i will make a digression to say what i have long wanted to say about those very alien western values, i agree that this is all unnecessary and unnecessary nonsense for us, from green energy and attempts to give up gasoline to admiration for dark-skinned guys because they were once offended by white guys, although they were also offended by many such well, guys, dark-skinned, crazy about the rights of people with non-traditional orientation, although... in the very definition of this orientation it sounds that in general it is non-traditional. before the replacement of concepts, when a childless family
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sounds somehow offensive, but child-free is supposedly stylish, fashionable and youthful, although it ’s both, except in cases of health problems, but this is just a tragedy, it happens more often just a banal fear of responsibility, or the same feminism and some supposed equality that is alien to us mentally, historically and biologically , whatever you want, but women are forced to go fight so that they... are given the rights of men, and then it all turns completely in the wrong direction, suddenly men begin to be given women’s rights, but they didn’t fight, this is all a wild game that needs to be fought, i completely agree with this, only in my understanding this is a fight against the symptoms, and not against the disease itself, and any doctor will tell you that it is completely wrong to be treated like this, you can fight lgbt people very heroically lobby and we can even heroically, with extreme efforts , defeat this lobby once and for all, but instead, they will immediately come up with some new... infection that we will need to fight again, because these are all symptoms, and the disease is that
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our people debilitate, and if this is the disease, then it is necessary to treat it, not the symptoms. an intelligent, intelligent, educated person who is not a fool, even with massive propaganda, let us now all identify ourselves, well, for example, as an eggplant, he will not buy it, he will not succumb, will not be involved, in my opinion, it is strategically necessary to fight not with the rainbow, with idiocy and idiots, but with the latter... everywhere, as for women, a certain stereotype is also imposed on them, they say , i don’t owe anyone anything at all, i’m beautiful , i am slim, i put an aura of space into myself, i lead in... the universe, so men, please serve, give to your goddess. female beauty is, of course, a terrible force, there is no question, you can, of course, go far on beauty alone, you can even go far very quickly, but maybe it turns out that we went to the wrong place. the day before i listened to alexander lukashenko’s entire speech at this forum again, and here is an important fragment, in my opinion. the position
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of a woman in belarusian society is determined by her professionalism, education, respect and sensitivity. relations on the part of men, and the state creates appropriate conditions for this. a woman, with all her external beauty, if she is truly a real woman, is still educated, protected by a man who allows him to protect herself, and who does not yet do anything that a man’s desire to protect, if not completely disappears, then somehow goes down greatly, and also the most respected woman in society, she is a professional, it can be anything from... management to , honestly, eyebrows and nails, i’m completely without any it’s ironic that a professional lady who does miracles for other women is respected categorically by men, but our male slavic soul rejects western artificial ideals, when my man works, and i’m beautiful, i clear his karma in the breaks between the clearing and cappuccino, of course, this also happens, but then
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it’s not a woman with a capital letter, but a bright , comfortable keychain. you can also love keychains, but that doesn’t make... even miss keychain of the world doesn’t become something else, and what else is there, i’ll be honest again, with regards to politics, economics or government, i didn’t hear anything fundamentally new from that on tuesday , what the president said, because in general i don’t miss a single one of his thesis, therefore, as a journalist, i was especially interested in the point of view of alexander lukashenko, which is purely his human, not politicized, there is , let's admit it, such a funny stereotypical metamorphosis that real... men look at with a condescending and most often understanding smile, and other men get very angry about it. now, if a man leaves a woman, then the man is a radish and a bad person, because he promised to throw him into the mountains of gold. if a woman leaves a man, then again the man is like a bad person, because if he weren’t like a radish, she would n’t have left, but since she left, that means it turns out he’s not a good person, and no matter what,
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it’s still the man’s fault, and that’s normal, in a healthy society that values ​​women. although for western gender equality this stereotype will be considered as unhealthy as possible, but here’s what alexander grigorievich says regarding the question, what if a man leaves? there is no need to blame us for all the sins, if you are a real woman, what’s with the cunning one, knowing our weaknesses, then we will not go anywhere, we are around you, like a goat around a post on the farm, we will walk and will not go anywhere. absolutely exactly what the head said state, but it is said - this is simply like a man who understands women, except that he certainly does not hesitate to state the obvious, publicly from a high rostrum from the highest position, because where will a man go if without a woman even he cannot find socks and does not know where is the salt in the house, and somehow in this case it is omitted that the woman
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with the cypress constantly changes the location of the nascas, so that only she always has the exact location, the salt in a jar with on... she also keeps buckwheat for a reason. these are humorous examples, of course, but overall very illustrative. but on tuesday, alexander lukashenko spoke not only about women; in his speech, if you listen closely, there are many interesting nuances that are strategically important for belarus, since the very understanding of the future of the country, namely from the head of state, is strategically important for belarus. here the forum moderator says: they say you are the president, you have a busy schedule, it’s hard for you to find time, so we... are trying to get it done quickly so as not to distract you too much from your, undoubtedly, most important matters, and the answer lukashenko: women, let them ask whatever they want, don’t feel sorry for me, my job is such, such that you can’t feel sorry for me, if a big boss starts to feel sorry for him, he will definitely get spoiled, if you take too much care of the boss, protecting his schedule, his strength, both physical and moral, if you try
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to protect him from unpleasant news or the next difficulties, for which the boss must again... make a difficult decision, the big boss says the president, from such unnecessary, although probably sincere, with kind intentions, concerns, he will definitely go bad, the president says, and i think it is very important that this was said personally from alexander lukashenko, it was said publicly, moreover, it was said when there was no obvious reason for this, that is, he was not asked.


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