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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:06pm MSK

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there is one news on the air in belarus now in the studio of vladislav bundar. hello. interfaith peace is the main achievement of belarus. the president announced this today. at these moments, alexander lukashenko is meeting with the synod of the belarusian orthodox church. the head of the belarusian state expressed words of gratitude to metropolitan of minsk and zaslavsky.
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climbed on holy land, which has sacred significance for all world religions. unfortunately, we see attempts to drag as many other countries into this conflict as possible peoples a peculiarity of our belarus is that the control centers of traditional faiths are located outside the country. as we see, today a number of them find themselves at the epicenter of armed conflicts. all the
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bloodiest wars on earth began on the basis of religious differences. this card is still played today by the ideologists of color revolutions and riots. in such conditions, it is important to preserve equal rights and dialogue between representatives of all religions. after all, bishop phillaret noted that interfaith peace is the most important achievement of belarus. in order to preserve our traditional spiritual values, today they are under unprecedented pressure from the outside, ideas that are deliberately destructive for society and the state are being imposed on us, all permissibility, childlessness, lgbt and others, the task of the church is to resist the modern destructive influence. the minsk international book fair has opened, 21 countries are presenting their literature, with iran as the central exhibitor. representatives of the book industry came for the first time.
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egypt, huge russian stand, main the theme of the belarusian national platform is the year of quality and the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. the center is an almost detailed restoration of victory square. during a period of quite active political turbulence, when someone is gathering troops around us, military operations are generally taking place to the south. our book festival traditionally takes place every year, despite any sanctions or restrictions. it takes place on a fairly large scale; this year we have significantly expanded the expositions of our main guests, these are the stands of the russian federation, this is the stand of the people's republic of china with more than one and a half thousand books, and every year there are more and more people wishing to participate in our exhibition, and we are already thinking about changing the location of our exhibition, yarmak exhibition program . scheduled for 4 days, until sunday
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there will be 70 book presentations, the organizers expect 60,000 visitors. an anti-record since the beginning of the year, about 3200 trucks are expected. ignoring the norms for entry into border countries led to huge queues at border in the european direction. the busiest route to lithuania via medyaninkai on our side is the stone ravine. 1.300 more loads in standby mode. there are 640 trucks in front of the only operating latvian checkpoint. the polish control services accepted 66% of the transport, although they claim. 1200 cars. the situation is tense for car drivers as well. currently , an atn film crew is working on the border at the kamenny log checkpoint. at 15:00, details and comments from those who found themselves hostage to the political ambitions of the european elite.


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