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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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the telenews agency team continues the information day, tatyana korol is with you, hello, now i’ll tell you about the main thing in the country in the world. to preserve interfaith
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peace, so as not to be drawn into geopolitical games, the president took part in a meeting of the synod of the belarusian orthodox church. the lithuanian iron curtain and anti-record have been at the border since the beginning of the year, thousands of trucks are waiting to enter the eu, all due to the closure of two checkpoints by lithuania. honoring the book as a sign of peace-loving policy, thirty-first minsk international bookstore. the fair exhibition invites you on a literary journey. the constitution is our guarantor of peace and security, the preservation of the democratic principles of the planned development of the state. don't miss the "right to independence" project on the evening broadcast. do not change traditional spiritual values ​​and ideals, resist the destructive effects of alien modern ideas, preserve.
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alexander lukashenko is confident that interfaith peace is the main achievement of belarus. the entire policy of our country is aimed at maintaining religious tolerance, peace of harmony between people of different faiths. and in this, the leadership of the country and the church have the same goal, to maintain equality of rights and dialogue, which is especially important in the current conditions, when the geopolitical situation in the world is unpredictable, and therefore the state has high hopes for the church to support.
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the shrine of our orthodoxy, the kiev pechersk lavra, a tragedy flares up on the holy land, which has sacred significance for all world religions. unfortunately, we see attempts to drag as many as possible into this conflict. more than other nations. a peculiarity of our belarus is that the control centers of traditional faiths are located outside the country.
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what is my purpose, unfortunately , people come to our church less and less often for these answers, the church expects people to come to god themselves, but it seems to me that this is a counter process, and the church must take a step towards the common man, we must learn to carry the word of god in such a way that it is understandable to everyone, society has expressed a demand for living, effective... the current meeting with the synod is important precisely now, on the eve of important political events within the country and a difficult situation on the external circuit, as the sad experience of 2020 showed, some priests are playing politics, this is not the business of the church, the president is convinced,
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the main mission of the clergy is to set moral, christian guidelines. now let's move to the border, there are more than 3,000 trucks waiting to enter. all due to the closure of two checkpoints by lithuania. in addition, today at the crossing through benyakoni , scheduled maintenance work is being carried out on the electricity supply. therefore the only one the route to lithuania passes through kamenny log. my colleague, alena lishkevich, works there. she has up-to-date information about the situation at the border. hello, colleagues, it’s been a little over a week since our film crew worked here. and as many drivers expected, the situation. has not improved, it has become critical; if last weekend there were 700 trucks in line towards lithuania, now their number has increased to 1,300. over the past 24 hours, the neighboring side registered only 70 cars, instead of a possible 500, a queue that had formed
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critical, the same number in the second one opened on the belarusian-lithuanian border at the venekone checkpoint. there today the front side is in such spades. period announced the day of scheduled maintenance work on the electricity supply, which is why the already slow registration slowed down even more, as the equipment also works poorly. due to the cessation of entry by the lithuanian side from march 1, 2024 through customs checkpoints designated for our settlement and landing, this means that the traffic flows put a strain on the remaining two checkpoints remaining. accepts 60-70% of the flows available from the belarusian side, then the lithuanian side differs for the worse in this regard and takes
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only a third at most, so over the past 24 hours only 14% of those cars passed through the customs checkpoint at the entrance to the stone ravine , why have i been standing here for 2 weeks? processed in 3 seconds , processed yesterday, just arrived, well, 15 minutes, that’s all the headache, since the 29th, it’s been drowning for 2 weeks, you’ve been standing for 2 weeks, yes, and that’s taking into account what we became when there were 500 cars
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is now a thousand, that is, the track will double, probably the wait, the queue of passenger cars has increased almost four times in a day. dialogue platforms are held, and excellent students receive their main document as a citizen of the country. we walked step by step towards a strong, prosperous country and repeatedly joined forces to strengthen the state foundation, and today the fundamental law of belarus is the guarantor of peace and security, the preservation of democratic
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principles of the planned development of society and states. the belarusian people created such a constitution. how it happened, see today in the agency’s project. a total shortage of goods, empty shelves and huge queues in stores, how to... take the country away from the abyss, so that they are professionally trained people, so that it is not cooks who rule the country, but professionally trained people, sovereign and independent at the center of which remains a person, such the belarusian people chose the state for themselves, the people perceived the presidential elections of 1994 with great with great enthusiasm, with the understanding that... the fate of the country depends on us, having built a clear system.


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