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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 15, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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how should we live as the president and head of a multi-confessional state, in which the belarusian orthodox church is assigned not the main, but a special role, i would like to hear what the church is missing and what else the state needs to do, where we may have missed the situation, for some it is enough to have internal monologue, and for another , the road to the temple is fundamentally important, in the life of not even the most...
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deeply religious person, at least once before there has come a moment when you wanted to turn for a wise word and support, and there is such an opportunity in our country, how many examples when the word of a clergyman radically changed someone’s life. yes, not all of you are churched with holy ideals; the clergy will also talk about the spiritual pandemic of society, moments where the family does not work out, and how the younger generation chooses other anti-examples to follow. it seems that there are enough specialized projects, sunday schools, and other spiritual centers, but without people with unquestioning... authority and the work of a whole team - it’s just a building, a spiritual and educational center that we now we are raising it again, he will consider all these questions, and people do not know who the god of the word is, why we live, our task in education, of course, is to answer every word, so that we can clearly, clearly answer, so that you and i could not only... respond in words, but by showing our
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lives, our activities. vladyka, i wanted to raise the question that the building that adjoins the cathedral, which historically belonged to the church, so that it could be transferred to the vitebsk diocese, just for such purposes, so that part of the building could be was used for the vitebsk seminary, because it is located in an adapted building, the second part.
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and bring all this to them and, not only that, look into their souls, but besides the church, it will be difficult for anyone to do anything here, so i am grateful to you for this meeting, for this conversation, i don’t see any insurmountable problems here, i think, vladyka, we we will deal with them, we will see how best to do this, but i just want to tell you that we are faced with very serious problematic issues, we must see them objectively.
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news, and it’s also important to be real a patriot, which means loving one’s country , people, respecting traditions and history, and of course, making a feasible contribution to the development of belarus, this was emphasized by the chairman of the lower house of parliament vladimir andreichenko during the presentation of passports to young participants in the all-belarusian action: “we are citizens of belarus”, which takes place on the eve of constitution day. this patriotic initiative has... for many years , gained wide popularity among young people and is rightfully considered one of the most important traditions, which marks the transition to a new, adult life, which means they became full citizens of their country, responsible both to it and to its
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laws. for me, what it means to be a patriot is to love your country, to love the people who are here. i am proud that i am a citizen of the republic of belarus, because this is a good country, there are kind people here. responsive people will always help, they presented it all solemnly, it was exciting, i am grateful that i was given this passport, i prepared for a long time. the ceremonial event dedicated to constitution day took place at the ministry of internal affairs, and here special attention honor respect for young citizens. at the beginning , the ceremony of presenting state awards by a law enforcement officer, and then from the hands of the head of the department.
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pawnbroker. my daughter helped solve the crime and remembered a suspicious man who was doing some strange things around the house. well, i’m a teacher, so i work with other people’s children and with my own so that they are vigilant, so that they are patriots of their country. i am sure that today, in the year of quality, as our president says, if we all do what we should, we will ensure safety. on on the streets, kids learn and develop well, move forward, no matter who they become, in the future employees of internal affairs bodies, the most important thing is that we see patriotism today, they proudly say: i am a citizen of the republic of belarus, this is worth a lot, i am sure that with with this approach we
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will succeed, our country will develop. and today, on the basis of the state forensic expertise committee, a large dialogue platform took place with the participation of the leadership of the ministry of justice.
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in no case, this unites our class, unites our school, we all sing the anthem we are participating in the celebration, this is the most important thing, i am very glad that today we are performing the anthem of our beloved country, back in grodno. meetings and dialogue platforms were held dedicated to constitution day. having gone through a difficult path of formation, today the fundamental law of belarus is a guarantor of peace and security, the preservation of democratic principles of the planned development of society and the state. the belarusian people created such a constitution. we are with you. we walked step by step towards a strong and prosperous country, and repeatedly joined forces to strengthen the state foundation...
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watch on thursday, march 14, immediately after the panorama. 20 countries, 114 offices for books, publishers, writers, publicists and... admirers of the printed word. the thirty-first international
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book fair has started in minsk. our president sent greetings to the participants. the forum will last until sunday inclusive. every day, visitors will find exclusive events with many locations and programs. you can just come and have a look, or you can take part in discussions, master classes, and communicate with popular authors. what are they reading? what people from different countries are thinking about, a report with the smell of books from nina mazhaika. for the first time on the planet about nuclear energy in...
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both processes and one did not interfere with the other, this is very important, because any advanced and developing culture must enter the world stage and must reach a global audience. over the past 5 years, turkey has expanded its zone of literary influence at the minsk exhibition. in
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2019, when the country made its debut at the forum, they started with 4 km, but now they welcome guests to... the west is heating up with all its lies the situation on our border. the most critical situation has developed in the lithuanian direction. according to this minute , more than 3,000 trucks are already stuck at the entrance to the eu. this is due to the deliberate closure of two checkpoints by lithuania. plus, at
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the crossing through benikon, the baltic states suddenly decided to carry out scheduled work today. for maintenance of electricity supply, it turns out that the only alternative route is the stone lock, which is also the busiest, our correspondent alena lishkevich talked with customs officers and drivers, so looks like now on the border with lithuania, a ten-kilometer line of trucks , drivers literally live here, go to the shower, fortunately there is such an opportunity at the checkpoint, eat in a cafe, choose the nearest gas stations, someone can’t bear it, drives off the road, yes, i’ve been standing here for 2 weeks, but how do you even live for 2 weeks? you have everything equipped for living there, what we have is equipped, well, there’s a cafe there, well, there’s a toilet , there’s a shower.
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kotlovka and rest stops, then there were fewer queues, when they closed, it became twice as long here. many drivers stand in this queues last two weeks, as our customs officers say, it is possible to clear these trucks in two days, but this is with the normal work of their lithuanian colleagues. if a week ago the queue of trucks at this crossing was about 700 trucks, now it has almost doubled. as of this morning
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, all the cars are being properly processed, each one takes up to 15 minutes, the catch on the other side, as you can see, on the lithuanian side all the traffic lines are practically empty, that is, all that we need is the lithuanian side. gives, we rhythmically from we take them and carry out the registration, well, it’s all standing there, waiting for entry into lithuanian territory from belarus, well , here’s a clear picture of who works, how, lithuania doesn’t work, everything is processed quickly here , lithuania doesn’t work, you’ll be processed quickly, quickly , yes in 10 minutes, how much do they still cost you, well, the last flight... over the past 24 hours, the neighboring side has processed only 70
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cars, instead of a possible 500, the same number at the second checkpoint benikon, through the customs checkpoint medeninkai, designated for the stone log, only 14% of those cars that are waiting to leave for the lithuanian side have proceeded; the belarusian side is ready. to process everything as much as possible, the entire available number of vehicles, customs shifts have been doubled, the arsenal of technical means of customs control has also been strengthened, we hope that the lithuanian side will still meet halfway and will also strengthen its capabilities so that fewer people wait in queues, transport funds crossed the border as quickly as possible. let us remind you that from march 1, on the initiative of lithuania, points were closed passes. valve the pot on a certain side. stone log is now the busiest crossing, if we take into account that lithuanians accept 70 cars per day, then by
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simple calculation we can assume that this queue of 1300 trucks will last for about 18 days. alena leshkevich, vitaly selyavka, tv news agency. well, as it became known, as a response to lithuania’s decision to stop the movement of goods, transport and people through two border points. launch , the government of belarus added to the list of goods prohibited for import and sale on territory of belarus, namely, the specified list includes certain goods originating from the republic of lithuania. yes , all the tasks that the anglo-saxons set for the puppets from the baltic countries are already clearly emerging. in latvia, which is becoming poorer by leaps and bounds, a wave of renamings swept through the streets and reached the shops. in riga, the owners of a shopping center called minsk forced the dismantling of the sign, allegedly due to the current geopolitical situation and the desire
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to strengthen the urban environment of riga in national values. this is another provocation of the authorities, whose values ​​are fascism and lgbt. let me remind you that in 2021, several local officials personally removed the state flag of belarus from the site where it was placed. symbols of the world hockey championship participants, the prosecutor general's office of belarus has opened a criminal case against these non-citizens. they are accused of committing deliberate acts aimed at inciting hatred based on nationality . eurogardeners cannot hide all internal problems behind geopolitics. it will succeed. ordinary europeans are already tired of the lies and hypocrisy of local pro-american officials. then an event occurred like thunder from the washington and kiev skies. the european parliament rejected the european commission's proposal to extend duty-free imports.
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on the costs of european democracy, author's column: periodic table. high demand for manure, surge in aggression and
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attempts. let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places, this is the periodic table, hello, the scent of spring in europe is not at all floral. protests are expanding their geography, hearing pleas for help from ordinary europeans, the powers that be are still not planning, but bonfires in the streets, marches and garbage look like. frankly speaking, it is unpresentable for those who are used to teaching others about life, and therefore the local authorities finally decided to address this issue, to pacify the indignant with violence, batons, clashes, tear gas and other costs of democracy. these are shots from bordeaux, local perfumers, they are also farmers, arrived on tractors to the doors of the regional council, but not empty-handed, with improvised notes. security forces.
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the generosity was not appreciated, they began to disperse the crowd with tear gas, it was not possible to calm the protest mood with violence, but it predictably provoked a surge of aggression, farmers began to set fire to scattered fertilizers , footage from the koddor department appeared online, another frightening action took place in warsaw, where protesters burned a coffin, symbolizing the death of a farmer, but unlike the french law enforcement officers, in dispersing the dissatisfied, the polish have a secret weapon, they use paving stones, all these were accompanied by a video of a policeman throwing a cobblestone at people.
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and in spain, attempts to block highways are now stopped by using rubber bullets. but farmers continue to demand changes. the british have planned the largest protest in london for the evening of march 25th. and the poles are preparing for the day of barricades on march 20. some are suffering losses from the influx of cheap ukrainian products, others are tired of the eu tightening the screws, tightening the green agenda. the authorities are criticized for rising prices and lack of subsidies. massive protests are not a thing for the old world, but tractor fever is gradually developing into a rebellion of the working class. in romania , doctors are demanding higher salaries. our
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purchasing. ability has decreased significantly over the past 5 years. healthcare workers in germany are making a similar demand. there, after unsuccessful negotiations with the authorities , a warning strike took place. lufthansa flight attendants are indignant. drivers of passenger trains of the main national carrier deutschebahn are also on strike. and in in finland, a protest by industrial workers, civil servants, drivers and electricians. working.
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farmers have no money, no money for hospitals, today we take out a checkbook, ours where every day people die in intensive care, and we will send billions to kiev every month. absolutely terrible arithmetic was published by the british edition of the financial times. calculated how many ukrainian citizens separate kiev from the extermination of its own people. so, after 10 years of the road from maidan to european integration , just over 11 million ukrainians are still alive.
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12,000 were forcibly sent into the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, almost one and a half million fled, the fate of 9,000 men is unknown. however, for the owners of the kiev regime, this is only... a bill on the release of prisoners in exchange for service in the armed forces of ukraine was introduced into the verkhovna rada. one and a half million people with disabilities are also targeted. according to the new chief of the general staff of ukrainian terrorists, it will be possible to become meat in the ukrainian army with any disability group. quote. if a person can tie a grenade to himself and jump into a dugout, then he is fit. our border guards continue to strengthen border security; a new modern complex with a borovaya outpost was opened in the lelchetsky district. the outpost guards a section of the state border more than 45 km long. its feature is
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swampy terrain. border guards have to serve in difficult conditions. in conditions of militarization of our closest neighbors in conditions of constant provocations. country and the security of the country, this year we will also introduce two new outposts and reconstruct one outpost. before the construction of a new outpost, border guards have been serving in this
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direction since may 2014, based in the village council building. and as noted, during the opening of the outpost, all opportunities have now been created for comfort and effective completion of assigned tasks. while strengthening its borders, belarus has never closed its doors to its neighbors. someone erects fences, builds iron curtains, takes down signs, but we, we are different, offer visa-free travel, extend a helping hand to those who need it. our country has hosted the children of donbass more than once, this time to relax guys from the kherson region came for the first time to improve their health. a few hours ago to the capital's station by train.
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it turns out that i will get to know everyone , find a common language with everyone, there, well, it’s clear there are still good impressions, this is a group from the kherson region, these are mostly evacuees and from those territories where shelling is now taking place, that’s why the whole group
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left melitopol, these are ordinary children from ordinary families, different families, many teenagers, and naturally, since this is not the first time they are very interested in seeing our country, for sure... they have some kind of picture in their head, so they want to compare this picture with the real conditions that they see, i note that alexei talai’s charitable foundation helps children affected by the war. the next stage of the election marathon is taking place in belarus; candidates for the council of the republic were nominated today from minsk. a unanimous decision was made at a joint meeting.
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opportunities for obtaining preferential loans for young people for the purchase of consumer goods have been expanded in belarus, decree signed by the president. in accordance with the document, the maximum loan amount has been more than doubled to 12 thousand rubles. the funds can be used to purchase a home. property of belarusian production, the right to receive a loan
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is extended to graduates who independently find employment in rural areas, receive vocational education, and also voluntarily enroll in military service under a contract. at the same time, if the borrower does not necessarily work distribution period, the interest for using the loan will be recalculated. not only the spotlight. social support and stimulation , but also infrastructure development, now these are roads, the deadline for restoration is may 9, the president has set a task, the deputy prime minister will answer which roads will be repaired first, whether the experience of the agricultural town of vishov will be useful, who and how controls the quality of road work, look at the project question number one on saturday evening in belarus 1.
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i pay taxes, so there should be no potholes anywhere perhaps the state is obliged to eliminate everything everywhere, to find a balance between the needs of the economy and the desires of the common person. a year of quality begins in your own yard, they are different in condition and different in relation to the people living there. what kind of road surface is the future in belarus? well,
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by the way, the condition of the roads largely depends on the weather, sudden changes in temperature, precipitation, all this adds work to our road services. as for the past winter, temperature records were recorded in belarus. the winter season has become one of the warmest, since 1881. let me remind you that we were registered in february. 112 hours of sunshine or 37 clear days, there was so much winter radiance in minsk, in some areas belarusians charged themselves with vitamin d for 2 months, the frosty season and temperatures distinguished themselves, winter 23-24 became one of the warmest in the last 150 years. the past winter
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season, with an average air temperature of -1.4° , ranked sixth among the warmest winters for the entire period of meteorological observations. february turned out to be very warm in belarus with the average temperature in the country + 1.7°, which is by 5.2 above the climate norm, also february of this year took second place in the ranking observation from the warmest to the coldest, starting in 1945. the maximum plus was on february 27 at bre station; the thermometer showed above 16° c. among the winter titles and the title of moonshine. this is one and a half times more precipitation. also, among the record anomalies there is hail with a diameter of 11 mm, at the mstislavl station there is a thunderstorm, in dorogichina and islutsk there is a wind at a speed of 22 m/s. this is what a meteorological site looks like; they conduct five types of observations, information is collected automatically eight times a day, every 3
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hours. these mats, for example, measure the speed and direction of the wind, this device determines the visibility range, and... this is already a ceilometer, it records altitude using laser beams. the minsk weather station is the most innovative in our country with unique things, for example, aerological observations or atmospheric sounding at an altitude of up to 30 km. the complex opened in 2018. in front of us is a psychrometric booth, with its help changes are monitored air, air temperature, here we see four different thermometers, for example, the lower thermometer is the answer.
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information is sent from all computers to our main computer, we now have good transparency, our visibility range is 70 km, our clouds are transparent, but are at an altitude of 1,560-1,600 m. international weather exchanges are regularly sent to the weather report, and they also conduct monitoring with agro prefix. this is the rest of the cells, there are scales here, look, you see, a short excursion from the chief: the station in samokhvalovichi, acquaintance with new equipment, and then a field raid. dmitry radkevich began his professional path at the institute of fruit growing, and then became interested in weather phenomena, so he has been studying the influence of the elements on agriculture for almost 20 years. this is a field of wheat. we see that the plants
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overwintered normally, they have a natural green color, good bushiness, we can look at any plant. and analyze its condition, the root system is well developed, there is some damage after overwintering, this is a yellow color, but in general it is in excellent condition. we observed crops and selected monoliths, studied soil temperature and recorded the depth of snow cover. yes, the season was contrasting and extremely warm, but the plants overwintered well, but now the harvest depends on spring forecasts. and a little more about the wonderful spring, their professionalism and love for the country, worthy of the highest awards. the famous names of the laureates of the republican competition woman of the year 2023 have become known. among the nominees
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are belarusians of various professions, enterprise managers, teachers, doctors, industry workers, representatives of law enforcement agencies and many others.
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such competitions are held, you see, this is an opportunity to demonstrate how active you are, how our women are kind, sympathetic, the winners were determined in seven categories, the republican competition woman of the year is being held for the sixteenth time.
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let me remind you that the ukrainian clown’s presidential term expires on march 31, but he is in no hurry to leave his chair. despite the failure to fulfill election promises, but this is different, not even an hour has passed since closing
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polling stations in belarus, the state debt ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections, the absence of observers from the osce and forced elections in fear and repression. the state debt does not say that observers are not required in the united states, that ballot boxes are opaque for voting, and that there is also a lack of control. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. nowadays
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there is a huge information flow, which is often, frankly speaking, like this destructive nature in relation to our country, in relation to our values, our task, starting from high school, is to learn to think critically, to understand that often...
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a red rag, but the project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel hello, my name is leva and i am from china, i really love marshmallows and periodically bring them to my relatives, please help me find out how the process of making marshmallows goes, thank you, why is a small dessert a huge plant, to be honest, i was shocked why newborn marshmallow resting on the cloth?
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vasily trafimovich voronyansky, one of the leaders of the partisan movement in the minsk region during the great patriotic war. born on august 25, 1901 in the village of dekanka, poltava region. participant in the civil war and the battles at lake khasan in 1938. for impeccable service he was awarded a personalized watch from the people's commissar of defense voroshilov. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, he found himself
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surrounded with a handful of fighters and made his way to the east. they succeeded. get to logoisk district and organize the avenger partisan detachment, which later grew into a brigade. voronyansky's partisans destroyed more than 13,000 german police soldiers, derailed 161 trains, blew up 152 bridges, destroyed seven aircraft, five tanks, 325 vehicles and six guns. in september. the 943 plane on which voronyansky was flying to moscow came under fire. the commander of the partisan brigade was mortally wounded. soon after the death of cambrig, the partisans received a radiogram informing them that the people's partisan brigade the avengers were named after its commander and organizer. today,
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streets in minsk and lagoisk pleschenitsa bear voronyansky’s name. in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports, hello, hockey remains the focus of our attention and brest. never ceases to amaze his fans here with a plus sign, sergei pushkov’s team is already leading in the series against grozny vitebsk, the second team of the regular season, 2:1. today the southerners at home left no chance for yupatov’s team 4:0. the next match in this pair will take place on saturday. soligorsk shakhtar - the best team of the regular season of the extra league, even closer to the final, the chemists in novopolotsk lost the day before.


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