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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 16, 2024 4:40pm-6:06pm MSK

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work with those people who are passionate about their work, who like what they do, and how will it turn out, to be honest, i am a statesman, if tomorrow they tell me what i should do from the point of view that the state needs it, the people need it , the system needs to work in a certain place, i will do it without thinking , because i understand that what i have achieved and where i am no longer entails such, you know, responsibility, no only for myself, but responsibility for those people who follow me, and responsibility for those people, for those places that trust me, if they trust me, then they believe me, and if they believe in me, then i come there not to make things worse, but to make them better or to establish some -that system, so i’ll say this, where my homeland says, that’s where i’ll go, what do you think is the biggest injustice in society? for me , probably the most important thing is that this feeling of the need for justice, that people act according to their conscience and do not lie,
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because this is the most unfair thing, to me it seems that this is when people, hiding behind their own momentary interests, lie or try to offend a person or try to humiliate a person, or try to put him in some kind of conditions that would somehow humiliate, even his human dignity, therefore, the most fair thing for me is...
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those who surround us, yes, this feeling of love, it seems to me, evokes the feeling of justice that we talked about, so this is the most important, this is the most important task, it seems to me, each of you carry this through your whole life, leave the same sparkling eyes, leave the same sincere smile, remain the same open person, you will attract the same people, because well , this is how the laws of the universe work, it seems to me that this is it, this is our universal i think love is for... this signal means that there is no time for questions to the heroine. olga aleksandrovna, now you have to choose the best question of this program. oh, it’s a difficult task, but can i divide the question into male and female, i want to give something of myself as a souvenir to the man who asked me to dance today. may i? young man.
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let's get acquainted, i'm mikhail, i study at school 133, in the tenth grade , in principle i study well, well done, and you dance well too, thank you, well, your gift, come out and take it, i want this thermal mug to remind you of ours dance about peace, okay, thank you, thank you. well, now let’s talk about women’s issues, you know, the questions were different, there were a lot of questions, they were all very deep, very cool, thank you thank you for all your questions, but the most unexpected question for me, which i really thought about, i thought whether i was absolutely sincere at that moment, it was a question about whether my heart is free, who asked this question, please introduce yourself, me name is varvara, i study at school forty in the fifth grade, an exclusive barbarian for you...
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tell me guys, what does your homeland mean to you? the homeland is such a very large family, which, if necessary, will support and please with something, help, financially, spiritually. for me, my homeland is something very important and even if i move somewhere, it will be very difficult for me, i will come back here again.
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absolutely every person should associate their homeland as a place where they can always return, where they are always welcome and a place where all their memories of the past are stored. and most importantly - a pleasant and warm memory, i love my homeland very much, i will be proud of it until the end of my days, and what else can i say, this is my future first of all, what you say about your homeland and how you approach it treat, says that in our homeland with you there is a really big, cool bright future in your faces, it is in your hands. olga alexandrovna, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience. so, director of the national branch of the interstate television and radio company. in the republic of belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union olga shpilevskaya is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today. and here i ask you to stay. what was the most difficult question for you today? i think about it even now, it’s a question about justice and
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injustice, about what is most injustice in this world. do you think you did well with our children's audience today? oh, i don’t know, this is a very difficult question, this one will probably be the most difficult for me. whether it was difficult or not, i tried to be sincere. what surprised you about the children? and you know, they surprised me with their openness, with their sincere attitude to what they asked, and with the depth of their questions. today you managed to answer 51 questions. tell me, if we invite you again, will you agree to come? with great pleasure. well now i i am addressing our audience. do you think that our heroine was as frank as possible with you today? whoever thinks so, raise your hands. olga aleksandrovna answered everything honestly, sincerely, she never tried to skip her question, and this is very inspiring to become people like her. in olga
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alexandrovna’s eyes one could see a sincere desire to see what modern children are thinking about, what worries them, what they actually want to ask. about adults, i learned a lot about community of women, about her life and the fact that adults don’t treat children the same way, like i want to be on my own wavelength, and she found out something about us, asked what we think, she even sang with us, i learned to dance, just like that, and i’m sure that our heroine was only talking about... because she herself said that being sincere is very important, that the earth rests on such people. thank you, are there those people who still felt that olga alexandrovna didn’t say something today, behaved diplomatically and left out some details. there are some, raise your hand. not a single
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person. olga alexandrovna, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. well, i want to thank the guys, though for their sincerity for... belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union, olga shtelevskaya was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. watch in the next issue. deputy director of the republican scientific and practical center for oncology and medical radiology, professor, academician, oncologist, sergei krasny.
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they say that to become a doctor you have to be kind, and you are a kind doctor. do you count how many lives you managed to save? do you cry when you lose your patient? are you afraid of cancer yourself? and what place does belarus take in the treatment of oncology? can you now call one of your children and ask what kind of dad you are? 100 questions for an adult? you are simply the best dad in the world for me, and i really appreciate everything that you do for me, i appreciate you too.
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for our company, year of quality is another incentive, and another step for improvement in order to... move up , i came to our enterprise in 1999, to come to the mogilev elevator march to work, it was then and now, in principle, prestigious, in our city it is the largest enterprise, if the history of the plant began with one elevator model, then
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... “we must compete in the sales market, improving the quality of products is one of the criteria that we can show ourselves in the competition and , accordingly, win this fight, well, in principle, belarusian quality has been for many years is the best, when i see our products, i am proud that this elevator was produced at our enterprise, a lot of work was put into this unit. the number of people , when i see vandalism like this, if there is a painted elevator or an elevator cabin or an elevator door,
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it is very unpleasant for me, because knowing how many people do it, how much work is put into it all, we have a closed production cycle at the enterprise, well, you can say, from 0 to 100%, we produce all the parts from... the residents of the countries that we supply, we we are obliged to ensure comfort, safety
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and reliability of our equipment. i believe that our company mogilevlift is worthy of receiving the quality mark of product manufacturers of the republic of belarus.
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many large beautiful houses are being built in this city, and there are even more good people in it. not all of them have apartments, some only dream about it, others, however, here he is, just today he received a warrant for a room. goodbye hostel, goodbye commandant, a new life begins. now all that remains is to find out. where is this street, where is this house, where is this young lady, that i’m in love, please tell me one minute, maybe it’s her, accept the order, nikolaev konstantin petrovich, born in the twenty-first year, please, can
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i get a certificate, fill out the form. hurry up, please, the city council does not answer this question, and if, as an exception, you interfere with my work, do not detain citizens, excuse me, but at least tell me where pervomaiskaya street is. house number 17, i don’t want to talk to you, shame on you, young man, to pester a girl, may day house 17, by the way, is around the corner. i wonder how he found out my address? let's leave her bewildered, and we ourselves will go to this address and meet the residents. here are shpakovsky, husband
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and wife. call what? go and open it. no one lives in the fifth room now, but the former tenant left such sweet memories of himself that you see, they are even afraid to open it, but open it, comrade, this is our truth, what did he bring, good afternoon
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, new priest, comrade terokin, according to the order , the flayer's paradise occupies a free area, god forbid a bachelor, the room stood for two weeks freely, he said, let's borrow, now it's too late, well, comrades, first, maybe let's get acquainted, my name is creepy, a builder, here with his anthill, lunch will get cold, let's go. shpakovskaya, lyudmila pavlovna, sergei nikolaevich, razmyslovich, excuse me, are you alone or a bachelor, thank god, otherwise there’s nowhere to turn in the kitchen, it’s very nice, we know you bachelors, we lived alone here , pretended to be a bachelor too, comrade, please
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follow me, we’ll look around the apartment, so to speak, with pleasure, just ask. kitchen, new refrigerator, okay, let's go, let's move on, here, here, okay, what's going on here, comrade sushko, hello, yarofed, i'll give it to you, hello, here it is, is this how you 're preparing for exams, smoking? read, you can guess who he is, no, skb 201
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works. with professor shurvalov, excellent, we will solve crossfords together, oh, hey, he needs you with your crossfords, why? don’t be offended, these are children, well, van, help, sergei nikolaevich, don’t worry, i also love literature very much, so judge for yourself what he was like old jerk, i wonder what the new one will be like, yes, but where are your other things, right here... convenient, reliable, and most importantly, easy to transport from place to place, forgive me, if it’s not a secret, in which savings bank, on the corner of the soviet ? and novo moscow , what are you saying, you’re my investor, in this election bank, you see, i work as the manager, yes, well, as they say, i’m handing you the key,
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live or live, sergei nikolaevich, i’m taking patronage over you, vanya , where is our new money, there is, there is, there is, come on, come on, come on, come on, pay the rent carefully, we need books take with clean hands. thank god, we finally have an intelligent person in our apartment, because there’s no one to say a word to, this is a light, fix your hair, i’ll introduce you to our new tenant, well, well, let’s go, let’s go, let ’s go, let’s go, this is mine. daughter svetlana , meet sergei nikolaevich, she is with us, a bad boy, excuse me, sergei
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nikolaevich, bridesmaid, keep in mind, svetlana is not one of those girls who is easy to get to know, i have been living here for the third year, only this year, 8 march i was allowed to take it for the first time. her arm, so what? well, congratulations on your success, listen, whose refrigerator, the communal one, won’t find a place for me, as much as you like, but they won’t swear, but no, it hasn’t been working for a year now. how they couldn’t fix it, but i tried, after him not a single master would take it, they just wasted money, no use, now we’ll see,
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well guys, it’s an ear, well, there’s a screwdriver, but why, just go, or something, go ahead and bring it screwdriver, bring me.
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well, they fixed it for you, it happens, is it worth being offended by it, because life is good without a refrigerator. the council house was held, two professors came out, two heroes of the soviet union, so you think, a respectable person, yes, who among the respectable people did not start their life like this, on the floor under
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unity. i received a warrant for an apartment of three rooms, only in a dream, and you see, i also saw that i was hiding those warrants from you in order to give you a surprise, you know, everything is on the first floor, get up, wash yourself in the bath. “hello,
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what do you need? nothing, go away, i’m leaving, excuse me, i’m leaving, that’s what immodest curiosity leads to, but unexpectedly i returned successfully for the owner of this notebook.”
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wait, come here, oh, your father dressed you for the holidays, grandma, i’ll go, well , go, go, mommy! well, at least once you can have something meat, some sausages, you might think that you are dying of hunger, vegetarian food is the healthiest, les tolstoy was also a vegetarian, i don’t know, i didn’t have lunch with him, not witty, we women should think about my figure, but i don’t need to think about my figure, well, my dear, i’m not going to cook for you separately, i need to think about my daughter, it starts again, yes, yes,
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yes, yes, yes, i have to take care of you. not forget that you are over twenty, old lady, does this scare you? no, it doesn’t scare me, with your appearance it ’s easy to get married, but who? i want you to be happy and not have any worries, but i’m already happy, by your grace i’m stuck in this miserable city council, answering every ridiculous question, oh, but it’s an easy job, i finished my tenth year, well, you can’t sit there forever, it’s a shame, but little fool , you... don’t know life, i want you, i know, to have a respectable husband, every morning it’s the same, but leave her people alone, dad, we, rather than your mother marrying you off, my mother had five daughters, she had no time to think about us, and i have one, daddy, hurry up, daddy, let’s go quickly, hello,
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after the vegetarian table, it’s nice to have breakfast again. a bachelor is always pleased to know that the lives of married people have little to offer. different from his lonely existence, that's what it means to be a bachelor? sergey nikolaevich, forgive me, i should invite you to breakfast, but we have a vegetarian table, we don’t eat meat at all. lyudmila, look. pies, probably
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meat ones, come on, they are no different from vegetarian ones, they have the same smell of meat. well , excuse me, i'll go, but what about work? no, it’s worse shopping, i need to set up housekeeping, they gave me 2 days to set up. oh, you know, in such a matter you need a woman’s eye, you can’t do it without my help, well, if it doesn’t bother you, not a little, but first i need to go to the savings bank, i’m running to get dressed.
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our next conversation will be at home, but the next conversation is still far away, because the day is just beginning. sergey nikolaevech, you sit down. wow, okay, you know, lyudmira
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pavna, if it weren’t for you, i would have died, the housewarming is yours. it is necessary, i think, to invite all the neighbors, everyone, everyone, are you against it? no, very good. oh, oh, well, what?
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don’t interfere, the person is passing the exam , check, check the clutch fork , you’re done, comrade instructor, well done
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, understand, lidochka, that you’re pushing me to commit a crime, talking to my wife is already a crime, and what does your savings book have to do with it, maybe call a doctor , and hatch, well, you yourself said that a savings book is a mirror of the human soul, i’m i’m asking you for the last time how much he
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has, well, understand what it is, it’s like a military oath, but i’ll stop respecting myself after this, respect my daughter, how much, how much, well, i can’t, well, i can’t, i can’t say, you can’t say. well, write, five, zero , already five three, already 50, 50, 50.
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there will be no lunch today, we are invited to sergei nikolaevich for a housewarming party, and hello, from vodokanal, in case of repairs, the water supply is stopped. yes, okay, thank you. vanya, he’s about to turn off the water, we urgently need to stock up, go tell the neighbors, no way in case, we will stock up first, no shame on you. on the people, well, otherwise it’s not possible to get through the tap, linen, andrey, linen andreevich, please help me, we’re stocking up on water.
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to the tenant, yes, but he doesn’t really want me
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, imagine what a coincidence, me too, oh, thank you, after all, schiller, romance, let’s go,
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vanya, ivan kondrativich, don’t worry, i
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’ll return them now, sorry, comrades, you let me down, we are going to the theater. unfortunately, we cannot accept your kind invitation, svetlana, i will take a seat. svetlana, please, please, conductor, conductor, conductor, listen, what is happening here, why did you do this? i have the whole apartment gathered, they are waiting for you, it’s inconvenient, i didn’t invite them, i invited them first of all for your sake, well, in vain, i won’t go anyway, well then neither will i, what bad manners, and where should he be
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brought up ? . i wonder what will happen next, please forgive me, svetlana, excuse the guests, goodbye, hello, let me pass , why did you stop, let me in, citizens, take your tickets, thank you, western bridge, for 30 kopecks,
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thank you, gruzhashka, take the ticket, oh, gruzhanushka, take the ticket. you see, it happened like this, i have nothing to understand, take a ticket, shame on you, girl, what a shame, maybe there really is no money, well, yes , you see, we were standing, for you, baby, i’m ready to take a ticket, i’m with you at least to the end of the world, please don’t worry, she has a ticket, and hide this little thing, baby, it will be useful for the hairdresser, hello, mihalliva, no, you understand, africa is not the same. africa, so mikhailch, no, and england, not that england, also mikhailch, where is svetlana, we must to ask you, she went to the theater with you, i ask you where my daughter is, the bus arrived,
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and so, vanya.
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neighbors here, it’s true , it’s true, right, mikhailovich, to be honest , today is a double holiday for me, we gave the house a month ahead of schedule, everyone writes in the newspapers, you’ll get an apartment before the housewarming, but well, you’ll get it with him, you’ll put the evil eye on me, well, for a quart,
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i see you in the twilight in a white dress, you’re next to me, you’re next to me, darling! still as far as a star, you are near, you are next to
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me, dear, still as far as a star, without i can’t live with your clear blue eyes, even in my sleep. i dream of a forget-me-not in a bright meadow, but unfortunately, i can’t find the right words, but the song, but the song will tell you everything that i can’t say, the hour about what voice, the night will go, how do you like our new neighbor , the star outside the window will go out . i know, in my opinion, charmingly, never, your heart will not go out in my heart, and for us
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everything will bloom around on an eternal day, we are close, we are next to you, dear, we will go on a happy path, and for us it will bloom on a spring day... everything is all around we are close, we are next to you, dear, happy path, bitter! svetlana! svetlana! this is what
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outside interference leads to. who knows how things will turn out now. pashenka needs to go to the maternity hospital. no i can not. hello, ambulance, help, ambulance? yes. the nurse on duty, listens, goosebumps, ah, goosebumps, gave birth, gave birth, what,
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gave birth, gave birth. a girl, no, a boy, no , oh, yeah, and why are seven people in one room happy, i’ll go and cook the little ones’ underwear, well , i know what i’ll give, yudochka, you hear, seven people in one room, and the three of us live, what if mikhalich, valya, but we’ll help, we’ll help, no, we’ll help, we’ll help, we’ll help , a benefactor has been found, don’t stick your nose where you’re not asked, and if you’re so kind, go to the city council, uh, to basov, ask
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for them a separate apartment, or your tongue is being taken away from you, from me, and i am absolutely not afraid of this bureaucrat, yes, i’ll speak on the active side, and i won’t hesitate, but i know you, you ’re so brave here, but you’ll go out on stands and - and i’ll speak, i’ll say, yes, it would be interesting to hear what you have to say, ivan kandrach has the floor, we ask, we ask, no, i probably won’t be the first to speak, no, let’s listen to what others have to say, well, let’s assume that others have already spoken, everyone is waiting for your decisive word, mine, well, please, comrades. i was silent for a long time, i won’t be silent anymore. you, comrade basov, have you forgotten what time you live in? well, okay,
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okay. yes, your behavior, comrade basov, reeks of relics of the past a mile away, stormy applause. and that, in my opinion, is not bad. who will write a letter to mom? yay, take your pencils, let's write. take it, take yours. it is for you paper, now we’ll write a letter to mom. dear mom, we don’t listen to dad. no, no, listen, listen, okay, you don’t have to write this, dear mommy, come home soon, that’s right, we miss you very much, we miss you, so you wrote, we miss you, wrote, wrote, well, here you go.
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it’s good when you have an acquaintance in the city, you can hide from the rain, but strangers are not allowed to enter here, ah-ah-ah, poor strangers, don’t you really feel sorry for them, such rain makes them wet, look, this is andrey’s house, he’s probably , is waiting for you, is going to present flowers, no, you are mistaken. shine for karpovna’s appeal , she’s being discharged from the maternity hospital today, and we’re going to meet her like neighbors, take me with you, i’m also a neighbor, svetlana ivanovna, such a doozhino, it’s strange, everywhere the staff is being reduced, yours is increasing, you want to get a certificate , thanked me, everything is clear to me, i’m
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andreevich, where are you going, he’s kind of strange? but i don’t seem strange to you, i don’t answer this state certificate, yes, everything is really clear to this one, but what about someone else? svetlana, can you ask one more question, please don’t ask me any more questions, in a row. i'm tired, okay, i promise that no one will ask you any more questions, lyudmila pavlovna, i can tell you good news, your daughter has been released from work, what you are doing is of
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your own free will. why were moms scared? don't worry, i was joking. it really seemed to me that you wanted to move to another job. really want to. i can help you, right? honestly, stop sitting in this cage, boy and girl. what should i do? how to name? peter? no, vasya, no, maybe misha, huh? you see, i can’t think of a name, i want something fresh, original. i understand you, but i named mine simply: my son vasily, and my daughter nadenka. are you having twins? yes, twins, a happy father, well, of
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course, 6 kg without 100 g, well, 100 g and how? pashenka, mishenka, where is my daughter? here she is, nadenka, daughter, misha, this is not nadenka, but vasenka, you are quite sure, here is nadenka, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, as
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ordered. mikhail leontich, broadsword, thank you, congratulations, thank you, broadsword, i’m i have prepared a surprise for you, do you remember? he said that i had a dream, what, well, that i received a warrant for an apartment, i remember, hold it , yeah, please, now i’ll show you, i lost it, a warrant, a warrant, for an apartment of three rooms, rooms, with a bathroom, bathtub, first floor, floor, where are you going, i went to this one, i have a warrant, but how did you get it, by mail, right? “come here , no, you’ll lose it, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, and
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meanwhile an event was brewing that excited the whole apartment, and not entirely pleasant for sergei terekhin, sorry, for god’s sake, i didn’t notice, forgive me, please, forgive me." what is it, what boy? minat, who are you going to? to your husband? suda? yes, court. we have one living with us, but i think he’s a bachelor. i recognize him, he always tells everyone that . tanya, are you his wife? yes , imagine a wife, and the first one at that. and this is his daughter. hello. hello, baby. i beg you, please show us.
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what will happen now? thank you, my dears, go to room, to the room, to the room! let's go to the room, let's go, let me take a look, please, well, it looks like it's crashing, vaska, son, he got confused again, it’s not vasenka, but nadenka, and you
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hung some kind of bow on them so that they wouldn’t get confused, okay, i’ll think of something, how did you get here, i’m with my mom, with my mom, is that? yes, he’s a good bachelor, yes , mommy, don’t cry, my god, what a scoundrel, a scoundrel, just think, he’s changing his address for the third time, where could he have gone, where could he have gone, i’m sorry, i don’t even know your name , zenoida ivanovna, zenoidana, no, i ’ll find him, i’ll definitely find him, where... didn’t hide from me, let’s go, tadush, so, mom, i i’m thirsty, you’re thirsty, thirsty , just a minute, i’ll organize it now, for god’s sake , don’t worry, we’re already leaving, can i go with you, of course, let’s go, tanya, let’s go,
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well, where’s the tea, it’ll be there soon, what is this grater, take it from me, it just boiled. thank you, thank you, please, let's go, tanyush , let's go, like two peas in a pod , my father's heart spoke up, what can you do, yes, besides, zenaida ivanovna, i advise you to contact erofeevich, to erofeevich, this is our manager, thank you, i don't want anymore, well let's go, baby, forgive us, please, i'll see you off, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, tanya, manager of the house on
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the first floor, thank you. svetlana, it’s okay, but she and the teacher went to the park, he’s giving a lecture there today. but before we consider questions about love and friendship from a historical perspective, we must give a synthetic analysis of the empirical sensations that we call in everyday life as passion. trembling, tenderness, jealousy, and thus it is popular to prove that love is not sighs on a bench and b is not walks in the moonlight. great the poets slowed down. and sang love. remember
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pushkin, shakespeare, goethe, byron, dante, schiller. but even the great worlds could not foresee all those dizzying turns that love implies in itself. and love. “this is a noble feeling , it makes a person better, more beautiful, love, but wait, beware of rash actions, remember that the main thing in a person is the soul, svetlana, svetlana, listen to me! there’s nothing
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to talk about with you, svetlana, i have to explain, leave me, svetlana, comrade, wait, why are you introducing me to a girl, what do you care, don’t disturb the order, come with us, where, to the komsomol staff, we’re going , what’s wrong, comrade, but comrade, your name and place of work, my wife works for me, and i work for you, here we are with my uncle, i'm asking you, where do you work and how are you doing?
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in the twilight i see you in a white dress , you are nearby, you are nearby, svetlana, i have news for you, leave me alone, and you know that a woman with a child is not a wife at all, sergei nikolaevich, it’s true, my word, take it, it’s not true, it’s not true, we saw what we saw, we saw, but we didn’t understand, okay, that’s enough make excuses. no, it’s not his fault, comrade, it’s not his fault, it’s, it’s me, that’s it, she, she’s with him, with whom, with this teryokhin, oh, thank god. now my heart is calm, excuse me,
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he has a wife, a child, and you yourself are a child, you better go to sleep, child.
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what time is it, what time is it, half past twelve , oh, how do you think this is quite normal, and this is what father says, well, you walked with me whole nights, and nothing bad happened, so it’s with you, you can kiss me was afraid of me. but sergei nikolaevich is a completely different matter, he can go look for them, but what are you doing? if you're silent, just say something. mammal of seven letters. beryuk. oh, biryuk. lyudochka, two letters are missing.
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he kissed her, well done, guy, well, well, what next? good night,
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i'll turn off the lights for you, yeah. so the weeks passed, on sundays they disappeared for whole days, but they did not tell anyone about where they had been, what they had seen, and, perhaps, they had not seen anything except each other.
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on ordinary days they disappeared in the evenings for a long time, and did not return home for a very long time. it's strange that the parents didn't care however, is this so? ivan, vanya, you must talk to him, man to man. well, let's say, in a restaurant.
5:52 pm
as a night couple in the city, lovers came, lovers came, lovers came, yuri pinda took the sword from minsk. the moon live, let them give it to themselves, the moon, the moon, the lover might not need it, she. and it’s surprisingly not modest,
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why, why do lovers need moonlight, let’s accept, accept the message from the place, well, how to hug, kiss your beloved taiko, beloved taiko, beloved taiko, how can she not stand to blush when she falls.
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at this moment your fate is being decided, seriously,
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you’re a good guy, don’t get married, seryozha, well, i ’m begging you, don’t get married, what are you, what are you, even if she’s for me? daughter, i love her, why do you need such a fuss, no, i’m asking you, why do you need such a fuss, and what about ivan kandraevich, svetlana is a very good girl, who can sort them out, and mine once was, but now? now, if i were single, well, please, please, the bill
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, what is this, please, the bill, ah, one answer, all troubles, champagne, and cognac three stars, not out of control, four, four, uh, go for a walk, guys, eagles, cut the attack, brothers, ours, come on, come on, come on, come on!
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well, everything is in order, svetlana is sleeping, svetlanochka. let's go from here, let's go, let's go, let's go from here, let's go, let's go, let's go, no
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doubt, suddenly it will touch yours? cool , he proposed, little one, what are you, that he is a fool, or something, to change his bachelor life, what, he refused, but what about you, earring, earring, guy, if i were single, then i would,
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leave me alone from me, well, nothing, nothing, he won’t leave me. "i will not look at his prominent position, i will reach public organizations, good ones, how did you come up with this, well done guys, i need the chairman of the factory committee, come on everyone, i’m the chairman of the factory committee, it’s good that you ’re a woman, i’m the mother, svetochka, and i’m vanechka’s mother, what vanechka, my son, well then you will understand me, what’s the matter, comrade, the point is that your tiryokhin, what a tyurokhin, well, you should know him, oh, he’s from the fifth workshop, yes,
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such a specialist, a big man, behaves unworthily towards... . to my daughter, calm down, comrade, now we’ll find out everything, we’ll find out everything, let’s go to the workshop, how you see, sergei kept his word, svetlana changed her profession, now she was most afraid that her mother would not find out that she was an ordinary worker at the factory, but her mother did not pay attention to the factory girls, she was looking for an important specialist here. a large figure in comrade terekhin, where is he, where is comrade terekhin? here’s comrade terekhin, yes, he, what’s wrong with you, lyudmila pavlovna, what’s wrong with you, you were demoted, on the contrary, you were promoted, yesterday he
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was appointed foreman of assembly mechanics, assembly mechanics, god, how i was deceived, who deceived you? you, skb 201 with professor shuvalov, what’s the matter, here’s professor shuvalov, and ask me to play a prank, and, lyuda, what is this? something terrible happened, what? imagine what danger threatens our family? what, what happened, who do you think is the motherfucker? an engineer, a big man, a specialist, he’s just a mechanic, a simple woodsman, you understand? well, i understand, so what? well, isn’t this enough for you? quite enough, that's very good, what's good? one thing i can’t
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understand is where he got that kind of money? may be? tell the police? what money? well how which? well, 50,000 savings books? she doesn’t have any 50. how? how? does that mean you lied to me? does that mean you're with him? little girl! people! i will find justice for you! people! people! citizen! through that window, please! through that window! people! how did you get here? i work here. excuse me, my daughter, svetlana shpakovskaya, works here. she quit. how did you quit? she has been working at the factory for several days. i think it's simple. which factory? unfortunately, i don’t know this. if you don't know, why are you sitting here? good afternoon. hello,
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hello, go, tomorrow i’ll sign you up in the house register, oh, erofi, i’m used to our neighbors, i don’t want to leave, it’s okay, and they’ll pick up no worse, but look at the bones! you will definitely invite me to nomastey, well, of course, of course, i’ll invite everyone, eroseivich, can i have a minute with you, what’s wrong? i am addressing you not only as a building manager, but also as a deputy of the district council. i’m listening, i’m listening to you, comrade bakovskaya, our ironman siryokhin turned out to be not who he said he was, he pretended to be such a sheep, he deliberately intruded on our trust, he was wearing some kind of drawings, only by chance today i exposed him, quietly, quietly, comrade.
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“mommy, haven’t you ever loved , loved, loved, but not only with your heart and mind , he’s not a match for you, he, he’ll ruin your life, he’s already ruined it, my daughter works at a factory and turns some nuts, isn’t it you will leave from there, mother, until now i listened to you, now you will listen, i will leave, i will leave you, try, leave, well, daughter, you are pushing me
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to extreme measures . ilya andreevich, i have long known about your feelings for svetlana, with there are no objections from my side, i i agree, you can propose to her. excuse me, svetlana, you know ilya andrey.


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