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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 17, 2024 7:35am-9:01am MSK

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can you be, can i live without you, this is all my stupid love, i can live without you, this is all my stupid love, but we couldn’t help it, now you, i can, once without you, i can live, this is all my stupid love, but we couldn’t help but have it,
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hello, club editor on the air of tv channels belarus 1 belarus 24, as always on friday evening with a repeat sunday, monday, we discuss the most important topics of the passing seven days, of the outgoing week and let me introduce you at the very beginning guests who came to our studio today, the head of the sb belarus holding, today vadim y. "head of the department of social
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policy and ideology, academy of management under the president of the republic of belarus, candidate of historical sciences, alexander shpakovsky , minister-counselor of the embassy of belarus in russia, alexey belyaev , dean of the faculty of journalism of bsu, candidate of historical sciences, polina reutova, journalist, blogger, russian federation, hello, glad to welcome everyone, polina, especially you, thank you very much, that you came to visit us today, we’ll discuss where we’ll start, pavlovich, we’ll probably start with you.”
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to avoid many sharp corners, we resolved our complex issues of state building in the legal field, not all nations can boast of this, and even more so , if we look, let’s say, at those republics with which it is logical for us to compare our development, these are our former sister cities in the soviet union,
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post-soviet republics, unfortunately, statehood in many of these countries, well, i cannot call it a standard and even approximately, she is problematic.
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the feat of these people, the sacrifice of our people, means this is the foundation of our statehood, including their contribution to the constitutional and legal construction, these are events directly connected with each other, let's listen to the president, i will definitely give you the floor. speaking about the 1994 constitution adopted by the supreme council, we must of course talk about borrowing the experience of advanced countries. world, remember, then we generally ran after the advanced countries of the world, copying them, several decades later, we realized that it was not we should have followed them, we saw the true face of these countries, their true democracy, only
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a blind person does not see this. we now understand that what is democracy in their understanding? we remember what it means to be a democratic country in the eyes of this very person. the west, as in the early nineties, to be weak, poor , humiliated, then run, like some of our neighbors, through the squares and streets, changing power like gloves, to live according to... go-ahead from washington, if you choose between the favor of western european politicians and the quality of life of our belarusians national dignity and sovereignty, then the choice is obvious. polina , opponents of the authorities also dream of returning you to the nineties, they romanticize those times so much, but you can understand why khodorkovsky, yes, took out a loan for 300 million, bought himself a company, became a billionaire, did not repay the loan, well...
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you, something didn’t bother me when he filmed a program with government money on the russia 2 tv channel, well, who are they,
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they behave very uncomprehensively, on the one hand, they are adherents of western, so -called democracies, exactly the so-called, because what is recited and what happens as a result are the exact opposite things, this is true democracy, it cannot be called what western democracy is, democracy in general, if the power of the people. yes, if we turn to england , sunak’s democracy elected how many people , no one chose him at all, in england there is not even such an institution as democracy, therefore not a single democratic point is written down in any document that defines what the state of great britain is. principle, because it is a monarchy, this is a monarchy.
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as a union building within the framework of the new geopolitical status that the republic of belarus is acquiring, we see
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and know this all very well, we will talk about this a lot, the possibilities of our country are not only in the sense that we must maintain our sovereignty, we must influence the environment , on our world in the best positive sense of the word, i want to say that belarus, as in the constitution, is concentrated, expresses the concept of the development of our state, once again in fairness... the president noted this, yes, uh, well-being, constant growth in the well-being of the population and so on and so forth, this is a whole project that we can offer, not only even within the framework of a union state, i think today the russian federation. in many ways, yes, well, roughly speaking, it adopts our positive experience, just as we do from them, but we can offer this project, having our capabilities of our partners in the people's republic of china, and throughout the eurasian space, we can offer as an alternative here to the very west that is leaving the stage today, you are ivan mikhailovich they mentioned what you can buy today in the west, today there’s even nothing to buy there,
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because there in europe there is complete deindustrialization in the literal sense of the word, but according to them, we didn’t go there. to be used , stopped being used, they themselves abandoned cheap means of production, barel said , our prosperity was based on two factors, russian gas and the chinese market, so relying on our own manufacturer is something that we, strictly speaking , never gave to anyone, so wanted to knock in in ninety-four, this is exactly what to take from us .
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deaths, the first murder , the ground was laid when the crowd raised its hand against law enforcement officers, they began to kill them for these murders, investigations have not yet been carried out, there are no court decisions, and so on. second point, the west declares the principle of rule of law, the rule of law, does it comply with this principle, here are the minsk
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agreements, yeah , france, germany, poland acted as guarantors, right? and what they then said to oland we weren’t going to to comply with merkel - it was a military stratagem, but you know, it’s okay if they didn’t admit to it, they admit to committing an international crime , they flaunt it, so we say, you know what, i want to finish one more thing, that’s what the president he said which countries they call democratic, let’s take our post-soviet space, weak, humiliated countries with degrading states. there is a french proverb, excuse me, a classic one, there is no morality in business, that’s all, you know, that’s, of course, with from a legal point of view, this very important work was done, very serious, but let’s go back 30 years ago, yes,
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then the constitution was adopted in a very tough political struggle, in fact.
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he was 5 years old and he, my friends, was born in the basement of the gdr and lived there until 1990 with his family, that is, according to the version of the german government, he is the same son of the punitive forces who mocked the german people, well, apparently yes, that is, they are only already a dad professor, mom is also some kind of teacher there, dad a military professor, also, in general , this is an indicator, and then the person came because of him, the lessons were decided, he probably came to moscow, lived somewhere there, what does he know about that time, what did he see in the soviet union, i can to say, as a person who, when dudu was 0 years old, i was already 12, i was
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a little older, when the soviet union collapsed in the ninety-first year, i had just finished school, entered the university, graduated from school in one country, started studying at the university in another country, everything becomes sovereign republic of belarus coincided with me, so to speak.
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we saw all this, this is the plunder of an absolutely country, the complete surrender of all political positions in the world, which was, and belarus in these conditions turned out to be abandoned, abandoned, we were left to our own devices and indeed we had to go through the path of becoming, in fact, our real state, which did not exist in the ninety -first year, the constitution that exists today, it was alexander pavlovich who correctly named the milestones, we have this constitution...
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and we introduced the post of president, this is the main thing the merit of the constitution of the ninety -four model, but then within 2 years it became clear that in fact, the powers of this president were so curtailed that he could not do anything, and it was simply impossible to lead the country out of that crisis of a powerless government, as a result of which a constitutional referendum, modernization system, which for a minute lasted 25 years, there were cosmetic changes in the twenty-second year...
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the development of technology, science, society, people's consciousness, changes were required, we made them now, modernized them, but with all that in this case, the constitution remained the same, the basis was the same, but... we chose the path, we chose the path of a truly country that has a political leader, this time, we chose the path of a country that, as alexander pavlovich quite rightly said, is a sovereign state , which is not and as the president said, we don’t need to run after others, we don’t need to jump after other people’s constitutions, we have our own chosen state path that we need to follow, yeah, mikhailovich, if i may also wrap it up, by the way, in all your speeches i'll slip through. already this phrase, i will return to it now, but if we talk about those who remember, yes, the ninety -first year is more, in the ninety-first year i was 30 years old, a completely conscious person, by the way, at that time i was far from belarus , but in this period of 91-94, alexei said that as if
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there was no leader yet, but smart people were already taking a closer look at lukashenko, i first heard the name lukashenko, you know from whom, there was vladimir maksimov, a famous dissident who y... in paris he opened this famous magazine, the continent, and so on and so forth further, and who said in the ninety-first year: if i started the fight against communism, but if i knew where it would lead, i would have cut off my hands, then in one of his interviews, he had already returned to russia, and his they asked which of the leaders, in general , where do you see, who could it be, but he says: i see the stamp of death on everyone, like in goethe, like in a poem, there is one person, lukashenko, that’s when i converted...
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the so-called protesters with tiles, yes, and we have already touched on the so-called ukraine, what happened there, and what was a turning point the rubiclon moment was that there was violence against law enforcement representatives, the most important and key thing, especially today, especially in the context of threats, political provocations, attempts to rock a fairly stable society, which...
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unfortunately, this is the problem of a large state with such wide borders , many issues, uh , unfortunately, can be resolved if resolved quickly and effectively, only... through direct appeal, that is, the president will give instructions, and something will happen there in some region, in some locality, for example, or some specific situation, but on the other hand, since we are initially an imperial state, if we look at history, and such a large state with such large volumes of territories and multinationality, multiculturalism. here it can only be controlled by
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over-centralization of power, because otherwise there will again be what was mentioned earlier, the so-called parliamentary democracies, when someone seems to be in charge, but no one is in charge, there will be discord, that’s what we in fact, we saw, unfortunately, in the example of the so-called ukraine, among other things, because there, as it seems to me, legitimacy was lost back in 2004, in fact, when they came up with the third round, which uh-huh.
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is there anything else that bothers them, only
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the gophers, they are worried about only one question: who will be in power in the republic of belarus, so here, this is the most important moment of this constitutional tradition, yes, because this is the element that ensures the future of our children , the future of generations, ukrainians could not do this, today we can talk about a bright future for these young guys, please.
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there are now 183 armed conflicts in the world , the republic of belarus has not known any armed conflicts since the beginning of its sovereign development, which means our constitution, our form of government, ensures peace, one plus, it means whether the real monetary incomes of the population are growing, they have grown nine times since 1994 , and wages are 12 times higher, people’s well-being is growing, housing is being introduced, we rank in terms of the number of cars per capita first place in the cis, and so on, according to the index.
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we really don’t care what she says, this, this, this is very important, so i wanted to tell the ibalina that now the elections have begun for the president of the russian federation, it seems to me that for the first time the russian federation is generally violet, that -
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russia it’s clear who is our favorite, who with a probability of 99.9 in the period will become the winner in these elections, i will personally vote in minsk, at the embassy of the russian federation, i voted absentee, you can vote on the territory of belarus, you you know where in the embassies of the russian federation, you take absentee ballots through government services, print them out or show them on your phone and vote confidently with your internal passport. i wanted to briefly say, yes, 43 observers from the republic of belarus are accredited for the presidential elections in russia, and we are absolutely convinced that the russian people will demonstrate political maturity and make a choice in favor of sovereign further sovereign development in the paradigm of national interests, but what else did i want say yes about the ratings
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the same press to continue this thought, on the day when we had parliamentary elections on february 26, it means, in my opinion. followed by a statement from the us state department that the elections in belarus were held in an atmosphere of fear, on the same day i open, if my memory serves me right , the new york times and read that during february alone, three people were killed in the new york subway, that is, they kill people on trains on platforms, but for some reason it’s scary in belarus, you know, this is an inverted reality, this is the kingdom of distorting mirrors, but we can laugh at this, but there is one.
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voting has been rigged for decades , because it is done by mail, and so on and so forth, yes, that is, this is one of the largest austrian newspapers, they confused it with the elections of the so-called usa, i
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wrote this, it seems to me that our democratic country mixed up with american voting by mail is being introduced by the young moldovan democracy. one more important clarification regarding the attempts to attack kursk and the belgogorod region, which means they were all failed, and secondly, this means these the sabotage groups could not even pass through the support strip, that is, they did not even reach the minefields, well, someone there seemed to have entered russian territory, they entered, this is called the support strip, that is , where they are shot at, destroyed, so this is all.
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forced to leave and go to his place of duty at the embassy of the republic of belarus in the russian federation, he is flying to moscow, so we will let you go, if you allow, and we are waiting for you in a few weeks as a member of parliament at the first session, congratulations to you, so to speak, a well-deserved election, thank you, colleagues, i was very glad to see you, goodbye, in modern views on... the election campaign is such an anglo-saxon dualism, yes, this is, for example, the presidential elections of the russian federation are underway, citizens of russia they elect a president in their own
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interests, yes, it will be undemocratic, definitely, but if suddenly the citizens of any state elect their president in the interests of the state department, this is a reference model of elections, this is all you need to know about the west’s comments on election campaign that is taking place. in various states, we talked about fakes in the media, well, our opponents too , who have now fled and there are many small and large projects created about the constitution, you as experts will comment, a video appeared recently, i, for example, was very amused by two great great experts are talking about the constitution of the republic of belarus, which you said that in 30 years only two changes were made, well , such fundamental ones and about the constitution of the united states of america, let's let's listen. when entering a post, some high post, the first thing he does is to change the constitution, that is, you know, a brilliant ruler, that is, some
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american presidents tolerated the constitution for 200 years, abided by it, and in 200 years there were several amendments, several amendments , yes, and these are, you know, brilliant people who are hindered by this general social contract, which is accepted by the whole society, dear specialists, please tell these specialists?
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somehow chosen by over 500 man, we have opportunities today, some incomprehensible selections through these
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caucuses, through voting days, these grandiose tuesdays and so on, for some unknown reason they select people, on the other hand there is, this is all of course true , but we need to clearly understand, no matter who the americans elect, their policy towards russia. as far as i remember, as far as i remember, they submitted their constitution for examination to the venetian commission, which is studying these documents, the venetian the commission found it.
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the president has the power to issue executive orders, and congress ends. and cnn will then explain that everything was done correctly. i’m more even in principle, let’s do it this way. i am sorry. look, if the americans want to start a nuclear war, then they have to attack unexpectedly, right? so they obviously won't notify congress that they're going to attack tomorrow. that's all. the logic itself contradicts the concept of the national doctrine of the united states of america. well, yes. well, about freedoms. here there is a small invoice, the united states of america has often reproached us for blocking some internet resources here, probably somewhere we even have excerpts from statements of the us state department, in particular, what is there, oh, we love the voice of america our usa another 20 judged the shutdown of the internet in belarus, the usa judged the censorship of belarusian social networks in the media, in russia,
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the usa are concerned about the shutdown of the internet, and when they ordered the inclusion of the internet. the united congress of the united states of america, i'm talking about today, voted for blocking within the country because the social network sends personal data about american users to china. we read: the initiative is aimed at breaking the platform’s connection with any chinese-controlled entity, including the dance company, which is now owned by tiktok. legislators propose to give this company 6 months to sell the social network; they propose a raider one.
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you don’t correspond to the interests - the national interests of the republic of belarus in the ban, no, well, then we have to turn off youtube, we have to. there is also video hosting and so on, nevertheless meta, instagram, they are recognized, it ’s very elon musk who promises to launch an analogue on the platform, this is interesting, here, by the way,
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it’s very, very interesting when the svo began, right on the day when the russian federation blocked instagram, the so-called ukrainian citizens threw more than 3,000 complaints against me with the signature cotton propagandist. demolished demolished my instagram account, exactly on the day when it was already disabled in russia, it helped ukrainian statehood, politely speaking, i’m okay i haven’t lost it, but people need to do something, and sitting in poland, in some baltic states or somewhere else in canada, often in canada, and they are very militant, very patriotic, but for some reason outside of their beloved
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strangely, it’s not even so much instagram as facebook - it’s a breeding ground for enemy, extremely destructive narratives, this is exactly what we have with facebook, the same thing is still happening on twitter, despite the fact that there’s a lot of interesting content on twitter lately, in general, it would probably be possible to have it unblock, but not yet, while this is also such a serious, serious platform. where the destructive ones are entrenched , what i want to say, what you are saying, perhaps it’s charged, emotional, untrue, absolutely untrue
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, because the same thing happened with our channels on instagram, but i’m not saying that it’s good, now attention, pay attention when you said, on the first day, that’s how you closed, they immediately demolished them, but ours was demolished on august 10th. the day after the elections, you know, just no bans, no warnings, without anything, we had 17 channels demolished on that day, you want to say, this is an accident, so this is what i’m talking about, we must learn from each other, when i told my colleagues from the russian federation about this, they were so angry with me we looked at it when we were blocked by the internet.
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this is not necessary, that’s what they convinced us of, you guys, close the television, you guys bet on words of meaning, then our citizens, send the newspapers to the trash, you guys only launch radio stations via the internet, you don’t need fm or terrestrial something else, then at a click, yes, yes, and this is technology, that ’s how it is, you see, you probably misunderstood me a little, about emotional blocking, i meant that - in our country this is not characteristic of our roskomnadzor is so quick to make such decisions, i meant that, yes, that is, we have russkomnadzor, as a rule, i don’t know how it was in your case, in our case
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it was all worked out for us, certain platforms were organized on social networks , where the accounts were published, addresses of the accounts of opinion leaders of leading media mass media, were given instructions and direct messages about what needed to be written. considering there, after the events in belarus, the connection of this marginal group with the leaders, with the managers, owners of the leading western platforms, youtube, facebook, they don’t even hide it, in the european commission, in my opinion, now or in the european parliament they called for the name to ban them , that is, well, they know what they are doing, dmitry aleksandrovich said correctly, that they wanted to take us digital, so that they could then turn them off with one button, but fortunately, we kept the broadcasts for ourselves and so on, the only thing i regret is that the radio point disappeared in belarus, that’s what it was.
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probably, if we turn to the soviet experience , they were probably too almond-shaped with them, it’s just that these ideas of the nazi ss legion, the latvian legion, and the same goes for the forest brothers, the so-called lithuania and so on, this is simply not something that dolexey viktorovich can tell, he is from the vitev region, where the greatest atrocities were committed by these people, and unfortunately, unfortunately, now we are reaping the fruits of a fairly loyal attitude soviet power
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is true only for the population of the people's republic of china, they will not allow anyone inside their space, we must be aware of it, share some knowledge, technology, perhaps, but with a very large one.
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“this is already an extreme and forced measure, when there is some kind of emergency, situation, we need to learn to explain this to our young guys, yeah, before you read that it ’s sunny outside, open the window, look out, if it’s raining, take it, maybe i remembered this last story like this, it’s familiar probably along the lines, it’s such a common history.”
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a lot of things are assembled in china, but technology, the same mobile phones, tablets, all this is not our base, we don’t have our own, and we are really very vulnerable...
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you’re filming reports about these children of donbass who come to us, you show their satisfied smiling faces on the full screen when they say: i finally started sleeping peacefully with you in belarus.
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someone is also in charge, your first task is to solve your own, but how the questions that are put to you by the president, government and so on and so on, of course you don’t forget about the union theme, but it is not central for you, so you need those people for whom the union theme will be the center, the main task for developing the creation of an information field of space, then here these interactions of ours will acquire a new impetus, because it is not for nothing that they say, who owns the information, owns the world, but may i add?
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so that these are information resources and competently, competently developed - including including resources on the largest social networks , that is, these are text messages, these are pr people, these are journalists, this must be a huge structure, and most importantly, this policy must not be understood at a mental level , it must be developed and written down, a strategy is needed, absolutely right, a strategy is needed strategy.
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not only did we get wonderful content, with a twist for everyone, with their own opinion, but we also gave birth to a huge number of opinion leaders, which the whole country knew, this is one of the directions, too, so the people who will create, here pay attention, blogger, what only works on the internet, so to speak, here you go, in the frame program, cameras, let's go, well, now i can say this is a person
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who knows a little about the holding, and about what is accepted, what structure it is supposed to have .
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for coming, thank you, why didn’t we say your name, your channel, where viewers can find you, there is a great opportunity, so to speak, to advertise in belarus, optimist in shtatsko, optimist in shtatsko, you probably heard, yes, come on in, subscribe and read, there is a lot of interesting stuff, thank you very much, thank you very much, there was a club of editors, see you in a week, goodbye. let's plunge into the physical, intellectual world of sports, where everything is important, everyone worked on the lines, it's great, even, say, a slight hitch for dasha kudaeva on the stand, but nevertheless, third place is very cool,
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victories, defeats, to be honest, you can only envy because you have today. tomorrow there is such an amazing opportunity to feel like a role professional athlete, try on this role for yourself, look from the side, look at other guys, well, understand that yes, this is mine, minutes and seconds, and we still remember this match, and guys, how many of our joden football fans are there arrived and no matter how much they supported the team, on our part i promise that we will do everything to win this super cup. only sports, only belarus 24. let me remind you that the ukrainian clown’s presidential term expires on march 31, but he will not leave his seat is in a hurry, despite the failure to fulfill election promises. but this is different. less than an hour after the polling
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stations closed in belarus, the state debt office ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections. lack of observers from. osce and forced elections in fear and repression. the state department does not say that observers are not required in the united states, that ballot boxes are opaque for voting, and that there is also uncontrolled early voting by mail. the single voting day passed without incident, the turnout was more than 70%, and the atmosphere of fear and repression looked something like this, at its highest level. everything was done at the highest level, at the level of the world standard.
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to start with thread, so that there is quality of thread, this is a collection of classicism, baroque and various of these trends, these people passed on their professionalism, their attitude to this matter from generation to generation, then we will continue to produce this furniture. an approach to business that everyone should strive for, my work is for me, this is probably me, i will not be afraid of these big words, this is... the meaning of my life, my work for me is a second family, this is a second home, we keep pace with time, today we feel young, and we
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want to continue to feel young, otherwise in this competition today it will be very difficult to stand on our feet and be to young people, the project is a quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good morning, march 17, sunday, information day on belarus 1 and belarus 24, the television news agency starts.


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