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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 17, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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father, help, protect the mighty , please , you poor thing, you don’t know and don’t guess , they’re going to kill you, hai, hai, at least for...
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another summer is ending, winter is ahead, all nature will fall asleep until next spring, that’s it so fleetingly, mighty, you were born to save me, just as you and i will die. when i am no longer needed by this world, but for now, while i have to go, to that horizon where there is eternal silence, i will not go alone, because i have a father.
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yelertiniə, keskile houttunuun. gedeg manai zhorluu maania.
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hello, what news has become a bomb? who? why he launched them, we are talking about this today, but before moving on to the facts, andrei petrovich, it doesn’t seem that there is a smell of a new big war in the world, well , look, everywhere from every iron today they say: the third world war has already begun, the second say, the third world war is on the threshold, the fourth say, you know, a hybrid war is being waged, somewhere a proxy war, that is , there are so many wars that are either being waged or not being waged around us, well, it’s very, very difficult for the common man to understand , yes yes,
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look at any news feeds, what exercises are being carried out along with the violation of all the vienna agreements, everything else, plus the sanctions policy that is being carried out against us, plus there, starting from closed skies and so on and so on and so on, the second thing is that these are, of course, terrorist organizations, the transformation of terrorist
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organizations, today these are not two men who were caught there in the lelichi district, yes, although this is an integral part, a small integral part, of a terrorist organization today. and they are often just are being prepared as proxy forces by some states that are ill in order to influence state structures , to create a quasi-state within, well, it’s not for nothing that the head of state dwells on such moments, who are you, who are you calling, just in this case, then you you understand that there is also someone behind them, well, let’s call a purely terrorist extremist organization the same regiment kolinovsky is talking about, that is, the paramilitary wing of ours, there is no doubt, so these are precisely the structures that have been vainized. various funds, primarily financial , which use private military companies, promotions, or some states that are interested
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in promoting the interests of these companies in their interests, and accordingly, these three main elements they represent for us, in my opinion we will examine the greatest danger today in more detail, then the president signed it. decree on the transfer of government bodies of other organizations to work in conditions wartime, not everyone understood why this document is needed today only, we are talking about the translation procedure, and not about the fact that this will happen right now, i think god doesn’t care about wartime, if we are dealing with the west, then it is best to be proactive position, i absolutely agree that today the idea of ​​a possible war is being consolidated, it comes in a variety of variants, because we are not talking about it, we are talking about it.
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factor, and the third is the countries, the so-called backyards, they began to ask too many uncomfortable questions, so i think that these three components, they are more substantive, when we remember the thirties, this is exactly where it all began, andrey, who do you think started fussing, maybe it’s so right, i needed to formulate the question because we have adopted a decree on the work of organs organization in wartime, if suddenly something happens, well, look, in the twenty-first year another decree was adopted, and... we can be declared both a state of emergency and martial law, this is a new
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body that is built into this system, let’s say , management, in terms of military the supreme national assembly should also receive some powers, that is, what we are discussing today is such a closed decree, it is not on the internet, but you need to understand that, say, if they are with us, well, they won’t ...
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and there are many capitalist countries that sharply have become unfriendly to the republic of belarus and the russian federation, and of course, we are a bone in their throat, therefore, if we pretend that nothing is happening, if we take the position that we are kind, peace-loving, and do not want harm to anyone, then the traditions of christianity will definitely slap us it will be a very tough slap, so we need... to show that we are ready to answer any challenge, we are quite
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self-sufficient, we are strong, and despite the fact that we are a small country, we can bring a lot of problems to anyone who wants pinch us somehow, uh-huh, well , let's move on to specific examples that have received widespread attention this week: oh, how dearly scholz would have paid for the world to never hear the conversations of senior german officers who discussed the attack. i'm not promoting the bridge idea, i pragmatically want to understand what they want and what we
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should teach them, so it turns out that we will need to indicate the main points in the pictures when planning these operations. i would like to say one more thing about the destruction of the bridge. they will have goals, but here it should be taken into account that when working on small goals , you need to plan more scrupulously, and not analyze pictures on the computer. in the case of confirmed goals, everything is simpler. planning will take less time. we all know that they want to destroy the bridge. apparently speechless, official berlin could not formulate an answer for a long time, and therefore they did not come up with anything better than to carry out a purge on social networks, they blocked everyone who distributed the recording, it did not help, everyone heard everything in detail.
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a political career in karelia would no longer work out, but if it had worked out, he would have been a much more dangerous person than scholz,
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that is, even without holding elections in germany, early ones there, or the next ones, they could change the chancellor, because scholz unpopular there compared to these farmers, strikes, protests, we would have a new person, most likely defense minister pistorius, who would be responsible for german foreign policy, so this person was dunked a little, that is, today the sdp no longer has any prospects of somehow retaining power, most likely they will leave, but the cdu, the csu has risen, this is a party that works much better. the confirmation of your words is that in germany itself they are not so much discussing how the germans are planning attacks on russian territory. how much is discussed about the moment, but how is this a recording at all, who is this did he hand over the recording to russian journalists? andrey petrovich, should russia somehow respond to this? well look, a very interesting point , this is correct, you are always in modern politics, and especially what is connected with the military sphere, such records are either made on purpose, or precisely because of
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sloppiness, when the relevant intelligence is working, so many here are already beginning to lean toward because she got there on purpose. with the aim of either giving missiles there, or not giving missiles, well , nothing is clear at all, as they say there, the world press is simply confused, some are talking about one thing, others about another, you know , well, for some reason everyone in the country has such a small unnoticed thing, after which such a scandal suddenly broke out, the germans of crimea turned to the president of the russian federation with a request to denounce the moscow treaty from 1990. due to the fact that germany does not comply with it. what's interesting about this agreement? this is a 4+2 agreement, when you remember the german democratic republic, these countries that provided it then. what's interesting about this agreement? a what’s interesting about this treaty is, well, first, the most important thing is that only peace should come from the territory of germany, that the armed forces of germany can be used only by
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decision of the united nations, and so on and so forth.
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but so many of these red lines have already been crossed that today it’s probably not possible to simply talk about some kind of military component, come on, what about the northern streams, what’s the answer? there is no answer, with the crimean bridge, which has already been repaired twice, what is the answer, and the il-76 that was shot down patriots, i firmly believe that it was ukrainian servicemen who were sitting there, and not some germans or americans, you know, well , at the same time, no one continues to impose any sanctions against these states, demand something, but... i say , that we can’t wash ourselves away from the malaysian boeing or from this invented bullshit, why? here you go, the information component, their game on our field, of course there should be a military response, only our head of state said about zhenshov, and that a private military company dreams of going there go over, why can’t , for example, two or three iskander missiles fly there by accident, and then make a political
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apology, at the same time test the possibility of these states for something, well, let it look like it, of course.
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they are allies, what kind of alliance can we even talk about today between france and germany, it has never happened, not in a single century can we find friendship between france and germany, so i think that’s it, what do you think about such news, the pentagon can secretly withdraw zelensky from kiev, like to the nazis who saved the overthrown italian dictator musalini in 1943, said former assistant to the us secretary of defense stephen bryan. in an interview with asia times he added, it is unknown how long zelensky will be able to hold out in kiev, listen, why bring out the secret, let them shout, those unfortunate ukrainians will give up and give him
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a personal train so that he can just leave from there, everyone there quietly hates him already, look what’s going on in the networks, when people are just ordinary people who didn’t even perceive a special military operation before adequately, because well, it’s clear about... she expressed that, well, if it were possible, i would even slap him in the face, because it’s impossible to look at this clown who is only engaged in driving around, taking pictures with hollywood stars,
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hugging, smiling, at a time when people are dying in his country, this former pentagon employee, by the way, he continues that he calls the reason why zelensky can be taken out of kiev is the offensive of russian troops, growing unrest within the country, refusal... . it means to protect, let him work in peace , and he’s still there, while there under the influence of certain drugs there, too , the doctors are probably throwing this story in then, look, they spent a year ago
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zelensky should be worried when they write such things about him, when the money was going out, what are they doing ? they told everyone, we will win, we will reach kursk, we will exchange territories there. russia means everything, the kremlin will fall, there were such victorious reports, it means that somewhere around september the time begins to completely reverse the process there went articles in the western press , which means he was tinned by a bad commander. the money was stolen, the counter-offensive failed , there are bad people there, which means the generals and soldiers are not like that either, so they absolutely dramatically changed this point of view, that is, that it was true then, and or now it is true, well, you know, i think somewhere in the middle is still the truth, that is, they are pursuing a certain american agenda, an agenda in the spirit that you stole our money, you are bad people, that is, they conducted some kind of audit of funds, who launched a counterattack were very dissatisfied, hence all this criticism in the western press, which undermines the generals there and zelensky and everyone else, well, these are all the same people, they have not become better there, whoever took it. you know, lift my eyelids , yes, as viy shouted, that is, like we saw that they were stealing everything and it was unclear what they were doing, well, why believe them, that is , look at at least one secret operation
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to move zelensky, or else. .. sacred sacrifice right away, well, sacrifice, i think, in the west is one of the fundamentals, like they say, their foreign policy , that is, something must happen somewhere, so that then someone must be accused, and then someone can be raised against this background, but he’s the last one; with navalny , we all see how everyone they are fussing around, but in the end , until ukraine itself said, the tromp came off, that is, after that the old man quietly said that it was a natural death, that is, well, you can’t prove it to anyone, but naturally, not naturally, but it came off , understandably, in in this case, we trust
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the official representative. underground, well thank god, i think there is no need to discount the crisis of the genre, because journalists also experience a certain hunger, i turn to historical subjects, which, yes, which we have already been discussing for 5 minutes, well, in parallel, there is another topic going on, then that ukraine has something up its sleeve will surprise russia literally next month, so this topic too, taurus is no longer surprising, well, maybe yes. now we will see, so i think, here i am also surprised that in this whole situation, when we see how nato behaves in relation to its own partners within itself, our fugitives continue to say that we would like to be in nato, belarus would be in nato, and if we had won in due time, or when we will win again , we will first of all deal with this problem, andrey, this is what this is about, this is also probably some kind of element of the disease, well, of course, that is, ukraine has already been taken into nato,
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which means that all that remains is to take these ones. well , idiots, well, they seem to fit into such a locomotive of this ukrainian military propaganda, somewhere it worked, you know, the money was used for a counter-offensive, and the fact that some piece of this money came on our fugitives, it seemed to also go to support ukrainian interests, sabotage activities, some kind of espionage there they were setting up some underground groups here, but it was all in favor of ukraine, not even in favor of nato or anyone else, that is, ukraine was the operator that gave them this money, as soon as the americans said, what do you know, we have problems in congress, you you steal a lot, you won’t have any money, they are all very active.
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war, i would like to believe that macron simply had a problem with words, or it was a freudian slip when he almost commanded the advance of senate troops to ukraine, but no. the political publication reports that a few weeks before macron, the proposal to his nato colleagues to send military personnel to ukraine was sent by the chief of the main staff of the french army, burghart, and was refused, that is, macron already knew that nato was against his idea for some reason anyway voiced.
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and how to inflict a strategic defeat on russia. next: the paris conference, where they just discussed the creation of a new coalition, long-range, including the use of these missiles there, taurus everything else, and with them, that’s what we all hear, what’s also there , everything was said about how to help ukraine with weapons and how to defeat russia. again, not only the chief of the french general staff. let's see what austin loyd, the us secretary of defense, said about what's happening with russia
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have to. organization, if suddenly a war happens on a war footing, but few of the same liberals wanted to note that in germany the minister of health said that we need to prepare our health care system for action in war conditions, exactly the same irob baur, who is the chairman nato military committee, they all talk about the same thing, that is, it was not by chance that he let it slip, but it illustrates, let’s go further , then just to fix this topic, it would seem that the french themselves are against direct conflict. ordinary citizens conducted a survey for the newspaper la figaro: 68% of the country's residents , the french, do not approve of the position of their bellicose president, well, it seems like that's all , there is common sense, but we continue to read the same poll and see 31% support macron, and
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this is a bit too much, you must agree, look, here i will continue, but we have forgotten all about documents such as the treaty of representations and security guarantees that great britain prescribed. germany, france, we all think that this is it, we’ve read it all in open form, well, what’s there, some kind of declaration of some intentions, yes, about eternal friendship, but it must be said that any document adopted in the military sphere necessarily contains closed protocols, and what in these closed protocols we can only guess, well, not obviously non-recognition of love and eternal friendship only, there are probably open military -technical and financial issues. economic issues, issues related to military education and training, and most likely, since they are already talking about this, it is possible that it is written about special forces, and what specialists and what advisers should go there, and most likely, the entry of some
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forces there is prescribed under any pretext, peacekeeping, let’s say, humanitarian, for example, let’s do it, we will not participate in the conflict, we will only block the borders, we will block the border with belarus, and ukraine and russia, let them. .. they are fighting with each other in this corridor that we have defined, so i say that this aspect, which must be treated very, very carefully, and this document has been adopted, and what is written in it, i say, this is the same thing these protocols, so macron is just, he didn’t let it slip, it appeared, he was the most significant figure compared to all the other gogols talking about it, so the fact that many quickly dissociated themselves from this, well, most likely it’s just time... for our safety, then this is of course if we talk about these processes and link ukraine, this week we are once again discussing the fact that there was a chance for everything to go in a different direction, the wall street journal newspaper
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published the terms of the peace agreement between ukraine and russia, that’s the one that well, it was almost agreed upon, but never signed in april of twenty-two, let’s recall the main provisions of this document that were published. ukraine. to become a member of the eu, but could not join military alliances such as nato. of all the new territories under unconditional russian control, only crimea would remain. the ukrainian army was to be reduced to 85,000 people, the russian language was to be used on an equal basis with ukrainian in the official sphere. the price of the document is hundreds of thousands of human lives. yes, that's different it's hard to look at. what does this story teach us? i think this is the document. published because it was in the logic of the proposals that the russian federation put forward to the west in 2021, it fits squarely on all points, and i think that there are certain forces that are returning to this big agenda, because we are drowning,
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to unfortunately in the little things, so we see today even in our discussion that there is so much information from all sides, and it seems to me that behind all this, behind all these little things we we will lose the most important thing.
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then the days of ukraine are sorsen, it is volodya zelensky
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who must understand, like our father, the military understood this, i know for sure, the ukrainian military understood this, those who fight and die also understand this, so they told why we canceled the peace negotiations, because a riot happened, the russians are committing genocide , they... came to kill everyone, look, here is the proof, 2 years have passed, it turns out that the russians have come to return the status of the russian language, so they are ready to liberate the territories where the troops have entered, etc. etc., this does not in any way conflict with what they have been telling for 2 years, and that someone there blushed, maybe apologized for all the propaganda that they poured out, and we should say thank you, yes, that means you understand us correctly now, you showed the agreement that we seemed to agree on with you 2 years ago, thank you very much, but i think not, besides, it means ukraine, well, they said this is a tactic. we can pretend that we sign
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anything, that is, it doesn’t matter the status and so on, so on, so on, they pulled there before the start april, then apparently some tasks on earth had already been completed, they decided that that was it, we were winding down these negotiations, that is, if they needed 2 more weeks, they would have talked for another 2 weeks, they would have even bargained on crimea for to all other objects , well, i think that russia maybe didn’t quite believe them either, because the president had previously voiced there, back in the crimea, that for example they were offering to lease it to ukraine, but who would lease it, i think that- i can let it slip, but this is also all tactics, this negotiations that...
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in the sense that you will be given certain financial resources, you can steal as much as you can steal, they will take you out in any case and will not give you to be torn to pieces either by your own people, first of all, or by the enemies who paint it as a russian federation, you understand , it was possible to do earlier peaceful negotiations right away, to go , it is possible now, it is possible in six months, in a year , the question, we see, the question is...
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he will be helped by the international, just international, look, dmitriyevich, i it’s not for nothing that i’m being ironic now, and when i say when the red cross, i understand that you are opposing within one large organization, uh, standing up i think, i was sure that i’m sure now that when you were part of the red cross, but when you started, you thought what is this , well, such complacent, highest values ​​in the best
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sense of the word, when a person fights for another person, well, we saw that there are different approaches, including political ones, but look.
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just wipe it off the face of the earth so that the same belarus, well, what’s the point of us, besides the geopolitical location, yes, this is the most strategic, the most advantageous , unfortunately, because of which we have been suffering for so many centuries, yes, because in front of us everyone is constantly walking back and forth, but another question is what, some small the country has been opposing the united states of america, europe, sanctions and everything else for 30 years. you think they love us for this, they want to completely erase us, i don’t know in what way, but destroy, level, put in the same cutlet puppets as in ukraine they set it up like they do in poland, in lithuania, yes, just absolutely controlled, to show everyone else, if you behave like this, the same thing will happen to you, this is what they
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are showing now, this is what will happen in ukraine , let’s also say that we are just sitting at different tables and our menu is different, yeah. and we ourselves allowed ourselves to make the menu in many ways, because we, in the information agenda, have long ago been included in the american logic, we are here in our native country, through which everyone has traveled, discussing a purely american topic for many decades, this is geopolitics, ourselves, we are looking for our place in geopolitics, who once convinced us that brzyzinski’s book should become our reference book, but we ourselves.
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we want to congratulate all our wonderful belarusian ladies, and those who watch us without being in belarus, on the wonderful holiday that is approaching march 8th. yesterday there was a big women’s forum, the president was invited there, at some point we understood everything that well march 8 is really not only about beauty, about grace, about m, how
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it is now fashionable to talk about other higher energies, but also about very big serious work, which is impossible without women today, i propose... judge for yourself, we are solving the most important issue, there is no more important issue than... addition, the growth of our population , we have problems with this, i often say, 15 or even 20
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million, our belarus with our able-bodied people and resources could feed us, taking into account our geopolitical position, so we urgently need to reverse this trend of theft, well, i’m here i ask three kids, i already say, this is mine. necessarily support for families with many children, and the military, but uh , family capital, i think that i will have to, i will be happy to make a decision on extending this family capital, on supporting our families, the only thing is that this money goes to whoever needs it, but family capital we will save, and i would like this money to be spent on education, so that this child has... a perspective in this life, in general , an indicative moment, but we discussed the whole program with what, it would seem,
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every citizen lives today, well, if not the planet earth, then at least our region , and we see that instead of discussing some military threats now, how we will arm ourselves, the president is talking about the future, about what is needed to give birth to children, to ensure the institution of family, not just in words, in deeds, this is such a foundation for the future.
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balance, first of all, because we see that they want to drag us into other people’s games, we will no longer allow this, i think that june 22, 1941 will never happen again for us, this is our task for today, and we are fulfilling it, the second is the image of the future, and the image of the future for its citizens, first of all, it needs to be made more concentrated, clearer, understandable, contoured for everyone, so that we understand. where should we move next and this in itself will become a model for everyone else, we must our mission, i think
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that the republic of belarus today has a mission, to put a barrier to the destruction of what we have in the region and in the world, we the only country and i think ours the president is exactly the person who has the potential to put this barrier to formulate an agenda that... will be responsible for small medium-sized countries, i have already spoken about this, today is the time of small medium-sized countries, we need to think about something completely different, about what was said, even the congress of women, about children , about the world, about the future, about simple education, about simple, ordinary life, if god gave us this life, well, we will take from it, then we must live it like this, we have the right to live it like ordinary people, and no one will stop us from doing this. andrey, how would you answer this question? yes, it’s a good recipe , but it’s just difficult to implement, i can’t imagine how it will all be done, that these are
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other people’s games, well, these games are already climbing over the border to us, but i just don’t know that there’s only one double step left, to say, that we should isolate ourselves from everyone here and not cooperate with anyone, not work, we have a main ally, this is the russian federation, and if there were no joint defense policy, we would already be at war, because it was 20, when we were being prepared as some kind of strong point either for ukraine or for something else, so well, sort of. everything can only be considered as a whole, small countries, you know, the ukrainians too, i think, are not some completely washed out ones, there are nazis, fascists, there are people there too, i think they want to live, and families want everything else, only they are not asked, there is an elite that controls the main financial flows, there are weapons that come there from large countries, large rich blocs, that is, if we won’t have these weapons from the other bloc, well, you also know, you can love the children there and everything else, but it doesn’t help the general security much, and of course the funds, what is the president talking about, how much money can we give today for these
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demographics... of general policy, dmitry evgenievich, the fact that the president not only found time to congratulate women on the upcoming march 8th, but took part in the forum, shows how much he still thinks about us, about belarusians, because we see the recent his speech, extended meeting in the house officers with generals, yes, discussion of serious strategic issues.
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at the time of adoption of maternity capital , in our country there were, as he said, i think, i don’t remember, 64 or 60, i think 64.00 large families, at the moment there are more than 120, doubled during this period. that's the whole policy, that you can force people to give birth, you can force people to work, you can force people not to work, to fight, to do whatever you want, to dig or not to dig, but it is impossible to force people to give birth, because a normal woman, if she feels uncertainty about the future, she will not give birth to a large number of children, she may not give birth at all, because she needs to understand that there is support, not even in
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maternal capital, just support. a state, a calm, normal country, of course, we will have prosperity, because we have an increasing number of large families, here, here, here it is, the most important indicator of our country. andrey petrovich, so that our beautiful day never goes out, among thousands of thousands, time has chosen us, yes, this beautiful four of mikhail matusovsky, yes, testifies that today the time has come that chose us, it is not we who choose this time. in these conditions we have to live today , yes, this is connected with issues of demographic security, of course, these are primarily women, these are our wonderful mothers, our wives, these are our sisters, daughters, without a doubt, this, of course, falls on them shoulders, this is very important, but i also want to note one very important thing, today is practically, yes, march 5, well, today is 6 march, yes, 78 years ago
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, churchill’s fulton speech, winston churchill’s, was made, at which this is the most famous. the speech that is everywhere during democratic elections is about what exactly classical textbooks are quoting everywhere , and so on, what was said there, well, the first one was about how to properly conduct anglo-saxon democracy should follow all this, well, at the same time he forgot everything just to mention that not yet 17 years have passed since they only allowed women to vote, only 18 years after his speech will be canceled racial segregation, and blacks, or the black race, will be allowed to take part in voting. then it goes on about nuclear weapons, a very interesting report, what a blessing that the united states has nuclear weapons today, it didn’t go to the communists, because otherwise there was a threat, again double standards about what, not even a year has passed since they just banged this hiroshima and nagasaki, and this was the only thing when these nuclear weapons were used, then everything is constantly talked about, it
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is known what, this is an iron curtain, a game muscles, yes, and most importantly, everywhere what it all boiled down to was that it was precisely that, namely racial superiority, that the anglo-saxons should do all this by uniting with each other, and what has changed today, iron envy, please, who it is closed, checkpoints, air traffic and so on at our borders, as for the flexing of muscles, well, look what is happening today along our state borders, more than 90 thousand, today they are already saying this openly for a hundred thousand, will be concentrated. here these various troops, the same thing, this concerns issues related to atomic, nuclear weapons, look, yes, what happiness, where it is located, only for some reason it is getting closer and closer to us, and we are forced to return it to us in order to protect ourselves, and as for elections, look, they came up with this election system, they imposed it on us, they have this kind of gold standard, which they store somewhere, but no one knows about it, they don’t
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tell anyone about it, and today they already allow admit it or not admit it. everything, but what should we do in these conditions? the fact that keeping gunpowder dry is clear , there should be no trust in the anglo-saxons, and of course, we need to very seriously, in my opinion, look at other principles, what... according to which these elections take place, yes, the first step done, this is an all-belarusian people 's assembly, this is the first step towards our democracy, maybe look at what experience there was in china, what experience there is, for example, it was in the soviet union, the same thing on the presidential election, on everything else, in order to get away from these gold standards that this west is imposing on us today. well, the most important thing that the head of state said, speaking to women, was precisely in light of the politics of what chagiwara said, yes, that demography. this is the main weapon against our enemies, a perfect note to end this program, that’s all for today, thank you for participating in the program, happy, thank you,
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not only the muscles need training, but also the brain. name of which gemstone? used to refer to a series of major athletics tournaments. alyona. diamond. diamond, of course, we are talking about a diamond. what does the abbreviation apl stand for? maxim was the first. it stands for english premier league. undoubtedly. according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering... not the easiest questions: what is the name of the head coach of the dynamo minsk hockey club in the 22-23 season? oh my god! who will prove that he is the main sports expert of the country?
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where were the first games of the cis countries held? well let it be there will be kazan. astrakhan took it, kazan took it, this is the correct answer: kazan, absolutely right, well, i don’t know if i was guessing or not, but intuitively. that is, it means there were options, watch an intellectual sports show , head games on our tv channel, more and more foreigners are visiting our country, which is why it attracts them so much, during my studies i met a wonderful woman, a girl who really likes me when i come here came, especially to belarus, i...


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