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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 18, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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the second floor for holidays, such as march 8, for example, february 23, as well as shop windows - this is also on me, the development of the concept of shop windows is already being implemented, we mostly change shop windows a couple of times a year, that is, this is not entirely holidays, this is most likely timed, for example, for spring, for the new year, and we always decorate for the new year, mostly holidays appear in our country as... decorations of the podium between the first and second floor, there we already have fun as best we can, there march 8 and february 23, and there are some soon school, for example, is also a very important event, in order to create a showcase, you need to know, for example, what it is dedicated to, for example, we know that we need to make a showcase for the change of season, we have a spring-summer account, so i i know, for example, in a few months , let’s say, somewhere in october, that you need to come up with several concepts for shop windows, which... can subsequently be implemented
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in the shop windows themselves, in fact, the idea just comes to mind, and also, of course , observation works well, then what need to look at some foreign authors, and foreign showcases, just in fact, when there is some kind of observation, not just a showcase, in principle, you walk down the street and see some objects, read, watch in a film, it gets mixed up in your head somehow, but the idea is born... by itself, in fact, we draw sketches, most often, now this already happens on the computer, later we show these ideas to the managers, not only our workshop participates in the discussion of display cases, but the bosses, management also, because it it is very important that many people see and understand whether this is suitable, for example, at the moment, a huge number of people pass near our windows, these are adults, and parents, and children, elderly people, everyone... should take
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something from there, that they will like it. now we are updating the windows for spring, displaying clothes on mannequins. in principle, display cases are created for this purpose in order to help the buyer make a choice. this way. takes place, for example, when trying on clothes on a mannequin, we previously selected the clothes that suited us i liked it, which we put together into a kit and after that we try it on and dress the mannequin. people pay quite a lot of attention to what we do behind the glass, because shop windows are, in principle, created in order to attract people's attention, most people smile, children sometimes wave, and their smiles also inspire them to work further, very... interesting even
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sometimes watching them, how they behave, some photographer for a long time, i haven’t seen these photographs, but he waited for a very long time until my partner and i finished working on the mannequin, let's install some elements, he really asked us to pose, cover him with a blanket, but at the same time i didn't see these photographs, but he really waited for this process for a very long time so that he could capture what was happening outside the window, what people were watching , rather, it evokes some kind of tenderness , some elements had to be worked on, there were, of course, situations when they had to be replaced, because well, you did it, created a showcase, looked at it from the side, it was like it doesn’t just appear, what a couple of days i realized that no, after all this the element should be replaced, for example , put a lamp or a different table here. these
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are the moments when in order to install some structures you need help, naturally. that i’m not the only one lifting all these weights, we attract, we have a headquarters of loaders, carpenters, all of them are happy to actually help us, because well, you just have to smile at people and explain well what we require from them, because they too they want it to turn out beautiful, in fact, they need to explain why this or that happens now, for example, replacement, what are we sticking here or how should some kind of structure be hung in the window?
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this is also why we develop drawings in graphic programs, so that later, well, not on fingers , we can show how it should hang, for me, as a young specialist , it’s really quite... difficult, especially at first, because this specificity of working in universidad, the fact that there are some divisions, each subordinate to each other, and naturally, my ideas were not immediately perceived when i came to work here, the first thing i was assigned was to make a podium between the first and second floor, and for me it was very responsible, since firstly, this is my first work here, and my essay was approved just like that, just on the ice very quickly, i i tried for several days , sat on this podium, inserted flowers , in the end it turned out something very interesting, and it inspired me for further work, also of course, now the window display project that
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i am leading is very important for me, such a path is probably the future, how much, how much in general, this will go a long way and what i will do next is perhaps being laid right now, i believe that every profession... has its own difficulties in design, there are quite a lot of them, because not everyone takes your work for granted, it is natural that everyone has a different opinion on how this or that object should look, well , naturally there are certain difficulties in working mainly with customers, it’s a little easier for me, because i work with a certain number of people whom i know, whom i i know how to communicate, if we talk about the work of a designer who... meets a new client every day, then yes, in my opinion, it is much more difficult. the heroes of this program
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chose to live outside the city. you are the same family that, firstly, lives in a village, and secondly, in a house in which they once began to organize, so to speak, a museum, then everything is in a fog and exhibits. began to become more and more, you live right next to the bathhouse, yes, you are doubly lucky, you live next to your bathhouse, yes, which is very cool, as far as i know, per year you it takes about 240 cubic meters of fractions, at least , in each episode the presenter undergoes tests to get a taste of rural life, i would like it to take on a little bit of the look of this more or less new one, that is, uh , paint it, at your discretion, with what color. that the most important thing after the bath is to sleep borscht, and lard, bread, well, this is sacred in general , now i will have the task of eating everything to eat after the bath, everything is simple, the best, yes, watch the project, i’m from the village, on the tv channel belarus 24, guys whose erudition
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any russian adult would envy writers? with on, when i fought with the thomton order, yeah, option b. the sword of prince vyachka , a sweet, modest girl, it means, has a favorite book, a pet cemetery, a favorite movie, a house of wax, a thriller,
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a horror detective story, once my friend and i decided to try it, well, we liked it, and horror movies, maybe you watched with them, no, i 'm afraid. we remember the school program together with the project participants, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, i would say that i am a perfectionist, that is, it is important for me to do everything from the very beginning right and...
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designs, these are signs, and some kind of advertising booklets, it doesn’t even just concern the fact that the showcase, in principle, the halls, advertising, if that concerns. then often we even lay out clothes here in order to pick them up on display mannequins, in principle , we use this in full, we are constantly busy with something, we cut, glue, and come up with something, maybe we make a model of what in the future it will be presented in a larger volume in the window, the essence and thrill of my work is that it changes, she is changeable, i can either sit at the computer for half a day, or go do something on the table, or run around the hall. perhaps something needs to be changed or corrected, well, there are always some requests coming from the audience
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that maybe something needs to be glued, corrected, anything can happen, this is precisely, in my opinion, the essence of this work, that you don’t have to sit at the computer all the time, there is work that can be done with your hands, this is very important, i really like that the work is varied, that i can work with my hands at certain times moments, just to take a break from some other more monotonous work, that is, you don’t... you need to constantly use your head, sometimes you just need to stand, see, ideas come to you, how this or that should be arranged, that’s great, yes, that it is not necessary to sit in one place all the time, we have a large font, a large warehouse of ready -made materials that we have accumulated before me, and we use them mainly, but in principle, if we need a certain color, some specific color , plants, me i can even find where to buy them, suppose and imagine - let’s buy this particular plant, this exact color, because it’s important when i work with the material,
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of course it’s a kind of relaxation, i get a buzz from it, but i’ve always been like this kind of sticky, yes, that is, i always want to look somewhere, i move my gaze only then i realize that i noticed some interesting detail there, and my friends are absolutely used to it, and even they look at it with interest what i point to because they didn’t notice it, but i’m talking about the pattern on the wallpaper, it’s interesting and similar. like a cloud, it looks like there, well, something else, and i don’t impose my opinion on others in this regard, that is, what they arrange in their apartment, i will never go there and say that this is this the pot needs to be changed in color, because this does not go here, no, i believe that everyone has their own home, and he furnishes it in the way in which he likes to be, but naturally i like to advise, but here are some, well maybe give advice if i care about it...
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am i a dreamy person? it seems to me that i am rather a person with a very rich imagination and spatial thinking, which i developed since childhood, that is, i always came up with something for myself, kept myself busy with something, and my parents always helped me a lot with this, that is. .. never - well, they didn’t perceive any of my hobbies, for example, like drawing, modeling, maybe something else, well, i’ve been interested in creativity since childhood, it seems to me that it was born together with me, i always took russian hands there , paints, pencils, and even though, for example, it has not now outgrown some kind of great love for drawing and painting, that is, i don’t do this every day, but at the same time, yes, i created constantly . and i remember, i even made it for myself for my barbie doll, i made an orange convertible out of cardboard, for me it was
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like, wow, i can do this, then somehow it all went on, that is, in principle, i always created, and for this was very important to me. on what basis do these or those american corporations, ngos, soros, media-like structures dictate to us the rules of life in our state, the thought is still alive that in one way or another, specifically provocative, because otherwise it will not be possible to unleash a military conflict, at the moment no prerequisites for defeating us now... we stand at the threshold of electoral campaigns, the terrorist activity of our opponents
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is beginning to intensify significantly, here is the clear interaction of various law enforcement agencies and components, here are the armed forces, and the state security committee, the ministry of internal affairs, the border service agencies, it is our joint activity that prevents terrorists from coming directly to our land. belarus is forever inscribed in red letters in the history of diplomacy. how does it help make our lives better? what are scientists working on today? science certainly plays a role in this issue. what happens if you combine the work of farmers and innovation? now they are actively in development, starting with both ground-based unmanned vehicles and airborne ones, agricultural drones and other equipment,
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complex things in simple terms. just recently , scientists in... released the fourth volume of the publication of the flora of belarus, which included 34 species of plants that world science did not know about before the research of our scientists. what is this for? yes, so that we can predict the future behavior of the species. and also the most interesting facts: the french writer george sant once said: plants are created to grow in one place, people are created to move and... communicate with each other, so move on, communicate with each other, and of course , discover something new, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel.
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which, in my opinion, were very necessary at that moment, as an interior designer, i entered this profession, i think that this was the best thing i could do in my life. my first education was related to information resources, at that moment i was very happy that i entered there, but i did not take into account the fact that i am not the kind of person who will deal with programming,
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economics, everything related to this, for me it turned out to be not the same. i went there because i didn’t see what i wanted to do at that moment, maybe it was in my head that i needed to be a creative person, but i didn’t have any such strong reason to go into a creative profession, i would i wanted to say that even if your loved ones don’t support you, it doesn’t mean anything, if you have some kind of idea in your head, then try to implement it, because if you’ve already formed it in your head, then it can be realized on... availability artistic taste, it seems to me , presupposes, in principle, the presence of education in the field, as i have, for example, this is the field of interior design, and after that i came
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to work as a decorator, these are some sort of well-developed compositional solutions, this... and painting, and drawing, and composition, in principle , landscaping the space around you , also, in my opinion, it would be good for a decorator to know and read drawings, because sometimes this is very necessary, in my opinion, you can develop taste, of course, there is, well as they say, there is some talent from birth, however, in order to develop this into a skill , you need to constantly work on it, i am definitely inspired by people’s reaction to our work, what we... write about us, they say, it is very important, in principle, to work for people, not just for yourself , and naturally, i get inspiration from this, and also, for example, from such simple things as a walk in the forest, this is very important for me, i have a park near my house, there are very
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tall pine trees, it’s evening time when you walk and see all these stars through paws. from above, this is very inspiring, in my opinion, this natural unity with nature is important to me, i am an introvert by nature, so it is very important for me to be alone with myself, this is vitally important for me, i would call it that, because well, for a long time communication with people, to be honest, it’s tiring and i want to step away from it a little and remember to myself, then immediately some creative thoughts appear, i think that it’s possible to create something that, and we are in the museum of the department store, a large number of things are presented here, which were both used in the vibrator and
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were sold in our store; also here is such an interesting exhibit as the first uniform of a department store seller. also on the walls of the museum we can see a number of photographs that are related to the development of the department store, including a photograph here of one of the first showcases presented in guma, and we continue these traditions and now continue to delight the department store’s customers and passers-by who walk along the street, and now you can see some products on display, which is presented in our onvermag or simply an artistic idea.
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i don’t look for inspiration, it usually comes on its own, for this it’s enough just to walk down the street, or maybe just go to bed, so you fall asleep, at the time when the dream comes to you, it seems, well, all sorts of images, thoughts come to mind, i can already imagine myself building some kind of structure, for example, or an idea for a shop window. for the podium, there is nothing complicated about it, if there is some kind of observation, then everything happens by itself. ideas can be implemented in different ways, sometimes we
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we even involve some artists and designers in cooperation, and this is a great experience, they help us develop, develop our ideas, raise the level of the essence of our showcase , including, and i would be very glad to collaborate with any artist and designer, so that it...
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it’s a complex process to get so hung up on it, the main thing is to start, everything else will already be there, i wouldn’t say that i have many critics, because i’m not such an experienced artist to have so
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many criticizing people around, maybe now this is the boss, but this is not so much criticism, but how can i say this to a friend , i rather understand that something needs to be added there, in the end we come to a common decision, that is , there may be some specific main thing, that’s the main thing the way the bosses see it, and
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we try to either move closer to this, or leave completely , it happens in different ways, it’s a very joyful feeling, in fact, when you pass by a shop window, there’s yours, you understand that yes, here you are had a hand in this, and especially if people they stop and look just like you , so yes, i like to look at what i got in the end, well, as if there was something there that i would like to finish something, it happens, but in the end, yes, i like the result the fact that the project is finished. and we can start, for me to work as a decorator, a designer , in essence, well, in essence, to live, because i cannot imagine my life without creativity, for me it is very important to express myself through these creative ideas, some projects, probably if if there were no decorations, i would i painted, did design projects, was engaged in being anything but just
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something. for example, this is something new to me, but as an interior designer, i don’t see myself now, but as a decorator, i like myself now, so for now i’m here, and not in some other craft.
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