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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing. final countdown, the crew together with the belarusian.
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ready to start. today i am in contact with the president of baikanur. after the mission, the astronauts are welcomed back to their homeland. warlike rhetoric in paris. the head of the french ground forces reports on the army's participation in the most severe conflicts. we'll tell you what exactly we're talking about. with positivity and enthusiasm, an agricultural blogger from krutilovechi launched a new trend on social networks about spring sowing. let's watch together. and sad news from the world of sports. didn't become famous belarusian hockey player konstantin koltsov. and without going out. sports star. our report follows. baikanur is in touch. today the space crew contacted the president. the team is ready to start. upon returning to earth, they will have a big conversation about the prospects of belarus as a space power and a vacation on their native land. only 2 days left until the landmark event. for the first time in the history of a sovereign country , a belarusian citizen will go into space. on board the soyuz ms-25 ship under the command of oleg novitsky as part of the main crew our marina vasilevskaya. currently
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, the crew members are at the baikanor cosmodrome and are preparing for an imminent launch. they will spend 12 days on board the station. alexander lukashenko inquired about the health and readiness of the crew. according to the astronauts, they have a very fighting spirit, including thanks to the enormous support that they feel throughout the preparation for the flight. after returning from space , the president is waiting for the crew in belarus. marina, how are you feeling, worried, tense, calm.
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the crew is well-coordinated, friendly, so this, of course, supports me, and the responsibility that i have to complete this program, tasks, experiments, flight, of course, this gives me confidence and strength. marina, don’t try too hard with your experiments, whatever you don’t do in space, we’ll finish it on earth, next time we fly, we’ll finish it, but so that everything goes well, we are very worried about you here.
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i mean in full force, in the belarusian full force, alexander lukashenko often calls the space sector one of the main directions that lift the nation to a higher level. it took 20 years to start the process of selecting and preparing for the flight of the first cosmonaut in the sovereign history of belarus. in 2001, during alexander lukashenko’s visit to russia, they talked about the launch of a joint belarusian-russian space satellite, then our president said: cosmonauts from belarus will definitely fly into space. in november 2021, lukashenko and putin agreed to include a belarusian cosmonaut in the iss crew. upon the return of the spacecraft, dialogue about further joint flight projects with russia will continue.
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when we meet, i’ll slowly drop these questions, maybe i’ll also drop the question so that somehow belarusians, not as foreigners, but like brothers, have the opportunity to participate in the preparations as professionals, and not just as tourists for a short flight, on polo with their program, this is what they will agree, i’m sure, well, since the russians prepare an astronaut, so that we prepare belarusians the same way, right? yes, yes, that's right, that's it. it's not a question, they they agree, what's wrong? nothing bad, i’m sure that our girls , i know from reviews, i’m interested in the question, they really liked our girls in terms of preparation, they are very responsible and they mastered the program easily,
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yes, yes, that’s why i promise, i’ll talk, but i wanted , so that the three of you complain, we are ready, okay, and the president personally gives it great strength. the astronaut and her family will support. the parents and relatives of marina vasilevskaya, as well as friends, colleagues, young scientists and representatives of the public. the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft is scheduled to deliver astronauts to the iss on thursday. the start is scheduled for 16:21. belarus 1 will broadcast live. docking should occur in 3 hours. the astronauts will return back to earth on april 2. taking into account the implementation of the first. sovereign history of belarus ' space flight project, the president signed a decree that secures the status of the belarusian cosmonaut, namely his rights and responsibilities. so, according to the document, the status of an astronaut assigned to a citizen of belarus who has completed a space flight, as well as to his backup. in order to recognize their services to their homeland, the decree provides for a number of benefits and
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preferences, including retention of their positions, medical services at the republican clinical medical center, pensions, and state support for housing construction. at the same time, it was determined that the cosmonaut must... live up to his high rank, have a strong civic position, take an active part in the socio-political life of the country, to represent belarus worthily in the international arena. today , a requim rally was held in azarichi, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of death camp prisoners, where the memorial complex is today; in 1944 there was a death factory. in 10 days , more than 20,000 civilians died in a freezing swamp without water, food or fire. the german command intended. use typhus as a bacteriological weapon against the advancing soviet troops. prisoners became human shields of punitive forces and innocent victims of monstrous torture. the bells of memory ring sadly 80 years after the release of the survivors of hell. how they tormented us
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all the time.
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the minsk city court began considering a criminal case against igor korney, a propagandist of the extremist pseudo-journalistic organization belarusian association of journalists, which was liquidated by the decision of the supreme court in 2020. while the prosecutor was reading the charges in the hall, european diplomats began to gather near the court building. is it really a former journalist who faces up to 6 years in prison ? freedom for extremism and incitement to mass unrest, have already managed to obtain citizenship or at least ask for a residence permit. the countries whose representatives now go to court as if they were working, talk to us and tell us what the purpose of their arrival is, they, as usual, refused to answer the question whether the diplomats find their presence here inappropriate, predictably remained silent. for what purpose did you come to the minsk city court? why did you
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come to the minsk court? what solution do you hope for igor korney? don't you think that your visit can be regarded as an attempt to put pressure on the court? are similar forms of pressure allowed in western countries? why did you come to the minsk court building? maybe a comment, no one. it has long been obvious that visits by embassy representatives to criminal trials to which they have nothing to do are nothing more than blatant and blatant interference in the internal affairs of an independent state, an attempt to put pressure on belarusian justice and demonstrate solidarity with extremists who want to destroy our country. in the meantime, instead of being constructive and solving problems at home, there is yet another madness in europe. according to the newspaper financeal. grain from russia and belarus in the amount of 95 euros . the european commission will introduce duties
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per ton in the coming days. the publication notes that this should lead to an increase in prices for this grain by at least 50% and reduce demand for it. duties of 50% will also be introduced on russian belarusian oilseeds and their processed products. not now this flow of cheap grain from ukraine, which goes through europe, stops. european central government. decided to propose its completely idiotic regulatory measures, decided to cheer up polish, german and other farmers, somehow, raise prices for russian and belarusian grain products, that is, they are ready now, despite the fact that approximately 7% today is exported to europe from russian grains, they are now ready to arrange this demonstrative flogging of theirs.
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mondy, chief of staff of the army france, said that the national army is preparing to participate in the most severe conflicts. pierre scheel noted that the country is building up combat power to deter an attack, while relying on its nuclear arsenal as well as a trained army compatible with the armies of allies, especially in europe. according to the military, france is capable of deploying 20 thousand soldiers for up to 30 days, as well as commanding forces of up to 60 thousand people, including allied armies. ukraine without...
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such chaos is happening throughout the country, even pensioners and disabled people are subject to mobilization; raids on buses, subways, and even in the workplace have become a common practice, while officials from zelensky’s office easily dance at kiev discos. sad news came from the world of sports today; at the forty-third year of his life , the famous belarusian hockey player and coach konstantin koltsov passed away. the exact cause of death is still unknown, we are waiting for official information. the athlete
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began his playing career in minsk youth, then played in capital dynamo, in 2011, as part of the team solovat yulaev won the gagarin cup. a participant in the olympic games in salt city and vancouver, the world hockey championships, he also played in the nhl-pittsburgh club. konstantin koltsov has been a participant in our programs and live broadcasts more than once. beltiradiocompany expresses sincere condolences to the family and friends. about the path outstanding. at that moment , the whole hockey world learned about konstantin koltsov, 1999, number eighteen in the draft by the pitburgh penwins. penguins 90 is real an elite club with jeromir jagr and darius kasparaitis,
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eighteen-year-old kostya from minsk is invited to this club. the plot for a feature film. by that time, he had already played as a boy for his native youth, in which talent was nurtured for severstal. after the draft, they will continue to gain experience in titled russian teams like metallurg, bars and spartak. but i went to the legendary olympics in saltlake city as a pittsburgh player. all this hits baska tobelo and bounces off the swedish goal. a year after the semi-final the olympics will be broadcast by one of the greatest hockey players in history, mario lemieux. and in the national team. konstantin will always come with great desire, they will play with her at the games in vancouver and at the home world championship, by that time koltsov is certainly a legend of our hockey, a man with a real sports character. last december , he again, albeit for one tournament, led our native national team of belarus at the channel one cup, now it looks like farewell. it is an honor always when you come to the national team, no matter
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in what capacity, that is, as a player, as an assistant coach, especially as a head coach, so it’s big. honor , i wouldn’t say, probably there is responsibility, but again, we will try to show good, beautiful hockey, but it’s nice, in any case, such solo passes with impeccable skating are his signature feature, he played for the belarusian national team at more than ten world championships, two olympics, won the gogarin cup, played for dynamo in the kgl, you read these lines and cannot believe that these words are about him in this way. after all, just yesterday my colleagues and i discussed the possible appointment of dynamo minsk to the belarusian national team. a little over 40, dawn is the best age for a man. leaving at a time like an interrupted flight. the ring is in the memory of all hockey fans. he was a brilliant hockey player and a great man. and most importantly , he loved to create, and then he loved again.
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koltsov player, dedication, work. discipline, positive emotions, and perhaps enjoyment of playing hockey, the team must enjoy. today, the matches of the gagarin cup of the president's cup began with a minute of silence, eternal memory of one of the best hockey players in our history. andrey kozlov, tv news agency. otarodrome through the nemarsha garden to the slutsk hotel. three new metro stations will open this year. readiness is high, 80% and above.
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the mayor of minsk inspected the underground highway facilities today. vladimir kukharev assessed the progress of construction work and the presence of ma. together with the relevant services, visited the platforms and electrical substations on the route are also the slutsk electric depot, by the way , about 450 people work in total on the new section of the zelenoluzhskaya line, commissioning, running -in is also a very difficult issue, but in order to set up all the systems, there is also an automated train movement system, this is also necessary configure everything, launch it so that it works, therefore. this will also be a rather difficult process and it may, in principle, be quite long, namely running in - setting up the equipment so that it it really worked, well, how our metro works, like clockwork, we use belarusian-made materials as much as possible, practically today, from tiles to escalators,
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these are products of our belarusian enterprises, lowerings have already begun in many areas. in principle, there are no problems with the work, all the equipment has been delivered, it is being installed, and we plan to supply all three stations by the end of this year. simultaneously with work on the third line, including in the direction of green meadow, development is underway the fourth, it will be a circular one and will connect all the lines of the minsk metro. the underground route will duplicate the second motor transport ring in the future - 17 stations and more than 25 km. 12 thousand metropolitan schoolchildren plan to improve their health in more than 100 day camps. the cultural and health program is already ready. the excursion schedule includes sports competitions, intellectual, educational and creative competitions, children's performances and concerts. a number of thematic events were prepared by the minsk state palace of children and youth, in institutions of higher, secondary specialized and vocational education will hold open days,
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career guidance excursions to factories and enterprises will also be organized for schoolchildren, parent meetings will be held, parent meetings will be held, various specialists will be published who will talk about illegal behavior, as well as today for everyone in all educational institutions.
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will last from march 25 to march 31. passive 2024. an agricultural blogger from krutilyayushchy launched a new trend in social networks. video taken by our tireless farmers not only remind us of the onset of an intensive period for rural workers, but inspire them with their positivity and enthusiasm. they demonstrate how rural workers go into real battle, where the land is their battlefield, and the future harvest is a well-deserved reward. agrarians of the country, do our best. good luck to you, in advance! the sports news will continue with the results of the day from my colleagues in the panorama, i say goodbye, all the best and see you! two
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goals scored and an assist: raymond adeola, the best player in the first round belarusian football championship, dynamo minsk midfielder helped his team defeat smargon 5:0. in addition , the twenty-two-year-old left winger gave more. 70% accurate passes. let me remind you that dola joined the white-blues' squad this off-season. last year he defended the colors of gomel. it's time to answer the questions. this thursday , march 21, the much-renewed bate will meet with the fans. meeting point borisov arena, start 18:30. the program includes live communication in question-answer format, autograph session. fans will also have the opportunity take photos with players and coaches. a few minutes remain before the starting throw-in in the match between the hockey clubs gomel and neman, the teams are fighting for access to the 1/2 finals of the president's cup, the series score is 3:2 in favor of the home team. watch the live broadcast of the fight on belarus 5 tv channel.
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