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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 21, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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in 1944, nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree: posthumously. in the oval hall of the government house , president alexander lukashenko met with the deputy corps, completing work in the seventh convocation of parliament. such meetings are held traditionally; as a rule, the results of the legislative work of the outgoing convocation are summed up and the main guidelines for the work of the next convocation of parliament are outlined. alexander lukashenko's assessment is high. both chambers
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acted in concert, in close contact with government and other government bodies have always structured their work based on the interests of the belarusian people. people saw this and drew the appropriate conclusions about what was happening in our country and all over the world. the belarusian people sensibly assessed the situation and once again confirmed their wisdom in their desire to be masters of their native land. another problem of recent years is the geopolitical fault, a large-scale systemic crisis, the symptoms of which are obvious to all of us, not only, by the way, in the military-political, but also in the economic, humanitarian spheres, norms and the principles of international law began to be replaced by instruments of political and economic pressure, and politics increasingly took the place of diplomacy.
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and most importantly, our citizens feel safe and do not fear for the lives of their loved ones. it's not cheap. parliamentarians also contributed a worthy contribution to the common cause. as was announced, the result of the work of the national assembly of the seventh convocation was the adoption of 364 laws. the head of state emphasized that many deputies and senators should become an example for the new composition of the belarusian parliament. the president presented it. state awards
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to deputies and senators. belarusian interests in siberia are being discussed these days in tyumen. a delegation led by the country's ambassador dmitry krutoy is visiting the region on a working visit. the emphasis is on increasing the supply of domestic machinery, food, elevators and equipment. tyumen is a large industrial center, and minsk is today among the region’s main foreign trade partners among the cis countries. the parties are interested and ready to expand cooperation. this was discussed during the negotiations. key direction the agro-industrial complex remains. belarus has already begun supplies of bnbk products for a large russian poultry farming project, and great progress has been made in the housing and communal services sector. over the past 2 years, belarusian elevators have practically dominated the market for major repairs and new housing in tyumen. there are prospects in the transport sector. minsk is ready to supply more passenger vehicles, and tyumen plans a large-scale renovation of its city fleet. the region buys a lot of our agriculture.
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a small victory for belshin’s big company achieved the lifting of eu sanctions. bobruisk the manufacturer was included in the sanctions list in 2021 and appealed to the european court. as a result, they decided that none of the documents presented by the council of the eu constituted a basis for... both the sanctions introduced in the twenty-first year and the restrictions from the beginning of the svo were canceled, and the legal costs must be paid by the council of the european union. in belarus, on the eve of their professional holiday , workers in the housing and communal services sector were awarded. every year, professional skills competitions are held in the country. for the first time representatives utilities sector competed for the title of best mentor. participants were assessed on professional and personal qualities, taking into account work experience, qualifications and quantity. the republican trail
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of student medical teams gathered in minsk about 200 future doctors and nurses from belarus and russia. the site was the belarusian state medical university. we have prepared many activities for the children: excursions, interactive platforms and competitions. the opening itself took place the day before with the participation of representatives of the central committee for the regional development of the russian federation and ministry of health and education. at the panel discussion, topics ranging from the development of medical profiles in student movements to creating the future were discussed. joint projects within the framework of the union state. the rally is dedicated to the significant dates of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus and the 105th anniversary of the healthcare system.
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on the air of a weekly socio-political talk show, today we will talk about the upcoming all-belarusian people's assembly in a new status, in a new constitutional status. let's look at all the nuances, all the moments, which are confusing or not, using specific examples with our experts, well... as always, you can join our discussion, please, here at the bottom of the screen there is a qr code, point your smartphone screen at it and go to the youtube broadcast in the right corner , link to our telegram channel, well, in the studio, as always , kirill kazakov and alena sirova are with you, hello, good evening, well, i’ll probably start with
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the solemn thing, we just saw in a message in the belta agency that... conferred the title and awarded awards to deputies and to the senators of previous convocations, in our studio today, well-deserved education worker of the republic of belarus aleksanovich marzalyuk, congratulations, great colleagues, in fact, well, as for the belarusian people's assembly, we journalists, in fact, very often recently i have to say the phrase: we don’t know yet, we want to see how this whole thing works, because the all-belarusian people’s... assembly, despite the fact that it has already been held for 6 years, six times in a row, that is, we understand that , what is this a large popular body, we can approximately return somewhere to the history of the novgorod council, or simply, well , the polotsk council, but it doesn’t matter which one, well, as
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if talking about the fact that this is such a principle of democracy, which, for example, in the territory of the former soviet the union is no longer used anywhere, in the west, this is generally an incomprehensible story in principle, and as many say:
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this was the only option to resolve yes, which the head of state says that in the very first crisis that we remember, they turned for help to the people, then one can draw a parallel that just after the twentieth year, and again the need arose to be able to build this dialogue of people’s power in a civilized way, ideally all segments of the population are represented there, but it seems to me that maybe even somewhere... then worry...
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well, i want to explain that first of all, of course, when the constitutional commission was working, we unequivocally, all unanimously 36 people made a decision to give constitutional status to the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is completely different there will be a meeting of people who, as you alena said, are responsible for the fate of their country, but there are people who do not fully understand responsibility, this will be different, i repeat once again, an all-belarusian people's assembly, because if we are with you today we say, even one of
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the elements of approving the socio-economic development of the country, then earlier, when a development program was adopted, but endowed with very serious powers, it was adopted and the government progressively implemented it by the executive power, today the all-belarusian people's assembly is vested with control, control, and we are talking about the fact that our prime minister will be at least once a year...
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for this we hold referendums, popular votes and through representative bodies , it is precisely as a result of this
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authority that the representatives of the veterinary authorities are strengthening, as for the discussion of what the status of the vns will be, this has already come to the fore somewhere, in the second half, probably, of work on the text constitution, and in this regard i would like to say that thanks to the general. work, common efforts, intellectual efforts and the working group of the constitutional commission, in general , we presented an optimal system that will work effectively, we determined a successful, i think, balance of powers of the supreme national assembly , the president, the parliament, the government, all these authorities will work towards a common goal, i would like to emphasize, i think that , of course, we will return to the vns. that it is precisely the responsibility of the na delegates that increases
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obviously, and this is where responsibility was spoken about, not only the right to join the supreme national assembly, but these people will also bear responsibility, including the authority of the party, in this case they will be subjected to certain criticism of how the party works, representatives of the party in the supreme national assembly, how representatives of civil society work , that is, in general, everything will be in front of people, this is one of the most important conclusions that we can draw, strengthening democracy is a clear and precisely strengthening of transparency and openness of activity bodies of state power, many issues that could be resolved in terms of powers... let's say, by the president alone, he considered it necessary to bring it to this, this large meeting of the all-belarusian people's assembly, a run-in, of course, there was already a previous period from the ninety- sixth year, it was correctly said here, and we already understand what the mechanisms of work are, but the fact that the supreme national assembly has been endowed with very important ones, as a representative, as the representative of
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the communist party leader said, that the most important ones have really been identified, key powers in general in the national assembly. and it is precisely this body that will play the most important role in the system of checks and balances, yes, the presidential republic, as it was, remains, but the supreme national assembly will certainly also be at the top of this power pyramid. sergei mikhailovich, if perhaps they have calculated some critical situations that may arise, well, for example, as a result, i understand that this is a strategic document, yes, and it is not accepted for at least 5 or 6 years, it accepted for a certain period of time, relatively speaking, we understand that in any case, the second, third president is
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a representative body of the people’s power, determining the strategic directions for the development of society and the state and ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional system, continuity of generations and civil harmony, with this status we have actually filled our article three of the constitution with a new content, that the only source of state power is the people, in principle this position, this concept is constitutional, it is characteristic of all states, without exception, that declare themselves to be democratic, but i absolutely agree with gregory that we do not need to follow. western patterns, they appeared immediately after the second world war in accordance with the concept of the austrian economist and political scientist schumpeter, who needed, on the one hand, to politicize the masses of the people to show that they are the only source of power in the country, on the other hand, to preserve the power of the oligarchic bourgeoisie, so there appeared the so-called concept of minimal or elite democracy, when the people participated
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in the exercise of their power only during electoral campaigns, during elections, throughout the rest of the electoral cycle yes... ready to stop the country, yes, we are now seeing, here in poland farmers great britain, social workers, medical workers, the us migration crisis, these are all countries that declare the democratic nature of their structure, but we are talking about what we have, based on the universal, original, national algorithm for the formation of an all-belarusian folk one. meetings based on the representation of all social groups of classes in our country without exception, so these strategic directions will be determined, we are thereby establishing a prevention, a prevention so that, firstly, we do not have competition between the president and parliament, since the supreme national assembly does not is a legislative body, an all-belarusian people's assembly and government, on the other hand it is a universal prevention against possible
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called color revolutions, why because even the events of the twentieth year, you remember , showed that this is a vine.
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the main function of the supreme national assembly and the delegate of the supreme national assembly, and the deputies are also delegates of the supreme national assembly, is to preserve unshakably the constitution of the country, the most important fundamental rights of our
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citizens, and this is the most important thing in fact, everyone does their own thing, but at the same time , when we speak about people's rule, about people's power, we understand that no one is a legislative branch of power. not executive, not judicial, not the president has the right to change fundamental values ​​without internal national consensus, this is the most important task of the all-belarus people 's assembly, allow, at the same time, there are things that, again, without which normal functioning is impossible, without a fair trial, right, again, when we talk about our changes in the constitution, we clearly see...
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this is why we are introducing the belarusian people's assembly, so that in no case in the event of any geopolitical turbulence, internal or external changes situation, did not lose the country, did not lose those fundamental principles for which the absolute majority of the country's citizens voted at the constitutional level, and this is precisely the answer to the question of the conflict, if we say so, well, let's say, even the elected...
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yes, we have adopted the law on the all-belarusian people's assembly, by the way, is the law on the foundations of civil society, but igorsanovich said regarding the relationship you asked a question, the delegate is a deputy, in general, in my
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opinion, all delegates, at a minimum , should have powers no less than a deputy house of representatives, that is, they should be in equal positions, and maybe even more, but for now i’m taking the minimum, my dear said regarding that... well, that’s enough, i understood from the point of view that the deputy as such has sufficient powers, yes , requests, appeals, proposals and so on, but he also has a platform, he also has a large-scale platform, not just in a team, he met somewhere, but he is a deputy, including the house of representatives, a large platform, the all-belarusian people's assembly , and he also has a legislative initiative naturally, we do not remove this issue , a legislative initiative, but there is also an opportunity for the tribune to speak and convey to a wide range of the population and citizens,
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then the people and government officials will still trust him, because he did not let us down, if we are talking about that this is a document for the future and a story for the future, then who will that new person be, will they trust him so much, will he be able to earn the same authority there, roughly speaking, in a year, then these moments will begin related to possible conflicts, and here it is important that among the delegates of the supreme council there are.
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regulator, which should stand guard over the law and teach everyone to live according to the law, i just wanted to add to alena’s question , as for here and disagree with igor aleksandrovich, that the load, load, on the deputy corps, especially those who function in a professional on the basis there , the house of representatives will increase, because in addition to fulfilling its professional tasks, let’s say that lawmaking, it must also implement programmatic documents that will be adopted at the all-belarusian... people's assembly, this is his responsibility as a delegate, so the load will be colossal, look, one does not cancel the other, look, i understand how the deputies of the minsk city council, yes, besides everything other things that you have, well , for the most part, it’s still a social burden, in addition to your work, you do exactly the work that we talked about, you repair benches and change light bulbs, well, by and large, because members of parliament, we are here, we are just on the program,
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we exaggerated it here in the program, but for this reason. parliament, they are developing the meanings , among other things, well, as a matter of fact, we have deduced from this program here, strictly speaking, that the status of a delegate appears, again, for an ordinary person, for an ordinary person, not for a person who, well, perhaps somewhere there he knows the basis of jurisprudence, may be interested in politics, and is very seriously immersed in our organizational issues. for him, what will this mean, or nothing in particular, nothing will change, so he will come to you for help, yes, and he says, well , you’re not only a deputy, you’re also a delegate, that’s what he wants for the country, that’s exactly what an ordinary person is, yes, that’s what to expect, we’re all talking about meaning here, we’re talking about strategy , we are talking about some global tasks, about independence, about ideology, this is all correct, for the person who comes, he knows that you are a delegate, what he expects, the person must
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understand that... this body of democracy, additional body of the people's power, it also has the ability to prevent any there is a political crisis, and a person must understand that this is a supranational de facto body that unites all branches of government, unites various people, of course, i’ll interrupt you a little.
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that a delegate of the supreme council has at least the status of a deputy of the house of representatives, that is , a delegate can just as well send some kind of parliamentary request . you know, i don’t agree with you that people don’t care about these aspects, and people really care about questions, but what are you you can do there, as well as a delegate, not just deputy, there is a city council or a regional council or
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a house of representatives, what can you do there, well, naturally, you can take advantage of those opportunities, voice, for example, some issue that worries people, which is considered...
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there are none, but i just wanted i would also like to say, to apply it so that we do not have the false idea that a deputy and a delegate, yes, this is basically a synonym, they are identical, we are trying to deceive our eyes, what is unique about our algorithm formation of the ans, in that we, in addition to representatives of the authorities , legislative, executive, judicial, are represented as delegates by deputies of all local councils, deputies of all three levels, primary, basic, regional, yes, who must work directly with the population on private legal,
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individual legal issues , with which the voter comes to his deputy, they also represent this or that district, this or that administrative-territorial unit in the belarusian people's assembly, which is already considering, based on its status, its candidates to bring everything to the level of the belarusian people's assembly, essentially, we continue
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to understand the details of the work of the all-belarusian people's assembly, we ask albanian questions. grigory alekseevich, we settled on the fact that there is no need to confuse deputies and delegates to the supreme council, you had a remark. in developing what dear sergei mikhailovich said. in general, if you count from the total number of 1200 delegates, no more than within, yes, 2/3 of the delegates are directly elected by citizens, whether they are deputies of the chamber of representatives there, members of the council of the republic, but from local councils, that is, they still go through the crucible of this election struggle, this is the first one, that is, these are representatives of the people, of course, we had a practice in the previous period when people were elected from public organizations then ... the supreme council and thanks it was these deputies from public organizations that we
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received free education, free medical care, because there were not enough votes, these wise people, veterans, and from the disabled people society and so on, they just accepted these very important fateful decisions, well, the second aspect that i would like to draw attention to is that we are talking about the rights of delegates, of course, the rights of delegates should be no less, in my opinion, even those who are not... say, deputies parliamentarians, they must be at the same level as parliamentarians, that’s what concerns the law, the right, but we also need to keep in mind the responsibilities, responsibilities, for delegates these responsibilities increase immeasurably and we see, if we count 174 parliamentarians, now in fact, well, how long, probably, well seven to eight times this number of these representatives at the level of the supreme national assembly increases, which means that each one has an even greater, so to speak, coverage of the population directly. contacts with the population will increase, and this is thereby
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an opportunity to ensure mutual communication and convey to citizens the position of the state, this most important body, and to receive this information from citizens, this is very important, they talked about the crucible, dmitry evgenievich, in 4 years, in 5 years, you have gone through such a path, undergone transformation, and under such pressure, under such attacks for your views in in general there were and are. and if we are talking about the role of people, well, let’s put it this way, who initially do not build a political career, but who follow the call of their hearts, say, to defend the interests of the people, well, who do not initially have any political ambitions, then in your opinion, what is more important? is this, as the president says, a romantic spirit, or is this a professional streak? the vein must
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be present, i understand that people who come and become deputies at any level, especially the house of representatives, well i was lucky, i passed both the district level and the minsk city council of deputies , so it was somewhat easier for me to work in parliament, although i want to say that this is a very serious school, unfortunately, which does not teach anywhere, that is, you are
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professionals, therefore, those civil society delegates who will be gnc delegates have an exceptional ability to learn by working in this environment. therefore, this is very important, but won’t their initiative and enthusiasm of a professional be crushed? you know if a person has the courage to speak out naturally , no one ever asks him his point of view, because he, on an equal basis with any of his colleagues, has the right to take the floor, speak and convey his thought, and if it
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coincides with the opinion of others, then it can be, as igor aleksandrovich said, transformed, including already...
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ideally, ideally, of course, to still reach every citizen, this is 100%, bozhan, just at this meeting with the head of state you reported and this thesis sounded from you that direct communication is very important for young people contact direct dialogue, well, the president himself later said that this is his, yes, this is, in general, his style, some heads of state, his colleagues prefer to farm out some things. another to voice some uncomfortable moments, here he communicates with the people on such a confidential level, this is especially important for young people, well, at least it sounded like it from you, but it seems to me that i won’t say anything new, but i absolutely definitely felt it myself, i am now, i was chosen by our people, a deputy of the minsk city council and i
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i felt it myself, it’s very serious, they all say it and it’s very important. communicate with them, listen to their problems, try to convey them as much as possible to the leadership of the city, the country, and as for young people, well, it’s no secret, now information technology is developing in an incredible way, and as the president said that his in french language, in any languages ​​you can do anything you want, these photos, and so on and so on, in this regard, it is very important that our deputies, our...
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more about strategy, who cares about some more everyday issues, absolutely so , who, well, very different people, very different teams, everyone has very different problems, well , you meet with the bntu team, for example, and there is a youth environment and a teaching environment , they have problems, in particular the hostel there, it ’s still there for several years, it’s still under renovation there , the process is going very slowly, they’re worried , they voice it so that i can convey it to the city leadership, for example, like this: you’re meeting in clinic, they have their own specifics, i even spoke at the report, when the president had a report, i even voiced it due to the specifics of my work, they even reported to me that... now young people, well, in style, in etiquette, there are such problems, and parents really
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, i remembered from the clinic, my parents actually said that we would really like our children to have such a subject in their educational program, well, as part of an elective class , like etiquette, style, or some kind of symbiosis, well, if we’re already leaving, well, that is, different problems and benches, including, god, you are from the galaxy of so-called media people who ended up in the minsk city council or for example in the house of representatives, well...
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special interest in, well, this is a positive interest , of course, well, from the point of view of activity, sorry for interrupting , from the point of view of activity, when we discussed it before, some people drowned us for the fact that without the media it is impossible to solve some issues, well , that is, even with your example, probably, if you had not been a public figure by that moment, but there you are well known by to the previous vns, then probably...
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but show these pictures, these and filming, even some video sequences, what was in stores, how people dressed, what they lived, this is very important, without this in general - it’s difficult to ensure what you were talking about, that the top in this case exercise power, work, media activities are carried out, this is very, very important, this must be done, one more touch, let me literally, everything that is about we say, of course, accumulates, oddly enough, into the norm, is bound by the norm, which in in a completely different section, in section two , the personality of the society
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of the state, a wonderful norm appeared there that everyone should bear social responsibility for the well-being of the state and society, everyone is not only a citizen, an official, an official in the good sense of the word, business structures, organizations, and so on then, of course, there are deputies, parliamentarians included, and delegates, of course. in continuation of gregory’s thesis , i want to say that article twenty-one there continues to make a feasible contribution to development of society and the state, so that one does not get the wrong impression that the constitutional commission proposed to give the supreme national assembly a constitutional legal status, in general this was a proposal from the grassroots from the people during numerous dialogue platforms and discussion platforms that took place on the eve of the referendum, and this was proposed by people later this issue was considered at the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly, where it was formalized by decision.
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compromise in any case delegates really really work well here here indeed, in one case, they must have a certain experience, it’s as if they must have, and on the other hand, they must be recognizable in order to, well, somehow , alexandrovich, i’m talking about a compromise about the fact that the delegates should be different, i, of course, am pouring out where -this is a story about an areopak, who should, in principle, make decisions for everyone, but still, no, i’m not even talking about that, i’m talking about something else.
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cemented our principles: sovereignty, preservation of historical memory, patriotism, protection of the traditional family as a union of women and men, and much more. yes, these norms do not fit into the trendy legal trends in global liberalist ideology, but this is our path, our civilized and moral choice. end of quote: this is what we should talk about, the fact is that the president constantly emphasizes
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what happened, by the way, last friday, that... the history of building the state, well, the most striking example for me that comes to mind is kemal ataturk in turkey, that is, his ideas, strictly speaking, became the ideas for building a modern turkish states, but became turkey, that’s actually what can await us in the future with these ideas, so that we understand, because if we lay down a strategy in legislation, there is probably a strategy in the sense of philosophy, this is precisely the strategy of the collective lukashenko or screw lukashenko
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, that there will be a very difficult question here, why because it has...
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a generation, so that we have that strong, central one that would build continued creative development and continuity, most importantly, continuity for the most wise civilizations, take the chinese , iran, this is the most important point, if you don’t have continuity, if you toppled monuments today, built your ideology with each generation, do that, you don’t... well, again , the thought was heard many times that that everything should come from life, and that, in general, is where we started the program, that the role of the all-belarusian people's assembly constitutionally strengthened,
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well, exactly at the moment in time when society became ready for this, exactly the same story about monuments, our society has no request so that we demolish some monuments, either from i don’t know the 15th century or from the 19th century. because during this period specific tasks will already be received, which, of course,
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in my opinion, will be the next session, why? delegates will have to develop, work through and submit it for discussion in the national assembly, therefore , taking into account the fact that this will be the first meaningful and real fruit of the work, of course, any self-respecting... question, here we have a problem, which in general there will be an urgent need to decide, an urgent need to gather in the national assembly, some kind of regulation there is, while the match is burning , how long will it take for it to gather, and in our state, i think
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, within noon, don’t forget, yes, the all-belosky people’s assembly also has bodies that are just at the first meeting, these are the secretariat and the presidium in number less than 15, up to 15 people who are called precisely within the scope of their competence in accordance with the law. what in the end they will receive, i don’t even mean gingerbread, relatively speaking, some kind of benefits, right here instantly, but what will be the prospect, so after some time, of course, there will already be a serious assessment of what the supreme national assembly has given, but in principle, with
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the organizing role that is visible, visible in the constitution for the president, for the government, the government, by the way, has received a number of additional powers in the economic sphere, so of course there will be done, i’m sure it will be... we should probably also keep in mind that for many, especially representatives of civil society, and even from local governments, vns is becoming a kind of social elevator, yes, people will be noticeable, they will be visible, this is already , this is igor aleksanovich, a reserve deputy. and this is important, but in general there is one more thesis, igor islanovich gave an example, indeed, these are the words of the head of state, in general, if i say this in such an accumulative form, then i am not
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afraid to deviate from the canons of the russian language, i see a triad in unity, the constitution , hyphen, family, hyphen, homeland, all these are key components of the ideology of the belarusian state. and democracy, according to the fourth article of the constitution in the republic of belarus, is carried out on the basis of the ideology of the belarusian state, this is very important, here is the unison, of course, that the basis of ideology is
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: and we need to live and work, understanding that everyone, even if it sounds very pretentious, but really our every action, professional or human decision, can ultimately determine the fate and format the development of what decades have been building, well, it seems to me that in the supreme national assembly there is...
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liberal democracy, because, well , more and more often it is being replaced by the western one, it seems fashionable, on the other hand , we see that somehow we strongly they are imposing, our people have been solving all the issues since the principality of pollot, so let’s talk a little.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up this day together.


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