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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 22, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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is in no hurry, despite the failure to fulfill election promises, but this is different. less than an hour after the polling stations closed in belarus, the state debt ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections, the absence of observers from the osce and forced elections in fear and repression. the state debt does not say that observers are not required in the united states, that ballot boxes are opaque for voting, and also...
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look, evaluate, and don’t argue. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. a good morning should start with a proper breakfast. tell me, what are you and i going to cook today? today you and i will prepare a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, it will be spring rolls with a sea cocktail. tell us what we have. today for breakfast of a champion, and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, it will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty, don’t be a terrier, get started, we will help you choose the products to make the first meal tasty and healthy, choose greens, we need spinach, you know that you should only buy fresh, elastic leaves of bright green color, the color of the beans depends solely on the variety, the pod itself:
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must be intact without any spots of dents, let’s not forget about the invigorating exercise, we become , we lock our hands , raise them up, lean forward, knees are straight , you can bend your back a little, we bend down, again we also keep our knees straight, our feet are completely on the floor, we rise up, watch the breakfast of the champion program on our tv channel, that’s it what he lives with modern belarus today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous people. belarusians,
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exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia. croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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millions of belarusians perished in the hollows of the great agricultural war, but their memory lives on. in the different corners of the country, in the months of tragedies and incitements, memories are made. to the heroes and heroes. vyalikiya and small yans want historical justice and satisfy that which is why they remember the meetings. memorial complexes of belarus in the cycle “in memory of my land”. magiliou region, town of babruisk, town a peaceful, sad and heroic moment. dry aichyn onto a batch. vaina babruisk stav
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mesamsam vykanannya fascistskaga rezhym genatsid. the city has run concentration and delivery lagers. the history of their life is scanned and their memories. for the soldiers, the dulags are very strong, then the camps for the soldiers, and then there are special, special camps, which we would like to demonstrate already at the babruisk site.
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the city on abyarezin was buried by the germans on march 28, 1941. hutka has become central to the german administration demonstravala zhorstki akupatsyiny rezhym. on the territory of the babruskaya fortress , three death camps were organized and started to run for the meat-growing population and for the meat-packed vegetables. the minds were great, the people knew the open skies, not everything there was mugged in the barracks , which were closed in memory, there was no meltdown, the food was meager for the great, for... their navat for the savetsky military baked special bread, which they call bread nelga, where he satay from the great drannaya flour only by 10%, all astatine - the geta was pressed, cellulose, the mortality at the camp was very sluggish, the germans who served in the very same getaga of the
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camp, for hours they worked for themselves , some of the same circus, potassium they left the crowd of hungry people, hungry for empty bread , and then they began to shoot those who go for this bread. a total of 150 camps for military personnel in the territory of belarus , babruisk, occupy assemblable months. in the so -called plan of zeinasti there was designated the father of the ein-satz-group b. geta special pharmaceuticals, which can be called groups the deaths that were only forgotten. for many years we have forgotten the acts of the savetsk government, for many years we have forgotten the jews , for many years we have forgotten the so-called palitichnyh sick people, well, the palatichny knuckles of this intelligentsia, this crazy command warehouse, here is the red army, the geta and
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the thou, who occupied the weak siege there, well, goradze, maetstsa na uvaz, here you can be the hole of the school, here the supracounik there of the newspapers, hereta... supracounik of the administrative parts, the wicked administrative parts, the truly disgraceful german cruelty in the terrible medical treatment of kolkastsi ahvyar: 44 thousand zhigarov babruisk and yago navakollya, and 40 thousand military personnel, not painted from the pratakola street of migratory population, but slaughtered. at the palace of the masavag of our time, different forms were used, and in babruisk, for example, such a form was widely known, when the military softened the transport, these carriages, as the rules of the carriages were closed type, and it was winter ў 41st year
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velmi cold, і eight they are parked near such cars, in the evening they are transported and from the right... on the right hand side, on the right hand side, whatever happens 10%, and sometimes 40% of those who are known there, were already dead. to these people, such slaughter was justified. it's a shame that it's not their fault, that's on the other side. they were transported to different branches, that’s where the hell of agulna kolkastsi, nyahay geta budza 20, 25 thousand, and every day they are taken out from different months by the way of transportation, as if the geta looks not worthless, but the sound of the fall zen german archives at
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babruisk on a packet. it 's been an uneasy time here for taxa dzeinichalі stalags number 343 and 373. a lot of shmatlik babruysk vyaznya 600 10-15 years of growth. some of the military personnel were in the territorial fortifications, they were known in the barracks, and some were in the closed prastoria. and you know, i can’t do it like this, there’s a lot of trouble there, but i know it’s not... it’s not known, as it is known from such sticky materials,
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such sticky stuff, that is, it’s hell great number of people , as it goes back and forth, as a matter of fact, all this confusion is so loud, it’s not so easy, it’s not very adventurous, and it ’s quick and wicked and wicked. zhurbotny forest vyaznya camp babruiskaya krepastsi. and from the unresolved regime of garad , a red-letter date has arisen for the savets people. at night from 6 to 7 of the fall of 1941. the previous day , the kastrychnya revaluationist fascists herded the soldiers into the heavy barracks of fartets and scorched earth. barrack number two had been burned, and people were trying to escape from the fire, from the mystery of the installed guns.
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the first brotherly magic of babruisk fortress appeared in the spring of 1941. she plowed the savetian military forces who perished in the camps in listapadze in 1941. pomnik s keep your eyes open here. they only gave it in 1972 . the memorial complex in memory of the great archers of the war on the ancient fortress of babruisk, was closed on the 3rd of june 2014. aўtar of the project is a maystar of monumental art, deserved by the architect of belarus leanid levin. the sculptor alexander chappo is standing next to the monument above the monument of minsk. leanid levin in his own way, the architectural tradition shows what
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it meant for babruisk, for the city, what the created camp, concentration camp meant, and her most famous words, architectural words, kab rasskaz ab getym memarioyalny complex akhvyaram fascism. historic symbolic casting platform, which is imaginable in the purchase. the idea of ​​presenting
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the platform as an image of the ancient military forces of babruisk was transferred to the architectural language, and on the platform a sculptural group created by alexander was installed... on the sculptures, i worked with leanid levin. the white concrete and black stakes of the platform are the symbols of the death of the vyaznyas, and the skin from them is worn out in the bathroom. bytstsam above two figures on the platform, savetski soldier, as if with his adzen he covered the sickness. the current history
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of the memorial to the complex of fascism and babruisk dynasty yago svaralnik. unfortunately , i didn’t bother with the memorials of the sculptor leanid levvin. the dacha galina asked iago on the right. for me, it was important to practice the pasture, as my father did. life was great for me, but it was important for me just now and the prices are right. unnecessary moments that were painful, if i remember appearing. on the territory of the memorial complex pradugledzhana month for the plowing of astana, the dead of the war, the military soldiers and the peaceful farmers. geta two brotherly magics to the dimensions 6:8
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m with bronze flowers, in which the fruits are frozen. it is accepted that our project is underway, every year there are new trees in this park, and rightly so, i mean that all the trees will be, and this is great good, because all the plantings were not created immediately forward
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adkrytstsem, on pratsyagu bastards traditions in the zhikharov of babruisk... new trees that have begun this month. mesza masawaga external soldiers and peaceful fires of babruisk, where the current daily memorial complex is connected with the history of babruisk. in 2008, on the streets of baharava, a memorial sign of yaureem appeared, like the fascists on the nights of the 6th to the 7th fall of 1941. existing hourly communications from the chancellor. the architect of the jewish memorial sign was the dachshund galina levina. they were tired for months, in which the babruisk geta was mixed, the geta was a great teritory, i remember, such a memorial sign, yon
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let's salute the tree once. i have lived a life, given a life in vauruisk, but i was destroyed, i was destroyed, i was angry during the war period. the history of belarus is replete with stories that tell the truth about the war in the world. seizing the memory means it will last.
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presents in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people, bake a loaf, what a beautiful one, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it. bread made in hot sweat and cold mud, torn out by bad weather, oh, difficult, priceless. buns and loaves are being baked, so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread
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becomes easy for us, familiar, an artel field. called the green workshop, happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread per day feed our city, less and less, not looking at the growth of the population, because the production of other high-calorie products, which are important because pork is small, has fallen. try for fish and bird, and salt - 9 tons at zen. eight days, 10 days. three ancestral enterprises of the forefathers of the forefathers lived in the past. pile project arganizatsiya, skhovishcha gardens and gardens, branded stores, and direct connections with foreign partners and
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foreign currency. all this is first ў republic of agrapramyslovy kambіnat zakhodnі bukh. for any and all of your land, we will do our best. these mararyli nekali kamunara ab future. at home, and the sunny day becomes the most satisfying.
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here is a clear interaction between various law enforcement agencies and components, here are the armed forces, the state security committee, the ministry of internal affairs, the border service agencies, exactly that
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our joint activities prevent terrorists from coming directly to our land. belarus has forever written a fundamental principle in red letters into the history of diplomacy. the natural state for man is peace. the project is objective. don't miss new releases. on tv channel belarus 24. the best way: don’t forget to spend time, take a short trip. it was the center of the principality and there were a lot of antiques here. and the city, you saw, has been preserved; it is called the belarusian suzda. the most famous lanterns in belarus are located in brist, but our life lanterns are the longest. with us, you will visit the most interesting sights, and we also have a unique exhibition called
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the office of a soviet scientist, you can now feel the era of that time, here under a layer of plaster in 2003, when renovation work began, the lika salvage was discovered christ not made by hands, what does this mean, he manifested himself, and you will also receive unforgettable emotions, let the iron be hot while you know this proverb, here you see, it’s cooling down, that’s why the proverb doesn’t sound special, that’s it, now we’re heating it up again, and not only will i bring a wonderful memory from zhodino, but also such a wonderful doll, look in the program, the route is built on the belarus 24
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tv channel. on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 years ago.


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