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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 27, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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swampy terrain to fight, so yes, it’s not bad if we have the s300, s-400 systems , which work in the air defense system against air targets, against aircraft, against missiles and so on, this is not bad, but as the events in ukraine show, the military actions, everything is decided by a soldier with weapons , how to get through here, let’s say, these madmen who are raging there for...
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we at one time did not refuse mines and mining, i remember what they offered me to the young president, and what about mines we need to destroy it, why do we need so many mines? i i say, wait, don’t rush to destroy , look at the experience of ukraine, we have thousands, thousands of these mines, the same thing, a machine gun, a machine gun, a grenade launcher, what was before, without them today war is impossible, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and so on and so forth similar, ordinary...
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we need them to understand that there will be no threat to them from here, everything suits us, but if they twitch, we will respond, this is why we are here, we will respond very seriously.
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belarus, they couldn’t go to belarus, their curators, we have suspicions about some, i’ll call putin, tell them my suspicions, they understood that it was impossible to enter belarus, because in the first minutes, when russia switched to a heightened security regime, so in our country, in the very first minutes , the chairman of the kgb reported to me that he was engaged in anti-terrorism measures, we brought everything to the combat situation itself. into action their units, the police immediately set up on the roads, including with russia according to plan, just like we are now training in case of war, so there were trainings, they fell into place, then we reinforced them with intelligence from the counterintelligence committee
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state security, army border units on the border, were mobilized, and military units instantly, so they couldn’t enter belarus, they... saw this, they turned away and went to the section of the ukrainian border, ukrainian-russian, well done guys there, bortnikova , well done, the guys from the border got up and came out to meet them, they were detained along with those who accompanied them from moscow. the operation went very well, this is interaction between belarusians and russians, but it is expensive, you said that you were in constant contact with...
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there was constant interaction and when it was necessary to say, he came out and said. from sad events to exciting ones with a plus sign, the belarusian president will be asked about space and not only in the state sense. i would like to know about your personal experiences for marina vasilevskaya, taking into account the fact that the start was postponed. and on the other hand, if, on the contrary, we put aside emotions, after all, this flight to the iss, what does it give to the country? this is not just an image, this is an entire industry. as for my personal experiences.
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i rejoice with you that we have reached the top, one might say, in space,
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we will not build a cosmodrome, no one needs it, and we don’t need these rockets, today you paid the money, you will be thrown into orbit, the main thing is that there is someone throw it away so that you have a corresponding program in space , and can create space satellites, we know how to do all this, so we really became a space power, a nuclear power with... the end of april, the parliamentary elections just ended, everyone is still getting used to their new places. what issues will the supreme council consider
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in its new status? perhaps the agenda is already known and that the main strategic issues there will be, the military doctrine and our defensive doctrine, they are known, nothing can be more important now. this is the main thing, well, there will be other questions, these are five-year plans, there is a shorter period of time, but it can also be attributed to strategy, well... our first meeting in the supreme national assembly is primarily personnel issues, a chairman will be elected, there will be a presidium of the all-belarus people's meeting is determined, maybe we will have time, we will be able to make appointments in the supreme court, the constitutional court, the central election commission, all this has already been brought from the president to the level of the all-belarusian people's assembly, that is, we are moving in a democratic direction, but this is not profitable.
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polish authorities, lithuanian, polish authorities , most of all, let them be glad that these
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farmers on these tractors there, in these palaces have not yet dared, otherwise they will demolish them if they do not respond to the demands of the farmer, and what is needed, must be bought cheap diesel fuel buy gasoline from russia, buy it from us, here, they are all preparing for war, digging a trench, so i ask in military terms, why?
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the logic of the leader of the country, and the military , and civilians, and those who flew into space, and those who are sitting on the way, and those who teach, plow, sew, build, whatever, we will all return home with work to comfortable homes, not interested in war. if we even talk about interest, it’s the economy, but the situation is under control, the army has become faster, more mobile and belarusians are beginning to understand that peace on our territory is not a constant, which it’s just always been, is will be, sovereignty needs to be protected if we want to pass this country on to our children, and we absolutely do, because any other scenario will throw the nation back for many years, and it definitely won’t be today, not tomorrow, and not in time first,
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katerina krutalevich, veronika buta, andrey novgorodtsev, ivan martinovich, saplitsa and pavel poznyakov, agency. news, but there is an example on the map when a large and powerful nation was divided by force, and now it defends its independence and neutrality in conditions which are dictated to her from the outside. serbia will never give up its principles and will not join the north atlantic alliance, the country's president aleksandar vucic said at a rally dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary of the nato bombing. we will never join nato, we will continue to defend our military neutrality, 25 years have passed and we still do not give up, we still do not agree to the dismemberment of serbia, there is a small nation in europe that still stands proudly and dignified, does not agree to orders and occupation, many tried to extinguish serbia,
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but they never succeeded, and this rain is a sign of the revival of serbia. a memorial march took place in the serbian capital, thousands of people gathered in the center of belgrade, they brought banners with slogans condemning nato aggression and called on the country's authorities to stop any cooperation with the bloc, in particular they demanded to close the nato representative office in the serbian military department and abandon joint exercises with the alliance . about who benefits from fake democracy in the world, like the capital of the largest us corporation they walk across countries with the iron tread of military conflicts, which yugoslavia lost and retained. we'll talk about it on a walk with kustoritsa. the serbian director invited us to the ethno-village, which he built for the filming of the film “life is a miracle.” kostorice is currently writing a new script, but he found time for us to go for a walk and talk. let's find out what the new film will be about, what he thinks about the causes and consequences of the bombing of yugoslavia 25 years later, and also what is his attitude towards belarus? i
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really liked it there with you, so, so. order and good people, good, good poison, everything you say there is an original slavic land, and there is no such fake democracy as the rest of the slavic catholic lands now have, where they are, how to say, democracy.
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one of the main awards of our festival of leaf fall and the world of kusturica, today immediately after the panorama. it doesn’t sit exactly where the baltics are. according to the financial times, the leaders of latvia and estonia called on nato allies to consider various options for increasing the defense capabilities of the alliance member countries. so the president of latvia said that european countries must reach cold war spending levels and discuss the return of compulsory military service to increase numbers. according to the estonian president, europe should at least catch up with the united states in defense spending, which would mean more than doubling current levels, however, there is a catch to these calls. in european countries, citizens are not too
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eager to join the army, and most states do not even have budgets for its maintenance. are neighbors as scary as they portray themselves, anna cheshlitysh examined in the new issue of form. in lithuania, they proposed conscripting schoolchildren into the army. the chairman of the parliamentary committee on education advised yesterday's ninth-graders to be put in the ranks instead of students. his idea: after graduating from school, young men immediately go to serve in the army. 9 months. today, the baltic leadership is overwhelmed by a wave of militarization and russophobia. every day these countries appear in media headlines with statements about exercises and military purchases. technology, increasing the defense budget, recruiting women and, as you can see, even children. what do they really represent? themselves the armed forces of their western neighbors.
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let's figure it out. small army-lithuanian. of the entire baltic trio, they can be called the most powerful. the number is about 20 thousand people. the ground forces are represented by two motorized infantry brigades. there is also an engineering battalion. 600 serve in the navy and 1,200 in the air force. and three more planes, three helicopters, 22 infantry fighting vehicles, over 10 anti-tank missile systems, 16 self-propelled howitzers, about 60 mortars. latvia occupies an honorable ninety-fifth place in ranking of world military power. before it are such powers as lithuania and ganduras. in national. the ground forces are represented by an infantry brigade and a small special forces unit.
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the air force has as many as three aircraft and six helicopters. there are still five ships and about 600 sailors. they say that the enemy should not be underestimated, but here the situation is clear. the military potential of the baltic countries is so meager that an armed conflict. with any country will allow them to hold out from several days to a week maximum, and research the us institute calculated that russia could crush all three baltic states in 60 hours. their leadership is well aware of this, but continues to convey a completely different message to both their society and the whole world. supposedly we are strong, unfriendly statements are constantly being directed at our state. where does so much ambition come from? the answer is obvious. nato membership. the baltic countries have been in the alliance for 20 years now. hence the courage in statements, flexing muscles in front of the public. since 2017, the alliances
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have stationed about a thousand soldiers in latvia, lithuania and estonia. this was intended as a deterrent against conventional enemies. after the invasion of ukraine, countries asked to increase the number of deployed forces to 3-500 troops in each state. they are. have already requested additional air defense capabilities and that military aircraft patrolling their space become a permanent combat force. many countries are responding to their requests, for example, the german minister of defense promised that in a few years he would place permanent weapons in lithuania. there are 4,000 military personnel, but there is a condition: vilnius must build the infrastructure for their deployment. what do you think, construction is already in full swing. it was inaugurated last month. two military camps, another one is planned to be commissioned in the spring, the owners’ tasks are dutifully carried out, they are actively modernizing their training grounds and military
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camps. military personnel of latvia and lithuania take part in all nato exercises, but do practically nothing on their own, although no, they do, a lot is said about the purchase of new weapons, field equipment, communications, equipment. and much more, it sounds terrifying, however, the questions remain in my head: for whom is this being done, who will defend the homeland, nato soldiers or future ninth-graders conscripts? having announced the possibility of sending troops from western countries to ukraine, french president emmael macron did not achieve support either among the allies or among the population of the republic itself.
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by tremulously condemning macron's bellicose statements, his nato allies are hiding their own fears and outright weakness. europe has problems with its defense capabilities and is not ready to act. this opinion was expressed on the air of the trends program by a military expert, editor of arsenal magazine. when in europe such militaristic calls are heard that it is necessary to prepare for war with russia , that it is necessary to send some kind of expeditionary force to the territory of ukraine, then you always wonder if they can do this, if we say that if tomorrow there is a war, europe is absolutely not ready for it, but we understand that if tomorrow there is a war with europe will be an unusual weapon, when we switch... to nuclear weapons, it turns out that we are 100% ready, as our president said, and europe, which brought macron to the forefront, who
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eyebrows... to create the most powerful army in europe , which was at least during the cold war until the year ninety-one, they will succeed, but time will tell, but at present they are not succeeding. who ordered the tragedy in kroku city hall, what countermeasures will russia take, how far can russophobia go in the baltic countries and will the west manage to kill the chinese dragon. watch the trends project, tomorrow after the panorama.
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rescuers have completed their analysis. washington, london and kiev are involved in the moscow region, the head of the russian fsb is sure. we previously received information indicating that that side was biased in the preparation of this action, they were preparing for this, let’s put it this way, they were preparing
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because... this group was going to ukraine, the action was being prepared by the radicals themselves, the islamists, so naturally, western intelligence agencies contributed to this, and the ukrainian intelligence services themselves are directly related to this. bortnikov also noted that at the moment 11 people have been detained in connection with the terrorist attack, active work is being carried out with them, and the circle of identified accomplices who took part in preparing the attack will expand as the investigation progresses. now it's a court decision.
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references and so on, these were truly friends in misfortune, although, of course, the overwhelming majority of people who died were citizens of the russian federation, we saw that there was also a citizen of belarus, minsk perceived this tragedy as its own. the ministry of internal affairs warns belarusians via telegram messages began to arrive with proposals to carry out terrorist attacks, shoot at shopping centers, or mine buildings. first of all, such texts come to young people and schoolchildren. the ministry of internal affairs is asked not to succumb to provocations and to report such facts to the police. law enforcement officers will conduct an investigation into each of the reports. they also emphasize that even online calls to commit terrorist attacks are particularly serious crimes and are severely punished. our correspondent alena lishkevich spent one day with security in a large shopping center capital cities. about how such objects are now protected. in her report. the tragic events
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in russia forced a reconsideration. we display everything that we need to ensure security in the city of minsk, this is a video wall, an autonomous workplace for security officers, calls about all alarm buttons activated in the city flow here, the location of all law enforcement officers who work in the city is visible here, barriers can also be opened from here, which interfere with the arrest of a criminal, these blue and green circles are eaten by police officers on the ground. and at least it seemed. nothing unusual is happening here now, but the whole situation in shopping centers is clearly visible on cctv cameras, here in danomol there are about 300 of them, so the whole picture is in full view. as soon as
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a suspicious person or object is spotted on the cameras , a detention team is dispatched. for example, according to legend, security officers saw this guy in a shopping center and decided to take a closer look; there was a grenade in the bag. the police call for help before it arrives .
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to ensure the safety of people in public places, for this purpose, we have increased the density of our outfits, we have changed the approaches to arming the outfits and their equipment, for the carrying, passage of a prohibited element, we have strengthened the measures for inspection issues related, that is, we have provided our posts with all the necessary equipment, regarding the strengthening of security and public events, such as amon works. now security officers with machine guns will come to their aid, besides, every person who saw something suspicious, for example, in a shopping center, can approach store employees and ask them to press the panic button. alena lishkevich, anatoly
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dolotovsky, television news agency. good news for those who often travel to belarus for work. changes to the procedure and amount of reimbursement of expenses for business trips, this is provided for by a resolution of the council of ministers. so, the daily allowance has become higher. from april 6, it is no longer 9, but 12 rubles, that is, an increase of 33%. let me remind you that the previous time the amount of payments changed was 5 years ago, in march 2019. the document also corrected some points regarding reimbursement of travel expenses. if we are talking about road transport, this should only be a regular service. travel will be reimbursed. at the actual cost indicated in the travel document. by the way, the requirements for such documents have been simplified, for example, if this minibus requires an ordinary cash receipt. and if the employee returns to his place of residence every day and there are no travel documents,
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travel expenses will be reimbursed in the amount of a tenth of the base amount in each direction, for each day of the business trip. also you and i the list of other expenses that are subject to reimbursement to the employee has been expanded. upon provision of supporting documents, so you and i, if the employee provides documents, commission costs for exchanging one currency for another will be reimbursed, as well as corresponding fees, taxes for carrying out such operations, and upon presentation of supporting documents , the registration fee in the electronic queue for crossing the border of the republic of belarus. there is also now reimbursement for housing expenses if you had to stay for an overnight stay, going to another place of business trip, both abroad and around the country. all changes come into force on april 6; employees who will be on business trips will begin to receive payments in the new amounts from this day on.
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the government today talked about rhythmic supplies to the countries of the eurasian union and the participation of belarusian enterprises in government procurement. the main guideline for the overall market of the five to become more open are barriers. seizure is what prevents trade and export development. svetlana lukenyuk about equal access for all eu manufacturers. the government procurement market in the eurasian union is growing. several years in a row, today it is estimated at almost 200 billion dollars, and the trends are such that this figure will only increase. it is important for us that the share of goods from belarusian producers in this large amount grows. we win the competition, but sometimes artificial barriers interfere with the interests of sellers and buyers. eek is working to eliminate various national exemptions from the common market. its priority is openness to everyone. for this it is important. to ensure equal access to goods and fair competition
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, we are too dependent on exports, and of course, it is stupid to have withdrawal barriers within the framework of the yas, which today simply, simply, interfere with the normal movement of goods within the yas, this is not clear, and most likely one can say that this weakens the institution in general, which today, as the president has said, can be one of the most powerful political and economic integrations in the world. most of the belarusian goods are shipped to russia and kazakhstan, but deliveries go to other five markets, while the reserves in government procurement are huge, the share of imports from outside japan is still high. belarus is, i would say, the most striking example of active participation in public procurement. belarus sells through tenders.
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they should be implemented by the president earlier, but we need to work more actively, of course, for export, it was planned to produce 6 million linear meters of komvol fabrics and a million cloth fabrics per year, but last year it was produced more than 3 million, good team, good traditions, great future of this enterprise. today komvol is the largest manufacturer of textile products with a full production cycle, from yarn production to fabric production and supplies to partners. there are about 900 people working on each stage, and the company can produce about 4 m
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of fabric per minute of work. organize effective work on the ground to delve into each individual problem. governor alexander turchin held a meeting with the chairmen of councils of deputies of all territorial levels. individual an approach to each issue from citizens, a goal that local government representatives need to achieve. the condition of the road network, establishing public transport traffic, establishing order and maintaining the housing stock. on these issues. according to the governor, it is worth meeting people in person as often as possible, engaging in dialogue and solving problems at the local level in order to reduce the number of requests to a higher organization ; by the way, more than 2 thousand of them were received last year. these are, of course, health issues, these are maintenance issues road network, transport links. we are working very closely with regional authorities, and today all the issues seem to be clear.
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clearly understand and give the person an answer when and within what time frame it will be resolved. more than 350 deputies and chairmen of executive committees took part in an open dialogue with the governor. alexander turchin took the most important issues under personal control, and discussed the tasks facing the newly elected deputies of local councils. it was also planned to visit regional centers for
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quality control of order execution. the international crew of the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft began research work in space. let me remind you that the day before the ship docked regularly with the iss. thus, a scientific program was developed and approved specifically for the flight. it includes seven experiments, of which five are research and two are educational. in particular, the first belarusian woman cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya will have to conduct a series of biotechnological experiments with samples of dairy strains. microorganisms and bifidobacteria. for this purpose , strains and combinations of microorganisms were specially selected at the institute of meat and dairy industry of nan-belarus. the astronaut’s program also includes making samples of fermented milk products with a complex of probiotic cultures. after conducting the research, it is planned to obtain new data on the safety and properties of strains
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of lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria, as well as their combinations in the state of onobiosis and post-cultivation. in addition, it will be necessary to bring out new parameters for obtaining fermented milk products under space flight conditions. the space flight of our marina vasilevskaya has already been written into history. the whole country watched this important moment for the country. the launch, flight, docking were watched especially closely by future height conquerors. from the belarusian state aviation academy. report by sergei ladosev. so, the day before , the whole country watched live the docking process of the soyuz ms-25 kmk spacecraft, marina vasilevskaya, her crew commander, oleg novitsky, nasa astronaut tracy daisen for two days. 34 turns around the earth. after a series of procedures to ensure the safety of the crew and maintain
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integrity, the mission control center approved the opening of the transfer hatches, only then the world saw the spectacular, very beautiful belarusian entry into the russian segment of the iss. with love from space. marina vasilevskaya conveyed this message to belarusians, separately, to her closest people who are worried about the girl at home. during the press conference, marina shared that she feels good and is ready for anything 100% towards the implementation of the scientific program. indeed, we are through this. the preparation for this unique flight was long and thorough, the tests on the way to the stars were incredibly difficult, but our belarusian marina vasilevskaya was able to overcome all the difficulties. for many, marina has already become
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a real role model, especially among young people. each of us was asked as a child, what do you want to become? some answered as a doctor, others as an engineer or a journalist. someone said confidently: i want to be an astronaut, but i won’t be a loon right away it becomes, yes , there is no university that graduates cosmonauts in belarus, and those who want to be closer to the stars chose the state aviation academy as their almamater. this is where young pilots are trained. they study english, aerodynamics, fly on simulators, and from the second year they take on the real controls. for example, with victoria eskina, the main pillar of life, nothing is impossible. i dreamed of flying since childhood and had sparkling eyes. confirmation of this is a big shock for me that our belarusian girl flew into space, after marina vasilevskaya’s return to her homeland, i would like to communicate with her personally, learn about her experience of being in space for twelve days, about her impressions, what were the difficulties and obstacles along the flight path, she also became
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a reason for pride for me personally and for everyone, example, and i’m not afraid of this word , i myself would like... to be in space, today all the guys are very competent, everyone is trying, developing, because in our age of technology there are a lot of opportunities for this, her example shows us that everything is possible, the main thing is to believe and not give up, from the very first start, the cadets of the belarusian state aviation academy watched the docking, everyone looked sincerely sick and worried. in fact, she is a unique woman, we are very proud of her, this is a truly grandiose event that inspires us, the cadets of the aviation academy
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, to engage in research and development in the field of not only aviation, but astronautics. now the flight of marina vasilevskaya for them is a good example that dreams tend to come true and the main conclusion is that the impossible it's still possible. sergey ladosyev, victoria sharkova, dmitry garkusha, victor borisov, television news agency. on top today. our biathlete anna solo won the pursuit race at the russian championship. solo was able to gain back several positions and finish first. i went into the distance in sixth place, almost 34 seconds behind the leader, but after the second shooting range i took the lead and didn’t give up my leadership to anyone. thus , belarus has its first gold at the forum in tyumen. note that in the pursuit race today chetysmolsky representatives improved their positions. anton
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took off from eleventh place to fourth and stopped one step away from the podium, and dinara gained five places in the pursuit race. the russian championship will resume on thursday. we are closely following the successes of the belarusians there.
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lukashenko is not a politician, he is a leader who is not interested in the next elections, the next generations, he is not trying to please us primarily, he works so that we like his decisions and... considering that, as a rule, parliamentary elections, and especially local , not only in belarus, and in general everywhere in the world, is the electorate of less interest than presidential elections, then our turnout turned out to be exemplary, and turnout is also support for the current government. the entire
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president is carrying out a large-scale restructuring of the country's political system and he is doing this not for his own sake, but for the sake of future generations, and we will constantly remind you of this. igor turai's original propaganda project, look. on tv channel belarus 24. the history of the world, its basis is a struggle, the struggle of the devil with god. the youth who took to the streets in the twenties are the result of the work that was done with them in the nineties. a generation grew up on western liberal values, europe is not christian, there is no idea there , only money, there must be an idea. today it is very difficult to change their attitudes, because the consciousness of any person is conservative, you need to check everything, you need to think, you need to understand what happens if
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you form it there. yes, the wars are well-known everyday life, which revealed the creation of the city and became information about history, cities and republics. the first would be urad's house. the most significant developments in
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belarusian architecture were made by hand.
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for savetskaya belarus, the report says, the blessed five-year plan will mean not only the liquidation of the german acupuncture war, but also the further development of the people's economy and culture, increased life evaga uzronі population. minsk had the first session of the verkhovnag council of the republic of dyataga, which was attended by the oldest deputies, vice-president of the academy of sciences of the bssr, the hero of the socialist race atrakhovich. writer kandrat krypiva. deputy shamyakin, the first deputy of the senior leader of the union of writers of the bssr, is unanimously elected as the senior leader of the supreme council. years and decades pass, but youth remains the mistress of the square. lenin square. this is the address of the medical and pedagogical institutes of the belarusian state university.
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lenin square, people's power square, square. science, youth square, the information picture on tuesday will be complemented by sports day. hello! the russian championship is in the spotlight of biathlon fans, in the second competition day, anna brought it solo. not stanislav lipsky. there was only a second left for bronze in the pursuit race. all the details are in the plot these are the pleasant moments for...


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