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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 29, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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another belarusian died after the terrorist attack in crocus. olim koshivarov was in serious condition in the botkin hospital all this time. the man worked as a security guard in the sitikholi circle and received multiple bullet wounds during the terrorist attack. doctors fought for his life until the last moment. the embassy of belarus in russia provides all necessary assistance, including in transporting the body of alim koshivarov to his homeland. the doctors of the botkin hospital fought for the life of our belarus to the last, we express our great gratitude to them, we are in contact, in constant contact with relatives, the ambassador has already expressed condolences, we will provide maximum assistance, including in transporting alim’s body to his homeland, unfortunately, the work also continues, lists are updated, the russian side provides new data, we continue to work with relatives. the rest,
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dna samples have been taken from some, we are also waiting for confirmation. naturally, the work continues, the embassy is working in enhanced mode, the consular service of the embassy is working in enhanced mode. not the best times for the british, reuters reports that the british economy has fallen into recession; according to the office of national statistics, the country's economy fell by 0.3% in the fourth quarter of last year, and by 0.1% in the third. for the entire 2023 financial well-being. the uk grew by just 10%, its weakest performance in 15 years. at the end of last year, its economy was only 1% larger compared to 2019. only germany was worse among the g7 countries. a lithuanian tried to smuggle 84 kg of a psychotropic drug into belarus. the drugs were discovered by grodno customs officers. it was established that the foreigner was planning to bury prohibited substances in the nearby forest. subsequently it was planned to trade.
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this means that after dismantling the caches, 160 briquettes of a psychotropic were recovered , the fact that this is a psychotropic was shown by the expert opinion of the grodno regional customs office, based on the signs of the commission of a crime provided for in part two of article 328 p1 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus, a criminal case was initiated, the sanction of this article is provided imprisonment up to 10 years old, driver detained, summer in mid- spring in belarus. it is expected to reach +25, which
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is 7-12° above the climate norm. tomorrow there will be mostly no precipitation, short-term rains at night will occur only in the north of the country, at night up to +8, during the day from 15 to 22 degrees celsius. on sunday the weather is expected to be warm without any rainfall, short-term fog will thicken in places across the country at night in the morning, the air temperature at night will be +4-11, and during the day the thermometer will still... the first days of april on monday will also be pleasant with comfortable weather, up to 25 degrees celsius. on tuesday it will also be warm, but there will be rain and thunderstorms in places, and already in the middle of the week it will become noticeably colder, with sleet possible. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best and have a nice weekend.
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the best way: don’t forget to spend time, take a short trip. it was the center of the principality, there are a lot of antiquities here and the city, you saw for yourself, has been preserved, they call it belarusian. belarus is located in brest, but our lanterns are the longest. the most interesting sights, and we also have there is a unique exhibition called the office of a soviet scientist, you can now feel the era of that time, here under a layer of plaster in 2003, when renovation and restoration work began, the salvation of the face of christ not made by hands was discovered, which means it manifested itself, and you will also receive unforgettable emotions, let the iron be hot. you know the proverb, you see,
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it’s cooling down, that’s why the proverb doesn’t sound special, that’s it, now we ’re heating it up again, yes, not only wonderful i’ll bring a memory from zhodzin, and also like this: look in the program, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel . the terrorist attack near moscow crossed all borders,
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terrorism against russia is all that they have left, they didn’t hear putin, it won’t be good, europe and... $1,400, this is the trends program, we are starting. attention, we are working. 18 minutes in the crocus city hall concert hall and 139 victims,
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the figure may change upward. there are also children among the dead. the terrorist attack in the moscow region, in addition to the obvious questions about... the existing security system in public places, raises a number of topics that must be answered as quickly and probably as harshly as possible. four perpetrators have been detained , so show and prove who ordered and organized the terrorist attack, in the spirit of “shoot everyone in a row, the more the better,” a serious task, especially since the ongoing war of the west against russia in the use of disposable drones, they can be recruited through the messenger . anonymously, of course, the obvious mastermind of what happened is guessed, of course, we remember, ominous the promise of the retired chief curator of this side, victoria, that unpleasant surprises await russia, despite successes at the front, but the western media broadcasts
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a completely different picture, public opinion there sees other meanings and draws different conclusions about the horror of what happened, if the perpetrator... promised somewhere around $5,000 for shooting random people, then organizing such terrorist attacks is not only simple, but insanely cheap. what countermeasures will russia take and will such terrorist attacks be expected to happen again? decide a person, and better multitudes have been the preferred method of government since ancient times, but the world is being homunized. here in the management sphere a unique one was born. the first experimenter in this area was 900 years ago, the elder of the mountain with his hashishiins. he proved that acts of terror must be systematic, targeted, sudden, and rely on
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inexhaustible resources, preferably state ones. but the elder worked with rulers, when he should have influenced the masses. in the 19th century, the same mistake was repeated by anarchists who... killed americans presidents and european kings. but the rulers, no matter what they think about themselves, are only slaves of history, not its masters. in general, the british intelligence services, which are believed to be behind the revolutionary organizations, achieved little here. the true virtuosos in organizing terrorist attacks are, of course, the americans. terror is a sudden blow that entails. the culprits are unknown, but the states declare war on spain and become the absolute masters of cuba for half a century. or here it is in the year
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forty-one, the states need conflict. with japan, who are diligently provoking her, finally matured, threw aircraft carriers at pearl harbor. roosevelt is informed about the movements of japanese aircraft carriers in advance, but he orders not to give information. pearl harbor does not expect an attack, sailors die, eight battleships are sunk. but roosevelt achieved his goal. previously, the little american said: “well , let them fight there in europe and asia.” now the average person is demanding that mikada be punished. question: is franklin delana a terrorist or the famous tankin incident, after which the states declare war northern vietnam. agree,
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in this light, all the inconsistencies and murders of president kennedy and the 911 terrorist attacks began to sparkle with new colors, especially the attempts of the american intelligence services not so much to investigate, but to confuse the course of both investigations. in the 21st century, terror has generally become a tool. operational management justification for any restriction of freedoms , those who have flown on airplanes are still wondering why they take away nail files and give steel knives for dinner, why they take off their shoes, scan them, take away bottles of water, of course, so that to instill in a person an awareness of his own insignificance, since criminals cannot be stopped this way. the states adopted the patriot act: how interested were the few brave souls, because it abolishes constitutional rights, does not abolish, but suspends. answered the authorities, only for a while, until we defeat terrorism, do you think they will ever win? actually,
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terror is not just the one-time murder of a certain number of people, it is, first of all, the horror that, after the murder, is instilled in the public through large and small media. let's remember the shoebomber with explosives in his soles. there was no explosion, but there was fear, and now any flight has been based on fear. into a kind of short-term arrest of passengers, some for an hour or two, some for 15 hours, with terrorist attacks on a larger scale, too, it doesn’t matter who is to blame, it matters who will be named guilty through the media. the plane explosion over lockerbie and muammar gaddafi were declared terrorists without the right to justify themselves, the shooting with an explosion in norway and the only culprit was declared a quiet, insane clerk, breivik, who allegedly killed and wounded in an hour and a half two and a quarter hundred people. with breivik. in general, it’s interesting, it was used to discredit an entire ideological movement
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that had nothing to do with it at all, and now it’s a common thing to hear, you’re against migration, you’re such a breivik, you’re against lgbt people in schools, damn nazi, you’re probably preparing a mass murder, without belesov’s norwegian it looks like the nonentities and millions of migrants would not have ended up in germany, and the current refugee crisis in europe would not have happened. it’s exactly the same with crimes under the isis flag. do they allow the pitiful remnants of an islamic state to carry out terrorist attacks , the special services commit them for it, or simply give the go-ahead to the big media to fan panic. in any case, crazy islamists are used. who? those who demand an increase in military spending, a reduction in civil rights, and the granting of emergency powers to governments. to sum it up, there is no doubt. any terrorist attack is a way of managing public opinion in order to pursue a policy that is earlier.
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exactly the one who benefits from the terrorist attack. events before and after the presidential elections in russia they say that the signal from putin “let’s do it in an amicable way” did not reach either the united states or europe. conditions to push back military infrastructure. nato on the border in 1997 will not be fulfilled. in reality, the expansion of the bloc will continue, which means the game will escalate. construction of the largest nato military base in the european union has begun in romania. in essence, it is a militarized mini-city, almost 3. the ability to accommodate 10,000 soldiers with their families. there will be everything there, missiles, air bases and interceptors, drones, a german-level facility. and less than 400 km from the main base of the black sea fleet, and it’s also near transnistria.
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romania will join the program for the purchase of shells for the patriot system. bucharest intends to buy 200 ammunition worth a billion euros. and this despite the fact that nato has already formed battle groups in bulgaria, hungary and slovakia. sweden and finland may be added soon. returning to putin’s condition, it can be noted that for... he does not understand either for good or for bad, however, in a bad way, only ukraine has happened so far, the west is playing for the long haul, ahead elections need to score points with their voters, the role of the enemy around which... russia and its allies. there have been vigorous calls to put the eu economy on a war footing for several months now. the last eu summit on march 21-22, where this issue was announced, did not bring loud or at least clearly clear news. if
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we translate the vague formulations into human language, it is not so much about involving the eu in a big war, but rather about not letting it happen. russia to gain the upper hand in ukraine. huge amounts of money have been spent to support the latter. ammunition reserves were used up, it turns out that all this was in vain. when it became clear, as the europeans themselves say, they were very optimistic about ukraine’s capabilities. that’s when it became clear that nothing worked out, it turned out that the resources were depleted, the opportunity to increase these is the assistance resources of ukraine, they are for you. the summit was loudly advertised by french president macron with a statement about the possible dispatch of troops to ukraine, as well as the proposal of european officials to use russia's frozen billions for the needs of the ssu. both the first and second, for now there are still red lines for europe. an increase in military spending means an increase in taxes. who will do this on the eve of the elections? and the confiscation
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of russia's money will undermine europe's reputation as a safe haven for investors. head of the general staff. shiy also recently stated that france is ready to mobilize 2,000 soldiers within a month, and 6,000 there in the next few months, that is , these potential possibilities are being discussed, this is being said, and what macron said then that we have no red lines, yes, with on the one hand, of course, you can joke, they are all legitimate, these jokes, of course, i don’t think that if france now sends 2000 soldiers, it will win some kind of big victory at the front,
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scholz sees these red lines, but no one sees that scholz stands for victory, well , he doesn’t say this in quotes, until the last ukrainian, this is a gradual transition to increased modernization in the military-industrial complex and preparation of the population for a future conflict, formally scholz says no, through taurus, but in reality , together with... with pistorius to future conflict, pistorius defined a period of 3-5 years, the population does not yet understand all the dangers associated with this militaristic lobby, the largest nato exercises near the russian and belarusian borders are already taking place, the number of nato strike formations and units along the kaliningrad
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polish-belarusian border has been increased to 3,500 tanks and other mobile armored vehicles as part of the united. “make a fool pray to god, this fool will, of course, break his loop, but unfortunately, not to himself, that is, now everything is shifted onto his shoulders europeans, and even if at some stage some kind of european..." defense identity or some kind of strategic autonomy arises, it will be under the control of the americans, that is, they did everything to make sure this happened, that is, they insured themselves very tight, here you can just envy them how they can control the fate of their allies, which is alarming in the general trend, in february 2022 there was no talk
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of direct deliveries of patriots or f-16 aircraft by the west to the republic of kazakhstan, today this is commonplace. eu transition strategy, from reacting to crises to increase defense preparedness for the european union - the first in history. the initial budget is small, only 15 billion euros. but soon trouble began: a proposal was received from brussels to acquire at least 40% of eu arms purchases jointly by 2030. the most acute moment is the lack of independence of europe. its stability is a consequence of its dependence on a larger player - the united states. and partly great britain. and therefore, the eu is in this case a means that, like ukraine at one time, can be pushed into open fire for the sake of its own strategic interests.
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absolute honesty, sincere emotions of the characters, when i enter the stage, i roughly know what awaits me, here i am completely in the dark, very worried, worried. is it like being nervous before going on stage? yes, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. can your voice break a glass? no no. it’s probably possible to make a glass that would break at the sound of my voice, but so far i haven’t seen anything like that, let’s put it this way. irina, are you lucky in love? did you manage to meet
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your prince? oh, of course, you're lucky, of course, i’m lucky, i’m just unlucky for a long time, for some reason. see the project 100 questions for adults. on the tv channel belarus 24. well, look, everywhere today they say from every iron: the third world war has already begun, the second say that the third world war is on the threshold, the fourth say that a hybrid war is being waged, well, it’s very, very difficult for the common man to understand, this is a step towards escalation, they are trying to escalate the situation as much as possible in order to test russia once again , including us. today the west has significantly reduced their standard of living, their resource base is depleted. that we are ready to answer any
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challenge, we are quite self-sufficient, we are strong, and despite the fact that we are a small country, we can bring a lot of problems to those who want to pinch us. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. however, there is no point in painting the european union with one color ; there are healthy forces that clearly understand that even if the world is bad, it is better than any war, there are there, there are not fewer of them, on the contrary, sobering up is gradually not very quickly, but growing, the possible roles of the eu as a force that is capable of constructive...
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in the light of current events, it is appropriate to recall one historical pattern: over the past couple of centuries, a united europe with alarming regularity has tried to take moscow, and therefore russian resources , with fire and sword. let’s talk about the modern possibilities of the confrontation spilling over into a big war, and what the eu and nato represent in terms of the combat component, with
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alexey, editor-in-chief of the arsenal of the fatherland magazine.
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on the territory of ukraine, and so the british ground forces now have 73.00 military personnel, most of the brigades are not 100% staffed. the so-called national brigades - wales, scotland, northern ireland - are 30-40% staffed. that is, in fact, in order to bring it to a full-size state, it is necessary to be in the ground forces. 120,000 bayonets
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when the total number of the british armed forces is 196. that is, they have a clear shortage and in general this shortage is observed throughout europe and on average is 40 there to 60%. the second example is neutral switzerland, which began providing military assistance to ukraine there. in 2004, the swiss armed forces had... 5000 pieces , now it has about 100,000 and 80 thousand reservists, things are better, for example in finland, which was recently accepted into nato, maybe that’s why it was accepted, because for the 5.5 million population of finns there are 28,000 military personnel, and the reserve is the first category , which we must...
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will immediately happily run to the recruitment centers to fight with russia, the latest tanks you can literally count them on one hand, but at the same time the directory claims that germany has 333 tanks, great britain has 227 tankovlenger 2 tanks, and france has 222.
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he is a nuclear power, but this is ridiculous, all the leading edge of macron, who flaunts that they understand, that the number of weapons france has is our president, and europe, which has put forward nuclear weapons, is not enough to have a serious confrontation with russia, this is russia’s answer, it will be quite powerful and will go to everyone, so the reservation the hype that it is necessary to fight with russia, we will continue to observe for a long time... also all the attempts of europe to do the incredible, to re-create the most powerful army of europe, which was at least during the cold war until the year ninety-one, they will succeed, but time will show, but at present
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they are not succeeding. how long might it take the united states and europe for their military-industrial complex to increase the necessary combat power? even in the process of rearmament, which will take from 5 to 15 years. in many directions, not everything will be as rosy as is believed, that is , europe will frantically look for opportunities to obtain high-quality military equipment, the us military industrial complex will try, but it stumbles upon other things, there are internal processes in the united states of america, and the most important thing is this working hands, the fact is that those who know how to make weapons in the united states of america are people. will they be able to pass on their experience to some younger generation, who, as it turns out, can neither read nor count, this is the data on secondary technical education in
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the united states of america, it has become a purely formality, it says that where they will find qualified workers who can master this entire program, this is a big question that america is unlikely to solve, we can say: that they won’t be able to wage a full-scale war with us for the next 10 years, but at the same time we need to understand that if their circumstances are driven like rats into a corner, then the desperate ones cannot lead to, well, tragic consequences, if will not press that same notorious red button and something will take off and fly in our direction, then, as they say, this situation will have to be regulated in other ways and
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there will be no relaxations that they came there and stood on the border between ukraine and belarus, so that ukraine freed her thugs, threw them onto the line of combat contact, the question here is not what we will do, we understand, we will destroy them, but what will europe do, how will it justify itself to its fellow citizens for why their military died, is europe capable of immediately starting military operations, that is, deploying them? as they say, there are 3000 sharyks on our borders, this is one of the polish generals, he said, no, it’s not capable, is it capable of using nuclear weapons capable, but in limited quantities, and these will be mainly nuclear
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weapons of france, because neither great britain , neither the united states of america can begin the serious use, as we say, of the massive use of nuclear weapons, but the response can be serious, so that’s all. how it is said that there is a certain balance between the sanity and insanity of those officials who are calling for an immediate war with russia, either now through the introduction of a contingent, or within 3-5 years, for which they must prepare. thank you, this was the editor-in-chief of the arsenal of the fatherland magazine, alexey lionkov. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, you are the same family who, firstly, lives in the village, and secondly, in a house in which they once began to organize, so to speak, a museum,
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then everything is in a fog and the exhibits begin getting bigger and bigger, you live right next to the bathhouse, yes, you are doubly lucky, you live next to your bathhouse, yes, which is very cool, as far as i know, you spend about 200 per year. 40 cubic meters of drop at least in each issue the presenter is tested to get a taste of rural life. i would like him to take on a little bit of this look. more or less new, that is, paint it, yeah, at your discretion, what color, well, the most important thing after the bath is to sleep borscht, and lard, bread, so, this is holy, in in general, now i will have a task to eat it all, eat, after the bath, all the simplest , the best, yes, watch the project, i’m from the village, on the tv channel belarus 24, adventures of foreigners in belarus, good afternoon, kind, me, you, vladimir , what is this handsome
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boy or girl, boy, his name is murames, we don’t scare the horse, we don’t scare ourselves , we ask something incomprehensible , everything is so cool to see here, it’s just beautiful, beautiful, i’m sitting, sitting, an ecuadorian has been living here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages, it is necessary to make such smooth movements, so that in order to cut it, yes, you need to twist it. everything and dips with pleasure talking about the most colorful places in the country , our ice training rink, the belarusian national teams u17 and u18 train here, yes they are so cool , yes they are hard, hard and sharp, yes a dangerous thing , no no i can’t, it opens here, sit down and you can sit of course, it’s as if i was really being treated, guys.
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over the past year, enterprises of the ministry of industry traded $6.5 billion and thereby exceeded the maximum level in a decade by more than 7%. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel. a new portion of restrictions for russians from a free democratic europe. finland has banned the entry of cars with russian license plates. in lithuania, on march 11, such cars began to be confiscated, just like in latvia. any car with a tricolor on the sign. will be confiscated, the fact that this is an almost banal taking
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of someone else’s property, the illegality of acquisition of which has not been proven in court, is of no interest to anyone in enlightened europe, it seems absurd, but no, this is happening right here in front of our eyes, just by the fact of russian citizenship, this is not a manifestation of hatred towards a certain nation, not a violation of human rights, the phenomenon is not yet widespread, but it rings a very bad bell, because it smacks of not... just totalitarianism, but the very fascism against which this is how eu leaders speak out vehemently. about european values ​​as they are. another march of legionnaires to vaf took place in riga. this traditional event is held every year on march 16th. legionnaires of the wafen sss, nazi collaborators, on whose hands there is a sea of ​​blood. latvia is a country where in addition to citizens, there are also non-citizens, he carefully guards.
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i was born under hitler in riga, osland, you know, in riga, in 1942, i’m 82 years old, now 1942, i’m a citizen of hitler, don’t you think it’s strange. microphone, the second front, so far only the economic one, the us and the eu are turning against china, hitting the most rapidly growing assets. american authorities are demanding that the chinese owner either sell the popular social network tiktok to companies and states, or leave the market.
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the ultimatum is supported by a specially developed law. if within 165 days the asset will not pass into the hands of the united states, the platform will be recognized. american companies google and apple will be legally prohibited from distributing it. this is the free market. the reasons are not hidden. a chinese company has no right to control the dominant media platform in the united states. very democratic. but these are not all the examples when the iron western fist does not recognize free competition, which it itself imposes in other countries. china is literally starting to resemble. a besieged eastern market that will either be looted or destroyed. western fairy tales about the free market and fair competition are over, the gentlemen are losing and changing the rules of the game. the usa, and now the eu, is preparing a big stress test for
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the chinese economy. why do they want to tame the asian dragon? well, because 30 years ago, goods made in china were a sure sign of poor quality. junk, and today the share of chinese smartphones in total imports has reached 80%, and this despite the fact that sanctions have been introduced against one of the mobile phone manufacturers for too advanced technologies, everything turned out even more offensive for the united states, when already the sanctioned company huawei announced a new mobile phone with a seven-nanometer chip. the fact that the united states spent a month thinking about how to beat this, convened a meeting of congress on... the topic of the release of a seven-nanometer phone, that is , just imagine the level of struggle, imagine that the state duma would be assembled because apple released a new iphone, everything was lost, this is they would write everyone down, they would immediately say, what are you doing, like an apple iphone or ios, oh, new, a new version has come out, let's gather the state duma, here
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they didn’t care, in the states the congress was meeting because of the release of a new chinese mobile phone, they really thought about what to do, it shows that the sanctions didn’t work for you, we... further more, china will become the new homeland for the mercedes-benz company, for sale german assets are on display, including the headquarters in stuckgart and 80 showrooms throughout germany. after the disruption of the northern flows, car production in germany is unprofitable, and today almost all mercedes cars are produced in chinese factories. and they mean we agreed to the point that ursula threatened to introduce us in six months, they went just like that, but they decided. come up with a reason and a commission will come to look at chinese automakers and whether they violate human rights, that is , you know, the age-old excuse, why is everything cheap? yes, because slaves work , that is , there are naked people sitting on the conveyor chained by the leg, which means they do everything there by hand, that’s why it’s cheap here, well, you can’t admit that it can be
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cheap here, because your production is smarter it’s organized because your technology is advanced, your machines are cheaper, so it’s also cheaper to staff a workshop, we can’t admit that. this means they will look for human rights, in general it will be interesting. us claims to china are only growing: five american trade unions have complained that china is ahead of the rest of the planet in the matter of building ships. china's shipbuilding capacity is 230 times greater than that of america. biden wants to solve the problem the old fashioned way by introducing sanctions. it is known that the united states is the world leader in carbon dioxide emissions. america most polluting. atmosphere, but the new us climate envoy john podesta plans to blame china. his plans are to dictate to china how to reduce emissions and reduce coal generation. the united states is targeting another sector of the chinese economy. processing of heavy rare earth elements. china's market share is 99.9%. raw materials
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are of key importance for modern high-tech industries. is feverishly looking for ways to mitigate dependence on china and dreams of growing a competitor, pushing kazakhstan into this role. an interesting point: biden and trump are very different politicians, if not opposites, but both consider china to be the main problem. results from


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