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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 30, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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dangerous are the salty roads, our mountains are serpentine and bright, the progress of various saints, our evil land, our bright name, is spoken to the peoples of the great people. ski union, our beloved authorities, in russia, our vech, and prim, belarus, our beloved, mother, pradiva, no profit, live
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panorama in the studio elena sacheva, hello, children as a threat to national security. poland and lithuania, returning home from a tour for the moldovan children's choir turned into a convoy, two days on a bus without food, an opportunity to correct natural needs, if the limit is inhumanity. fear's eyes are so big that warsaw continues to arm itself, washington is buying up all imaginable and inconceivable weapons, and the french secret services insist on the olympics without an opening ceremony. and for catholics it is good friday, believers remember the suffering of christ on the cross. broadcast from rimsky. coliseum with the participation of pope francis
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today in belarus 3. my colleagues will complement the picture of the day. poland and lithuania held a bus with moldovan children at the border for two days, not allowing them to leave belarus. we'll tell you how the situation was resolved. the president of belarus visited the area where the army was inspecting. alexander lukashenko both assessed the troops and gave a number of program guidelines regarding further strengthening of defense. on the balance of military effectiveness in the project. disposition. a unesco mission visited belarus to assess the impact of the fence erected by poland on the belarusian-polish border. let us summarize the results of the delegation’s visit to the territory of belovezhskaya pushcha in the panorama material. marina vasilevskaya got into direct radio contact with students of the belarusian state university. we'll tell you all the details. the construction amnesty is in effect, the number of unauthorized constructions in belarus is decreasing, and the share of individual housing is growing. all details
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will be on our broadcast soon. after the international break, the national football championship resumed in the president's cup in hockey during the hot semi-finals. and victoria zarenko, with an excellent level of tennis, sheathed her racket at the 1/2 stage of the tournament in miami. sports day program. at the end of graduation. so all day we are following the development of the cynical situation that happened to the participants of the rabsodi music and choral studio from moldova. who were unable to return to their homeland due to the unreasonable actions of poland and lithuania, were forced to stay in extreme conditions for two days. and only today at 15:30 a group of children was processed as a priority at the kamenny log checkpoint. then the bus with the accompanying children passed through lithuanian customs. the belarusian side did everything possible to ensure that the moldovan children stay on the territory of our country was as comfortable as possible. they were placed in one of the schools in the ashmyany district and provided with hot food. they were not fed or even allowed to go to
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the toilet, and this despite the fact that the documents of all participants were in perfect order. ilona volynets has all the details from the border region. so, hello everyone, thank you very much for your hospitality. really very nice people, and we have finally gone abroad, now heading home. the moldovan band rabsodia will definitely remember this tour for a long time, it changed too abruptly in the finale key. the guys came to belarus after a performance in poland, but for some reason the poles didn’t let them back. we were put in some dark place for 4 hours, let it sit, and after 4 hours they came up and said:
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turn around, we don’t let you through, we have a law, well, tell us right away, if you have a law, let us know about it, well here’s some law that came into play during covid times, where we are transit passengers. lithuania, but even here entry was prohibited, the bus was denied transit, since the team allegedly posed a threat to lithuania, i wonder which one, the little artists were just traveling. home, they tell us that we are enemies, we pose a threat, not even a single representative of the authorities entered the bus, did not express their position, nothing, did not check the documents, did not look at the children, did not look at us, they just said so from behind the fence , sit on the bus
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, don’t go anywhere, just like that, we made a few circles, nothing happened, we were worried, this is the first time in our lives , i hope it’s the last time, and we hope that... it happened without any consequences on the psyche, especially of the youngest children, because it was difficult, no one understood anything, and we tried to support each other, it was a bit of a shock when they told us that no, you won’t pass, we were a little surprised because the fact that it was a hopeless situation, and we didn’t know what to do, go back or stand here, the doors were closed, they didn’t let us in anywhere, they didn’t let us out, when already... the kids started crying because they really wanted to go to the toilet , well, i just had to go out to customs officers come up, then three people run towards me with machine guns, one runs up faster and says: back, back, get back on the bus. the music and choir studio rabsodia from chisinau came to minsk
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for the seventh minsk international children's theater forum steps, which took place from march 25 to 27. the organizer of the forum is the minsk city executive committee. theater groups from belarus, russia, and moldova took part in the project. more than 150 participants. over the course of 3 days , nine performances were shown in the capital’s palace of culture. the grand prix of the competition was received as once a team from moldova. the children's art song theater won over the jury with its production of kaddish about the events of the great patriotic war. we received them with dignity. in addition to the competition program, we organized them master classes, discussions, and excursions around the city of minsk to our museum institutions. everything was fine, of course. if only this situation had not happened, from which we learned that the team could not cross the border and get to home, to their loved ones. of course, belarusians could not stay in the country and just watch happening. the moldovan team was offered accommodation in the nearest
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border village of tsudenishki. here at the local school the children were able to rest a little and eat normally. they provided hot meals, showers, and sleeping places for the guys to somehow get their mind off things. who would have responded so quickly, the situation became clear only after 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the lithuanian authorities still issued permission for a bus with children to travel, saw off the team with souvenirs and treats, and of course invited them to visit, just so that the journey home would not be so thorny. belarusians
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, thank you, because you felt, just an expression, that there are no other people’s children, and this is precisely what you understand, that there are no other people’s children, our children have become your children, we appreciate this, we will never forget. the festival in which the guys won the grand prix was symbolically called kroki. after all, in order to solve any situation, it is important to take steps towards it. if only adults wouldn’t create problems out of the blue. ilona volynets, dmitry garkusha, tv news agency. yes, two days later unknowns and ordeals, the situation was finally resolved. mid moldova, after enduring a long silence, reported that a group of children from the rabsudiya choir studio was safely continuing their journey home. true, this has been done. after a private initiative appeared with an alternative option for delivering children to their homeland, this is what the charge d'affaires of moldova in belarus told our channel, the situation was resolved quickly today, thanks to the belarusian side, which
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today provided such assistance, welcomed our children, fed them, they came a little bit myself. because we were tired, so thank you very much, all’s well that ends well, but where is the line of humanity and empathy for our own citizens, especially? which allowed officials from moldova, poland, and lithuania not to notice the situation for two days and forced the group leader to appeal to everyone who could hear with a cry for help. there is no way we can return to moldova, we are guarded by machine gunners, children want to go to the toilet, no one is allowed out, we just stood at this customs for 5 hours, even more, even he is the seventh one telling us drivers, help us, advise us, and just save our people. after this appeal , a real wave of indignation arose on social networks. there are many
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comments on the internet in support of moldovan citizens. what was happening, of course, outraged, including citizens and social activists in moldova itself. it is understandable, this is the reaction of any normal person, and the quick resolution of the issue completely refutes the imaginary arguments of adult guardians of the law, the alleged lack of a license and lack of documents. in children, democratic europe saw a threat to national security. they are given temporary shelter until all the reasons are clarified, because torturing children for going to a concert in belarus is
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the extreme degree of madness, even for obscurantists from the civilized world. civilized europe, just don’t confuse that chisinau no longer needs the children of moldova. people are especially indignant at the fact that the bus was kept at the border for many hours, guarded by machine gunners, and the frightened and exhausted children were not even allowed to go to the toilet. marasmus grows stronger, where humanity is... the hour will come when everyone will answer for their actions. previously, the military had a code of honor and, apparently, they forgot about it, i’m ashamed of the baltic states, greetings from latvia. yes, this is really very democratic, they have already started to bully children, these are definitely fascists. for a sane society, children are the future, but for the baltic polish authorities they are a threat to national security. this became clear after the story received public outcry, and after that quite quickly resolved. yes, they have nothing sacred , these are allies, but they were sucking up to europe,
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they signed up children, teachers, terrorists, again sandu will find excuses, he’s a corrupt chicken, europe has completely lost its mind, it’s clear, sandu doesn’t give a damn about the moldovan people, she’s romanian, yes and that she can, no one takes her seriously, she’s just a puppet, that’s why they do this to the moldovans, indeed the reaction of official moldova to what is happening is impressive, the country’s foreign ministry was silent for two. it's worth thinking about, it's worth thinking about, because in this situation revealed all the duplicity of the european union. mid-moldova said a bus with children
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on the border with lithuania was stopped due to the lack of a carrier license. moreover , it is noteworthy that before the concert in belarus , the children performed in poland, and before that the bus traveled through romania, hungary and slovakia and there were no problems with the license when crossing the polish-belarusian border. we conscientiously tried to contact the lithuanian state border service to find out the reason for what happened, as they say, first-hand. however, no one wanted to join us talk, well, that’s probably the whole reaction. no one is ready to communicate with us. however, such
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silence is not surprising, because how can you explain something that cannot be explained? the documents of all members of the rabsodi ensemble and accompanying persons were in perfect order, they were valid for crossing the border, this was stated by the state border committee of belarus. but here are photographs of the carrier’s license, also in accordance with the norms, so the reasons given, among other things, by the moldovan ministry of foreign affairs only cause bewilderment, moreover. even among the moldovans themselves. protesters gathered at the buildings of the country's foreign policy department in chisinau and demanded the resignation of the head of the foreign ministry. because of his inaction, the current situation and the ministry’s untimely response to...
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europe, which they are praising so much from their offices today. as for the european union, it showed its attitude not even towards moldova, but towards children, where are their human rights, when they force minors to sit on a bus for a day under machine guns for a far-fetched reason. why is the whole world silent, where is the justice, ay, eu, what are we silent? european values ​​are evident, they have all gone crazy there in lithuania, they are fighting everyone. moldavian bus with children from moldova. i traveled across europe, but i can’t get home, this is complete idiocy, a mockery of people, i hope that common sense will still prevail. common sense, fortunately, won this time, or not common sense, but elementary fear from public outcry. in any case , this scandal has left many questions for the west. and the main thing is why the moldovan bus with all the permits and documents could not calmly
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return to your homeland? is it really all because belarus is the aggressor in the eyes of the west? or is this still our country? again extended a helping hand, because these are children, as i have extended many times to ukrainian children, refugees, and migrants. unfortunately, the policies of the polish and lithuanian authorities have taken precedence over humanity, and this is all you need to know about european-style pseudo-democracy. olga davidovich, evgeny belousov, artyom selyanin, telenews agency. the prolonged inaction of officials caused indignation not only among concerned people, but also an adequate reaction from those who could really help and did not stand aside. already in the morning , the famous moldovan politician and businessman ilan shor joined the situation on his own initiative. he paid for air tickets so that the young members of the ensemble, as well as the adults accompanying them, could return to their homeland in an alternative way. and the moldovan authorities could not allow this, because shor is their opponent. the trigger worked. further inaction by officials threatened to result in
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the loss of positions and authority. the moldovan politician commented for our tv channel about the situation at the border. calling what was happening child abuse. unfortunately, europe is once again showing us how it treats us, how it treats our country. we are nothing to her, our children are not interesting to her either. the funny thing is that europeans have gone crazy to such an extent that they are already abusing children. children are sacred, for the sake of children we work, live and try, and these non-humans simply, simply mocked the children who were supposed to return. home, i want to sincerely thank the fraternal belarusian the country of the fraternal belarusian people, who took the children back, who today take care of them and give the children the opportunity to rest a little. we, for our part, uh, when we found out about the current situation, you immediately offered to issue tickets to the children and even started issuing tickets, we have always been and will be
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close to our children, because this is exactly why we work and try to create their... future . the future is when the country has priority universal human values, but not when children are killed by machine guns they just don’t let you off the bus. the lithuanians motivated their actions either by the lack of a license from the road carrier or by a lack of documents, which is called a good deal in a bad game. in fact, litvata was concerned about her own national security and saw even teenagers as a threat. otherwise, the issue with permission is so quick. i wouldn’t dare, look at these faces, they are terrorists, militants, secret agents, so you don’t give them food, water and just go to the restroom, and how does this fit in with those lithuanians without licenses and permits sheltered, fugitive belarusians who tried to defeat, destroy their own country, found refuge and were taken under the wing of the lithuanian polish authorities, such people
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do not scare them, so there were complaints against the children. well, as they say, without words. the terrorist attack in crocus claimed the life of another belarusian. alim kashivarov was in serious condition in the botkin hospital all this time. the man worked as a security guard at krokusehol and received numerous bullet wounds during the terrorist attack. the doctors fought for him until the very end. life. the embassy of belarus in russia provides everything.
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russia published a list of the dead with reference to data from the ministry of health on the evening of march 27; it included 143 people. taking into account one more death , the number of victims of the terrorist attacks in crocus is 144. the tragedy in the moscow region is a reason to look at your own safety, what modern threats they are and how to deal with them. experts and guests of the editors club. about what happened, who is behind the terrorists, will justice be able to reach those who ordered it, why with the help the terrorist attack failed to shake up society ; on the contrary, people rallied in difficult times,
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including the fraternal peoples of belarus and russia, and we saw how belarusians reacted to our tragedy; unfortunately, it became common to us, because two people died there people, citizens of belarus and i am quite well aware of your legislation, including... the death penalty, which is present, in this case this is the murder of two or more persons, so you have exactly the same right to try these people as the russian federation, i think that the competent authorities are already discussing this matter, especially, that is, in this case, if they simply hope that it will be possible here, that a moratorium on the death penalty has now been introduced in russia, to get away from this type of punishment, well, let’s do it again let's wait and see, because negotiations are underway... also, what emphasis did the president make during the battle check of the readiness of our military, why will the belarusian leader be heard by the addressee? watch the new episode of the editors club immediately after the panorama. the most
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an event expected in france - the summer olympic games may take place without an opening ceremony. the country's intelligence services insist on this because of the terrorist threat. it's about the script. coordinated attack on the day of the opening ceremony of the games in front of world television cameras. according to security officials, a place where several tens of thousands of people gather can become a tasty target for terrorists. particularly dangerous are loners who can drive into a crowd in a car or merge with it, detonate an explosive device, or open fire from machine guns. and here is a reasonable question: why not spend more money from the budget on security, but europe prefers militarization. continues to arm itself. the us congress approved the sale of air combat assets to poland. this is more than 800 missiles, air to ground with a flight range of almost a thousand km. also 745
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medium-range air-to-air missiles and about 200 short- range missiles. long-range patriot air defense systems will appear in lithuania. they will be sent to the netherlands in the summer. the ministry of defense of the baltic republic claims that the complexes will arrive in the country only has a few weeks to exercise. in the military sphere, it also cooperates with italy, purchasing tactical military transport aircraft. this is the military-political situation that requires us to have accurate information about the capabilities of our troops. about how the coordinate system in the defense system of belarus is changing, the project, the disposition. the disposition on the air is gagarin, let's go. the president of belarus assessed the progress of the combat readiness check in the ashmyany region. army and defined a number of vectors of military development, this exam used to mean summing up the results for the past period, now
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the troops are first of all tested for their ability to take into account new standards, how else, at a time when slowness does not mean lagging behind, but a missed blow, we can say already in the ring, and even on thin glass, the opponent, having appointed himself as such, gathered strength and are waving their fists very close, nato is literally swelling at the borders of the blue-eyed, good neighbor... against nato troops, we don’t need this, they are waiting for this, they are provoking us so that we at least somehow answer them. a number of tasks during the inspection
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solved for the first time, for example, are carried out to draw conclusions. this time the commander-in-chief did not limit himself to strategic conclusions and guidelines, but delved into the tactical details on which success on the battlefield primarily depends. here we have a serious advantage: our native land, if we fight, we will only be on it, and therefore the army studies every river or avrag like a crow. the quality of control tools is measured not by cost, but by effectiveness. in
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ukraine, sometimes multimillion-dollar equipment. either slips in the mud or burns better than the old one soviet, to work competently, and even when the opponent has many times more drones and missiles, the outcome of the battle can be decided by forty-year-old men with machine guns and a charged spirit, as the events in ukraine show , military operations, everything is decided by a soldier with weapons, how to get through here, for example, these mad people who are freaking out over there outside our border, how they will pass here in... tanks, armored personnel carriers and so on, but they won’t get through, they will get out onto the road somewhere, the roads are blocked, they won’t pass through the forest, this is our land , we know, every scrap is an ambush destroyed, we must not forget that in any war, the main issue that is being decided is being decided by ordinary soldiers, with conventional weapons, the current control section in the army is also the first large-scale exam for
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which... integration into the domestic combat training system is comprehensively assessed experience transferred to the belarusian military in russian training centers. soldiers acquire skills through pmc specialists, and we are not just talking about our conscripts or contract soldiers; instructors conduct classes from stockpiles. we learned new tactics, that is how to fight in a city in a forested area, that is, what to do, how to bandage wounds in a new way, that is, a completely different school. another important one. a feature of the army's training style is an emphasis on survivability; work in small groups, continuously camouflaging my positions increases it; these requirements apply to both mechanized and artillery or missile units. the experience of a special operation has taught us that several launch points are being prepared in the area of ​​the starting positions, usually up to 10, and accordingly the combat vehicle reaches the point launch is carried out from a shelter or from a forest.
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after completing the task of launching missile strikes, the vehicle goes to another shelter. spring 2024 will perhaps become a milestone in the army’s chronicles. literally every military mechanism is explored for its ability to become a defense argument. and fortunately, we have the opportunity to improve without the whistling of other people’s bullets. a peacetime army is an army that is preparing for war, only preparing to maintain this status of art almost barely. there is feedback. space exploration continues an odyssey of an international crew with the participation of the first female cosmonaut from belarus. in addition to a busy scientific program, our marina vasilevskaya actively participates in online space communication every day. for example,
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it took place the day before. connection with the winners of the competition, glorious pages in the history of the fraternal peoples of belarus and russia, we are together, today turned out to be a bright, memorable day for the students of the belarusian state university. svetlana chernova was present at the communication session, she has all the details. greetings from the first female cosmonaut of belarus flew to the ground. marina vasilevskaya made direct radio contact with students of the belarusian state university. exactly at 17:50, at this time the iss was flying over. there was not much time for communication, only 10 minutes, while the station was within the range of connection, but what emotional ones? students were interested in how experiments are carried out on board, are there weekends on the iss, are there plans to use the developments of bsu scientists on the station? some of the guys plan to connect their lives with space sphere. good afternoon, ekaterina, tell me, for what tasks is it planned to use the sova system developed by the non-pfp
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bsu? well, naturally, we shared pride in the fact that our compatriot, in fact, would conduct such important research. and the day before, a communication session with marina vasilevskaya and oleg navitsky took place at tsup in korolev, moscow region. the astronauts held a meeting with children. all of them
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are winners of a children's drawing competition, a glorious page in the history of the fraternal peoples of belarus and russia, we are together. many works were dedicated specifically to space topics. the guys brought their best drawings with them and showed them through video.
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counted for 12 days, during which time she needs to conduct several experiments on studying lactoferin, growing plants in space, photograph certain areas of the belarusian territory, so that the national academy of sciences of belarus can compare the images of the station and the remote sensing satellite. another project is related to the study of bacteria and their influence in space on people, materials, optics and radio electronics. svetlana chernova and andrey ivanenko, tv news agency. the scientific breakthrough of the union state, this topic is in the center of attention of experts from the two countries.
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the russia media group platform today brought together representatives of roscosmos, the academy of sciences, higher educational institutions, and representative offices of the ministry of education. the upcoming forum of the regions of belarus and russia will be dedicated to science, and today it was announced. on the training of those personnel, unique personnel, for which our high-tech industries are most in demand today, so we are not talking about some kind of mass
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in preparing students, we are talking about identifying those scientific priorities for which today we need master’s students, candidates, doctors of science, and, first of all, highly qualified personnel. today, scientists from belarus and russia are working together on projects in the fields of artificial... the state takes responsibility for financing strategic developments. the state investment program was approved for 2024. the president signed a corresponding decree today. a total of 120 objects are included in the program this year, 41 of which is planned to be put into operation. it is also planned to begin financing the construction of 16 new facilities. among them are four road construction projects, two family- type orphanages, and two hospitals. four infrastructure facilities , over 2 billion rubles are provided for their financing, of which more than 80% will go to the implementation of government programs: roads of belarus, public health and demographic security, law enforcement, agricultural business, border
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security, education and youth policy, housing construction and others. a unesco monitoring mission visited belarus to assess the negative impacts of the fence erected. site of the unique beloveshskaya pushcha. all this
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is happening right now on the belarusian-polish border. a year and a half ago, our neighbors finished building an artificial barrier, the construction of which in itself was a disaster. just imagine the scale of the absurdity : 50,000 steel structures and products were used to install the wall. the fence stretches along the reserve for 186 km, and its height reaches 5.5 m. the cost of the object was. there are seven areas where
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flooding occurs, and we will already think through options using science to minimize this process. the fence was built as protection against migrants heading to europe through poland. in practice, it has proven its ineffectiveness ; the fence is going to be modernized for the second time. the first one was equipped with surveillance systems and sensors, and now they are preparing to build observation towers. as a result, the forest complex is fragmented and transboundary forests are disrupted. connection , harmful invasive plants appeared in the pushcha construction equipment, the damage caused to the reserve was announced by representatives of the state control committee. they calculated that the amount of damage in belarusian rubles amounted to 52 million belarusian rubles, this consists, in principle, of three areas: land degradation, destruction of living ground cover and destruction of old-growth broad-leaved forests. the negative impact on the ecosystems of beloveshskaya pushcha is already on the surface and over
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time the situation will only worsen, it seems that there are already 20 passages in this fence pieces, but who will explain to the same bear the right path and tell him how to knock on this closed door. if urgent measures are not taken to resolve the issues of violation of the hydrological regime, so that the drying out of forests in general and the fragmentation of forest areas does not occur, then... unesco will consider the issue of including this natural object, a unique natural heritage site, as an object under threat, then rather in all, a decision will be made that will oblige the polish side to actually take specific measures. after all, the forest is a place where it is not people who should manage, but animals, and if they build, then for the benefit of their interests, sooner or later they will be responsible for their actions. it will be necessary, because a little more, the painstaking centuries-old work will have to start
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all over again. we hope that the experts’ conclusions will be objective and unbiased; their reports and recommendations, which the unesco world heritage committee will consider in july at its forty-sixth session in new delhi, will help preserve the unique and relict forest, truly the lung of europe, for future generations. victoria sharkova, viktor borisov, television news agency. legalize self-construction. at the end of last year, almost 10,000 residential buildings in belarus were put into operation under a simplified procedure, and the active use of the construction amnesty gave impetus to the intensive construction of individual houses. alena lopo has details. there is a little less than a year left before the completion of the so-called construction amnesty, and the point is that if you have erected a residential or non-residential building on your land plot without a design, then such an object will not be considered an unauthorized construction, but this means no administrative liability or fines, the registration procedure is as simplified as possible. the decree
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helps people resolve unnecessary bureaucratic delays, simplify the construction process itself, and what is important, the measure applies to those whose ownership of a land plot arose before september 2022. 8 years ago, the young filippov family decided to acquire their own square meters, because when there is a small child in the family, renting it costs a pretty penny, the head of the family recalls, first of all, we issued a power of attorney for the plot ... it was owned by my mother, and then we began global construction with our own resources. during the construction process, we always encounter some problems, deviations, somewhere we have a wall suddenly in another place. somewhere we want to cut a door a little there, it turns out that all this implied changes in the project, this is to agree, approve, change, change, so to speak, all these things, but after the decree came out 253 , he really is very important to us helped because it freed up a large
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amount of time, which is important to spend on the family and children, earlier, in order to put the facility into operation, each step of all approvals cost time. nowadays, paper checks and visits to government agencies are several times less, a simplified package of documents is submitted directly to the structural unit of local authorities, bypassing the one-stop service, the whole procedure takes no longer than a month. in any case , it will not be possible to hide an illegal object on your day. sooner or later the squatter will come out. in fact, now is the time to register a once- built garage, bathhouse or internal redevelopment of the house. this decree greatly simplifies life for citizens, because... previously, some citizens did not even imagine that the gazebo needed to be put into operation. however, this is a capital structure that has a foundation, so it must be included in the technical passport of the home ownership. at this stage, we can act with you without permission and approved project documentation. ministry of construction of architecture summed up the preliminary results of the decree. and so over the past year, almost 10,000
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individual residential buildings solved the problem of unauthorized construction. this is over 700. m, or 40% of the total input. more often. its simplified procedure is used by residents of the minsk and brest regions; the figures indicate the demand among citizens for a simplified procedure for accepting objects into operation. let me remind you that in order to accept objects into operation in a simplified manner , the following conditions must be met: the object must correspond to the fifth class of complexity, objects must be located in compliance with standardized gaps to the granite land plot in compliance with the requirements established by building codes and urban planning documentation. the location of the objects, although the procedure is quite simplified , it is not worth putting off registration for a long time, because you can get into a queue, and of course there are refusals, for example, if part of the building is in an environmental area or near a reservoir, the building erected on the plots will not receive permission taken under gardening. alina lopoi,
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alexey sosnovsky, tv news agency. for catholics. today is good friday. believers remember the suffering and death of christ on the cross. this is the most mournful day in the catholic calendar. this is the only day of the year when communion or the eucharist is not celebrated in churches. parishioners of ixenza will hold a religious procession. this is how they mentally recreate the suffering of god. viewers of the belarus 3 tv channel will also be able to join the way of the cross through their tv screens. today at 23:55 minsk time. broadcast from rimsky colosseum. on friday with pope francis in attendance. we will meet the main event of the catholic world on the main tv channel of the media holding. easter services are traditionally broadcast live in belarus one. tomorrow there will be a broadcast from the minsk archcathedral church named after the blessed virgin mary at 21:45. we will show a blessing to the city and the world from the vatican on sunday, the day
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of the resurrection of christ, march 31, on belarus 3 at 16:35 minsk time. easter message. in connection with catholic easter, the police are beefing up security this coming weekend. public order in minsk and switches to an enhanced version of service. law enforcement officers ask you to follow the rules of behavior in places of festive events near them. thus, it is prohibited to bring explosive and easily flammable substances, pyrotechnic products, piercing, cutting and other objects that can cause harm. roads near places of worship will be under the control of gaya. special attention. the emergence of disenfranchised drunken road users. as usual, large crowds are expected citizens in roman catholic churches, chapels, communities, as well as in surrounding areas. in the capital, on march 30 and 31 , services will be held in places of worship, which will be taken under protection. the density of police units involved in maintaining
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public order in the city will be increased. all units are focused on providing assistance to citizens, protecting them and preventing crime. please. and guests of the capital should understand the security measures being taken. the department also asks for vigilance in case of discovery of unattended or suspicious items of explosives, as well as if there is information about a threat to public order and safety, this should be immediately reported to the police or by calling 102. cult soundtracks songs from cartoons. literally at these moments the concert in the palace of the republic ended, and well-known melodies were played. films performed by the presidential orchestra of belarus under the direction of conductor vitaly kulbakov. over twenty compositions from the bremen musicians to the cold heart were performed belarusian artists academic choir bel.
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this is music that unites a generation, that is, it is also interesting to the small viewer, and some of the cartoons that we have already acquired value are masterpieces, and several compositions were also performed in the concert, such poppycocks. this is an exclusive project of the presidential orchestra of belarus; the musical show debuted last year on children’s day.
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we are heading to the expedition in the depths of our country, the land of the land, we are full of joy, as soon as we live again, and that means, yes i'll get to work. we don’t sleep at all. nowadays we live in kazakhstan since the last minute. this is a great folklore expedition for us, so
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that it happens again and again in advance at androika in the land, in order to enrich our time at the very end of the land. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. as you may be aware, this year we arrived in the towns of dabrynia and the yelsk region. the lankevichs and pagorskayas settled here. geta, according to the legends, there were our great warriors who dealt with the crimean tatars. i dachshund pooped sennya. the first pancakes were distributed to everyone, we remember our dear friends, good day, marusya, on the journal’s day, good day to you, ladies and gentlemen, castle, castle, where will you open up? no, i won’t open, god forbid, unless the teeth of the beast open to our skit, and to these old traditions there is a new life, the faces are red, the eyes are beautiful, my mountain is proud of the projects that have passed away on the tv channel.


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