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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 5:35am-6:01am MSK

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belarus celebrated an important holiday for the country, 30 years of basic laws. we created our own history, we also wrote our own laws. what is important is what we have as a result, unsquandered national wealth, preserved sovereignty, security and peace in our native land, growth, and well-being of our citizens. as the president said,
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i love my job, i really love it, during production, receiving ribbon, yarn, this ribbon comes into contact with the hands of our creators, these are our women workers, it is very pleasant to know that our visitors, leaving our security center, they leave with such a wealth of knowledge that they will definitely need it in life, watch on the tv channel: belarus 24. nikolai nikolaevich, participant in the battles against. since
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the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolaevich, commissar of the second battalion of the gomel people's militia regiment, carried out a lot of political educational work among soldiers and commanders. the militia, together with units of the red army, courageously defended the city of gomel. august 18, 1941, a battalion led by... nikolai kuntsevich repelled two enemy attacks, during one of which the commissar rushed forward with an exclamation for his homeland, for our victory, and carried the soldiers with him into a counterattack. he died in the same battle. in 1944, nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree. posthumously.
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kali bachysh, what kind of outstanding people were born in the day, you might think that they were more reasonable for us. architecture, entire countries speak to us in this way, and we can understand that. ozbuka giganta on the tv channel belarus3.
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cathedral of st. hannah in mosary, carved a classic that grew from ancient legends and sang antiques. the national-patriarchal style that is shared by the russian dzyarzhava, the naval of such a remote hell of the imperial capital, what secrets lie in each of their forms, these tayamnichny kufar of extorted architecture, architecture belarus. the collection was published in 1792 with the money of the owner of mosar robert and hanna brzhastowski. the choice of a classic style would have been made, since the creation of the jesuit mission, which at that moment was already 200
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years old, was in power on these lands. yes, that's it in the 18th century, the idea of ​​the order of jesus christ began to develop. natural changes. first of all, this information was revealed in architecture. they are practically advocating the hell of baruque forms and began to demonstrate old -fashioned rationalism in more simple ways, just in line with manumental classicism. region, where we know mosar is falling, yes, let’s say so, not that empty, but also... there are enough additional hellish centers, and the whole point is that such brilliant reports of the arch appear there textures, but also your own o'clock at 18 stagodzi, when the temple is in full swing, this would be the same, because there is no center of dzyarzhava, because
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the vilensk region, and as no cruci, glybochyna, this is just this very day, this was the month, they were paying for the fees of their kingdom, the gentry and tycoons, these were... bastards rach paspalitay knew, you know that just a year ago there was a lot of waste and a lot of liquidation, and at the same time we said that it happened... baroque style. the church of st. hannah is simple in plan, covered with two-shelf laman dakhas. galown façade, as well as rear sides budynka, completed with high three-cornered
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pediments, divided into three sections with fluted plaster. the campasi center of the façade is carved with prosthetic-coal doors and arched window openings, on the tanks there are square panels and nadarachny squadrons with sculptures of saints, the tank flat facades have rhythmic dissected windows on the sides. shwe. the eighth plan is rectangular, it has a farmed apse, which is a squarish scenery, no protrusions, no rounded, no you...
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pauslava mots of the russian empire. classicism there is a new and fundamentally original architecture and excavation of not only elements and mats, but also patterns and structures. the basis of the architectural language is the order of its strict symmetrical, ancestral national campaign, regular layout and expression of ab'em form. typical details of classicism - accented forests and unusual decor, like lightness. it’s amazing that not even 3 hours have passed since the elections,
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a statement appears on the us state department website about the fictitiousness of the elections, the european union used exactly the same term and in its assessment our elections, this is stupidity, inadequate.
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in fact, one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum
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was the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, therefore, we are always happy, watch the project, a sign of quality on our tv channel. in today's traditions, traditions adhere to the ancient ideas of harmony and measure, and classicism is always its own antagonism, but also strives for renaissance harmony. adminism is painful to the mind. the tendencies and aesthetic experiences of the light as a harmonic goal have deteriorated. such panics as
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“grammarism” of nature, mankind and nature, elements and svyadomastsya in classicism are growing, becoming more and more exclusive, which is close to those captured by all the cardinal atrocities in the light of the world. dze and stylі from baroka, which taxama is succumbing to the everlasting discord, the people from the kryzіsam.. .not dzyakuyuchy kalya gallery ўwaxing copies of the famous
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michelangela sculpture pashtab and the layout itself robіts you look at this sculpture at the center of the spraying center, and even further away you look at the temple on navakolla, just like this revealing this beautiful sculpture of the italian genius. the small hall is covered with a chandelier vault with ornamental painting. scenes throughout the entire area are covered with green plastrings and surrounded by majestic entablatures with cornices on crackers and duster friezes, in addition to which extended ornaments are carved out. on the flat altar table, pelasters are placed to resemble a crucifix with flowers. pa parameters the interiors are presented. 14 har-relief campasic on the theme of the gooseberry path of christ.
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the altar is decorated with four-caloner portions with entablatures. at the center is the abraz of matsi bozhaya adzigitrya. the external form of the temple is beautiful and two-dimensional. geta is so disgusting with an extraordinary hut, the right image of any everyday life, like only the world. yes, everything has gone wrong, and it was actually built up, well, as i mean, a flabby hut, well, jumpy, well, muddy, well, in terms of dimensions it’s so flabby, but... in terms of architectural forms, it’s ok the folk traditions and classical architecture here are absolutely not flamboyant, but the entire completed getaga of the vyalikaga hall, it was assembled from the profession of such a report, not just a package like that, geta, darechy, it would have been worked out, where there are memories such, well,
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such great demands, significant , i'm right, there it is... the first tier of the tower is carved out of the butavaga mura, the upper tsaglyans are filled with primordial
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rays, the stone, dachshund arch gates are completed with stepped attacks, the data is dated and the exter'eru and the interior of the budynka, temple carefully encourage the harmony of your calm, strict architectural and decorative forms. in the 18th century, the principles of classicism changed in the spirit of the aesthetics of secularism. in architecture, design and natural science, the result is a special design of order elements that are campasic, and interiors are designed with a flexible floor plan and a comfortable building.
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the park is the ideal for the garden, and the small architectural form is the aesthetic accent. that's why you're a good guy there, of course you're a mal absolute classicism with laconic decoration, with statsyami, with vyavlyami, just packaged by khrist, with such garreliefs, if we look at the early evolution, then there were many early trotters in the style of baroque, where we let's say that gety kascel vnyk shadan? come out, let’s say so, imknennya bzhastoўskaga, because more often than not, i know the palace, get the same, get the best. darechy, hanna, my wife was no less famous than the plyatar family, we here recognize emilia plyatar and all the astatine udzelnika paustanya, then the side of this people dachshund from the great acre of the land, the people
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who carried the hell out of the land. lynxes to classicism. who are digging up their mats in the traditions of antiquity, the façade of the greek temple or the rim of the temple, the three-cornered pediments, the dissected scenes, pilasters and cornices. plans and facades are symmetrical to the outside of the living room. the facade of the building has a light palette, because white colors serve to accentuate the design on... architectural elements, plasters, portions, which underpin the tectonics of the building. kali look at the halogen façade, the great ones are important, the great ones are so intelligent, the flatness, on which the polasters are wide with
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canals, is like that, and the cannels are this practical... the complaints are puffy, like a tsyagnuts from the bottom and the top of this plaster, and when we leave the interior at the beginning of the temple, we have a large hall space, and the scenes are the same polasters with the same channels, but the scenes are not idle, they are hesitantly more powerful, but they are clear. for velma jumper, dekaravanaga belt, yakiya akalyae getuyu space at the top of the scenes. nowadays, the new kascel remains closed at the savetskaya bastard. in 1989
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, the legendary priest yuzas bulka became the goal of the church of st. hannah. i am connected with not only the entire temple and the activities associated with it, but also the vital life of the entire world. on the jump and kastsela the teritors and magnets are on target. and my assistants would set up luxurious arboretum parks, which would give off a beautiful display of classicism.
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the history of the world, its basis is a struggle, the struggle of the devil with god, the youth who came out on the streets in the twenties, this is...
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a university, i work here at the faculty, specifically at the department of international relations since 2014 all day long, this is a coffee and pastry shop, the first eastern coffee and pastry shop in belarus, as always, we work here in lebanese, we always talk to people about how to drink this coffee, how to eat these sweets, how right it should be that they give this taste, i love syria subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus... see the project "a look at belarus" on our tv channel. need constant training
5:59 am
not only muscles, but also the brain. the name of which gemstone is used to represent a series of major athletics tournaments . alyona. diamond. diamond, of course, we are talking about a diamond. what does the abbreviation apl stand for? maxim was the first, it stands for english premier league, of course, according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering not the easiest questions. what is the name of the head coach of the dynamo minsk hockey club in the 2223 season. oh, my god, who will prove that he is the main one sports expert of the country. where were the first games of the cis countries held? let there be kazan. astrakhan took, kazan, took, this is the correct answer, kazan, absolutely right, well, i don’t know if i was guessing or not, but intuitively, that is,
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it means there were options. watch the intellectual sports show, head game, on our tv channel.


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