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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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into an intimate relationship, i don’t know what was in my head, we came to my place, i helped her take off her jacket, after that that’s it, let’s go, i’m sending, attention, a criminal case has been opened on this fact, and it’s not the first in the guy’s biography , the detainee had previously come to the attention of the police for the production and distribution of pornographic materials. more doctors not only for metropolitan clinics, but also for the needs of the regions. for this purpose, medical universities are increasing places for targeted training, and so that young specialists themselves want to work in areas, for practice, while still a student , they join mobile teams, their everyday life in the story of sergei ladosev. every week, teachers of the belarusian state medical university travel to the regions of the minsk region, this time they make a stop at the lyubensky central regional hospital, here they already have a full-time working day, they receive patients, their students came with them, who are already stereotypically... since childhood i wanted to become
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a dentist, her main goal is to give every patient a beautiful smile, and to start work, elena is already 100% ready. now she is improving her practical skills, a teacher helps her with this. here we conduct a consultative examination of patients, the teacher shows me how to correctly structure a conversation with the patient, first of all. there are all the stages of the examination, i also keep documentation, where the teacher can also give me a little hint on how to make a correct diagnosis. bsmu has been actively pursuing this practice since november last year. for this purpose, mobile teams are being created to areas that medical institutions need. these are mainly surgeons, ent specialists and dentists. there are several reasons for this: firstly, this is certainly to improve the quality of healthcare in such small places in the year of quality, to help the population.
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well, this is the first, the second is, of course , oncological alertness, today this is very important, today , even during this time of my appointment, i sent three people for a biopsy, because their condition raised questions for me, in addition to the opportunity to work out my practical skills, the healthcare institution offers in the future good working conditions and a new workplace, and the district administration provides a social package for young specialists, and also helps in everyday matters, we provide: space today even for young specialists who came to us last year according to the distribution, they received rental housing. 32 apartments are under the operational management of the central district hospital. this is one of the important moments of securing young specialists. in less than six months, about thirty mobile teams visited 25 regional centers, where the teaching staff of bsmu consulted more than 600 people and plan not to stop there. at the moment
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, it has already become a habit of practice that the employees of the bsmu department actively help us, supervise our hospital, they generally supervise the minsk region for the provision of medical care, all complex cases, some extraordinary ones, which also happen to the population of the lyuban region , of course we consult, actively there is a system of republican telemedicine consultations, where bsmu also provides us with maximum support in the shortest possible time and provides us with advisory assistance. diagnostic assistance. this practice is an opportunity for teachers to help patients, and for future doctors it is a way to gain experience in order to begin their favorite job in august. sergey ladosev, nikolay lashkevich, television news agency. and that was the news of the afternoon, sports coverage right now. we will update the information at one o'clock in the afternoon, stay on the first button. capital dynamo shares points with minsk.
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of course, today is a loss of points, of course, i cannot be happy with the loss of points today, of course. this was the first point for minsk this season. arsenal and manchester city also drew 0:0 in the main game of the spring in the premier league. the gunners' gap from liverpool is two points, the townspeople lose to klop's squad by three points.
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in august 1954 , a special issue of news magazine was shown in all cinemas in the country before the start of film shows. day. he talked about a significant event for the country. 1 august in moscow for the first time since the war, the all-union agricultural exhibition was solemnly opened. the updated structure amazed with its scope and splendor. the pavilions of each republic looked more like luxurious palaces. belorussky at number 18 is a monumental building. with a colonnade in two rows. all central newspapers of the soviet union reported about this event. belarusian press. they were published under the heading glorious victory of socialism.
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belarusian radio also broadcast its reports. the mechanization pavilion, where molded designs are displayed selgaztechniki, and their latest technology from gomsilmash, the minsk tractor plant. the pavilion lived gadouli. here there are demanstruitstsa stupid parodies of buynaga, ragataga stingray. on the fields there are exhibitions of wheat, industrial crops grown by belarusian farmers. directions to raise to the level of the union only 10 years to revive it, and the order of
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importance. in september forty-six, the central committee of the communist party of belarus took place. emergency meeting, it was convened based on the results of a prepared report from two departments, organizational and local industry, in it about the mistakes made in restoring the production base of the republic, the conclusions are disappointing; in a number of areas it was possible to raise local enterprises from the ruins, but this is extremely insufficient. and from a memo from the secretary of the baranovichi regional party committee of tours dated august 3, 1944 addressed to ponomarenko. in pobaranovichi, the meat processing plant was restored and prepared for launch, and staffed. according to the lead, the agricultural machinery plant has been operating since july, with
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120 employees. in novogrudok, work has been organized to restoration of the neman glass factory. the soloists and workers are assembled. in the town of bridges , the mostovsky plywood factory has been preserved and put into operation. in the pre-war period there was in the republic. more than 11 thousand enterprises and artels of local industry were created, all of this had to be restored. at the beginning of august 1930, in the department of agro-industrial combines of the union-canned milk of the ussr, discussions had already been going on for many days about the construction site. another new plant in the country of condensed and powdered milk, and they were
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very emotional, each of the participants defended their own option. the head of the department , alexander ivanovich taratuta, also had his own opinion on this matter, but gave the opportunity to speak out to comrades from georgia, uzbekistan, and the collective farm center of the bssr. the director of the research institute for large socialist agriculture and agricultural economy once again unfolded the tables, checked the technical requirements for the new production with those presented by his comrades from the republic and shook his head negatively. taratuta just shrugged, and questions arose again and again. despite
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disputes, discussions, doubts, on august 5 , 1930 , an official letter was sent to the management of sof-kolkhozstroy by the director of the scientific research institute, notifying that the institute had accepted obligations under an agreement with the collective farm center of belarus, the development of an organizational plan for rogachevsk. sky agro-industrial plant. the requirements for the construction of such production are strict. it should be tied to a place where there is a large amount of cattle feed. and the main requirement is that there should be no cheese or butter factories nearby. factories, otherwise problems with a shortage of milk may arise. the best fit was rogachev in the gomel region of the bssr. the construction site in rogachev is the confluence of two rivers, there is water nearby, large
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pastures for raising cows nearby, well, in principle , the raw materials area is good, so the choice was made, but there was another compelling argument: a unique technology for condensing milk, which has been in use for two centuries there are local craftsmen here, and it has never changed, only milk and sugar. this technology did not exist in any plant in the world dairy canning plant, neither the soviet union, nor europe, nowhere, there were such factories. the first products were released already in the thirty-eighth, a ten-kilogram wooden barrel of condensed milk and coffee in 200 g bottles. an already recognizable jar with blue and light blue triangles appeared. its design was also proposed by taratuta. before the war, the plant produced 11
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million standard cans per year. the product immediately became popular in the ussr. but what was the secret of success? the highlight of rogachovsky canned milk is that in addition to milk, sugar nothing additional is used in the production of canned milk with sugar. due to the popularity of the product, the plant became a leading one. acceptance not only of the city , but the brand of the republic, however, the war destroyed all local industry in the city, the factory buildings were completely destroyed, it took only a few years to restore the plant, in fact , in the forty-eighth the pre-war level was reached, and even surpassed when slowly, gradually ... rebuilding work and preparing for a non-breaking method, maybe 4-5 years passed gradually,
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step by step, these are the stages, here they are, uh, you need to know, here are these small medals. during the first post-war five-year period, the plant already successfully exported its products; the key to success remains in thickening technology. the process of producing canned milk has not changed, the same process of normalization, thickening, filling, the equipment has changed, it has become modern. today , rogachevsky canned milk is still a brand of the republic, which was created in the pre-war period, then restored in the difficult post-war years with dedicated work, the intelligence and talent of several generations of enterprises. people, we were constantly on the honor roll, for the quality of similar bastards in
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the soviet union. did not have. a good morning should start with a proper breakfast. tell me, what are you and i going to cook today? today you and i will be preparing a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, it will be sprinkle rolls with a sea cocktail. tell me what we have for breakfast today champion? and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, it will be unusual the breakfast is very tasty, we can’t wait to start, we will help you choose the ingredients to make the first
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meal tasty and healthy, choose greens. we need spinach. know that you should only purchase fresh, elastic leaves of a bright green color. the color of beans depends solely on the variety. the pod itself should be intact, without any dent marks . let's not forget about invigorating exercises. we stand, clasp our hands, lift them up, lean forward, knees straight, we can bend our back a little, and lean down. again, we also keep the knees straight, feet are completely on the floor, we rise up, watch the breakfast of the champion program on our tv channel.
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the belarusian radio report on the work of the all-union agricultural exhibition was awaited and listened to with great interest in the republic, one of them with particular pride at the arshan flax mill. in the carding shop , management and workers gathered around the loudspeaker, and the sound was coming from the radio. shout out of strength. akulina grybouskaya. at the beginning of the war, evacuations were made from the industrial enterprises near the savetsky rear, and they returned to their native towns after the expelled hitlerites. and the face of the first was included in the address of the chamber. only by the beginning of the 50th year of the fall of the 20th century, there were
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150 workers in the profession. this is a good idea to present the flaxseeds of the republic at the all-union exhibition. each of the employees of the enterprise probably recalled their own history, the history of their plant, when they had to raise the enterprise, famous throughout the country since pre-war times, literally from ruins. first. the factory where i started working, where the wall was destroyed, the roof was blown up, the glass was broken, the frames were broken, he was destroyed inside, at the beginning they restored the fzo school, that is, what they did, first they removed the garbage, at the first factory, there the germans were repairing tanks, and we pulled out
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the tracks, there were about 50 girls, and the guys know for sure that there were 25. people's commissariat order textile industry of the bssr under number 553 on the start of restoration work at the arshan flax mill was signed on july 28, 1944, literally immediately after the liberation of the republic, construction work began literally immediately. there was no material, these are the walls that were destroyed, we removed the mortar from the brick, and the mortar was removed well, because it was made of clay. they used everything that was suitable: broken frames, preserved doors, abandoned german uniforms. the first thing they did
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was go to the battlefields, remove diesel generators from captured equipment, install them at the plant, and start up the water supply system. in october 1945, to the reparations plant from germany.
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from the first post-war harvest, enterprises in the industry, including the arshan plant, produced their first post-war million square meters of linen fabrics, already in the forty-sixth year the plant exceeded double the volume of output, on the one hand it seemed...
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created by the slutsk artel, which since the thirties had united weavers, embroiderers, proficient in the techniques of traditional folk crafts. we collected everything literally bit by bit. what was started after liberation, what we revived, is very necessary, this is our culture. we kept albums at our factory, obtained them as a result of
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trips to villages, and collected them.
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including thanks to the recreated technique for making the famous slut belts.
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weaving, woodworking, pottery, glassblowing, culinary, folk, national traditions, traditions of the regions of the republic were widely used in the revival of local enterprises. industry. in january 1945, the bobruisk factory krasny pishevik already presented its famous product, which had become so popular in the pre-war period. bobruisk marshmallow. it was difficult to imagine that a factory from which there was practically no there was nothing left, 34 former factory workers and eight
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specialists began to restore. and people thought about how to survive during this period , naturally, they looked at the raw material base, that there were a lot of trees, a lot of antonovka apples were grown, based on the raw material base , the red bank was not far away, where molasses was produced, slutsk was not far away, where sugar was produced, so having the main components of, so to speak, marshmallows. the factory quickly regained its leading position in production.


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