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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 3:25pm-4:30pm MSK

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equipment, which, well, is quite difficult to control, if we transfer it to an autopiloted state, then through satellite systems, the equipment moves with an accuracy of 2.5 cm across the field, no matter what distance, i actually decided from childhood that i would be an engineer, i know about agriculture firsthand, i am a rural resident myself, my parents work in agriculture, well, already in the third generation i will work in agriculture. i really like agricultural machinery, i like to repair, disassemble, assemble it, my mother works in in this area, that is , let’s say, we are making dynasties, in elective classes in the agricultural class we are told about plants, animals, soil, we understand and the importance of the agricultural industry in the economy of our country we understand that there must be targeted training for children, of course.
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creativity and robotic technology were demonstrated at the garad stage of the republican tech skills competition. hundreds of young people work on the basis of the palace of young people in several areas: graphic design, programming, intellectual sum and football-robata. for schoolchildren, this skill is not only about trusting your skills, but also about knowledge about the industry. i entered a web design competition, i’m currently making a website, we were told to make a website about the camp.
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and i’ve been doing this for about a year and a half, i love fucking hockey very much, we have a team in minsk, hc dynamo, and i would really like to, well, try to make some kind of layout for them from the site, maybe improve it somehow their current website. this is useful in career guidance for children, that is, they delve deeply into a certain area of ​​graphic design or programming and receive an objective assessment. so... also considering that this is taking place at the republican level, they see the work of other children, well , in fact, they try their hand at somehow moving forward in their chosen way. representatives will represent minsk at the republican stage, such as passing through a large technical park, the best competition, performing at the it-championship robin 2024 and tournaments for robotic technology in the market nya. hell of a bubbling sun and a hell of a day, a handsome man in minsk in the central...
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you are no less at the first weekend beauty will be dry, for months the fog will become intense.
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that's all, mostly on our site premnaga of the day.
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exploring belarus is easy.
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see the project route built on the belarus 24 tv channel, we confidently step into
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a new day and do it to our own music. sounds inside each of us, it is everywhere in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips, music inspires, makes us think and opens up thousands of dear, music can...
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. are you ready to meet our guest? anatoly ivanovich, you remember yourself well as a teenager. of course i remember. have you ever taken a lie detector test? no, i think it will work out now. exactly. we wish you good luck. so, we welcome our hero, the leader
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and soloist of the syabry ensemble. people's artist of the republic of belarus, anatoly ermolenko. anatoly ivanovich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times.
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from a child, i am a very naive person, no matter what, i ’m quite old now, but i always believe in miracles, new year, santa claus, in all other things, everything remains the same, it’s more interesting, and that’s how i communicate with my children, grandchildren and, by the way , great-granddaughter, and what kind of you were in childhood, a hooligan or an exemplary boy, i was not a hooligan, but i was not... faithful, because i grew up without a father and was left to my own devices, in
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principle , i had an older brother, he me directed me on the path of life , instructed me correctly, so i took everything from him, unfortunately, he died young, he was 27 years old, and i named my son after him, in general, i was not a hooligan, but i was not simple either , so, you know, an excellent student, an excellent student. was up to the eighth grade, hello , my name is vasilisa, when did you have higher self-esteem, when you were a teenager or now, self-esteem, you know, i never overestimated myself and generally tried not to evaluate, i just tried to always notice something in myself - then something negative is distorted, here in as a child now, when i go on stage and... they say to me: oh, this is how good, how beautiful, how we like it, i say: no, you tell me what you don’t like so that i can
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fix it, like this i relate to this. anatoly ivanovich, to your right, red sector. you are often called a legend, but do you feel like one yourself? in general, you know, me, when i think about this, i don’t really like it when they talk about me, master, master, legend, some other titles. remember when you were first recognized on the street, now i’ll say, song 81 was played,
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we recorded the song of the year, olesya’s song, before that we also performed, but there were songs that weren’t very good, they ended up in olesya’s song, it instantly entered, so we literally filmed it, then we flew from moscow with star city, on this plane , a girl comes up to me with a small child in her arms, and she says to me: you know, we watched the program, listened to the song, yesterday, the day before yesterday we listened to you sing the song olesya, and we, and our daughter was born, and we looked for a long time for what to name her, and we named her olesya, take her in your arms, hold her, i took her, i blessed her, wrote: “olesya, be happy, like a fairy tale, like a song.” then it was very cool when we... celebrated our thirtieth birthday in the kremlin palace of congresses, there was a big solo concert,
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a beautiful woman comes out on stage, she’s holding this autograph of mine, there’s a photograph written there, she tells me, i’m the little one who you blessed me, i live like in a fairy tale, i have a wonderful husband, an officer, i have three children, i remember this for a long time, and now, when we come to moscow, some... well, i live so i always try to go to the store when it’s closed so that there aren’t any i’m actually a very modest person in principle and i should use it and walk around like this so that they’ll pay attention to me i don’t like it but it happens i’m going to the car was thinking about something
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, a traffic cop is stopping it, come here, show me, you exceeded something there, then i... give him his license, he asks, he looks, so, this, so, so, good, but there are different people, well don’t disturb, some people say something there that probably like my work, and those who don’t really like it, then it means so, and somewhere you have this fire extinguisher there, have you passed it, it starts, well, in the end, everything ends happily, or with a fine, one of two things, in principle i i don’t enjoy my popularity, when you had small children, did you do homework with them? well, when the children were little, unfortunately, i didn’t do homework with them often, because we had tours all over the big country, and abroad, and they were
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three dashes for 6 months, so we left and they returned after some time, when that is... they were just on vacation, it was my mother, my wife’s mother , and my grandchildren who studied, yes, i tried to study, but as a teacher, i don’t know how to explain, i know how to demand, life forced me to explain some rules, i don’t even dare , i tried, then i saw that it was starting to feel like pressure, so i stopped: did you go to parent-teacher meetings and how did the teachers react to you? i also tried not to go, my wife went to them, because i would come, well, the teachers seemed a little they knew how how how to tell me , well, people have this thing, if a famous person comes and you don’t know how to tell him, although i always listened, always spoke, listened, well, i tried, well, they reacted well, in short, but for education
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they say practically nothing, maybe i then say, let the wife come, you tell her the whole truth, she came the name... this is how they raised children, grandchildren, hello, my name is anya, do you believe in your destiny? i believe in some horoscopes, but they are not always confirmed, because when i got married, uh, i have a wife, she ’s a sheep, and i’m a dragon, she’s fire, and i’m water, everyone told us:
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she was sick, we were offered to star in the two-star program, when we went there to film, and she was already in the hospital, well , we consulted, she said go, you are your airport, this is your life, especially with olesechka, i flew there, we were there several times, well, they film the programs there for a week,
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then a break for a month, so when i... flew to one of the programs, maybe i shouldn’t have flown to that last program, but i i had time, i managed to fly over, i just came to her hospital, but they didn’t let me in, then the doctor came out, began to sit, then the doctor came out and said that she had gone to mirina, that’s me, if i were, i i wish i were with her, uh, this is something for me, you know, somehow it ’s like this, let’s continue, to your right is yellow. sector. next question from here. who is your closest friend, to whom do you tell your deepest secrets? today i have a friend, this is my grandson, anatoly, anatoly
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yarmolenko, jr., who recently a daughter was born, my great-granddaughter, alexandra , a wonderful girl, she is already a year old, he is my friend, he supports me, he comes to me at the first call, he... i often live with him, we drive a car, we we sing together with him, now he is in connection with the birth of his daughter with the fact that he, like me, got married early, and i hope he lives happily and will live for a long time, i share with him, and he shares with me all the... then with secret dreams, he and i are like two boys, we sit down like this, we drive, we talk about everything else, you want, says to the cinema, let's go to the cinema, well, in general , this is the story, my grandmother and my grandfather are often offended if i don’t call them often,
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how often do your grandchildren call you? yes, they call often, every evening, we communicate very often, because we have the same thing, and in the evening before going to bed he always calls, baby, you know, although he calls me tolya, he has been calling me tolya since childhood, you know - this is how it happened with us, i just said, we are two boys, that’s why, but i’ll tell you, you need to call your parents, believe me, we live now at this time, at our fingertips , it’s as if a song is being sung, i have cool iphones, we buy cool, cool iphones for ourselves, but we forget to call our loved ones, we need, we need to call, for them, believe me, i’m a quitter now when i hear the bell , i hear the voice of my daughter, son, grandson, it’s absolutely...
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buy, buy something, let me pay, let me do that, well, we somehow have parity, sometimes they do all this, well, i remember, i was already an artist, and my mother, she worked as a salesman, was already retired, and when i came to her, she had a pension there, well how many rubles are there, rubles, probably 100, 200, maybe at present times, she always wanted to give me 10 rubles, and as a rule, it was always for me, at that moment i might not have it,
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we move on to the purple sector. what should a person do to achieve success? you know, each person has his own talent, but without difficulty, this is all money down the drain, as they say, you know, i had a lot of talented guys come to me, to whom i gave the opportunity to perform a song, even record it on television, they counted. for what that’s all i have, i’m going to go earn money there now, everyone will know me, they will know, yes, but this is a huge amount of work in order to keep myself in shape, in order not to go on a spree, not
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to drink, not to start behaving incorrectly, and so on, it’s a lot of work, it seems , here, probably, almost everyone wants to become, well , many, in any case, think that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, it’s, it’s very hard, i really didn’t want to, that... my children followed this path, because if you are an artist, you have to be number one, for us, bavan must be an artist, you understand, but if you just be on hand somewhere or go around asking for something or something, i ’ll sing, this is ineffective, it’s better to do what you can do, and most importantly for the girls - it’s good to get married, find a good spouse for love and raise children and enjoy life, wonderful life lessons. that, of course, this is
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probably the hardest, uh, way of life for a person, and, especially for a sociable person, it’s very hard alone, but fortunately, i’m never alone, my phone doesn’t stop ringing, i just forward it to the administrator, who is there, and there are constant calls, some questions, if i don’t have time to answer, it goes there, then they tell me, so i called, that one needs to call back, i have a representative in moscow, who is also forwarded to, because i said that it’s work, it’s necessary to work, when you work, you don’t feel lonely, you don’t have time to relax, although sometimes it’s necessary, but in this situation of mine, it’s for me and olesya he says, you work, dad, it will be easier for you, because yes, well, due to the circumstances that he said, this is
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really so, therefore... loneliness is such a difficult and unpleasant moment in a person’s life, i wish you all, so that you always have wonderful people next to you , be happy, and what are you afraid of most, only if it’s not a secret, what i’m afraid of, i’m afraid of looking funny and unnecessary, you know what a thing, in my profession, i told myself that if i i'll go on stage and break away from it very... difficult, regardless of age, as i was when i was young, we remember, i was 23 years old, i said, well, guys, we ’ll work with you until we’re 27, and then who will need us, old people, this was the attitude, and i told myself now and always say, if i go out and i see that the audience has stood up and left, i’ll be some part, at least, i ’ll quit right away, i have something to do, i
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’ll find something to do .
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there was, there was a period when we could work three or four concerts a day, and sports palaces, stadiums, tickets for us cost 3 rubles, we packed huge halls, but we received the limit price of our concert was 1.00 rubles, and there it was 10-15 thousand, we received 10-15-20 rubles there. at best, if the old concert was 30 rubles with a concert, then cooperatives began to pay a percentage. this collection , then we earned money, i bought myself a studio, the first thing i did was i bought myself a professional studio, i recorded at home, i moved from bomel to minsk, that’s how i spent this money, in my opinion, i i still live off this, my name is nadya, i do vocals and would like you to listen to me and tell me whether i can become a singer or not?
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it’s not passover when the sun shines high and brightly, but why is it good to live in this world, if suddenly you, come summer, we will survive the unpleasant world, we will survive this trouble , well done, i will definitely say, hearing, you intonate very clearly, you can become a singer, if you accept... pay attention to what i said, that this is a huge work, it requires a teacher who will improve his voice a little, select a repertoire, you like to sing, what songs you will sing, how you plan, what you i would like to sing in order to gather an audience to earn money, well, i don’t know, i would like to create more of my own songs, and this is good, but it is necessary that not only you like them, but also those who will listen to them, i wish you
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success. you can, you can, we move on to the next question, the red sector is to your left, my name is kirill, i’m certainly not very old, but as i know, you always have a beard, did you want to shave it off and change your image? is it necessary, what do you think? is it necessary or not to make animals? no, no, how did she appear? me, i’ll tell you, and this was also such a well-thought-out reception, in general, i was without a beard, well, when we were asked to perform olesya’s song, i was thinking about how, uh, to get... into the audience , i remembered that there was a film at that time, the lettsky legend and the witchcraft, and there olesya is the forester’s daughter, kuprint wrote it, i don’t know whether you read it or not, but he was in the forest and the forester’s daughter came to meet him, and
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he was like i was with a breed, and this film was very popular, a guy fell in love with a simple girl, and there was a whole story there, i would i advise you to read this story, this is kuprina, or watch the film there marina vladi. played, i decided to make such a beard when we launched, oh the song, and she, her name was oles, this girl, tying it all together, it turned out like this, she was some kind of organic, she shot, not only is the song very good, well, you know the song olesya, who hasn’t heard of you at all, yes, olesya, alesya, alesya, that’s how the birds scream, that’s how the birds scream, i also do this there, it’s me there at the beginning, if you turn off the record or there this, i whistle, i whistle, well, in general, it all
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worked and the song became popular, now so many years have passed, almost 50 years since this song sounds, we cannot finish the concert if we don’t perform it. “olesya, olesya, like this, the main thing is to get into the character exactly, a good melody. hello, my name is natalya, lidia grigorievna, my grandmother ’s name is, she loves your songs very much, my whole family loves your songs very much, can i film you on you on camera as you say hello to them, they were very happy, great, so let's, as they say, now let's drink it. lidia grigorievna, i’m filming right now, and your granddaughter, natalya, is here and asked me to say hello to you. and you know what i want to tell you, you are proud of this girl, this granddaughter of yours, she is wonderful, i wish you health, i wish you to
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be loved by your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, so that you live happily and long. hello to you and applause to grandma. hello grandmas, hello.
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story. world, its basis is a struggle, the struggle of the devil with god. the youth who took to the streets in the twenties are the result of the work that was carried out with in the nineties, a generation grew up on western liberal values, europe is not christian, there is no idea there, only money, there must be an idea, and today it is very difficult to change their attitude, because the consciousness of any person is conservative, everything must be checked, need to think. we need to understand what is happening, if
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specific archetypes of political behavior, religious behavior have formed there, it is very difficult to subject it to correction, now we are doing well, but it will be even better, and if we win, he will win humanity, all intelligent humanity is looking at you and me, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. today at 4:00 am, without any definition of war!
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how do you evaluate young artists ? do you think they sing some kind of nonsense? i very rarely sit on the jury, because evaluating a performer is such a difficult task.
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without fear, without pants, this is the story
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that happens often, it ’s probably more about the krasian one, because with us it’s more chaste, i would he said, and this is not bad, this is not backwardness, this is such chastity, such a field among which green wonderful shoots of creativity then grow, why are they still young? artists rarely play in belarus. thank you, i know that this is a problem that we have in the country, a nation of creative people, well, what is our market, our paps’ followers, who listen to paps’ music, so don’t talk about popular music in the belarusian language, geta wrong , and there the yans will be finished... songs in the russian language, and kali patrabna, yans can be powerful, pereklastsi, creations, yakiya
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written in the russian language, translations into the belarusian language, a lot of arganics in this and there i don’t go, the belarusian language is jumpy, i ’m like that, what a prana, well, the soul has a leathery chalavek, and all of us, we have more pale programs, navat kali we i'm driving for the meat, and we're driving for the meat , i'm hearing and asking, i'm asking you to leave the belarusian country, i'm not telling you why, i'm just not giving you away, but it's reasonable that it's a slave, i'm going to show my song, i'm i'll tell you, you can get caught.
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they talk about some things like this turns into commonplace, this is impossible , you know, when people get used to the blood, get used to the fact that a person is leaving, get used to the fact that this is all, and then, of course, we are not going anywhere, sooner or later we will have to leave this wonderful world, but you need how to express this word so
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that you understand correctly, you can’t, you can’t get used to it. to blood, to war , this surprises me, think about the future, yes, you have to keep this peace, everything is in your hands, now it seems that it does not depend on you, but in 10 years you will have to deal with it, take responsibility for some things, i agree with you, thank you for your answer, they say that... all ages are submissive to love, but what is the difference between love at 20 years old and love at 70 years old? yes, it seems to me, nothing, uh, the thing is that love, at 20 years old, it can be attraction, it can be, like, caused by some things, i saw it, i liked
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the girl, the last name is a guy, that’s all, an adult people, especially already 70, mean living together.
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can you say why they are better or worse than you, like the artists? yes, i can say, i can to say that they took a lot from me, this is the attitude towards the work, they understand that this is work, they see how i work, i have my own studio, i have this, they come to me and write with what they? i think that the most talented of all, all of yarmalenko that there are, i think it ’s anatoly, he’s really, he’s 23 years old, he probably hasn’t quite understood yet, i only returned from the army at 23, although in army, i also served in the pyaska song ensemble, i also sang,
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but at the age of 8 he became, took part in the children's new wave and became the winner of the audience's sympathy, he has charm and... he went very well and he can perform any song, perform it very interestingly with his approach, without copying, we listen to kenny west with him, he is passionate about rap, you know, he knows that a new disc has just been released, that’s all for me, he supplies me with these new things that are happening in the world, in rap style, everything else, although he may need taste here in order... to apply it to slavic culture here this style, he does it well, he is very organic, he very much, and it doesn’t go like that, you know , how hard she tries, she has such an internal... organic nature, so, yes, they, well, it’s necessary to work, but now he has another concern
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, a little of him, well, i hope, will want, he’ll do it, he’ll succeed, the next question is from the black sector, i’m hovering over you, i’m in love with veronica, what does radzima mean to you? the skin of a human being will be here, so we can throw it away. at the different ends of the world, but during the pavin ’s meeting, remember that little mound of earth that you enjoy, mother’s song, grandma’s song, all this is all the glory of the father, and you know, i am growing up, as i develop my creativity, i know the song at the top of the page, “i am the forest, save fate, and there are such words, i am
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the forest, that i chose this region for me this land, i am grateful to the forest, that in all the hours of may the dark-voiced winter has not sent me someone else’s beauty, the world has not given me hell, we are such people, we love our land and we..."
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and there have never been very many from ukraine i have friends, now we correspond too, regardless of what is happening there, if they told me there 10 years ago, 15, that this could happen, then i would never have believed that such a situation would happen today, i even have a song on this topic, it’s called pain, what to take from there more?
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saturated, yes, i believe in god, i believe in higher powers, i always turn to difficult moments, but have you ever had situations after which you were convinced that god exists, this is a very difficult question, you know, sometimes we demand, or rather we don’t demand, but we ask for some impossible things, i understand this too, intellectually you understand, the heart does not want to accept some things, but that means it was so... destined by fate, that some things may not come true, what you ask for, but
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nevertheless, i believe in it. i very often hear the phrase that in love you need to listen to your heart, that’s how you realized that your wife is the one, i was on tour, we have a very interesting life, we had a lot of familiar girls on the routes i met, and at the age of 23 i told myself that i needed to stop somehow, then a request came to the castrol, i saw a very beautiful a girl, she worked in a hair salon in a hotel. and something clicked, i met her, then we left , we spent a very long time, so to speak, i corresponded back and forth with her for a year, then i proposed to her, she came to visit me, i went, well, already we knew each other well, that is, we met, i went to the clerk’s office,
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took the application, put it in the closet and said, here... there’s a sparkle, she opens it, and there it lies behind , she looks at what it is, i say, i i suggest you, she was delighted, she went and immediately bought a ring, here she is, i am his guard life-saving, since then, she and i, i said , lived happily for 61 years, that’s how it turned out for me, and i’m very happy, i thank god that it worked out for me like this above life, it’s hard to say what to listen to , we probably start with the heart. then we connect our brains to this in order to save it all. please tell me what you dreamed of as a child and what you dream of now? honestly, i always wanted to become an artist, i really liked it, my mother played the guitar well and she showed love to us to music, she sang some romances, i remember we
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were sitting with the children, she took them. “ you sit in the fireplace and watch with longing how the sad fire burns out, how brightly the sparks sometimes flare up , then powerlessly fade away again, we didn’t know what a fireplace was, because we lived in a simple hut, but we dreamed about what it was there will be a stone, then i grew up, it already has, like mine there is a fireplace, i know what it is, when i look, i see it all, i see it all. i imagine, what are you dreaming about now? now i’m dreaming about that to be healthy children, grandchildren, only this one thing, i am ready to give everything that i have, everything in the name of keeping them healthy, because there is no greater happiness than seeing the joyful eyes of your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. red sector, to your right, hello, my
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name is ivan, do you have habits that... you would like to get rid of? i talk a lot, this is what i wanted to get rid of, sometimes i can’t stop, i really want to talk to good people, i’m ready to talk to anyone, i can meet you on the street a person who says: oh, hello, you know, if he, of course, is not talking nonsense, but says some normal things, i begin to develop, i’m interested, i’m a very inquisitive person, and i was an inquisitive child , now everything is interesting to me, i’m... maybe i need to get rid of this, or maybe not, but in any case, what class are you in, wow , well done, smart, you have a page on instagram, and quite popular, do you host it yourself? no, i don’t manage instagram, it’s an anatomy, but how do you generally feel about
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social networks? great, that's great. there’s a lot of interesting things, you have to be able to stop, you have to stop in time, you know , you can get lost in there, there’s a lot of lies, deception , you just have to filter, everything has to be filtered, there are some bloggers who appear, who interfere with people’s noodles and people fall for it, and you fall for it, you don’t have to fall for it, there are a lot of thought -out things that we need to understand, but now... artificial intelligence as it creeps into our lives will be even more difficult, think about it too, but it seems oh how cool look, i know all this from music, that there are programs that the intellect does, it seems, oh, and then again it’s still inanimate, but it draws a person in and you become a slave to the whole, and with ours, with
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your common so youthful. somewhere there is laziness, you can get so, so stuck in this matter. they are loyal. to your business, oh, komvol is the soul of art, it is not just high-quality fabric, it is living fabric, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool. our work is an art, creating high quality fabrics containing wool. ready to share your knowledge? the basics of life safety, in my opinion, is the most important knowledge. a person’s life to show one day from my life, i love, honestly, i love my job, i really love it, during production, receiving ribbon, yarn, this ribbon comes
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into contact with the hands of our creators, these are our women workers, it is very pleasant to realize that our visitors, leaving our security center, leave with... a wealth of knowledge that will definitely be useful to them in life. watch on tv channel belarus 24. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. the name of which gemstone is used to represent a series of major athletics tournaments? alyona. diamond. diamond, of course, we are talking about a diamond. how does the abbreviation stand for?
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cis. well, let it be kazan. astrakhan took, kazan, took. this is the correct answer. kazan, absolutely true. well, i don’t know if i was guessing or not, but intuitively, that is, there were options. watch an intellectual sports show, head game. on our tv channel.
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my daughter’s youngest son olesya, he said , he was 6 years old, and he said: “grandfather is weak to sing this song, you sing beautifully, well , you’re all confused about something else,” you can have a raspberry, i say, well show me what kind of song this is, and in the car he’s sitting there with me , he says, you found it, a raspberry berry, he turns his head, the top flies, i’m some kind of song, i’ve never sung anything like that, so to speak, not my repertoire , anything, but i tried it, the public really liked it, olesya supported it, and thus i gave my authority raised his grandson in the eyes, in general
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, comprehended and understood, then khabib came and he said thank you, and even perhaps to the world, he says, you’re doing great, we even fooled around with him, posted it somewhere , but there is a malka berry... do you like raspberry berries? yes, sometimes the audience asks you to sing, i’m just joking, well, the audience is on ears, of course, can you imagine , an adult comes out, serious, respectable, after the songs that will be played there, a raspberry, turns his head, flies up, my name is ulyana, and can i ask you to sing, now, yes, i, of course,
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and i’m lying, the edge of the old state on the perfumed takso. don't let the grass ripen, and i'll lie down and jump, the edge of the old man of gasce, the stony hands, the war's fur will spread, the distance will be bare, the fog will cover. the weathered hands are free
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to spread wide, naked to the distance, not covered by fog, dzyakuy. this signal means that the time for the hero’s questions has expired. anatoly ivanovich, now you have to choose the best question of this program? um, yes, i chose one question, one, the best one. well, in my opinion, you, here about what i would take from from from that country in which he was born. great. let's get acquainted again. introduce yourself, what is your name, what class are you in? my name is nelya. i’m from school number eighty-six, i’m in
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ninth grade a. neli, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, go to the site. here is a whole set, let the memory be so good, it is signed, i wish you success, thank you very much, thank you very much. your question, in continuation of this topic, you asked me what i would take with of that time, and what would you take with you from now on, when, 50 years later , one of you has the opportunity to meet your peers with the same people, what would you answer to this question? i would probably take a meeting with friends, here is my favorite
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holiday: new year, because i am from gomel, now i live in minsk, and i really like it when i come there, a lot of family and friends gather there, and it’s real very funny and memorable moments, i want to take from this time to the future those living actions from the village, when she comes to her grandmother, she asks, get some water, help with the housework, and so on. i would


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