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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm MSK

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belarus, the oryol region got straight to the point, our president and the governor of the russian region discussed the prospects for cooperation. the government has extended and expanded the consumer loan program, about all the pleasant changes and benefits of buying native goods in our issue. the company is creative. adidas is making excuses after the scandal with the uniform for the german national football team, similar to nazi symbols. score-crushing surprises at the chezhovka ice arena. minsk hosts the final stage of the republican tournament "golden puck". agriculture, microelectronics, investment sphere, drivers for strengthening the partnership between belarus and the oryol region of russia. today they discussed it at the independence palace. and a number
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of areas in which the parties are ready to work effectively. governor andrei kolychkov has headed the region since 2018; he came to belarus for the first time. the program of the three-day visit is intense. the president expressed hope that thanks to geographical proximity it will be possible to establish cooperation more intensively. from microelectronics, unmanned harvesters and food, advanced preparations and new elite seeds. emphasis on regional development. the day before. an action plan for cooperation for the next 3 years was signed between the gomel and oryol regions. the main task of interaction is to find new points and develop them as much as possible. you will also not be able to live and work in peace in the near future, there is nothing to count on, so you have to solve the problems of protecting civilians and critical infrastructure in the most difficult conditions. if there is anything we can help you with in this regard, huh.
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we can reach half a billion, it’s absolutely possible, although we’ll have to work and put in some effort. growth drivers can be the traditionally strong economic sectors of the oryol region, such as agriculture, microelectronics, and the investment sector. in all three of these areas we have a high level of development, so pairing is possible, and we will do everything to get the greatest effect, fourth. the governor
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will visit a number of industrial enterprises these days, they will negotiate not only on supplies, the president proposes to think about creating special classes with belarusian equipment, agricultural gymnasium in the city of orel. belarusian builders can be useful to the region in the construction of housing. the president expressed confidence that the results of the visit will be supported by specific joint projects. in addition to tractor special cargo equipment, our industry is increasing the volume of production of passenger transport.
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this is the future, you could also organize a test drive of several units of autonomous trolleybuses in arles; this is already practiced here in minsk. governor in conversation confirmed with journalists that the region is ready to increase the volume and quality of cooperation with belarus. our country already ranks fourth in the region’s foreign trade turnover. the region is ready to more actively invite belarusian builders; there is already experience in close cooperation. in the pre-covid period , a school was built together with our specialists, and now 10 more new sites for integrated residential development have been allocated. among the promising areas, the agro-industrial complex is also highlighted. arlovka region is one of the leaders in agriculture, and we see a large potential for the use of belarusian agricultural machinery, in addition, we have historically accumulated experience in relations with the minsk automobile plant, the tractor plant, in the use of technology for
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integration with our enterprises, the tsensk municipal equipment plant, and therefore today i think we will discuss the issue and work on the initiative . to create a multi-brand service delivery center in the oryol region, i think it will have a good effect, because even in the first quarter of the twenty-fourth in the past year, almost five dozen units of equipment have been purchased, the remaining year is also about 80 units, we are ready to purchase, the government spoke in detail about new projects with russian guests, as deputy prime minister pyotr parkhomchik noted , long-term successful work is taking shape with the oryol region of belarus, growth points . determines mutual complementarity and willingness to share the best practices in food production in selection. so we are ready to participate in the construction of farms, vegetables, potato storage facilities, and what about belarusian technologies, with our equipment? all this equipment has already been tested in real belarusian conditions,
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which allows us to annually achieve very good results in exporting the products of our farmers. today it is in the range of 6.5-7 billion dollars almost annually, then we have achieved these results over the last 5-7 years, so to speak , so there is room to move forward, to find new solutions. purchases of belarusian equipment and industrial cooperation were discussed specifically at enterprises. amkador, first in route of the russian delegation. here, ties have already been established, but we are ready to develop new agreements. road, construction equipment, municipal forestry machines. the belarusian manufacturer offers both traditional items and its new products in the field of agriculture. in the history of amkador, the city of orel occupies a special place, one of the letters o in our abbreviation is
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the city of orel, there was a plant there, the oryol loader plant, so there is something to discuss , there is something to remember, there is something to offer, every year we supply from 10 to 40 units various equipment. to this region, but its climatic conditions today mainly guide us towards cooperation in the field of agriculture, so we will focus specifically on agricultural engineering. the russian delegation got acquainted with our passenger equipment at belkomunshi; tomorrow the guests will be shown a wide range of our agricultural equipment at gomselmash and the best samples of dairy products at the plant in rogachev. in addition, guests will attend a concert dedicated to the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. meanwhile, time.
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which brings together a lot of friends of interregional cooperation, almost all the regions with which we have an agreement responded, and some even responded with the presentation of some of their exhibition and fair events. the northern region is thoroughly preparing for the large-scale forum so that all participants experience belarusian hospitality. the host cities are being transformed, yes. in itebsk , the reconstruction of victory square is in full swing, a hotel in the city center will take on a modern look, as well as locations that are among the most popular tourist routes. the first delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly became known. an extraordinary conference of the belarusian
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women's union on nomination was held in the capital. 80 people, of which 10 from each region, 20 from minsk. among the delegates are those representatives of the fair sex who were awarded state awards and certificates
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of honor. the adidas company got into a scandal with the new uniform for the german national football team, the designers were so overzealous with the font that number 44 became very similar to the nazi symbolism. at the same time , customization of the kit is available on the outfitter’s official website, that is, you can write anything on the t-shirt. as a result, the wittiest users of social networks began to accompany the t-shirts. with number 44 with the inscriptions adolf, hitler and fuhrer, and shares photos on the internet. as a result, after public outcry, adidas decided to prohibit fans from choosing number 44 when ordering t-shirts. that is why it is so important to have observation and know history. foreign fighters detained the day before in dagestan participated in financing the provision of terrorists who attacked the city hall. the fsb found that they directly supplied the attackers with money, as well as means of terror. thus, one of the accomplices
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admitted that in mytishchi he handed over weapons to terrorists for an attack on a concert hall. the detainees were found with automatic weapons, ammunition and a homemade bomb ready to be used. according to the fsb, they were going to blow up the embankment in kaspiysk and then leave russia. the terrorist attack in kroku sitikholi claimed the lives of 144 people, including three belarusians. and today. the investigation has requested the arrest of another tenth person involved in the terrorist attack case. how the white house is trying to tighten the noose on world trade arteries, terrorist attacks and provocations, wars, blackmail and coercion from the soet canal to the arctic. how trade works , why logistics is increasingly fraught with risk. how much does business lose and what will happen to prices, as well as belarus on the map of new global initiatives? look in clear politics today after the panorama.
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the validity of the loan for domestic goods was extended until
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the end of 2025, and the list was expanded and manufacturers and products available. the corresponding resolution was adopted by the government. now you can take out a loan at 4% per annum for up to 3 years for wooden windows and doors, house kits, laminated flooring, porcelain tiles, hoods, gas boilers, carpets and much more. the ministry of antimonopoly regulation notes. increased thanks to the loan by about 20%. that the rate is simply retail trade turnover . and if in the city of minsk this percentage is lower, then it is in the regions that our population began to actively use this program. folk goods. the list was expanded taking into account requests from manufacturers, as well as requests from the population. the loan is issued without
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guarantors, but within the limits of the recipient’s solvency. you can submit your application remotely on the website. in belarus, the procedure for assigning a state quality mark has been approved; it is assigned annually to food and industrial goods, as well as products for industrial and technical purposes produced by legal entities of belarus: products that qualify for the assignment of a quality mark are determined by the manufacturer independently, also conducts a comparative analysis of the quality indicators of its products with the best samples. domestic foreign products. as a result, you can submit an application. products will be assessed based on five indicators. safety, environmental friendliness, innovation, manufacturability and aesthetics. in any case, the enterprise must consistently produce products and operate stably, not have certain
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debts to the state, all quality management systems at this enterprise. must work, from today we are ready consider documents, regional executive committees are ready to accept applications drawn up in accordance with this assignment procedure, as soon as the first documents reach the secretariat of state standards, we are ready to consider them and submit them to the republican certification commission. the manufacturer can use the quality mark when marking documents and advertising for 2 years, he can also receive.
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the development of quality mark products will take place on world quality day this year, november 14th. the ministry of internal affairs announced the arrest today top manager of one of the largest belarusian light industry enterprises. we are talking about the forty-six-year-old deputy general director of magatex. it specializes in the production of textile products, the office is located in mogilev. the defendant was caught taking a bribe. gubop operatives handcuffed him and his relative immediately after receiving the money. at the end of march, when meeting with the head of the partner’s moscow company, he reached an agreement to receive his percentage for the services provided for uninterrupted shipment products, which was estimated at 2 million russian rubles. fearing being detained, he sent his relative to meet him for money. on a highway in the varshansky district, a man received the specified amount from a businessman from russia. immediately after receiving the bribe, both a member
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of the official’s family and himself were detained. during a search in the houses of the detainees , $30,000 was found in the equivalent of... also five expensive cars, all of this was confiscated, a criminal case was opened for receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, now law enforcement officers are checking the defendants for involvement in other illegal facts. belarus is a country of opportunities for everyone. chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova told reporters about this. diplomas were awarded to graduates of the minsk state college of digital technologies with special needs in psychophysical development at the town hall today. 18 people. excellent students who will begin their career this year. for most, the first job was at the integral enterprise, where the guys did internships and were part of student detachments, so the team and the amount of work are familiar to them. speaker of the upper house of parliament, natalya kachanova, personally entrusted the document and expressed gratitude to every teacher who helps integrate young people
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into society. and we are glad that in our country there are those people who have some special features. such guys, such people, where else, how can we help, we have meters of electrophysical parameters, already these children, those who are city residents, they already live in our dormitory.
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with autism spectrum disorder. in last year , a group of totally blind programmers graduated from the minsk state college of digital technologies. sincere emotions, true love for hockey, minsk hosts the final stage of the republican tournament "golden puck" for the prizes of the president of belarus. on the ice of the chizhovka arena, young athletes born in 2010-12 compete in division b. and today the squad is from grodno. region, the ice knights presented their mentor vladimir zhabinsky with a real birthday present, having achieved their first victory in the final stage, and even with such a devastating score.
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the guys confidently beat their peers from the mogilev region, the olympia team, 27:2. group b, made up of teams from those regions of the country where there are no indoor artificial ice rinks. thank you for the gift, last year there was also a gift, we played and became champions. we finished 20 29, and there was also a birthday, well, like the first, that is , it was like such a gift, we came just for the victory, you know, well, i read them a fairy tale about a turnip, yes, that is, not only one needs the cup player to pull, all of the entire team, that is , one will not drag, one will not win, the winner of the golden puck in division b of the junior age group will be determined on april 3. that’s all i have, the results of the day will be summed up in the panorama at 9 pm by ekaterina tikhomirova. thank you for your attention and all the best. right now
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the duel between the metallurgist and gomel is ongoing, the match is being broadcast live by the belarus 5 tv channel. this is the fourth meeting of the rivals in the semi-final series of the president's cup. so far , the representatives of zhlobin are ahead in the poleske derby 2:1. costs note the amazing atmosphere at the match. teams play to a full house. the ninth all-star match of the vtb united league in 2025 will be hosted by the belarusian capital. the basketball festival will be held at the fifteen thousand-seat minsk arena. game dates will be announced later. the previous eighth match took place on february 18 in moscow. then javier pasquali's team beat emil rajkovic's team with a score of 134-120.
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