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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 1:25am-1:46am MSK

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it was unique, known for a long time, and not only local residents knew it. the springs were included on the swiss map of healing waters of 1524. water was delivered to the table of the russian kings. in 1855 , a sanatorium was opened here to treat patients with radiculitis, rheumatism and other diseases with mineral waters. the treatment was successful and the sanatorium was considered one of the best in europe. today it is a hospital resort for the presidential administration. the republic of belarus is famous for its high level of treatment, including mineral water, which, due to its properties and the composition is superior to popular brands from european manufacturers. thanks to the peculiarities of the location of our well. our natural mineral water is low-mineralized, sulfate-calcium, with a high content of bicarbonates. and it is also recommended for medicinal purposes. how - for
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metabolism, for the urinary system, for digestive exchanges, that’s why i would recommend it, especially to people who, well, often have gastritis, heartburn is very good, it is considered quite so alkaline water, so i highly recommend sulfate. calcium water is practically the only one in belarus with a low sodium chloride content. it also contains magnesium silicic acid. it features an optimal set of salts, low mineralization of 1.67 g per decimeter cube and a neutral reaction, ph 6.9. reviews from our products, that they taste pleasant, without foreign odors, make you want to use them again.
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over the past 5 years, we have almost doubled our productivity; today produces about a million bottles per month in a single shift, which is quite high volumes for this enterprise.
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belarusian doilitstva, like its own jumping, is important for this time to learn and master.
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reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information is almost a relic of the past, it’s easier to watch something short, funny, that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive oppositional resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but... this is different. to unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind, inertia - the inability to form their own opinion. they consider themselves young, free and independent. in fact, they are very pliable to external pressure. this is
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a constant attempt to get people emotional. this strategy, for the majority of opposition telegram channels, has not changed at all. and what opposition resources can offer their own.
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the peculiarity of water production is that it is not subjected to. deep cleaning and further artificial mineralization. on at the plant, it is only filtered and saturated with carbon dioxide, that is, having gone all the way from an underground source to the container produced here at the enterprise, the water remains an active living medium. in addition, production automation eliminates the slightest possibility of product contact with air and human intervention in the process. the water goes through a mechanical treatment stage, killing all the smallest particles. after this, the water enters storage tanks, after which it is directly supplied to the bottling line, there are some manufacturers who which stages of processing include not only mechanical processing, but the removal of some specific components from the water, we do not have this process, we have
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water that is extracted from a well in this form and is supplied to the consumer, we can say that these are properties the water remains, so... its naturalness remains and goes to the bottling line, that is, we roughly say that what lies in the ground today, it goes neatly into the bottle, in order to get a finished bottle, from the moment of extraction happens in no more than one hour, the company has 46 people on staff, mostly residents of the dokshedsky district of the vitebsk region, i like the work, i know all the production, where, what, where. how to do it, what to pay attention to? i brought a friend, she asked me to bring her here for a job, and i really liked the production, the new workshop, beautiful place, good conditions, i asked,
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purely out of curiosity, i asked, and as it turned out, well, this became my place of work later, i started here as microbial engineer when you come here to this plant with your soul and mood, then the product comes out with your soul , mood and its taste, of course, it will have a piece of warmth from every person who works at this enterprise. a small but well-coordinated
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professional team produces water that can be prescribed to heart patients and hypertensive patients, improves liver function, has a choleretic effect, normalizes acidity and metabolism. product, someone buys juice at home, i recommend it try it, you bought it, it seems to be highly concentrated, take a little bit, add our mineral water, and you will understand such an interesting taste combination, i think you will remember it for a long time, you can wash your face with mineral water, make facial masks for hair, take mineral baths, it gives the body a charge of vivacity, health and vitality, while you can be absolutely sure of its exceptional quality.
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products, we are now in the microbiological laboratory, each batch manufactured products are subject to microbiological control, in particular to determine the bacteria of the escherichia coli group, this is mineral water and common califorms, the common thermotolerant bacteria there, this is drinking water. this analysis is carried out daily in each batch. products, this analysis is very important, it shows the purity of our water
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for both drinking and mineral water, it is mandatory. more than twenty control analyzes are carried out daily at the enterprise. everyone coming to work day, we set ourselves the task of producing high-quality products, our friendly team contributes to this. and tries to fulfill all the indicators stipulated by state regulations, sanitary standards, and to deliver a quality product to the buyer. the laboratory is provided with all the necessary consumables, nutrient media, and chemical reagents so that we can carry out our work uninterruptedly. discipline is production control, it is quality control. dedication at every stage of each employee, it leads to high quality of products, so
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of course we pay close attention to this, so we respond to every moment and request from our enterprise employees, so that the quality of the products is always at the high level that we have today. already next year, the company promises to please its consumers with a new, tasty and healthy product, under this... it is responsible not only to itself, but also
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to people for its work, my work for me is my life, that is, this is my family , work, and from this the most basic thing is formed: mood, health and the desire to create something every day, hourly. we follow the sports life of our country, probably we should. you need to invest a lot in children, probably from childhood try,
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let alone try, probably, to live their lives, to the detriment, probably, of many of your interests, your own, your hobbies, probably just live, observe the most interesting event, but what such luck, luck is work, if someone didn’t didn’t know, luck develops when someone is lucky he says he’s lucky, no, he works a lot, he wants this more, he, well, that’s how the stars align. are we listening to the opinions of competent specialists, have we placed the right emphasis in the game? well, this is the playoffs, naturally, emotions will run a little high, but you have to be able to not succumb to all this provocation. in sports projects on the tv channel belarus 24 adventure of foreigners in belarus good afternoon good me vladimir and what a beautiful boy or girl the boy is murames his name is not to scare the horse we ourselves are not afraid of something we ask incomprehensibly, it’s so cool, everything is visible right there, beautifully beautiful, we’re sitting, sitting, sitting
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, an ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels around our country. no, i can’t, it opens here, sit down, or you can sit, of course, as if i was really being treated, that’s it, guys, please don’t interfere, i’ll arrange it, watch the belaya rossa travel project on the belarus 24 tv channel, the belarus24 tv channel is broadcasting for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily
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task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers the whole world has access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental,
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athletic and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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late on a january evening in 1970 , the phone rang at the third city hospital in minsk: third city hospital. invite professor tatyana vasilievna birich to the phone. tatyana vasilyevna is busy with a patient. this is urgently on the line of the ministry of defense. take another phone. a high-ranking ministry official has an eye injury. there is a metal object there. when did the injury occur? 2 days ago,
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bloody swelling formed around the eye. i will operate tomorrow, prepare the patient for departure, after that he will be able to. continue treatment in moscow. we would like the treatment to take place in minsk, under your supervision. fine. tatyana vasilievna birich, a famous ophthalmologist in the ussr, hero of socialist labor, corresponding member of the academy of sciences of the bssr. the first woman in the history of belarus. who became a professor and doctor of medical sciences in the distant pre-war years. honorary titles, awards, position of deputy, chairman of the supreme council of the bssr in the sixties. social, international activities, people from all over the soviet union tried to get an appointment with her. it was in minsk that one of the best worked.


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