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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 9:45pm-9:58pm MSK

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of course, there is no talk of a real military response now. tehran, distinguished by restraint and a desire to maintain peace, called the strike a terrorist attack and said that the country reserves the legitimate right, within the framework of international law, to respond to the crime. in the meantime , diplomatic channels and demands to hold all those involved accountable have been used, but the supposedly civilized west is in no hurry to heed the appeals. but the people of iran, hundreds of people, are calling for an armed response . on the streets of tehranan chanting death america and israel. everything that israel has done is inseparable from the coordination of the us, which i believe gave israel the green light for this attack. the traffic light workers in the states are pretty tense, because they understand that they may well also be held accountable for their friendship with israel. because the us administration. reported that washington did not know
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in advance about the impending strike, did not participate in it and did not have any information at all; after a long silence, tel aviv began to rattle weapons. we act everywhere, every day, to ensure our the enemies have not gained strength and to make it clear to everyone who is acting against us throughout the middle east. the cost of action against israel will be high. but what price will israel have to pay? due to the rash actions of their authorities and what this threatens the entire middle east region is still unknown, everything depends on tehran. there are, of course, two options for the development of events. first, iran, of course, can respond asymmetrically, exactly the same in relation to israel on the territory of any other state, but then iran risks spoiling relations with this very third state, with this third country, yes, but this is not beneficial for him. secondly, then israel won’t remain either, let’s say. so the pocket
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won’t bother with a word and will answer, then this is an inevitable war, which means that iran will fall for this trap and that means what the west needed to do is to pit two strong states in the middle east region against each other, chaos would break out there and naturally , the americans could profit well from this, but there are reputational issues, so they can actually be very although in words they are of course quite harsh, in reality they are very pragmatic and... pragmatism can be expressed in the fact that they will use some other levers, mechanisms that we talked about earlier, that is, they will use their groups, and this is how this is the same option, the second option, which is the most optimal for iran today, because you need to save face and show that the house here also has an owner in this very middle eastern house, and accordingly show the whole world to yourself themselves, including and above all, most likely themselves, that no one can afford to do this. with iran. in the meantime, with
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the connivance of the west, it was israel that once again proved to the whole world that the interests of one state, multiplied by money and secret connections, make it possible to spit on everyone and remain unpunished. but when it comes to the interests of global players, silence is no longer appropriate. in one day, tsahal managed to distinguish himself not only in syria, but in the gas sector. israeli military airstrike kills aid workers organizations.
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and its activities in palestine, a number of countries , including britain, poland and australia , have stated that they will conduct an investigation into the murder of their citizens and will seek to bring the perpetrators to justice. if this mood continues, then today’s meeting of the council for the un, initiated by russia, promises to be hot. the israeli side will have to answer many questions, first of all, what is the point of unmotivated attacks. evgeny belousov, telenews agency. in the armed forces belarus continues to test its combat readiness, active training is being held with units of the 120th anti-aircraft missile brigade. at new deployment points in various terrain, fighters hone individual skills and mastery, study tactical medicine in practice, equip engineering positions, and learn shooting techniques from various positions. in the current situation , it is worth noting that protecting the air borders of our... country is a priority
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task, therefore, our unit was faced with the task of replenishing, moving to position area. and carry out airspace safety missions . during such maneuvers, the military improves their training and develops an algorithm of actions to reduce the period of readiness of units to enter new areas. the garden of eden of barel became a real jungle for ukrainian refugees. social services of eu countries have already seized 255 children from ukrainian citizens. in germany there are more than 70, followed by poland, italy, the czech republic, and sweden. it is noted that children are most often taken away from their parents or legal representatives due to the lack of necessary documents or due to improper fulfillment of parental responsibilities under local laws. ukrainian children
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are a commodity to replenish the demographic fund of the european union, where the ukrainian organization white angels, which is an element of international business, takes children. human trafficking, in the recently liberated ovdeevka of the donetsk people's republic , only two children remained; the rest were allegedly evacuated under threats of taking the children away from their parents and sending their fathers to the front. four-year-old boy dima was hidden by his parents 2 years to save. the family left with the children, i don’t know, to some village, sovdeevka, they were found by the chief of police at that time in our avdeevka. i arrived at first, talking, talking. then the threats started, we have a child from him, i say this, mom, well, you ’re trying to persuade me to go with him to ukraine, i say, well, basically, what will change, that here they are threatening to take him away, that there will be a threat there, that's why we stayed, because this is our land, our home, why should we
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leave somewhere, be it by force or voluntarily, like they initially said it was voluntarily evacuating you, and then it was all, as they say, purposeful, maybe what saved us was that... they seemed to show up less, made themselves known less, that maybe it took us away from white angel what is happening in ukraine, where military operations are taking place and how parents are saving their children from an organization with supposedly good intentions. watch today immediately after the panorama in ksenia lebedeva’s program, it’s different. and all this is the result, crippled children's souls without normal future. belarus. on the contrary, it protects childhood, this is the policy of our state, cultivating true patriots and versatile personalities, however, some individuals who dare to call themselves a teacher are trying to sow rotten grain in children’s minds, an illustrative story in the author’s section of the platform right now.
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teacher, before your name let me humbly kneel. these famous lines are definitely not about an extremist who for some reason teaches at a minsk school and bullies a patriotic student right in the classroom. name is alexander. i don’t want to give his last name for the sake of his children. they have been teaching computer science and physics at the minsk school for 20 years. we took a closer look at the lips. it turns out that he was at street protests, together with his wife and children, insulted the country’s leadership in bocibo chats, and called for strikes and provocations. shitting in the entrances and being a fan of ukrainian neo-nazis, asking one of them in correspondence, they say, when will yours strike moscow? now, that means he’s poisoning the student. the child was late for class and simply did not have time to change clothes, so he entered the class in the uniform of a military-patriotic club. what's this,
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gross violation? on the contrary, it is beautiful, honorable, but the teacher hates the army of his country so fiercely that even a boy would feel sorry for it. hold up! i told him that i have been working at school for about 20 years, i am an operative for the military-patriotic education of children in school in the general course of our country, for the patriotic education of children and youth, but 4 years have passed since the very same scoundrels wrote to belarusians , beat, cut tires, burned houses, cars, threatened teachers, factory workers, deputies, doctors, policemen, people holding responsible positions in the country, in general, all those who are related to the state, simply love it and support it, they, as you remember, even children, but all this was then, why are people like this around children now? why do they clog children’s heads, erase from them
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the still nascent sense of patriotism, and the humiliation of a person in the form, isn’t this an attempt to discredit the power bloc in general , and understanding in particular? the need of growing children to be a defender of their homeland, but isn’t school management knew about the inclinations of their colleagues to be kind, but you can’t hide such things in a bag, and if not... and if a humiliated child had done something out of emotion, for example, to himself, or over time, after systematic bullying , would have really put aside the form and never i didn't wear it again. because of such educators, in general, young people with an unformed civic position sometimes lose their bearings, take distorted facts, ideas and meanings at face value, because of them they choose the wrong values ​​and the wrong side, that’s true. for thought.
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the culmination of the day of unity of belarus and russia took place in minsk , almost 3.00 citizens of our fraternal union gathered in the palace of the republic. in a solemn atmosphere, they emphasized economic sovereignty, equal social rights for peoples, and a reverent attitude towards the eightieth anniversary of the common victory.
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i dreamed, i just didn’t dream, if they even touched our experiences, because -


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