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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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let's all wake up together, i want to inform you that today is already wednesday, today is july 3, let something rain outside the window a little, this spring rain, life-giving, fragrant, i don’t know, i like it so much, it seems to me that after this nature it will spread its petals, flowers, leaves even more, so everything is fine, yes, dear ladies, don’t even think about making curls today, because under such heavy rain, which is right at these moments in minsk, this whole thing will get hopelessly wet, here i am tried you see, nothing worked out, by the way. olga venskaya, mariana murenkova did not say, today we are greeting you with a new, wonderful, amazing, beautiful spring day, yes, how many wonderful epithets you have chosen, that it is a beautiful day, a beautiful morning, wednesday, yes, friends, but somewhere by the way it’s winter so the teshka is laughing from under him now, because we have already hoped that spring has come irrevocably, today the weather, you know, will include not only rain, but also heavy rain and sleet, the weather forecasters promise us, so dress according to the weather, a little warmer, and we will tell you more about temperature indicators...
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say, during 3 hours of live broadcast, you know, if the rain still ruins your mood, we tell you, take a sip of coffee, it improves that very mood , well, or eat a piece of chocolate, or better yet, sit down 30 times, you will be in such a good mood if you start your morning with exercises, listen, or you can look, sit down and eat chocolate at the same time, it seems to me that it’s a double combo, double the benefits, because what's in chocolate as you know? contain substances that produce joy hormones, so a little at a time, and even if you squat...
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and today we will train legs, but not just legs, but legs along with balance and stabilization, our training will take place in trx loops, and also, additional equipment such as an unstable platform will be a hemisphere. the first exercise is to do a lunge on an unstable platform, hold it, loops, your task is to take a step back and not lose it. we do balance once, you are not in a hurry, you control yourself hands, two, the second exercise we will do a squat by jumping onto a hemisphere, your task is to squat when you are...
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able and do a jump to one side, squatting, to the second, in another way, the hemisphere is also called the boss, it is very good to perform the exercise on it with a bass , since all the muscles of the foot are included, and this helps to maintain... the correct
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arch, and also improves your foot if you have, for example, flat feet. perform each exercise 10-15 times on each side, do at least three approaches, and if it turns out, then do it. so, to strengthen your muscles from your legs, use exercises with trx loops, they themselves force not only the target muscle groups to work, but also stabilizers, but we will complicate the proposed circumstances with an unstable support, a hemisphere. the optimal number of repetitions of all lunges, squats, jumps is from 10 to 15 in each of three five approaches. make sure that the loops are taut during movement, and that the child strictly follows the technique of doing the exercises.
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rainy day, we will tell you more about temperature indicators, but by the end of the week the temperatures will rise again, so don’t sit at home, roll out your bikes, walk with your loved ones, look at nature, breathe, enjoy, everything is so blooming, it’s so beautiful now, if you ’ve grown up especially over the winter, but not in height, in
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width, especially the bicycle shown to you, take the example of maryana marinkova and roll through this life, friends, well, you’re not talking about width now, yes, but about not, not, exclusively, only this way, especially since it ’s snowing. yes, that's why friends, we have here something has been prepared for you, we are also ready to appear live on the program of the good ranitsa of belarus, also what awaits us? as you know, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind, let’s do morning exercises, this is because of the lack of love. yes, and they still remember that we are what we eat, we will develop popular myths about our nutrition, don’t miss it, yeah, another wonderful occasion, we’ll celebrate the birthday of a mobile phone today.
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that we woke up on wednesday, wednesday is the time of visits with the virtual city of gomel, our colleague alexander lupinenko will share news from this region, and traditionally, together with masha khrustaleva , we will discuss the most current information from the world of media, in general, we will walk through the stars, we will walk through the stars, these are not all guests, firstly, we will find out why vitamin c is useful not only for immunity, but also for our skin, may a cosmetologist come to us, if i’m not mistaken, today is vitamin c day, yes, we definitely need to talk about this. in addition, we will hear the premiere of the song at our concert venue, you understand how many topics we will cover during 3 hours of live broadcast, therefore, therefore, not only - i don’t know, you can’t switch, but you can’t even blink, yes , today’s broadcast is recorded, friends, just recorded, there will be a lot of very valuable, important
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information for all of us, well, at least just turn up the broadcast louder, right now we we suggest saturating our body with vitamins, macro and microelements, you will find all of this. in a curd and blueberry smoothie, and our footblogger anatoly moiseev will share a very simple recipe right now. good morning, if you are a fan of a light breakfast, then this recipe is especially for you. today we will prepare a light, invigorating smoothie from cottage cheese and blueberries. to prepare, we need frozen blueberries, ripe banana, cottage cheese, and yogurt. and walnuts. peel the banana and cut it into small pieces. this berry is an excellent source of fiber and a storehouse of vitamins. place it in a blender bowl. next we put a pack of fatty cottage cheese. cottage cheese strengthens bones and improves
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the condition of cartilage tissue, and is also rich in vitamins b and c, just add a glass of phosphorus and magnesium rich. yours, add a glass of blueberries, which increases immunity slows down aging, completing the parade of vitamins. nuts, rich in valuable vegetable fats omega-3 omega-6, to make the smoothie perfect, add 50 ml of ice water, beat all ingredients until smooth, pour the curd smoothie with blueberries and curdled milk into portioned jars or a glass, garnish with a sprig of mint. the cocktail turns out colorful, thick and moderately sweet. this very healthy drink
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is low in calories, promotes weight loss and gives you energy for a long time. a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit! the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. the head of state signed a law on the responsible treatment of animals. the document is aimed at protecting animals from cruelty, as well as ensuring the rights of legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities when handling pets. the law was long-awaited, as evidenced by the active discussion of the bill and many comments on various internet resources. the society notes that thanks to the documents. many problems in the field of treatment of animals will be solved, in particular the abolition of
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the restrictive norm regulating the number of pets in residential premises. on the pages of the newspaper sb belarus today, experts are discussing the new law. in the last century, urbanization was the catalyst for mass production. the great migration of rural residents to big cities fed the workforce of large enterprises that became the core of advanced economies. including belarusian, but today there is too high a concentration of people in in megacities, from a benefit and a driver is transformed into threats, social, epidemiological, environmental risks, and the topic of achieving food security cannot be discounted if there are no people in the countryside, what will the city eat, how to retain specialists and attract them to the regions, correspondents learned republic newspapers and networks distribute.
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fill out a form with personal data, as well as data that is directly reflected on the bank card. the department warns that citizens are being asked to follow the parcels the scammers promise some kind of social benefit, but the purpose of such a scheme is to fraudulently gain access to your money. employees of the ministry of labor and social protection remind you that informing about receiving social benefits. they are not recalculated by sending sms or internet messages. these days the weather has become abnormally warm for the beginning of spring, then weather forecasters promise a sharp cold snap. this is stress for any organism. a person of any age, even a child, can feel a sharp change in temperature, so the most important thing at this time is to drink enough liquid. however, the recommendation applies to people with. chronic diseases, and not drinks, tea, coffee, juices, but pure still water. what other
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advice does the head of the general medical practice department of one of the capital's clinics give, you can find out in the material of the minsk news agency. she is the leading stage master, actress of the grodno regional puppet theater. hello, silent. in the seventh grade at the age of 14, i suddenly decided i would be an artist. conversing with her is a pleasure, if not a phrase, then it’s a discovery that it’s not just a minute, it’s a funny or instructive story from rich practice. so i’m going to pretend to be wounded, i mean i came up with the idea that i’m wounded, and i’m thinking, well
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, i need to take the wig, i get up, in the hall, when the wig fell and we fell, there’s a pause in the hall and that’s it, but the auditorium is silent, lyudmila pavlovskaya and her rich puppet world, after all, we are in a puppet theater, we are equal to ballet dancers, we can work for 25 years and retire for a professional pension, of course it is small, and you do not have the right to work as an artist. there's one there subscription, but we’re not leaving, i’m sure, and of course, live and work, and also do something for people, even if it’s small, look on friday on... on our channel.
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belarus, our morning broadcast continues, olga venskaya, mariana murenkova, you will be there today, i remind you, i am happy to remind you that
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today is the middle of the week, wednesday on the calendar april 3, yes, it is raining, but it’s still april, in more detail. on optical indicators, my colleague olga venskaya, olya, i say to you, yes, mariana, here we are, you say that we will the country really, but what to do in this case, the rain either lulls you to sleep, or knocks on the window and says it’s time to get up, i don’t know, today it didn’t let me sleep, however, you see how, the rain really lulls some people to sleep, but - what will the situation be like during the day, friends, that is the question, will this rainy storm continue, or will we still have a nice day, but no, friends, today is just such a cloudy, spring, rainy day, moreover, in all regional centers today... rains in minsk 7:9 with a plus sign, in brest - 9:11 above zero, in vitebsk some are downright modest compared to yesterday’s indicators 6:8, listen, these are definitely daytime indicators, not nighttime, no, gomel 12:14 with a plus sign, in the city it’s also very modest 6.8 above zero, in in mogilev the air will warm up to 10°, listen, yesterday it was +27 across the country, what is happening
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today, maryana, how do you like this temperature difference, olga ivanovna, come to me, and i ’ll tell you in the meantime that we are... very spoiled citizens, firstly, i want to remind you that today is april 3, yes, and the fact that yesterday it was +20, behold, this is possible the exception, not the rule, yes, and the fact that today in the country until how much, until what time there, up to +14 to +12, just, the beginning of april, let's remember the times when it sometimes snowed in april, so let's rejoice for what exists, sometimes nature also needs such weather so that it is filled with life-giving moisture and strength. blossomed, i ’m saying obvious things, well, firstly, weather forecasters also warn that the weather for today will be determined by a clone that is moving through the territory of our country in the direction of russia, it will be cloudy, like olga said, in the northern half of the country it will naturally rain in the morning and afternoon, and sometimes with sleet, but i hope that very sometimes, yes, this is for those who know or have not put away their down jackets yet , today is the one for you the very day when
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you can safely, in completely legal weather conditions, walk around in a down jacket and tell others, well, it’s snowing today, everything is fine, well, it seems to me that a down jacket will be a little hot, but if you want to stand out with your originality, then of course, yes, well, in general , of course, such weather, such a strong wind, it always brings a change in the weather, we know, yes , that just last night there was a sandstorm in mozyr, for example, and in general there was some kind of gomel where i was, why am i trying all this, it was in minsk, here everything is a little it was simpler, however, yesterday evening there were also very difficult weather conditions, but the most important thing is that the warmth will return soon, so if you take out the closet, spring clothes , you... realized that well, listen, what is it, or things have become small, or have i grown up, it’s time to let sports into your life, in any case, olya, they also say that after winter in the spring you can see who ate how much, and in winter, so friends, well, really, if you haven’t been eating like yourself, it’s time, after all, the very day has come when you need to start moving more actively, definitely, our tatyana mutaseevich will help you, let's watch,
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repeat, morning exercises. if you don’t like to have breakfast in the morning, then i strongly recommend joining our warm-up, after it, believe me, you’ll work up an appetite. today we will work on our back, what are the most common problems we have, what hurts in thoracic region, back and lower back, so we will try to stretch our back with regular exercises, the simplest ones. and prepare her for work, let's do it, so the very first exercise, the simplest one, we do the hands behind the neck, it can be in a lock, it can be without a lock, our task is when we are elbows.
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seconds, a minute, what is the function of our back, this is flexion and extension, so we will work on the flexors and extensors of the back, the simplest exercise that we could think of, that is, we need to bend and straighten as much as possible, while we don’t involve either the legs or the buttocks, we work with our backs so that the extensors and flexors work, the exercise is similar to a cat, right? which we perform in table pose, yes, but here it is standing, if there are people who already take this exercise on a regular basis, they can do it with a light weight, but they can already do
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it with weight in order to strengthen the back muscles, well, let’s do it without weight by 3-4 together with you, let’s go, soft knees went down , lowering, bending over, bent we calmly get up with an exhalation, stand up, straighten up again. you get it lower, well, because i may be a little more stretched, i don’t know, thank you, well, let’s combine everything that we are doing yes, now we will try to combine these two exercises, a very simple exercise, for them we will need literally two dumbbells, maybe with elastic bands, if someone has them, we also select the weight absolutely for ourselves, we never need to overexert ourselves with this exercise, of course, we don’t want to pump up anything, we want to warm up, take two dumbbells. the torso is parallel to the floor, with the arms we stretched the back, brought the shoulder blades together, exhale, when we lift the dumbbells,
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we press the elbows towards ourselves and try to get the feeling that with the elbows we can touch the hip bone, yeah, we do it, the starting position, we still bend over, that’s right, we bend over, we bend our knees a little, we are not standing on perfectly straight knees, we still begin to rise. we do this using the latissimus dorsi muscles, great, exhale when the dumbbells rise, great, play sports and be healthy, see you in the next issues. a good morning should start with a proper breakfast. tell me, what are you
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and i going to cook today? today you and i will prepare a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, it will be spring rolls with a sea cocktail. tell us that we are having a champion for breakfast today, and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, it will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty. drink: we will help you choose products to make your first meal tasty and healthy. we choose greens. us i need spinach. know that you should only buy fresh, elastic leaves that are bright green in color. the color of beans depends solely on the variety. the pod itself should be intact, without any dent marks. let's not forget about invigorating exercises. we become. we take our hands into the lock, raise them up, lean forward, knees are straight, you can bend your back a little, we bend down, again we also keep
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our knees straight, our feet are completely on the floor, we rise up, watch the breakfast of the champion program on our tv channel, in 24 you can do a lot in an hour, even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. why are you, how much do you look like musya, the child has severe burns and is dying, rya? miracles
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happen literally every day, not with someone, just with you, now you have already woken up, this is really a great joy of life, of course, yesterday i wrote on my instagram that what magic, that every year nature is reborn, these flowers, petals bloom in the spring, excuse me, i am today i will devote an entire broadcast to nature, yes, because it’s spring, yes, well, let us remind you that last sunday, friends, catholics around the world celebrated the light... the holiday of easter, yes, i’ll now tell you where one of the brightest easter rituals was held. so, attention, to our screen. case was in a hungarian village under the complex name holoke, that's right, holoke. there, for many centuries, the holiday has been celebrated by old traditions. young men pour water on women, it is believed that by doing so they cleanse and renew the fair sex. girls
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are not allowed to get angry, but, on the contrary, after. in general, i would make some changes to this holiday from the series, you know, the girl was whitened, everyone is obliged to marry her, marry her, yes, but i’m thinking about what the historical attitude towards a woman was, yes, she needs to be cleansed, and not man, for some reason, we generally have questions, friends, but it’s good that in belarus we have some, you know, more peaceful holidays in relation to women, in relation to men, and in general, friends, it’s great that we respect each other and love each other sincerely absolutely, but this is also a wonderful
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tradition that we just... yes, friends, the capital’s botanical garden is crowded on these spring days, you ’ve been there, it’s an amazing place in minsk, and if you want to see the blooming of primroses urgently, because this period very short-lived, you need to have time to catch it, catch it, so the most famous of the primroses is, of course, a real snowdrop, scientifically it is called galanthus, a beautiful name, yes, that is , such a golate flower, but also interesting are the white flower, scilla, crocus and many other spring plants, with these... eyes i also already saw, so with these hands i also planted a couple of flowers, i didn’t plant them, but i didn’t pick them either, yes, and closer to this weekend the botanical garden will also host a workshop on dyeing fabric natural pigments, in the master class, experts will tell you which plants contain dyes, and will also highlight the advantages and disadvantages of natural synthetic dyes, but in addition, everyone will be able to create an unusual pattern on fabric using the shibari and taida techniques, using
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plant dyes, finished work... please, if you wish, you can take it with you and maybe even sew something for yourself, just like that, you colored it, sewed it and went to decorate it, and wear it, yes, so be sure to take an interest and come, by the way, the pattern has meaning, you won’t even believe it, but on socks, because each sign or symbol on a sock can have its own special meaning, be unique in its own way, like every person, we suggest meeting a professional who creates funny designs on these very socks, and not only will we learn how to make a country's morning good... my name is anastasia khlus, i work as an artist at a bee factory, i wake up at 6 in the morning, go to breakfast, then i go to get ready and start heading to work to the music, this is my workplace,
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where mine begins. it’s a wonderful day at work, here the development begins, so, let’s say i have an eskhodnik, i need to fit it, so to speak, into my sketch so that everything looks decent, also my responsibilities include somehow designing refueling cards, this is when already accepted products are approved by the art council and it turns out they go further into production, and in order for... in the knitting workshop everything is done correctly as intended, it turns out that i write down in this card what yarn should be placed where, where is what color, where, the most important thing for which i love my job is that it sells my product very quickly, and i can already see it among the masses literally in a month, but it’s already very pleasant to go and see what’s happening people walk around in your designs, it’s very cool, in fact, the idea
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is completely... completely different, i turn on the music, some ideas are already starting to arise in my head, so that something new and interesting can be picked up already on the bachika, then i come to work. in principle, i’m starting to bring all this to life, it’s very cool that this is, in principle, a fairly quick result, that is, it reaches the masses quite quickly, and i am extremely pleased to see my brainchild in public in a short time, so to speak, i love my job, because it makes the morning of my country good. we wish the heroine of this wonderful story a very good day, and look, maryana, yes, what an unusual profession she has, you can immediately see the person’s mood, and those little pins in her hair, it’s a smile directly, there’s something there, something childlike about her this is preserved, we wish
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have a great day, yes, friends, we also wish you not to lose the feeling sometimes of this childish direct perception of the world, this is sometimes very important, we remind you that today, according to official data, is wednesday, april 3, and today is a birthday. worked on ideas from the creation of a portable telephone, showed the world his brainchild, the first mobile phone in the universe. the technical phenomenon was 25 cm long and weighed a little less than a kilogram, about a brick near your ear, yes, that is, like this, you can
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imagine, but i remember, well, maybe not these times, yes, but the nineties, when there were such mobile phones, you got an antenna, people called from there, and this was considered the highest degree of some kind of, i don’t know, progress. listen, it turns out that this is the kind of s... when it replaces our life and it would be good to remember that once upon a time we really lived without a mobile phone. olga, i want to rewind time, do you remember your first mobile phone, i don’t name the brand, was it a folding phone or not, i remember back then it was divided into folding or non-folding
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a folding bed, listen, i actually had both, but the very first one, no, not a folding bed, then i bought a folding bed because it turned out to be incredibly fashionable, but honestly, now i understand what it was it’s not very convenient, you have to fold it every time, in general the story is so-so, but... everything goes to simplify, of course, our lives, by the way, our correspondent alexandra spanikova took to the streets of the city to ask umen residents how often they let go of their mobile phones, let's find out too. good morning country, today is april 3 and the mobile phone is celebrating its birthday, a device without which we cannot imagine our lives. how often do belarusians use mobile phones according to the statistics of my phone, i try to limit it after all, well , i use it quite often for work, including, phones use mobile communications, now we’ll find out, do you often use a mobile phone, or try to limit 78%
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limit i don’t try, very often we can’t imagine our life without mobile phones phones, we try to limit them, of course , but it doesn’t work well, more so for children, no, we even have an 83-year-old grandmother, we try to limit her, she surfs the internet, viber, telegram. 99% of the population is between 6 and 72 years old. the most active users of cellular communications were respondents aged 16 to 24 years. statistics change annually compared to 2013, the number of cellular users increased by 2.4% points. you correspond more often or still prefer to call your loved ones.
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of course, you shouldn’t carry phones in your chest pockets where vital organs are located, that is, if there is such an opportunity, it’s better to put the phone in a bag or briefcase and carry it there, while dialing a number the highest electromagnetic radiation occurs, and therefore when dialing a number and waiting for an answer, it is also better to keep the phone at a distance until you pick it up. putting the phone under the pillow or somewhere nearby so that you don’t hear the alarm clock is also not worth doing, because in this way throughout the night in fact, our head, our brain will be influenced by electromagnetic radiation, it is very important to monitor activity and limit the use of mobile phones in children.
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lift your eyes to the christmas maiden. make a wish for everything you dream about in life before you, i am so happy not being alone for you, you love them so much, these white flowers, i love you with tears. every breath is like the first time, without
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dancing, beautiful phrases, this cloud is born, the petals of white rock cover our bed. i love you madly, madly, your whiteness, looming white! god,
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i admire the beauty of your divine hair, you are dearest to me, everything with you and i has just begun, i love you, yes to tears, i love you to tears. i’ll cover it, i love you so much, i love you madly.
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the light owes beautiful phrases, these are the clouds from the bottom.
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i love it madly, about the unique features of the most ancient belarusian churches, here we can notice the development of the gospel plot.
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and how to come into contact with the mother of god, this kind of living prayer happens here, but it’s scary to think how many people there are prayed at this shrine for two thousand years, watch the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus tv channel 2
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good morning belarus, good morning country, we remind you that today is wednesday and this is april 3, and just the other day it became known that a nine-year-old resident of minsk became the most a young patent holder in belarus. daria khatskevich designed a click holder. really, definitely, we already see it, you say, ha, the holder was in our childhood, no, this didn’t happen, the girl, of course, outwitted everyone, yes, but they call him reads books, this holder, it fits around the neck, allows you to read without hands, in a complex version the holder looks like a bag, which allows you to take it with you on the road, for example, to read a book on public
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transport, i think the girl is great, yes, that is, it doesn’t need to be placed somewhere, projected somewhere, that’s why she’s tired of talking. look somewhere with someone, oh, and look at a book, that is, look, but firstly, we state the fact that modern children, in addition to gadgets, still hold real paper books, this is already a good indicator, yes, secondly, of course, such a stand can certainly be used for a smartphone, which has a birthday today, we remind you, but it’s better for a book, and for a tablet and not only, in in general, it’s really cool, it’s cool that - dasha just realized that she doesn’t like how this can be changed, a good example for others, and her hands are free for business. by the way, now dasha can be called the youngest innovator not only in our country, but in the entire community. previously they was considered an eleven-year-old boy from angarsk, russia, who received a patent for a toy highway of electric-powered vehicles. a great example for all young inventors, as you can see, nothing
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is impossible, you just have to try and it will work out. this certainly seems downright impossible and the achievement of fifty-eight-year-old donna jean wilde. from canada, let's see in what area she became famous, meanwhile she set one of the most difficult records in the world, stood in the plank for 4 and a half hours, i really don’t believe it these figures, thereby she improved the previous achievement by 10 minutes, the record holder was supported by her family for all 4.5 hours and, believe it or not, all 12 grandchildren. donna jean wild used to work as a school teacher, probably a physical education teacher, no, and she recently retired, 12 years ago she fell and broke it. wrist and was unable to actively engage in sports with a cast on my arm, but i discovered that i could do the plank, so i began to practice gradually increasing the time of the exercise. now she does planks for 2-3 hours. as usual daily workout, this is an example of what some people say: i don’t have time to go to the gym, i have work, so please, stay at the level, you will be just as
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comfortable as this beautiful woman. no, in fact, i don’t stop talking, it seems to me that this is not the first time i’ve said on our live broadcast that the plank is my favorite exercise, i’ve shown it with pavel more than once, but i can’t compete with this heroine, yes, 3 hours , but two, maximum 2.5 minutes, because it is not very simple. maryana, look, life is long, you’re still a long way from retirement, i think this is what women’s solidarity is all about, you’re a long way from retirement, stay on track, there’s enough time, look, that was a subtle compliment, you’re a long way from retirement , friends, well , in order to really look very good, sporty, you need to observe, including the drinking regime, this is also important, this is mandatory, yes, because it occupies a special place in the lives of both professional athletes and those who are good at sports, because what is in the human body, how said... voznesensky 90% water, here's how to maintain water balance, our healthy lifestyle experts will tell you, let's look.
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good morning, i’m ekaterina, a healthy eating expert, developing myths about healthy drinks. a faithful friend of a healthy lifestyle is water, only water, because other equally healthy drinks are surrounded by myths, and we will deal with them. myth number one: the best drink is water. what we drink is no less important than what we eat, in order for all systems and organs to function correctly, we need to maintain water balance, but replenish it possible with the help of other proper drinks. for example, morse contains berries and fruits. it is not subjected to heat treatment, which means that vitamins and minerals are not destroyed and enter the body in concentrated form. compote is not a fruit drink;
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it is made from any dried fruits and berries, but it is also rich in vitamins and microelements and will replenish fluid loss without harm to the body. the main thing is to follow the compote cooking technology. myth number two: tea is not the best option for quenching. a cup of hot aromatic tea is an integral part morning awakening for millions of people. in the traditional sense, tea is not associated with a thirst-quenching drink, but rather with positive emotions and a pleasant break during the day. if you replace store-bought tea with rosehip tea, you will not only quench your thirst, but also replenish your vitamin c requirement. this is a water-soluble vitamin and is quickly eliminated from the body. it comes in little with urine, with food, and in citrus fruits there is also not enough of it; rose hips are the leader in vitamin c content. the right drink
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equals maximum benefits. start your day with glasses of clean water, then try and look for other healthy options. friends, this is a glass of morning water, i want to raise a toast to the new inhabitant of our planet, and not just the planet as a whole, but you know, the agricultural estates near molodechno, a new inhabitant has appeared there, an unusual baby, you know who the white camel is, let's go let's look at him, admire him, yes, it turns out that white is just for a baby camel - this is a great rarity, white camels are only about 3% of the total camel population of the planet, the camel population of the planet. maybe it's like with people, but is born blond with blue eyes, and over time becomes a burning brunette with brown hair? well, we'll see, we'll see
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, of course, but look how he looks, and he's so insecure while he's stomping on this earth, and well, nothing, you know, or he's falling apart, and the most important thing is that he feels good and most likely, within a year he'll will be next to his mother, of course, by the way, the baby doesn’t have a name yet, the owners of the agricultural estate are planning to organize a poll on social networks, but while users themselves are throwing in the idea, the leader is in the lead... by the way, the name is snowball, i can, maybe, go from the opposite, go ahead, and i ’ll suggest an option, you know what, protein, for example, why, why, because a camel is not only warm wool, but also healthy milk, good milk, fat is also possible, because it’s quite fatty milk, and from camel milk, by the way, they make a good cream, that you suggest calling it fat, fat, but it’s not trivial, okay, let’s not, let’s not upset the baby, let him believe in good pure things. yes, let's not talk about animals now, let's talk about what do you think the named robots are capable of? teo, yes,
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detection devices have started working in the dutch fields. sick teo tulips are equipped with artificial intelligence, thanks to him, this robot or intelligence, they can actually check each plant and, if necessary , destroy the diseased bulbs in order to prevent the spread of the virus that affects these most beautiful spring flowers. special sensors and loaded stereo cameras help to navigate teo’s space three-dimensional maps, with the help of new technologies , farmers hope to prevent the spread of infection, what is the device? 185,000 dollars, despite the rather high price, more than twenty farms have already purchased such assistants, well, what can i tell you, i have two questions, olya, maybe you divide, yes, firstly, if in the netherlands we have the name theo, is this somehow connected with vangoga’s brother, somehow in a special way with the russian performer, including, and you too, by the way, hello, the second question,
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not the second the question is, basically, what did i see. v there are these huge tulip fields in the netherlands, and i understand that many farmers do not regret paying 185,000 dollars, because this is a really big, huge business, everything is in the fields, yes, by the way, there are tulip fields in belarus too, now their flowering period is coming , some tours, i know, even offer trips, so don’t miss this opportunity, it’s generally great, flowers are always beautiful, especially when there are a lot of them, by the way, from such helpers that we told you about today, yes, but didn't refuse would. and belarusian farmers, and in the meantime , the dacha season, you remember, yes, has already started, how to make the right beds, so to speak, according to science, matvey lichonok found out, let's see, flooding of beds in dacha plots is a consequence not only of the influence of melt water, but precipitation of groundwater, and sometimes the height of the soil simply influences it. soil is recognized in the botanical garden - it is a living component of three parts,
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water, mineral and gaseous, thanks to its three-part composition , it is home to a wide variety of life forms when there is water in the ground becomes a lot, oxygen is displaced and the root system of the plant dies, to protect yourself by creating an enveloping channel that will draw in exactly this excess moisture and remove this moisture from the site, you need a very deep enough loosening in order to cause... namely the supply of oxygen to the soil, the supply of oxygen to the roots of plants. in this case , it is better to loosen the ground with a pitchfork; they will create deep passages and there will be less water. the degree of watering also depends on the composition of the soil. if on your the area is sandy, the water will drain faster, clayey, the water will drain slower. we can carry out additional reclamation along the beds,
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including the laying of drains, that is, at depth. a reclamation pipe with perforation is buried up to 40 cm; it will also collect this water and, accordingly, divert this water in a direction that will be safe for the plants themselves. the main thing is to build the system in such a way that the logs go towards the lower side of the summer cottage, and excess water will drain there. that's exactly it the most correct layout of the beds is when firstly it is leveled. secondly, we see this ledge, that is, a step, due to which the moisture is not retained in the sowing area itself, but flows down into the aisle. the straight edges of the bed play an important role; they create conditional channels; the crop will always remain moderately moist. the same principle of raising the bed can be used if your site is located in a lowland or, if there are many
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elevation changes where moisture collects, make it high. in order to cleanse yourself and somehow cheer up, life-giving even, i call them, let's see what the weather is right now outside the window, so pay attention, map studio, so up to +6 in our capital region, in brest up to +8, up to +7 in vitebsk, in gomel up to +8, up to +6 in the grodno region, in the mogilev region up to +7, it really rains everywhere, you might think that you are counting some nighttime indicators, maryaana, what are the nighttime indicators, july 3, i
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don’t look at it like that this spring, i am grateful to her for these positive values, olga. that's a plus, yes and not a minus, really, friends, i hope that you feel our warmth, we also warm you as best we can, as best we can, by the way, we have a huge number of plans for this morning, after the news release in the next part, get in touch with gomel, we’ll find out , what interesting things happened during the week in this southern region. yes, also, if you are sitting here and thinking, somehow i don’t have enough vitamin c, i want to inform you that tomorrow is world vitamin c day, cosmetologist lyudmila lukyanova will come to us very soon, who will talk about the benefits of vitamin c, or vice versa, when you don’t need to introduce it into your diet, so look, a small spoiler, vitamin c should not only be taken in tablets, but you know, even sometimes spread, but this is also not for everyone, more on that right away in the second.
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on the hidden day you are a spider dawn, the abras have molded the hell of the world for the whole hour, the yawning greens of us, belarusian jumpers, veranikas, alesya dashuns,
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vytsampa sruha, scorched branches, fish have piled up i, who am not a krychyts, dear, dear, such, belarusian jumpers , veraliki, ale sashuni,
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good morning, wednesday april 3, information day on belarus-1 and belarus 24, begins
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the television news agency. in pavel lazovik's studio, watch the episodes: coordination of efforts on security issues and negotiations in kazakhstan through the shanghai cooperation organization with the participation of belarus. mobilization of police forces in israel. protesters tried to storm the residence where the country's prime minister is undergoing rehabilitation.


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