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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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in gazprom shares, but instead of income she received only huge losses and debts to the bank. this is because the investment advertisement that appeared on the internet turned out to be fraudulent, the capital’s police said. according to their information, the woman lost a total of 170 thousand rubles. i deposited funds, i saw this money that was coming in, cryptocurrency on the exchange, i really liked it, i had to take out a loan, a lot of loans, which means they are scary because now your account will be blocked, forever, you will lose it, woman she registered on an online platform and regularly replenished her balance under the guidance of a curator. he also persuaded her to invest money received from the sale of a deceased relative’s apartment into gazprom. later, the menchan woman decided to withdraw part of the investment, but she was told that this was impossible without additional investments, after several. .. either
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they’re zombifying me, or i don’t know, they’re hypnotizing me, what’s happening, i don’t know, i’m a normal, adequate person, but something like this happened to me, now i just don’t know how to deal with it. on the fact of fraud a criminal case has been initiated, the police once again reminded that before investing money in investment projects, you should verify the authenticity of the proposals, for example, by calling organizations. indicated on the official websites. we will continue publishing and reviewing criminal and emergency incidents. next in the program. the theft of hundreds of tons of feed has been uncovered. a successful special operation was carried out by law enforcement officers in the grodno region. we are talking about a large batch of senazh, which was stolen from one of the agricultural enterprises in the slonim region. according to the thirty-year-old director of the organization illegally allowed the forty-year-old leader to police in the winter. farming enterprise to take
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feed for livestock that was stored at the enterprise, but there is one thing: sinaj allowed to take it free of charge. thus , 220 tons of feed were stolen, and the organization suffered damage in excess of 25 thousand rubles. subsequently, the defendant gave illegal instructions to his employees to prepare fictitious documents to conceal the shortage, but did not carry his criminal intent to completion, since this became known known to law enforcement. theft by abuse of official powers, by a group of foxes on a large scale, those detained face up to 10 years in prison. he took away icons, carpentry tools, bedding and household appliances. in the borisov district, zhullik snuck into someone else's house and took everything he could carry. spoiler alert: the person involved has been detained. the owner of the home contacted the police and reported that property worth about 1,200 rubles had disappeared from her country house. an intruder entered her house by breaking a window. find... suspect
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it was not difficult for the detectives. he turned out to be a forty-year-old resident of a neighboring village. he had previously had problems with the law. the defendant confessed to the crime, and a criminal case was opened for theft. guy finds out all the circumstances of the accident in bobruisk. the accident happened the day before. a sixty-four-year-old volkswagen driver drove to the intersection of minskaya street and georgievsky avenue at a prohibitory traffic light. the result was a collision with a taxi car driven by a forty-two-year-old driver. after an accident. he was hospitalized with injuries. i note that in two there were passengers in the cars, but they were not injured. a video of a drunken moped driver in the vitebsk region has appeared online. in addition to the fact that the man was driving a vehicle, drunk, trying to hide from gaia, and even transporting a child. a whole set of violations. the incident occurred on march 30. the attention of the traffic police was attracted by a moped driver who was riding without a helmet with a young passenger. when the inspectors signaled to stop, the driver did not react. and continued driving,
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he was soon detained, the check showed 1.27 ppm alcohol, several administrative protocols were drawn up against the violator, the moped was in the impound lot. this was the project zone x, our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. and we will tell you about the dark and news from the world of crime in our evening program.
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has anyone already said good morning to you today, if not, turn up the volume, we will say it in three voices, the voices of maryana marenkova, good morning and a voice! morning, good morning, good morning, oh, well, the weather this morning, you must admit, yesterday we were so happy about +25, and today some kind of winter has arrived, of course spring can be changeable, but you know, the change of seasons is such a thing , everything is forgiven in spring, so are various antics forgiven to representatives of the media world right
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now and let's discuss, while the world is still moving away from the film poor unfortunates, its director jorgas lanthimas is preparing for... the release of a new film "a kind of kindness". the first teaser was released the other day and, apparently, lanthimos followed the beaten path and invited him to the project a long time ago the people he tested, firstly, the same emma stone with whom they work, starting with the favorite, and secondly, william di fo, who played one of the main roles in poor unfortunate. by the way, for a long time the plot of the new film was kept secret, but now it is already known that in the center of the story a policeman is alarmed that his wife, who disappeared at sea, has returned and seems to be a different person, and a woman who has decided to find a man with...
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yes, this is his eighth film to be released, i would say that he rarely releases in this year, of course, we were lucky, poor, unfortunate, i still can’t get away from this picture, i really love this new greek wave, and so, in principle, he studies from picture to picture, a study of the character and spirit of a person, a strange person, that’s why, probably, the same faces wander from picture to picture, and i’ll say this, it probably means finding your goldfish, why not this same goldfish, which is like... the hen brings you golden eggs , as a matter of fact, don’t shoot from picture to picture if it’s brings money, everyone writes their own story, yorga slantimas writes such a cinematic story, which is very interesting to watch, because 11 oscar nominations, 4 statuettes, not every director will receive, it’s true, and
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it’s really very interesting to watch, but here you can whether to call it just luck or that same golden hen that he found that lays golden eggs is unclear, because just... i say that he explores the human being and film festivals love him very much, and these same people are ready to pay rubles for his work, and this is wonderful, it is important that humanity and the mass audience already like such films, well, so we are happy to wait for june, we will
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all go to the cinemas, but for now we move on to the next news, a new album biyonce is breaking records on music platforms; on march 29, the singer premiered her debut album in the country genre; one of the services has already declared the new product the most listened to album per day in 2024 . coffeeboy carter is the eighth studio biyonce's album, which is also a continuation of the trilogy invented by the singer during the pandemic. and before this is a special case, but nevertheless, speaking about beyonce, it seems to me that it will still be difficult for her to surpass the success
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that she achieved when she created lemonade, including because there she sang about male infidelity , there she sang about how, in fact, if you translate, she was served lemons, sour, bitter, and she made lemonade from them, managed to make something sweet, it’s absolutely amazing quality of a person from any such bitter situation, from any lemon squeezes lemonade, in general it seems to me that her creative experiment is perceived by noura, so maybe taylor swift became the person of the year, but
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i personally haven’t seen her dance like biyonce, you know, if if biyonce were listening now, she would be very bitter right now, she doesn’t watch us, these social gossips, when they say i ’ve been watching you since childhood, yes, somehow the artist immediately becomes sad, mash, what other funny news can you tell us, she started early , and in the meantime one of the most famous computer games tetris returns, the lost prototype of reverse tetris was presented, a prototype was found that stored the code for two decades of the game creator alexei pajitny, the new tetris received reverse mechanics, in which there are two conditions: the gamer can reverse the game field or swap empty and filled cells, then the course of the game will change significantly, but the tetris puzzle is still in great demand, last year, for example, a list of the best video games of all time was compiled, on tetris was in third place in it, the game is also listed in the guinness book of records as the most ported to when... created, it was rewritten for 65 different gaming platforms, do you think that
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the creators, including some new ones the engineers who joined the project may just be trying to maintain popularity, perhaps revive the project, because today there are so many different other video games that are already developing in a completely different way, where there are more certain abilities. masha, i don't care about this i don’t think so, i have a tetrist injury, my parents didn’t buy it for me as a child, so i’m talking about it in general. somehow it turns out that what to do next in life if you have completed tetris, that is the question, his parents bought it for him, that varianka, you are already an adult, you earn money yourself and you can even buy yourself more than one tetris, that’s why. perhaps you just need to buy other computer games if you have already completed tetris, but in general it’s interesting,
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because they say that a long time ago in the ussr it was precisely the land that created that game for us, there’s a little or not in his free time from work, at that time there was no such thing - a choice of computer games, then it seemed something amazing, something very interesting, today, when there is a choice, i wonder if tetris will be able to compete with others, we’ll see , we’ll see, we’ll definitely play, friends, masha kostaleva, thank you. huge for this collection of funny, enough news, thank you very much, i wish you a good day, yes, well, let’s have a hearty breakfast, the next recipe will be provided to us right now by our footblogger anatoly maseev. good morning if if you are a fan of a light breakfast, then this recipe is especially for you. today we will prepare a light, invigorating smoothie from cottage cheese and blueberries. for cooking we need. blueberries, ripe banana, cottage cheese, curdled milk and
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walnuts. peel the banana and cut it into small pieces. this is a berry, an excellent source of fiber and vitamins. place it in a blender bowl. next we put a pack of fatty cottage cheese. cottage cheese strengthens bones and improves the condition of cartilage tissue, and is also rich in b vitamins. add a glass of rich phosphorus and magnesium crust squash, sprinkle a glass of blueberries, which improves immunity and slows it down. aging completes the parade of vitamins with walnuts, rich in valuable vegetable fats omega-3 and omega-6. to make the smoothie perfect, add 50 ml of ice water, beat all the ingredients until smooth,
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pour the curd snoozy with blueberries and yogurt. jars or glass, decorate with a sprig of mint. the cocktail turns out colorful, thick and moderately sweet. this very healthy drink is low in calories and promotes weight loss. charges you with energy for a long time. a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit. hello everyone, my name is olga zankevich, today i will show you three exercises for mobilizing the entire spine, this will be useful for children of any age, as well as parents and grandparents, because everyone has a problem with their back, and this is really a fact. we will need a small rug, a mat and some kind of weighting item. you
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need to stand on two knees. two hands, feet hip-width apart, palm under shoulder, we take the object in the right hand and extend the arm forward, the left leg back and hold it for 4 seconds, and we will change the right hand, left leg, left hand, right leg. lerochka, please demonstrate this exercise, and don’t forget to repeat it with us. our second exercise for mobilizing the spine, this exercise is very well known to everyone, cat, we will stand again in the same position, emphasis on two knees, two hands, feet hip-width apart, palm under the shoulder, while inhaling we will round as much as possible
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back, we will look at the navel, and as we exhale we will lower it. we will send our gaze to the ceiling, and we will continue this eight times while inhaling and exhaling. well, we’ve already warmed up a little, now we’ll do some health-improving exercises with you. we will perform swings, but our swings will be unusual, again our position in this complex is the same as in the previous exercise, the left leg is back and slightly diagonal, as we exhale we will move our leg in the other direction and demonstrate such small circles, okay lerochka, let's try, control
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the child in this exercise, the lumbar region so as not to bend the lower back, excellent. the higher the leg, the greater the amplitude, the better the performance of this exercise. perform spinal mobilization, this is a very necessary and useful exercise. do it, but a little, a small amount, 8-9 times - that's more than enough. be healthy, smile more often, hug, everything in life will be wonderful. they say that god gave the polishuks a piece of heaven on earth. surrounded this area, a large
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ridge. it separated the swampy area in the south and the forests. this is the grace of god, in the morning at 4 o’clock, i rejoice in life, silence, birds are singing, nothing, well, i’m just resting, the sun hasn’t set yet, that’s all.
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gets from the old school of the kruger know about minsk and enjoy our hours. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's learn more about the historical past of belarus. pytaytsya sennya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzekanka or takhtamysha yard no one knows. alekhan takhtamysh was at lidze, he lives here. and so we cherish folk traditions. the name itself is white-eyed, it’s very palatial, it’s also very patterned. the little one on our panyamon handbrake could, but the muggle might not, be lost. the bridegrooms were married, they became friends, they were surrounded by one bride, then, who chose
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the bride, who left this year tomorrow. watch the project “cultural padarozhe” on tv channel belarus 24. friends, the live broadcast continues, good ranitsa belarus, today you will be mariana marinkova olga venskaya, we wish you an easy awakening and am pleased to announce that on on the calendar it’s already april 3, although i understand you... you looked in the window and didn’t understand at all, it’s that january has come, because it’s snowing in minsk, yesterday was some kind of hot july summer, today is a january day, but nothing, everything
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will work out by the weekend, there will be beautiful spring weather again, and can you imagine, today is a big holiday, yes, the birthday of the mobile phone is celebrated, it is believed that on april 3, 1973 , the progenitor of this popular gadget appeared, without which we now never go anywhere, and i wish i could... on this day the spring-modest american inventor martin cooper, who had long been working on the idea of ​​​​creating a portable telephone, showed the world his brainchild, the first mobile phone in the universe, although it looked like a brick then, probably so big enough, yes, the technical phenomenon was 25 cm in length weighed a little less than a kilogram, that is , one can imagine that this direct means of self-defense was simply in the hands, it seems to me that when they spoke at the device, it was justified, you know? the smartphone is much smaller, as we see, in size and more it is functional, in addition to its direct purpose, it allows you to take photos and videos, play, serves as an alarm clock,
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a flashlight, a calendar, a means of payment, our whole life is in the phone, this is of course, sometimes it sounds sad that our whole life is in some small phone , but on the other hand, progress, if used for good, then as they say, happiness, friends, you can’t have too many mobile phones, by the way, a couple of decades ago it was difficult.
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hands on your mobile phones, while feeling great. in general, there are times when you let go of feel, let's see what the residents of the capital answered. good morning, country, today is april 3 and the mobile phone, a device without which we cannot imagine our life, celebrates its birthday. how often do belarusians use mobile phones , use mobile communications, now we’ll find out whether you often use a mobile phone, or try to limit 78% according to the statistics of my phone, i try to limit it after all, well, i use it quite often for work, including, i don’t try to limit it, very often we can’t even imagine our life without mobile phones, we try to limit it, of course, but it doesn’t work out well, more so for children, no, we even have a grandmother who is 83 years old, we try to limit her, she sits with us...
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aged from 6 to 72 years, the most active users of cellular communications were respondents aged 16 to 24 years. statistics change annually compared to 2013, the number of cellular users increased by 2.4% points. text more often or still prefer call your loved ones? call? i only call my grandmother and mother, and of course i correspond with the others. well, we are following the old program, we have a call, we even just congratulate. more by correspondence, but calls too, if i urgently need to contact someone, i use it, but it’s easier for me to call, i send voice messages to my loved ones, that is , i am a fan of voice messages, it turns out that with the advent of the mobile internet and instant messengers in our lives, we have become use correspondence more often, but what is this connected with, because it is easier in correspondence, a person builds dialogue, the one that he himself wants, he is
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more comfortable communicating in correspondence, thinking every word, every thought, every expression that he wants, and as if in the future he can re-read, redo, change his mind, but young people prefer to write down a message or window because it is comfortable for them, they manage it, not the second person. the main thing is not to forget that excessive use of mobile phones can lead to negative consequences and therefore certain rules should be followed. the conversation should not be longer than 3-5 minutes and... and it is advisable, if possible, to take breaks between calls, so that it is not 3-5 minutes, but constantly throughout the day, of course, you should not carry phones in your breast pockets, there in the locations of vital organs, that is if there is such an opportunity, it is better to put the phone in a bag or briefcase, carry it there, while dialing a number, the highest electromagnetic radiation occurs, and therefore , when dialing a number and waiting for an answer, it is better to also
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keep the phone on... yes, use only as needed , i advocate not looking at your mobile phone an hour before bedtime, i would say this, an hour before bedtime, people, love each other, good morning, it’s better than looking at some posts on instagram, friends, we also have good news on the other side of the world, our little brothers joined the holiday, which took place last weekend, let me remind you that the catholic world celebrated easter, and so the traditional easter lunch
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was held at the zoo... the capital santiago, there on this day treats were prepared for the pets in the form of multi-colored easter eggs, depending on food preferences, fruits or meat were hidden in them, so the animals had to try hard to get them. nevertheless, all the pets were satisfied with the holiday gifts, we can see it very well that the gifts are actively eaten. after lunch, to the delight of the visitors, the little animals enjoyed the easter symbols for a long time, well , i would probably even say, they posed with pleasure, right? yes, judging by this lemur's tail. what a paw he has, they are very cute, of course, you can take care of animals and children watch endlessly, the most rated broadcasts, these little paws, by the way, are very cunning, yes, if you get closer, you can be left without a mobile phone, as i understand that you came across, and or without earrings, they like jewelry wherever they go - then there, you will tell me these stories right now, but we will continue our broadcast, the most rated, i consider the most popular section of our broadcast, this is the morning profession, let's
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find out how the meeting is. my name is anastasia khlus, i work as an artist at a handicraft factory, i i wake up at 6 am, go to breakfast, then go get ready and start heading to work to the music. this is my workplace, where my wonderful day at work begins. this is where development begins. so, let's say i have a source code, and i need to fit it, so to speak, into my sketch so that everything looks decent. also, my responsibilities include somehow preparing filling cards, this is when already accepted products are approved by the art council and
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it turns out that they go further into production and so that everything is correct in the knitting workshop we did it as planned, it turns out that i write down in this card what yarn should be placed where, what color should be where. where, the most important thing for which i love my job is that it sells my product very quickly, and i can already see it among the masses literally in a month, but it’s already very nice to go and see that people are walking in your designs, this is very cool, in fact , ideas generally arise in completely different ways, i turn on music and some ideas are already starting to arise in my head to new interesting thing... and then i come to work, in principle, i begin to bring all this to life, it’s very cool that this is, in principle, a fairly quick result, that is, it comes out to the masses quite quickly
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and i am incredibly pleased to see in people already in principle short terms are my brainchild, so to speak. i love my job because it makes my country's morning good. we wish anastasia a great day, well, now you will witness the brightest weather forecast in the world. olya, come on, show your class, come on, please, here are the maps in the studio, friends, and we see that today the maximum in the country is +14, and you already understood this, not in minsk, in gomel. in minsk, a modest 79 with a plus sign, after yesterday's twenty - these are really modest figures in breest + 9.11 6 8, i would even say cool, in vitebsk. and in all the regional cities, and what’s up in all the cities, it seems to me that today’s country will experience precipitation in the form of rain, and strangely enough, friends, sleet, that’s the story, all april, don’t trust anyone, especially the weather, but
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this spring weather is so changeable and i think that now the gardeners have woken up and said: yesterday it was +25, and today it is raining, what should we do if our plots are flooded, then matvey lyuchonok comes and says, i will help you, i filmed a special story, let's take a look. flooding of beds in dacha plots is a consequence not only of the influence of melt water, but of groundwater precipitation , and sometimes the height of the soil is also trivial. soil is recognized in the botanical garden as a living component of three parts: water, mineral, gaseous. thanks to three-component composition, it is home to a wide variety of life forms. when there is a lot of water in the ground, oxygen is displaced and the root system of the plant dies. protect yourself at the expense. creating an enveloping canal that will draw in exactly this excess moisture and remove this moisture from the site. it is necessary to loosen very deep enough in order to cause
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the supply of oxygen to the soil - the supply of oxygen to the roots of plants. in this case, it is better to loosen the ground with a pitchfork, they will create deep passages, there will be less water. the degree of waterlogging also depends on the composition of the soil; if your site is sandy, the water will drain faster; if it is clayey, it will drain slower. we can carry out additional reclamation along the beds, regarding the laying of drains, that is, at a depth of up to 40 cm , a reclamation pipe with perforation is buried, it will also collect this water and, accordingly, divert this water to the... management that will be safe for the plants themselves. the main thing is to build a system in such a way that friends are left aside lowering the dacha area, excess water will drain there. this is exactly the correct layout of the beds, when,
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firstly, it is leveled, and secondly, we see this ledge, that is, a step, due to which moisture is not retained in the sowing area itself, but flows down into the aisles . the straight edges of the bed play an important role, and... create conditional channels, the crop will always remain moderately moist, the same principle of raising the bed can be used if your site is located in lowland or if there are a lot of elevation changes where moisture collects, make a high bed, that is, pour 30-40 cm of fertile layer, the root system of plants is already up to the level of the groundwater that is on the surface of the soil, they...
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i fly around the world a lonely bird, unengaged, unnamed, i change the years of the country, the city, i forgive. without proud, untamed, someone will say, you are smart, brave, someone will say, absolutely inept, only the most important will say, so that they can hear, you are awesome, you are awesome, someone will tell me, you are smart brave, some would say absolutely incompetent, only the most important will say so that they can hear, are you? awesome i write my destiny in white
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rhyme, imperfect, no perfect, and my roles are never completed, my plots are all unfinished, someone will tell me you are smart and brave, someone will say you are absolutely inept, only the most important will tell you to hear, you ? awesome, you're awesome, someone will say, you're smart, brave, someone will say, absolutely inept, only the most important will say, so they can hear, you're awesome, you're awesome, friends my, thank you, kritebsk! yes, yes, yes, someone
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will say, you are smart and brave, someone will say, you are absolutely inept, only the most important will say so that they can hear, you are awesome, you are awesome, someone will say, you are smart, brave, someone will say , absolutely incompetent, only the most important will say so that they hear, you? awesome, you're awesome, awesome, you're awesome, you're awesome, good to hurt. belarus, this must happen, this must
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happen. what kind of event or incident is sergei kundrachev singing about? let’s ask him personally, at the concert venue dobroya ranitsa belarus, artist of the honored band of the republic of belarus, orchestra of the main internal affairs committee of the minsk city executive committee, sergei kudrachov. hello everyone, good ranch, and before introducing my new song, i would like to thank you for the invitation. to broadcast me and of course say words of admiration to you girls for your beauty, for the fact that you are so cool always and every morning you go on air, live, and of course with your team you give positivity and of course open your eyes with a smile to our tv viewers, thank you very much, the team we're all very pleased, well, let's talk about your composition, you're next to me, tell me how it was actually produced on... "did you fall in love and the poems went, or did you
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, on the contrary, fall out of love, no, i fell in love and the poems went, we wrote her and vitaly ivanov together this song, i gave him the theme, and he continued it, and i already completed it in music and of course in words, well, the song, of course, is about a man’s feelings for a woman, about love and gratitude to his partner halves, so dear men, take it into your arsenal my song, with this song you can also confess your love, listen, well, here..." there is also such a thing, male happiness, it
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consists in male health, of course, so that there is at least one true, but faithful friend, and of course so that the children remember how their nests fly away, whoever stays with you, your other half remains with you, with whom you are hand in hand until your hair is gray, and also with you every weekday, from monday to friday, friends, the real program is good for the sake of belarus, ours a wonderful concert venue where the song will premiere right now, well, with you today. have a great day wednesday april 3rd. bye bye.
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fickle as life itself, sometimes it’s not in the villages, as if i was swimming in a lie in the sea, sadness came over the pit, my soul froze in the snow, and it seemed that i could never be in love again, i would never be able to, this has to happen, this you need to be like you made your heart beat, and forget the usual peace, happiness is a ray like the birth of light,
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a faintly fallen star again, there is an endless summer in the soul, because you are next to me. hmm, you are not a dream, dreams come true, i love you, after all. it’s impossible not to love and i want to endlessly give you kisses and roses, i won’t get tired of repeating, i won’t get tired of you, it’s spring and i’m holding
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hands with you in that strange picture. walked, drew you and me, this must happen, this must be like this, how you made my heart beat into the usual peace to forget, happiness is a ray like the birth of light, from the sky, like a fallen star, there is endless summer in my soul, because this is necessary, something like this will happen, this... it has to be like this, the way you made my heart beat, and the usual end to forget, happiness is a ray, like the birth of light, from the sky like a fallen star, there is endless summer in my soul, because
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belarus is next to me. news live on belarus one and belarus.


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