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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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this is his subject matter, this is all military, he is well versed in this. look, an intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is an area of ​​interest and we continue: the new month always brings innovations to belarusians that affect the daily life of each of us. and this april was no exception. as for the economic agenda, a number of changes have already entered into force. so in belarus , a new basic rental value has started an experiment on paying sick leave according to new rules, but soon the daily allowance will increase with business trips. anton malyuta will tell you everything. in order. let's start with the fact
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that the conditions for duty-free import of goods have changed. on april 1, at midnight , new limits came into effect. for sea transport it is 500 euros and 25 kg. for international parcels 200 euros and 31 kg. by the way, the limits for goods transported by plane remain unchanged, 10,000 euros and 50 kg. also came into force... the government’s decision to ban the import of certain goods across the belarusian-lithuanian section of the state border, lists of former clothing consumption spare parts for vehicles, as well as tires, alcoholic beverages and other goods, but the restrictions do not apply to products for personal use. let me remind you, as the government noted, this is a forced step in response to the unfriendly actions of vilnius. after the border crossings were closed, when ordinary people suffered, when ordinary businesses suffered, we... could not stand
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aside from these actions, which we cannot call anything other than arbitrariness. we have said more than once at all levels that western sanctions are illegal, and we always say, we we are ready for constructive, equal interaction; from the position of power, especially with belarus, it is useless to talk. to your own detriment, so we ask once again, come to your senses, because you are harming yourself. and in addition to innovations in other areas, the basic rental value has changed, now it is 17 rubles. 76 kop. the growth is very small, literally 5%. let me note that this indicator has not changed for 5 years, but in general it is adjusted to take into account inflation. based on the basic rental value , the amount of payment for renting out real estate located in state property or. state societies
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an interesting labor experiment also began. let me remind you that from july 1 we will see big changes in sick leave. most importantly, the calculation of average daily earnings will be carried out by the social protection fund ; interaction with payers will take place on the fund’s corporate portal. to study all the nuances, employers can try out the new mechanism of interaction with the social security fund now. the test period will last until june 30. this pilot project has been running since november twenty third year at the base. large organizations of the republic of belarus, various organizations from different sectors and types of activities participate in the project, we interact successfully with them, quite a lot of requests have already been processed, they have received responses, and we see that at today’s stage we are ready for all employers to test our new the procedure for calculating benefits, what needs to be done, before april 1, the personal account of contribution payers received information, detailed instructions on how to connect step by step and work. with us, at the same time, our
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territorial bodies of the fund, work has been done with them and they are prepared for the fact that they must accompany each of our employers with information, so that he can safely connect to the interaction procedure in a convenient mode, and good news awaits us on april 6, will become more daily allowances for business trips around belarus, now it is no longer 9, but 12 rubles. anton malyuta, area of ​​interest. over the 20.2 years of its operation, bel interexpo has organized participation in over 300 international exhibitions, this is more than 50 countries world, the company notes that recently there has been increased interest in events in the countries of the middle east and the african continent, as well as in china. for this year, the calendar of events has already been formed; about thirty events are planned in twenty countries. and the next event will take place in zimbabwe. belarus will present its potential in food production in the machinery sector on a large scale. at the same time, displays are being formed
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for exhibitions in saudi arabia, kuwait and jordan. what is the effect of our enterprise what do they gain from participating in these international events? and what tools are used to promote products to foreign markets, we asked the head of the belinterexpo exhibition department about this. anna, hello, hello, belarus has huge export potential in a number of areas, our country is among the world leaders, this is what the twenty -third year has been filled with, and what effect do we get from participating in foreign events? 2023 was about... it is full of events for the republic of belarus in the exhibition industry, of course, for us, as for the organizers, the national exhibition operator belenterexpo, we held 28 expositions and exhibitions in foreign countries, it was 15
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states, the geography is simply huge for belarus, it seems like such a small country, but we visited asia and china. ..
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in african countries, first of all , this is a very important market for us now, and we have been entering this market for a long time, but of course we haven’t had such a geography of countries in africa for a long time, and we are starting with algeria, followed by zimbabwe , zimbabwe we are participating in general with 2018, so we have already become very famous there, the republic of south africa. angola, namibia, tanzania, in general, egypt, so for the african region, we will be taking our belarusian enterprises to international forums almost every month. of course, this is asia, china, we have
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the number one annual food exhibition in asia, i think it, of course, may soon become the world's largest. this is seal shanghai, a very famous exhibition, our enterprises are participating there, food manufacturers, don’t forget about the middle east, we started the year with the golf exhibition, this is the annual number one exhibition for food products, our enterprises successfully participated in the exhibition in february, we are planning saudi arabia, jordan, also... exhibitions in countries in uzbekistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, in general, all of our already beloved partners, we always need to maintain contact with them, come to the exhibition, and of course, do not forget
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to look for new partners in these countries. and that’s it for today, all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy, we we’ll tell you about your area of ​​interest tomorrow, i ’ll remind you that we’re on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday... good luck, have a good mood and let everything work out.
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hello viewer, my name is ur, this is my propaganda, let's start, i'll start with a story from life, one of my friends says that he was recently in one of the minsk bars and says: i see... a guy, already slightly tipsy, whose face is very familiar , but i can’t remember who it is, since it’s a bar, the atmosphere of which
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is conducive to casual conversations, this friend of mine comes up and asks, how do i know you, the guy smiles good-naturedly and says: so this plane? this didn’t make it any clearer, so my friend clarifies what kind of plane he hears the answer: i’m roma protosevich, i’m not talking about the fact that the ex-editor of extremist resources, pardoned by the president, can calmly hang out in bars after returning home, but that he no longer identifies himself with extremist resources, but with that same ryan air plane. let me remind you how it happened: 3 minutes after the aircraft entered athens and vilnius in belarusian airspace, a report was received about an alleged bomb on board the plane. the crew, it must be emphasized three times, the crew decides to land at the minsk national airport. mining report. as we all know, it turned out to be false, but since this is so, roman protasevich, one of the passengers of the flight against
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whom a criminal case was opened in belarus, was detained, the abortion, after being checked with the rest of the passengers, calmly left for vilnius. question: could belarus shoot down this plane, purely theoretically, if we evaluate in general, i could. if you imagine that a bomb on board explodes when the liner flies over the conditional brest, this threatens not only the obvious death of passengers. crew members, but also thousands of residents of brest from the fall of boeing debris on the city. but, as we know, belarus took a fighter into the air, because it is precisely this procedure for responding to such emergency situations that is prescribed in international law, and it is also prescribed, of course, by logic. air defense systems are brought to full combat readiness, air, aircraft take off, radio contact and visual contact are established with the pilots, and if everything is in order, the plane follows a safe route. to the airport, of course, this situation was immediately reported to the president, but the report with the report,
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the solution to the problem according to a given algorithm began automatically, because the task of a competent manager, which alexander lukashenko certainly is, is not to always reduce everything to the personal adoption of situational decisions, to create effective systems for implementing solutions, automatically and polished. it was like that with that same plane, and it’s like that everywhere in our country. with acceptable reservations, when sometimes the performers do not perform, but play it safe. on tuesday , alexander lukashenko, as you know, studied the maneuvers of the military in the grodno region, where he said the following regarding the collective west trying to aggression towards us: any provocation must be thwarted by armed means, there is no point in joking with them, they violated the state border and are about to be destroyed, that’s right , to stand on ceremony with anyone, no one should stand on ceremony with anyone. and we will do so, therefore, any violation of the state border for
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destruction, they understand only forces, such statements are usually called loud, although did alexander grigorievich say something new that nato all sorts of poland from the baltic states did not know before, if they had there was at least a percentage chance that in the event of a provocation belarus would not open fire, there would have been much more provocation, but they and we all understand perfectly well that in defense of lukashenko’s homeland... he is ready for tough decisions if they are justified. for me the most an illustrative example is the order of the commander-in-chief regarding saboteurs on the railway. if you remember, their curators inside belarus were looking for volunteers. who could, for money, blow up a railway track in order to derail trains with russian military equipment, but for starters, even such a train is staffed by people, at least drivers, to derail a train is human loss, which belarus does not accept, but these terrorists can either make a mistake or a deliberate act and instead
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of abandoning a train with equipment, for example, a gomel-minsk passenger train, with several hundred people, most of whom... would have died naturally, as lukashenko solved this problem, with a public order to open fire on dubious citizens hanging around the railway tracks , no shouting, no requests to prostrate, no warning shots, straight to the body. that is, these mother’s saboteurs were equated to terrorists, and for terrorists the given algorithm of actions is exactly this: tough, of course, only those who want to play saboteurs after the first one. the shot knee was blown away by the wind. when such an incident occurred, the anti-terror squad did not ask the leader for permission to fire. their leader did not call upstairs to clarify whether it was possible and necessary, and the leadership of the power unit did not ask the commander in chief, absolutely nothing, because when the problem was formalized, decisions had already been made earlier, algorithms
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were determined, everyone was only required to work according to this algorithm. exactly the same happened in belarus. we see, we control how bortnikov tektel works with his units, but why did i say this, because putin, these fugitives of ours, began to reproach them there, something happened there, but he is silent, he does not speak, does not address, etc. , yes, we haven’t slept for a day, these people together with putin, what do they know about this,
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the leaders of the union state didn’t have any urgent need to call each other and decide something in this way, because already... everything was decided a long time ago, algorithms were determined and intelligence agencies worked according these algorithms, just as there was no need for any public statements, which is what alexander lukashenko said on tuesday. well, what can the presidents say that’s new in this situation, that terrorism is evil, that it needs to be flogged with a hot iron, that everyone will be found and harshly, or even cruelly punished, that additional security measures will be taken, this is already completely clear to everyone . moreover, the russian special services in fact demonstrated a lot and... demonstrated, so without further ado, potentially new terrorists understood what would happen, even if earlier they only heard about the determination of the defenders of the homeland. our algorithms immediately became different, i saw, like many menchan residents , machine gunners at shopping centers who strengthened the security of belarus after this terrorist attack, but everything is the same, an automatic solution that begins to be implemented in
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the very first minutes after the terrorist attack, without any additional approvals, because... the set of instructions already contains the signature of the commander-in-chief, in this emergency situation we do this, but still it’s impossible to automate everything, because life more complicated than the life that is prescribed in the laws. over the past few years, i have said on air more than once that there is a war going on in ukraine, there were commentators who wrote to me that i was a scoundrel, because this is not a war, but a special military operation of the russian federation on the territory of ukraine. okay, russia is officially conducting the svo. ukraine conventionally carries out, in its understanding, something like cto, no one declared war on anyone, so legally this is not a war, but in essence this is exactly what it is. presidential press secretary russia, dmitry peskov recently spoke in a similar vein. i will quote: in essence, after the collective west entered into conflict, it turned into a war for us. this is not related to any legal changes, this is a special military operation
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of dejur, but de facto, in fact, for us it turned into a war after the collective west. more and more, directly increases the level of one’s involvement in the conflict. i don’t claim that everything said by peskov is always the truth. in the last resort, which indirectly supports me putin. i have doubts about some of the words and actions of dear dmitry sergeevich, but it’s not for me to judge from my level. but with regards to the analysis of the svo - it’s either war, the handsome guy laid it out as clearly as possible, except that there is a nuance. svo is just security algorithms, including in the rear. war - other algorithms, including in the rear. legally, russia is not waging war, but it is actually waging it, but the algorithms are attached to what is written legally. and since legally... there is no war, then there is no implementation of wartime algorithms, including in the rear. if there had been a war, legally, mass events, such as those in crocus , would have been limited, that is, practically
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abolished, prohibited, those that were still held would have been subject to the prescribed security algorithms for wartime, that is, enhanced inspection, a protected perimeter and naturally, reinforcement of objects by internal troops with appropriate firearms. since this did not happen, the algorithms did not work, it means that everything came down to some kind of constant adoption of individual situational decisions by someone, or someone in crocus could or should have requested the boost or someone.


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