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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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this fashion was developed in our republic by a fashion house that existed in the city of minsk, they developed patterns for us, there was very close cooperation, the designers and artists who were assigned to this assortment in the fashion house did not come here to us with their development to the enterprise, then in 1949 hardly anyone remembered...
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at the gomel komentern they were able not only to start the factory in the second half of 1945, but to begin production.
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have already been revived, the enterprise worked with cloth, cloth, of course, at the first stage it was heavier, more voluminous and dark in color, fabrics were worked on, the cloth became thinner, of better quality and the costumes became more expert. the first post-war products, clothing, shoes, were made from belarusian. raw materials, fabrics, which were produced not only at enterprises in the capital, but also in other cities of the republic, porsha, vitebsk, baranovichi. much still had to be improved, to achieve higher quality, but that period became a sign of the times. people have the opportunity to choose, the opportunity to finally purchase goods for personal use. they were returning to peace. on november 6, 1951
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, an unusual liveliness reigned in the radio control room on revolyutnaya 3, all the conversations of employees about the main event of the capital, who became witnesses and even participants , they emotionally shared their impressions,
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footage of the opening of the main department store of the country, on them saleswomen against the background of rolls of fabrics, section of women's ready-made clothing, products of the frunze factory, future melovits. then she released her combs, buttons, leatherette bags. leather goods factory named after kuibyshev, which will later operate under the galanteya brand. sold belarusian radio receiver
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from the minsk radio plant, vacuum cleaners, washing machines. this was an event for the capital. the fourth five-year plan was a good start for its qualitative development in the next decade, when many trademarks were born , which later became famous
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far beyond the borders of the republic. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, where we do not hesitate to talk about resources, finances and financial resources in... and other people's pockets. today, my take on whether the world is facing famine. who is to blame for this? will it be possible to feed the planet with ukrainian grain and will it be necessary to feed ukraine itself? go! yes, it threatens, it threatens every year.
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every year, the scourge claims thousands of lives in some regions. in some years the threat of famine is higher, in others it is lower. now in countries that do not produce their own food or howl. the threat of famine is higher than usual. if you dive into the european and american media, everything obviously. the main food in the diet of earthlings is grain crops; in ukraine, according to vladimir zelensky in may, when the press made a fuss about this topic, as many as 25 million tons of export grain were blocked. later, deputy minister of agrarian policy of ukraine taras vysotsky said that there are not 25, but 20, but in mind there are another 30 of them. fresh harvest. we will look at real, not projected, numbers. 20 million tons in one car for transporting grain, it is called a hopper, a maximum of 70 tons are filled. that is, it was necessary to urgently withdraw 285,700 from ukraine carriages. if you stand at a crossing and wait
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for a freight train with this stuff to pass, it will last 6.5 days. are you impressed? and me, yes. but here's the thing. everyone who is still talking about ukrainian grain... cannot give birth to specifics about what kind of grain it is. some officials describe the stock as a mix of corn, sunflower seeds, oats, rye, barley and wheat. some insist that we are talking only about wheat. and here's why it's important. every year we, as a whole planet, eat about 2.790 million tons of everything that can be called grain. in ukraine, 20 million tons are languishing, that is, 0.7%. of the world's water consumption of grain crops, less than 1% of the planetary pan of porridge, let's assume we are talking exclusively about wheat, we eat about 750-780 million tons of it every year, according to the us department of agriculture. in this case
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, 2.5% of the volume of grain that earthlings eat per year could not be removed from ukraine. this is the grain without which, according to the european american media, famine threatens both the european union and african countries. well, firstly, because europe is a rattle on the tail of the united states. which there’s no point in the states whispering about something on their own continent if they can’t hear it here. they are shaking their europe. tagrahochit, russia and china should be afraid. but if we talk about the motives of the european union itself, the main, in my opinion, and undeservedly forgotten reason is the desire of the european authorities to somehow erase from the memory of their citizens the months-long lockdowns, when people were not allowed not to work, not... just leave their apartments, and while millions were going crazy within their own walls, their states were running out of food supplies, and now, when the coronavirus rotten in the agenda, it is necessary to explain how it happened that the rulers elected for their intelligence did not show off their intelligence in a critical situation and were unable to develop a plan for treating people
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instead of a plan for imprisonment, which logically came with poverty. vladimir zelensky also added fuel to the fire. at the summit in singapore , he said that due to the blockage of grain in his country, europe will be covered... by hunger riots that will demolish the current european government. the latter tensed up and decided that the best way to erase such unpleasant memories from millions is to switch them attention to a new threat, and it is desirable that... for the threat to be a face, then it is easier to hate or fear it. in recent months, the world media has appointed russia as the donkey that removes any cargo of hate, so they decided to blame it for the lack of food. with the same decision, they shot at another young, but already fat hare, they tried to justify anti-russian, anti-belarusian sanctions, which exhausted the europeans and deprived them of not only grain, but fertilizers in order to grow at least something themselves. always a distracting story they write polika. since childhood, earthlings have been accustomed to react to this format, and since a villain has been appointed in history, those offended by him have been registered,
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there must be saviors, therefore the export of ukrainian grain was declared a rescue operation. in addition to the mountainous, merciful armchair politicians from the g7 countries , nato members tried to become them. the head of the alliance was ready to send ships to the port of ukraine to accompany dry cargo ships with grain to turkey, from where it was supposed to sail to the starving people in africa. but the plan to bring nato warships to the shores of ukraine under russia wrapped up a stamp of assistance in evacuating grain, followed by turkey. russia understood that these ships would secretly deliver weapons to ukraine, and eastern politicians would not allow anyone to play positive roles on their territory at the expense of their reputation. therefore, recep erdogan banned the passage of military aircraft through the istanbul straits. nato realized that it had not gone well and humbly quieted down. here are the most interested people. from the eurozone did not retreat from the fight for ukrainian grain, they decided to export it by industrial ships
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asked for an official guarantee that russia would not interfere with this process. russia was not at a loss and presented its conditions. lift sanctions on the sale of russian grain fertilizer. this scheme, unlike the nato one, worked well. on july 22, in istanbul , delegations from the un, russia, ukraine and turkey signed long-awaited agreements. their first package removed the supply constraint. russian grain fertilizers for export, the second guaranteed the unhindered withdrawal of grain from ukraine. and let europe present the partial lifting of restrictions on russia as a concession for the sake of in order to uncork the containers with ukrainian grain, european offices cannot help but rejoice at this concession. food and phosphates from russia, like the flow of grain from ukraine, reduce the threat of hunger in eu countries and world food prices, which stock market speculators have already managed to increase. note that turkey quickly stood up in... for the sake of which it punched nato on the nose and did not allow alliance ships into its waters. now the turkish
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government is skimming off the fatty reputational cream by acting as a guarantor of food security. and so that all the laurels do not go to in turkey alone, antonio guterres’s genfekoon persistently appears in the grain shipment chronicles. because a little food is always better than none. first: grain can be sold to countries that previously bought it from ukraine, but on their own behalf. according to ukrainian data, the top buyers of the twenty-first year are china, egypt, turkey, indonesia and spain. secondly, you can put grain in bins and feed it to your own citizens, this will soften the crisis. third, due to droughts and famine, europe is waiting for new waves of refugees who will have to feed something, and ukrainian grain won’t hurt here either. and so far all these assumptions are coming true. the new york times writes that dry cargo ships from ukraine do not go through turkey to the ports of yemen. in somalia or ethiopia, but make a circle and sail to europe. the humanitarian mission was loudly started and
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quietly curtailed. it was replaced by a pure business plan. events can develop in different ways. in the spring, ukraine reported that 75% of its fields were sown. if this is true, if everything sown can be collected and saved, if no one takes everything grown anywhere, then ukraine will have enough food this year. another question, what are all these ifs, it seems. remain in shape if, it is unlikely that anyone would organize such large-scale logistics for the sake of 20 million tons of grain of unknown composition and even less real 30 million tons that are yet to be collected. it looks more like they are going to take everything that has grown out of ukraine, and so that it doesn’t look like robbery, the press continues to bale the european reader with the wording about saving grain. so, if he is saved in the amount that is expected, then ukraine will face famine. but we all hope that that will not happen. we hope more sincerely than the entire horde of saviors, because in the event of famine in a neighboring country, we will be the first to begin
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to sympathize, pack humanitarian aid and rake in the net from armchair politicians. the first is a lack of fuel. now there is a shortage of gasoline and diesel in the country, it is metered, it is brought from the european union at great expense; harvesting grain can cost more in the country than refusing it. second, according to the ministry of agrarian policy of ukraine, there is not enough in the country. granaries. normally , the crop was shipped for sale immediately after harvest and there was no need to store millions of tons. now most of the export outflow arteries are congested, and without warehouses the grain will simply spoil. three. energy crisis: in order to make flour, porridge or butter from grain and store it in this form, it needs to be processed, and plants and factories can only do this with an uninterrupted supply of energy resources, there have always been problems with this in ukraine, just remember the power outage last winters, the buildings there could not be warmed, so where does the grain come from? this question is asked
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to vladimir zelensky by the ukrainians themselves, a little more than a month ago, his voters even dispersed an online petition, where they demanded to ban the export of grain from the country, there are two options: first: the administration of vladimir zelensky is trying to pursue a normal trade policy, regardless of the circumstances in the country at the borders. second, the administration of vladimir zelensky considers itself obligated for weapons and information support from the west, and has to pay for them with the country’s food well-being. and here it is noteworthy that none of the grain saviors is forcing the amounts that ukraine will receive it. from which the conclusion suggests itself that it will not receive it, and the grain is still being farmed out for military aid. in this case, the west feigns love for ukraine, and this is not only insulting to any partner, but leads to a real famine, not one in which bosses and grumpy children, shoe soup, to one in which there is a shortage, fabulous prices for food from western partners and humanitarian aid
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from neighboring countries, then our neighbors are hopelessly entangled in a heap of grain, they get stuck in it the deeper... the smaller this heap becomes, such a paradox is breaking the laws physics, but it’s too early to talk about this as a fait accompli, let’s see, i’m marina karaman and what’s looking out of the pocket of the ukrainian case, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you. the year of quality for our company is a great opportunity to prove ourselves. when i started my career at this
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enterprise, for the first time i came to the section of the technical control department where i was. a very large number of products, a large huge assortment, the sound of crystal, the flickering of edges, all this fascinates and gives positive emotions. our company with great history, and more than one generation has worked here. in order to become highly qualified specialists , they need to study a lot and a lot. each product is thought out from the smallest details, from ideas to the production of forms, the master puts his soul into each product, because it is, after all, produced not by machine, but by hand. we have a great responsibility, because we are
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the only ones in the country that produce these products, having worked... here for more than 30 years, there is something to be proud of, our enterprise recognizable by our products, a lot of effort has been invested here, as much as i work here, so much i develop, the quality mark is very important for our company, if the year of quality is an exam, then the quality mark for us is the highest assessment of the results of all work enterprises, i believe that we are worthy of the quality mark. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects
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that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy. lifestyle, all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. the news is now live, with you. the weather in belarus showed its winter character with hurricane winds and precipitation.


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