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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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broadcast of the serada on tv channels belarus adzin and belarus 24 are working on the news of the city and the region. darya tarasava is with you. good evenings and a short note to this
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issue. economic prospects for the soviet union, new opportunities for business development on the minsk-smalensk line. it is clear about the dekaratsyah arrangements of the unfavorable thermometer in the central region not with three pluses. light on the boots, which is the style of the caravan for bike riders during the current motorcycle season. new magic for business development, free parking zones minsk fell pagadnennya from gandlevay premyslovaya palatai smalenskaya region. the main task is to invest in startups to create unique products and increase products in the region. emphasis on the extensive products of national creators in the markets of russia and belarus.
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minsk, export destinations from russia. we have plans to create new stories for our creators. cultural projects for the development of the union of dziarzhava. the belarusian academic-musical theater and the smalensk chambers fell into disgraceful supracontinuity. u in the future, crazy forums. at the same time , actors from russia presented the play "zhanitsba "bulzaminava". the comedy in astro's song was presented to the capital's star on the day of the judgment of the people of belarus. the theater
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is amazing, we walked around it, we rehearsed a little on the stage, the hall is amazing, the acoustics, the main russian national classics , ostrovsky, the main writer of everyday life, russian shakespeare, therefore only ostrovsky, only ostrovsky. for a start, cultural exchange is, of course, the basis, two very close peoples, therefore, i think that we will be friends, the signing of this agreement , first of all, is the first step towards common joint work with the smolensk chamber theater, traditionally, touring is the basis of the theater’s work, that is, there is always an exchange of experience, it is always interesting to come to other sites. there are
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many prospects for both business and intellectual initiatives. hell of blistering sun and snow on the minsk region and the most important front. in certain regions, the temperature is expected to be minus, and the arranged level of uncertainty. the ministry of taxation and taxation recorded faulty trees in the central region, and there were power outages in the capital. in the outbuildings of the city, transport can be carried out with a flexible schedule. between you and the inspectors, we remind you every day.
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details that will appear in the bright sunshine. amateurs of matatsikla come out onto the streets of the city. more than 20 years behind the wheel of a bike, behind the wheel of dzmitryya coupled hundreds of thousands of kilometers on the hilly trails of belarus, russia and the countries of europe, on a two-wheeled vehicle. for peramashchennya pa during the winter period, in the words of a matcyclist, an electric car is ideal for use. i believe that the future belongs to electric vehicles, this is my firm belief, therefore. i am a supporter of contrasts, for movement, for the soul, this is a motorcycle, these are long trips, this is a vehicle that transports the soul, and this is directly the equipment that transports the body, and with the exhaust of the chick, the traditional way of replacing the auto is the motorcycle. dzmitry
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collects your bike to order, the unique machine is ready to be delivered to you in the future zimovaga perapynku navat... an experienced biker to carry out the so-called rolling in the season, so as to re-remember the basics of the car's dimensions. no matter what kind of motorcycle technology it is, it is still an order of magnitude more powerful, an order of magnitude faster than any car, and accordingly requires much more experience, much sharper skills, and accordingly - compared to a motorist, motorcyclists are not so protected, equipment, it first of all, it protects our health in case of emergency situations, very funny.
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mostly motorcycle drivers violate speed limit, do not turn on turn signals when changing lanes, and also sharp changes from lane to lane between cars are also driving, well, these are the main violations, also ignoring road signs, sometimes traffic lights. pakul yashche kholodny asphalt, rashki reagents i pyasok na pakrytstsі, all this can become a prychyny stratum. caring for transport consignments and accidents and difficulties, there matacyclists hope to be asyrogant at times of maneuvering. still, even in weak devices it is quite sharp, it also picks up speed normally, in humans with little experience, banal, well, not handling the speed with the controls, in turns the most common problem is when they
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just fly into the bump stop or into the curb during normal turns and u-turns, that is, well, here again, it ’s as if you should be careful not to rush to get used to the guy , in turn, at a constant based on implementing measures... aimed at preventing such road accidents, these include various speeches in motorcycle clubs during which we tell in detail the main causes of road accidents consequences and this is strengthening control over compliance of motorcycle drivers with traffic rules. first of all, we will pay attention to compliance with the established speed, compliance with the rules of maneuvering, re-equipment of vehicles, as well as the use of protective motorcycle boots and equipment by motorcycle drivers. persh chm redzdzhasta on darogi paslya zima motatsyklistam, yakia nyadan atrymal kathegoryyu a, racamenjutz price, padchikhto -kicky at the tsaaf motadromes, prafesіyanals perekhotsya darose, give lessons on contravariynaga vajennya. ilya tsvyatkov, maxim lvov and anatol latouski, agency. the minsk region is running a large-scale campaign for
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the ramontse drog. just last saturday , work was carried out in 66 settlements in the central region. and this gradedziravanne, paddock and yamachny repair of the road surface. if we talk about the borisov district, we also took into account the opinion of the chairmen of the village councils; they suggested on which streets they receive the most complaints from the population. also took into account what comes in, what kind of appeals to the soup housing, in the city of borisov, respectively, too. we worked in the village of ostrov, borisov district, doing bedding and profiling on dirt roads, and we also carried out work in the village of dzemidovka, borisov district, where grader worked there, we also did bedding along the streets of the city of borisov. not only good manners, but also green ones. aktsyya na vysatsy dreў ab'yadnala. chalavek from the dry area of ​​the minsk region, as a result, was planted for 3,500 dre. as the ancestors of saturday's
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pasta goddze, there is a mobile exhibition histories of zhyleva-kamunalnaya gaspadarki of minsk. the main exhibits are archival photos. it is possible to study how the trees were previously planted and the flowers were collected from the streets. the smoke has taken over the memory and snow removal techniques that are no longer available.
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on the occasion of this year's life, the musical choir sanorus told about all the signs of the artist in their stationery performance. musical works of different eras, bach's hell and daily campasites of 21 centuries. all of them echo the impressions of vincent van hogh. create the normal atmosphere of the evening.
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this time the emphasis is shifted towards the choir, at the same time we combine choral timbres with
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solo instrumental ones, including organ, violin, and woodwind instruments, there will even be several choir compositions with sounding glasses, and this is very useful , since it is the sound of glasses that creates this cosmic starry atmosphere, and we know some of the most famous paintings by van gogh, starry but...
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have a great evening! not even 3 hours after the elections, a statement about the fictitiousness of the elections appears on the website of the us state department. the european union used exactly the same term in assessing our elections. it is
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nonsense. inadequacy or interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country? they are just enemies. their assessments have nothing to do with either the law or the real processes that are taking place in our country; they set the task: overthrowing alexander lukashenko, bringing their puppets to power, completely changing our political regime, carrying out repressions against patriotic forces, separating belarus from russia. this collective lukashenko, about whom there is so much now they say, that is, the massive support for the policy and the course that is being pursued by the institute.
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and that it has gone far, i can just put it in short , please state what you are getting at, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, i chose option b, i don’t know such a bird, but i know a rifle that has a sig at the beginning of it in latin letters, oh, what an observer, this is his subject matter, this is all military, this is
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him, so he is well versed, look, an intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on a tv channel...
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