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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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live panorama in elena sachova's studio. hello. belarus is emerging from the raging of the elements; as a result of the cargo front, a number of settlements were damaged. by this hour, power supply to de-energized regions. practically restored,
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weapons from europeans, from ukraine, soldiers, the main beneficiaries of the ukrainian conflict, the united states, intend to finally lose the time of the loss of this war, whether zelensky will remain at the helm will depend on them, expert opinion. and the records of belarusian-russian trade turnover and transition from import substitution to technological sovereignty. the union economy is in the spotlight of experts from the talk show "economic environment". right after us. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. a little more and we will meet cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya in the kazakhstan steppe. our film crew is already working in karaganda about space and not just reporting. cooperation, security, development. the prospects for shanghai organization and cooperation discussed the uprising. fallen trees, power outages, torn off roofs and even collapse of part of a wall in a residential building. the weather in belarus has shown its winter character. most of all, the consequences.
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we will tell you in a panorama how we dealt with the vagaries of nature and what to expect from the weather in the coming days. belarus and russia are a union track. substitute imports, develop cooperation, use peaceful atoms, raise the well-being of people on equal terms. and together get closer to the stars. we will discuss the development of the union state in the economic environment, after the panorama. the current champions. zhlobin metalg again reached the final of the president's cup. fifth in the semi-final series match against gomel in the city of nad sozhem, the steelworkers won and again stepped into the title match. result and surroundings of the match. in the material of the panorama. and let's start the release from space. compatriots around the world, especially in kazakhstan, are proud of the successes of belarusians. marina vasilevskaya started from baikanur. in the steppe near the city of zhizkozgan
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we are waiting for saturday, and tomorrow at the cosmonaut hotel in karaganda roscosmos and the federal air transport agency will announce the readiness of the forces involved in search and rescue support for the landing of the transport manned spacecraft soyuz ms-24 with our marina vasilevskaya. our film crew is now working in karaganda about space and more, reporting by anastasia bendesyuk. astana, moscow in the same direction minsk, and this. zero kilometer, in karaganda, without saying a word, absolutely all the journalists of such a space pool came here, we are all waiting and waiting for marina vasilevskaya from orbit. karaganda is the birthplace of the catchphrase; it is well known outside of kazakhstan; it is used in everyday life among belarusians. karaganda miner city, coal is mined here, every third resident works in a mine, every first one is proud of the space industry. binding. this is
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gagarin square and the first sculpture of space explorers in all of kazakhstan. karaganda is called a space harbor. the world's first female cosmonaut, valentina terezhkova, once landed here. by the way, she stayed in a hotel behind my back. in her honor and such a nod, there is already another hotel with the name chaika. this is the call sign of valentina terezhkova. and after all, vladimir shatalov, the soviet cosmonaut whom we so often remembered on march 21 of the year... already being in the spaceship, he did not launch on the main day from baikanur, so they met him like our marina vasilevskaya in the kazakh steppe, near karaganda. the kazakh steppe will become the landing site of the spaceship, the belarusian will return home on the soyuz ms-24, she flew there on the twenty -fifth, her partner will change ship, the third instead of tracy dyson will be laurel ohara, she spent almost six months on the iss, with marina.
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a friend already wrote about this in his telegram channel. i told you how we we were worried at the launch at baikonur, how we watched the docking of the union with the iss, how worried we were, how we searched for and found the iss in the night sky, how we flew with her and oleg’s relatives from baikanur to minsk. they would probably still be talking if oleg novitsky hadn’t called marina to load the ship. yes, the ship is being prepared for descent and will give the iss, you can call her through personal contacts, the connection is good. marina dialed first.
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took it out of duty or for love, some from childhood, natalya’s parents raised virgin soil, she is from the babruisky district from the age of 5 karaganda, how the belarusians developed these lands, the stories of their fellow countrymen, i collected them in a separate book, and after all, there is a place for space there, and i
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have a heroine, her little daughter, she saw how the mosquitoes descended, the first time he flew, yes, she remembers this ball, well, i... described here, yes, this capsule, they little children ran there, because it was a bare steppe, they mastered everything, and there was just a field camp there, they all you saw it, you know how much i love my belarus, firstly, i was born there, secondly, i have relatives there, i was on vacation, we went to belarus, my grandmother has such a garden, it’s like i studied in a belarusian school, in the eighth or ninth grade, because i had to improve my health, of course i adore it. .. president of belarus lukashenko, he loves his belarusians very much, his homeland, and i love him, but in general they say the belarusian cosmonauts - this is such an advertisement, even belarusian in karaganda at every step, products immediately labeled delicacies, with the number one taste, candies,
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baby food, sausages, our amkador streets makes cities cleaner, and the furniture at home more comfortable, this...
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this was also discussed today in kazakhstan at the regular meeting of state secretaries of the sco security councils. our country will become the tenth full member of this representative. this is natural in conditions where the sco operates on truly mutually respectful principles instead of a unipolar system of relations. joining the sco opens up new opportunities in the areas of economics, trade, and investment. evgeny gorin reports from estonia. clear and sparingly detailed european lines and at the same time, gold asian. chic, and also a lot of modern abstract painting , the design of the place chosen for consultations of state secretaries of the sco security councils interestingly resonates with the semantic component of the organization itself.
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a casual observer, in this, at first glance, seemingly complex and eclectic structure, may not immediately build a picture as a whole, however, it is like the proverb: asia, the east, is a subtle matter and things that seem, at first glance, abstract, give contains a specific, clear structure and goals. shos - a unique organization in many respects. resembles a bloc, but is neither a military nor an economic bloc. the sco is a large-scale system of coordination and interaction between powerful players: china, india, russia, pakistan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan and, recently , iran. the activities of the sco are not directed against anyone, the organization has a creative philosophy, but this is a huge part of the planet, like the potential of this formation. in 2001, shanghai organization.
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currently preparations are underway for summit of the shanghai cooperation organization here in astana and we are paying increased attention to this event. preparatory activities are being carried out through various mechanisms, including a meeting of the secretaries of the sco security council. the organization's upcoming july summit in astana with the participation of heads of state is given special importance. the world is undergoing fundamental changes. for the first time it is taking place with the participation of iran, the pursuit of sustainable peace and development. at the beginning of the joint meeting of the secretaries
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of the security councils, it was especially noted that strengthening the multilateral dialogue, which recently became a full member of the sco, and also focused on the event planned for july, the entry of belarus into the organization. our country will become.
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this is symbolic the very next day, which is why our country’s entry into the shanghai organization will further strengthen security issues and expand the scope of international interaction and the scope of economic opportunities for improving the well-being of our country. today, the agenda of the meeting discussed the situation in sco area of ​​responsibility. the main threat of our time is, after all, international terrorism. it was also identified as one of the targets for the fight. drug trafficking, information pressure, cyber threats, ways to counter these common problems are outlined.
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the sco's potential here is very great. in addition, there was talk of strengthening economic security through common efforts. of course, bilateral meetings took place, one of them, the belarusian delegation led by alexander volfovich, took place with the secretary of the russian security council, nikolai patrushev. of course, in view of recent events, the topic of countering terrorism was especially discussed. conducted many negotiations. the chinese delegation does not hide its plans to implement global initiatives with the help of brix and the sco. moreover, the huge advantages of large integration formats are obvious in the world today. this is not a tribute to geopolitical fashion, but elementary pragmatism. experts believe that partnership, both within the eac and the sco, makes it possible to create a seamless transport space in greater eurasia. creative the role of such unions and initiatives is only increasing positively.
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do not cluster together, disperse, cross the road and rough terrain at a distance, every tactic of the military is written in blood, he says that those who are called up for service here remember what they already knew before, it is not necessary,
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they have become different over the decades of war, the instructors say, which means fighting the way we were taught before? receive practical skills in commanding their combat units, up to and including a motorized rifle squad. minimize losses and adhere to uniform tactics, this is exactly what military instructors teach. the specialists were trained in russia, new tactics were developed in battles taking into account a special military operation. every decade, battle tactics change,
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new weapons and technologies are introduced to the troops. features of recent years - active use. that we have switched entirely to small group work. approaches to combat coordination are changing radically, and we are also studying the work of small groups, and here again adjustments are dictated by time and combat experience, to teach those liable for military service to a modern type of combat means to improve the qualifications of those in the reserve,
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500 of these people were called up to the nineteenth brigade alone, i’ve already been called training camps not for the first time this year , well, this... must defend the homeland, teaching from we are now practicing detaining the enemy on the left, on the right is the movement of cross-country terrain as part of platoons, a platoon is decompressed by five people, left flank, right flank, first line, second line, we are engaged in this preparation, coordinating units, staffing those liable for military service, tactical medicine , retreat, any episode in the army is thought out has its own logical explanations, conveying the correctness of actions means avoiding the most important chaos on the battlefield of losses, but testing combat readiness today is not only tactics, storing remove and prepare weapons and equipment, make a forced march, equip the rear infrastructure, each episode under the close supervision of inspectors, the military mechanism must work
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like clockwork. the features of this check are, first of all, the scale, it is checked some. formations with the mobilization of personnel, as for the nineteenth brigade, this means that the peculiarity of the check in the nineteenth brigade is that part of the brigade’s forces are already performing tasks to strengthen the protection of the state border, the remaining part of the forces is being put on combat readiness. similar checks are now taking place throughout the country, the military conducts patrols, ambushes, conducts aerial reconnaissance, performs... combat duty to guard the state border in the airspace. at the final stage personnel of the units being inspected will take part in tactical exercises. the head of state and the ministry of defense tirelessly emphasize that such maneuvers are purely defensive in nature. unit inspections are not carried out without charge. during
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such maneuvers, the military improves not only their training, but also develops an algorithm of actions. to reduce the readiness time of units, it is possible that some of the innovations will be used in the future in the belarusian army. vladimir korolev, dmitry chumak and yuri tratyuk, tv news agency. ukraine was asked to put military supplies to nato countries on stream, and to make them mandatory rather than voluntary. secretary general nata stoltenberg said the alliance is considering the possibility of adopting a five-year program to support kiev with weapons. the project budget is 100 billion dollars, at the same time. americans will need only 16 billion, the rest will have to be provided by european partners. by the way, the main beneficiaries of the ukrainian conflict, the americans, intend to finally reduce their expenses. for this war placing them on european shoulders. the latter , who are not resisting, the french military , consisting of about one and a half thousand people, can be put on combat readiness in april
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for transfer to ukraine. mitrossia official representative maria zakharova announced this at a briefing. at the beginning of march, the command of the french foreign legion approved the composition of the battalion tactical group for an operational attack on the ukrainian theater of military operations. in the ukrainian theater, a company with demands is played out. immediate implementation presidential elections according to the country's constitution, they were supposed to take place on march 31, respectively, after may 20, when the term of office of the president expires, vladimir zelensky will become an illegitimate impostor. the regulatory legal acts issued by this character will not have legal force, and the extension of powers is provided only for the verkhovna rada. ukrainians on social networks publish materials with the hashtag “choice has been found,” and in many public places stickers have appeared that say “urgent zelensky.” however, it seems that they are leaving their he doesn't intend to get a chair. the day before, the leader of the kiev regime signed a decree reducing the conscription age by 2 years, now from 25
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years. because mobilization today is used as the main repressive mechanism. it seems zelensky has found a way to intimidate his opponents. in addition, he signed another law that abolishes the rule regarding persons of limited fitness for military service. they will be required to undergo a second commission. we will talk about the status of zelensky after may 20, about the mobilization hunger mood in ukrainian society ukrainian political scientist and blogger alexander skupchenko. alexander, hello. why did vladimir zelensky, with one hand, literally decide to cure thousands of ukrainian men and lower the mobilization age? do these actions indicate a massive shortage of military personnel in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine? well, of course, this is all to increase the mobilization resource, that is, pure. mathematics, each category of the population of ukraine, it contains a certain number of people, yes, if we are talking about lowering the age of mobilization from 27 to 25 years old, then this is a plus of 190,000 people,
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but in addition to the mobilization reserve that can be mobilized to the front, which is remarkable with the decrease in age, this law of the verkhovna rada was adopted back in may last year, and it has been on the table for almost a year zelensky has no signature, although according to the constitution he is obliged to either sign the law within a month.
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was released, was not subject to mobilization, now for those who have money, they, in principle , gave such a document, and the person abolished the limited time, of course, most of those who had limited service, they will be recognized as fit by the rotational commission, yes, this will also increase the mobilization resource. for several tens of thousands of people, but those who have it will end up with about 10 thousand dollars somewhere in their bins, of course, these members of the marriage commission will become a little richer, and these people will become ineligible for service, in ukraine this is an involuntary army , this is an army of coercion, but there from executioners at 40%, those people who don’t want to go to zero there, don’t want to go kill russians, and as they say these nazis who are high up there, what are they doing with them, shooting over their heads, that is...
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and so on, but on the contrary, in the criminal code, for example, there is an article that provides for criminal liability for the use of martial law for the purpose of usurping power , what is happening, once again, ukraine did not declare war and did not enter a state of war, did not enter a state of war for one simple reason: so that the credit rating would not be compromised and so that the west could continue to lend to ukraine, solely because of money, here state of war in ukraine not accepted, of course the ukrainians are dissatisfied with
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the constitution, the united states recognized that britain in the european union would recognize them as a president, and some kind of person, but nowhere, that is, if the west recognizes zelensky after may 21, then of course he will be the president, no one wants to care , if in the usa they call him the president of ukraine, then zelensky will be the president of ukraine, if they call someone else the president of ukraine, then the president. thank you, alexander, we talked with ukrainian political scientist and blogger alexander skupchenko. there has been a thunderstorm since the evening, today there is snow, hail, rain and gusty winds. the weather in belarus showed its winter character with hurricane winds and precipitation. over the past 24 hours, 256 settlements experienced problems with
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power supply. most of them have already been restored. as a result of the passage of the thunderstorm front, four settlements in the gomel and mogilev regions were damaged, with fallen trees, torn off roofs and even the collapse of part of the wall of a five-story building. emergency services promptly responded to all emergency situations and eliminated their consequences, despite to the ongoing vagaries of nature. the results of the day were summed up by victoria radevich. a couple of days ago it was +25, and today there is strong wind, sleet and rain. over the course of 3 days, the weather in belarus underwent a number of transformations; they barely had time to feel the summer warmth when they suddenly returned to winter. belarusians began to feel the vagaries of the natural elements after the abnormal heat for mid-spring the previous evening; videos of the bad weather filled social networks. listen, i can’t just not film this. look how bad the weather has become. really felt the natural swing in full every corner of the country has its own surprises.
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all that remains is to sympathize. for those who did not manage to get home before the disaster began. on april 2, starting from the western regions, the territory of our country found itself in the circulation of a cyclone, the center of which shifted from the kaliningrad region through the north of belarus and in the morning hours was already located over the novgorod region of russia. at the same time, the weather in our republic was determined by its active frontal sections, after which a cold air mass began to enter belarus. most of all from thunderstorm the front went to the gomel and mogilev regions. strong gusts. even the day before , the cladding of a five-story building near gomel in the uritskaya suburb could not withstand the wind; part of the wall, or more precisely, the insulation made of gas silicate blocks , collapsed. the emergency immediately became content for local bloggers. a hurricane began, this wooden building collapsed, probably about five minutes later the entire wall collapsed, bricks started flying and the like, well, only then the ministry of emergency situations arrived, we have been working since 8 o’clock, removing
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the rubble so that the equipment could come. and further miraculously, there were no casualties, but judging by these images, the consequences of the destruction are not excluded, the residents of the apartment on the top floor will feel the demolished wall, plus the rain. emergency services worked from night to day, sorted out construction debris, assessed the scale of the destructive consequences and prepared the site for restoration work, according to experts, the house built in 2014 is not in disrepair, people did not have to be evicted, the collapse in bad weather, a coincidence or is it when...
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trees fell in brest, gomel, minsk and mogilev regions, as well as one advertisement in kalinkovichi: thunderstorm, rain, wind gusts up to 23 m/second and as a result... power supply failures could not be avoided, in total more than 250 settlements were without electricity, outages were recorded in most in gomel and minsk regions. power outages were observed in minsk, in the loshitsa microdistrict on partizansky avenue. energy workers are constantly monitoring the situation across the country and continue to work on individual requests. judging by weather forecasters there is no point in expecting dramatic warming yet. the weather will remain cool over the next 24 hours, with cloudy skies and clearings during the day. it’s not worth hiding too far for now, there will still be precipitation, and
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thunderstorms are possible in some areas. victoria radevich, anatoly dolotovsky, television news agency. natural anomalies are raging on the other side of the world, magnitude 7.7. this earthquake was the most powerful for the island of taiwan in the last 25 years. officially reported nine dead, over 900 injured, the data is probably not final, dozens people may be under the rubble of destroyed buildings, another thousand are blocked in a national park located in the mountains, footage is scattered across social networks, dangerously radical.
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there were three main tremors, then more than a hundred autoshocks, factories stopped working, local microelectronics manufacturers are facing billions of losses, f-16 fighters in hangars at the air force base were damaged. tremors were felt in the provinces of mainland china. train traffic in the east of the country was suspended as the belarusian ministry of foreign affairs reported that there is currently information about the dead or injured citizens of our country as a result of the earthquake in taiwan. didn't arrive. this is a panorama and we continue. all chairmen of the standing committees of the house of representatives have been elected. two deputies retained their seats from the previous convocation. brest and moscow were connected
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by direct flight. we'll tell you about the price of the issue and the flight program. quiet, comfortable with a heroic history and rich cultural heritage. the only one in the country operates here. and now to hockey, the president's cup: the fifth game of the semi-final series between the local team of the same name and metallurg took place today in gomel. the score in the series was 3:1 in favor of the guests, the gomel residents had nowhere to retreat. our sports columnist stanislavsky knows whether we managed to defeat the current champions, he worked at this... meeting , the surroundings and the result of the game in his material right now, with an amazing surrounding, the zhlobin metallurgist in the fifth match of the semi-final series of the president's cup against gomel in the city above sozh today won again this time
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5:4 and thanks to this victory they stepped into the title series, let’s note that dmitry kravchenko’s team will play in the final of the president’s cup for the third year in a row. in the last three games between the teams, everything was decided by one puck, today the same game scenario turned out, however, the nature of the match was less stubborn. sergei kostitsin opened the scoring already in the fourth minute, kuznetsov 9 minutes later doubled the guests' advantage, but reduced the feofan team's gap. in the second segment of the game, the teams staged a scoring frenzy, as a result of which the stalivars already led 5:3 in the series. in the third period, with character , the hosts reduced the gap to a minimum. sergei stas took a risk in the end and removed the goalkeeper. but they didn’t have enough strength, the zhlabinsk team is stronger today 5:4 and 4:1 in the series, the metallurgist moves on, when i passed by the fans, well , they tell me the female age, but adult women were crying next to
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them, take off their husbands, i think they were crying with joy , so i have more to add here, if we made our loved ones cry with happiness today... i couldn’t hear it, because that our fans cheer so well, support us, and we try. to justify their trust, it was a good, interesting series, uh, well, we stood, endured, and as if there weren’t so many goals in the series, but everything didn’t break through, but we turned out to be stronger, but even despite such a result of the meeting, the atmosphere the ice rink in gomel was simply mesmerizing, today 2,700 tickets for this meeting were sold, just imagine in 3 hours, as a result, the management of the gomel hockey club decides to sell tickets under the arches of the arena from zhlobin, meanwhile... four busloads of fans came to support their team, such an environment
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will be remembered forever. this is definitely a holiday, we came to win, gomel has nowhere to retreat, it’s just that today will not be just a holiday, probably some kind of festival of this hockey. it’s great, it seems to me that our club unites our entire city, that is, you saw how we support, we go here, we go to any other city, well, metallurg is cool. well, let’s say that this year in the poleskoe derby stronger zhlobin, that’s who will be the rival of stalivarov, we can find out tomorrow, brest in the sixth match of the semi-final series against shakhtar will play against the squad of yaroslav chupris, in the case of victoria they will step into the final of the president's cup, will sergei pushkov's team be able to rewrite history.
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igor sergeenko. today is a deputy.
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for our people, for any person, this is decent work, decent work is labor
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relations, this is the labor code, these are the rights and obligations of not only the person, but the employer, building social partnerships, tripartism - these are the employers of the government and trade unions. in the current convocation there are three ladies with the portfolios of commission chairmen, also marina linchevskaya, she is responsible for legislation and zhanna chernyavskaya for environmental management. people came who worked. introducing clarifications, changes, additions to
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other legislative acts that define issues of national security in the state. the voice of parliament will sound loudly from international platforms. parliamentary diplomacy is important for resolving all issues from economics to politics. it is very important at this stage of geopolitical turbulence and continuation of such aggressive collective pressure. west to the republic of belarus and the russian federation, work in the csto parliamentary assembly, and we have actually already joined the club of the shanghai cooperation organization.
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on land issues we are also waiting from the oval hall, while maintaining large-scale farming, we will also support farmers. we still need to analyze a lot of things, make a certain inventory and take a big course towards modernizing agriculture. deputy badges have also been modernized, we today, by the way, they were the first to show the new one and tell how it will differ from the current one. the lines, the contours of its outlines have been modified, and the inscription has also been changed, it is shorter, the parliament of belarus, more readable, in larger letters, this badge that i have on my laptop, it will already go down in history and become a rarity, let’s say , the same, by the way , has been in place since 2012, and new deputies of the eighth convocation will be able
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to put it on after all parliamentary commissions are formed and real legislative life begins. svetlana lukinyuk, ilya puchko, telenova agency. state symbols, mirrors of our national values, the identity of our people, this was emphasized by deputy head of the presidential administration igor lutsky. a meeting of the republican interdepartmental coordination council for patriotic education took place in minsk. representatives of public organizations and government bodies presented their developments on the topic of developing respect for state symbols. the relevance of the issue can be seen through car and bike rides, flag shows, as well as in digital.
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symbols and explain to young people what the ornament means, what the red, green, and component colors of our flag mean. the range of products with elements of state national symbols includes about 160 models in the bellegprom enterprise system alone; last year they produced about 160 thousand products; in the twenty-fourth year they plan to increase the volume. the union state is growing with new initiatives and projects, a large business delegation from the association of clusters, technology parks and preferential zones from ten regions of russia is working these days in our country. a new cooperation agreement is already in the portfolio. the minsk free economic zone signed eight partnership documents with russian colleagues. the national agency for investment
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and privatization of belarus and the association of clusters of russia also signed cooperation agreements. thus, the groundwork for the future has been created.


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