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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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to work as an artist, there’s such a subscription, but we’re not leaving, i’m sure, and of course, to live and work, and also do something for people, even if it’s small, watch it on friday on our channel.
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belarus. dobroya ranitsa belarus. good morning country. tatyana matuseevich and ekaterina antonova. today we celebrate new thursday with you. well, the real magic of numbers unfolded today. look here. 04 04 2024. it turns out to be a triple four day, although if we take into account the fact that today is also the fourth day of the week, that is four fours. and something tells me that this beautiful date will become simple. a magnet for those who want to start a family, zaksy will be simply sold out today, but most likely, it is unlikely that you will have time to do this this morning, and decide that you want such a beautiful date in your passport and take the application to sign on the same day, no, we had to think in advance, however , our editors have not yet discovered the exact statistics on zacks, but they emphasized the facts of numerology, but in general, four is considered the number of the soul, and another four can represent the four elements - air, fire, water and earth. that is, soul plus balance, you get
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mental balance, something like this, in general, let it be so, and we, in turn , during 3 hours of live broadcast, will do everything so that you at least relax and go to work in a wonderful, calm mood , well, about like the pacific ocean, we wake up, friends, just not to learn. not so, you would be my wing, if only i could learn to understand you without words, if only i could learn to breathe underwater, at the very bottom, i’ll fall asleep, your heart is covered by a wave, i have to guess, i can’t reach my hands.
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you know, sometimes i want it, but i don’t know how to find it, i know. well, sometimes i happen, i just go
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astray, i know that you know how much i want to be with you, to be always with you, i know that you will hide me from everyone with yours, let me reach you with your hand when i ’m dying. sometimes so often in the depths, my little, i'm a little to you, to himself he is your obligation, ska vietnam, the attraction is not upward, co'.
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and we continue to wake up, i remind you that together we are celebrating a wonderful day, it’s thursday and today is a beautiful date 0404:24 day of the triple four, and as astrologers say, we are all now... experiencing such mysterious days called the eclipse corridor, it began on march 25 with its lunar version, and will end on april 8 with a solar eclipse, here we just need to warn all our viewers that april 8 a solar eclipse, unfortunately , it will be impossible to observe in our country, but nevertheless, i am sure that news reports
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will only talk about it from all over the world, after all, certain frames will fly to us with this very solar these are approximately the ones that we will now see behind our backs. in any case, and it seems to me that in this situation we can even congratulate not the astrologers, but the enterprising ones , rather the manufacturers, well, for example, confectionery manufacturers, skillfully took advantage of the astrological situation and increased their bakery sales, how will we now tell you? the us bakery team put together a box of seven filled donuts, drawing eclipses on each stroke with buttercream, all this in such a wonderful galactic style. and to make it more convenient to observe this unique natural phenomenon, each set contains two pairs of glasses. i hope that these are the real glasses in which you can watch solar eclipses, and not just some kind of props, i remind you that if you are watching us on the belarus 24 tv channel, then you are from the country where it is possible to notice solar
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eclipse, you can’t look at it with the naked eye, because you can damage the retina, so take care of yourself, your eyes, let’s return to this set, to delicious, yes, that’s all... what a great idea, but in terms of us dollars, it costs almost 100 belarusian ideas, such a galactic marketing ploy and a cosmic price, they’re just high-quality glasses, i hope, well, by the way , even more interesting ideas and facts in our three-hour live broadcast, and now let’s make it more specific, let’s go, the head is the same, but there is much more information, on international internet day, our correspondent anna ganzhur decided to focus on the dangers of gadgets for children, so don’t talk about ...let me in, he changed it all earthly goods for painting, an eternal wanderer, a hungry genius and a runner from reality. today we will plunge into the art of paul hagen. we will also learn how the world of ballet and not only one of the greatest
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artists of the 20th century, mikhail baryshnikov, changed it. and then we’ll go to the meat processing plant along with the most popular section of our program to meet the compiler of minced meat, alexander. we will also figure out whether it is possible to compare the effectiveness of nutrition and training when it comes to body definition, so zosh specialists can help us. well, we are also waiting for guests, firstly, on thursday, on our broadcast , sports columnist andrei kozlov always comes to us, from the television news agency, we are always waiting for andrei today. so, and secondly, we have already mentioned that today is april 4th in the world. internet day, well, it became not only the greatest achievement of mankind of the last century, but a definite problem for the population. so, we’ll talk live about the latest cybercrime schemes with the deputy head of the main directorate for combating cybercrime ministry of internal affairs of belarus. yes,
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traditionally this topic always has a certain resonance with us, because cybercriminals find new ways to hook us, and we try. prevent this. friends, well, right now there is a sensation. our footblogger anatoly moiseev will show the whole world the lazy napoleon. good morning, today i propose to prepare a simple and quick napoleon cake from puff pastry with custard. and since i don’t like to spend a long time in the kitchen in the morning, i’ll prepare the custard quickly and simply, in your own way. for cooking we need. yeast puff pastry, milk, sugar, eggs, flour, butter and vanillin. defrost the finished puff pastry at room temperature, without rolling it out, cut it into small squares of about 3 cm. place the pieces of dough on parchment,
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they should not touch, place in an oven preheated to 180° for 15 minutes. in the meantime, prepare the cream. place four eggs in a blender bowl and add 200 g of sugar to them. mix everything until complete. sugar creation, add three tablespoons of flour and also beat, heat a liter of milk in a sauté pan, pour in the egg mixture and mix all the ingredients well with a spatula, cook the cream, stirring constantly until it thickens, at the end add a third of a stick of butter, beat the hot finished cream with a whisk for fluffiness, thanks to this it... turns out to have a smooth, uniform structure, leave the cream to cool, and
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take the dough out of the oven, separate the layers of the dough, leave a little for sprinkling, and put the rest of the crumbs in a bowl with cream and mix, cover the mold with cling film, leaving the ends hanging on the outside, put the workpiece in the mold, cover the top with film, compact it, put it in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, take out the cake and sprinkle the remaining dough crumbs on top. the cake turns out delicious, tender, with a creamy vanilla aroma. it holds its shape and is easy to cut. lazy napoleon tastes very similar to the traditional version of the dessert. it... harmonizes perfectly with unsweetened coffee and definitely lifts your mood, even on weekdays.
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festive, tasty and healthy, bon appetit! the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. in 2023 as part of the program. one district, one project, more than 3,500 new jobs created. last year , nineteen projects were completed. the leaders are gomel, mogilev and vitebsk regions. among them is such a significant project for the country as the creation of an enterprise for the production of carbon black omsk-carbon mogilev. its implementation will eliminate import belarus' dependence on carbon black, without which the production of tires, plastics, polymers, and artificial fibers is impossible. what other projects are being developed in the regions, read on the pages of the newspaper sb belarus
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today. belarus constantly participates in international fairs, demonstrating high-quality domestic products. the geography of such events expands every year. our manufacturers participate in more than 130 exhibitions in belarus and abroad. enterprise belinterexpo - belarusian chamber of commerce and industry, here has been promoting the interests of the country for 22 years. at international forums, which allows enterprises to participate in international exhibitions, why our products are loved in foreign markets, correspondents of the newspaper respublika found out. space research is a source of special pride for our country. a huge number of people work in this area, from technical specialists in various fields to venerable scientists. among the active developers of advanced technologies are students of belarusian universities and specialists. aerospace industry is being prepared in belarusian state university,
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the head of the department of informatics and computer systems of bsu discusses the contribution of young people to theoretical practical research. read more in the people's newspaper. enrollment for a free science popularizer school has been announced in minsk. this project was conceived by the science festival team and the bntu scientific library. the organizers are confident that those who are interested in science should definitely become a participant... you can apply to the school until april 7, training is free, more information about the project can be found in the materials of the minsk agency news. the roof was fixed. hello everyone, today we are performing a complex in the simulator, a very convenient simulator, as it allows you to work
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in all, in all possible planes, and today we will work the back muscles, chest muscles and leg muscles, in general, we will work the whole body, the first exercise is vertical traction, for this we need the upper handles, we grab them with our hands and begin to pull them down to our shoulders under control, in addition, we need to place our feet at... so that we maintain balance while sitting on the fitball. in in this case, we held them with a parallel grip, but the grip can be anything. the second exercise is to perform the hands in a lying position. in this exercise it is very important not
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to lose balance. and the third exercise is the kinesis squat. we take hold of the lower handles and begin to squat with them. it feels like we are carrying two large bags. we sat down and stood up. in this exercise, the knees should not bunch inward. also, we should not round our back, but keep it straight with a natural arch in the lower back and exhale while lifting.
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so, to strengthen the main muscle groups with strength that is safe for the child. load, use the exercise in the kinesis simulator. instead of a bench, take a fitball and even the laziest stabilizer muscles will be forced to wake up. the optimal number of repetitions is 15 in each of the four approaches. the resistance weight should be kept to a minimum. monitor the starting position, amplitude and trajectory of the child’s movements.
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my country we wake up live on tv channels belarus 1 belarus 24, i remind you that together we meet a beautiful date, it’s 040424, and it’s also thursday, today is the fourth day of the week, by the way, today in the national calendar vasily is warm, is it going to be that warm today, ekaterina antonova will tell us all right now, yes, vasily, today it will be not very warm or perhaps he arrived a little earlier than the day that was named after him. in any case, if anyone hasn’t looked out of their window yet, at least in the capital, it’s wet snowing right now. what will happen during the day? i’m also ready to tell our viewers. so, together with me, let's look at our temperature map. by the way, it will warm up slightly today. in the capital it will be +4 +6, but the precipitation will stop during the day, as forecasters promise us, it will be cloudy with clearings. dry cloudy skies with clearings
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today during the day will be in brest, where the temperature will be from 10 to 12°c, after all. it will also be dry +4 +6 this afternoon in gomel up to 7° celsius, cloudy too with clearings, in grodno it will also be dry +7 today during the day it is expected, this is where precipitation will persist throughout the day, so this is mogilev, it will be cloudy with clearings, rain is possible, most likely there will be no snow in mogilev, because the temperature indicators are from 4 to 6 with a plus sign, well, everyone has warmed up a little, that ’s enough for now, well, you know, the good news is that the probability of precipitation during the day will be only 5-10%, but the warmth will return to us, this will happen no, not in the summer a little earlier - already this weekend until 22-25 in the country, but at least that’s what the weather forecasters promise, yes we are really looking forward to this moment and remember with warmth those warm days that were literally the day before yesterday and the day before, and you know, this early heat, high
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humidity is just a haven for ticks, i think it’s high time we reminded all our viewers... to remind them that their activity is observed in the country, so please, be careful, we remember that the tick is a cunning nature and jumps from the grass, so if you go to the forest or park, then put on high socks, cover your head, cover your body too, as they say, so that everything is packed, but as for the body, about light clothes not forget, because this way it will be easier to identify the tick, also when you come home, look around, because you never know if you brought such a gift with you in quotes, and of course. inspect your pets, because ticks love them too, unfortunately. well, we will continue to give out household advice. i propose that right now, together with our purchase, we learn how to choose the right kitchen scales. in the shop. spices to taste salt by eye - this is convenient, but for some dishes the accuracy of the proportions is very important. in this case, you will need a kitchen scale. today
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we'll tell you how to choose this device. first of all, decide on the type. scales can be mechanical or electronic. the latter are considered more accurate. how much can they have? as a rule, they go from 5 to 10 kg. the error, that is, is the same for all scales. you need to understand that when weighing , the scales must be in a static position; their functionality and ease of use depend on the design of the scales; the device can be with a stationary bowl, with a removable bowl, or without it at all. the last option is the simplest. on such scales you can weigh food in any container. before purchasing, be sure to check the presence of the tare function, it resets the weight of the container to zero. the scales have a packaging function, that is , sequential, sequential weighing, that is, let’s say if you have a hang. without the old inner bowl, you place a plate on top, fill it, it removes everything to zero, and accordingly you will see the net weight of the product on the scales in the plate without taking this plate into account.
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when choosing kitchen scales, pay attention to the material; bowls or platforms may be glass, the most common option: glass does not absorb odors, but it is fragile, plastic models are the cheapest, and metal ones are strong and durable, the material... of the body itself does not matter much, but if you weigh heavy products, then give preference steel option, the rule is the standard four or five modes, that is, grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds, milliliters, milliliters of water and milliliters of milk, because they are of different densities. explore additional features before purchasing scales, for example, some models have a built-in calorie counter, this is convenient for athletes or people who... are on a diet, it is advisable that the scales have an automatic shutdown function, in this case the device will turn off itself after a while and will not consume charge batteries, quality
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purchases, my love bronzes like a beast, believe me, you are the worst of all... gives it like it was yesterday, to me with you, oh, i’m dancing the whole prom, oh, and you riff me
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with the other, but we’re both across the whole hall eyes we say what everyone told me, oh-oh, i ’m dancing the whole episode, but oh-oh, and you ’re jealous of me, the other one, but we both say across the whole hall with our eyes, what everyone hasn’t... said, hasn’t said for a long time i felt this pain, believe me, i want to leave, a strange feeling, love, leads the one you bypass, i never say when it hurts, how many times i put our songs of the night on repeat, i should forget, because it’s stupid to love you like that, now not our day, october 5th, oh me and you. i dance the entire episode of noya, and you pull me into another, but we both through luck, with my eyes saying what everyone
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told me, oh-oh, i dance the whole episode, but oh-oh, and you are jealous of me, the other one, but we both say through our eyes what everyone didn’t say, oh- oh, i’m dancing, the whole episode, oh-oh, and you’re jealous of me, the other one, but we both spoke across the hall with our eyes, not with you, i’m dancing the whole episode, oh, and you ’re ripping me off with the other one. speaking of graduations, let's talk, it just seems like summer is not coming soon, but in reality it is not, so, as they say, prepare your graduate sleigh
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receipts. a specialized website for applicants has launched in belarus. the internet resource applicant b for providing information and pedagogical support was created to orient applicants to the system of qualifications in belarus, as well as to inform about the main educational institutions. so on the site there is information regarding the general rules for admission to higher education institutions, statistics on admissions companies, and that. years of previous years, the structure of each university, data on its scientific work graduate departments in relations with the labor market. and, by the way, this is not all the capabilities of the site, so dear applicants, is now here to help you. i'll just explain what the difference is between what happened before . it was necessary to go separately to the website of each educational institution and look for all this information there. and now it is in one place, it is very, very convenient. well, now let's talk a little about
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airships, let's change it like this. topic in china , a civilian manned airship was tested, and it was, by the way, its own developed by the chinese, it successfully completed its first ferry flight in hubei province, it is expected that it will be used in the field of excursion tourism and for emergency rescue operations. the device can perform vertical takeoff and landing in narrow areas, and is also more maneuverable and flexible than other types of airships. there can be up to ten people on board, including the pilot. the flight range is 700 km, and its maximum duration is 9 hours. the first delivery of the aircraft is scheduled for the end of the year. well, in total, the company will produce 18 such cars in the near future, and it seems to me that while someone is trying to invent a flying car, someone simply looked into the past and realized that there were not all the possibilities yet and we used those vehicles , which once existed somewhere and perhaps we
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forgot about them for some reason, because people flew before... they flew, but it was unsafe, the technology of that time did not allow this type of transport to be made after all not only comfortable, yes, but as i already said, and safe for transportation, in fact, that’s why airplanes replaced the production of airships, well , somehow this happened, let’s see if the forgotten old will take root in the new time, we’ll see, but i want to remind you that april 4, that is, today the world celebrates internet day and some facts , the internet became the most important discovery of the last century. initially, it was used for military purposes, as a reliable information transmission system, but the world wide web became publicly accessible only in 1991, thanks to the european physics laboratory, which gave the world the protocol www worldwide web. yes, this event completely changed people's lives, and today the total number of internet users is more than 5 billion people, which is almost 70% of the world's population
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. but soon after the appearance. internet in a number of countries started talking about such a problem as internet addiction, a separate date even appeared in the holiday calendar: this is an international day without the internet, in general it is the last sunday of january, so this year we have already celebrated this holiday, i hope you have too its without the internet, you know it seems to me that everything that is not in moderation can be harmful, by the way, our correspondent anna ganzhur in her story decided to talk a little about the dangers of gadgets for children, and what gadgets do, and what exactly they do to children, everything is on the internet ? our children are sitting, so let’s see what’s harmful there. today we cannot imagine our life without phones and computers, but each of us can definitely explain to a child that a smart device is not a toy, but a means of communication. thousands of belarusians are captured by devices, the number of children with gadget addiction is growing every year, and due to a lack of live communication, a child’s self-esteem may decrease and his eyesight may deteriorate. belarusian psychologists are trying
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to instill in children and their... shower, there, a bedtime story, so that the nervous system prepares for falling asleep. sometimes parents think that a telephone, tv or computer is the best way to keep their child occupied. this misconception harms the mental and physical development of children. there are auxiliary applications, parental controls, in which you can not only track your location your child, but set the time at which the child can access the internet or play mobile applications. good morning,
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today we went out on mink street. to find out how to distract young people from gadgets. wait, wait, where are you going, you can do this in editing, but in real life it’s impossible. often spend time on gadgets? but no, you know, we have parental control, i only give the child an hour and a half a day. and how do you distract yourself, that is, well, gadgets that need to be replaced with something for some time? i am a child football player, i play professionally football, this is how you distract yourself from gadgets, what in general is this how to distract young people from gadgets, sports? well, i work out at home, i have a horizontal bar , i have dumbbells, but what sports do you do? and i went swimming, now i’ll go swimming with him, we go together. distracted, that is, a friend from gadgets, a lesson for half an hour, she worked out and a 15- minute break, she must go away, do exercises, have a snack, play, that is, i’m kind of trying to explain what’s not worth it
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in this, that it’s all very has a detrimental effect on vision at this age in childhood, explanations do not help, no, they do not help, dancing, walking, talking with friends, sports are a must. i think no, how to distract young people from phones, computers, tvs, play with them, right? on the phone and go out with them somewhere for a walk, in short, distract them by doing some other things, it’s too early to draw conclusions, but one thing we can say for sure: parents, keep an eye on
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your children and spend as much time with them as possible time. but there are still advantages to the internet, to gadgets, precisely thanks to gadgets, including, we can stay up to date with the news feed, for example, we can find out that... the days of belarusian culture took place in baku, within which the days of our cinema took place, the program also includes a historical drama on the other side , documentaries, chimes and the country of the rescued giant, and also comedy-filmmakers. yes, in continuation of the film theme, this year in minsk the international cinema listopad will celebrate its anniversary, a film forum. it will take place, the dates have already become known from november 1 to 8 under the slogan cinema with a quality mark. besides, 2024 is also the year of the centenary of belarusian cinema, so the leaf fall program will include non-competition screenings and other events that will be dedicated to the anniversary itself. we will talk about films that make up the golden fund of the domestic cinema and
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film festivals in general. yes, many surprises await us at the festival, but for example, there will be a prize for young filmmakers. the acceptance of applications starts on april 1, which will last until september 1, competitive. will be published no later than october 1st, so please try yours. strength. well, by the way, twenty-five-year-old american traveler lexi alford tried her hand in such a way that she set a new world record. she traveled around the world in an electric car. to officially register her achievement, she had to cover at least 29,000 km and visit five continents. as a result, lex returned to the starting place, and this is nitsa. drove more than 30,000 km through 27 countries, the journey was not without difficulties and above all, as you might think, due to charging the car, of course well, yes, the moments in africa turned out to be especially difficult due to frequent power outages
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and the complete lack of the necessary infrastructure in the atacama desert in chile. alford, who previously became the youngest person to visit every country in the world, describes her experience as fantastic but also extreme. difficult adventure, according to her, the new achievement will contribute to the development of electromobility and show that the future lies in environmentally friendly vehicles, certainly a brave person if she also she went on this journey alone, that is , when no one can push you, or maybe, although there is no information, maybe she has some kind of super power bank, which she hid somewhere in the glove compartment, and some kind of battery is needed , because there’s still not enough information, let’s say you’ve run out of fuel in the desert... what to do next, it’s not gasoline, when you stop someone you’ll ask them to share a little, but in the desert you’re unlikely to stop someone, especially it’s not clear how to be here, but man has reached its final point, this is also good, we are happy for it, well, now i propose moving to india, because it was there
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that a team of herpetologists discovered two new species of geekons, who are they, please see for yourself, they are small at 34 mm, but this not the main thing, the main thing is their color, how handsome, look, this one just reminded scientists of vangoga’s painting starry night, and indian herpetologists were not at a loss and decided to name the new species in honor of the famous artist knemaspis vangoga, well, my latin is imperfect, but... but anyway, something it says about vangogh, a very beautiful story, a very beautiful one about the hikonchik, by the way, an even bigger story about artists, their art and more, in our regular column art, understanding art, today on the agenda is hagen, the eternal wanderer, constantly running and wearing masks , as art historians call paul hagen, a french artist who traded a successful career, family and wealth for painting, came to painting late and remained self-taught. after
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traveling as a sailor on a schooner, he i want peace and quiet. the brother brings the future artist to the stock exchange as a broker, where he achieves success. hagen collects art, is interested in impressionism, the master marries a danish woman, mette safigat. they have five children, everything seems to be going as it should. when hagen began painting, his family became poor; his wife left the field and took the children. hagen. he painted like a man possessed; no one bought his work; hunger and poverty began to haunt the artist. after unsuccessful attempts to participate in exhibitions and salons paris, paul goes to the southern cities of france in search of nature, along the way visiting varle his friend vangogh, but due to gauguin's domineering character, vangogh has a seizure and he cuts off his lobe during a quarrel. gauguin escapes from arles after the incident. leaving france, the artist goes to tahiti, where he writes. the best of his paintings, among them
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a girl holding a fruit, taetian women at the apogee of the artist’s creativity. picture, where we came from, who we are, where we are going? on taita, paul marries a thirteen-year-old taetian girl, he often depicts her on his canvases as the main model. a girl holding a fruit, a work by gauguin, who crossed the threshold of neo-impressionism and opened up something new. rule, symbolism. the fruit is a symbol of the apple of eden, tahitian, eve. thus, the master’s painting begins to fulfill not only an aesthetic task, but an ideological one. and yet, such a vagabond, wandering way of life seriously undermined the artist’s knowledge. and he, after writing his greatest canvas, where we came from, who we are, where we are going, took bottle of arsenic, went up to the mountains and drank it. the arsenic came back out because the dose was there. too big. hagen survived and continued to write
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for several more years with incredible inspiration and strength. the artist died in the bed of his own home in tahiti. an empty bottle of opium was found next to him. well, let's continue about art. the rix museum in amsterdam hosts a frans hals exhibition. along with rembront and vermeire, he is one of the three greatest dutch artists of the 16th century. on display. work, including painting laughing gentleman, who returned to the netherlands for the first time in 150 years. previously, this painting had been in the wallis museum in london since 1870. the master became famous for bringing cheerfulness to the canvas. his characters smile and even laugh. it was portraits like these that made the master famous. the richest people of that time ordered them from him. however, over the years, hals began to often refuse orders, and then not at all. and began to receive them, which is why he fell into poverty in his old age. well, this exhibition will last until 9
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june. thank you, ekaterina, for such a wonderful virtual excursion, but i still suggest continuing to travel virtually, because we have a virtual gallery - this is a gallery of people who, with their lives, hard work, talent, and fortitude, have changed this world for the better. today in the lens is the greatest artist of the 20th century, mikhail baryshnikov. mikhail baryshnikov was born in 1948 in riga. his mother instilled in him a love of art. the boy studied ballet from an early age, studying at the riga choreographic school with juris kapralis and valentina blinova. at the age of 16, mikhail baryshnikov entered the leningrad choreographic school in the class of alexander pushkin. having graduated, the young man immediately entered the stage of the kirov opera and ballet theater. the future leading artist, performed the roles of basil in the ballet donki. hot minkus, desiree in
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tchaikovsky's sleeping beauty, the role of hamlet in chervinsky's ballet of the same name and the role of adam in the ballet of the creation of the world. baryshnikov first performed abroad in 1970 in london. in 1974, during a tour in canada, baryshnikov received an invitation to join the troupe american ballet theater the artist never returned to the ussr. baryshnikov danced classical modern productions, worked as a choreographer and performed the main roles in his own productions of the nutcracker and don quixote. under the leadership of baryshnikov , a strong troupe was assembled, which took part in the production of the original version of the ballets swan lake and cinderella. in 1990 , baryshnikov and choreographer mark morris created a joint project called white oak. gradually it turned into a large traveling troupe with a modern repertoire. then michael decided to leave classical ballet and switch to modern. in america , baryshnikov made his film debut, with his participation
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many films were released, including dance, dancers, dinosaurs, the office of dr. ramirez, and the turning point. century, mikhail baryshnikov, the man who changed the world, wow news breaks into the air, and i, nastya rutskaya, have prepared a digest of juicy news for you, i’ll tell you right now, i’ll show you. who won the eurasian student olympiad of social sciences? why cadet was born in the grodno zoo, in which city in the world was the egg festival held, why the audience of the brez drama theater spent the entire performance looking at the crowd and not the stage, our mobile correspondent will tell you. students
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of the belarusian state university became the winners of the fifth eurasian student olympiad social. innovations participants passed five intellectual tests, during which they tested their knowledge in the social rudit competition, and also took a quick survey from the opposing teams. in addition, students presented to the jury members projects to resolve crisis situations using innovative technologies. the team of the faculty of philosophy and social sciences of bsu was recognized as the winner of the fifth eurasian student olympiad. the belgorod state national team received a second degree diploma. research university. the team from vitebsk state university named after masherov won the bronze medal. congratulations to the winners and runners-up of the competition. a cadet was born at the grodno zoo. it was not by chance that such an unusual name was given to yak, because he
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light appeared on the day of the police. according to zoo staff, last year yakini was pleased with her offspring, but this year they were even a little surprised. usually, cubs of the yaks of the grodno zoo are born at the end of may, beginning of june. the birth of a small yak so early in the spring is very rare. residents and guests of grodno, i hope you have already included a trip to the zoo in your weekend plans. the baltunija fried egg festival, or as it is also called, chimburiada, took place in the bosnian city of zenica. meet the dawn offensive spring, local residents headed to the bosna river, where they placed kitchen utensils and began preparing egg dishes. baltuni was cooked in huge frying pans. according to the participants, it is the egg that symbolizes the birth of a new life and the onset of spring. scrambled eggs are not the only holiday dish. many people prepared a barbecue. in addition to the joint breakfast
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, various competitions and competitions were organized for the bosnians. the bravest festival participants even opened the swimming season. chemburiyada is celebrated. already several centuries, and some believe that it originated even before our era, in the era of the ancient illyrians. shoot mobile reports, observing the most interesting events in your region, i’d rather show you on the air of our program. today we will plunge into the world of theatrical art together with our mobile correspondent from brest. we are at the brez drama theater, where. we managed to get into the backstage and we see how unusually the audience seats are placed, instead of a stage there is a huge cube. music, play of light, vices of passion, drama. the artists managed to convey
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the whole range of emotions of a small tragedy. yes, a genius and a villain are two incompatible things. alternatives to studying school material, well, i say goodbye to you, until we meet again. 5 minutes of airtime flew by as quickly as school holidays. that’s all for me, i was with you, nastya rutskaya, see you tomorrow, bye-bye! van, say hello! i’m vasily, i’m your dad, where did he even come from, maybe he’s not a father at all, you think i’m just a hell of a boy to a man on the street, go about your career, dance, and about this... just forget it, i wanted him adopt, oh that's it, and i mean, i've messed up all the cards for you, yes, it's good that
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your father was found, mom, and mom, maybe we can reschedule his move to us until he gets used to home-cooked food, i i won’t send him anywhere, or you accept everything as it is, find an approach to him, or we break up, in which case i’ll ask you to come with us to the department, stop, what does it mean to drive, you understand that we have a final tomorrow, what is this this, you know? that a six-year-old boy has disappeared, you understand that, but you wouldn’t be jealous if your son was someone else’s uncle dad called, but he would ignore you, i would take a closer look at this uncle, watch the series, i choose you on the belarus 24.
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railway channel, today we have a beautiful date on the calendar 04 04 on this wonderful day we have good news for the children of their parents , so the belarusian railway will provide a discount on travel for children aged 10 to 17 years during the summer holidays, on some trains in communication with russia, for detailed information please visit the belarusian website so you can go to mineral waters in anapa will go, but for now, let's go virtually, but let's go to the mini.
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we get together, drink tea and go to work. having arrived at work, having received a task, we begin to create sausages, pates, brawn, strictly according to the recipe with a twist. the raw material is twisted on a top. i have been working at the company for 31 years. i love my job very much, and i love it because we constantly have a new assortment, and we constantly surprise
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our customers, but with new products, new types, having twisted the raw materials, we throw the cutter into the mixer, having worked at the plant 31 a year, there are no impossible tasks for me anymore, we beat until smooth. i love my job because it has a twist, it makes the work of our lovely ladies easier; when they come home from work, they can literally make themselves soup in 5 minutes. we have a very friendly, cheerful team, we help each other, we always come to each other’s aid during the holidays, we spend them together, we celebrate the holidays. well, my friends and i go fishing, after the minced meat is prepared, we give it to our girls for shaping, i love mine
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work, because she makes the morning of my country in good, oh, now would be delicious belarusian sausages, and delicious belarusian bread, and with tea, mm, a wonderful breakfast, and in turn we thank alexander for the very goodies that he for everyone, for us, for belarusians. is doing, well, now it’s not about sausage, but about the weather, which is right now outside the window, what’s there, katya, please tell me, yes, this topic is much more relevant, because our weather has been changeable in recent days, we only recently enjoyed seemingly already in the summer, it seems that winter has returned again, let's look at the temperature indicators, so what is it right now outside the window in the capital 0. -2, sleet is falling, it still means falling, in brest right now it is near zero, cloudy with clearings and dry by the way, brest is the only city today where there is no precipitation this morning. let's move on, right now in vitebsk from zero to two, with a minus sign, there is also sleet
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and snow, probably there too. observed in gomel this morning from 1 to 3°c cloudy with clearings and also precipitation, rainy and probably even a little snowy, this morning in grodno around zero, near zero in mogilev, this morning precipitation is also possible, how will the situation change during the day, i’m also ready to share with our viewers how much warmer it will get here, well it will warm up slightly in the capital, it will be +4 +6, but it will become dry, the precipitation will end, by the way, it will be dry during the day. throughout the country, with the exception of one city, i’ll tell you more about it a little later: in brest during the day it will be +10-12 cloudy with clearings in vitebsk up to 60 plus, also dry, in gomel +5-7, in grodno up to 9°c, so we finally got to mogilev. in mogilev, precipitation will continue, it is observed in the morning, but it will remain throughout the day with mogilev residents, and there during the day +4, +6.
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well, do we have invigorating temperatures today? not the right word, by the way, dear friends, if you are already going to work or for some other business, you know that at night in the republic it was from -3 to +3, i mean, don’t forget your hat, please, warm yourself, but in general the weather forecasters promise that by the weekend the degrees will rise, we’ll wait and see, we won’t make any predictions for now, but i know where, in any case , it will be hot this weekend, namely on april 6 at the minsk concert hall, as part of the third republican competition of choreographic art, it’s time to dance, so 850 participants will appear there, that’s how many dancers of different ages were selected by the jury for the final performance, so we’re watching, cheering, but if you, dear friends, are dancing and haven’t had time to submit an application, you know, this can only be done next year. yes, next year it will be possible to participate again. well, don’t forget in general, the main thing is that movement is life. in any case, i believe that there is no substitute for sports.
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we’ll find out right now whether our zoshrubrika experts agree with me. good morning, my name is anastasia and i am a fitness expert, let’s dispel the myths about healthy training: proper nutrition, healthy sleep and a lot of iron in the gym, this is how beginners imagine it, where is it? what's a myth? first things first? myth number one: certain exercises or number of repetitions will help you dry out or tone up. it is believed that small weights and a large number of repetitions give the muscles shape and relief. no, muscles only increase or decrease in size, whether they are visible or not depends
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on the percentage of fat in the body and the amount of water that is on top. attempts to reduce the hips with a large number of leg extensions, to remove the sides by bending with dumbbells to the sides will be unsuccessful, not only will they not lose weight, they will also grow, because the muscles receive stimulation, so in this matter be reasonable and moderate. myth number two: training is more important than nutrition. it's a myth: diet directly affects our body to lose weight. you need to reduce daily calories to gain muscle mass, on the contrary, increase it. it is also important to consider the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates based on your goals. necessary nutrients are our source of energy, and if something is wrong with nutrition, then we often lack the strength and desire to exercise. proper nutrition supports daily life, energy levels and all
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immune system. therefore, it is good to accompany sports activities. a balanced menu of the right products. the right lifestyle approach will make you the best version of yourself. complete the term zozhe and get a beautiful equation. so, if you are having breakfast now, we wish you bon appetit. we hope that your breakfast is correct, but in the meantime we are smoothly moving towards the end of the first hour of the live broadcast, but dear friends, this is not all, we have just begun, very soon we will be in contact with mogilev. well, i’ll also remind you that on april 4, the world celebrates internet day. so, it became not only the greatest achievement of mankind of the 20th century, but a definite problem for the population.
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we will talk live about the latest cybercrime schemes with the deputy head of the main directorate for countermeasures. your best day has come, try it deliciously, and i found you, this is the feeling, you’re already so close, i can’t resist, we’re striking sparks. ansky will hit us from the vibration and the holiday, sotro the bad, i'm in a plump maschelovstick , fasten your seat, the flight is normal, i'm going out
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from stress ki phenomenal we can’t hide from love anywhere and can’t stop you now with me we burn so brightly we are not afraid of anything everyone is unhealthy. because today is a day off, a day off, today is a day off, today is a day off, hey, take it easy on me, because today is a day off, a day off, your best day has come, there is no need to be sad, but i feel so good, with you next to me, my thoughts. at the limit, everything is as you want, i won’t regret anything, tonight, we’ll be overwhelmed by vibration and celebration, but it’s bad, i’m using an eraser,
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fasten your seat, we’re in airplane mode, we’re flying together, we deserve it, we are out of love, we can’t open up or stop anywhere, you ’re with me now. we burn so brightly and are not afraid of anything, we hang our heads, because today is a day off, today is a day off, today is a day off, you are stronger in your head, you are a day off today, we can’t hide from love and we can’t stop it. you are with me now, we are burning so brightly, and we are not afraid of anything, we are hanging with our heads, we cannot hide from love anywhere and
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cannot be stopped, you are with me now, we are speaking brightly and we are not afraid of anything, at least not with our heads, because today is a day off, a day off .


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