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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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members of the council republic should represent the territory, should probably represent the national tasks that face our country, our society as a whole, probably should know the situation on the ground, how legislation is applied, see those norms that require improvement, today the election actually took place members of the council of the republic, in the minsk region elections of members of the republic's council were held throughout the country, in total
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, the coverage of the existing site is already sufficient it has been in use for a long time taking into account city events, but it has fallen into disrepair, probably the time has already come to replace the coating with a new tiled one at this site. as part of this work , reconstruction of the power supply networks was also carried out, about 20 people work at this facility every day, work is carried out seven days a week . having rebuilt the buildings on this territory and exhibited the old shabby houses, there are already nine of them here, i'm afraid... they're getting tired in the next hour. gandal
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on the dances kala palace sports budze pratsavat pastayanna. the season is green for the young akhonikav of nature, the inhabitants of the byarezinskaya dziyachaga garden no. two have opened the greening ceremony. once upon a time , farsic bushes were planted from the tall kalegams from byarezinskaya lyasgas, and the pale people of young races were taught the rules of looking after them. takshama young experts are looking for new apartments for flying birds.
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garad festival competition of youth media. the stage of the project has been completed . moladzi. he is home to two hundred schoolchildren. from 11 to 17 years old, to help children break out of some kind of shell, to find their place in life, to find a profession for themselves, that is, we have education, and training and vocational guidance, this is what our festival pursues, the competition for children's and youth media, junior correspondent, before this, for almost 20 years we had a competition to change for the better, it had a good reputation, but in our opinion it is outdated, now there will be a festival, i am trying myself in different directions, in radio, television, print. publications, but for now most of all, i’m working with printed publications, we have this magazine called butler in the palace, we publish a lot of articles, so i’m giving all of myself for now, well, most of it, okay, not all of myself, but most of myself specifically as a butler and
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at the same time i also work on radio here within the same walls of the palace, in the future i would like to become a journalist, so for me uncorby is a great opportunity to express myself, i teach...
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considering that i have woven coffee tables and bedside tables , and baskets. after that i switched for bronze. this vase, it was first wicker, then it was treated with plaster, these flowers, i did everything myself. here in derzhinsk we have this club, and we also meet, it really gives an incentive when we’re with girls.
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belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history; it is truly the oldest. the building and the most important shrine of our region, the temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 12th century. the columns also have a rich literary history at this point. unique sights meet literally at every turn. if you, like me, plan your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this alley with stones. the architects' idea was to lay out the number of stones that corresponded to the age that felix derzhinsky lived. exactly this.
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she is the leading stage master, actress of the grodno regional puppet theater. hello, silent. in the seventh grade at the age of 14, i suddenly decided i would be an artist. carrying on a conversation with her is a pleasure; if it’s not a phrase, it’s a godsend; if it’s not a minute, it’s funny or a cautionary tale from a rich one. practice, that means i will pretend to be wounded, i mean, i came up with the idea that i’m wounded, and i think, well,
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i need to take the wig, i get up, in the hall, when the wig fell and we fell, there’s a pause in the hall and that’s it, and the auditorium is silent, lyudmila pavlovskaya and her rich puppet world, because we are in a puppet theater, we are equal to ballet dancers, we can work for 25 years and retire professionally, it is of course small, and you do not have... the right to work as an artist, there is such a subscription, but we are not leaving, i’m sure, and of course, live and work, and also do something for people, no matter how small, watch on friday on our channel.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions to the hero, igor alexandrovich, why do you think the children chose for...
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and be attentive to the questions, at the end program, you have to choose the best one,
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now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself, time has gone! karbov igor aleksandrovich graduated from minsk state medical institute, for more than 40 years i have been working at the department of infectious diseases of the belarusian state medical university, for 25 years i have been heading the department, we consult quite a large number of patients, we are the department’s team. we teach students, we teach how to treat, and of course, the scientific component of the work, i must say that i love my work very much, it is extremely interesting, that’s probably all. you did it in one minute. and now questions from our audience. we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question. let's see, as far as you can answer. you are ready? i'm ready. i think i won’t refuse questions. then let's begin. question from the purple sector. hello, my name is elizaveta.
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how did you get into this profession? have you always dreamed of becoming a doctor? thank you elizaveta, yes, indeed, all this was a long time ago, of course, but in the family they treated this specialty with very great reverence, as they say now, secondly, you know, i was introduced to the book very early, this is my favorite there were two heroes, it was rabinzonson cruz and gulliver, if you remember, gulliver, he was a ship surgeon, it all worked together somewhere, and indeed i very early wanted to engage in this specialty, and were you afraid of doctors when you were a child? vaccinations, some kind of medicines, i don’t remember that i was afraid of doctors, and there was nothing terrible, but i remember one case when, while working in the regional center, i was still very small, a nurse came, my grandmother knew her, i met her very well, she hands me this yellow jelly bean, as i remember now candy, so i swallowed this candy, so
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she said, it means to my grandmother, i came to vaccinate the child against poly'. then they explained to me what polymelitis was, when , alas, my generation had seen such patients with really severe lesions, that’s how it was, uh, my grandmother was thinking whether to give me a pill or not, i said, i’ve already swallowed it, well, i swallowed it like that , that means it’s good, but now you have some fears, well, you know, the fears of a person, not a young person, they are a little different, maybe from those fears that happen in youth, in adolescence. this is fear for the health of the family, for the health of children, and finally fear for the country, and here is the desire for everything to turn out very well. let's move on to the red sector, this is to your left, in order to become better in your profession, is it necessary to study as an excellent student at school and were you an excellent student? it is not necessary to be an excellent student, but your key question
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is the concept of learning, so you need to study. and the most important thing is that studying itself brings you pleasure. one more thing that is extremely important, i really want to say it, i need to make friends with the book. there is such a very good aphorism, you see, when you watch tv, you are a spectator, when you read a book, you are a co-author, books should be needed in order to think about them, this is much more important than receiving, maybe some estimates in this regard. well, this is how it seems, what was your favorite and least favorite subject at school? you know, the least favorite subject i had, i had two, so i really didn’t like drawing, i wasn’t good at it somehow, and you know, the second subject was singing, we had a very unique teacher, he was very good, he was a young student who was distinguished by the fact that he played the button accordion and sang the song “nightingale, my
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nightingale” in a female voice. all the boys laughed and teased, that’s why he made three grades. they let me write my answer on paper for myself, so i wrote four pages quickly enough, the questions weren’t so difficult, and then a representative of the institute took this piece of paper and said: well , is it really possible to take such people, look at how he writes, i answered, they gave me an unconditional a, then he somehow tried to comment on this, yes, you know, but it turns out you know all this well, but
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then i went out and thought, so you know, i think, i almost played the fatal destiny in my life. here i have an example of a doctor’s handwriting, could you read it, because i can’t, let’s wait and see, thank you for your or what, these are priceless doctors, for their work, priceless doctors are heroes, you know, at first i thought , that this is basically frog handwriting. so rambunctious big, so i want to give you an assistant who clearly knows this language, thank you very much, thank you.
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hello, my name is maxim, what do you like about your job and what irritates you? you know, i like the very clinical part of the component, the opportunity, the opportunity, you
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know, to learn, because the specialty is extremely broad, a lot of information comes literally like an avalanche, so it’s interesting to work with, it’s interesting to implement, it’s annoying, annoying, like many, in any case , this is the number of papers, here... a squeak, any doctor today at any level will tell you this, this is a little distracting, in general sometimes very distracting, and i would like there to be less of this. let's turn 180°, the red sector is when you first felt satisfied with your profession. maria, probably in the same 1980, we started working as internists, and i remember this patient, he was brought in with severe bronchial asthma. it was an elderly man, you know, he told me then that he was very afraid that the young doctor would provide help for him, he was in a rather serious condition , but you know, i managed
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to help him quickly enough, i remember his smile, and of course i remember this very much, that’s when we felt that we could do something, that’s how it was with each of us who started this work at one time, and what do people get sick with most often? i want to tell you that infections, this is the season, a lot of people , usually acute respiratory viral infections , actually suffer from these diseases, and what viruses are the most terrible? you know, there are such viruses, they exist, well , for example in africa, there are viruses that cause serious diseases, these diseases are dangerous, but everything is done at all levels, including at the international level...
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an unusual patient, as for exotic diseases, then now the most common of these very southern diseases is malaria, you know, it’s not so simple, despite the fact that there are several imported cases of malaria per year in the republic of belarus, you know, one of the fathers of this trend is malaria, it at the beginning of the 20th century, he called this disease a great imitator, because the clinical picture can be anything, and in different countries i had to see, i see, by the way, here... in minsk, these are patients with cholera who were admitted a lot , many, many years ago, but we had to help them, provide them with help, and you know, we dealt with it very successfully, and i’ve seen
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leprosy in my life, i’ve seen japanese encephalitis, i’ve seen many exotic helminthiasis, but this was no longer in the republic of belarus, as the emergence of the new coronavirus infection has affected your work, the fact is that you know, the situation with coronavirus infection, it is called a pandemic, this means that the incidence covers a very large contingent of patients of all, in almost many countries, in different age groups, and accordingly, this greatly affects not only our specialty, we had to be in the lead here and be the first to teach our colleagues how to work, because doctors actually took part in this work. almost all specialties, these were surgeons, these were orthopedic doctors, such a huge responsibility fell on
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the emergency physicians, igor aleksandrovich, please tell me, have you ever been vaccinated against coronavirus? yes.
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yes, unfortunately, it happens periodically when this vaccine activity weakens, this was observed in the late eighties, when perestroika was going on, there were many unnecessary irresponsible publications on this topic about the fact that there is no need to get vaccinated and so on, so on, the result was the following: now it is cited by the main world textbooks on our specialty and on epidemiology, this is a graph of what those countries that were vaccinated had and what happened in the territory... of the former soviet union, they stopped vaccinating the terrible disease against deuterium, so we returned when, according to the result, several years, appeared before ninety-four, ninety -three, approximately several tens of thousands of patients in the territory of the former soviet union with quite serious mortality, this was such an example, the second example - i don’t want to name the time and country, at one of our neighbors when i was.
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happened, many vaccine producing countries simply closed their borders to the crossing of medicines, and what to do next? this was a huge amount of work, a huge amount of work by government agencies, diplomats, and production workers, in order to set it all up, it was all set up in the shortest possible time, but the question is different, now it is expedient, of course, to have production capacities that if such a situation arises, they will be able to, well... movies are often shown, how a super virus kills people, tell me, is it possible, well, you know, if they don’t show all sorts of horror films in hollywood somewhere else, who will watch it, but sometimes humanity falls for this, the director knows this, so of course he’s not only inventing here a super virus, and also a superhero, a super alien, who
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comes here, that’s why we... we probably won’t turn this situation into armageddon, but we’ll just understand that we may have some, some viruses, like covid, for example, here comes here to you need to be as prepared as possible for this, probably so. the history of the world, its basis is the struggle, the struggle
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gets of the budynak school of kruger know about minsk and our watches. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's learn more about the history of belarus' past. garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzyakanka or takhtamysha’s yard, no one knows. alekhan takhtamysh was at lidze, he lives here. let's remember folk traditions. the name itself is white-eyed, it’s very palatial, it’s very patterned. malunak on our panyamonskih in handbrake could have been, but muggle would not have been smitten. the bridegrooms were married, they became friends, they were surrounded by one bride, and then she chose the bride, and she left the bride herself.
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watch the project “cultural padarozhe” on the belarus 24 tv channel . hello, my name is daria, what was the most unpleasant thing during the covid pandemic? when you lose a patient, these moments, of course, had a very negative effect on the perception of the situation, finally on...
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there will be not 24 hours, but 10 million years, so in the form of one year, only one day there microorganisms appeared on january 1, dinosaurs appeared on december 20, dinosaurs became extinct around december 25-26, and humanity appeared around december 31, and many people write in the afternoon, you see, that is, the evolutionary path that microorganisms have gone through is enormous.
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are not as effective as the medicines that we currently have, so they need to be treated with respect, but sensibly, and sometimes they can also be harmful. these means, but you must agree when it occurs cold, what mom and dad say: lie down, firstly, lie down, secondly, something warm, really, thirdly, drink, drink more tea, fourthly, here’s raspberry jam or honey on you, that’s all it came from traditional medicine, and i also want to say that many of the most effective drugs that are currently given to patients, including those with infectious diseases, came to us as a continuation. of the experience that folk doctors, namely healers, received at that
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time, i will give one example, two of the most currently in demand drugs against maleria, they came from traditional medicine, they were simply strengthened with modern technologies, obtained, purified, and these drugs are currently working very successfully in classical medicine, the purple sector is ready to ask a question, is this on the right? when was the last time you were sick and why? oh, and you know, i suffered from covid twice, well, i was probably treated for this, i was in our hospital in the infectious diseases ward, but there was nothing serious. how do you improve your condition? your immunity? let me rephrase your question: how to increase it? here, you know, the sun, air and water. this is absolutely true, these
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are our best friends, a good walk, somewhere in your age, exercise, a walk, fresh air, swimming, this is something that strengthens the immune system much better than different types of pills, believe me, this is very important. hello, my name is. what to do if you can’t make an accurate diagnosis? first of all, again, i want to refer you to the question that was about excellent students, studies, you know, first of all it is to have a team, you see, that is, when one failed, it means to have a team that can raise good medical literature to find. the decision for this patient to continue to examine him in
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the right direction, time has changed, and sometimes it’s just collective work like this, which most often leads to success. please tell me, is it mandatory to wash your hands? it is necessary to wash your hands, cleanliness is the key to health, this must be done. how many times a day do you do this? the fact is that? a doctor who goes to see a complex patient who is, for example, in the intensive care unit and any medical worker who comes up and touches him, touches his bed linen, touches the equipment, must strictly follow the rules of hygiene, sometimes this has to be done many times, even behind the scenes. one hour, that's right, and that's mandatory, that's a mandatory program, if, if you didn't become a doctor, what would you do? i don't know yet, you know, maybe i would or
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a sailor or perhaps a military man, but something related to discipline, it could be a military doctor, because for a very long time i wanted to be a naval doctor, that is , to provide assistance there, but i never seriously thought about it, how they can belarusian doctors and infectious disease specialists should be proud; this is, first of all, what we were able to cover. other specialties, because everyone deals with viruses, bacteria and other infectious agents, so they often turn to us for advisory help , including because they need it, it turned out that everything is in great demand and belarusian infectious disease specialists are coping with it successfully. a question from the yellow sector, my name is slava, i have the following question for you: how do you feel about material wealth and would you like it?
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very important, maybe the most important thing, but only from secondary things, when your parents start answering this question, they will talk about your health, this is really the most important thing for them, that you are a member. so that their plans are created in relation to your brothers and sisters, so that no one not to be sick around, for the country to live peacefully, look, even money is not included in the top five of the main problems that i immediately named, they will tell you much more, and sometimes you simply won’t hear about material
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wealth, these things need to be discussed very closely among themselves correlate very well and will definitely tell you what job you love, and then they will talk about... other issues, they say that doctors abroad receive more money, would you like to work abroad? uh, it always happens when a person changes something to something, something must be sacrificed, well, well, for example, i was not ready to sacrifice very much in order to leave somewhere, for me such a question ended very quickly, so i didn’t strive to leave, it’s a black question sectors? it's on your right. is it important for you to be the first and the best in your profession? the question is a serious question, a very important one. but you put yourself in my place. here. i kind of lead a team that has to teach students. eh, to raise, in
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general, graduate students. and so if someone in something better than me, do you think, we should be happy here. or is sad in this regard, so everything depends on work, and the fact that the next generation, you know, leaves behind, this is a bare field, this is in no way wrong, it is necessary that future generations have someone to learn from, so you know , i approach this issue without jealousy, with understanding, if one of my students has achieved something, especially, i am very sincerely happy about this, this is what we all work for, and what would you like to do in first time? but we still haven’t decided on this, you know, the answer is strange, maybe a little, i really want to write a good guide and a good textbook, but i always remember zinovy ​​gert, when i started trying to write poetry, he said, he says , a person must have a feeling of shame, even in front of an empty sheet of paper, so you need to
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collect a fairly large amount of material, a sufficiently large number of people who will do this, and i really want it to be realized. hello my name is andrey, do your patients often treat you to sweets, for example, sweets, sweets or chocolate, not so often, rarely, but do you take them, i don’t really like sweets, if i may say so, honestly and frankly, here, but uh , sometimes, not only me, but also the medical nurses, first of all, they take these very chocolates, because often and most often, older people do this. to refuse an elderly person, even if, excuse me, he brought a sandwich that you will not eat, sometimes this happens, this is a desire to thank, you just need to treat age with understanding, in this case, of course, you won’t run after him and won’t shove this chocolate bar back, you shouldn’t offend people, and if i extinguish you right now, you
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will accept, well, of course, only if there is another one is this very condition that you accept and check, thank you. here, here, here, this is for you, the most important thing, look, there is a very big life lesson, with what spoon should you eat sweets, it’s good that it does not harm.
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we talk about the most fascinating things in the world science, we definitely use it after
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cooking, as well as after any meal, it is thanks to it that our dishes remain beautiful for many years, while science has not yet given us those household cleaning chemicals that we use, now housewives most often from dirt and rust were also removed with the help of vinegar. let's share some interesting facts: liquid dish detergent has an ancient history. more than 5,000 years ago, according to scientists, it appeared completely by accident. in russia in the 19th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, birch, in europe at the end of the 14th century, charles vi established an entire guild of vinegar-makers. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. an alkaline environment is necessary for the molecule to surface. of a substance could perform its function, if the environment is acidic, for example, then the molecule will not perform the function of a detergent.
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watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel . please tell me, do you think love is a virus that cannot be cured, or is there a vaccine? you know, she doesn’t need such a vaccine, love is a wonderful feeling, so you don’t need to get vaccinated against it under any circumstances, it’s really a great happiness. why avoid it? do you remember when you first became infected with this virus, do you remember your first love? i remember in the first grade, i really
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liked my classmate, so i found on the street, probably, or someone threw it away or someone lost, you know, a ring, marvelous in its beauty, which was woven from telephone wires of different colors , red, yellow, blue, i solemnly gave it to her, i think she was happy, this is the story, how did you meet your wife, was it love at first sight? you know, practically yes, here is one of the teachers who led senior students from senior students, brought this group to my department, left me for an hour, that’s how it all happened, so you see how everything happened in working order, as if ...
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she says that when she, for example, uses a vacuum cleaner, she calms down nervous system, so somehow we ’re working on nothing, turning 180°, red sector, please tell us the recipe for family longevity, how to live a long , happy family life? well, you know, firstly, it is necessary to marry for love, at the same time understand what kind of person is next to you, who you choose, and... sometimes my wife and i are completely different people for some emotional reason in many other ways, but here it is very important if
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there is a common direction. so we agree on many values ​​in exactly the same way, well we’ve been together for more than 40 years and somehow we’re not tired of each other, probably this is the most important thing, to understand who is next to you , to understand that this person will pass by your side all your life. did any of your children continue your work and go into medicine? well, my daughter graduated from medical university, my son is a programmer, are you happy about this or disappointed? you know, i’m probably not happy. and i’m not upset, because children build their own destiny, the main thing is that everything suits them, that they are happy, that’s the feeling of happiness, that they don’t cheat yourself, so that it definitely exists, this is the main thing for me, a question from the purple sector, this is to your right, hello, my name is daria, how many grandchildren do you have, i have four, the eldest girl, here are three
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boys, and maybe do they also have some medical mysteries and makings? well, one of the grandchildren, whose dad is a programmer, he has a set that he himself chose, the doctor puts on a doctor’s coat, so he starts playing, but he warns me, i want to be a programmer like dad, what happens, we’ll see, how do you usually spend your time with grandchildren, chlyuskintsev park, gorky park, and many other entertainments. currently, we use these children’s spaces quite often, they are happy, i really like to read to children, but what happens if you turn off your phone for the whole day? you know, honestly and frankly, i didn’t even try it on vacation, but this is actually a big plus for every person, you need to understand this, if a person is in demand, that’s good. hello, igor
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alexandrovich, what does patriotism mean to you? in fact, patriotism is it can be different, so you need to know and choose the most important direction in which a person works in some generally difficult situation and does his job. sometimes you have to grit your teeth, as they say, because it is difficult to do the work that is necessary. this is absolutely correct. and this also happens, well, treat your work honestly, this is another very important aspect, i also want to say that you need to know, in general, the history of your country, be interested in it, be interested in assessing completely objectively how much has been done so far time, now, if you compare what was then when i was studying and what is now, this is
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what the republic of belarus has become, the difference is huge, my generation is good in... but in this regard we must not forget about children and grandchildren, this is also a happy part for older people. the next question to your left is the purple sector. do you believe in god? yes, definitely. what about life after death? clearly, i believe that a person
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leaves behind a memory. i really want this memory to be good afterwards. always when talking about covid we remember elderly people, grandparents, here are things that are associated with distancing, with wearing masks, they, you know, can largely protect older people from this disease, you must also be able to wear a mask, if this is the mask that remains and is worn for life, hanging somewhere on his lips
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, has an open nose, how is it, forgive me, maybe... after all, the not very good word in this audience is slobbered from top to bottom, then such a mask is of course better to avoid in fact, you have to wear a mask, it needs to be changed periodically, that's when she generally... may serve as a protective agent to a certain extent. what kind of flu is expected this year? should you get vaccinated? it’s worth getting vaccinated, and it’s worth strongly recommending this to adults, and if you have a grandparent at home , then you just need to talk to them, so that they definitely get this vaccination, because this is again the same risk group for these viral respiratory infections.
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belarusian medicine has sufficient experience, there are now many different options, including and antiviral treatment, they have appeared, they have it, it’s all there, if you had such an opportunity, what kind of vaccine would you invent? against hiv infection, the answer is absolutely clear, the fact is that he is one of the very big politicians. a very influential country, he said that so much money will be invested in the development of a vaccine against hiv infection, that
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the vaccine will appear in 10 years, you know what year he said this, in 1997, now it’s 2024, so here very reasonable required approach in itself. to your right, a question from the black sector. have you ever thought that your profession was losing its meaning? sooner or later, humanity is always very interested in infectious diseases, you know, these are the waves, covid has passed, everyone realized that this infection exists, it’s very good that in our country, there is this profession related to infectious diseases , they were not eliminated, they were not eliminated, they remained. because then a very long wave begins this well-being, let’s get by, we won’t, but where is the cholera, the plague, you know, well , you see that the situation without cholera and plague is quite tense, though
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with covid, so questions arise accordingly regarding such a wave-like interest in problems associated with infectology, in fact, this is a wrong profession. does not lose its meaning, it will always be, because i have already given an example with microorganisms, how they developed, how evolutionarily strong they are, therefore , as far as possible, as we to develop medicine, healthcare, as long as our peers live, and i would like to live longer, problems associated with infectology will definitely arise, this topic is inexhaustible in itself, what is important for you? children should have an interest, that’s right, they should definitely be interested in something, be passionate about something, my daughter had a very broad
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outlook, she worked a lot, my son , a little later, so to speak, became such a calmer guy, so one day he and i went to the book market, we went then every sunday at the book market, suddenly he comes up and asks for a book: very much about programming, my hair stood on end because it was a programming language, he became interested, i bought the book, so i was very interested in what he should do with it next - it will be, this is the eighth grade, you know, there were 803 pages, i remembered, he read them literally in a short period of time, he was interested, if there is this compelling interest, then the child will go the right way, the next question is to the right of you, this is the yellow sector, have you treated people, have you made mistakes when treating them? you know, probably yes, this has also happened, sometimes you want to redo your work, the doctor
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does not have the right to do this, that’s why the right to make mistakes in our specialty is very expensive, so if now i ask you a very, very adult question, it it can be very difficult to answer what is more important, knowledge or experience, you know, now i can already... from the perspective of my age give you the answer: knowledge, this is where all the conversations that started from the first questions are necessary to study, you need to enjoy learning. because when they say that there is a mistake and so on, you learn from mistakes, but you need to avoid these very mistakes, inaccuracies as much as possible, so that they do not appear in your work, and for this you need to know a lot and spare no effort in studying, you must be able to learn, did you have a difficult period in your career? yes, there was
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a difficult period in my career. if not a secret, then what? well, you know, there’s no special secret. at the very beginning of the nineties, at the end of the eighties, it was very difficult, because wages fell then, during this period, to an impossibly low level. we all tried in some way, or to solve the same financial issue that you talked about, we had to work a lot on the side, we took the plot, then, i remember, my wife and i took it together. a plot of 12 acres, so it was necessary to sow something, for example, potatoes and everything else, in order to stay in the profession, this was probably all right, the next question, to your right, red sector, would you like to go back to the past and what would you change there, go back to the past, no, i wouldn’t want to, so i wouldn’t change anything, everything that has been lived has been lived, all the difficulties that have been overcome, uh and... probably, there’s no need
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to change fate like that, what are the conclusions - something needs to be done, well, by and large, i wouldn’t change anything. this signal means that there is no time to ask questions to the hero. igor aleksandrovich, now you have to choose the best question of this program? you know, this is a question about an excellent student, which was asked at the very beginning, which formed the basis for us. a whole series of my further answers, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, you know, a wise owl lives here, so that she always helps you make wise decisions, thank you very much, and dear colleagues, i have ... one
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small souvenir that i want to leave in the studio, you know, this is a new year's angel, so we were talking about literature and then a yellow angel quietly jumped from an extinct tree, but so that in our life, in your life was always sure to be at the right moment an angel like this appeared, it could be a mother, it could be a good doctor, but better yet, parents, here is a good teacher, so i leave this as a symbol to you for transfer, you are dealing. with the children, let him remain here purely symbolically, applause, thank you very much, it’s very nice, igor aleksandrovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your questions, i will ask one question to everyone at once, please tell me, you have a dream, i have a dream to become a great artist, because i am learning to draw, i foresee this thing, my dream is this is to complete all 11 classes with excellent marks and...
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go to a prestigious college to become a doctor, to become a veterinarian, my dream is to become a criminologist and , well, work in the police, i really like to cook , i hope i will go into this field either as a pastry chef or a chef, i am very i want my family and friends to never deny themselves anything, well, great, of course, igor alexandrovich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience.


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