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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm MSK

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yesterday broadcast on the tv channel belarus 1 from the capital and the minsk region, with you on the live broadcast of elizaveta lashkevich. good evenings and good news. short. the eight senate of the minsk region, the ancestor of the city , elected the upper house of parliament in barysava. 14 station 16
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underground kilometers will be built on the third metro line in the direction of the green meadow, starting from the station in bangalore , the season has started for the young akhounikas of birth in byarezinskaya dz. the garden is occupied by the greenery and the ladies are digging for migratory birds. the election of a member of the council of the republic of the national assembly has been announced immediately. last year the senators of the city of abraney gathered at the meetings of the deputies of the myastsov council of the council of the deputies of the ministry of foreign affairs of minsk. the monitoring of program speeches of candidates and the public suppression of their candidatures was carried out in a secret manner. abranym lists candidates who are more representative of...
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the national tasks that face our country, our society as a whole, probably should to know the situation on the ground, how legislation is applied, to see those norms that require improvement, today the election of members of the council of the republic of the minsk region actually took place, elections of members of the council of the republic were held throughout the country, in total, each territory elects eight members of the council of the republic, which means and...
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one day after the festive dances fell to the covered skies, large-scale work broke out around the palace. kamunikatsy, and elektroychnuyu prstasavali pad vyzyna gandal i ustanoўku new year's tree, for celebration the dance will end in may. the surface of the existing site
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has been in use for quite a long time, taking into account the holding of city events, but it has fallen into disrepair , probably the time has already come to replace the coating with a new tiled one on this site as part of these works as well. pratsu greening. once upon a time, farsic bushes were planted from the tall kalegas from byareznitskaya lyasgas, dapamagli and fells of young races and were given the rules to look after them. takshama young experts are aiming for new apartments for flying birds. shpakounits were matted with the thoughtless methods of slupas, such
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methods are more ekalagic. this green fruit is not first for small forest growers, amal pagoda, as 12 cotton and lastly they sprang and became ganar. we have a school forestry, where the children help and take part in restoring forests in planting forests, after all, preschool forestry means setting up titmice, providing some small help, again , the children are interested in seeing how we work, what interesting things we have , interesting we show excursions, on the territory of our preschool education institution there is an ecological trail, an ecological trail with various stops, this is a meteorological station: flower bed, oak, spruce, green pharmacy, vegetable garden, the pupils all know about these stops, each stop is marked somehow with a certain sign, the group has its own bed on which they plant tomatoes,
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cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, and potatoes. for the most popular gardens in the minsk region, it is closed for more than 20 green fees. there , residents are taught to practice lean practices and nature, yae berazna. young journalists celebrated such events during the garad festival , the youth media competition. the final stage of the yunkor bay project is completed on the dances of the minsk palace of dzyatsi i moladzi. he killed two hundred schoolchildren and became hell-adzina. printed publications, but for now more publications, we have such a magazine in the palace of everything, i am working specifically with printed publications, the butler, so we publish a lot of articles
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, so i give all of myself for now, well, most of it, okay, not all of myself, but most myself specifically to dvoretsky and at the same time i also work on radio here within these same walls. in the future i would like to become a journalist, so for me yunkorbay is a great opportunity to prove myself. i am a student of the basic printing journalism group, here at the minsk state palace of children and youth.
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prayshova zra hanna alyaksandraўna enchantress - this is not a big word, everything that i have embroidered
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sleeping in real life, for example, i wanted to know the son of a famous couple, i have embroidered the husband, the son of the husband is azhan yes, i wanted to see how my little daughter took in the creative treasure, embroidered a handmade pot with threads and a naked one, like practicing kahanna, good luck, haste, healthy, all ours knows ' and skin, menavita, at liberty, created a new art for herself yuck. i was afraid
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to retire, and i was thinking about what i would do, so i started with paper wicker, taking into account that i also wove coffee tables, bedside tables and baskets. after that i switched to bronze. this vase here, at first it was wicker, then...
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behind the skin products there is a lot of limp soil and softly patched ones.
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