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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:56pm MSK

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potatoes, vegetables, sunflowers, we have a two-week supply for lust, that is , in fact, everything has been done to ensure that this field work, this year’s field work , is carried out in the optimal time frame, and today there are no prerequisites to worry, just under the world 48.00 hectares have been allocated for crops in the region, a quarter of the area has already been sown, anna buikevich, ruslan selyuk, agency. tv news. these are the main events of this day, and i give the floor to stanislav libsky. he will continue to talk about sports. stasis. good evening. hockey, of course, remains the focus. at these moments, the sixth match of the semi-final series between the hockey clubs brest and shakhtar ends. a sensation is coming there, the score has just become 4:2, that is, brest.
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attributes history, about this and more right now. in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports. hello. the brest hockey club is rewriting the history of belarusian sports and reaching the final of the president's cup. in the sixth match of the semi-final series against shakhtar, the brest team won 4:2 at home. and in the final they will play against zhlobin metallug. the day before the game took place in gomel, the hosts did not have enough luck there to send the match to at least overtime, but zhlobin won. i was personally lucky to work the day before in the city of nassozhem, so i hasten to share my impressions with you. stunning and bright surroundings. helped gobil
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the day before extend the half-time series of the president's cup against the zhlopin metallug. the shtolevars won and will play in the title series for the third year in a row. the teams scored a total of 10 goals against each other in the first four matches of the series. therefore, experts did not expect for the scoring performance in gomel the day before. but to the delight of the fans, they were wrong. the squad gave a flurry of goals. metallurg , having opened the scoring in this game, did not relinquish the lead; the steelmakers made their fans nervous at the end of the meeting, conceding after a throw from the guest. stas removed the goalkeeper, but the home team was unable to equalize the score . somewhere i lacked luck, and somewhere i lacked strength. 5:4. metallurg is stronger in the match and 4:1 in the polesie derby. when i passed by the slopensky fans. well,
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they don’t say women’s age, but grown women cried, take their husbands next to me, i think they were crying with joy, so i have more to add here, if today we made a bunch of people cry with happiness, the zhlamenites of all the fans, then this is the greatest happiness for me, for the team, the trust or the miner, whoever you want , we don’t choose opponents, we prepare for our loved ones. in order to strengthen support, the management of hockey gomel decides to sell tickets under the arches of the arena, but even this did not help the day before, not the southerners, but from zhlobin, four buses with fans arrived in gomel to support stalivarov, such an environment, of course, will remain in the memory forever, today everyone will have a sore throat afterwards.
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in the quarterly team since last april, under his leadership, belosimiya became eighth in the west in the regular season, in the playoffs they imposed a fight on the best team of the tournament, dynamo from moscow, but lost in the series 2:4. the belarusian national football team dropped one line in the fifa ranking updated today and currently occupies ninety-sixth position. let us remind you that last month the white wings played a draw with the maltese 0:0 and were defeated montenegro 0:2. tops the rankings.
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argentines. cyprus, as an opponent, is unpleasant, but we definitely have to win. we are ready for anything, for any scheme. this is my opinion about the first opponent in qualifying for the european championship. faith in the aura for further participation in the league of nations in group c. we are ready for anything, for any scheme, i don’t think that there will be any surprises in terms of gameplay from the cyprus team. the starting whistle for the match in cyprus will sound at 17:00 on tuesday in the game against
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georgia. victoria azarenka confidently entered the 1/8 finals of the tournament in charleston. in her opening match, the former world number one did not experience any particular problems with the italian. cacheretta 6:1 62. next, azarenka will play with taylar townson. the american is currently ranked 68th in the world rankings. the leaders confirm their status at the belarus open swimming championship in brest. our athletes have competition from guests from russia. so today ilya shimanovich climbed to the podium twice following the results of the final swim at a distance of 50 m with bras as part of men's relay four x 200 freestyle, where the team from minsk lost only to the brest region. meanwhile, anastasia shkurdai took gold in the 200m freestyle, without performing in her more familiar backstroke style. there is an opportunity to perform something different, because
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the olympic standards for the 100 back and 200 back have been met, to work a little on the backstroke, which we have very good, to work on the freestyle, which in the future will also be a very good way, so the main goal start here. look at what today we are ready. seven more sets of awards will be played out in brest tomorrow, and the national championship will end on saturday. that's all for now, love sports, work hard, win, and see you on saturday.
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we consider the characteristics of the patients to be angels, because they have a very pure, open soul, when we hug, we have this joy of something pure in our souls, it also matures and strengthens, i was born and raised in
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the city of mozyr in a complete family, mother, dad and older brother since childhood. i remember, that’s where my love for medicine probably came from, that’s it my father, he is a veteran of the afghan war, he was wounded, he has no foot, i, as a child, of course, really regretted it from the outside, i always told him: that dad, when i grow up, i will definitely be a doctor. initially , i chose to specialize in pediatrics, this is working with children. after working as a local pediatrician for 3 years, i was offered to work as a child psychiatrist. since childhood, i have had the opinion that i want to be a doctor. i have been working at the rainbow medical rehabilitation center for 2 years, this is certainly an amazing place, there is such a special atmosphere here an atmosphere of love, acceptance, understanding, despite the fact that... that everyone here is in some kind of trouble, that’s it, well done, well done, our
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svetlana anatolyevna, she is the keeper of the rainbow hearth, she is an excellent leader, a successful leader, if she sets she is sure to achieve her own goal in her work, she will definitely achieve it with the highest results, she is very worried, loves her work, worries about every child, every employee, to the depths of her soul. i’ll put a turnip, so nikita, it’s your turn: you look, grandma or a turnip, these are really special children, they are such stereotypes in society, that this is a burden for the family, that they need to be locked up somewhere, that it is very difficult with them, of course we are fighting such stereotypes, show how you can smile, like that, just like this sun, yes, almost your portrait turned out, our institution, it is completely...
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this is raising, well, firstly, a happy child, so that he is adapted in society,
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so that he is not afraid of people, in my opinion, this is the most, the most wonderful creative person, one of those people that i managed to meet in my life, to i have never felt pity for patients with special needs of psychophysical development, for people with disabilities, we always treat them with an open heart. mine, mine, yours, yours, as with ordinary children, people, patients, our institution has a predominantly female team, leading women is something of its own, there is a little specificity in this work, our team atmosphere in ours is built on mutual respect and mutual support, i believe that i must, by my example, first of all, show them those or some other, i don’t know, norms, rules, she is bright, kind, sympathetic
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, for example, the anthem is playing, we stand at the table, we listen, standing, to the anthem, there is the president’s speech, that is, this has been the case since childhood, and this is what i do with my children, but of course, it was my parents who brought such love for their homeland, family is a place of strength, this is where you can be anyone, where you can be both cheerful and sad, happy and not very much, they will understand you there and will not judge you, our family is already 23 years old this year, during these 23 years we have had... three beautiful sons, thank you big, eat my beloved, all my children
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are completely different, the eldest followed the sports path, the middle one followed the military path, serves under a contract, and the youngest musician is with us, as soon as we met our eyes with my... future wife , i immediately realized that she had very powerful energy, a bright look, vital energy, i immediately realized that this would be my wife, i am a fiery person. poetry, so this energy, it’s probably just always been in me, it lives on, without optimism in life, well, this life will be very boring, she always brings energy, energy, warmth to our family, she is like the sun, it is no coincidence that her name is svetlana, i am very close to this psychological
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approach in raising my own children, you need to educate your children, educate yourself, they are everything they will be just like you, my mother... she taught me to value life, to appreciate every moment of this life lived, she taught me to work, take care of loved ones and people around me, to love, she is our support, our support, no matter what, she loves us always, she surrounded us with warmth, kindness, love, affection, when you feel loved, desired, when they help you, you are not disadvantaged in anything in the family, then of course this leaves a mark on your emotional background, then you fly and soar and you i want to create and do something. my husband is also a native mazyr, we created our family here, we never had any thoughts of leaving somewhere in a big city, we are as comfortable as possible here, and we would like it to
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be so for our children. i really love our city, our small homeland, our little switzerland, as they say, here... just like beautiful nature, so beautiful people live, we attract into our lives what we think about, this is absolutely accurate, i am grateful to the universe, in principle, for everything that is in my life, but i want to say that everything comes into our lives for a reason, it’s not for nothing that we are presented with certain gifts of fate, here it is very important to think and desire correctly, i am absolutely sure that our thoughts are material, and what you think about, what you if you wish, it will definitely come. your life. people say that a person, when he accomplishes something good, then he extends his earthly, human life by no less than a year, and therefore, so that life does not let you down and in order to live for more than a century, walk, people, avoiding evil, remember that good deeds are the most important road to longevity.
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i am a threat to the national security of america, i just remember how my dad hugged me, i then told him, dad, i will never leave again, the americans think about this with horror, and we are just... the people with pride, but personally i counted at least 12 attempts, you are the only country that resisted, let's be honest, the only ones who talk about your it people in america with a shudder is what kind of serious danger you posed to the united states, it’s good to be a girl in a pink coat, maybe not in a pink one, but that’s not the same, all the women there are in beautiful dresses, but
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it’s all in fat , ugly bodies, that you seem to want it, so... when they tell me that the americans and i are similar, no, absolutely not, we are fundamentally different, they have become stupid, they have eaten, forgive your brains with chicken wings, just say elon musk is the new comet, no, elon musk is getting contracts from the pentagon. hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent. in the studio of victoria popova and tatiana. and today our guest, state duma deputy, public figure, journalist, maria butina. hello. hello maria, we are very glad to see you in our studio. well, in belarus you are not as widely known as in
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russia, perhaps, so i think it’s worth telling our audience your story. i have never been to the uk, i have never had any, there could be no property there, just like any accounts, but there personal sanctions have been introduced against me, well, i wonder if they find
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the property, let them report it, how would i even know that i had something, well, the box is not that same property, no, it’s a jewel that i brought especially for you, and i am a deputy from the kirov region, which i am very proud of, one of these, probably, the flagship folk crafts of the kirov region is a product made from burl. root, burl root - this is such a certain growth on a birch tree, this is not a birch disease, this is just nature once upon a time makes just such an interesting image when something like this specially appears on a birch tree, well, like a rim or something, various products are made from it, in particular boxes, and this is not an easy box, it was bought, well, especially by women and loved, members of the imperial families and for them right here... a separate order was always made, but now attention, the main question, there is some kind of definite secret, where love letters could be hidden, for example, and maybe
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in the end we will try to open it, because you know, i was on my way to your show, and here, just say this, don’t be silent, but you can tell something so intimate about yourself that you haven’t told anywhere, let’s assume that it’s like a love letter, somewhere- something hidden there, now this box will be...
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in prisons and 4 months of punishment cell, and you know, when things got really bad, i had the feeling that such silver threads were stretching through the iron, this is through the concrete punishment cell, through the iron door, somewhere high, high into space, then they connect me with my native land, this may sound strange somehow, maybe i don’t know, something else was going crazy, it helped me, and it seems to me that these threads were also your prayers , because everyone who... here is our person, yes, he saw and thought, well, we are like that, we are sincere, we empathize with each other, then you know the songs, here are the songs, one for all, we
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will not stand behind the price, there is only moment, these two are probably the most powerful, i sang and i read aloud - evgenia anegina, my grandmother, teacher, i was little and - she, well, i got sick, i had pneumonia, they sent me away... my parents were forced to send me, this is the village of kulunda, contrary to everything that is written on wikipedia, which is complete nonsense, don’t read it, as they say, wikipedia in the morning, it causes an unpleasant feeling in the stomach, because, for example, i was not born in the village of kasikha, i was born in the city of barnaul and grew up in the urban-type village of kulunda. a great place, and my grandmother, since i didn’t go to kindergarten, i really wanted to go to school, i really wanted to go to school, in the end i became, like my two grandmothers, a teacher by
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training, she taught me evgenia nyagina, i knew many passages by heart, it saved me in prison, and it comes by itself, then suddenly in some... then you remember a song, you remember some poems from your family, the lady herself, there will be a moment when... shifts, and i, as a person who has experience running, so to speak, it’s like a second wind, at some point - i remember how it was,
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americans just practice, well, i... i think that this is a very humiliating practice, they probably took it from the nazis, when a whole group of guards comes to you five times a day, they force you to undress for duty, that is, to cough there, that’s what they’re like, like they’re looking for contraband , in general, in fact , metal detectors are already used all over the world, well, there are other sensors, there are a lot of x-rays of all kinds, everything that they are perverts, when you squat, sometimes it’s not 5 minutes, it’s a very long time, naked, it’s very...
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what my big theater is older than the rest america taken together, here you are at some point, everything is gathering inside you, and then i got up after that, they came to me for the next inspection, i undressed and threw my things away, said something else was needed, here we go by the way, let’s look at the video of how immediately after your return, how you were greeted at the airport and what you said then, despite the fact that you looked quite confused, you could feel the strength of your spirit. let's listen. okay, i'm very, very, very glad to be back home, i'm very grateful to everyone who helped me.
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supported. to all the russian citizens who helped and wrote letters to me, helped me in word and deed, and donated money for my defense, i am incredibly glad to see my family, thank you very much to the foreign ministry and the diplomats who fought for me every day and made their way to all places, where they kept me, they did and did and are doing everything they could, thank you very much to all the public organizations that supported me, guys, i just didn’t give up. because i knew that i just don't have the right, i just can't, thank you very much and you know, i i would just like to say, i already talked about this once in one of my videos, these russians don’t give up, i never watched this video, you see it for the first time, i never watched what i felt, i just remember how my dad hugged me, i then told him:
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dad, i will never leave again. and don’t go anywhere at all, so you can be with your loved ones close by, and you will appreciate every day, when i woke up on the narakhta, i realized that she had 15 years to live, i began to count, i will be a grandmother this year, let me god 90, then she’s well over 80, i understand that +15, that’s it, dad, the heart is weak, that’s it, mom... god women live longer, well, i don’t know, sister, she’ll probably suffer for the rest of her life after a pause will put it, i actually tried with her, well, i didn’t talk to her for a long time, i wanted her to forget me, she didn’t forget me, and just when i didn’t think that i would come back at all, so when they tell me how the book appeared there, everything, my grandfather bequeathed me to keep diaries, i kept them, i never watched this video, you
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know, i just got emotional about it. more it’s hard, of course, it’s just not even that hard, it was a moment of confusion that i, i remember, dad met me, you saw the yellow envelope that i’m holding, that’s all i have left after america, they even confiscated my russian passport, they gave me a document stating that i was a security risk and did not have the right to lifelong entry, there was my foreign passport and deportation documents inside, nothing more, with this i returned everything, i just kept this in...
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which, well, few people, of course, live, why did you then decide, well, to pay attention to what is happening in belarus to our events, because you are a very unique country, i’ll just tell you honestly, like in russia, probably, well, if you ask the average person, yes, he’s probably heard about the twentieth year, well, i probably heard that there were other attempts at coups d'etat, well, personally, i’m not a scientist.
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these are my notes for you, i did a whole program, i studied belarus very deeply with a special emphasis on the high-tech park, because cryptocurrencies are legal in your country, in our country still not, but in america they talk about your it specialists with horror, you know why, if such a great book, i studied cybersecurity, this is international security, and there is a profile... cybersecurity, the most terrible, the very first virus, which the americans made together with the israelis is called staxnet, this is a virus that caused a certain turbulence, this is iran, it
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interfered with the nuclear program, they created such software, and planted it through a contractor there, that enrichment uranium did not occur to the required extent. who found this virus? belarusians, belarusian programmer. americans think about this with horror, and we, as brotherly people, think about it with pride. in the united states, you studied for a master's degree, yes, with the famous, now infamous frank. what can you tell us about him, do you remember him? unfortunately, well, i would like to be forgotten, so that i don’t have nightmares.
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“well, no, it’s just that after this didn’t happen, it started, they started calling me names, that i was putin’s prostitute there, to speak at classes, i, in turn, spoke in class, defended my country and my president, said that this was harassment, demanded that the teachers, well, generally speaking, this cannot be done, in general in america this cannot be done, but he doesn’t get anything for it it was, well, a man worked at radio liberty, these painful screenings of films, when..." they gathered semi-universities, and we watched some strange clumsy picture where the unfortunate franoch served in the army, i just asked him somehow , as it were, well, in general , a man should serve in the army, well, that’s normal, and if they treated you in such a way that
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they forced you to clean the toilet, well, that means you behaved like a schmuck, that means you couldn’t be trusted with a machine gun, that means you cleaned the toilet, the most vivid memory, unfortunately , is that he lived in such a rather nice house , not far from the university, he and a turkmen rented a house together, and they had one there, which means there’s a terrace with spoofs, everything is as it should be, well , you know what ladies are for, in general, this story didn’t appeal to me from the very beginning, we went our separate ways, well, he's like that, like you do you think what kind of person this is, is it some kind of careerist or some kind of socialite, or his passions, you know, there is such a category of people, it’s something in between, yes, but this is not a full-on idea, but he hates belarus, you know, that is, here you are, excuse me, i’m just a person who is very empathetic, you see it in me, it’s palpable, that i’m here with you in the studio,
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i’m not a formal interview for you i tell you something, and he just says, you know, he would be ready to tear belarus to pieces, i don’t know if it’s dad or something else, that is, like this... you see, we have one peculiarity in our mentality, so we can scold our government as much as we want, no problem, we’ll sit in the kitchen, we'll grind it together and take the seeds there. everyone, but if we, our government, are scolded there, i absolutely agree, now i ’m straightening out this moment, so wait, i will defend my own, we have it in our blood, but he doesn’t, i also had a very similar story, where did my fracture begin, so to speak, apparently, where the americans began to sculpt a demon out of me, and kasparov was speaking, he was just another one at some party there, he was paying them a lot of money for it, and here he was, that means, here he was giving
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some kind of heartfelt speech, there was putin, he goes back and forth, that’s the same thing that frank was pushing about lukashenko, just like that, you know, they always descend to very base epithets, like that’s a scumbag, that’s the kind of abscent vocabulary that comes out that there are no words in russian in normal language, yes, that is, this one must be done like this, well, with them, well biden allows himself, it’s possible. something in the opponent’s face, i say,
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that’s how it is with us, you go and say that you’re a supporter for other people’s money, on top of everything, you go around and scold on demand, ugh, that’s disgusting, i say, i won’t get up , he is not a hero for me, a hero is when you go out onto the battlefield, one on one, this is how it is with us, so mine, i have exactly the same attitude towards frank, this is unworthy, you don’t agree, okay, give your reasons position, but how...
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and what are americans, well, on their own,
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yes, as a nation there are none, these are a certain number of fugitive people, adventurers who arrived, they are proud that they are an american in the first generation, second generation, and you must be at least three generations old, that is your grandmother and grandfather were already there, i’m coming great-grandmother, great-grandfather, then you are a real american, they massacred the entire indian population and all these runaway kids ran there and ran why? after all, they abandoned their families, so you look at their family albums, when they show they say: from me, where did this story with this dna come from, take everything else, here we have relatives in the european continent, they abandoned their families, abandoned their wives, children, ran away to nowhere and never maintained contact with them, created a second one, a third family, this is not yours, not ours, attachment to the family, to the grave, to one’s own, because this is not there,
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works as a cosmetics consultant and also works part-time as a tutor on private orders, this person barely makes ends meet, but he now there are children there, she says: if i knew how this would turn out, i would never leave, so she tells me, a wonderful poem, helen, god
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bless her, it’s good to be a girl in a pink coat, maybe not in a pink one, but it’s not the same, this is about americans , this is no longer the case. they really want it, i was at trump’s inaugural ball, when it was inauguration, all the women there were in beautiful dresses, but it was all on fat ugly bodies, you know, it seems like they want it, that’s how we started talking about frank, that just like that, i want to be part of the great, well, he already does too the tuxedo is tight, unfortunately, somehow he quickly assimilated, we’ll take a break for now. i remind you that we have a telegram channel, do n’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch. the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today
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our guest is state duma deputy, journalist, public figure, strong but at the same time fragile girl, maria butina. and what you tell us, maria, just begs to be shown on screen: will there be a film adaptation of your book, a prison diary? yes, i accepted this the decision that there will be a film adaptation, and i can tell you that our state supported me for a whole year, i spent a whole year looking for a director who would feel the same way as i feel, and this person was found, and just the other day i... that he made one of his most favorite series, alexander grigorievich, the series is called leningrad 46, and the name of this director is igor kopylov, yeah, when he saw me, i came, i came with a book, my hands were shaking, because i was his i love him, he also made the sky about two russian pilots shot down in syria and i came
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to him with a book to ask him to take, well , get to work, he says, like me, i listened to you on the radio, but i was following yours. story, and i would really like to film it, you understand, it’s just like that, and it feels like we have a complete coincidence, and i went for an exceptional thing, because there is a play based on the book, i’m not an actress, not a director , our ministry of justice, and specifically the theater on butyrka in the syn of russia, is the director, i prisoners do not play, this is a departmental theater, i have nothing to do with this relationship, i just saw the direction there, was at two rehearsals, in the case of the series it’s eight episodes, a different story, i’m a co-author of the script, that is, i’m responsible for what will happen, and honestly, i literally spied today that it turns out on maz, and this is my first time, it was my childhood dream to get to maz, i got to maz, i saw this conveyor belt that makes everything out of nothing, a whole car, i just watched
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dakar for a long time, and then i watched the silk road and there kamas massaging, and now i understand why who am i going to root for? you already understand, well, who? i’ve never been to kamaz before, so also my colleagues, it’s just that, apparently, they produce a certain type of car, which i will probably really need as a prop, and it will be a great honor for me if they take part in this business , i think with pleasure, especially since the series, like the book, is doomed to success, because well, the story is unique to you, the americans are doomed to failure in this case. or my book, it has already been published in russian, english and serbian languages, it is now planned to be translated into german and french, there is a huge demand for it, it is still a bestseller, but americans are banning it in all variants, so my colleagues and i came up with an interesting
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promotion, recently on us independence day, we did, well, my friends from the kirov region helped me, we sewed a prison uniform, placed it on... how to help russians who find themselves in difficult situations abroad, now, as i understand it, you are helping not only russian citizens, it has expanded the project, now... look at just like in belarus, because i watch belarus alone, i see that you have
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a great project about migrants, that is , those who came from abroad and found their home in belarus, because here, you know, the first feeling , which you get in minsk, security, someone speaks purely, i agree, but this is this calm feeling of security, i feel it as a woman... because people from i in the international affairs committee in the state duma began to contact us from different countries of the world, this includes canada, this is the united states, quite a lot, this is france, this is germany, many countries are on the completely unfriendly list, from there people move with their families to russia, the first thing they... are running away from is all this terrible coven with lgbt people, this whole thing, they they tell scary stories, these are families,
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really, these are mom, dad and normal children, and parents say this, i want that when my son is born, that he be a boy, when i have a girl, she is a daughter, i want for it to be like this, just understand, we maybe not to the fullest extent, but... the opposite sex, then you don’t have any preferences, but if you have something there, then you can get a benefit there,
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some kind of grant here, and over time it became part of the culture , and this began to be instilled in children in all seriousness, i recently had a completely shocking interview on artie, which, well, it aired, where is the family, and what’s more, it’s interesting, he’s from latvia, and he was a citizen of latvia, well, in fact, he considers herself... the same russian, soviet, as probably all of us, and she is from kharkov, with ukraine, so they united together, and the things that he tells, they lived in spain for quite a long time, and he is famous, he is a very famous boxer, and he says, i was just shocked when our children at the age of six were required to programs organized dress-up days, once a week, boys dressed up as girls, girls dressed up as boys, we... don’t feel the severity of this problem, we laugh at it, american society does, or are they, well, a completely
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silent herd, it became profitable, that is they are monetizing a society about this, you know, it’s profitable to become non-traditional, i wanted to ask why the whole society , why the children of celebrities all the time have become profitable, you know, america, that’s what the absolutely beautiful said.
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this, this is a society that believes that this society, philosophically, think about it, initially, according to gops, there was a war of all against all, and if you and i don’t put a policeman between you and me, we will kill each other, because we are initially bloodthirsty, this is the understanding of the american society. we are devils from the beginning but the police are holding us back, why are their police so brutal, yes, therefore, what kind of
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protection of the earth can we talk about if the whole society rests on the fact that... we have gathered here, concluded a social contract, classic liberalism, this is not socialism , this is not a social society, this is not common, because together we could not survive if we were further away, if they were where it is profitable, therefore otherwise, if the social contract is violated, it is no longer profitable for me, it is no longer profitable for me to be girl, i'll change my clothes there, it’s more profitable for me to be a boy, and therefore , probably the sanctions that they are introducing against both russia and belarus, they expect that society. he will rear up, yes, he will go to overthrow his power, but nothing works out for them, they cannot understand that we are different, they do not understand, because we are under pressure, that, together, and they are under pressure, that i left, just think about it, i saw this in master’s classes, we’re thinking about how to cheat, this whole story, what did you let your friend copy, yes
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and you are silent when they ask, did you become like a partisan, or when everyone was told to leave the lesson, after 15 minutes, and if someone was left alone, like the teacher was late, everyone left the lesson , you’re a rat, yeah, i set the whole class up, i i’m not saying now whether this is good or bad, it is so, it’s part of the culture, snitching is bad, in america snitching is good, why don’t judge them, try to understand their logic, the fact is that with us... the highest concept of everything is justice, it’s in our blood, and we can break the law for the sake of justice, it’s the highest value, for them the highest value is the law, injustice, they said, so, the law, everything, with us, when there is pressure, we say
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unfairly, we are for the truth, we will fight for the truth. to the end, but they have a law, they changed the law, everyone went for a different law, so when you cheat, and if you come to the teacher, you rat him out, it’s not fair, but according to the law it’s correct, that is, it’s good for them, so when they tell me that the americans and i are similar, no, absolutely not, we are fundamentally different, there is also one... interesting factor, why do we irritate them so much, why do they cling to us so much? the whole point is that we are similar in appearance, but in essence heaven and earth, so they are trying to remake us, and they will always be missionaries, missionaries in the bad sense of the word, they will always impose their culture, because as long as capitalism it grows and devours
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some other things, they are already completely devouring themselves.


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