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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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consideration so that they are carried out on time and with high quality, that is , this is what the state requires of us, we will continue to do this, we will continue to involve our population and work for the good, well, okay, how to involve, here again on persuading, persuading, coercing , punish, what to do?
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and what? speak by your own example, yes, again by personal example, the republican subbotnik, well, in general, it ’s no secret, there the head of state also attracts journalists, including so that we plant trees, but i think that in every citizen of belarus would be in the company of the head of state who wants to plant trees, the problem is that not every citizen of belarus knows, roughly speaking, the head of his district, the local administration, well... maybe even somewhere the mayor of the city, and if this person there says: “hey, hey, come with me, we’ll beautify the territory there, then maybe the question of increasing authority, recognition, and so on won’t work. here the question is of people on the ground, who we will also do this for so that they go to the people corresponding return, these competitions and so on, if people come with the desire and funding to participate in something, then of course, to this courtyard area, to this residential building, first of all.
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but i’ll just tell the story, so again they started talking about how voters said, voters said that people go out and don’t clean up, so i started to bring up the topic that it’s possible to look at the cameras, it’s possible to blame it on the police. here it’s time to put the blame on someone, the question is: people came and said there weren’t enough dogs sites, areas for walking dogs, i ask a question, who has registered dogs, two hands go up, i say, well, you see, but they say, look, for one house, we have 30 dogs, one is registered: how can the local authorities find out that you have a lot of dogs here, how about that? so, it starts with the fact that in order to get help, maybe first register your dog so that they can count how much.
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actually calculated this platform, i’m just talking about the law that i signed today, about responsible treatment of animals, we also talked about this topic, so in fact, this also fits into this very story in order to somehow blame the authorities, say that they are not doing anything, so you first maybe figure it out, here with these dogs, go register it, pay your tax, then you want and demand your own site, well , that’s the same, well, there’s no other way, this thing doesn’t work, again they said behind the scenes , that conditionally these problems are ours, yes there in terms of housing and communal services, can be divided into those where you and i can really be criticized as citizens of belarus for the fact that somewhere we don’t show enough initiative, somewhere we don’t register dogs, there we throw candy wrappers on the floor, but there are moments , where people really cannot solve their questions, they are connected precisely with the content.
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the inscription actually says: look, the authorities are not finalizing the work, you say everything correctly, there is a system, there is work, there is footage of the roads that we are building, but those who want to fight with us. all things, so that many people , including local leaders, understand that on the one hand they are a local local problem, on the other hand there will be a person who, from this local problem, will then begin to make you a political career, we just went through this already, and the president he also says, such
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a good word, we don’t have petty topics, we just don’t, we must be prepared for this, because i believe that the government should be strong if we are afraid of someone or something, today in the deep, too, this is the position... the position, as i already said, a commission has been created that goes to raise the shortcomings, today there is garbage, there is a landfill somewhere, if this critical material is published in the newspaper, accordingly, then it’s not that we are afraid there , this is so easy, it seems so easy to get around all this, but then, as you said, it will come out later and it will be even more painful, so we will know these shortcomings better, we will look for moments so that they no longer exist, then we we will be with a clean face, as you said, here is the power, people must know the authorities.
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they also wrote there that we have a gold mine in brest , it was said that the result was obvious in minsk, what is the situation with this? well, in minsk , the liquidation of garbage chutes is currently being carried out as planned, collection is underway, which means separate collection of garbage, well
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, today it certainly does not quite satisfy the situation, which is 38% of us sorted. secondary material resources, but i want to say that the construction of a new landfill with a large sorting plant for 600,000 tons has already begun in minsk, in minsk we get about about 780 thousand tons of waste, so we will be able to sort almost all the waste, well, let’s finish our conversation today with the topic of waste, remember, this was a pr campaign, advertising and the fact that this is your concern, not a raccoon. in general, it applies not only to sorting garbage, probably, it really all starts with the family, it all starts with oneself, it all starts with personal example, but if we treat our common home as if it were our own, then we won’t kick that someone should do something for us,
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listen, well, recently we all know what a good woman they will send to plant a tree, build a house and raise a son, well, actually a tree. our ancestors always understood that it helps, president alexander lukashenko sets up officials for productive, complex work in the interests of the country. the head of state made a number of personnel decisions, the local power vertical, the management of individual banks and concerns, and all managers with work experience were updated. the president asked uncomfortable questions, so the beles bumprom concern, which unites fifty specialized organizations are now in a debt-ridden state. in the banking sector
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, the president also looks at the system as a whole, so that financial institutions work effectively in different areas. when it comes to the executive branch, appointees must understand the specifics. conference dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the formation of the constitutional court of belarus. the platform brought together experts from armenia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, russia and a number of other countries. the president sent greetings to the participants. alexander lukashenko emphasized the symbolism of the fact that such a representative forum is taking place in the year of the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution of belarus. the head of state expressed confidence that the conference will open up new opportunities for the exchange of experience in the field of development of constitutional legality and wished the forum participants. fruitful work. the free economic zone minsk is developing direct contacts with russian colleagues.
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the focus is on business, mission, associations of clusters, technology parks and special economic zones of russia. these days it works in belarus a delegation of business representatives and preferential zones from ten russian regions, from moscow to the omsk region. exchange of experience and industrial cooperation are discussed directly at the enterprises. the guests have already visited the belgidravlik enterprise. this is one of the residents. minsk also includes a visit to the grodna raton free economic zone, minsk city technopark, and great stone industrial park. ss minsk signed eight partnership documents with russian colleagues at once. national investment agency and privatization of belarus and the association of clusters of russia also certified their cooperation with signatures. those conditions that free economic zones and parks provide on the territory of the republic of belarus and the conditions that are provided in the russian federation. special economic zones, they are approximately the same, there is
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a preferential regime, and of course, when we talk about russian business entering the territory of the republic of belarus, or vice versa, belarusian enterprises coming to us, we must provide them with a comfortable work on such sites. for the first time in the cis , transcatheter implantation of the nethenol pulmonary artery valve was performed at the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery. previously patient.
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this allows us to apply new technology at a high level; i am pleased to see that they also have the support of the head of state. the normal operation lasts about 3 hours. the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery has already provided assistance to three children. in the near future , seven small patients will be operated on, with another 12 on the waiting list. brest and moscow. connected a direct flight, it is symbolic that the new air route opens in april, when the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia is celebrated. the flight will take only an hour and 45 minutes, flights on the route brest-moscow-sheremetyevo, brest will be operated twice a week, on wednesdays and saturdays on an embraire 175 aircraft . the load on the first economy class flight from moscow was maximum. in case of increased demand, the frequency of flights will be increased. direct flights between brest and moscow will help. not only strengthening business contacts, but will also open up new prospects for the development of tourism, cultural exchange, and
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the geography of regional flights will be expanded. the system helps to study the advantages of each university, as well as analyze the content of qualification specialties. the rules for admission are also stated here. statistics of admission companies, connections between institutions and the labor market. using the built-in calculator you can check the passing scores for... convenience, all universities are divided into six blocks according to territorial sign. the website contains information about open days and preparatory courses. by the way, this year the number of budget places in belarusian universities will increase by approximately 3,000. this applies to pedagogical, medical, and engineering specialties. the dates for centralized testing sites have already been determined. the ct will be held from may 27 to june 6. you must register from april 9 to april 22. the
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television news agency presents it in the public domain . we have no secrets from our people. at milking kalgas farms grazing on grodzenski malochny factory. malaco with a high percentage of klustrasti. once upon a time with the transferred life-leaders, the glass of the plant will thank you for that. as a result, the region has a very high quality food product. daterminova vykanavshiy dzyarzhaўnya pastauki, kalgas tsyaper zdae malako s vyshplan ў fund miru.
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did not stop, scientists from the minsk research institute of powder metallurgy proposed using filters made from powder of a light and durable metal, titanium, compressed by explosion. the biggest problem of sönnya is saving cheese. yashche not so long ago, the adgon is small, as it is stagnating the creativity of the main dairy... the products are not known here, the vykayrstaniya, the sunny adgon is being processed for food for broods and parachute, that year 15 thousand of the kanzentravanaga saved the feed, so they were made and new reser you are creative . 60 thousand bottles of melaka, a lot of crushed milk, kefir, cream, tvaraga and other dairy products grown in minsk. how
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can one jump and jump around such a product? in all creative...
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situations, everyone has their own faith, someone may ask for strengthening of faith, and this unites us, and those who lived before us, and those who may live after us, come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer, people now come here in a large, large crowd to worship and, as it were, come into contact with the mother of god, such a living prayer is happening here, but it’s scary to think how long...
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dear friends, the long-awaited weekend has arrived, i suggest you don’t sit at home, but go on a trip, this is a route program, masha bogatyr is with you, we are in volkovyski! in this issue i will visit the iconic places of vaukavysk, find harmony in the art workshop and prove that wings are not always needed for cool flights.
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the path to the volkovysk capital is not close, the road through baranovich and slonem will take car owners just over 3 hours, at the same time you can see these atmospheric cities, you can go on a trip by minibus for 18 rubles. regular flights depart every few hours. the journey by train will be the longest, but you will save on the fare. tickets from 10 rub. choose a date and let's go! volkovysk is one of the largest cities and industrial centers of the grodno region. at the same time, it is one of the oldest settlements in the region. archaeologists have found that the first slavic settlement existed in this area already in the 20th century. this city is located on the hills. and this is not surprising, once there were impenetrable forests and swamps here; with the name of the city, everything is not as clear as it seems at first glance. masha, do
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you know why the city of volkovysk is named so? and there is a direct assumption, but as i understand it, apparently not only connected with wolves, the truth here is also buried, one might say, a little deeper, according to one of the legends , ancient robbers, volok and vysik once lived here, zaveika, who hanged them at the place where they were hanged, rebuilt 10 huts for his squad, well, the city was later named in honor of them, volok and vyseka, volokovysk. according to another version, the volkovaya river, which flows through volkovysk , is one of the key points of support for this city. actually, volkovye in the translation of the slavic-baltic wolf's neck, from here too wolves. in 2005, volkovysk solemnly celebrated its millennium. anniversary. at the same time , the guardian of the forests took pride of place in the central square of the city. the sculpture became a gift for the townspeople and a place of attraction for tourists. we have
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a belief in vaukavysk. if you manage to rub our she-wolf’s nose, then good luck will accompany you in your career endeavors. and if you manage to jump on your back, then in all life. ha, dear friends, if you think that i will not take advantage of the situation, you are mistaken. of course, i also want career growth, you i wish this to everyone. it is worth noting that from the beginning of the last century volkovysk was considered an exclusively jewish city, because almost half of the population, 52.5%, were jews here. and the proof that these people lived with us, this united people, was... the place where we have now come, these are interesting trees growing with their roots upward, ala volkovysk baabab, you can disguise it as you like, but
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the truth turns out to be funny , this is just an ash tree, an ash tree, just imagine an ash tree that grows with its roots upward, actually to this was given a lot of attention and hand by the jews themselves who lived here, approximately in the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted and by the method of... exclusive planting, which even the rodzevils and napoleon’s family could not succeed in, we managed to reproduce such an interesting thing here in volkovysk miracle. bizarre trees seem to have stepped out of the pages of the little prince ezupéry. surely some romantic was standing here asking where his beauty was. well, if he never received an answer, then at least inspired to search for beauty. i just adore beautiful views, for them i go to... the highest point of the city, the swedish mountain,
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to visit paris and not visit the eiffel tower, well, it’s blasphemous, in rome you drive past... coliseum, well, how can this be, then it’s the same here in volkovysk, visiting a swedish mountain and not counting the number of steps is a malicious blasphemy, so we have to close this gestalt now, let’s assume that mathematics is not a tricky business, the main thing is not to forget to look at your feet, i i honestly coped with the task, counted exactly 113 steps, you will definitely be in volkovysk. believe me, the reward will be the city itself, from here it is in full view. in fact, despite our heavy shortness of breath, the first ones to climb this mountain, mary,
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are rewarded. a bench on which you can sit down, this is how i understand the approach, it’s not for nothing that they say that on all google maps the swedish mountain is displayed as an integral archaeological complex, because first of all it consists of the swedish mountain itself , 32.5 m high, the castle is located on in the west with a height of 15 m and an anthill in a low place about 500 m from the swedish mountain, the height of which is no more than 10 m. looking at the city from a bird's eye view, i will not miss the opportunity to take a break and think about something pleasant, for example, about my next trip, i advise you can improve the moments, at least for a minute, be alone on swedish mountain with your thoughts. i continue to leaf through the pages of the history of vaukavysk, for new knowledge, i go, of course, to the museum.
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the volkovysk museum is also rich in its funds, more than 39,000 exhibits, among of which, some of them are presented in the museum exposition called ancient volkovysk, among the most valuable exhibits, the archaeologist’s collection.
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such ordinary and familiar things to our ancestors have forever become part of history. museum employees not only store, but also study unique artifacts and replenish the museum’s funds with new exhibits. a museum is a place where entire centuries are intertwined. unfortunately, it is no secret that belarus suffered greatly during the great patriotic war. this is the part of the story which you can’t look at without a lump in your throat. and...
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sad in my heart, probably, because our country suffered especially during the great patriotic war, because these numbers are not dry statistics, but ordinary people who died so that we could live under a peaceful sky and fill every day we live with colors. cities are famous not only for their historical heritage, but also for their inhabitants. i suggest you get acquainted with a master who knows everything about the magic of color, and at the same time be charged with genuine love of life and inspiration. stanislav andreevich, your works are mine heart, probably, this is especially connected with color, because as a rule, authors like to shock their viewer, the viewer’s eye, but with you everything is done in such delicate shades, you specifically use this technique,
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so... it seemed to come a little wrong right away, a certain path, and let's say, when i still because every artist always goes through studying at the beginning, there i had such wild works, pure red, pure blue, everything was good and harmonious, very good, but as if time had changed a little approach to perception world, it is possible that after all, belarus as such is not typical, bright southern colors, so... in general, why imitate some kind of favism, vlamnin, someone else, when you need to look for some kind of inner nerve in your nature, in my country, that’s why i came to such colors, you are a creative person, but it could have remained just a hobby, and you made , well, let’s say, your work is the meaning of life, this probably could be fate, because if art.. .


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