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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind, inertia, inability to form their own opinions, they consider themselves young, free and independent, in fact they are very susceptible to external pressure, this is a constant attempt to get people emotional, this is the strategy of the majority of opposition telegrams -channels have not changed at all, but what can opposition resources offer their readers now to reprint? watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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vasily trafimovich voronyansky, one of leaders of the partisan movement in the minsk region during the great patriotic war, born on august 25 , 1901 in the village of dekanka, poltava region.
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grew into a brigade. voronyansky's partisans destroyed more than 13,000 german soldiers and policemen, derailed 161 trains, blew up 152 bridges, destroyed seven aircraft, five tanks, 325 vehicles and six guns. in september 1943, the plane on which voroniansky was flying to moscow came under fire. the commander of the partisan brigade was mortally wounded. soon after death the cambrig partisans received a radiogram informing them that the people's avengers partisan brigade had been named after its commander and organizer. today , streets in minsk and lagoisk pleschenniki bear voronyansky’s name.
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lives in the village, it barely affects, medicine, education, leisure, retail, the service sector of the outback is becoming prettier before our eyes every year. if earlier the spears flew towards the assortment, now some from the village stores have surpassed the city ones. belkoop union is responsible for provincial retail. in his system 3,500 markets, 549 auto shops. this is the most extensive network. countries , soviet trade workers joked caustically, there are two systems in the universe - solar consumption of the operation. the presenter of bely ros went to the grodno region to see the whole world. all at once. the belarusian republican union of consumer societies is not only the famous selmakha. a diversified socially oriented structure is engaged in trade. chapit, procurement
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of vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, collection of scrap metal. as part of the concern fur farming, industrial, transport, construction organizations. educational institution, good afternoon, good afternoon, what is my name? alina, alina, it’s very nice, what do you have here anyway, and here is this product, our product came from our coding workshop to the store. in this warehouse , the products of our own production are in the lead, from here the goods are distributed to all surrounding stores, just make an application. intyagulonga was lucky today, the presenter got right to the loading, very good. sima already it i’m not used to debit with credit in invoices, salt, sugar, sweets, the presenter tries on the operator’s cassock, everything is accurate, clear, on the spot the goods
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will be counted again, noted in the documents, all this must be accounted for, but everything must be recalculated, here you go and here too... the foreigner’s attempt to help is unstoppable. straight from the warehouse, the presenter drags the cart into the sales area, and intiaga is placed on display. sugar i am, we will report him. your own corner. the rodny kut network is focused on selling domestically produced goods. branded retail outlets promise customers low prices, friendly service, and quality products. we also have a very large selection of confectionery products, since we have our own pastry chef.
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in the store there is nowhere for an apple to fall, it’s time for the presenter to tie up with the display, customers are calling at the checkout, look, take the goods, it’s not necessary, just like that and carry the code, they punch it, give it to the buyer, that’s it, 4:50 is announced, press. here here more than the rest of the integulong is amazed by technology, this is not at all different from cities, it’s kind of the same thing, and the card is accepted, everything is accepted, all hanging systems, in general, in our store there is all the goods that are in the city, the buyer can
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buy everything, everything he wants, the seller in the village is on board, work obliges to be on the same wavelength with people, to help, suggest, tell, everything that is needed. for everyday life, yes, there is enough here, there is enough of everything, there is a large assortment, i prefer to buy products made in belarus, in particular, here is my native kut, the child loves it very much, everything is for people, the contents of the store it’s not economically justified in every village, if there’s only one resident in the entire district, a truck store will come to his rescue, except for stationary points, the consumer union is famous for retail on wheels,
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though it’s like a small store, not even a big one, oh, i buy everything i need, i buy some bread , i buy a sausage, i buy a cat, that’s it, this store has everything you need, antonina kokhno has been traveling around the world since she was 20 years old, the route, the assortment, the preference, she learned it by heart, regular customers trust her like a family member, the arrival of a car shop - another reason to discuss the latest news must
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cover from 50 to 200 km in the coverage area of ​​one store from 15 to 20 settlements, for each allotted time. what else can sausages do? a spoonful of sour cream, syrup, syrup, what kind of tenpa do you want, oh, your favorite one, will you eat it, yeah, modern car shops differ from their predecessors not only in appearance, but in their internal structure, in the van one of the walls is a glass display case, the display allows you to examine the product, get acquainted with an assortment, the body is sealed, equipped in accordance with san requirements. here there is everything necessary for storing food, comfortable work
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for the seller, heating systems, ventilation, electricity, modern refrigeration, commercial equipment, of course, everything is difficult when you don’t know anything, where everything is, you have to quickly, because 20 minutes is easy the mobile kiosk allows you to place over 200 industrial and food items; belkopsoyuz regularly allocates funds to update the fleet of shops; last year alone, 60 were purchased. unpretentious, guests of their food baskets - bread, milk, butter, sausage, old people
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pamper their grandchildren with fruit, chocolate, cookies, konstantinovna, please, so i am this one, now, edik, wait a minute, he’s shining for you now. lukashenko is not a politician, he is a leader who is not interested in the next elections, but in the next generation, he is not trying to be liked primarily, he works so that we like his decisions and the result of his work, this is my job, to sit and think using experience and my knowledge , i have to predict, if the president doesn’t have it, there’s no point in doing this, considering that, as a rule, parliamentary elections
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carry out a large-scale restructuring of the entire political system of the country and he does this not for his own sake, but for the sake of future generations, and we will constantly remind you of this. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus 24. they say that god gave the polishuks a piece of heaven on earth; this area was surrounded by a large ridge, it divided the swampy area in the south. and forests and arable land in the north. calves
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were transported at 120 kg each in the spring, and in the fall the collective farm took 300, 350 kg each. various herbs, it is very useful, they got better in their eyes, they all sparkled in the fall, but they themselves create paradise with their hard work and incredible thirst for life, raspberries, potatoes, cucumbers, for themselves, tomatoes.
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it has simply reached such a heated situation that any attempt at the right moment, when the threat of nuclear war arises, to retreat back, simply no one will do it, the west is primarily to blame for this. we didn’t organize opium wars, we didn’t hook entire nations on drugs, we didn’t burn villages on palm trees, we didn’t test nuclear weapons on civilians, the soviet army was in afghanistan, it was, but what was the soviet union doing there, it built plants and factories there, laid roads, treated people, leaving there, left civilized society, the americans came, how many times
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did drug production jump afghanistan, not even at times, the civilized world without ridicule without irony - this is us. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel . the store cougar, the union of cooperators assures, retail on wheels will arrive. modern vans are equipped with the latest technology, they it’s comfortable for sellers to work, the safety of goods is not inferior to stationary points, people are provided with all the necessary assortment, that’s what’s next, choose some
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saucepans, this is for potatoes, for dumplings, enjoy it. delicious hello! the next stop on the map is the legendary bakery. 2 years ago the president came here and the head of state liked craft production. on the spot , alexander lukashenko instructed to modernize the plant and equip it with the latest equipment. hello, well, i knew it, poor people women. inti agulonga has heard the products of masters. the leader of the whites grew up. i can smell the aroma a mile away, hello, my name is, what’s your name? my name is elena, we welcome you to the bakery of the volkovysk branch, our enterprise is small but quite compact, we have our own semi-finished products workshop, we have our own sausage workshop, we are self-sufficient in this direction, today we are ready to offer our customers
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natural high-quality products, which is produced in our branch. robots in action, most processes have become available for retrofitting automated, manual labor has at least remained, minimized to the limit, it has been proven that not a single machine will roll up a wicker like the golden hands of a master, this is where the process of, say, preparing raw materials for baking begins, here is a flour storage warehouse, flour is all the raw materials that we use today for our production, only domestic, we don’t use imported raw materials, yes, yes, yes, all the raw materials, all the flour that is here. grown from grain that sprouted precisely in the fields of our republic of belarus. taste of dreams. like many years ago, in use here multi-stage technology: from sifting flour to the finished product in at least a day. the dough is rolled by the hour. and then mix it up. yes, then all the raw materials will be added here, all the ingredients that are necessary for this
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particular type of product, then kneading will take place in the dough mixing machine, the dough will be kneaded. and put it on the opposite side, well, how beautiful it is for the first time, of course, today we work night shifts, bake bread at night, so that in the morning, warm, hot, it can reach our customers, after shaping the products will go to the proofing cabinet, here
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the dough of future breads and rolls will be brought to softness and tenderness, after which they will noticeably grow in volume, here there is a certain temperature and humidity, it will pass for a certain time, then our dough pieces will go into the oven, and how long should stand in a standing cabinet for 56 minutes, somewhere on average from 40, well, depending on what product, from 40 to 60 minutes, depending on what product we are and what mass we will bake in the future: water, milk powder, yeast, sugar, salt , eggs, margarine, flour, milk, sesame seeds, add yeast to the warm whey, add: two teaspoons of sugar, leave for 15 minutes, add eggs, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, mix, cover with film, let rise, divide the dough : for six pieces, leave for an hour, braid braids from strands, grease with a mixture of yolk and milk, sprinkle with sesame seeds, bake at 180° for 25 minutes, and the sticks
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respond to your hands, okay, you have to be careful, because yes, yes, yes -yes, it’s very hot here, the temperature in the oven is about 150°, and at this our product will be at a temperature, take it like this, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid and... here ’s a swan up our sleeve, the surprises for intiagu don’t end there, the bakers beat the leader to the punch, what are you doing, we’re making a loaf of bread and salt, and let our people always greet their guests and people with bread and salt, so let us decorate our bed, put this one here in the middle here. so we’ll carefully place it exactly so that it ’s in the middle, it’s beautiful, and in ancient russia the loaf is a sign of blessing the young on long, happy life. bread was associated
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with wealth, salt served as a talisman and protected against evil spirits. she is a symbol of a bright, sinless soul, such a meeting is a calling on the guest of god's mercy. well, if we just meet, we wish people. the hungry presenter cannot be stopped, it’s very tasty, the experts are in the business, today the squirrel opsoyuz is promoting public catering brands with all its might, these are
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over 800 facilities with 4,500 seats, of which 66 restaurants, 190 cafes, 57 bars, 105 canteens, 11 caffeines in rural areas three hundreds of establishments, hello, my name is, what’s your name? name is zhanna, zhanna, very nice. with export, also the transport industry, we have a construction industry, locally famous, they prepare in the kitchens of the cooperatives from the products of farmers, agricultural enterprises, customer favorites -
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fermentation, pickling, pickling, fashionable emphasis, emphasis on naturalness, you have been working here for a long time, well, i i’ve been working for a long time, but why did you decide to become a chef or now a chef, well, after school. i was going to study culinary arts, and so i became a cook, well, they are in demand, especially now they have done renovations after dazhinak, how are our people doing well? in this restaurant, corporate parties celebrate wedding anniversaries both in local and neighboring areas, revelers from the regional center drop in, so now we add an egg, how much? well, one is enough, one is enough, okay, pyzy - a type of dumpling - is served. yes, as a main dish, they are prepared from raw potatoes with the addition of flour, eggs, stuffed with meat curd, mushroom filling, mix everything, you can use your hands, yes,
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you can spoon it with your hands, well, if you use your hands, i can, so my hands are clean, grated kalash, indiagulonga has already fought with potato pancakes, baked babka, fried potatoes, we take the minced meat in our hand like that, and we take it. something similar, but only corn, not potatoes, through the thorn bush. the leader of the whites exhaled, after all, he had achieved the long-awaited goal, the dish is ready, yes it’s already ready, you can take a sample of the feast, the most
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enjoyable part of the job. agulanga is proud of himself, after all, he prepared the dish himself. yes, it's sour cream, simple. oh, by the way. what delicious, good meat. delicious. the crumble actually turned out crispy. in the final meetings. a surprise awaits the strange presenter, i also have a small gift about our berstovets region, as a souvenir, thank you very much, i am very very happy, this is a gift, i love the mushroom, i already want to try it, thank you very much, after a hearty lunch i feel sleepy, lazy intiagu is being put in her place by the producers; there is an obligatory screening of the program ahead.
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the presenter rushes to the stage, there is an acquaintance with people, instruments, very cool playing, it’s easy for me to play, our ensemble has a long history, the date of formation is 1985. more other ecuadorians were lured by the drum kit, the agunga give a master class in poblat. when you're at home, you're cooking in the kitchen, no? i’m cooking, try tapping the dials with all sorts of spoons and forks, when a student is sitting bored in a couple, you constantly play there, lord, so you ’re all familiar with this, after much persuasion, the instrument obeys the leader, yes, but here
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it turns out we’re working on... beats we get a strong beat, a weak beat, a strong beat, a weak beat.
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only for our viewers we choose the best routes, a high city, so, according to the chronicles, this place was called from the 15th century, and there are many attractions here, i will try to tell you about them all, it is high, and we begin to get acquainted and set off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water and power mills, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that they are inside. you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during during the church service , large wings appear on the chapel to show how unusually wonderful our country is, the road between sina and shklovon is very picturesque in places, similar to an english park, this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic
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shrine here, which... appeared on this place thanks to edwiga tadeusz agininsky. consider that you have not visited sino if you have not tried the spring water. people come from neighboring areas and villages to buy it; they believe it has healing powers. see the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. not even 3 hours have passed since the elections, a statement appears on the website of the us state department, eh. effectiveness of elections, the european union used exactly the same term, but in assessing our elections, this is stupidity, inadequacy or interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country, they are simply enemies, their assessments have nothing to do with the law or with the real processes that are taking place in our country, they set the task of overthrowing alexander lukashenko, bringing their own people to power...


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