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tv   247  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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as part of the fifth gaming day of the wta 500 tournament in charleston, in the 18 finals, the belarusian team beat taylar towns and not without difficulty.
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this action was initiated by the belarusian women's union, there are demographic problems all over the world, our country is no exception, the head of state also emphasized when meeting with public associations, but it is important.
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well, there is another question, it seems to me that many girls today think that it is quite difficult for us to combine motherhood and a career, in your opinion, is this really so, well, today it seems to me that the state.
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and contributes to these indicators, today in the ether 24 on 7 project we will talk about the ratings... we will find out how our grandparents rested and how the traditions of our ancestors fit into modern times, and we will also visit a unique architectural monument of belarus, which not only amazes with its splendor , but serves as a reminder of the amazing love story of its founder
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and his wife. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday project. in the section your choice is familiar. with news from the world of economics, social life, sports culture: the first belarusian electric car, belarusian gold at the russian biathlon championship and the exhibition project of a vitebsk artist who combined painting, graphics and sculpture. over the entire period of time, the union state has implemented 82 programs worth 65 billion russian rubles, and this list is constantly expanding. this year alone , four new programs have already been launched, with three more on the way. they relate to a variety of areas: space, microelectronics, automotive and industry, one of the basic goals of creating a unified scientific and technological space. the union of belarus and russia is moving from import substitution to the concept
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of technological independence. the production of five prototypes of the domestic electric car will be completed by september, the deputy prime minister announced. then the cars await trial operation, a testing period of several months, in order to approach mass production of belarusian electric cars by the end of the year. the national academy of sciences is due to present samples of the first batteries for electric cars. the belarusian team became the best in the mixed relay at the russian biathlon championship. competitions in olympic disciplines were held at the winter sports center in the pearl of siberia in tyumen. week, athletes determined the best in the mixed relay. 15 quartets started the race. anna sola, dinara smolskaya, dmitry lazovsky and anton smolsky ran for belarus. this victory was the second for the belarusian delegation at the 2024 russian championship in tyumen. on march 27, the country celebrated
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international theater day it was installed in 1961 on the initiative of delegates to the congress of the international theater institute. unesco. traditionally, theatergoers across the country celebrated the holiday with premieres, sold-out productions and skits. today there are 28 theaters in belarus. the oldest of them is kupalovsky. his building is open. in 1890 and 1917 the first paulinka appeared on the stage. there is considerable interest in this type of art. over the past season , more than 1,700 spectators attended performances across the country. painting, graphics, sculpture. such a trio united the exhibition project vitebsk artist. the exhibition was located in the art gallery of the university of culture, to display works by 35 authors of different generations. on a wide scale... during this time
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, the works of belarusian authors were presented outside the country. this year the exhibition will be shown in st. petersburg and gelendzhik. in the ethno section we will tell you how our grandparents vacationed in the countryside and what is the magic of folk games. let's share a recipe for a healthy, eventful holiday with benefits for the soul and... evenings are a traditional slavic form leisure activities, which include dancing, games, fun, songs and scabies. usually people gathered for parties after lunch or in the evening, hence the name. other variations are also acceptable: parties, get-togethers, conversations. they served in the evening. a place for live , natural communication between residents of a locality and was a particularly important
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event for young people, contributing to the development of closer acquaintances and the choice of a couple for future family life. in this regard , people came to the festivities especially dressed up. fortunately, this format has become actively to be revived at the present time, still in small groups, but interest in this form of useful and interesting recreation is actively gaining momentum. this is not only a great alternative to spending time in various entertainment venues, but also a great way to plunge into childhood, remember our true values ​​and abilities, as well as take a break from everyday problems and cheer up. evenings allow us not only to get in touch with our past, our roots, but also provide an opportunity to feel the power of unity our people, the slavic spirit, help to manifest and reveal themselves. yes. an opportunity to express your emotions and experiences through dance songs. there are no spectators at parties; at
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parties there are all participants. songs and folk dances create such an extraordinary atmosphere of unity and friendship that afterwards it seems that everyone knows each other, that everything is fine, there is a certain energy boost and pleasant fatigue, because the evenings were nothing more than slavic fitness. even at parties. to play, there are different games and just to be naughty, and to test your dexterity with a brave strongwoman, there are calm ones, during games excitement awakens , ingenuity works hard, round dances also give the most powerful energy message, they can be different, with songs without, but they always have a powerful influence on the inner world of a person, people hold hands, maintain eye contact, precisely in the unity of all. .. participants lies the magic of the round dance action. evenings vary in meaning;
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they are often timed to coincide with major slavic holidays. participants dress up in traditional folk costumes. according to tradition, any evening ends with herbal tea and an intimate conversation, with delicacies that the participants themselves bring to the common table. come to parties, celebrate funerals and get acquainted with how our grandparents rested. anyone can. friday minsk parties are held in the capital, and they are also held in other regions of the country. during the games , new pleasant acquaintances are made, the energy of the body increases, the emotional state of the ability to interact with other people improves. regular participants in such events claim that folk games and round dances make people happy.
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a girl and martial arts techniques, shooting, control of combat vehicles, artistry and musicality from the singer from her mother at the time of the birth of her daughter, who served in the frunzin orchestra. from the age of 6, sasha knew for sure that she would become an artist. when the family moved to leningrad, the girl was sent to a choreographic school. in 1986 the family moved to brest. graduated from the academic vocal department of the music college, the ostankino television school, the production department of the faculty of arts, and the institute of modern knowledge. first solo concert the singer performed in 1997, and a year later she recorded her debut album, madame sadness. in the studio of yadvigy poplavskaya alexander tikhonovich.
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the filmography of the officer’s daughter began in 2012. gaiduk’s first role was as a television announcer in the film “death on live.” part of the series by fyodor petrukhin, odyssey of detective gurov. at the beginning of 2023, gaidak became one of the judges of the factorby 60+ project. on april 5 , 1936, one of our oldest museums was opened in pinsk. countries, museum of belarusian polesie. it is housed in a 16th-century building, a former jesuit college. the most old collections of ethnography, archeology, numismatics and nature were collected on the territory of pinsk ukrainian woodland. in the museum you can see a unique collection of ceramic tiles and a sarcophagus from the 19th century,
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a collection of bladed weapons, and documents and books. in the great patriotic war hall, learn about the creation of one of the first partisan detachments under the command of vasily zakharovich korzh. in the ethnography halls , folk costumes of the pinsk region, weaving, products of polesie blacksmiths, woodworkers, and straw weaving are presented. in the nature department you can get acquainted with representatives of the fauna of this region of belarus. the collection is of particular interest. these are works by famous artists shishkin, polenov, perov, pen, tsverko, maslennikov. on april 7, 1947, in a small village in the vitebsk region , the belarusian graphic artist, teacher, honored artist of the republic of belarus, valery
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slauk, was born. as a child, the future classics of book graphics were brought from the library by my mother, who worked at the school. books with bright illustrations, which the boy looked at with great interest. the first attempts at drawing were sketches of tattoos during slauk’s service in stroybat. his teacher at the theater and art institute was the famous graphic artist vasily sharongovich. nowadays, books with illustrations by valery slauk are republished in foreign languages, and his graphic works, art critics ... are called the highest examples of modern art, the artist’s works are stored in the national art museum, in the funds of the belarusian union of artists, collections, museums in austria, italy, germany, one of the main themes in the work of the winner of the francis skarina medal, valery slauk, was belarusian
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slavic mythology. this church is called the belarusian tajmahal; it once housed a fertilizer warehouse. we will learn more about the pearl of belarusian architecture in the traditional section for travel lovers, place on maps. the building of the church of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in the agricultural town of sarya , verkhnedvinsk district in the vitebsk region , has no analogues in the world. this is the most expressive example of neo-gothic architecture in belarus. it is popularly called stone crystal or stone lace. and one of the most beautiful monuments. architecture of belarus. the walls of the sarinsky temple, built more than 165 years ago, keep many secrets. the first mention of the village of
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saria dates back to 1508. the local lands originally belonged to the ancient sapek family. klopatinsky, with whom the history of the temple is connected, the estate passed on in the 18th century. the idea of ​​its construction came to the owner ignatius lopatinsky after the death of his beloved wife. 1851 in the summer of the same year was founded foundation. thus, he repeated the romantic feat of shah jahan, who built the world famous tachmahal in memory of his beloved wife in the 15th century. the temple, whose architect was gustav shant, was designed to display all the beauty of maria lopatinskaya and the depth of the inconsolable nobleman’s experiences. it is not known for certain in what status this building was built. like a church or some kind of family house of sorrow, from which through an underground passage one could get to the tomb of the lopatinskys. today there is a memorial stone on the site of the crypt. according to
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father vasily, there are many sad pages in the history of the temple. one of them dates back to 1920, when sarya was occupied by polish troops. catholics turned to the military with a request to transfer the temple to them. verkhnedvinsky district. one of the most affected during the great patriotic war. deep bullet and shell holes, like cuts on the red brick walls, indicate that the temple witnessed fierce fighting in the territory of saria. the fact that he survived was nothing short of a miracle. it's hard to believe, but in 1989 a café-bar was almost opened in the temple. one local figure made such a proposal. new. page in the history of the shrine - july 8, 2011. the completion of the restoration of the church and the dormition of the most holy theotokos was marked by a significant
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event. at the entrance to the temple , the first bronze monument in the region and the first monument in belarus dedicated to the saints and noble princes peter and fevronia of murom were installed. orthodox christians revere them as patrons of family and marriage. there is another one kept in the church. sorensky temple is included in state list of the historian and cultural values ​​of the republic of belarus as a monument of sacred architecture of national significance. welcome to belarus. in the guide section you will find the best projects of the tv channel. let's get acquainted with economic news, draw up a gastronomic map of our country, and talk. the beauty of belarusian nature and quality education with a couple of students from the middle kingdom. shkulov and zhodina
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will become cities of electric buses. these modern machines are already in the capital and regional centers. on average there are at least 150 of them, but so so that the whole city is electric, this is the first time for us. each city ordered its own color, green and azure white. manufacturers are also different, this...
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what do foreigners think about our country? when i came to belarus, i saw that the sky was very strong and the water was very clean, the air, the air was very good, and the people were kind. once again we will be convinced that belarusians are a good-natured and sympathetic people. my belarusian friends, they are always there, they helped me a lot and they are
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open-minded. on april 7 , a new project will start on the belarus 24 tv channel: food it has never been simple, at all times people wanted to eat deliciously and live well, let’s figure out what real fish soup is? ukha is not soup if it doesn't have potatoes, ukha is fish soup if it does. potatoes and some kind of cereal component, now the world will change, divided into before and after, the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, and what did the belarusian medieval stove look like, a ceramic box lined with bricks, in which a fire was built, but a large one was installed on top metal sheet, on in which this whole thing was prepared, well , naturally there was a hood, the pipe could stand,
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let’s find out what smoked... beaver tail tastes like, i would compare it, you know what: take a piece of lard, take a piece of carp, you know that kind of fish, and just combine them into one product, let's go on a gastronomic tour of bykhov in the program food anywhere, these and other projects are on the air of the belarus 24 tv channel . club of editors, well, beyond the idea of ​​the western world, it has existed for several centuries,
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this is... russia, we we can remember a lot of wars this ideology is everywhere, it already seems that in western european countries, in the aglosan world, it is passed on through mother’s milk. the model of social life that has developed in the west, it cannot continue without the resources of russia, the beautiful life to which they are accustomed was ensured by the robbery of the world, the bitterness has simply reached such a heated situation that any attempt at the right moment when... we did not burn out on the palm trees of the village, we didn’t we didn’t hook entire nations on drugs, test nuclear weapons on civilians, the soviet army was in afghanistan, it was, but what was the soviet union doing there
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? behind. on april 6 at 6:52 am the crew of the soyuz ms-24 will undock from the iss and head to the ground. the landing is planned in the kazakhstan steppe near the village of azheskazgan. at 10:18 minsk time we are waiting for marina vasilevskaya to return to earth. belaruskaya will return home after completing a rehabilitation course. the consulate general of belarus is planned to be created in vladivostok. this was discussed at the meeting
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of our ambassador. countries in russia, dmitry krutov, with the governor of the primorsky territory, oleg kozhimyak, agreed on package supplies of belarusian equipment with the creation of a joint woodworking production, connections were also discussed. trade turnover there has already reached 22 billion rubles, once we started with less than uh less than 1 billion, that is, there are indicators according to demand, which is especially important now during the period of sanctions pressure, we see that
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the volume of supplies of belarusian products has increased significantly, we separately considered the issue of allocating land for the construction of a trading platform for belarusian goods in primorye, in general, the diplomatic mission notes high competition among russian regions for the right to open the first belarusian national trading house. in belarus , the composition of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation was determined. in each region in minsk they chose eight representatives. so the list of candidates from the capital includes representatives of various fields, healthcare, education, the media, and current senators. the proposed senatorial candidates were unanimously approved; the voting was secret. the voting results will be communicated. the central election commission, it will register members of the council of the republic and issue a certificate of election; a meeting of the central election commission, at which the results will be summed up and the date of the first meeting of the eighth convocation will be set, will take place on april 9. all senators along with the new composition of the house
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of representatives, they will become delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly in its new constitutional status. the deputy corps today formed permanent commissions and resolved organizational issues necessary for effective work. previously , curators for each commission were named; today their deputies and composition were chosen. there are 14 permanent commissions in the deputy corps, each responsible for its own specific area, from the economy of national security to the social sphere and youth politicians. the main work of the standing commissions is the preparation of bills for consideration by the national assembly, work with citizens' appeals and the organization of parliamentary hearings. taking into account the work already done in the previous convocation, indeed, like... the president repeatedly raised questions and said that give me the economy, yes, the economy must work, the well-being of our citizens depends on this, the economy will work, the well-being of our citizens will improve , accordingly, let’s not think about some, excuse me, not really correct thoughts, then, at the
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moment, it is really necessary to further improve legislation in this direction, and this is, first of all, not to slow down the pace that was set by the previous convocation, on the basis of the national institute of physics and technology. it was in belarus that a design center for innovative developments opened. modern conditions make it possible not only to simulate new prototypes of mechanical engineering devices, but also to carry out calculations. this is important for longer and higher-quality operation of the equipment. to prepare center took six months. new powerful computers and calculation servers make it possible to solve complex mathematical problems, and thanks to vr glasses , designers can test the equipment before its production. besides. the center allows for training of enterprise personnel, because we can visualize this equipment in 3d, in 3d visualization, there is a virtual reality that can be immersed in any specialist and he can walk around the workshop with the existing
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equipment in 3d, can approach it where - then go around, maybe even assemble, assemble or repair this equipment, that is, it enhances the potential and speeds up the process of equipment development. its creation. as part of the wings volunteer initiative , more than a hundred drones were transferred to the belarusian army; a decree signed last year prohibits the storage and use of drones by private citizens. in the near future, the equipment will join the fleet of military units of operational formations. another batch is being prepared for transfer to the belarusian military academy. practice has shown that unmanned civil aircraft can be freely used in the interests of the army for reconnaissance and situation monitoring. on the training battlefield, searching for objects. simpler models of quadcopters will be transferred to military-patriotic clubs, including the republican center for patriotic education of youth currently under construction in brest.


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