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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 11:50pm-12:20am MSK

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cannot be used to create food products for astronauts, for this, scientists from the institute of meat and dairy industry, the national academy of sciences developed special combinations of microorganisms, selected milk bases, determined the optimal nutrient medium in which bacteria can develop in space, samples were made for more than six months, one one of the most ambitious tasks is to prepare fermented milk products in orbit. in order to prepare exactly the samples that we sent to the iss with our crew. was going on for about 6-7 months , 16 strains, microorganisms, biphytobacteria of various types, lactobacilli of various types and thermophilic streptococcus will take part in these studies, both in a state of suspended animation, that is, freeze- dried, also in a state of suspended animation, but ready to carry out cultivation on nutrient media, and, accordingly, on dairy bases, on the basis of which we... we
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plan to obtain samples of fermented milk products. a range of fermented milk products have been developed using probiotic cultures and research has been carried out clinical testing of these products has proven the effectiveness of consuming fermented milk products with probiotics to normalize the microflora of the human gastrointestinal tract. we plan to further study the fermented milk product that we obtain under the conditions of the iss. we believe that this is the first step, the first step towards creating fermented milk products on board the international space station and using them in the diet of people who are in microgravity for a long time. thanks to the experiment, scientists want to understand how comfortable strains of probiotics feel in weightlessness, and also find out the characteristics of fermented milk products created in space. the unesco monitoring mission assessed the consequences of construction. experts
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have confirmed the negative impact on the reserve’s ecosystem. wild animals are dying in barbed wire, blocking migration is a unification of the gene pool, including teeth. the biodiversity of the pushcha was disturbed; uncharacteristic plants appeared in the forest, the seeds of which were presumably introduced construction equipment, the relict forest began to die, and flooding occurred due to violations of the hydrological regime. unfortunately, over the years. we proposed to carry out the mission together, as always, we understand perfectly well what the international community is and even this problem for each area, we currently have seven areas under control where flooding occurs, and we will already think through options with science on how to minimize this process . calculated that
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this is the amount of damage in belarusian rubles amounted to 52 million belarusian rubles, this consists in principle of three areas: land degradation, destruction of living ground cover and destruction of old-growth broad-leaved forests. belarusian scientists are trying to minimize the environmental damage caused to belovezhskaya pushcha; the unesco world heritage committee is expected to consider the mission’s report and its recommendations in july. a new take on the tech battle? more industrial development fought for victory in zhodina, an international case championship was held mechanical engineering sector. who took part: thirty students from belarus, russia and uzbekistan. these are future specialists in the mining industry, where bilas quarry equipment is used. the competition took place in several stages, the participants were offered to increase the efficiency and reliability of belarusian dump trucks, as well as add new functions to their filling. among the ideas is automatic temperature control. mining university from
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st. petersburg. the champions got the opportunity to undergo an internship at belaz. we continue to expand our presence in universities, opening new educational laboratories under the belas brand. well, we have one competency center in the first technical higher educational institution in russia in the city of st. petersburg. this year, st. petersburg mining university will expand with a unique scientific laboratory on the topic of electric drives and electrical engineering, which will allow real scientific research and real scientific work to be carried out for graduate students, candidate’s work, and higher-level scientific work. belas challenge competition have already become traditional and were held for the fourth time. not
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only the number of participants is growing every year, but also the quality of their proposals; some ideas are already being developed by the plant’s designers. russian regions are opening new routes for belarusian tourists, discussed in moscow. development of the tourism industry of the union state, what agreements have been reached? the parties discussed a lot: expanding the geography of flights, introducing new technologies and tourism products. river cruises may appear in the union state, as well as patriotic and border tours, for example, a week-long excursion program to the cities of belarus and russia with a meeting point in moscow. the format would be of interest to educational institutions with discounts and benefits for schoolchildren. as for the flight program, the national air carrier is constantly expanding its networks...
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not everything is loaded as much as we would like, here are the tools to use to ensure that they are loaded efficiently out of season, and from which new regions, based on what we can provide additional logistics, and do we have the infrastructure during the season to accommodate these possible flows? the second belarusian-russian tourism congress will be held in minsk this month. the main topics are investments, infrastructure development and business tourism. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of the telenews agency - the main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i'm with i bid you farewell. all the best.
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german fascist invaders. since the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolaevich, commissar of the second battalion of the gomel people's militia regiment, carried out a lot of political educational work among soldiers and commanders. the militia, together
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with units of the red army, courageously defended the city of gomel. on august 18, 1941, a battalion led by... nikolai kuntsevich repelled two enemy attacks, during one of which the commissar rushed forward with an exclamation for his homeland, for our victory, and carried away fighters counterattack. he died in the same battle. in 1944, nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree. posthumously. buy, sell, what you want, now i’m already for sale, intiagu consumer operator,
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the feeling that i won’t find a place for this, why did he hijack a car shop, save, take something, bananas, then i passed it on, no, no strongly. i tasted the legendary bread, it was pleasant , how in fact we have retail here in the village, we braid the braid, watch it right now , add an egg, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, braid yes quantity. mentally inferior to the urban population, this barely affects the quality of life of those who live in the countryside, medicine , education, leisure, retail, the service sector of the outback is becoming prettier before our eyes every year, if earlier the spears flew towards
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the assortment, now some of the village stores have surpassed the city ones. belkoop union is responsible for provincial retail. there are 3,500 markets in its system. with 549 auto stores, this is the most extensive network in the country. soviet trade workers joked caustically. there are two systems in the universe - solar consumption operation. the presenter of bely ros went to the grodno region to see the whole world. all at once: the belarusian republican union of consumer societies is not only the famous selmaki. a diversified social structure is engaged in trade, catering, procurement of vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, and collection of scrap metal. as part of the zverovo concern.
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lucky, the presenter got right to the loading, it’s very cold, sima is already, i’m not used to this, debit with credit, invoices include groceries, salt, sugar, sweets, the presenter is trying on a cassock the operator’s needs, everything is precise, clear, on the spot the goods will be counted again, noted in the documents, all this needs to be read, but everything needs to be recalculated, here you go. in a desperate attempt to help, the foreigner is unstoppable
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straight from the warehouse, the presenter drags the cart into the sales area and intiagu is put on display so we are better off than our corner: the rodny kut network is focused on the sale of domestically produced goods, branded outlets promise customers low prices, friendly service, quality products. we also have a very large selection confectionery products, since we have our own confectionery shop, we supply cakes and pastries, biscuits of our own production, and we also sell our own products, which are produced by consumer cooperation, these are sausage shops, sausages, drinks, mineral waters , also bread, the feeling that i just started already somehow normal.
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all all the maps are announced 450 click here here more than anything else i’m amazed by the technology it’s no different from the city it’s like the same thing and the maps everything is accepted, everything is accepted, all hanging systems are accepted, and in general, in our store there is all the goods that in the city the buyer can buy everything whatever the seller in the village wants , his work obliges him to be on the board. on the same wavelength with people, to help, to suggest, to tell, everything that is needed for everyday
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life, yes, there is enough here, there is enough of everything, there is a large assortment, i prefer to buy belarusian-made products, in particular, here is my native kut, the child loves it very much, everything for people, running a store is not economically justified in every village, if there is only one resident in the entire district, a truck shop will rush to his rescue. in addition to stationary points, the consumer union is famous for retail on wheels; mobile retail arrives on schedule in remote settlements, of which there are 14 thousand in the country. residents of this village shop at the auto shop twice a week. villagers start queuing half an hour before arrival. let's see how everything works here. yes, come in. he's still himself. the place is big, huge, yes please, really, like
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a small shop, not even big, oh, i buy everything i need, i buy bread, i buy sausage, i buy a cat, everything in this store is everything you need, antonina kokhno has been traveling around the world for two decades, route, assortment, preference, learned it by heart, regular customers trust her as a loved one, the arrival of an auto
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heating system, ventilation, power supply, modern refrigeration, commercial equipment, of course, everything is difficult when you don’t know anything, where everything is, you have to quickly, because 20 minutes - it’s just a mobile kiosk that allows you to place
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over 200 industrial and food items, funds for updating the park of squirrel shops.
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we definitely use it after cooking, as well as after any meal, it is thanks to it that our dishes retain their beautiful appearance for many years, while science has not yet given us those household cleaning chemicals that we use now, housewives most often from dirt and rust was also removed with vinegar. let's share interesting facts. liquid dish detergent has. years ago, according to scientists, it appeared completely by chance: in russia in the 19th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, birch, in europe at the end of the 14th century, charles vi approved the entire guild of vinegar uvarov. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. an alkaline environment is necessary
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so that the surface molecule of the active substance can perform its function. if the environment is acidic, for example, then... of course, we went under the strict guidance of our district and region, and the ministry of culture, it was decided that it was to update the unusual project, firstly, the very the construction in the form of these shet shells, we’ll keep it in its same place, yes, but with global modernization,
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we’ll get to know people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important... organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director our museum, it was her long-time dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, well , the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the “quality mark” project on our tv channel. shop boom. the union of cooperators assures that retail on wheels will reach even a god- forsaken village. and here you have to quickly, because... 20 minutes, these are just modern vans equipped with the latest technology, sellers can work comfortably in them, the safety of goods is not inferior to stationary
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points, people are provided with all the necessary assortment. here's what's next, choose some saucepans, this one for soup, this one for potatoes, this one for dumplings, enjoy it to your heart's content. taste. hello! the next stop on the map is the legendary bakery. 2 a year ago the president came here. the head of state liked craft production . on the spot, alexander lukashenko ordered to modernize the plant and equip it with the latest equipment. hello, well, i knew it, poor women. intyagulonga has heard the products of masters. the leader of the whites can smell the aroma a mile away. hello. what is your name? my name is elena, we welcome you to the bakery of the volkovysk branch, our enterprise is small, but quite compact. we have our own semi-finished products workshop, we have our own sausage
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workshop, we are self-sufficient in this area; today we are ready to offer our customers natural, high-quality products that are produced in our branch. robots in action. after re-equipment, most processes began to be automated. manual labor at least remains, is minimized to the limit, it has been proven that not a single machine will roll up a wicker like the golden hands of a master, this is where the process of, say, preparing raw materials for baking begins, here is a warehouse for folding flour, flour is all the raw materials that we use today for our production, only domestic, we do not use imported raw materials, yes, all the raw materials, all the flour that is grown here from grain, which sprouted precisely in the fields of our republic. belarus. taste of dreams. as many years ago, multi-stage technology is in use here. from sifting the flour to the finished product is at least a day. the dough is rolled by
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the hour. and then mix, yes, then all the raw materials will be added here, all the ingredients that are necessary for this particular type of product. and then then according to dough the machine will continue to knead and knead the dough. what ingredients are used? what are the ingredients? we use? so, flour, water. salt, sugar, yeast, in these workshops the light appears and the famous father’s bread, alexander lukashenko liked the fragrant pastry during the visit, our lebushek is very, it’s me, i’m like this in order, we get our famous father’s bronka, in the end, so, just a little bit, we put these little tails down... well, how beautiful it is for the first time, of course, today we we work night shifts, bake bread at night
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so that in the morning, warm and hot, it can reach our customers. after shaping, the products will go to the proofing cabinet. here the dough of future breads and rolls will be brought to softness and tenderness. afterwards they will noticeably increase in volume. there is a certain temperature and... in a standing cabinet, well, 50-6 minutes, somewhere on average from 40, depending on what product, from 40 to 60 minutes, depending on what product we are and what mass we will bake in the future: water, milk powder, yeast , sugar, salt, eggs, margarine, flour, milk, sesame seeds, add yeast to warm whey, add two teaspoons of sugar, leave for 15 minutes. eggs, sugar, salt, vegetable oil are added to them , mixed, covered with film, allowed to rise, the dough is divided into six pieces,
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left for an hour, braids are made from ropes, greased with a mixture of yolk and milk, sprinkled with sesame seeds, bake at 180° for 25 minutes responds to your hands, okay, you need to be careful, because yes, yes, yes, yes, it ’s very hot here, the temperature in the oven is about 150.
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in ancient russia, a loaf is a sign of blessing young people for a long happy life. bread was associated with wealth. salt served as a talisman and protected against evil spirits. she is a symbol of a bright, sinless soul. such a meeting is a calling upon the guest of god's mercy. well, if there is a simple point, we wish people in this life to have a wonderful, good life.
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tasty. experts in action. today belkuopsoyuz is doing its best to promote public catering brands. this is over 800 facilities with 45,000 places. of these , 66 restaurants, 190 cafes, 57 bars, 105 canteens, 11 coffee shops. in rural areas there are three hundreds of establishments. hello. the name of? zhanna? zhanna, very nice to meet you. they told me that today we will cook something delicious.
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local, famous, cooked in the kitchens of consumer cooperatives from products of farmers, agricultural enterprises, customer favorites fermentation, soaking, salting, fashionable accent, focus on naturalness, you have been working here for a long time, well, i have been working for a long time, why did you decide to become a cook or now a cook, well , after school i went to study culinary arts and so i... remained a cook, well, they use it in demand, especially now they have done renovations after the dozhinkas, so in general people are doing well here, in this restaurant wedding anniversaries are celebrated by corporate parties both local and neighboring areas, revelers from the regional center drop in, so what next, now we add an egg, and how much, well one is enough, but enough, okay, pyzy, a type of dumpling, food is served as a main course, prepared from raw
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potatoes... with the addition of flour, eggs, stuffed with meat, curd, mushroom filling, mix everything, you can use your hands, yes, you can use a spoon, you can use your hands, but if you use your hands, i can do it, so my hands are clean, grated kalash, inti agulonga has already fought with potato pancakes, baked babka, fried potatoes, we take minced meat on our hand like this, we take minced meat, meat , it doesn’t warm up that way.
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achieved the long-awaited goal, the dish is ready, yes it’s already ready, you can take it off, a sample of the feast, the most enjoyable part of the work, tasting, agulonga is proud of himself, after all, he prepared the dish himself, it’s a sauce, very, yes, it’s just sour cream, oh, na side,


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