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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:21pm MSK

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good afternoon, the space mission has been successfully completed, our first cosmonaut in sovereign belarus, marina vasilevskaya, has returned to earth, a historical event has happened.
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literally an hour and a half ago, we will show the most striking shots on our broadcast, also watch the episode. at 10:17 the apparatus with the space crew touched the ground. there is a landing. how the astronauts were greeted, their well-being and first emotions, reporting from the scene. with a possible retaliatory attack from iran, the us and israel brought their forces to a standstill. high alert. growing on the planet seismic activity in two days - a record number of earthquakes, tremors are recorded even where there were none before. increase by 33%. daily allowances for business trips around belarus have increased. a new cosmic chapter in the history of belarus has been completed. the crew with our first female cosmonaut.
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a little bit now, and well, there’s smoke coming out, that means this is a landing, the appearance of this orange parachute in the sky over kazakhstan was expected from the very morning not only by special services, rescuers and doctors, but also by a concentration of journalists on the spot in pursuit of exclusive footage, and we will definitely get in touch with our correspondent, the whole spectacle of the descent is of course mesmerizing, after leaving orbit the compartments separate from the spacecraft, and do not... burn up in dense layers of the atmosphere,
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the descent vehicle itself begins to decelerate, forms a cloud of plasma, the temperature is approx. 2.0°. because of such heat, after planting the heat-protective layer becomes black. further braking occurs due to parachutes, when the ground is less than a meter away, the soft landing engines on the soyuz ms-24 fire and the ship on the ground, where the crew met by a search and rescue team. away, please, please. impressions of the space mission and thanked everyone who supported it, footage marina vasilevskaya shared the first interviews we will definitely show, as noted in the roscosmos broadcast, upon landing the crew members feel good and smile. a tv news agency film crew is working at the landing site, we are waiting for footage from
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anastasia benedisyuk, now her material is being prepared for broadcast, all the details, unique footage from the landing site a little later in our release, don't miss it. the entire expedition was coordinated from the flight control center in korolev podmoskovny, so that everything went smoothly; the center specialists negotiated with the crew all night, checking and double-checking every point of the most complex operation. dozens of journalists came to cover an important event for our country, friends and relatives of the astronauts were also here, some saw the landing process for the first time, others for the fourth time, for example, the eldest daughter of oleg navitsky. however, for everyone who today there was a command center in the hall, the minutes of landing were filled with joy and excitement. every time i look at the takeoff, at the stacking, at the landing, and half of me seems to understand that yes, he flies, the other half somehow doesn’t, this is some kind of absurdity, be it, but i’m very glad
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that he returned that everything went, i hope, very well for them, that’s why i’m looking forward to personal meetings, the descent module of the soyus ms-24 spacecraft made a routine... landing in a given area of ​​kazakhstan, the crew is feeling well this evening will arrive at chkalovsky airport for further post-flight rehabilitation. after landing and medical examination, the entire crew, and these are our oleg novitsky, marina vasilevskaya, as well as astronaut nasa akhara, will be transported by special aircraft from baikonur to the chkalovsky airfield in the moscow region. from there they will be taken by bus to the dispensary in the star city. here doctors will monitor how the muscles are restored. astronauts after being in zero gravity. the return of the space crew to earth caused a storm congratulations to our country. the flight was followed by people in various, including very remote, corners of the earth. here are just some of the statements that appeared on the roscosmos channel, where
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the video of the landing was broadcast. hurray, ours are back. the republic of belarus is moving forward, with a return to its native land. well done russia and we are very worried about you, you should know that you are our people, we will be waiting for you here in
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belarus, we know this, i will not let you down, i did everything possible and even impossible. our film crew is working right at the landing site; correspondent anastasia benedesyuk watched this historical event with her own eyes, she is in touch with the studio right now. the first minutes on
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earth, how the astronauts were greeted, their well-being and, of course, their first emotions. anastasia, share your impressions.
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i laughed already during the interview, she admitted that she had such a reaction to the opening of the parachute, well, it was so impressive, by that moment i have everything, although there is a lot more that can be said, emotions are overwhelming, so wait for the panorama of my studio, that’s all, i return the floor
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to you, thanks to anastasia, emotions, of course, are overwhelming, throughout the day we will follow these unforgettable events and show all the most interesting things on our broadcasts. and another historical moment that determines the future of belarus in the country is the ongoing election of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly. on the eve of the extraordinary congress of trade unions, 80 people were elected as delegates; they will be part of the meeting, become the voice of the people and represent the interests of different segments of the population. nominees, leaders of trade union organizations at all levels, activists, honored workers of labor collectives from healthcare, education to industry.
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issues of motherhood and childhood, vaccination and the activities of screening centers, as well as
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the consolidation of women in solving demographic problems. all these topics were discussed by representatives of the primary organizations of the belarusian women's union at the republican scientific and practical centers at a meeting with the chairman of the council of the republic. talked about family, how to involve men in raising children and how to raise patriots, they also discussed the implementation of projects that are important for the health of the nation. women and the health of nations, which we are now promoting by our republican scientific and practical center, it is aimed at early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms in women, the campaign to be a mother is cool, which is very active, in which the republican scientific and practical center mother and child participates, it is aimed at popularizing the ideas of motherhood, childhood, increasing fertility. we are now meeting with students of higher educational institutions, a meeting has been held with the regional ones.
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the validity of the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, but this does not mean our country’s withdrawal from the agreement, while the armed forces are not yet going to stop the procedures related to its implementation. the treaty was ratified by belarus and came into force in 1992, but most western countries are not going to implement it and are showing more and more aggression.
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western countries are expanding their alliance, finland and sweden have been accepted into the alliance, yes, they are not neighboring countries, but they are in ours, in our region and we, of course, we must take this development into account. eu countries do not accept inspectors from belarus, thereby violating the terms of
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the agreement. first of all, these are the czech republic and poland. conditions are being created that make it possible to build up weapons and military equipment uncontrollably. back in november 23 , the north atlantic council of nato made a statement about the intention of the alliance member countries participating in the treaty to suspend its actions. russia also withdrew from the treaty. turkey will do the same on april 8. suspension of the country's treaty. means termination of its functioning. the only way to prevent war is to become stronger. the experts in the program spoke about this. as the participants in the discussion noted, all countries that are not members of the nato bloc are in fact its target; our country, if something happens, must give a worthy rebuff. unfortunately, they really want a big war in europe, but not with their own hands. and they want to drag poland, belarus and other
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european countries into it. hence all this talk about a unified european army, about militarization, which... is moving with frantic steps into the territory poland and lithuania, and the only thing, one of the factors that, by the way, is holding back a big war is our sovereignty, independence, the position of the president, and not to give in, we still have never done this, we have not succumbed to any provocation that they are treating us. what every belarusian should do for their country, biden’s interview on the scenario of nato’s bloody anniversary, we’ll tell you something interesting about something important, watch the editors’ club program on youtube. iran intends to launch a retaliatory strike against israeli targets in the very near future, possibly the target of the attack will be one of the diplomatic missions of tel aviv. this data is provided by the new york times. in this regard , israel and the united states have put their armies on high alert. iran is expected to use a swarm of drones. today, such a strategy
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allows one to overcome the most effective air defense. tehran's strike was provoked by an attack on the embassy. iran in syria, two generals of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, as well as several ksr officers, became victims of a missile attack. ukraine will not be invited to the summit nato, which will be held in the united states this summer, reports the new york times. and of course, there is no talk yet of inviting the country to the alliance in any form. the summit participants will apparently search for a format for interaction with kiev that would demonstrate support for this country, but would not bind the organization to any obligations. the other day there was also a leak from the white house; american publications reported that the states were offering zelensky to cede territory in exchange for receiving security guarantees for ukraine, for example, in the format of joining nato, but with significant restrictions. obviously, ukraine has finally turned into a suitcase without a handle for the senior partners; it’s a shame to throw it away, and there’s no way to carry it.
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seismologists report that on april 3 and 4 in just one day. un. american newspapers also report that the epicenter of one of the five-magnitude earthquakes was located exactly under a golf course in new jersey, where donald trump was playing. scientists cannot name the reason for the increase in seismic activity, nor are they yet able to predict the development of the situation. an extremely rare phenomenon can now be observed in sicily, the etno volcano is smoking, but
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it is extremely unusual. an amazing picturesque ring appears above the vent. rings are a phenomenon, although unusual, but not unique; this can be observed in situations where volcanic activity increases in conditions of almost complete calm. the etno volcano has been one of the most active in europe for several thousand years. the daily allowance has become higher, no longer 9, but 12 rubles. that is, an increase immediately by... 33%. let me remind you that the previous time the payment amount changed for 5 years back in march 2019. some points regarding reimbursement of travel expenses have also been adjusted. if we are talking about road transport, this should only be a regular service. travel will be reimbursed at the actual cost, which is indicated on the travel document. by the way, the requirements for such documents have been simplified. for example, if
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it is a minibus, a regular cash receipt is sufficient.


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