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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 4:35pm-5:06pm MSK

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for soviet currency, the nationalization of industrial enterprises, as well as banks, railways, medical institutions, schools, salt, at the bialystok police station there was an interrogation of another group of detainees at the local market in the city. and throughout the western region speculation flourished, where did the goods come from? when is the next game? who is the supplier? chief, i don’t know where the goods are from, you know, i’m from a different unit, i know which unit you are from, answer the questions posed, what routes they take and where they are delivered from, the names of the leaders? sir, boss, let me go
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we, i pray to christ god, are hungry today, people are changing, you are looking in the wrong place, sir, we are simple people, don’t touch the little things, look for the big things, keep quiet, lead him, answer the questions posed, the squabble continued for a long time, but this was a problem, goods were supplied from the center in the required quantity, but before the store... at a meeting with the secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus grekova , the director of the heads of salt and the director of the heads of snab reported for the umpteenth time, again the same answer. everything is shipped on time. i agree with the requests. understand down to the points
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the goods do not reach their destination in the western regions, further, speculators, at the market in bialystok, salt is sold for 15 rubles per mug, 15 rubles per mug, this is an unthinkable price, in minsk it’s a penny, but there, you understand what the threat is ? so, comrade people's commissar, for you, the goods do not reach their destination, take measures to escort the goods, this is a political issue, people in the regions are unhappy, the period is 5 days, there are scarce goods that are not in any kind of shortage, the regions must be provided with regular supplies.
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everything is clear, by 1941 in the western regions 105 local industrial enterprises and 392 industrial enterprises were created, 4192 belarusian schools were already operating, despite the fact that by the end of the thirties they were all liquidated, theaters were created, 100 cinemas were opened, libraries were opened everywhere, houses of culture were under special control, the construction of objects of special importance, in their including the construction of the dneprobug canal, and these were only the first victories, and for grekova the first high award was the order of lenin.
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i looked at the newly published book with some pleasure. women of the country socialism. photos of famous women of the country, among them nadezhda grekova. his work is no worse than others. there is also the soviet belorussia newspaper with her portrait, a speech with a big report on the occasion of march 8, and also a good photo. as for the style of a businesswoman, grekova destroyed stereotypes here too. modern images from the greek leather scarf, proletarian cap. grekova, judging by the photographs, became a trendsetter and a new style, a skirt with a vest and an elegant blouse. she is wearing them in the photograph next to stalin. what events preceded this the historical photograph has also been preserved by history.
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the work of the eighteenth party congress was approaching, stalin unexpectedly took the floor and, turning to the belarusian delegation, asked the question: would they be against the inclusion of comrade grekova in the commission? well, who could object to comrade stalin? stormy applause rang out in the hall! after the congress , the traditional photo taking with comrade stalin. and at the moment when grekova, trying to quietly join the delegates in the last row, stalin turned to her. well, comrade grekova, don’t be shy, go to the first row. history has recorded this memorable meeting. during the war, sent to work in kazan, grekova was involved in organizing the work of defense enterprises, while finding the opportunity to meet with belarusian partisans to personally present them with state awards; she
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crossed the front line four times. grekova was the first to enter the liberated open-air concentration camp of azararich, leading the work to save people infected. then there was a period of post-war restoration of the republic, when entire industries had to revive from scratch. many more deeds and extraordinary actions of this strong woman leader remain in history in the name of the republic, the country that she served all her life.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch! removed. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like.
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generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making
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belarus closer. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency. and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes you to move forward. and keep up with your heart, your belly sings. and there is a thirst for travel and adventure. and on the way you like to eat somewhere. always. food anywhere. belarusian cuisine is not only pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. we will show you what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook it in the suburbs and polesie.
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we are going on a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. vereshchaka in bykhov style: another recipe classic dish. ear from a rooster, what is this, a cruel joke or the harsh truth? smoked beaver tail is a delicacy for strong spirits. today bykhov is a small, calm town, which we know from the labels on milk, canned food and sausages; in the old days it was a warlike fortress town that survived more than one war and siege. the beginning of its military glory was laid in the 18th century by the owner of the city, jan karol hatkiewicz, a participant. a warrior with sweden and turkey, he won many victories, for which in 1605
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he was rewarded with the title of great hetman, head of the armed forces of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. it was he who built a stone castle on the high bank of the dnieper. the construction of the stone castle at the beginning of the 16th century began, where do you think? that’s right, from the bare necessities, from the hut’s dining room, but they didn’t cook there, it was n’t a kitchen. the dining hut is a huge hall for... receiving guests. there were always a large number of military personnel on the territory of the castle; there was no shortage of weapons and combat vehicles. however, the owners of the citadel did not forget about comfort. the palace had two floors. on the second floor there were residential chambers and halls for celebrations. on the first floor there is a service room, including a kitchen. and even after studying everything on the internet, to get to the bottom of the truth, where the icehouse was located, and where the dining room was located. very difficult, i was lucky, i met roman, roman, good afternoon, so roman, i know that in
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the middle ages food was simple, what did they eat in the castle? volodya, you are wrong, the fact is that food has never been simple, at all times people wanted to eat deliciously and live well, it was for this purpose that various spices, peppers, raisins were purchased in large quantities, he was also considered. spices, sugar, well, salt was the most common ingredient as a seasoning, and pepper was different, cinnamon was also used, they used - including sage, they used nutmeg, there were a huge variety of them, but they were expensive, well, that’s how they ate only princes, high families, no, townspeople could also afford it, but as a rule on holidays, for a peasant at best it was salt, peasants salted soups and porridges, these dishes were the basis... of their diet, they could afford meat only on holidays, but the gentry indulged themselves, barely
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everything from rabbit to veal, game was held in special esteem, what they cooked on, what kind of stoves or just fires were made, there were special rooms, special kitchens, there were special stoves in the kitchens , some ovens were intended for baking bread, it is so recorded in written sources, in inventories, for example, a bread oven or a table oven, they used... the term stove, stove, stove, what a medieval stove looked like, a ceramic box lined with bricks, on in which a fire was made, but a large metal sheet was installed on top, on which the whole thing was prepared, and of course there was an exhaust hood, the chimney could stand. for more than 100 years, bykhov castle terrified its enemies, withstood more than one siege, but by the 19th century it had lost its defensive significance and gradually began to decline. you. was originally built as a fortress city, it was built by foreigners, so the culture
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of bykhov is diverse, everyone brought something of their own, to cooking too, as i understand it, that in those days and now bykhov residents eat much more diverse than the rest of belarus, right? the city was built by italian engineers, dutch engineers, in addition, there were hungarian mercenaries in the city, immigrants from poland, from ukraine, that is, in essence... in europe we had everyone here leaving something of their own. we know for sure that in the 14th century turkeys were already kept in the city, that is, this bird was already eaten. it was normal. they also ate herring, dutch, and scottish, this was also normal, these were normal table foods the average city dweller. orthodox catholics and uniates coexisted in the city, and there were jews in large numbers. it was also built at the beginning of the 16th century. permission to build the temple
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was given by the then owners of bykhov, the khatkevichs. according to the lekkenda, they owed a significant amount to a local jewish merchant, so they made a concession and allowed the construction of buildings in the city center, but they set important conditions: the synagogue must be part of the city’s defensive structures, the synagogue looks simple, monumental and laconic, as befits an ancient religious building. one of the key markers of the jewish quarter was smoke pottery. the dishes were placed in a special oven for firing without access to oxygen. if there was oxygen, it would be red.
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well, if you are a curious gastronomic traveler and want to try something delicious, especially come here during the day, which is what i actually did. it is recommended to evaluate a chef’s qualifications by his ability to cook jellied fish, and you can form an opinion about a belarusian cafe by ordering there traditional belarusian dish. there are many options for preparing it, i wonder which one will be offered to me in bykhov? we have plates of chopped vegetables and homemade sausages and dumplings. but what the sauce is made of, which is the main feature of vereshchaki, is still unclear to me. the classic version of the sauce,
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which, according to legend, was invented by the royal cook vereshchak back in the middle of the 16th century, is prepared with... village sausages, well -fried and very pleasant to the taste. instead of traditional yeast pancakes, heather bykhov style is offered with flour dumplings. great, well, the tomato slices on the plate are definitely superfluous, and the hot sauce, in fact, isn’t enough for the heap itself. what's the result? the dish
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turned out to be delicious and filling, but it has nothing to do with heather. in the sixties, the drud river was swamped and the chegerin reservoir was born, so over time, all local villages turned into resorts; the place for bart fishing was not chosen by chance. and since it is only 30 km from bykhov, i decided to stop by and see everything with my own eyes. if you still think that bart fishing is attended by middle -aged intellectuals who fish in the mornings and in the evenings listen to guitar songs by people in elongated sweaters, then you are very mistaken, people who come to bart fishing know a lot about fun, they organized a culinary competition for the best fish soup, i even got a little excited, because next to me
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is a person who knows absolutely everything about food, elena mikulchik, meet me. question to answer: is fish soup a soup or not a soup? look, ukha is not soup if it doesn’t have potatoes, ukha is fish soup, if it contains potatoes and some kind of cereal component, that is, if there are no potatoes, it is ukha, if there are potatoes, it is fish soup, even a little bit wrong, let’s spread the boundaries a little, potatoes are already allowed, but never cereal, the team participating in the competition challenged... to prepare three types of fish soup: classic, hungarian and royal, the guys are preparing royal fish soup, what is the correct royal fish soup? well, let's start with the fact that what is fish soup, oh, that's right, azov, yes, and before, fish soup was the name for any soup, chicken soup, fish soup
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gorokhova, but this is a long time ago, somewhere in russia, there are antiquities there, and not just in russia, it’s hard to believe, but it’s easy to check, by googling, i easily found information that the first mentions of soups where they were mixed broths... made from meat and fish were found back in the domostroy; there was such a dish in the list of royal dishes of the early 16th century. the taste is neutral, it is neither chicken
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nor fish. further, the church intervened here. who forbade it, finally decided that it was a demonic dish, fish was not fish, poultry was not poultry, and they divided it. ear - this is fish, chicken is separate. well, in belarus this recipe has been preserved, it’s a hunter’s recipe, in the belarusian version rooster ear is not really a rooster, it’s a wild bird, that is, you hunted, shot someone there and cook the broth, then you went fishing, caught something and you add there, and not just one type, but several, the royal fish soup is cooked in three broths, only one of them is rooster, then there is a second broth - this is from fish - black, well , which is not very good, which is drained. yes, yes, then the fish is thrown out and a little broth it is fished, then more valuable fish is added, that is, setter and so on. the guys promised a fatty, aromatic soup
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in which the rooster meat would acquire the taste of fish, the taste of the fish itself would become neutral, but the classic fish soup promises to be richly fishy, ​​with a pleasant sweetish aftertaste. the three most popular lifehacks for cooking fish soup, well, i think you need to add salt at the end. fish soup, and the other thing is that you add two types of fish, yes, this is our most common crucian carp, probably the third life hack, this is to cook not at home, here is a cauldron on a fire, here so that it is saturated, so to speak, in this forest, with the mood, the right ear, this ear with the mood, and the color of this mood is hungarian, like the third team, when there are two men like this, you will get such an ear, that’s me came up with, and i support, and nikita, hungarian ukha,
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these two incompatible words, they somehow came together, hungary is a completely different cuisine, but here is ukha, for some reason ours, belarusian, well, russian, it doesn’t matter, hungarian wow, why are you cooking hungarian today, well would you like to surprise our esteemed guests, our dear participants of the rally, with something? interesting, accordingly, we decided to move a little away from the classic russian fish soup and prepare, say, a mixture of hungarian and russian cuisine and add a little touch of france. the hungarians loved paprika with its bittersweet taste in this soup. the french - tender shrimp meat, but we belarusians - fish, carp, hake and salmon. of all the types of fish soup, without trying it, i would choose this one, simply because i really love seafood. in such an assortment of variety. all it’s simple, but it takes a long time; it takes several hours to prepare the fish soup, even the royal one, or the hungarian one. during this time
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, i managed to inspect the field kitchen of the usual participants of the bart fishing, in which at that time sausages were fried, buckwheat was cooked , and naval pasta with elk meat was eaten. i caught myself thinking. bart fishing is the only place where you want to go where it smells fried. i literally follow the smell, hello, what are you cooking? hello, it will be a porsche in a cauldron in a cauldron, yes, that is, there will be a lot of wrestling, there will be a lot, you’ve already thrown it away, it’s still meat, okay, you threw in the meat and are frying it, but is it really necessary to fry the meat for borscht, fry it and i’ll cook it, and then the bardka was going to invite his neighbors in the tents to the borscht so that lunch would be more fun, this is in such a community. a society of people where everyone is each other’s brothers, we didn’t know each other until that day, we just all go to visit each other. well, i wish you bon
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appetit, or rather no, i wish you bon appetit with your company, well, good luck with your cooking, thank you. meanwhile the competition sukhi approached the most interesting place: tasting. an important jury gathered and began to taste the fish soup and evaluate the taste of each component and their combination. how much? harmonious and seasoned, the first time i taste uka, what is it like - some expensive aged wine, or an even stronger drink? well, of course i’m being silly, because here it’s important to evaluate the taste, but it’s poured into the glass simply for transparency, for beauty, in order to see everything, i’ll remind you that this is a classic fish soup, it’s completely simple and understandable, it should have a taste absolutely simple understandable. so it is, beautiful, absolutely standard, this
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only adds charm and goodness to her. classic uh, if the standard fish soup, the classic one, was absolutely transparent, then pay attention, the royal one, due to the probable combination of several varieties of fish, it is really amber, but neither the royal nor the classic versions could compare with the liveliness, brightness and originality of the hungarian fish soup, which quite deservedly chalked up victory in the competition to her own account. well, i’ll tell you a lot of recipes for making this soup at once, how would i i see this soup exactly like this, about the unique features of the most ancient belarusian churches, the vault and we can
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occupy... before us and those who may be after us, come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer , people now a large, large crowd comes here to worship and, as it were , come into contact with the mother of god, uh, such living prayer happens here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years, look at the spiritual and educational
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projects... on the belarus 24 tv channel . agrotown. it is more than 360 years old, and the fact that it survived all the hard times of war and survived the persecution of religion is simply a miracle, perhaps one of those that it creates; believers consider this icon miraculous. as always, the icon has its own legend, it is as follows:
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prince pozharsky was riding in his wagon train. here he was riding, riding, carrying a miraculous icon, suddenly the horses stopped dead in their tracks and no one could move them. the prince thought, it means that the icon should remain in this place and gave it to her monastery. the monastery stands on the banks of the dnieper, a little further downstream of which they were waiting for me to visit. he doesn’t feed me bread, let me stay in some agricultural estate. by the way, in some of them it is immediately clear what awaits you there. there is a huge homestead, where there is everything you need for life: poultry, ducks, geese, turkeys, which soft-hearted tourists feed, i don’t understand how he can eat with such a nose, but hard-hearted ones order for dinner, well, this is a completely different story history, greenhouses with vegetables, cucumbers, peppers, radishes and a special variety of tomatoes.
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why do you think these bushes have bright plastic covers of different colors? so these are not lids, these are a special variety of tomatoes called human greed. neighbors watch from afar when everyone’s harvest is still green, but ours is already orange, and envy begins. but this one seemed to me to be the most stunning place in this agro-estate. you will not find such a stunning view in any hotel in our country. and literally in an hour, a huge number of beavers. by the way, beaver hunting has revived again in the bykhov region; you can hunt them and, accordingly, eat them. a small digression. the beaver is the largest rodent of the fauna of the old world and the second largest after the copybara. they gnaw trees and build huts. valuable once, not now.


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