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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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demonstrate even when entering a music school, i was asked to play by ear, well, in addition to the fact that i played from the notes, they were asked to play by ear, the first thing i did was play, the ensemble’s repertoire included the song vologda, i can picture for you what it looked like, here this is orenburg, where... you will hear and meet fellow countrymen, a city that seems to have combined all the best from all the russian regions where we once were, but still retained its unique face, this is truly the heart of eurasia, which beats in unison with the belarusian rhythm.
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thanks to government support , several government programs were carried out. in the field of oncology to re-equip our system, well, we received the most cutting-edge equipment, and in all oncological institutions everything one could wish for. the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of protecting the homeland. over 20 years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100,000 human lives have been saved, so this is part of the country’s national security. why? sira and mi-6, which finance,
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they arm, lead the terrorist regime in kiev, do not notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did all this, first they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns, swedes , poles, so joining nato is for sweden and not only does it not add security to finland, it makes them suicide bombers; lukashenko’s personal courage, his position saved him. the state, which means, saved millions of lives. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on tv channel belarus 24. we are with you we live in modernity, we believe that every word has a meaning, every action has a meaning, they live in postmodernity. in postmodernity , everything in the world is text, text is not important. our mistake is that we look for meaning where...
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no, it seems to me that here there is already a war of even meanings, their absence, because logically, somehow to explain why they put a man, a grandfather, who does not remember his name, at the post of such a huge state, but this is absurd if you just if you don’t set yourself up for a life of prayer like this, you’ll just feel somehow uncomfortable, monastic life it’s not just, it’s a struggle, it’s the front line, god speaks privately to every heart. watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important ones. live broadcasts from the scene,
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current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab republics emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan. lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. hello, we have a busy broadcast today, several high-profile important topics at once, and there will also be a wonderful lineup of experts in the studio, well, alexander artamonov, alexander gernovich are in touch with us right now, hello, good afternoon, greetings, if, if you allow, here’s this is the topic we will start with, fair. does it mean that today we have common enemies in minsk and moscow? i think that, of course, we have common enemies due to certain, i would say, geopolitical constants. nothing can change here. once again, i am
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completely, completely, this is not a politically correct speech, these are my deep, deep convictions for the right of peoples to self-determination. and i just welcome that belarus is coming into its own. soon they are ready to enter the territory of ukraine, as stated in more than one statement by the previous minister of defense blaszczak, and current team, there donald tusk is trying to refute something, but he meets with macron, and after that macron makes such militaristic statements, he was still at this meeting, as i understand it, so i don’t
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see why and how the west will do for belarus is an exception, if this is how he treats our civilization in general. moreover, the concept of our civilization includes serbia, which is very distant territorially, it would seem belarus, well, actually it’s russia. here's a question i'd like to ask, here's one of the most recent recent events, here's a blow israel at the iranian consulate in syria, we saw such a new turn, and in the iranian ministry they immediately announced that washington must answer for the israeli strike, very soon the news about the strike came. on the american base in southern syria, but my question is this: the palestinian-israeli conflict can become such a joker in the deck that ultimately can turn the global chessboard over, discarding, if not all important pieces, then some fundamentally important figures, and we will see that these are all the
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moments that are now arising around ukraine, around serbia, around armenia, around taiwan, they will replay and reconsider, is that how you look at it? you, like the author, of a very good book, you know, the way i look at it is approximately the name of the national strategy of russia , a geostrategic view of the future, andrey shkolnikov, my good colleague, i just think that we are really present in promoting interests, don’t think that i ’m crazy about this issue, no, great britain, which is now reconstructing its colonial empire, its zone of influence, including when the dollar leaves. and the rise of a new currency, it will most likely not be the sterling fund, and i note that this even applies to china, which means it has returned to the middle east, but if the dollar leaves the scene, the chinese may have common interests with britain, but here one must be extremely -extremely careful with the assessment of who is the enemy,
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who is the friend, and the allies, as far as the middle east is concerned, i said and will say, no matter how anyone treats israel, israel in this case, as is now commonly used. such a term: non-actor, i am now i’ll explain what i mean: israel is engaged in the destruction of the gas sector, of course, of its own accord in accordance with its ideology, but... the question of what and how prompted israel to take such actions, you will now say, naturally, october last year, the question is not this, but how the electrification of the border was turned off, excuse me, why a system that is absolutely similar to the russian fapsi shmoy atay is an 820 security system, government communications, interceptions, decryption of israeli messages, wiretapping, which is considered one of the best in the western part of the world. in fact, one of the best nsas is consulting with them with the us national security agency, they didn’t monitor anything, didn’t find out anything, weren’t in
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the know, and so on, the idea is already clear, why the question is being asked in israel, they’re even asking a little, and further, it is clear that when this conflict was raised, everyone perfectly understood how israel would react, because this is a country, an army across the border, a barracks country, there are no civilians there, it’s just that all military men and women, they are all captains. they know from the cradle that at any second a war from the next phase can turn into a hot one, because it has transitioned many times, moreover, there are three different concepts, i’m just offering everyone the terminology in my head to begin with, especially since belarus has its own relation to jewish questions, there are jews, there are israelis, there are jews, in this case, people living in israel are jews, israelis, jews, there are also a million arabs there, by the way, with israeli passports, but that’s a different question, but i i understand perfectly... how and what a person professing judaism, a jew by blood with a weapon in his hands, will do, absolutely confident,
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convinced of his right to repeat what happened, excuse me, in the era of jesus novinus, when netanyahu, together with defense minister gallant , also quotes the texts of the old testament, that is, they take it and quote it directly during work meetings, by the way, they quote it illegally, because a fire trail did not descend from the sky, and the voice of god, again, as i understand it, did not come, that is, in general this light, but... i don’t not profess the covenant, although i recognize it as a christian, but that’s not the point now: it turns out that the one who calculated israel’s steps turned on the circuit, like you turn on the tv, you pressed the button, you you understand that a certain impulse will pass, as they say, and after that the magic box will light up, the same thing here, that is, don’t go to grandma, it was clear what israel’s reaction would be, what should netanyahu, who still has personal problems with, do? justice, as far as i know, and who really does not want to leave power so that these problems are not raised by opponents, i would say that - in fact , there is now some unpredictability on
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the part of iran, because i was very surprised when israel hit the embassy, ​​and accordingly six people died a man, one of the highest ranks again after sulaymaniyah, but sulaymaniyah inside ksir, just for those who understand, was actually the head of alkuts, which is a state within a state, this is still a separate structure there, but the conversation about iran is strange reacts, iran just doesn’t want war, the question is, but israel needs it, why? but israel needs to deal with the gas sector. okay, we agreed, he will deal with him with the help of all of sakhalin, they have now given him additional fighters, the most powerful army for the middle east, everything is clear, but at the same time, attack iran, and why, even if i want the destruction of iran in the future, then there is a proof, it’s called through the third term, through something , so to speak. thing, proof that we are dealing with an external player, here is an external the player wants a conflict, and you are absolutely
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right in the middle east, it suits him, the palestinians and what they can do, nothing, of course, how hamas will react is again clear, but hezbollah can, hezbollah, because it is entirely under the control of the irgc, can enter iran may or may not enter into conflict, iran may react, let me remind you that the data is little known in russia, which is actually the affected area. iran is 650 km away, this is the area of ​​​​responsibility of the iranian missile forces, but in fact they have confirmed hypersound, it’s just confirmed that it there is, china has not confirmed it, they have it, but no one has seen where they used it, the test site, but iran has it, iran is still responding, as i understand it, through the kussites, it will be very interesting how iran will proceed further, in response to this provocation, for some reason iran does not want to respond to it yet, it will respond somehow. in this regard, i will say one thing: the redrawing of the world, the borders of the world through the middle east,
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most likely, the most likely scenario in my eyes is with an outflow, with an outflow of a certain, well, let’s say, tension number one, that is the reddest zones from the ukrainian steppes to the middle east, not because i want or don’t want something, because i observe very well and see what is happening in turkey with the great turan project, great... what is armenia, suddenly, let 's be surprised together, it turns out that armenia is still in the sphere of interests of the vatican, the habsburg family, and quite unexpectedly macron, and where is macron, where is armenia? but macron states, i am now quoting macron’s speech on channel 1 television by two french journalists, bernaro alyapi and his colleagues, journalists, so bernaro boulot and his colleague were deceived lyapi, lyapi, frenchwoman, and so, macron declares, declares at the end of march, russia is bothering me, she is destabilizing directly from
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the french, i take the tracing paper in, listen carefully, moldova in... the caucasus in armenia even clarifies in africa. it’s interesting how mr. macron views geography broadly. it turns out that a knot has been tied in the caucasus in which the interests of all major players are represented. france, by the way, is the second nato country in terms of innovative technologies. türkiye second in terms of cleanliness of the army, and in terms of technology , france is the second country. and now it turns out that these, all these loaded guns, they won’t fire. well, due to the fact that, after all, we are talking to you and someone. regarding the belarusian-russian rumors, i will say the following, well, in this case we are monitoring the situation, if this breaks out in the middle east, we are naturally interested in supporting iran, because there is a trans-highway route, this concerns belarus, and quite actively, because it is a single transport system, it can which causes a lot of tension in
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western europe and the usa, and makes this southern main route completely unnecessary. naftka, beauty, there is also a russian oleg novidsky with belarusian roots, we are waiting for them this saturday, their return, it turns out that they are bending us to the ground, and we continue to look at the stars in every sense of the word, it is not symbolic, i think , that this is very symbolic, i think that this is our constant vector, and that
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we have such a strong a technologically savvy and literate population, such an engineering school, so... we really, despite all the difficult conditions, will create something that the americans cannot do, despite hundreds of billions in the sense of the word, because they never built a rocket power stop, even they can reproduce the royal rd-180 engine to our drawings, and indeed, i am sure we will explore both mars and the moon, especially since there are agreements with china on this matter, in this case, regarding belarus and its role, and i will note , yes, ways may be slightly different, but even within the unloved, ardently unloved united states.
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in a couple of minutes with the guests in this studio, stay with us, we continue the program, alexey dermont, vadim borovik, andrey lazutkin are with us, i greet you, well, this is the time that surrounds us, what time we live in, which means an attack drones in yelapuk, a batch of hexogen hidden inside icons, just think about it, they tried to put 70 kg of explosives in the icons.
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happened before, but this factor also probably causes not direct impact, but such spotting in the form of terrorists in exactly this way, that is, by indirect actions, hybrid methods, to rake in the heat with someone else’s hands, to create some kind of saboteurs under the guise of belarusian nationalists, although they will naturally be controlled by western intelligence services, that is, to show that no, no, we don’t directly want war, but in reality they will fight with such vile methods. andrey, what do you think? look, we watched a good movie. yes, that means that we can say from the form to the content, that is the form is like this, for the common man it is serial, so a piece of information is given , they return all the time to the old heroes, then using simple examples they show that
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yes there is a military threat there, there are complex things, but there are simple absolutely stupid methods of recruitment, as they find people, and if a relative from ukraine writes to you for some reason, asks for some contacts from you or passes you on to someone else, you don’t need to work and communicate with him, this is the simplest thing that an ordinary person needs to endure, geopolitics is far from our citizens, from many, but... these are simple, everyday things, they are understandable, and it’s all in a very accessible, sometimes even playful form, well, such entertaining counterintelligence, and what is very important in content there was, that is , here is a man who blew up tanks on obama, and our citizen committed a terrorist attack in russia, he said that they gave him, which means the organizers of 6.00 dollars for carrying out this terrorist attack, the tajiks in the cityhole circle received about the same amount there 5 -5 dollars in conversion, that’s the question, who pays the same for essentially the same... actions, this is not direct evidence, but if you add 2.2, it is clear that the operation must be planned, if you have many such operations, a certain budget is laid down for the commission of each such act, so this is one
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of the proofs of the trace in the city hall of ukraine, this is very important, there is military tension, a terrorist component, but we also understand that the information and psychological operation is becoming tougher, immediately after the crocus we saw how telegram was flooded with messages addressed to our schoolchildren about committing terrorist attacks there. that even pavel durov had to get involved, i don’t know how truly effective this method will be, but on the other hand, without it, without this tool, it won’t work here either, the fugitives do not hide the fact that funding is being cut, but at the same time they admit that for tough programs for financing money will not be spared, that is, you need to keep in mind that from all sides they will try to find a weak point, well, you need to understand that such a terrorist attack, if it is carried out in belarus, conditionally yes, it will not be popular, not at all what will not affect, some kind of hanger is needed, that is, organization.
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that is, to pit ukraine and russia against each other, this was the first stage, i said it 100%, it will not be a short-term operation, 90% of russian experts said that this would all
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happen very quickly, i said 100%, the task is to delay it, so they provided weapons step by step , the task was to involve the russian federation in this process as much as possible, the first stage 100% of the united states implemented its plan, the only thing that they did not manage to collapse the russian economy like a house of cards was it would turn out that the russian federation is quite effectively carrying out this operation in the context of the fact that they were able to mobilize resources and managed not to undermine socio-political stability. the second stage is necessary, now the task is to involve europe, so it is nonsense, utter nonsense, if someone thinks that the americans do not have enough money to finance this company. they will pay 2.3 trillion dollars in the next 10 years only to veterans of the war in afghanistan and iraq they spent on the war in afghanistan several trillion.
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declares europe is going through the pre-war era, well, how was it, it means that the journalist asked if war between nato countries and russia is inevitable, the answer is: we have not faced such a situation since 1945, i know that this sounds destructive, especially for young people generation, but we must mentally accustom ourselves to the new era, we are in the pre-war era, this is how things are set up at all, which means look, there was always the word in the beginning, any decisions, also the gay community.
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both from macron and from tusk, from sides of a number of other politicians, but we must understand that the anglo-saxons have a main line, the task is to preserve it. the only way to maintain global dominance is war in europe; is europe ready for war? europe, unfortunately, is not fully subjective, the principle of divide power, that is, a number of politicians can be involved through a proxy war, through the involvement of only a number of the army, the army of europe, then others will catch up, that is, the task today is to shake up the situation as much as possible, to bring it situation until the russian the federation passed the socio-political instability task so that they could not press the nuclear button in the future.
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today it is necessary to clearly indicate that if today the russian foreign intelligence service could prove that the united states directly organized these terrorist attacks, then it would be necessary to do the following: declare that in the event of repeated actions on the territory of the russian federation , the strategic reaction forces will be brought to full combat readiness in in the event of repeated actions, the outbreak of a nuclear war is possible; there will be no other option while we fiddle with in europe, they will wipe their feet on us, our economy will be crushed, and everything may come to this, because
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socio-political instability, like... you know, there is such a hepotitis with a gentle killer, it little by little takes over the body, structures are destroyed, for now, the russian internal troops and so on are able to contain the situation while the economy is working, but then all this can collapse in a snap, so we need to be very tough in this matter, demonstrate strength, determination and at the same time directly demonstrate a threat to those who are interested in this, alexey valerievich, how seriously should we take the words of the same tutsk, well, they talked about macron earlier, so for now... for example, well, if there is such a saying, if someone wants to kill you, believe him , yes, in this case, if someone talks about war, then you need to believe in it, indeed preparations are underway, yes, we must not forget that the mood in poland is different, that is, the poles for the most part really don’t want to fight, we need to work with this, including telling the population of poland that we are not we want you too, they just want to make you the second echelon of cannon fodder and throw you into the territory
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of ukraine, but... we don’t want to, well, they won’t believe it, these are tough people, predators, who then don’t do something when they see that they can get a serious rebuff, and we show them, we have something to answer, and we will answer, despite our, in general, peace-loving, we will listen to the president, who is talking about this, after all, we are now also digging the ground, like they are, very close to the border, only our goals
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are completely different. there they dig trenches and trenches against tanks and so on, they increase spending on strike weapons, but here we allocate 2/3, 2/3 of the region’s budget to social. about the unique features of the oldest belarusian churches, the vault, we can notice the development of the gospel plot, in particular
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the moment when jesus christ is taken down from the cross. about the great power of faith, faith in god, including faith in yourself - the fact that god can be ignored. this kind of living prayer is happening here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this place for two thousand years shrines, look at the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel,
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the belarus24 tv channel presents, food has never been simple, at all times people wanted to eat deliciously and live well, a project that will show... the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now let the world change, share before and after, the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, and well, well, in belarus this recipe has been preserved, it’s a hunter’s recipe, duck in a pot is worldly reminiscent of a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also introduce the tv viewer to the history and traditions of that...
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there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus, watch every sunday on our tv channel, about poland, that is, this is part of such a general- information company. which is now going on in europe, it’s all about ammunition, so at the first stage they put everything they had there, now we need to buy new supplies from the americans, public opinion is being formed around this, after the last ramshtein, who was there a month ago, i went the task is to form this opinion through this constant fear of war and they
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will most likely let people down because we are increasing military spending, belarus is reducing it, it shows that we are building clinics and hospitals there, and they say that because it will supposedly be war means we need to produce and buy ammunition from the americans, this is all about this, they repeat it like parrots. but the situation is extremely dangerous, you need to understand this, we are on the brink of war, unfortunately, so that we don’t scare anyone, it’s natural that lukashenko is absolutely correct, aleksandryevich, that if we are weak, and as lyosha says, we talk only about peace, but do not
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demonstrate the ability to respond, then naturally they will come here, they will be the first and will act harshly, but nevertheless less, in addition to these influences of a forceful nature and demonstration of force, it is necessary to maintain a very...
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attitude towards europe, but europe will be pushed towards another set of american interests , including the conflict in ukraine, so the french want to snatch glory, they want to snatch the opportunity to influence the situation in negotiations with russia, but why do the ukrainian side and the anglo-saxons, who stand, among other things, behind the gur and the ukrainian elite there, need this, so they do not want a new entity with which russia may come to an agreement faster than with the curators.
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negotiations and ukraine will not fully benefit if the parties are forced to lose their sovereignty, but part of the territory may fall under the zone of external control, even if ukraine simply retains part of the sovereign territory, but there will be foreign troops will be present in case of some kind of economic situation. expansion, development of territories, now a fund has been created for ukraine for the restoration of ukraine , there is already a queue of those countries that are defining for themselves the sectors of economic restoration, and what restoration means, it means taking control of business entities, enterprises and subsoil. another quote, look, we hear alexander lukashenko, who, on the one hand, denotes this fundamental position of ours, that we don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give up ours either, we won’t want to hear.
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where to start, because you can start with the funny in the form of the fact that there is no dictatorship in ukraine, you can with the fantastic about how belarus and russia will soon be reorganized and restarted, so choose... what will you answer, such a right, well these are generally ridiculous statements, in fact, you are right, to some extent, a country cannot fight and support some kind of democratic institutions in matters of the media, governance issues, there is direct presidential control, a strict dictatorship, and if we take into account that this control is still taking place
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from the outside, yeah, the main actions are carried out on orders from washington, then we can’t talk about any kind of democracy, belarus in this case is an order of magnitude. demonstrates democracy to a greater extent, we will now hold the vns on the 24th-25th, in belarus there is much more democracy and what the anglo-saxons have on their minds is stupid in their language, so he says that despite the comical nature of this figure, the person is quite evil, judging by to what he says and how at different times, and he says that here is the script for belarus and russia there must be a restart, this is what we alexey valerevich should pay attention to, of course. plans don’t change, well, ukraine, i agree here, our enemy has success, ukraine is under control, most of it, but the main prize in this fight is russia, and how to get to russia, after ukraine belarus, that is plans do not change, they need to take control of all of northern eurasia,
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accordingly they will further move towards this goal, our task, you understand the plans, their to prevent them, naturally, i would generally play ahead of the curve, but...
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the world’s politician will not give you a 100% scenario for the development of this situation and the outcome of this situation, but our task is to do everything in order to still survive as a subject of international law , i mean the space of a union state and return ukraine to the fold of our foreign policy in the
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context that this should be a zone of peaceful cooperation, that is, we should still consider ukraine as our partner, this is what the president spoke about, when they laid flowers with vladimin vladimirovitch. history, what is the president so skillfully selling, but it must be added that the lowly in this case is the greatest lowly in history, since such
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things are weighed out, well, they are all political strategists, that is, these are the people who really, as it were, now in ukraine determine what kind of... then there ’s the immediate politics, what is he talking about about... the union, in order to simply collapse it, this is the american plan for the next 5-10 years, a podaliak, well, a merchant, of course, that is, they are conducting exactly this kind of constant talk , what’s more, it’s a brazen talk, they’re putting pressure on their sponsors who gave them yesterday...
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people are tired of it, secondly, because zelensky has competitors in this business, and thirdly, because the united states is obviously switching from one ends of the earth to
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the other end of the earth, look at the general director of the german concern ryan metal pepper, in an interview with financial times, he says so, and he’s not talking about europe, but conclusions are drawn in kiev. if europe faces the threat of war, the us will not come to its aid, this will not happen, the us will no longer is focused on the asia-pacific region than on... this is what i was talking about, that is, the german military-industrial complex is turning on, he is talking about money, give money, we will produce more tanks, macron fusses, says: no, our military-industrial complex is more it’s ready, it ’s french, it’s already loaded, we produce everything, it’s the germans there who depend on the americans and so on, that is, they understand that now they need to snatch it, when america is busy with other problems, snatch leadership, this is, of course, money, yes expect that as a result.
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they didn’t try to talk about it there, fortunately we regularly talk about what is being done, and highlight the problems, the tasks that exist, and the achievements that exist. ukraine is very important because the way things happen there directly affects our security issues and one of the main issues now is that last sunday, according to the ukrainian constitution , they were supposed to have presidential elections, and zelensky canceled them citing martial law, but there is nothing about this in the basic law... the question of legitimacy hangs up, it turns out that in may the deadline, you can call it that, in
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the unsubscribe to the series servant of the people, it expires, here the question arises, we see how zelensky is already beginning to protect even the closest, close circles, not only the military, will sit he is in may, they will give him the opportunity to survive this period or or there is, i want to finish what my colleagues said, i am 100% sure that the usa. are not leaving europe, the main line will continue, regardless of whether there is trump or biden, the united states is not leaving europe, so that everyone understands, and the pacific campaign will run in parallel, so here they will maintain their own spheres of influence, how to say, regarding zelensky, of course, there is such an original option, here in the constitution, firstly, there is a conflict in the constitution, on the one hand , if he continues his powers, he has the right until... the election of a new one continues, on the other hand, in the event of a military conflict, only the rada can continue its powers, but the president does not have such rights, in theory he should
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hold new elections, knowing the love of ukrainians to the internal political struggle, and seeing how today, even during a military conflict, very different political groups make sharp statements, and somewhere some political ones... there will be a politician who is supported by washington, today zelensky is supported by washington, washington gives money and europe,
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including sanctions from washington. understand, everything is much more complicated, washington is playing there today. in europe the first violin, and there is no need to be naive guys, think that they are going somewhere into the pacific ocean, they are the operation was brewed, they organized it all, they are the main beneficiaries and there is no other option other than a war in europe today to preserve the dollar and control the international financial system, today , objectively, the chinese economy has already taken first place in terms of purchasing power, but it can come out on top in first place for the coming decades, leading us economists are already talking about this, they need to restrain us a little, there is a forecast for ukraine, who is the main competitor today for greening?
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who will replace him when this happens, here this moment is so unnerving for him, because really in the fall or there in a few months they can say: well, that’s it, your time is up, a new person joins, the same lost one returns, nothing prevents him from returning to the ukrainian political system, washington’s decision, you go, what any politician today who throws down the gauntlet to washington in ukraine will simply be eliminated, that is , it is quite possible that a specialist from the us embassy spoke with zaluzhny. 15 minutes and he agreed to everything, that’s all, that’s why it’s being decided today, and not on the street, i’ll say that of course, the task, in principle, of zelensky and all of this top leadership is to stay there, they will do this in any case, even to the detriment of the interests of the americans, and this is a conflict that is noticeable today, but regarding whether to recognize or not to recognize, yes, this is a reason not to admit it, but we need to focus on the russian position, the russians indicated this
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before the elections, that is, putin said that he was full drunk, his nose was full of tobacco, what did that mean? that on the internal contour of the ukrainian zelensky suits us quite well, his personal qualities a weak leader, who will continue to lead there, on the external circuit we will talk with the americans, that is, you as a subject do not interest us at all, that is , this is essentially the line that will be further implemented in relation to ukraine, for example, in negotiations, that is, only with the americans, karl santacker came, they told him that, again, we are not discussing only ukraine, there will be a big deal there from china to iran, belarus and everything else, we will discuss this all together, this is our security, only after that we will accept some kind of peaceful solution there.
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in the new world they will have a slightly different position, including within europe, now about this, imagine the post-war world, and so that we are not weakened there, have everything for... development in this new post-war world, yeah, votwich, if if i’m not mistaken, you were talking about maintaining diplomatic channels, well , colleagues, first, make sure that we resolve issues correctly, the most useful politicians and public figures for the union state are those who can correctly to criticize, which do not always hurray, hallelujah, indicate problems, then development occurs, here we have two concepts that constantly competed within the framework of the union state, there is nothing wrong with that, different views. one concept is the concept of absorption, it was voiced at the highest level, the second concept is a union of two sovereign states, thank god, for the last couple of years we
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have clearly indicated that we are on track, maximum economic cooperation, political, cultural, but development two sovereign states that, within the framework of this honest union, a union state, make each other stronger, this is a more attractive model, which is a centripetal force. in the future, as alexey says, after the end of this conflict, this turning point in the international, we will be able to become an attractive force in the territory of our sphere of influence, and today we must carry out such work so that our partners, despite the sanctions, despite secondary sanctions against partners who are with us cooperate, had the prospect of understanding the prospects for cooperation with us if we ...
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