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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 9:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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this is the main broadcast, hello, we live in difficult times, and this means, more than ever, discipline, internal, state, is important, the president will say this repeatedly this week, and we do not want war, but in order to maintain peace, we need to prepare for it, this quote from the first one also spread across the media, while the west is on...
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on the main airwaves. if about the economy, then with guests from the oryol region, if about tasks, then with the new vertical of power. if about social issues, then with the residents of grodno. if someone comes from there and criticizes us, you know, we do it’s right if trouble starts praising us there. category: first time, like the whole week, is not only about creating, but also about defending your country. neither i nor you personally matter in comparison.
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the terms are already over 25 years, lawmaking promises to be active, the house of representatives with the chairmen of the commissions, the council of the republic with a new composition, a fighting spirit, we will cope with any tasks, who will represent our interests at the supreme national assembly, and how will it differ from the past? let's ask the chairman of the central election commission. the all-belarusian assembly took over the function of electing judges of the constitutional court. at the forefront of everything is food. interview with the minister.
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this is the only way, enduros are not afraid of dirt, this is an order of magnitude more difficult than previous races; a motorcyclist competition was held near volkovysk. the real summer heat at the beginning of the week seemed like nature’s april fool’s joke to us; such temperature swings can confuse anyone, farmers, for example, but be that as it may, don’t blame the weather too much. complain about sanctions and work for results, this is exactly the guideline the president asks. and on a trip to the grodno region, later, when coordinating new personnel, alexander lukashenko tries to convey a simple idea: if we don’t work hard in all areas today, we will die. the competition is tough, the times are difficult, it dictates the most important thing to the allies of belarus and russia - to strengthen cooperation and cooperation. order beats class, the president will say, meaning that with discipline we can do more. much depends on the team at
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all levels; a good team and a clear work system are an important advantage when you have to fight for a place in the sun, for markets, for victory. the team does and our journalists were convinced of this on the ice, who followed the head of state all week, they even learned the secrets of the president’s ice squad, the time of the first on the main broadcast, nature performed real miracles on the turns this week, sometimes it was hot, sometimes it was snowy. at times, it seemed that the weather was such that it would be possible to harvest the crops in may. in fact, the sowing season is only gaining momentum. the relevant minister will tell you that we have started work in all regions. weather
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sowing is favorable today, it is necessary to increase the pace, because we don’t know what’s next, moisture, moisture is the most important influence on the harvest today.
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they force us to look differently and move in directions that we
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probably hadn’t even looked at before, so central asia, china, these are now our main partners, our main customers, with whom we move and actively find a common language, personnel. we are still waiting for a sensation, there are a lot of rumors in the corridors of power, everyone is talking about it, but for now the first deputy head the presidential administration encourages new managers. before the president, a meeting is needed, a good mood, this, of course, will clear the atmosphere, but it should not confuse, the new personnel and the president’s approaches are tough and this is no secret, so the anxiety before a conversation with the head of state among appointees in the local vertical is not only ... .to work as never before, despite the difficulties, not we have everything for today
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only one thing is enough, discipline, but we know how to do this, order beats the class, there will be discipline and order, they will be... compensated some shortcomings in other areas, discipline begins with oneself, you understand this just by looking at the president’s workplace, everything is clear, from folders with documents to a thermos of tea, with discipline we can do more, and in general you won’t get anywhere with the same approaches at this time, president demands results, showing off will not work, it leads to a trail of problems and wrong decisions, we need this, our government is tough, it’s not good when someone criticizes you especially.
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except for weather surprises, just as the western beauties didn’t make a fuss, the wind doesn’t matter i did everything for the prison, the reason for coming to grodno, the beginning.
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of course, but order in medicine is already behind khadzhaev, there was no helicopter money here, so don’t expect it, but whoever works will always be like cheese in butter, above and beyond...
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everyone, by the way, has their own recipe for good luck, you know, hockey players, like other athletes,
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are opinionated people, so some people, without advertising it, tie the laces in their skates, starting with the left skate, yes, some go on the ice with their right foot, some wrap themselves only in white tape, some... then black, that is everyone has their own tricks, but i repeat once again, no one ever advertises this, it’s just such an internal process, the head coach talks about the atmosphere in the team first, the secrets of preparation, without a thorough... warm-up and serious equipment in this sport there is nowhere better than the sharper the blade of the skate, the better the speed, the stick should be an extension of the hand, and the game of real men consists of little things. in a team next to the first, we can only be the first, so this is a huge responsibility, we all understand the passion the president’s energy in this game, in every match we go out in order to win and not let the president down, believe me, in this team it’s... it’s staged, but it’s an active
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warm-up, what the men in the hockey locker room talk about, the president’s teams, everything here conversations, almost always in a good, positive way, someone jokes, someone tells funny stories, someone secrets, someone something else and that’s why it’s like this here... and it’s easy for him, everything is here focused on results. that's it, good warm-ups, come on, guys, let's go for the title of champion of the republican hockey league, this time the president's team fought with the minsk region, here is the first victory of the final.
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even greater passions are unfolding in the championship of belarus. well done, unexpectedly handsome, so if they withstand such pressure, then the metallurgist may give up, well , lose, he will not give up, the game will be unpredictable, such tenacious. it seems that everyone who followed our cosmonaut’s return from heaven to earth experienced unearthly emotions this weekend, the emotions are the heaviest, because it was a sleepless night, i watched live from the docking from the pieced-together device,
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we were worried about when your children would be born. if you understand what it is, what a citizen of belarus and a citizen of belarus are in space, of course, my responsibility is that god forbid anything happened, it’s all your fault, so of course i’m glad that everything happened okay, i watched it several times these shots are live, i’m very pleased that it’s all over, i thought to myself, well, i won’t play this game again, such a sincere reaction from the president... it’s understandable, because behind every victory there is always a lot of work, whether in space, in sports, in life, labor is sweat, but we need such victories, and the team decides, the urgency
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of the geopolitical moment does not weaken, confrontation is growing in the region and the world , tension is serious ... what does sovereign independent belarus mean to us, we must protect it with our labor, blood, sweat and our lives, we must protect it, of course, god forbid, we all want to live, we don’t want to die, perish, but in order not to die , don't die, you just have to to work, we need an economy,
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i emphasize again, in order to have a normal economy, we have everything, enough of everything. well, we need to work honestly, but now i propose to dispel one well-known myth: remember, the western media liked to say that belarus is a rogue country. yes, but here too, to put it mildly , they got into an information pool. belarus is expected to join the shanghai cooperation organization on july 4 in astana. thus, this summer our country will become the tenth full participant in this representative initiative. sco - unique the organization, in many respects, resembles a block, but... in fact, it is neither a military nor an economic bloc. the sco is a large-scale system for coordinating interaction between powerful players. a regular meeting of the secretaries of state of the organization’s security councils took place in eston this week; it is held at least once a year. we spoke exclusively with alexander volfovich, secretary of state of the
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security council of belarus, about its results and the potential of the sco. alexander grigorievich, why is it very important for belarus to join in this unusual... belarus took part in this event as an observer country at the invitation of the kazakh side, for which we are grateful to our kazakh comrades, but i hope that this is really our last meeting when belarus takes part as an observer country . in july, at the summit of heads of state, i hope that an end will be put to the procedure for admitting our country to the membership of the shanghai cooperation organization.
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almost immediately after we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from german-fascist invaders, this is very symbolic, we will become the tenth country, uh, that will join the shanghai cooperation organization, and as i was told, the first in alphabetical order, which will head the shanghai club, this is also probably symbolic, so belarus is really a follower all the points that are being discussed were discussed today , too, and that’s true. supports all these initiatives that are put forward by the shanghai cooperation organization. today we discussed, firstly, as usual, how the situation in
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the area of ​​​​responsibility of the shanghai organization is practically practiced, an in-depth analysis was given of the modern challenges and threats in the field of international security that threaten humanity today, but this is, first of all, the most important, probably the threat that worries everyone today, this is international terrorism, extremism and separatism, what they are trying to fight today. many countries, the second is countering drug trafficking, drugs, drug distribution, of course, today one of the modern threats is threats in the field of information security, cyber threats, this was also touched upon and discussed today, all these problems and solutions, most importantly, making decisions to neutralize these threats were discussed today within the framework of the meeting of secretaries of security councils, and the shanghai organization, you started your question why is it that it is truly a unique organization, and it is not a military-political... bloc, but this organization, nevertheless, develops decisions on issues of security and stability in the area of ​​​​responsibility of those countries that are part of the shanghai
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organization, and the shanghai organization, despite the fact that today it includes 9 countries, but it unites almost 65% of eurasia and 25% of the entire globe, and the population that makes up the shanghai organization is 4 billion people , this is practically... the authority of such international organizations as the united nations and the osce, therefore the shanghai organization is truly unique, it is efficient today, it is productive today, it is open to interaction with all international platforms and structures. our country has confirmed its status as a space power. the first female cosmonaut in belarus returned to earth. the flight of marina vasilevskaya is a huge step in the development of
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domestic astronautics. for 12 days the whole country watched the flight of our heroine. and we watched with bated breath the landing of the soyuz ms-24 spacecraft. the first, most sincere and genuine emotions in our space report from the scene. experience, he returns to earth and how the union burns, marina and the crew saw it, they assure cosmonauts, what a spectacle, you look, everything is on
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fire, but this is generally not inside a fire, but this is inside such a plasma cloud, it is bright crimson in color, the casing that lights up, it comes off from the descent apparatus, rushes past the porthole, this is cool , and did you also know how to dig? for good luck, they won’t wash their face afterwards, that’s it, come on in, they say, this is a dedication, if you’ve been here once, you definitely need to dedicate one like that, smear your nose, and i saw your marina here, yes, now we are too, and also , well, who doesn't i’ll want to try on that same spacesuit at the landing site, without the spacesuit it weighs 8.5 kg, in it, by the way, marina can still fly and fly, if she had the desire, and her figure is still the same, we can’t say for sure that she was the first to try it on the ground, except for a sip water marina vasilevskaya, but
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pickled cucumbers. oleg navitsky had lard from belarus and bread, as well as apple and birch juice, our journey from karaganda begins at dawn, we have to set up a field camp, where...
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our film crew left on the night from thursday to friday, 10:00 road, and not the simplest one, there were floods and swampy terrain, we even had to pull the car out of the cabin, in a word, everything that the rescue services were prepared for. the half of the area where the descent module can land is separated by this river, which is full of water today. the field camp where we will spend the nights is here. and while we were watching the starry sky, expecting to see the international space station, there, 400 km above, the hatches between the ship and the russian module of the iss dawn were closing. the tightness was checked by two more days earlier, at the same time they recharged the satellite
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phone of the village. the equipment lived, undocking awaited us in the morning. 6:57 minsk time. there were really a lot of descent scenarios, standard, non-standard, when these machines would then be connected to the water, blue birds that can move on water, the option of approaching the union was considered in order to pick it up and pull out land, they were also ready for a ballistic descent, but everything is in order, very... beautiful, and another one of those accompanying our film crew, who is very fond of minsk, promised. alexander, there you have it it’s written behind me, i know the shortcut, the shortcut won’t work today, probably it will work out, why do we always only take shortcuts. we will definitely meet marina vasilevskaya, and the very first ones at that, it so happened that marina vasilevskaya, oleg navidsky and laurel ohara were taken out of the capsule to
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the applause of the belarusian. as if there were no 12 days on the iss, before the launch on a reserve day and two days of travel, then another 3.5 to the ground, these are the same daisies that we carefully watered at +20, all these long hours of waiting for a meeting with our marina in the steppe. belarusian only with flowers, so we brought them to you with daisies almost 24 hours on the sepi, you got there much faster today, this is for you, thank you very much. thank you, everything is fine, everything is fine, the emotions are incredible, expectations, of course, exceeded themselves, because what i saw with my own eyes is something unreal, the earth is so big, powerful, strong, i wish all the people on earth that so they valued and took care of everything that we have, because it is
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incredibly beautiful, obviously. tired, but in fact, she worked conscientiously in orbit and experienced all the sensations during landing, the entire flight program was completed in full, a special board delivered the star crew to the star city, belarusian flags, loaves and a sea of ​​flowers, colossal loads on the body were behind, after two weeks in weightlessness, the muscles need to get used to earth's gravity, the more experienced oleg novitsky carefully supports. russia and the hero of russia and marina vasilevskaya, citizen of belarus. is there a more obvious example of closeness, fellowship, cooperation. seven experiments in 12 days, detailed photos and videos of the ground, a number of works related to manned space exploration, lactoferin, and
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the main thing... this is all a test of technologies interesting to belarusian and russian scientists, they cannot be tested on the ground. this is interesting data in the field of microbiology. and human health, you know, the impact of a microorganism, space on microorganisms, these are food products, very good, in the team, she was well trained, so she was completely at the limit, carried out all her experiments, experiments, yes, but the academy sciences reported that the experiments were completed, yes, yes, they helped as promised, well , naturally, it was planned and was necessary, in any case, i helped, the guys helped, oleg novitsky has four space flights behind him.
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designed to work in foreign markets, where you need to be more active, constantly look for new partners, and not wait for some kind of discount for hard times or for the state to help, it won’t be easy, and those who agree to leadership positions certainly
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should understand. be able to take yourself responsibility and being involved in all processes as much as possible - this is about the leaders of the new formation, especially since, economically speaking, the situation is developing well for us, while god...
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the territory of the plant, where industry was once in full swing, remains an abandoned area, it passed into the hands of the minsk technopark, but the pace of reconstruction of the buildings sagged. presidential instructions: we need to speed up, but not crowd out existing production. how things are now, checked by our quality control. this, the new generation of minsk storks, you need to feel the sit down, well, more precisely become, no, well , you still have it, yes, yes, yes, order on electric charges and spreading their wings by the creator, here is your example, which travels
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like the birth of this child , bikes and bicycles, our passport, but the inside is foreign, nothing of our own, whose headlight, headlight is chinese, headlight, shields, shields, too, like... iron breathed the belarusian soul, the instrument panel is made by the vitebsk electrical devices plant, the rear shock absorbers are supplied by grodno. dull industrial landscapes in the center of the capital. it’s not the ground you should dig into, it’s the winter you should enter with these walls. which technologies have not yet been built in the country? installation is much faster and cheaper. and of course, we check. how are the speed shifters configured? lighting, turning. so wait, quality control will promote the topic of whether it’s worth reinventing the wheel, this is a model of the minsk motorbike bike already with electronics, definitely not the same storks that
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flew around soviet yards, it can work as usual according to the principle: you turn the pedals and go, or without effort on the battery it’s done like this, and it turns out that bicycles are still... it’s worth inventing, getting acquainted with the new september, driving, as in childhood with a youngster, the first belarusian electric scooters under the aist brand, hundreds of chicks have already landed on the counter, and... even russian ones, we are testing two models with you at once, tell me what is the difference between them, well, i see the seats in one place, that ’s right, the difference is in this model, the power reserve is 35 km, that’s the maximum speed of 25, on mine the maximum speed is 25, power reserve 25, what speed are we going now, it’s 7 km, yes three modes of operation, minimum eco 10. from
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the belarusian temple and pendulum scooters this year will present their own batteries, well , we have rolled out the minimum speed, let’s give the maximum, and how the speed changes, press the button twice, this is it, two of us, even three of us we rode on one scooter to... check whether it would hold up in the end ; we were happy with the final result, and satisfied, because, well, the birth of our first child. before releasing their first-borns, they found weaknesses in their competitors. mainly chinese. storks will have a stronger skeleton, wheels with water protection, and a more reliable battery. the laser scans how the finished frame meets the parameters and draws a 3d model. the error at the moment is 0.5, that is, it is not particularly high, but in terms of speed. it is scanning that is quite
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a high-level system. what was the finished product like 2 years ago, and is it as original as the factory stated? analysis into details from the president during his visit in 2022. what’s wrong with that? your own, idea, lineup, gathering everyone components from various manufacturers. nothing of our own. whose headlight? chinese headlight. shields, shields too, engine, engine. chinese, chinese, i like your assemblies, as in the country as a whole, they are sitting here, we must do our own. now there is much more belarusian stuff sewn into the dna, almost thirty components from 15 of our enterprises. the instrument panel is made by the vitebsk electrical appliances plant, the seats are made by the osipovichi automotive accessory plant, the front panel, the amkador belvar headlight. front fork with shock absorbers are supplied by the finox group of companies. and fairings. the heart of the motorcycle,
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the engine, will soon also have its own. so, they are trying to introduce domestic components into all products. so, the basis of bicycle wheels used to be purchased in china, but it’s much more profitable to spin them yourself using their own raw materials. and the accuracy will be checked by machines. tightens the spokes so that it is even, so that there is no end runout and radial runout, this will be done automatically. then the wheel is thrown away and used for shoes. they assemble almost shoulder to shoulder, on one side there are bicycles, we put the chain, then the wheel, on average it takes a minute, one and a half, on the other hand, motorcycles, the pendulum is placed here, the front shock absorbers, each line has its own quality control role, we check here how the speed switches are configured, how the brake is configured, so that it all works. .. properly, now we are checking the operation, the cornering lights,
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the gear number is displayed on the dashboard and we are checking, of course, the brake, well, figuratively speaking, all systems are working well, all assembly lines are now awaiting relocation, the site next door is under repair, what’s inside , that outside, the area around motavel is almost a separate microdistrict, once all these buildings were factory buildings, but after that only a dark spot remains, and that’s almost... they will be ready to accept about a hundred residents, from large industries to small businesses, different not only the scope, but also the profile, yet the emphasis is on logistics, so that the partners, the links of the same chain are closer, this whole plan, when it comes to life, this year we are introducing quite a lot of buildings, here is the u-shaped building, here is the building .
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there was no company in the country before and the newcomer is her own builder; their metal walls are assembled like a construction set. first, we make the profiles themselves, then the company prepares the wall elements from the profiles. installation is much faster, secondly, it is cheaper, and thirdly, thanks
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to these technologies, a building can be installed at any time of the year. what does she receive as a resident of the technopark? company benefits for beginners for the first 5 years without income tax, they can import equipment duty-free, in a word, without a barrier, get on their feet and make a name for themselves, and it’s easier for others to create when even the walls are saturated with innovation. vladislav bunder, sergey matveychuk and evgeny korobov are responsible for quality. agree, with the onset of the warm season, we are increasingly thinking about vacation. tourism, traveling within our country can literally be a breeze, all thanks to the fact that roads are becoming better quality, and new highways are being built in all regions of belarus. we maintain and develop the status of a transit country, which means that the international highway is a strategic issue, which has been built and reconstructed in recent years
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more than 170 km of republican roads with cement-concrete pavement. today, one of the most popular highways is m3, minsk-vitebsk. as well as p-53 road in the direction of zhodino and borisov. the city of lida is also becoming more attractive logistically. a bypass road is being built around this regional center. on the concrete case for broadband highways. our reporting at high speeds. the first construction equipment appeared in the suburbs of lida a year and a half ago, before the road worker. there was a difficult task to build more than 4 km from scratch modern highway with bicycle paths, the area here is swampy, so it was necessary to dig pits up to 7 m deep. the complex of earthworks has been completed in full, road pavement is being installed,
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asphalt concrete pavement has already begun to be laid, pedestrian paths and bicycle paths are being installed, construction is being carried out in several stages according to the state road program of belarus first. and the most difficult one, just over 4 km, plans to complete about ten more in the near future. the project will relieve lida from transit transport that goes to the border with lithuania and improve the environmental situation. from the grodno region we are heading towards the central region, where strategically important roads are also being built. r-53 newsmaker route along the path to the mound of glory, then the capital city of sputnik smolevichi, then zhodina and belas, followed by the beldzh plant, and also the borisov football arena, in a word, a destination in demand around the clock.
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season in the fields, workshops and laboratories of all regions of the country, general director of the scientific and practical center of the national academy of agricultural sciences, sergei krovtsov, can travel more than 1,000 km in a week, the spc includes six institutes from gomel and nesvizh to mogilev and brest, you need to visit everywhere. just a year ago, 2 years ago, the road from zhodino to minsk took me an hour, can you imagine, an hour, and before. the road section was so bad that if two sections were completed, it would be reduced to a maximum of 30 minutes. one of the objects of the spc seed selection complex is located near zhodino near the p-53 highway, fields with wheat, rapeseed and others crops on both sides of the road. the scientists’ equipment will be able to travel everywhere, for this they dug
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a tunnel, and used the old asphalt from the construction site to backfill their own field paths, a master’s approach. the road service came to meet us halfway. m3 is one of the key roads that not only connects minsk with vitebsk. there
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are intensive tourist and cargo routes here, moreover, this is the direction to the northern sea ports of russia. the wide-band concrete road on the section between lagoisk and pleshchenitsy is already 40% ready, well and in the spring and summer, builders have their own afterburner, concrete-laying equipment begins to work. we can already calculate the time period from 25 years, well, about 12-15 years, here we can have an economic effect from approximately the same financial investments, it is much higher, we are starting the active construction process, up to this point, we were mainly doing earthworks, yes they are for the most part. have already been completed to ensure safe and comfortable traffic conditions in this area, the construction of two transport interchanges is envisaged, one of them
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will appear in a place that is well known to belarusians and many tourists. the turn to khatyn is a special place on the way to the m3 after the opening of a new museum in the memorial complex, the flow of tourists has increased, a two-level interchange will appear here, it will be more convenient to drive up to the restaurant, while the famous moment itself will remain in its place. let's return to the p-53 highway, where, after wintering, a mobile concrete plant is being prepared for operation; an object with a solid track record over 9 years of operation, it has brought a lot of benefits in different regions. he took part in our construction of the second runway at the bolbasovo national airport, the runway was built, the minsk ring road was built, we went to st. petersburg, helped the russians build. at levashovo airport last year, we still have about 13,000 cubic meters of concrete mix left to lay here. the entire section
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of the route from smolevichi to zhodino is taking on its final shape and is preparing to meet novosyolov, motorists and passengers. the road has already taken on its four-lane shape; it remains to be completed, well, literally just over 2 km of cement concrete coverings, prepare, and carry out road improvements. and it will be possible to prepare the road for water use; all artificial structures are almost ready, and we are talking about three overpasses, three transport interchanges, a transport tunnel for agricultural machinery and four underground pedestrian crossings. the r53 will remain our focus. this year , its reconstruction will continue on the section from zhodino to borisov. construction of the m10 highway is also starting. "will also be subject to modernization." 46, she, part corridor towards st. petersburg. on the main broadcast, alexey kondratenko, yuri
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kornilovich and grigory kristafovich. this week , the house of representatives chose those who will be at the helm of the standing committees for 5 years, the chairmen of the deputies. the choice seems easy at first glance. what is important here is not only education, but also professional experience, the ability to organize like-minded people and the desire to bring something of your own.
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our country is planning to join brix, so i think that this is a combination of belarusian parliamentary diplomacy the creation of a dimension of parliamentarians in the sco and development in brix is ​​a very timely and important task. when plunging into any, preparing any draft law, it is important to see the practice, it is important to see the problems, hear the people who raise these problems, interact with...
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we will imitate these principles, which will ensure our independence as much as possible in science, technology, and no matter what. the codes are individual, which we have been working on, will not be washed away. the new composition of the council is also in place republic. senators from the regions were elected at meetings of deputies of local councils at the basic level, from minsk at meetings of the city
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council of deputies. after keynote speeches by candidates and public discussion. candidates were held by secret ballot. the central election commission will sum up the final results on april 9; the country is also continuing the election of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly, which will be held on april 24-25. how will the upcoming national assembly differ from the previous ones and how will the date of the presidential elections in belarus be determined? ilona volynets asked the chairman of the central election commission igor korpenko about this. igor vasilievich. so, he was elected in the country. the new composition of the council of the republic, how did it all go, because the procedure itself was absolutely the same in all regions, eight members of the council of the republic are elected by each region of our country, including the city of minsk, and eight members of the council of the republic are appointed by the president of our country, this is how we held the elections , in all regions the corresponding meetings of local councils of deputies of the basic level were held,
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we are scheduled to hold a meeting on april 9 central... the country must decide before april 10, in your opinion, how is it going, how dynamic is everything and will we have enough time? judging by the information that we have, including thanks to the media, everything is happening quite dynamically, in accordance with the calendar plan that we have approved and the legal norms that determine the election procedure. in total , 290 people will be elected, this is everyone from all regions, and 60 deputies of the minsk city council deputies will automatically be delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly, in addition, 400 people are elected from five structures of civil society, each structure at its highest governing bodies, either this is a congress or this is a conference, depending on the charter, and will elect 80 of its
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representatives as representatives.
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of the republic of belarus, well, besides this, when the constitutional reform was carried out, and we and the concept of national security held a referendum, the task was set by the president to redistribute a number of powers, including a number of powers from the president to transfer to other government bodies, in particular. the entire belarusian assembly took upon itself the function of electing judges of the constitutional court, the supreme court, the chairman and members of the central election commission, including these considerations of these strategic issues, the decisions of which will be dealt with by the all-belarusian assembly and those decisions that will be made will be guided by and president and other
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government bodies, we will carry out everything belarusian people's assembly and that's it, you can relax, but... we still have a presidential campaign ahead, that's what concerns the date of the presidential elections in belarus, holding a single day of voting, forming both houses of parliament, electing... make a decision on calling elections for the chamber representative, in accordance with this decision , the central election commission will traditionally at its meeting approve the calendar plan of organizational and technical activities,
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the process of forming relevant commissions will begin, the process of nominating candidates, their registration, and , accordingly, the conduct of the voting day itself, everything is traditional, in general, there have been no such big, significant changes in... thank you very much for the interview, please, mass sowing of spring crops without corn, buckwheat and millet are growing in all regions of the country; the early spring with warm weather this year allowed farmers to start working in the fields almost two weeks earlier than in the past. however, this week the pace has slowed down slightly due to rain and even sleet in some places. agricultural organizations are now applying mineral and organic fertilizers, preparing soils and actively sowing. what has already been done and how much harvest we plan. take this year, our correspondent svetlana lukinyuk asked the minister of agriculture sergei bartash about this. sergey ivanovich, hello, this week the weather, in my opinion, surprises us, because
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we saw snow from +25 to -1 even at night. in general, this somehow affects, say, agricultural work, makes some adjustments to movement, maybe graphics, here is the spring field work, temperature changes absolutely do not matter. and today the crops that we planned to sow, we continue to sow, are more influenced by weather conditions, rainy, today there is precipitation and a little snow today, therefore it is holding back the technology, because moisture, waterlogged soil does not allow us to increase the pace, we have reached those favorable rates warm days, 5 percent or more in certain regions, which we would like to maintain, but weather conditions have held back a little, in general it is already before each company, probably, before every agricultural year , some plans are set. what guidelines have you set for yourself this year, what will we strive for? well, of course, we must collect at least 9,100 grains, provide our sugar processing enterprises with sugar beets, we
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must collect 5,100, 5,200, we already have experience, we have already achieved good results from last year. rapeseed 1,100 is a regularity ; production volumes should be 1,150, but the most important thing is to ensure this today. livestock feed, 32 ttner of feed units per conventional head, we must ensure that this will enable us, firstly, to preserve the topographic herd. today, it is clear that we have problems with feeding, this is precisely because of the quantity and quality of feed, and those weather conditions , today a favorable early spring will allow us to enter feed procurement earlier to ensure this volume of feed procurement, and of course, sowing corn is not left aside.
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not far from this figure, 77% has been sown - this is the minsk and grodno regions a little unfortunately, gomel region is lagging behind . mogilev region is reaching a certain pace. well, the vitebsk region, the northernmost region, will be completed, as for other crops, they have already started sowing flax intensively, literally, if not for these weather conditions, the brest
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region, sevlina, would probably have completed within a week, they have started sowing sugar beets, they have entered intensively in this work , the grodno region, in general, generally needs to complete the main northern one until the ninth, taking into account corn, on may 9, so that we celebrate the holiday. worthy, well if there is something left somewhere, these are insignificant areas after harvesting winter crops for green fodder, where it will be necessary to sow corn, but for the work to all go smoothly, of course, it is important that there is equipment.
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quantity. yes, there is a slight lag in general; flax also has sufficient mineral fertilizer, slightly lower than last year’s level, but overall we should reach last year’s level, well, another, probably important, question remains, which is the personnel involved. today, more than 2.0 are attracted from urban areas. enterprises, organizations, machine operators who are involved in the sowing company, also this year we attracted our youth, students of higher educational institutions, about a thousand people work in agricultural enterprises of the republic and participate in the spring sowing company, of which about 200 who have a driver’s license as a machine operator and work on our belarusian energy-rich equipment , including, of course, so that the equipment...
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is not damaged in the first place to combines and other equipment that are involved in cleaning, we are carrying out this work, in general it is clear that some breakdowns happen, is the work of any mobile teams organized, how long does it take in general, if something breaks, then everything should be ready, this is a day, an hour, 2 days, it’s clear that there are different breakdowns, there are different breakdowns, but during the day almost everywhere is fixed, firstly, there are service centers of our manufacturers serving enterprises, well, on local farms there are teams that...
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ursula is a golden pen, again in business. the enterprising german woman has once again become person involved in the investigation by the prosecutor's office. vonderleen demonstrates miracles of greed and resourcefulness. those who are ready to testify regarding her dirty deeds suddenly die, and the evidence miraculously disappears right from the office phone. a trail of scandals has been trailing the current head of the european commission since his previous position. it is ursula who is behind the degradation of the bundeswehr. in 2014, when she was defense minister, due to a lack of equipment, german soldiers were forced to use brooms instead of rifles in training, the new she managed to get into the pocket of literally every resident of europe. details in the screenshot section.
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nepotism and corruption, two pillars of the western elites, so, for example, someone who does not have a weighty dossier in the white house a priori will not be able to enter the ruling circles of europe. jarcek. an example is the president of the european commission, ursula fondern. generally a unique case. the lady manages to stand on two pillars at once and combines business with profit. her husband, heika hector, comes from the german nobility. why are ursula’s ancestors in the square? cheers-comrades never shouted. so, watch your hands. since december 2020, haika has been the medical director of a biotechnology company that was developing a vaccine. for a month, the european commission has worked tirelessly to secure doses of the vaccine. tomorrow we are concluding a contract for the supply of 300 million doses of the vaccine developed by biontech and fizer. this is the most promising vaccine to date. despite the conflict
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of interest, or more precisely because of it, she became a lobbyist for the fizer vaccine. by her order the european commission has concluded a series of contracts for the supply of miracle potions. several billion were paid from the total budget. doses of the vaccine were purchased so much in advance that the total volume was three times the population of the european union. the prosecutor's office is investigating fondelaien. it is already shrouded in strange circumstances. member of the european parliament michelle rivasi, who was supposed to present a report on the corrupt connections between ursula and the feizer company, died suddenly of a heart attack. german and in general, european political elites are not...
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such a negligent attitude towards her outstanding biography; the lady’s track record of corruption scandals is rooted deep in the currently stagnating bundesfer. few will remember, not everyone will understand, but back in 2019, she was the german minister of defense and was remembered in her post only for her work as consultants. a professional gynecologist, which is our heroine, managed to expand the number of analytical structures of the german army in an unnatural way. chinese sage, confucius, so here he is i said that it is very difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there. during the audit of the bundestag , it turned out that in 2015 the german ministry of defense spent 100 million euros on external
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consultants, while just over 2 million euros were reported for this expense item. in 2016, the ministry spent 150 million euros on consultants, saying. 2.9 million euros. attempts to bring ursula to clean water were accompanied by a mystical loss of evidence. the information from her office phone was miraculously deleted. at first they told me that frau fondelien's mobile phone had not been found and no one knew where it was. a week ago we were told that he had been found, but only frau fondelien would know the pin code. and yesterday we were given the corresponding mobile phone for the period of investigation, but the data was deleted. sula golden hand, although a prominent representative of the western establishment, is far from the only one in his category of corruption, when they say that everything is bought and sold, they first of all measure it by themselves. chancellor scholz, case kumex, assisted evade taxes. his wife brito left the post of minister of education
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of brandenburg, unable to repeat the history of underland's successes with dead souls. head of the latvian ministry of defense karinzh, the use of special flights for business trips. minister of justice. lonet rented an apartment from pasenok at the expense of the state. in lithuania, he walks with his wife to musicals at the expense of the state. morovetsky's wife was caught in real estate speculation. in 2001, the us secretary of defense announced that the pentagon would not be able to account for $2.3 trillion in transactions. senior un officials in iraq spent more than 20 years extorting money from the company for contracts to rebuild the country.
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well, as you can see, the teachers of the still legitimate president of ukraine are worthy, but how did zelensky cancel the presidential elections, why are the arguments sewn with white threads, the usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, how they spit on the constitution and ordinary ukrainians, when an actor’s mandate ends, why from the team do they even throw it away? true friends, in clear politics the whole alignment of arbitrariness on the bank, watch it on monday after the panorama.
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thus, the site of a vibrant and adrenaline-filled
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competition over the weekend was the spent chalk quarries in the volkovysk region. the spring starting stage of the next enduro for seasons championship took place here. endura is something like off-road motorcycle racing and overcoming obstacles, both natural in the form of stones from fallen trees, and specially constructed structures made from log tires. competitions in the belarusian maldives, that’s right. call these careers, amazed by tenacity athletes, the creativity of the organizers , the beauty of the landscape. now the number of tourists in this region will definitely increase, and this is another proof: sport works for the image of the country. well, how else can you endure, withstand, endure and be sure to get to the finish line? watch the atmospheric story right now. logoisk,
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silichi, polotsk, even the territory of belarus in the film, where the stages of the belarusian enduro championship, better known as phos seasons, took place near volkovysk in exhausted chalk quarries first. i have traveled about 8,400 km here, over the past 2 months i have probably lived here more than in minsk. then 12 years ago, of course.
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for 2 months of living practically in field conditions, evgenia and alexey, with the help of a team of like-minded people, cleared away the rubble with their own hands, designed a route, came up with obstacles, and built a stadium. we have never had such terrain before, it is an order of magnitude more difficult than previous races, so i think that these are new and the tires are large, hard, and also new. for seasons in endura - this is a unique belarusian brand, competitions.
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i live by technology, i love speed, i love extreme sports, and i was involved in karting as a child, so somehow, well, adura is more affordable, because motorsport budgets are hundreds of times larger, we translate endura as endurance, tolerance is obtained, every time it’s just you are fighting over yourself, trying to overcome yourself, to bring something, something new, well, as they say, while the years allow, this is actually a very big reset from all the everyday life, from work, from everything, you just come and... that’s how you felt? athletes, their families, fans, just amateurs, already a month before the start, hundreds of hotels were booked, settled in the area, who are with nature, right here in the tent camp. in the first place, the priority is participation and the finish, and the finish, well, the finish will be in any case, well, victory is ours, well, for sure. the endura championship has five categories from
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professionals to those who have been in this sport for a short time. the level is different, the obstacles, respectively, too, but... but one thing remains unchanged fact: if you need help, everyone will help. well done, he’s coping, yes, our man from our city of smolensk. so, he fell, sat down and drove on, everything is going fine for them. he’s waving like that, that’s it, you need to see the eyes, it ’s good here, you can sit close to the spectators, dad, dad, they take off their glasses, they take off their helmet, their head is smoking just like a motorcycle, here they have, well, the emotions are even more sincere , even more so, well, just like you know, in a good sense they turn into animals, which are all he
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is fighting for 151st place there, but he wants overtake this 152nd, drags. fixation on oneself - well, in general, it’s a treat for the eyes and of course character appears here, that is, this is a sport for people whose character is okay, many people dreamed of overtaking this guy at a distance, the level of the stage under volkovysk, really the tops fought for victory of this sport, but if for some the focus is solely on first place, then for the largest category , those performing in the open hobby class have one goal: to get there, get there, crawl to the finish line and... this is already one big victory, first of all over myself, well, bomb, of course, i was going there, i’m not in the forest to the right, so bomb, i just knew that i wanted to get to the finish line, finish, get a medal, well , i still want a medal, because you’ve already made such a journey and somehow give up, i understand that it’s better to get there. by the way, if you are still complaining about minsk traffic jams, then take a look and learn from the patience and endurance
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of our endurists. very serious, real, not like in the city. where did so much come from? okay, okay, let's go, if there were fewer people, it would be easier. hundreds of videos, streams, and photographs have already scattered across the internet. endura has a huge audience all over the world. op, a bright, uncompromising sporting fight between man and motorcycle against the backdrop of breathtaking views of the unique landscape of the belarusian nature. isn't this the best advertisement for any tourist route? 100%. this certainly opens up.
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gledachy, the courtyard was very changeable last week. in the past there was a sharp smell, apatka of different intensity, snow, wet snow, rain poured across the entire territory, indicating the wet weather of the winter. nearby and on weekends, the yard was full of fire. what's the longest time to work on a thousand years ago? and this is where we
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get to know each other. well, let’s begin the tradition by looking at the world’s natural anomalies. rassiysk orsk is in good condition the dam on the ratsa ural did not flush out the water, nearly two thousand ladies were flooded and more than 3 thousand land plots were flooded. chalavek, pavodle atsenak ulad vada z flooded terytory sydze not earlier, chym pautara-two thousand. sledchy the committee unpacks the criminal law on the articles and the rules will be subject to care and negligence. in california , there is a storm of heavy rains in the aceans. mud flows from the hill above the highway and drilled drainage infrastructure. and we washed out the road, and in the end , 15 thousand men were born into the pastures. the authorities allowed the pain, but the autamabilists had to move only in the same palace, on the part
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of the road. vadzitselya asked to explain the route. according to the engineer, the pack is not i realized how long it would take to do the repairs. a storm is brewing on the canadian calendar. yong brought wet snow and wet weather from the regions. schools and gardens were not punished for inappropriate behavior. more than 300 thousand ladies were left without electricity. thousands of specialists were affected by the additional power supply. since many motorists have already taken off their winter tires, the authorities have called on people to take advantage of the city's transport and leave them at home. the recent sales have started to coincide with the fall of australia. zalіўnyаў i the impact of wind at sydney international airport has introduced several levels of air travel. the garadian dachshunds stumbled behind... the locks. the authorities of megapolis called upon the zhikharov not to leave the ladies without extreme necessity. papyaredzhane ab stormy courtyards on the dry land of new
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wales and parts of queensland. there are constant floods there. according to forecasts, the agular flow of the apatka will exceed the height of 20 millimeters. and in some areas there are several costs. a record number of forest land was recorded in venezuela. z packet of the year national institute of kasmichnykh. this is a record-breaking campaign for the past 25 years, between them, in just two days in the myastsovsky national park of anry pitsye, the herders have been mobilized for more than four hundred violent people, thousands of people have accumulated to fight against the elements, behind they started flying. three heads died in an avalanche in the swiss alps. tragic incident happened in the popular ski resort of tsermat, people, yakiya... seemed to be on the way of the snow masses, they were wondering for 45 people, they were able to recover , the outbreak of new avalanches is all the same care for snowfall and wind. and
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now we are preparing the necessary forecast for the future tomorrow for our neighbors and for the territory of belarus. panjadzelak has a beautiful eight-storey building on the roofs of central europe , with cloudy and clear courtyards. at times there will be even different intensity of activity. a strong rainfall of snowfall, short-hour rainfall is observed in the regions of western europe, rainfall and weak fogs, rainfall and kilometer. and all over the edges of late-night europe, the yard will be gloomy, you can walk for a short time for hours it looks like snow and wet snow. the faint fogs of bachnasts and kilometers fell. most countries in declining europe will experience mild downturns throughout the world. the courtyard will be cloudy with faint clearings, faint fog, clouds and kilometers. panjadzelak has a beautiful woman in berlin +15.20. without apatka in warsaw it's 13 and 25 degrees cloudy without apatka in kiev 10:22 with signs plus it's cloudy without apatka
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in vilnius it's hell +11 yes +20 it's not going to rain in ryga +7 +13 it's raining here in talina +6 +13 taxa rain near st. petersburg +8 +13 doshch prodzhe і here at maskve +10 +19 taxa s dazhom u panyadzelak eighth beautiful city in belarus the courtyard will be designated as an area of ​​high atmosphere tsisku ў vynіku ya ўplavyu stan peravazha it's cloudy with a clear yard 'e. there are no real apologies . unachy + 7:12, in the afternoon +16:20. the wind temperature in the cloudy centers near grodno is slightly cloudy, without frost. the wind temperature is initially +10-14, in the evening 12 and 23° above zero. near brasce it is cloudy, without rain , the temperature in the wind is 11-14° at the beginning plus, during the day hell is +13 and +23. gomel is mostly cloudy without clouds, the wind temperature is +9-10 at night, 12-21 degrees above zero during the day. magilyo is cloudy, without apak.
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the wind temperature starts at 8-9, during the day it reaches 11 and 20°c. in vitsebsk it is cloudy and the wind temperature is +18 at the beginning of 9-10. the capital of our country has cloudy, non-falling temperatures and the wind temperature starts at 7-9. udzen hell 12 and 20 degrees tsyapla. we change the pockets on the rack, during the period of active spring migration the birds will pierce the holes for the getag. the season is ruled by all the birds. first: immediately the gray geese and poultry appeared, then the nesting of pollen squirrels began to nest for months. pakul on the way and home, sala'i, ivalgi and strizh. as soon as the bright day becomes even more intense, it is not necessary for us to feed the birds. lepsh amataram nature dbats ab new zhylli for flight spevakov. in the garad parks and forest areas of belarus there are educational eco-houses, which
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will be used in the same village.
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ashy geese and books were the first to return in the winter, followed by nesting for months pollen spacks, tows on the road and at home, saltworts and volgastrips, except for the hay birdhouse.


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