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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 11:45pm-12:16am MSK

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there were no doubts, it was probably written out at every stage how to control it, 30 years ago, at one time, the government made the right decision to keep the entire system of this control in the state committee for standardization, that is, this is the development of a standard with certain requirements, stated characteristics and necessary tests, then meteorological control, that is, assessment for...
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most often monitoring such measures to identify non-conforming products from retail chains in order to identify dangerous species products, if necessary, and not to mislead the consumer, this is a comprehensive system, which was created in the state committee for standardization, provides traceability, control over all technical safety and quality characteristics throughout the entire chain of product creation. probably the last such clarifying question: the state regulations are being finalized, including on food products, are these also some kind of innovative stories or are there some other reasons? within the framework of the eurasian economic union, in 2023, and adopted two main such documents within the five. this is the procedure for developing standards,
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canceling standards, the procedure for updating standards, the so-called procedure for coordinating issues on standardization, and the second document is the procedure for checking the scientific and technical level of the standard, that is , this second document is a five-year review of existing requirements, because development is underway, digitalization, new test methods, new... requirements for certain indicators, especially with regard to safety, accordingly, it is necessary to introduce these requirements are included in the standard; once every 5 years, all, absolutely all standards are reviewed in order to introduce the necessary new tasks into these standards. lena mikhalovna, thank you very much, everything is simple, how much we love you, good luck, especially in this year of quality, we really have it.
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and while she is preparing to come to our studio, let’s go, together with the correspondents of our project, to the very heart of quality control in the gosstandart laboratory. tv channel of questions, but we will ask them to your colleague, belarus 24 represents. the food is just never.
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a lot of fat, and also to acquaint the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area . the stove looked like a medieval stove, a ceramic box lined with bricks, in which a fire was lit, but a large metal sheet was installed on top. in the 18th century, the gypsy baron, jan martinkiewicz, built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate in a gilded carriage.
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is the process of marking the state border, and what kind of process is delimitation? you can count here only on your own strength. 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be 1 0 0 0, it doesn’t matter how many zeros there are, but at the end there will be eight and we have 1 + 8 = 9 and that’s what went far, simply, in short, you can. please tell me what you are going for with a game that will not leave anyone indifferent? i chose option b, i don’t know such a bird, but... i know a rifle, which at the beginning has a postscript in latin letters whitefish, oh, how observant, his subject matter, this is all military, he’s well versed in this, look, intellectually an entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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whether the quality of mobile communications is good, whether the noise of a working drill is too high , how energy efficient the washing machine is, all these indicators are checked in the laboratories of the belarusian state institute of standardization and certification, creating real conditions in which a person will use the equipment. we are located at one of the sites of our laboratory, where we evaluate the electromagnetic compatibility of technical means, which consists of studying electromagnetic radiation that forms various equipment, electronic, vehicles, industrial equipment, as well as research
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on the resistance of this equipment to electromagnetic radiation that we create, for example, we can generate signals from base stations of cell towers, television towers and check how some of... technical the product will function under the influence of these signals. for example, today they are testing the operation of a mobile operator’s antenna and measuring the radiation pattern. for example, in the horizontal plane , the antenna radiation pattern should be 60°, that is, a 360° circle overlap is provided by six antennas. if the radiation pattern goes beyond these limits, this situation may lead to unstable reception on the mobile phone and interference. and in the neighboring laboratory at these minutes. tests the noise level of the hammer drill so that the equipment is safe for the consumer. here the walls and ceiling are equipped with sound-absorbing material, including the door. here we install noise characteristics of various equipment, for example, hand-held electric
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tools, such as hammer drills, screwdrivers, drills. based on the measurement results , we determine compliance or non- compliance with our standards and the need to use hearing protection. not only. noise and how, for example, washing dishwashers are capable of efficiently discharging electricity into water are also tested in one of the bilgiz laboratories; researchers test one device for 5 days. this is important for the consumer, an indicator washing efficiency, if we are talking about washing machines, if we are talking about dishwashers, then this is an indicator of washing efficiency, an indicator of drying efficiency, that is, how much moisture remains on the load elements after the wash cycle, and how much dirt is on the load elements after the wash cycle . in the next laboratory where our film crew was allowed in, it is always quiet, but literally hot. here, experts test plastic elements of household appliances,
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for example, switches located under dangerous voltage for fire resistance. a situation in which this plastic ignites is simulated. within combustion, after application 30 seconds. should also die out within 30 seconds, and, accordingly, drops of melting plastic falling on the paper itself should not smolder during the same time. this sample did not pass the test, but a children’s dress that has already been tested for breathability in another laboratory may go on sale. this is necessary so that air can circulate between the baby’s body. clothes, this will help to avoid many dermatological diseases and maintain the child’s body at normal temperature . children run around very often. do not sweat, and if the material does not breathe, the child will sweat, he will get sick and this is very bad. another extremely important indicator is hygroscopicity, the ability of a fabric to absorb moisture and retain it. before testing, we keep our samples in certain
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climatic conditions for at least 24 hours, then we put them in special cups in oxidizers in which the humidity 98%. and this is how we endure. after that we take them out, weigh them on scales, and after that we dry them and weigh them again, then by the difference in the moisture that has dried, well, we have dried, we find out how much hygrosity there is. not all shoes, both children's and adults', can pass the strength test, and of course, under no circumstances will clothing go on sale if heavy metals are found in its fabrics; testing requires the experienced eye of researchers and, of course , special equipment. you are looking at the project science series, we continue to figure out how belarusian manufacturers manage to produce.
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i’m telling you, today we understand the science of standardization, which allows us, when buying a product, not to think about its quality, because low-quality, thanks to scientists and specialists in this industry, simply will not end up in the store. in our studio there is already the head of the assessment department for compliance and licensing of state standards, olga ivanovna, hello, please tell us about certification, because if the product complies with the state standard, is it necessary at all? undergo certification, and what is it? in order to enter the market of the republic of belarus, products must meet
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established requirements. the most rigorous and independent procedure is the certification procedure. it goes through several stages, evaluates production, production stages, system management, personnel, testing capabilities, raw material capabilities, and based on the results of certification, a certificate of product conformity is issued. in addition, on the territory of the republic of belarus there is a decree 800.49 of the council of ministers of the republic of belarus on mandatory confirmation of compliance. this resolution contains a list of products imported into the territory of our republic, which must undergo mandatory certification procedures or declaration of conformity. products that are produced and imported into the republic of belarus within the framework of the eurasian economic union, even if they are manufactured according to gost standards, must undergo confirmation procedures. that is, something low-quality is sent to the store, i would even say, does not correspond to any of
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requirements in our store, it definitely won’t, it definitely won’t, we still have a whole national accreditation system olga ivanovna, let’s talk about it in detail, because well, there are a lot of terms, so we need to explain everything and understand everything. accreditation - what is it and what is it for? the accreditation system is not a new system in the republic of belarus, it originated in the early nineties, gradually developed progressively, and by 2010 it reached its peak of development, yes, but now we are simply promoting it further, improving and developing it, in order to confirm the competence, impartiality, reliability of the conformity assessment results, and there is an accreditation.
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currently, in the house of representatives, in the first reading, the law on accreditation in the national accreditation system was heard, we separate it from the law on conformity assessment and accreditation, in accordance with the instructions of the government , a new concept of the law on accreditation was developed, approved by the head... into bodies for certification of products and services and bodies for certification of management systems,
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these are also separate bodies that carry out certification of management systems at our enterprises. in addition , in our republic there is an institute for proficiency testing providers that has been actively developing over the last 3 years, since without a proficiency testing provider we cannot talk about the reliability of the results. based on the results of comparative treatments, some laboratories are compared with others. and prove that they can achieve the benchmark result in the country in general, we have a quality program in place from 2021 to... 2025, actually, there’s already a year left, the next one will certainly be there, so let’s talk about what’s in effect today in more detail, you touched on such a large link as the quality program , but i would like to note that such a promising development project for the republic of belarus as belarusian quality has existed for more than
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20 years, and comprehensive programs aimed at improving it have been developed for more than 20 years. quality, targets are set indicators, import substitution programs are being developed. today , quality issues are reflected in several global republican programs, this is the program for the socio-economic development of the republic of belarus until the twenty-fifth year, this is the government action program until the twenty- fifth year, in the development of these global programs in order to improve product quality and create an advanced quality infrastructure deputy prime minister. quality program 2125 was approved in 2020. the quality program provides for many different sections. this includes standardization, accreditation, and business excellence. and the most important section is improving quality in industries. section 4 of the quality program, which prescribes the formation of comprehensive development programs for our industries. all
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government bodies carry out the activities of the quality program, which with... the final stage of establishment will be the assignment of a state quality mark, which will happen for the first time in the republic of belarus, well, presumably in november 2024. this is the insight information for us, presumably in november, thank you very much for taking the time, coming to us and telling us, talk about improvement, then it’s even better, although, as it seems to us, it’s already much better, but we believe you , there is still room for improvement, especially in the year of quality, and my colleagues will now continue the topic of the state
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quality mark, which was established precisely in january of the twenty-fourth year... the corresponding decree was signed by the president of our country. let's watch the story. in 1967 year, a competition was announced in the soviet union for the best design of the ussr quality mark. among thousands of different proposals , the legendary pentahedron, developed by scientists from the all-union scientific research institute for standardization, won. it became the basis for the first quality mark - independent belarus. a group of designers worked on the sign; initially, since they were young and creative, they tried to take the side of some modern trends, they tried to offer other forms of implementing the sign, if to talk about the total number of proposed designs, taking into account the color design, there were probably about a hundred of them, but nevertheless
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, we managed to slow down the youthful ardor a little and we localized about three dozen... signs that were included in the concept of the design of the soviet quality mark. five options reached the final discussion at the highest level. they are all generally similar to each other, but in the end the most laconic red pentagon, where every detail matters, won. each edge is an indicator quality of products, namely products. this is our safety, our environmental friendliness, manufacturability, innovation and aesthetics. now let's go back. inside the sign. well, obviously, the country of origin, the lower arrow-shaped element is the stability of the enterprise’s quality system. this means that the enterprise ensures the production of consistently high-quality products. and the inverted letter k itself takes on the appearance of scales, as again a symbol of quality that has passed control in all respects. there is still an exact
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list of requirements that will presented to the manufacturer for assignment of marks is formed. but it is known for sure that it will be rewarded. it will not be the enterprise, but the specific products that are produced there. the best advertisement for any product is its quality, as scottish entrepreneur thomas robert dewar said. around the same time, in the first third of the 20th century, henry ford uttered the legendary words. quality means doing it right, even when no one is looking. well , the following lines belong to the russian classic lev... half-hundred: if you do something, do it good, but if you can’t or don’t want to do it well, it’s better not to do it at all. later. practically nothing has changed, that's what the philosophical plane of this topic concerns the technical component of quality control, of course, a lot has changed, and a lot,
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as we found out today, has changed thanks to science. nikolai nikolaevich, participant in the battles against the nazi invaders. since the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai
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nikolaevich, commissar of the second battalion of the gomel militia regiment, carried out a lot of political educational work among soldiers and commanders. the militia, together with units of the red army, courageously defended the city of gomel. august 18. in 1941, the battalion led by nikolai kuntsevich repulsed two enemy attacks, during one of which the commissar rushed forward with an exclamation for his homeland, for our victory, and carried the soldiers with him into a counterattack. he died in the same battle. in 1944 , nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war. first degree posthumously.
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and our metro compares favorably in general, probably, with many structures that it is clear, organized, comfortable , fast, convenient, anyone. an employee is always tactful, polite, but in general the team is very good, friendly, my experience working in
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the press services of large structures is already 13 years old, for 8 years i was the head of the dsaf press center of the republic of belarus, worked in the central council of the dsaf, so i’ve been working in the local committee for 5 years now. i came out of journalism myself, then there were printed military media, i served in the far east, in kamchatka, i was also a correspondent, organizer , head of a department, after that there was also work on military television, was first deputy general director, dash editor-in-chief. you may be a little surprised, but for some reason i always believed in childhood, in adolescence, that journalism is , in principle, the prerogative of girls and women, somehow it seemed to me something not very serious in terms of not such a job for a man, just to understand it. i was interested in military journalism, but it is generally connected with work in various military teams, if you take it, here i am at a military school, my direction was
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airborne troops, i interned in the kaunovo airborne division in 1985, i was very successful in journalism, i was supposed to be published in the newspapers of the airborne troops, but it turned out that the fate of the villain is so to speak, that already in my fourth year of graduation i was given distribution only instead of four people. they gave only two people to the air forces, it turned out that my friend, there were four of us friends, and my comrade, this serozhal, he worked at the headquarters as a clerk, worked part-time, and he quietly signed me up for the navy, talked to the officers about how people don’t get into it, so that we could all communicate more together, that’s it, literally 2 weeks before graduation i already changed my uniform, had already passed the airborne troops, received a naval uniform, you everything went straight from the ship to the ball, so to speak, the navy, and some time after graduation, when we had already shouted for the last time, at that moment the ringing of copper was heard, because everyone was holding
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coins in their fists. and just once, we all let go and the ringing of coins, that’s it, it’s simple the spectacle is magnificent, so we lined up on the parade ground, walked through for the last time, read out who was going where, all of a sudden they immediately told me that the airborne troops, we managed to get married before that, literally in a week we got married, had a cadet wedding, everything, and then we got together with my wife and went to the far east, the main task of the press secretary, here is the press secretary of the minsk metro... is to ensure the information security of the enterprise, well, they also say, in the sphere of public relations, that is, without fail i i study during the day, in the morning and in the evening, i study various media, what publications there are about us, what publications about transport, everything related to this, well, probably, efficiency, reliability, accuracy are very important for the press secretary, especially in teaching that information, when what happens -
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an incident in the subway, it ’s an organism, well, it’s impossible to avoid, that is , it happens that someone becomes ill in the subway, it happens that somewhere a person gets in the way, so we need to save him, that’s when such information comes, well, i one of the first, management and i, we receive this information about what happened in the subway, in order to be a good press secretary, i think you just need to live the life of the enterprise, the life of the entire team, i was lucky that when i arrived, we were just about ... and i was one of those who was tasked with making a book about the minsk metro, thanks to this i traveled through all the services, met all the heads of services, with the teams, because i photographed them and partially prepared some information about them, with all structural divisions, with departments, sectors, laboratories, that is , well, in fact, in six months i became acquainted with most of these key metro figures, after 5 years of working in the mensk
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metro, in principle i know... this work is in the print media, by the way, i myself i still haven’t sheathed my pen, i write weekly, every week in the newspaper transport safety, this is a republican newspaper, i write two pages about the minsk metro, about its people, about events, even cultural, social life, sports, that is, well, everything is production-based first in terms of course, well, it’s also working with the site, i fill the site with information and
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photographs, the departments themselves, which sections are those that are the main page and others, well, for 15 years already, well , i’ve been taking good photographs, probably, in general well, i must say that the management always meets halfway and equipped with good photographic equipment, well, the hand doesn’t seem to tremble, everything works out, that’s what’s interesting about the work, of course, it’s communication with people, with the people of our team, that’s it from the minsk metro, these are generally unique people, what’s unique is that you can trace the entire history of the metro in a person, that is, after talking to a person, he will tell you everything. our driver-instructor vasily vasilyevich zayats also worked in that depot as a driver, a driver, an instructor, now the year before last he was our menchan of the year, in general, well, they just maybe speak a little, but they need to be talked into you learn so much, plus in general the metro itself, it sets you up for some kind of organization, already from the moment of its creation it was somehow created just some kind of community of people
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who... trains, so that there is comfort for passengers, like, well, probably, take anyone, this is a woman who cleans at stations, we affectionately call them mummies, cleaning machine drivers , our mummies, that is, well, kindly, they have their own hobby, some mothers with many children, they have their own hobby, the children sing, and somehow they all somehow work in the subway and feel that they belong to some- then the general process. oh, ivan slavimirovich, glad to see you, good afternoon, as our veterans wish, well here, dear friends, yes, yavaroslavich ovsyannik, this is the man who, during the launch of the metro on june 29, 1980, led the first train, that is, there were several trains, but it was the train in which the entire leadership of the republic was traveling, metro builders, metro workers were traveling , astronauts, in general, a lot of creative people are very interesting,


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