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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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century it says this: in the summer of 974, olga, having defeated the yatvingians and pechenegs, crossed the dvino river with her army and spent the night. she liked the mountain and founded a wooden castle, calling it videbsky after the vidba river. it sounds nice, but there are numerous inconsistencies. the official date of death of the princess dates back to 969. on the other hand, all the early dates are very arbitrary, plus, the copyist of the chronicle could well have made a mistake, however, it is hardly possible to unravel all the secrets of the great city, but to lift the veil over some of them quite.
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where would you advise us to start our journey around the city? i addressed this question to the old-timers of vitebsk; all of them, as if by agreement, named the annunciation church, which had risen from the ruins. this, as they say here, is the most sacred place in the city. the nature of the construction of the temple is unique for belarus. dolomite blocks alternate with two or three rows of plinth.
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completely different parishes are located literally 10 m from each other, the church of the annunciation and the church of alexander nevsky. the church of the annunciation has withstood a lot throughout its centuries-old history, it was rebuilt, then again took on its original appearance, survived many wars, but most of all it suffered during the god-fighting times of khrushchev. they ordered the temple to be dismantled, they brought in bulldozers and tractors and began methodically hitting the ancients. the moscow and st. petersburg intelligentsia intervened. sergei mikhalkov, at that time he was the editor-in-chief of the satirical magazine fitel, published a critical article: vitebsk thundered throughout the soviet union, and the annunciation church was left alone, but by that time only 1/3 of it had survived. i wonder what the wise and far-sighted prince algert would say about this. during
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the reign of prince algerd, not a single popular unrest occurred, the city turned from a small wooden town into a fortress, the territory of the principality doubled , it was one of the largest and most powerful. the blood of algerd through his son and gaila still flows in the veins of all european monarchs today. by his order, ancient vitetsk was surrounded. wall, along the perimeter of which stood these are the watchtowers, the remains of one of them have been preserved, where i will show you later, but for now i see a landmark, and i definitely won’t miss this beauty. a unique creation of architecture , the holy resurrection church in the late vilna baroque style. if you look closely at the appearance of the temple, you can see a lot of interesting things, because the baroque style is, in fact, a style of metaphors. what do you think
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the architects wanted to convey to their descendants through the language of stone? do you see the wavy lines on the temple? they talk about the amplitude of our life. not everything goes smoothly with us, right? there are ups and downs. and the figured front doesn’t remind you of anyone. take a closer look. a praying man stands on his knees, two openwork towers, hands raised to the sky with a plea for help. these species are involuntarily lifted off the ground and carried away into infinity. well, let's return to algerd's watchtowers. the next stop is the dukhovsky roundabout. meet me. dukhovsky roundabout. reconstruction of a 14th century defensive tower from the time of algerd gedeminovich. let's take a look there. what do we see? a genuine foundation.
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it turned out that in algerd’s time the towers were octagonal, which is why they seemed round from a distance. well, let's move on, many vitebsk attractions are within walking distance. each city has its own symbol of freedom. in vitebsk it is the city hall. the first town hall on this very site was built 420 years ago. the body of the building is made in a classical style, a tower with baroque elements. at the very top
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is a weather vane in the form of a boat running on the waves of time. today in the town hall there is a regional local history museum with a huge number of unique exhibits. thanks to ancient rich funds, it has become a legendary place not only in tourist vitebsk, but throughout belarus. the largest collections of numismatic items are amazing, and no wonder, our country is a kind of safe in which banknotes from different eras are stored. in terms of the number of valuable finds, belarus today ranks first in europe. sometimes treasures were found in completely unusual places. a local ornithologist discovered unique coins in a magpie's nest. total in vitebsk town hall you can see 38 treasures. by the way, this silver splendor weighs about 200 g. the neck hryvnia, for some reason, is twisted into a spiral in the form of a bracelet, presumably of scandinavian origin, from the swedish island of gotland. today we have already touched
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the unique byzantine masonry of the church of the annunciation, this slab was given to the museum after the fatal explosion, which i already told you... a two-meter coat of arms of vitebsk, cast from bronze, greets and sees off visitors to the town hall. the vitebsk coat of arms is special, in heraldry, there is practically nothing like it anymore nowhere in the world. it depicts the image of christ the savior in profile, and under it a bloody sword. why? everything has its own explanation. in the 16th century, orthodox vitebsk became part of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth , a catholic state. the coat of arms was granted with secret intent. so that the eyes of the orthodox
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turn towards the vatican to the west, christ is depicted in profile. the bloody sword symbolized the power of vitebsk castles. expression your words yes to god in the ears take on real meaning here, everyone can hiss their cherished in the ear of the almighty wish. they warned us that we were welcome in the cellars; it was better not to enter this mystical place. once upon a time there were interrogation rooms with racks and other terrible torture devices. but the opportunity to touch the unique 16th-century masonry from the very first town hall. built on this place was stronger than any warnings. our delicate natures didn’t feel anything at all, so the cameraman’s headphones gave out a trick, they got stuck in the camera tripod, so much so that it took half an hour to rescue them from
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iron captivity, and what else is that? they say that director alexander mita, in the basement of the town hall, was planning to film an episode of the film chagall malevich, the equipment was completely out of order, so we were... lucky. one of the brightest architectural monuments. holy dormition cathedral. the temple took more than 30 years to build. the long period is explained by an unexpected factor: groundwater. the monks had to do drainage. old-timers of vitebsk from generation to generation pass on the legend from mouth to mouth. on winter walks in assumption mountain, leading to the other side of the western dvina. there is no progress. this information has been checked many times. the complex with the cathedral once included this two-story building. it was built at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries as a public
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school. later, the alexanderovskaya gymnasium for men was opened here. during the great patriotic war , the german sd service was located in this building. cellars of the vitebsk theological seminary. soaked in blood, unbearable pain, suffering, at the same time, the strength of the human spirit, and this is not an allegory: a prison of the secret field police served as gestapo. hunger, torture, terrible screams, how terrible the last days of these people’s lives were, trying to leave at least some memory of themselves, underground fighters and civilians wrote or scratched inscriptions on the walls, to be honest, my hair is moving with horror, in rows would come here those who try to aestheticize fascism. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when
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visiting at home. babryus is one of the smallest cities in this country in belarus, probably something equips this animal light in this city. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore the sights of the city . the bridge itself, which means, think about it, think about it, it probably means that there is some kind of amazing bridge here, look, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes, it’s really big, and they also share their vivid impressions, hello, we are a tourist from venezuela, traveling around belarus, we have a gift from the people's republic of china.
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there are many places associated with the war, this is uspenskaya gorka, heroic officers are buried here soviet army, among them the leader of the partisan movement, old man minai. literally a few meters from the memorial, on the high left bank of the western dvina, stands the governor's palace, an architectural monument of the 16th century. the combination of golden and white tones gives the building a solemn, respectable look. july 16. the emperor of france, napoleon, entered these doors. upon entering, he threw his cards on the floor and exclaimed: “the campaign
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of 812 is over.” in 1813, i will organize lithuania and poland. on august 1, nikonna, in the carriage, he urgently left towards smolensk, about which i subsequently regretted it terribly. more than once at the invitation of the duke of württenberg. i didn’t deign, but judge for yourself which part in the dance a lady in men’s clothing should perform. there’s another question: but 100 years later , osidora duncan was blowing up the local dance floor. and this house with a chagall painting, do you recognize that lovers still fly there? above the city, today there is an artentre of an outstanding artist. an unusual
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monument to an unusual artist, a clock without the usual hands and numbers, but with angel wings. and indeed, the angel himself touched the artist with his wing. mark walked and lived long happy life. he died in flight, got into the elevator to go up to the second floor and his heart stopped. love, and this series of the fifty-sixth year, very interesting because it begins with
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the image of angels, we can see the biblical king david, who became famous for singing and composing psalms, so chagall always depicts david not only in a crown, but with a harp, moses, also a famous biblical figure, we have a wonderful work called david and basheva, in which we see king david and his most beloved a woman, basheva or versavia. and even an angel blesses them. simultaneously with the march, a new life in art was being established by the musician, genius, educator of vitebsk, ivan ivanovich salertinsky. extraordinary erudition, he knew 16 languages ​​perfectly, plus eight with a dictionary, in general, a unique personality. every year in december , an international music festival named after him is held in vitebsk. by the way, according to viteblyand’s admission , they run the festival like no other. every year the city hosts about thirty different
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cultural events. this this amazing city is imbued with the spirit of creativity. both citizens and tourists. everyone here is charged with the energy of art, every city has its own street artists and vitebsk, apparently, they are talented, 10 points, very cool graffiti, such creativity will not leave anyone indifferent, he walked, he loved his city so much that in almost every work depicted him, mark zakharovich wrote his first paintings: “no, not on malbert, on the bags where it was, i’ll show you now.” before the collapse of the soviet union, chagall's house was a residential street, it should be noted that it had a completely different name in honor of the guardian of the revolution , derzhinsky. when the poet andrei voznesensky came to the city, it was in 1985, he
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spent a very long time looking for pokrovskaya street, and this... a house, passersby just shrugged their shoulders, when the desired object was finally found, voznesensky wrote the following lines, if the heart is not i lied, then some year in vitebsk i’ll definitely come to the chagall museum, it just so happened that these doors opened for visitors. chagall's first drawings were born here, in this house. family photographs, many household items, as well. this is the artist's small room, which he shared with his brother david. they slept on the same bed, side by side. if you are planning to visit the chagall house-museum, then take the time and first read mark zakharovich’s autobiographical book “my life”. believe me, after reading the events and people literally appear before your eyes. and besides, sloka's
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brush masters are simple and smooth, so you won't get bored. in the courtyard of the museum house , a young man, as i understand it, was walking, playing a vitebsk melody on a french violin. look, the house is missing a corner. tourists even came up with a legend: if you press yourself against the wall, there will never be any sharp corners in your relationship. once upon a time , the footsteps of chagall and his muses were heard on pokrovskaya street. when bella went on a date, she always took it. a bouquet of wildflowers for my beloved, yes, it was she who gave him flowers, they were such an unusual couple, we meet people worthy of admiration,
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before getting married, i asked my wife how many children she wants, she says three, i say, okay, i say, come on... in a way to at least cope a little all difficulties are surmountable, so that any large family, first of all, requires, so to speak, a schedule or routine. watch
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the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel . good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. hello, hello, my name is svetlana, alexander, it’s very nice, you are the senior coach, you are valery petrovich, and they told me that we know each other. oh, how young i am here. secrets of a good mood. there are so many teams, so many wives. come on, you have it positive face, as if. that’s why women fall in love with him, yes bayan, handsome, so calm, it seems, and many more interesting educational stories, we participated in the olympic games in...
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nel and went on his first route, the most mobile type of transport at that time, and it appeared largely thanks to this power plant, they say you could get on the car
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anywhere, waved your hand, smiled at the driver and voila, the tram stopped, today more than a hundred trams run along the streets of vitebsk, but these things no longer pass if leisurely walks around the city are not for you... pure suprematism. this tram involuntarily reminded us of the time when the father of the black square, kazimir malevich, worked and taught in the city. he was the first to preach this avant-garde trend. where are we now? we pass through the blokhin bridge, it is named, as you understand, in honor of the hero of the soviet union. in 1944, fyodor timofeevich. with their fighters they entered into hand-to-hand combat with the germans and at the last moment prevented the explosion of the bridge. the day before, sergeant blokhin experienced personal tragedy, he was informed about the death of his son in
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battles with the nazis. then just drink. today there are few people on count tolstoy street. during the festival days. vitebsk has its own tactile sculptures, this is one of them, it is dedicated, there is not a shoemaker without boots, as you might think about the saint ustan christpen, many believe that if you touch his hammer, or even better, rub it, then professional success awaits you they won’t force you, where is that street, where? this house. this house has not survived to this day, but he was somewhere in this area. on count tolstoy street, which in stupid times was called podvinskaya, lived the pioneering physician
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karl hubenthal for more than half a century. it was he who was one of the first to apply a plaster cast and propose progressive methods of treating cholera. and, by the way, the author of old khatabych, lazar lagin, aka ginsburg, spent the first year of his life here. listen, maybe the rumors are not in vain. they are very reminiscent of snails, they symbolize the bas-reliefs that are unfinished. it’s immediately obvious that pushkin
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is respected in the city, out of all the classics of russian literature he was the only one awarded the monument. the monument has been erected, the people's path to it is not overgrown, and next to it there is a bunk for quarreling lovers, but it's time for us, our friend, it's time, no, such a heart asks, but only takes it deeper into the city. victory square is perhaps not only the largest square in the city, but also in belarus it ranks third in europe, second only to samara and warsaw. eighty-five-meter pools and fountains of victory square.
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was born where it stood for centuries. today, victory square hosts all the city’s significant events. vitebsk residents celebrate the new year here, victory day, the city’s birthday, which, by the way, coincides with the day of liberation from the nazi invaders. free concerts of the slavic bazaar are also held here, but the main events undoubtedly take place on the concert stage of the amphitheater. let's take a look there. the slavic bazaar
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has long become the hallmark of the city, and the summer amphitheater is not only the main attraction, but the brand of vitebsk. the amphitheater was built in record time in 6 months, but without a roof; the roof will appear later. ideologically to protect the place of the slavic the bazaar was suggested by yuri lushkov and not without reason. “festival days, the sky over the city often rejoices to the point of tears, so the former mayor of moscow was lucky to get caught in a torrential downpour, as a result, the roof was erected without the participation of the politician, however, in memory of him, the townspeople still call the amphitheater roof lushkov’s cap. here the stage is clearly audible the voices of birds, and not the usual chirping, but threatening screams.
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scientists have developed these sound signals." on purpose, unlike shurik, they don’t feel sorry for the bird. amphitheater, open area, the equipment here is expensive, so fly birds, fly anywhere, but not towards the festival stage; signs in which your droppings are a signal of approaching wealth in this territory are not believed. the festival avenue of stars deserves special attention, which has long been turned into a square, welcoming citizens and guests, bugs. nika is a symbol of victory at the creative olympus. and next to the olya of stars there is another attraction, although no, there are three of them here. 16 years ago, three presidents of belarus, ukraine, and russia planted these three trees: birch, linden, chestnut. i think everyone understands who planted what. there is a huge field in front of the concert venue; in winter there is
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a skating rink. a century. back at this place the circus of ivan legalov and liri showed their brilliant circus acts. extraordinary artistry, the press of that time wrote. and already in our time, honored artist of russia, former aerialist of the zyusalya circus, nikolai chelnakov proposed to perpetuate the circus art and such a mascot of vitebsk appeared. if you touch a funny clown's nose, it will be all day in a good mood, spend it. along the rows of accordions, harmony in your personal life, shake the dog’s paw, you will always have a true, faithful friend nearby, come and you will discover your vitebsk.
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everything that modern belarus lives on today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important ones. meetings, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in countries such as finland, sweden, norway,


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