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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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goods are supplied to 87 countries around the world, and construction of housing and social facilities is actively underway. on the occasion of the partisan district's birthday, the best organizations, educational and healthcare institutions were awarded. as for the prospects , the partisan region has great potential for development, because today we have the largest territory of the region, the area is 6.40 hectares, the region should increase in population by 70-80 thousand people. we are actively constructing social facilities, such as healthcare, education, major renovation of an educational institution, we are proud that on the birthday of the district we had the great honor of being included on the honor board of the partizansky district. recently, a branch of bntu, the minsk state college of architecture and civil engineering, has been carrying out many projects that are aimed at the city, we opened a new specialty, today it is truly a great honor for us that... our successes have been
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noticed. housing construction, construction of new social facilities, drivers of development of the youngest district of the capital, moscow. today more than 320,000 minsk residents live here. a comfortable infrastructure is created for them, within walking distance. new educational and healthcare institutions are being built. thus, the new building of the fourth city hospital is planned to be commissioned this year. the exhibition project first started in the art gallery of mikhail savits. the exhibition sections are dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin and world aviation and cosmonautics day. rare footage, photo chronicles, documents and personal belongings gagarin, as well as a whole series of sculptural portraits of the world’s cosmonauts, from people’s artist of belarus ivan misko. all his heroes are firsts of their kind, the first cosmonauts from mongolia, vietnam, cuba, the first belarusian cosmonauts , the master met with marina vasilevskaya the day before.
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and i will also directly keep in touch with you, live by this idea, i, as it were, received this recharge, received approval and am waiting for their blessing after returning to earth to meet in this workshop of mine. the first cosmonaut is depicted in completely different ways, with with his friends, with his family, with those with whom he studied, with those with whom he trained, prepared for the first flight, with the designer, of course, sergei pavlovich, the king,
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i like this photo, and in general, like yuri alekseevich , never attributed this glory only to himself, he always said that this was not my personal glory, it was the entire soviet people who worked so that this first space flight, man’s entry into space, would be accomplished. a separate section of the exhibition is dedicated to the work of the famous belarusian artist, writer, ethnographer, folklorist, archaeologist, amateur astronomer and founder. belarusian theoretical astronomy yaze podrozdovich, young artists, students of the tmilovichi center for creativity named after chaim soutine, also presented their fantastic worlds with mysterious planets and their inhabitants, cosmic sunsets and sunrises, projects of interplanetary spacecraft. the international field hockey tournament among women's teams, the commonwealth cup , starts today in baranovichi. eight clubs will compete for the main trophy of the competition, five from belarus and three from russia. he will perform in group a. national champion grodno rhythm.
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in the first match he will play against the national team of the sverdlovsk region. the match starts at 10:00. in the second match of the quartet at 16:00 , baranovichi textile worker and war-2 from st. petersburg will take to the field. in the four b at noon we follow the confrontation between smolevichi victoria and dynamo elektrostal. and at 14:00 the capital's derby. girls from minsk against their own sdyushor. all meetings will be shown live on tv channel belarus 5. more news economy, tv news agency projects are also available on social networks in our mobile application qr code on the screen. have a successful day , stay on the button on the first button.
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belarus' gold and foreign exchange reserves are growing for the second month in a row. minsk has overtaken astana in the volume of trade turnover with russia; zimbabwe has a new national currency. you are watching news. economics with you, i am svetlana lukinyuk. good morning. belarus' gold and foreign exchange reserves have grown due to an increase in the price of gold, according to a review of experts from the eurasian development bank. so in march they increased by almost 134 million dollars and amounted to 8.352.5 million. as noted earlier in the national bank of belarus , reserves are growing for the second month in a row. this year they fell only in january. belarus has overtaken. kazakhstan in terms of trade turnover with russia. last year , the neighboring country's trade turnover amounted to $710 billion. asian countries occupied half of this volume, european countries a quarter, and the middle east - 11%. cis countries - 8%, and south america and africa - 4.3%, respectively.
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china remained on the list of leaders, after india, türkiye closed the top three. belarus took fourth place with a trade turnover of 55 billion dollars, and kazakhstan rose to fifth with a figure of 26 billion. the ministry of taxes clarified who needs to use cash registers and payment terminals from july 1, 2025. in particular, this applies to differential trade, as well as home delivery of goods by postal operators and consumer service teams. providing services to me as a permanent place of business and selling various goods on trains. all of these. summer organizations next year there should be new improved ticket offices, this also applies to road transport of passengers in irregular traffic. in belarus , almost 8,300 new cars were sold in the first quarter, of which 7,613 were passenger cars and 639 were commercial vehicles.
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compared to the first quarter of last year, the market grew by a third, and the march sales figure is almost 2.2 times higher than this. the same indicator for march 2023, there has also been a growing trend in the share of sales of electric cars and chinese cars. only over the past year, the number of stamps from china has increased from four to eleven. and now, compared to the current exchange rates at the auction , the russian ruble has fallen in price, while the dollar and yuan have risen in price. and this morning the dollar is 3 rubles 26 kopecks. for 10 yuan they give 4.49, 3 rubles5. 1 kop. costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 52 kopecks. inflation in turkey at the end of march increased by more than 3% and amounted to 68.5%. the head of the ministry of finance of turkey, commenting on inflation indicators for march,
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said that the government will make efforts to ensure financial stability in the country. stability. additional tightening of monetary policy is already making a significant contribution. restoring the balance of demand, expanding external financing opportunities will help strengthen macroeconomic stability; by the end of this year, the turkish central bank predicts a decrease in inflation to 36%. a new national currency is being introduced in zimbabwe , this is zimbabwean gold, which will be issued in the form of banknotes and coins. the new currency is backed by foreign reserves and precious metals. its exchange rate to us dollar will be 13.5 zimbabwean gold per 1 dollar. the reasons for the introduction of a new monetary unit are the instability of the exchange rate, the previous currency and high inflation. demand for real estate in thailand
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is growing. in the first quarter, russians took third place in terms of tourist flow to this country. today, real estate in thailand is one of the most affordable. it is suitable for... holidays and investments. so the rental yield in this country is one of the highest, from 8 to 10% per year. however, in general, investors from russia are now reoriented to other markets, these are southeast asia, the middle east and north africa. but the emirates are losing popularity as a place to buy real estate. this was the economic news, good mood to you and see you later.
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the morning broadcast continues with the program zone x. i am violetta sokolovich. hello. a batch of components for building materials costing more than 200,000 rubles. found at the border. car. polish carrier in the trailer goods. the driver entered belarus through the kozlovichi checkpoint. according to the information provided in the documents, the truck was supposed to contain granular food flavorings. mill, cheese and other goods. but during the inspection, additional investments were also found - 6,000 units. drills, disc cutters, construction tools. if brest customs officers had not discovered the excess cargo, the carrier would have saved 67,000 rubles on payments. but if this were not our method, there would be an administrative penalty for the driver. in relation to the polish carrier on the fact of non-declaration of goods, a administrative process in accordance with part one of article 155.


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