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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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live-fire exercises are being held these days in the country's armed forces as part of a comprehensive test of the army's combat readiness. the maneuvers will take place at the training grounds in the vitebsk, grodno, brest and mogilev regions until april 11 inclusive. military units will practice actions during defense. this is the reflection of a conditional enemy, the destruction of gangs of formations, sabotage and reconnaissance groups, an attack on the enemy and support for troops. this stage of testing combat readiness is key. based on its results, the command will evaluate the skills of the military, their ability to carry out tasks as ... intended in various conditions of the situation, all the main measures for checking combat readiness have been completed, the called-up personnel have been accepted, weapons and military equipment have been removed from storage, they show their combat capabilities at a fairly high level, combat coordination of units has been carried out, artillery will fire from the gaobis, acacia
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will show its power at the ranges with the grad multiple launch rocket system, an anti-tank guided missile and an anti-tank complex assault and mortars. the military unit is also armed with drones; they help, among other things, to adjust fire on a mock enemy as part of an ongoing exercise. the vasipovich training ground, where units of the 19th guards mechanized brigade perform tasks as part of the exercise, was visited by the minister of defense. viktor khrenin got acquainted with the living conditions of military personnel and talked with reserve personnel. this is the latest news for this minute, see you at 19:00. hello everyone, today i am masha bogatyr.
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i continue, together with you, dear friends, to open the volkovysk region, i suggest not to delay, let’s go! in this issue i will find out how traditional outfits were created for fashionistas and fashionistas of the volkovysk region, meet a real exorcist and learn the tragic story of the volkovysk sister khatyn. the path to the volkovysk capital is not close, the road through baranovichi and slonim will take car owners just over 3 hours, at the same time you can see these atmospheric cities and go.
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you can travel by minibus for 18 rubles. regular flights depart every few hours, the journey by train will be the longest, but you will save on the fare. tickets from 10 rub. choose a date and let's go! friends, last time we explored the city of volka itself, today i propose to take a ride through the populated areas of the volkovysk region. the first stop is an urban village. let's find out what this place is famous for, just 15 km from volkovysk. the heart of a people is its culture. in rosa , you can get acquainted with household items created by our ancestors at the local crafts center. the masters will not only conduct a tour through the pages of history, but they will teach you how to recreate this history.
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yana vatslavovna, first of all, please accept our congratulations, i know that in winter you received the title of people's master of belarus, and it seems to me that this is what every master tries to achieve. i agree, i have been working in our craft center for 23 years and have been doing this type of work. as qualities, that is, for all 23 years i have been developing, promoting, working, teaching children such a wonderful craft as quality. i’m very interested to see you at work. i invite you to my workshop, and i will give you a master class. class, come on in. the master's main assistant is his tool. in the center of crafts you can see a unique weaving loom with almost a century of history, which... has survived to this day almost
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in its original form, and it is not easy to see, to immerse yourself headlong in this painstaking art. how important is observation of quality? you know, since we live in the volkovysk region, we give preference to our traditions, our color scheme, so we weave, for example, sweatshirt fabric, for our volkovysk region is characterized by a calm color scheme, violet-burgundy, a little dark, a little blue, you know how i learned this, i have my mentor, my beloved, lyubov stepanovna balen, this is a woman who is an honorary woman. guest of our center, she always tells me about the subtleties, about the tricks that are associated with quality, thanks to such a woman, such a craft as quality has been preserved to this day, she told me about our color scheme of the volkovysk region and
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you and i will now tell you about the subtleties and color scheme of traditional weaving in volkovyshchyna, simple two-strand weaving using this technique for a long time. fabrics for clothes, towels, bedspreads, rugs and other useful household items. the thread always comes in pairs, two threads, why? because one thread is separated from the parka, it goes to the first nochelnitsa, this is our second nochelnitsa, we have one thread, look, here we have small ones, we insert a finger here, look, yes, and we need one thread a thread from the parka into the first thread, the second into the second a. squeeze them together, and so on until we go through the entire thread. thanks to the craftsmen and old-timers of the area, the equipment was preserved. the tradition of simple two-strand weaving is recognized as an element of the intangible cultural heritage of the volkovysk region and is included in the list of historical and cultural values ​​of our country. there is such a thing as
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saying, walking on the greaves, here we are walking on the greaves, look, once with our feet, i walk on the greaves, picking up the first foot, i press the right one. she, she rises, in in the process, when it rises, we take our shuttle, here we already have a thread tucked in, i take our thread away, this is where our pharynx begins, just like that, which is held by the lower thread, you see, i put it in, it doesn’t disappear anywhere, push it towards me with your pen, and i will meet you, oh, you can endlessly watch how the water flows, how the fire burns and how thread by thread a big one is created... a beautiful canvas, yes, without good preparation you won’t be able to sit at the retrieval machine for long , our craftsmen have something to offer learn not only in professional matters. consider that everything is good, excellent, we nail it, one, two, i change the leg, again our no-ones
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crossed themselves, so, after several days of work at the machine, the fabric is ready, what the women in volkovyshchyna made from it, shirts, skirts, jackets, in a word, the most stylish? an outfit for yourself and your family, and i note, only in the current colors of dark tones. it all depends on what color the base is, here it is white, yeah, that’s why it looks like this, this fabric is on a black base, this is completely different, also dark purple, light purple, exactly our color scheme of the volkovysk region. we adhere to these principles, which are taught to us by older people who still know, remember and appreciate. everything we have. to create a full-fledged costume with embroidery, it will take about a month of work by several people at once. of course, our ancestors chose more modest clothes for work, saving embroidered suits for special occasions, saving them and passing them on to their children.
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here we have our costumes hanging, in which we we go on all sorts of trips, to all sorts of holidays , our traditional belarusian ones, so everything is made from linen, shirts and jackets, and embroidered by our craftswomen, girls. cross. the museum exhibition of the crafts center has been created for more than 20 years. it is based on household items of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, collected in the volkovyshchyna. not only clothing, fabrics , ancient tools, household utensils, dishes, furniture. in total, more than 500 items tell the life story of ordinary villagers in the area. any visiting guest, we really love, expect and wish to be visited. we we will teach any quality master classes, people will look at our way of life, our household items, they will look, immerse themselves in our history, prehistory, i think that with great pleasure they will want to invite their friends to once again visit
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the beautiful crafts center with them , so dear friends, be sure to come. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. we definitely use it after cooking, as well as after any meal. it is thanks to him that our dishes retain their beautiful appearance for many years. bye science has not yet given us those household cleaning chemicals that we use now; housewives most often got rid of dirt and rust with the help of vinegar. let's share interesting facts. liquid detergent for... vessels has an ancient history. more than 5.00 years ago, according to scientists, it appeared completely by accident. in
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russia in the twelfth century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, and birch; in europe, at the end of the 14th century, charles vi approved an entire guild of vinegar uvars. we ask the most exciting questions we are looking for answers to them. an alkaline environment is necessary so that the surface molecule of the active substance can perform its function. if it's wednesday. if it is acidic, for example, then the molecule will not perform the function of a detergent. watch in the science nearby project, on the belarus 24 tv channel . the village of ros can surprise not only with its antiquity, but with its modernity. you don't
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have to go far, leave the craft center and get acquainted with a unique modern residential development project. we are located in an architectural development complex called ros-2 is popularly known as a new town. this town was built from ninety-four to ninety-six of the last century. the project is unique for the republic of belarus. that is, it is unique in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here, that is, all these objects that we see, a shopping center, a school, a kindergarten, a kindergarten, pharmacies, they are all outside the access zone of cars, all cars are located, everything is car entrances are located along the perimeter of the town, this is all today in rosa stand firmly on their feet, from the beginning of the last century to... was famous for its military airfield, where first the soviet and
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then the belarusian airspace defenders were based . we are near the plane, it was installed in memory of the fact that there was a military unit here, which began its history before the war, then was part of the western group of troops in germany, and during the collapse of the soviet union. returned back to the urban village of ros and existed here until 2010, in fact, this is a su-24 aircraft, on these as a matter of fact, russian pilots have been flying on airplanes lately. since the 16th century, the history of the village is connected with the potocki family, who owned these lands. here in rosa, until the 20th century, there was an estate of a wealthy family. we are nearing.
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for stefan potocki, who was called the count above the counts, such an interesting figure, he was actually buried here, unfortunately, in the middle of the 20th century, his coffin was blown up; in fact, it has not survived to the present day, but the replica has been restored. in pre-war times, rosa was peaceful representatives of three faiths lived there. their main shrines were located next door, right on the central square, and although the synagogue building did not survive, prayer continues to be heard in the orthodox church of st. trinity and the catholic church of the holy trinity to this day. the church of the holy trinity is one of the centers of spiritual life in the village. here every year. believers come from all over our country, and this time i came too. the church
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in rosa is an architectural monument in the classicist style, one of the main attractions of the village. strictness and minimalism is the distinctive features of the exterior of the temple, which was not closed even during the war years. is it true that your parish is over 400 years old? yes, it arose. at the beginning of the 18th century in 1611, this is how the parish was already registered, but during this time it already had a third church, wooden ones were in the current park, and this third church was built on this place, a stone one, built in 1807 . what shrines, let’s say, are the most revered in your temple? well, first of all, this is the statue of jesus zhurbotny, which has been accompanying here almost since the beginning of the arrival from the beginning
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xiv century, the statue of jesus, which was before the departure to the parish, then when... the first miracle happened, moved to the side altar, then moved to the main altar, accompanies it until today. on the walls of the vaults of the main volume and the altar part of the temple there are picturesque compositions on biblical themes and decorative paintings. and here, in addition to the statue of jesus zhurbotny, which is located in the main altar, there are side altars, this is the first altar, this is dedication.
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for saint joseph, also with the baby jesus, as always, accompanies him in a special way this altar is revered by men, because they have such an intercessor in heaven as saint joseph, who is such an example and model of life for men. i also noticed a very unusual sculpture, yes, there is this monument here, a sculpture dedicated to. not dedicated, as it were, which is like a gift, probably for zofia pac, who, when she was a countess here, and there was an accident that the roof of the church burned down after a lightning strike and she, from her own funds , just restored it in the shortest possible time, probably therefore, as a sign of gratitude, they immortalized her
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here with this monument, very skillful work of fabric. i would even say it was made with jewelry, it is one of the few monuments of an italian sculptor, which is already in the documents, that it was the last sculpture of this kind made here in ros, just the monument that is in front of us, people come to ros to receive participation in special ritual practices. ksen scheslav is one of the few priests in our country whose obligations. included conducting a special ritual of exorcism, that is, expelling evil spirits and demons, everything that interferes with a normal life and destroys a person from the inside. i know that you know the prayer of exorcism, but this is one of these names of prayer, liberation, when people can somehow fall into various kinds
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of addictions, there are, of course, different ideas about exorcism about prayer. exorcism and what is called possession and so on, i am always very careful with these terms, because that is what i generally call it to a greater or lesser extent addictions that people fall into, and of course they are looking for this liberation, i wouldn’t want to face demons, it sounds, to be honest, creepy, but this is not the time for soul-searching, it’s time for me to move on, taking this opportunity... on the path, i want to look to my old, good friend. alexander , hello, good afternoon, masha, kolka years, kolka, oh, don’t even count, i really really missed your bread, so i decided to visit you again all these years later, it’s still just as delicious, oh, if weasel, try it, god, what a
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yummy. yes, very much, we are following a great, great old recipe, which i want to know from my great great-great-great-grandfather, because i am a mlynar at the third boiler, you know that these are the mil, he is the most famous stone mill in the republic of tatarstan. i belarus. in 1800 , count felix patocki laid down a mill here, and it was built on three roofs. then she received a gift, a million dollars, and the insurers, count patotsky, received 20 thousand rubles, and then they found out. gety mlyn i adstrolі yashche two tops, on the first cover, eight of them, like above the earth, what do muggles know here, how are you a licherit? well, we can and we did, here
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we knew some vealous zhorns, all the hell out of them, these are already old, old, old zhorns, on the other side, what did the muggle know, how are you a doctor? i don’t know, well, here the miller worked the flour, and here the farmer worked, so the pit was worked and sold. and yes, there was a place here, and its mill sells its output, flour, cereals, all kinds, all kinds, all kinds, and on the third page, i don’t know what they know, i don’t know, there’s a warehouse there, they wanted it this flour, well, right, on the fourth and fifth pages, what muggle knows, well , there’s a real restaurant there, no, there’s melnik with his dry stuff, you know, what kind of water was melnik?
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alas, time has done its work, but there is constancy in the world, the cheerful mood of a good-natured miller, i know that a smile is the first thing you need to take with you on a journey. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. there was also a goal: to create not just a museum, but an atmosphere. all this did not happen in one bellows, all this. it was gradually, of course, we went under the strict guidance of our district and region, the ministry of culture, it was decided
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that we would update the unusual project, firstly, the structure itself in the form of these sheath shells, so we would keep it in its place, yes , but with global modernization, we will meet people who are sincerely dedicated to their work.
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july 7, 1943, this date became fatal for the village of shaulichi, volkovysk region, early in the morning the invaders came here. there were a lot of dead after this bloody massacre the village was never able to revive, but the memory of this terrible tragedy is immortalized in the memorial complex. when ours. the partisans shot a german felcher, you know, the germans decided to burn the village with the largest number of inhabitants,
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because in our shaulich there lived 366 inhabitants, of which 120 were children, the germans entered the village early in the morning, the men were gathering in the field, the women were busy with housework, so the germans divided... a local resident from a neighboring village, when the germans asked him to come on a cart, so that when they burned it and took it out. property looted in this village, he, passing by, saw ivan serebrovsky, whom he knew, and ivan. i just had time
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to shout: goodbye, boys, we are digging our own graves here, you won’t see us again. from the ashes of the war, the shaulichs were never able to be reborn. over time , an obelisk, a sculptural composition of a warrior and an underground woman, and two mournful crosses appeared next to the mass graves of killed civilians. during reconstruction for the seventieth anniversary of the great victory, on the site of burned houses. 40 wooden frames of symbols were installed, granite slabs, memorial plaques with the names of the victims. it’s nice coming here to see people, when they come with their families, a lot of people come even from abroad, yeah, it’s nice, it’s nice that our youth thinks that our youth remembers, because
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if we forget history, we have... there can be no future, i went to the agricultural town of volpa to look at an unusual temple, and the church of john the baptist is unique in that it has survived to this day almost in its original form. this one is outwardly modest the wooden church, built in the 15th century, amazes with its lush interior, bright colors of the ceiling and ornate walls, decorative altars, pulpit, organ, you definitely wouldn’t expect to see such beauty in a small village. our cascel is unique, because it is the most
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beautiful cascel in belarus. it was in 1773, but in 1773, it was the first time that this was a temple, all the same months, napaina, budynki, the first dachshunds were drauly, the yans were not occupied and garel. the uniqueness of our temple yashche ў tym, what is the altar, as you know, as we remember the architecture of the republican significance, and it was published not for the purpose of the temple, not for the purpose of the cathedral, but for the people, the trader, and the elders themselves... kascel, well, big chym for 100 years, where it is obvious that the altar was published in the 1630s, ordered from the malapolian masters, carved from wood and delivered in a disassembled form, and here we have it assembled, and that tradition was not zakhavasya, altar would be dismantled and stored here , which is already on our minds, this is myastsovy i've been walking around for crazy hours, i
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can't say that all of you... belarusian cascels have such a unique religion, which we have, napeina, we can't praise our cascels with such a unique building abytkam, geta gіeraldychny cartouche, and prastsey kazhuchy, coat of arms the founder of the altar, whose name was casimir leon sapieha, he was a blessing to the sons of leo sapieha himself, the same sign of the man who wrote the statute, signs, all on these hieraldic cartouches of the great goodness can be used for the best. yu radsloўnaya casimir leon. the churches of belarus have undergone many changes throughout their history, both architectural and dictated by historical events. surprisingly, the wooden shrine in the village of volpa was not touched by war, revolution, or uprising. if exploring the sights of volkovyshchyna is in your immediate plans, don’t forget. mark
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this church on your tourist route, i’m sure you won’t leave its vaults without being impressed, but it’s time for me to go home and plan new adventures. this was my journey through the volkovysky district. a little it was freezing, but these are all little things, the most important thing is that i had a very interesting time. dear friends, discover belarus, love yours, just like me. masha bogatyriy was with you. bye-bye everyone.


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