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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm MSK

6:00 pm
humming your chants, that's it. one of the smallest cities in belarus, but for me this city is big because i spent my childhood here. glyadzice project poleshuki on our tv channel.
6:01 pm
yesterday broadcast on the tv channel belarus 1 pratsyagvayutsya news of the capital of the minsk region, with you from the live broadcast elizaveta lashkevich, good evenings and great main steps, briefly at the trendy panel terminal, ladies are assembling.
6:02 pm
panel housing on a high level of the ladies with prefabricated reinforced concrete kanstruktsy new gray uzvodzyatsya from the steel. first two ab'ects appearing on the streets of vygoskaga. it's all electric and has a comfortable layout. there are 19 buildings and 225 apartments. the infection on weekdays is 24 hours a day, without days off. nowadays, the prospect of a new quarter of navygodskaya is over 100 thousand square meters and all the necessary infrastructure. installation of reinforced concrete products on the seventh floor is underway, our house is nineteen storeys with a total area of ​​15,700 m2, at the same time work is underway on installing internal communications, these are sewerage, water supply, electrical, and this is also underway work on the installation of window blocks, the installation of clothing for the building, about 35 people are employed at the site, the materials are arriving on time, the houses of the new series are appearing at the borders... lantuzhok
6:03 pm
is stuck in the idtz at the minsk calcium autodose, the fall of the month is about the end of the road and transport awards. adrazu chatyry avto. thank you for the first step of a kilometer inside the calc. for the unexamined carelessness, no one has been diagnosed with dtz. as svyatlyayutstsa akalіchnastsi yashche. the dachshunds did not wash out their careless lives, in the end, no one was injured, only the mechanical ones were used. and yashche adzin unsafe maneuvers on the calcine line. the bmw van is collapsing from the side of akademika kuprevich street in the direction of nezalezhnastsi avenue. if you are rebuilt, you will not be able to cope with the bath and get stuck in the sun. at the end of the year, the weather has been renewed for... for more than three hundred years, the dry
6:04 pm
vegetation in the minsk region has been in full swing since the beginning of the season due to the main fires in the ecosystems - non-essential fire management. the ministry of taxation's supremacists provide raids on private sectors and summer residents i tell you how correct and safe it is to divorce your site. taxama is right before the start of the summer season , the camp is now full of firefighters. on the control panel there are green masses. manitoring pravdzyats specialists of forestry akhova. yes supra firemen's raids are far away and ilya tsvyatkov. mikhail litvinkovich opens the summer summer season. the washrooms are spilling out, creating a chaos in the wet area. the fall of winter on the 14-acre area in chervenem left the area dry and dry summer leaves. sleeping smestse pensioner is switched off ў special abstalyavana yomistastsі, if not from the right side of the situation.
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the people of the country's government addzela aducatsii, sports and tourism in all areas of the minsk region, reduced the implementation of the gift card and the winning patents of the dtsaf from the extractors. their projects were carried out by taxa and young scientists from the dzitsyachaga technical center, which is involved in the reconstruction of technical technology
6:09 pm
during the great agrarian war. after all, we need to raise patriots of our country who will be able to support their state. to speak up for the honor of the fatherland, we participate in various events that are held at the school, cadet patriot, we know very well soviet films about the great patriotic war, about the history of our country, we also participate in events to preserve historical memory, we are taking this work to a new level we start with dosaf, and i think that these are...
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grown-up people. udzelnіkі measures of taxa ўklі kvetki yes podnuzhzha sluўskaga
6:11 pm
memorialnaga complex. the rally came to an end and the 1980s caused hell in belarus german-fascist buryings mean: “ the minsk region has 130 military-patriarchal clubs, the history and culture of our country are being forged from young hectares "the exhibition project has first started at the art gallery of mikhail savitsk. the exhibition sections have been illuminated." partreta kasmanauta v sveto, the national master of belarus ivan misko. and so are the fantasy science and space projects of yaz padrazdovich. to the creative world and space, enriched by art, larysa gulyakevich. persh pallet kasmichnaga ship.
6:12 pm
and art, literature, research, and children's creativity. sculptor ivan misko from his childhood dachshund mary in the highest and highest space. mara only showed up for a moment. the party of the national artist of belarus has a whole gray sculptural part of the world. first belarusian kasmanauts, russians, from mangolia, vietnam, cuba. amal is connected with the skin by synthetic adnosins. our first zhanchyna-kasmanauty.
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the architecture of the moon, the edges of mars and life on venus, all these cosmic fantasies are amal 100 years ago , belarusian writer, sculptor and astronomer, yazep drazdovich, described his works. yago's name is extremely associated with folkloric arts, malyavanka, and culture.
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belarus from different eras and styles. the temple at mosary - geta dastatkova laconic, navat prasyakny spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsii. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta just right.


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