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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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we plan to obtain high-quality silage and complete the village before may 2; we have everything necessary for sowing in the optimal time frame. corn is a strategic crop for farmers; it is one of the main components in the diet of the dairy herd, which numbers more than 3,000 heads on the farm. both corn grain and green mass, which is placed in silage trenches, are used as feed; due to the high starch content, the crop is the main supplier. for cows. thanks to this food we achieve good results. 3 years ago we milked 7,050 liters per cow, in 2023 we managed to milk 8,040 kg. for 2024, we set ourselves ambitious plans to reach 8,700. corn, together with sugar beets, is the final crop of the spring sowing campaign. already in early may, the farm will begin harvesting. these are the main events
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of this day, i’ll say goodbye with this, sports news and weather forecast are ahead, right now the broadcast will continue with the author’s program of ksenia lebedeva, this is different. stay with us, it will be very interesting. you don't have to be a righteous zmagar, especially abroad, it’s enough to shout about it from every bell tower, that is, to lie and hype on the feelings of brainless bchebshniks, at the same time for a catchphrase to get into.
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your mental wounds and in order for the authorities to take pity on you, you can add colorful speeches about how you were robbed by a lipstick or how the ashes of a deceased dog were violated. from some of mary mgerosimenko’s interviews , i still don’t understand whether she accepted his death for herself or whether they still take him for a walk after another glass. but what the singer has low social responsibility, but rich imagination, i appreciated it. but this is different, probably, i’m ksenia lebedeva with you. hello, who is maryam gersimenko? most likely, not that they remember, and not everyone knows it. so, this young lady was detained by our law enforcement agencies in august 22, they detained her after a concert on zybitskaya street, where she performed songs in support of the armed forces of ukraine. sing.
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vakarchuk's songs are now popular in belarus, because he supports and sponsors the military formation of ukraine, which is unfriendly to us, more precisely, they are using their terrorist methods against belarus, saboteurs, tnt, bookmarks, google it if you don’t know, but it was, so to speak, an excuse, the reason lay deeper, these are photographs from that very event, what a charm, white-and-white hearts, but they don’t... they don’t have anything to do with extremism, of course they don’t, they’re just the colors of the indonesian flag, as mary said. well, actually, this is a caption under a photo from august 2020. these are not just thoughts out loud, but extremist thoughts. we will not forget, we will not forgive, i will leave my message here, post dated august 19, 2020. but this is september 2020 , bali. apparently, the fascist greeting is still alive. refers to a fabulous island, but
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not to belarus, although belarus will live, but not under the collaborationist white-red-white flag and their own greeting. but the mayor’s office doesn’t know history well, although she received a law degree from bsu. in august 2021, a year before her arrest, she calls her listeners incredible. and then he writes song: “we won’t forget, we won’t forgive,” where the following words are, but we... at least you had a song in support of roma bondarenko. so the thing is, look, when this track was released, then one lukashite already wrote to me, then directly for hatred of the belarusian people. yes, well, damn it, they made a ruling that the track was not recognized as extremist. is it true that there were volumes there?
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which the interviewer is talking about, the text is from gerosimenko’s phone notebook: white and red is now our flag, let’s stand hand in hand. this phrase alone evokes questions. the hitch is a priori an element of attack, not defense. and of course, the phrase “let’s stand close together is a call.” here is a bc flag inciting social hatred and enmity, from two to 5 years in prison. therefore, what kind of examination did her song undergo? and whether it happened at all, only the investigation knows. well, here ’s another thing: i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine.” the most scary thing for me was that all the posters there were zeta ones. well, she
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had not supported the residents of bratsk before. donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years. well, she was silent about the peoples of syria and iraq. objectively, subjectively, so that i understand, it means i need a composition, i need sides, for which i am being punished. actually, the mayor’s lawyer anna zamataeva tried to do everything to convince the investigation and journalists that her ward understood everything, but it didn’t work out very well. not only was anna zamataeva, trying
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to pull the singer out from behind the walls of the box, cutting off all the phones, calling with a request to quickly record mary, she also asked questions for agreement. in order to prepare my ward, but it didn’t work out, i had to work as a theater prompter. a reassessment of values ​​in the sense that i no longer want to react emotionally to the information flow, i don’t want to take part in unauthorized events, and i want to m... what should i add here? me, because i understand that there is some unfinished phrase, no, because it seemed to me that i just said it before, but since i didn’t finish, look, you have a composition 340, why did you come out, you clearly formulate why you came out, now, what is yours, what is it
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now, what would you do now, what would i do now, that is, what if i, for example, how can i talk about that , that i would not go out now under any circumstances, this is, it’s just for me. article 342, how do you generally assess those events and what conclusions did you draw? but for myself, i can probably say that back then i was under the emotional influence of a generally very strong information flow, now in my life there has been a big reassessment
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of values, and i definitely don’t want to commit the same actions that brought me here, i always believe that it is possible constructively...
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they adhere to exactly the same position, they simply draw such conclusions on their own , the opposition destructive media , yours position, when you leave here, it may change, i never take it, i don’t really want to compare myself with other people who leave there, everyone has their own personal life, they make their own decisions, he is responsible for them, for myself personally i can say that i want to stay in belarus, i have no desire to communicate with you now, and then come out and say something to the contrary. first of all, i don’t understand why i wanted to communicate with you here, but i
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really want, when i’m home, when i’m free, to take care of my life, my career, my music, my family, and i definitely don’t i don’t want to create any of these unnecessary conversations, i don’t hold any grudges, i don’t need to blame anyone for being here, and here i am
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there will be a result, but this is different, i was with you, ksenia lebedeva, see you in the next program.
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on the air sports day, in the studio anna eismont, good evening. the main battle of belarusian hockey. tomorrow starts the final series of the president's cup metallurg against brest. for the first time in history, the sixth and seventh teams of the regular season will play in the decisive match. metallurgist kravchenko. against brest pushkov.
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here it is, the poster for the president's cup final. just think about it: the sixth and seventh teams of the regular season are fighting for the trophy. yes, such a thing there was no history of extra league yet. it’s a new thing for brest to play in the main matches, but zhlobin and kravchenko score a championship hat-trick. should we expect another sensation from zubor or? will confirm their class, we can only guess. brest knocked out the first team, shakhtar, and i think they are capable of bringing some kind of surprise to this series. but the metallurgist is still last year’s winner of this very president’s cup, so do you think they will be able to defend? do they have any chance of protection at all? of course there is, they showed here in the first two rounds that they are able to defend the title show that sixth place in the regular season is.
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the first match will be broadcast live on tv channel belarus 5, beginning at 18:00. we can say with confidence that fans will fill the arena to capacity. a sold-out crowd is also expected in brest. a cherished first home match. the tickets sold out in a couple of hours. meanwhile , the fight in the commonwealth cup among women's field hockey teams has already begun in baranovichi. eight clubs will compete for the main trophy, five from belarus and three from russia. and today, on the starting day of the competition, it took place once in four meetings. the current national champion grodno rhythm lost to the sverdlovsk region team 2:3 in the first match. smolevicheskaya victoria
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lost minimally to dynamo elektrosal 0:1. and in the capital derby, the girls from minsk turned out to be stronger. with its tin shor 9:1 at the end of the starting day, the baranovichi textile worker won a victory over war-2 from st. petersburg 1:0. there are games where everything is the other way around, it’s just that the team does everything the other way around, so to be honest, it’s very difficult to say, a lot of work will be done, because of course we can’t move on like this, we still want to achieve high goals at the tournament and further in the championship, and of course we can’t play like that. i can only attribute this to the fact that, most likely due to the fact that the official first game, the girls probably still had some kind of excitement, and it was felt. the meetings will continue tomorrow, live broadcast by the belarus 5 tv channel . note that the tournament will end on april 13. well in a training camp on fidget basketball, a sport that will be presented in kazan at the sports
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games of the brics countries, has started in minsk. the teams will play in the capital of tatarstan in a 2:2 format. basketball on the console, and then directly in the real game on the court. the best basketball players from national teams of 3.3 countries, as well as sergei sukhanov, the best cyber basketball player in the country, have been called to the capital for the training camp. based on the results of four days, we will look at who succeeds in interacting one -on-one, playing two-on-two, playing consoles. and the next gathering will take place in may. based on the results of this collection, we will select. players in order to form several teams to carry out the training process and at the end of may direct preparation for the brix games will begin. the brix games themselves will be held in kazan from june 11 to 24, over 14 days about 5,000 athletes will compete in thirty sports. the reform of league one
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will increase competition in the country's second-strongest football division. in exclusive interview with the sportkadr project.
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will continue to fight to fulfill the olympic qualification standards; at the moment our team has four quotas, which were earned by ilya shimanovich, anastasia shkurdai, alina zmyshko. the team leaders tested their strength at the belarusian championship last week, and now the team is counting on participating in several qualifying competitions. an invitation has already been received from the turkish swimming federation. belarusians will be able to compete at the licensed tournament in early may. in addition, at the end of may there will be three stage of the prestigious competition, marrenostrum, where you can curl your faces. these are france, barcelona and monaco. negotiations are currently underway and even a preliminary agreement has been reached on partial funding for the participation of our athletes in these competitions. the coaching staff shared their plans for the olympic games. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that modern swimming is increasing.
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knew that they were preparing for battle for several days, spent 2-3 hours in front of computer monitors, and sometimes more, even though everyone said that victory was not the main thing, the nerve of the game was felt very well,
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it will be cool if we win, if we lose, we won’t be offended, well, in any case, it’s very, let’s say, interesting for young people now, well you understand very well that journalists also need to be friends with our athletes, often spend your free time on... that's all for now, there will be more news in the nightly edition of the program, so see you.
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we will introduce you to people who have found their calling; there was a master's degree in russia veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity, we are also training pharmacists. this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. and our uniqueness is that we present more democratic, more understandable genres. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we are propagandists, what we propagandize is the state course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult time, three times yes, the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, naturally, the head of state has emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and welfare, by welfare we mean. peace and security, from our lack of war to calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools,
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decent... hospitals, smart kindergartens and much more. am i happy with what did we do it, did we build it? i’m pleased, i’m sure you ’re happy too, we built as best we could, as best we could, we were sincere about this construction. our generation must do everything so that the new generation that comes to power moves carefully, without breaking anything. will everything work out for the new generation? surely not, but the main thing for the president now is that... they don’t have a disaster, because after a strong government, the probability of this is still slightly greater than a statistical error. propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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kuntsevich nikolai nikolaevich, participant in the battles against the nazi invaders. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolaevich, commissar of the second battalion of the gomel militia regiment, carried out a lot of political educational work among soldiers and commanders. together with units of the red army, they courageously defended the city of gomel. on august 18, 1941, the battalion led by nikolai kuntsevich repelled two enemy attacks. during one of which the commissar rushed forward with an exclamation for his homeland, for our victory, carried the fighters with him into a counterattack. he died in the same battle. in 1944
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, nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree, posthumously. here we, belarusians, must also leave our core, and this is our narrative, and this is political. distracts you from the main work of being a deputy, what is journalism, what is being a deputy, what is the priesthood, this is serving people, if you are not interested in a person, there is nothing to do in these areas, in your opinion, good should still be with fists, now i have open palms, i hold them out for handshakes and even for those who have fallen into this quagmire of improbability to rise, you are sure that all belarusians are now looking in the same direction as long as we have
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fatherlandism. we will save ourselves, our future and our history. hello, you are watching the program skazhene be quiet. in the studio victoria popova and svetlana smolonskaya. and today our guest is a tv presenter. journalist, as well as deputy of the minsk city council, evgeniy pustovoy. hello, evgeniy. hello. congratulations on your new status. thank you with new responsibility, i really feel it. past we told the audience about our meeting that we meet in a minibus, and quite often we travel on the same route, but lately i haven’t noticed you. they became a deputy and started driving a car. here are the belarusians, we are so modest, we don’t like
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to stick ourselves out, we...
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people, this is primarily, of course, in a romantic direction for the mood, well , to help everyone, unfortunately, sometimes everything comes down to, you know, the usual problem. just recently we talked to people, which means we need a parking lot, here’s a kindergarten that needs to be demolished burn it down, take away the territory from the children, put up a parking lot, well, we are in the direction of belarus, the children are the leaders for us, the most important thing, so it is clear that there is no way around this, the second problem of the network, we also cannot solve this, this is the eternal problem of parking, well, this kind of development remains from the soviet legacy.
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well, of course, as a journalist you have repeatedly covered more than one electoral campaign, i wonder how it was for you in the shoes of candidates for deputies, exciting, unusual, you know, no, there was no excitement, there was no unusualness, just responsibility, more responsibility, and before that i communicated with people, as a journalist or as a propagandist, during the election campaign, and there were meetings with labor collectives, well, everything was within the framework of the law. basically the same thing, i haven’t changed, our country hasn’t changed, and we have the same president, that is, the vector is the same, it’s just that here’s another extra load for you, try talking from the tv screen is one thing, oh how we are all our officials are not agile there and so on, but something else
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business, now i’m faced with a solution to a problem, and then there are legislative and even human relations, that is, i will be more able to understand the problem and study it from different sides, yeah. not only that, do it, but you still have the fuse, i wonder how long you will be enough, evgeniy, there are different people, but by temperament, at first they want to help, to help, and then they quickly grow so fat skin, how do you predict yourself in this work? how to predict, well, of course, for 5 years entrusted the fuse to be enough, definitely yes, the forecast in general is a thankless task, especially for yourself, well, yes. the main thing, the main thing is not to forget what you said, to remain yourself, to stay with people, that’s why here, and in general the world is changing very quickly, we have to keep up with it, so development must be inside a person, and that’s the main thing
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for belarusian, which is the miracle of belarusian politics is that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront, everything, and you know, i think the institution of state power itself, itself... what catches your eye is that somehow there is a powerful pool of journalists, and in
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the minsk city council, what do you think about this ? will it be easier to get comfortable among your colleagues? firstly, it so happened that fate brought us ivan mikhailovich and andrei krivasheev, we were in the same office at one time, wow, seriously?
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it’s worth it, if the motherland tells us, try it, the motherland said it’s necessary, so we answered, there is. evgeniy, since you purposefully went into parliament, probably before you became a deputy, you thought, well, when will i become a deputy. me first i’ll solve this and this question, do you have such a top questions and problems, such a list? of course there are, but which for you to solve is a matter of honor, let’s say, a matter of honor, which means - first of all, i got to know the district, with its problems, and this was reflected in the election program, there is a building there in my okhotsk electoral district , where older people, and society, are at the receiving end. is determined by how he treats the elderly, children and women,
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this is a social institution, well, not very in a clear form, let's start with this, then when communicating with people, many are outraged by the fact that near schools not far from the re-installation of schools, small markets have been opened that sell alcohol, this should not happen either , it seems to me that we are talking about a healthy nation in the physical , morally, and now...
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from the executive branch, he understands all these trends, the rule-making framework, how it all works, and judging by his mood.
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the former chairman of the minsk city council of deputies andrei bugarov, it seems to me that here you are they took as a basis his model of behavior, and his work, because he also patched holes in the asphalt, and repaired entrances, well, a man who gives his best for his
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homeland, and i think he took as a basis the work of our president, we there is, listen, i recently even wrote an article about this, now it’s easy for belarus to get involved in politics.
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we are talking about the reasons, eugene, why this happened, because, firstly, we are only 30 years old of our modern statehood, of belarusian statehood in general, who i don’t like it, but i say, 10 centuries for sure, we take the polovtsian principality as a basis, this is so that no questions arise about where the belarusians came from, that means 30 years, we are still
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taking off, we are still learning, we are still creating, we are still building your home, yes, this is the first, the second is really under the patronage, under the wing... dad, we are used to the fact that he decides everything, decides, decides for us, we need to get involved, get involved at the moment, because no one is better than us, we will not make life, a year of quality, it’s not just about the fact that the farm worker must create quality, even better quality, for example, trolleybuses or our combine harvesters, or, for example, light industry sewing a good shirt or suit, thank you, they do this, this is how to generally treat each other better, that’s what i mean?
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write there, but it will come, you will get there , you will get an appointment with, say, the head of savrep, they will resolve the issue, if well, within the framework of the law, and they can even see how it is possible, how your issue can be resolved, even if it is not strictly according to the instructions and so on, kindly to approach the issue, to find the ability to work humanely with people should be in the regional executive committees in the district executive committees, i just yes, unfortunately with this.
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under attack, well, for example, bribes can resolve the issue, because oh, how good it is that in our country you can’t put yourself at risk like that, we have a clear system built, that well, i ’ll lobby for some interests, but you ’ll talk about it , oh, thank god, firstly, it seems to me that we don’t have such opportunities, but we have insurance, insurance at the legislative level for 60 people, yes, let’s say, someone can take, i hope we don’t have such, yes, well... the rest will see the problems, whose interests are you lobbying for, who is the beneficiary of this bill, so no, no, we don’t have
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such loopholes, firstly, firstly- secondly, well, i’m orthodox, what does it mean to take, and thirdly, in general there is no such mainstream, take and give, of course, listen, i don’t know, maybe i’m wrong, but if we thank the doctor with a box of chocolates, well, that’s already yes, well this is not no this is not our level yes. when a person starts taking bribes, something changes inside, he becomes more arrogant, boorish attitude towards people,
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something changes in you, something clicked, your good side goes out, goes out, something dark turns on, and you think, everything is allowed, and i’ll calmly take money from somewhere some kind of hyper and so on, no one can tell me, well, they won’t detect it, it turns out that people don’t realize that they are falling into a mousetrap, yes a mousetrap. yes, call it that, a mousetrap, or it seems to me, a gradual scale to decrease, lower, lower, lower, man, or increase or falling? well, one of my friends in such cases says: there are many temptations, a person is weak, but for now we will take a short break, i remind you of our telegram channel. say, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new interesting guests, we are connected.
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about the unique features of the oldest belarusian churches, the vault, we can notice the development of the gospel plot, in particular the moment when jesus christ is taken down from the cross, about the great power of faith, faith in god. include your faith in the fact that god can eliminate our fears, our poor people, about god's help in various situations. everyone has their own faith, someone may be asking to strengthen their faith, and this unites us, both those who lived before us and those who may live after us come to this shrine. about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer. people are coming in big, big crowds now. here to worship and, as it were, to come into contact with the mother of god. uh, this kind of living prayer is happening here, and it’s scary
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to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years? look in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. our region through the eyes of foreigners. in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come. they know here about the beauty of minsk, regarding me, i like everything here, it’s clear that the country is clean, quiet, but for me it would be better to live in belarus, how did they end up in belarus and why did they stay here, i came to belarus from syria , i came here to study, i still live 25 years in belarus, yes... no one perceived me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus was in 2011, i came as a tourist,
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then my wife met. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is journalist and deputy, one might say, people’s representative, evgeniy pustovoy. evgenia, well, you are still presenting your original project on stv: politician without ties, cooper. and we discussed this last time, that you, grisha ozarenko, your colleague, have both fans and opponents of your
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expressive presentation of information. but the reality is that fists are clenching, as your colleague, member of parliament, oleg aidukevich said after the terrorist attack in crocus, well you can’t respond to cruelty with cruelty, if you draw such a parallel, but in your opinion, goodness should still be with fists, you know, that’s my expression, here in this photo, thank you, it’s good, they picked it up, that ’s all i am, that’s all the expression , if you go back to the twentieth year, it was, as far as you know. expressive presentation, because everyone was shouting, it was necessary to reach their hearts, and my rhetoric does not change in 2015 at 24, this is not even an edifying, but an exhorting tone, that is, to tell what we have and what we can lose, that’s all the task gregory has his own topic, his own audience, you know, it’s very good when there is some kind of enemy like that, but it’s easy, let’s say, before
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everything was the president’s fault, now many people think, these... are from magara, let’s start everyone with themselves , so i want to reach out to hearts so that it becomes better, everyone must become better here in belarus, it is clear that we will have enemies and they will rock and hinder us and trip us up, but when we stand firmly on our feet, when we walk along the road to belarus, no one will interfere with us, which is why the president talks about the internal agenda, we need to go inside ourselves, everyone within themselves within the country to develop, about goodness with fists, you know, now... i have open palms, i extend them for a handshake and even for those who have fallen into this quagmire of improbability to rise, a person can, well, unfortunately, he’s wrong, again , the president sets trends for us, this is the pardon commission, wherever the head of state speaks, communicates with people, he says: yes, sometimes i even feel sorry for them, those who moved out, well, but
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he said yes, in one of his last speeches he said that people have the right to error. whose we are preparing, building clinics, but you see, the insult is that well , you see what belarus represents , you throw its stone, that is, you spit on the well from which you drink, that’s all, and expression, if you have to shake your fists again, the first i will do this, but now is the time, time has already passed, the main thing is that it is true, sincere repentance, and many people think, well, these
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same organs of ours can pretend to be there. they work well, it’s obvious, the person pretended and didn’t pretend, but events, in any events, will show, again expose, his true face everyone will be able to show, but you see, the task is to ensure that these events do not happen, these black swans do not happen in our country, i say, what kind of black swans are there if we have cranes flying in the forest in belarus? i would like to ask you, evgenia, are you sure that people are already ready for such a calm heart-to-heart conversation, because then you and... you and grisha, well, many journalists raised the temperature of the conversation a little, yes, then we are used to broadcasting from the stands in a raised voice, now is really the time to sort of calm down, and people react in the same way, haven’t some of the viewers turned away from the screen altogether, because no one is yelling or popping balloons, that this
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happened to them, they expect clownery from you, but you don’t give it anymore? it is necessary, i don’t know, the main task of my journalistic activity in author’s journalism is the consolidation of society, we must learn to be proud of ourselves, rejoice in what we have, and think about how to save it, leave it...
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there are not enough janitors in minsk, let begin to cleanse their conscience, cleaner streets, well, if a person doesn’t have a job, let’s say, what kind of job we don’t accept, the one that influences the public mood, of course, or the responsible person, the person in uniform, well, where, if he has already betrayed, the task is up to these people who?
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they say there is not enough of this, there is not enough of that, there are not enough doctors, nurses, listen, we have enough of everything, only in our country some categories, including doctors, want to work
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like we do, and live like in the west and get big money, like in america, somewhere else, they work like this for days, especially young people, i know this for sure, they work for days, well, they earn money, but we are missing one and a half people, a disaster, what a disaster? understand that we don’t have helicopter money, let’s say we have 5 rubles, they need to be distributed, and most importantly, very important, our development model was criticized for the fact that we feed the security forces for social services?


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