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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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the national agency for investment and privatization of belarus has become a full member of the global association of public-private partnership units and specialists. experts note new business opportunities. the global association will help promote project initiatives in belarus, build partnerships and exchange experience with other members of the association. joining the association will give us not only access to exclusive ones. in kazakhstan, our jas partners are working on thousands of projects with elements of ppp, and this speaks of how interesting and important this mechanism is for the republic of belarus. between minsk and moscow about... russian
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railways. businesses are especially interested in opening this message, the organization noted further interaction, so the parties will discuss the issue at the russian-belarusian tourism congress. soon it will be held in minsk. and finally, the demand of russians for flights to belarus for the may holidays has increased significantly. profile services record higher rates. interest for the long weekend four times compared to last year. in general, russian citizens are booking 15-30% more air tickets for the may holidays compared to last year; the most popular destinations are turkey, the uae and armenia. and that’s all for me, have a good day and be productive in your business. see you.
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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm karina pashkova, hello. in the capital , couriers of telephone scammers, two eighteen-year-old friends who decided to earn extra money now the person involved. i will have to explain myself to law enforcement officers; the investigative committee has opened a criminal case for fraud. the money was given to the defendants by a deceived pensioner who believed that her relative was the culprit of the accident. all cash seized will be returned to its rightful owner. it was established that the offer for illegal part-time work was received by friends in messenger. they managed to visit two addresses, where they took money from elderly mensk residents in the amount of 39,000 rubles. and they transferred their account. after visiting the third address.
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couriers were detained, there were scammers on their phones they worked for less than a month, i was looking for a job on telegram, then one person found me, he offered me a job as a courier, going to applications, to addresses and picking up money and transferring their account or transferring it, well, the money was handed over in a bag hidden in a towel or cloth, in a telegram i was offered a part-time job, taking money from one point and taking it suddenly. i came to take money from a war veteran, we had to transfer it to the scammer at the information kiosk. the publication will continue with a review of criminal and emergency incidents, prepared by victoria radevich. some dozens of illegal immigrants were detained near minsk, the ministry of internal affairs reported this, police discovered houses in the agricultural town of kolodische and the village of bolshoye stiklevo, where
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foreigners from afghanistan, yemen and syria , in total 29 people, were illegally staying. they entered our country by private transport from russia. next they planned to proceed to the countries of the european union. they did not have belarusian visas. illegal immigrants were brought to administrative responsibility, and decisions were made to expel them from the country. efforts are currently underway to identify the organizer illegal migrant channel. two guys were detained near vitebsk on suspicion of selling drugs. they were met by operatives. control together with riot police on the vitebsk-orsha highway. the partners are 24 years old, they managed to get into serious trouble with the law in just 2 months. according to the police, this is how many young people distributed datura while working for a virtual drug shop. now they face up to 15 years in prison. a criminal case has been initiated against the defendants. on the territory of the regions. the day before, they took the goods from a hiding place, which was located in minsk areas. after which the party was divided.
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minska believed and, as a result , gave up all her savings to save her close friend. i’ll bring her what she needs, i say a mug, i’ll come over, there’s what she needs, a towel, everything, no, you’ll give it to the couriers today. the woman packed a bag with essentials, put $2.0 to save her friend in her robe pocket and handed the bag to the courier. upon delivery, when the minsk resident came to her senses, she called her friend and found out that she had become a victim of deception and had given the money to the scammers. law enforcement officers detained a fifty-two-year-old delivery courier, but he managed to hand over the money to the intermediary. i didn’t look at what was in the parcel, well, as if we have no right
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to look, and i didn’t even suspect that they found money there that had been obtained by deception. whether this is true or not, law enforcement officers are finding out within the framework. criminal case, it was initiated under the article of fraud. a passerby in minsk was caught stealing a bag from a teenager near the magilevskaya metro station. as the police said, the student’s belongings, while he was riding a scooter with friends, lay unattended near a public transport stop. one of the passengers noticed them and did not miss the moment to get his hands on them. soon the detectives visited him. by that time, it will become clear that the fifty-six-year-old defendant, having reached the lenin square metro station, threw away the stolen bag. but that's all that was. i kept my glasses, keys and mobile phone inside, there was no point in opening it, the damage was estimated at 1. rubles, and a criminal case was opened. a night fight broke out in grodno near the bar on gorky street. one of the participants in the brawl turned to law enforcement for help to teach the offender a lesson. as
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the department said, the victim first reported the incident to the policeman on duty, who pressed the panic button. a few minutes later , the security guards who arrived sorted out the situation. having recognized the signs, they detained the suspect not far from... failure to maintain distance led to an accident involving three cars on the capital's ring road the day before. this version has been preliminary announced in guy. according to them , not far from francysk skaryna street in the order of which is not specified, toyota, renault and gilly collided. all circumstances are still being clarified. there were no casualties in the accident, except for mechanical damage to the vehicles. rescuers put out the fire the night before. the karmal enterprise in the kormyansky district is the gomel region, according to the ministry of emergency situations , waste from processing flax straw caught fire there. the fire was quickly localized and the fire was not allowed to rage; no one was injured. and a serious operation that saved more than one small life. minsk emergencies ministry soldiers helped
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ducklings stuck in the sewer on kirov street. the small hostages were placed in a box and then released to a safe place. footage of the sweet rescue was shared on the ministry’s telegram channel. this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15, take care of yourself and have a nice day.
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good luck. belarus, well, friends, it seems to me that this morning we have already done almost everything, we drank coffee, had breakfast, arrived at work, it’s time to discuss something with colleagues early in the morning before work, and we this is the most important thing ahead, it is for this reason that we have masha khrustaleva in our studio, who is ready to share the most peppery, piquant news from miramedia, masha, good morning, good morning, good morning, it’s great when you can take your time in the morning and eat for the whole time s... by all accounts, the april heat has come to us, who knows, maybe it was attracted by the same peppery
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news from the world of media, now we’ll find out. hollywood is one big family, for example, it recently became known that actor michael douglas is scarlett's brother johanson, but the most interesting thing is that the stars most likely have common ancestors from belarus. so, in one of the recent episodes of the popular tv show in search of roots, the experts of the program told themselves. douglos that johansonson is actually somewhat of a cousin to him . the actors have identical branches of dna on four different chromosomes, meaning they are fairly closely related. but a couple of years ago, on the same tv show, johanson was told that one of her maternal great-grandfathers lived in our area. and the fate of the actress’s relatives belarusian historians also became interested. a version has emerged that scarlett’s belarusian ancestors lived in stale, they worked as shoemakers, but that michael douglas’s ancestors lived in the city of chausy, mogilev region. it’s also known, i wonder if the stars themselves realized that, apparently , it is their belarusian roots that unite them,
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because let’s be honest, we are of course very happy and proud, but it’s unlikely that scarlett johansson and michael douglas even imagine that what is belarus, how do people live here today, in this case we we are very much waiting for them in belarus, and why doesn’t yoti hide that he doesn’t have belarusian roots, he said this in an interview, that i remember that my great-grandmother once lived there in belarus, but i wanted to say, look. photographs, but they are really similar, something is clear that people, in principle, can be relatives, this is the first story, imagine, yes, in hollywood and to each other , including, as masha said, hollywood is one big family, i i would say one big belarusian family, because there really are a lot of people from belarus in appeared in hollywood, they are not the first and not the last, and the myers brothers, for example, those who founded the oscars, among other things, and so on, have a belarusian rally, and secondly, imagine the history of marriages being fashionable in hollywood, when he older than her, two or three times as... in the case of douglas and scarlett johansson, what if they got married, at that moment they found out that they are relatives, relatives, and
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that means there are some complications in this, so to avoid such situations, it is necessary, judging by everyone, the entire hollywood there to just in case, set up a family tree for yourself, compile it, study how it is and what, but in general it’s interesting, it’s great that such archival materials are stored, that you can find out about your ancestors who lived so many years ago, just find out where you have roots, so let all these actors come to us in belarus. it was this girl who was the first to decide on that winter cherry, and recently
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the famous stylist alexander rogov visited the hairdresser. elena's haircuts have memorable names, for example, avant-garde, foxtail and rock and roll, and that's all, just some of them. what a fine line, on the one hand, you can do such a hairstyle, winter cherry, and well, with such a grin, these hairstyles actually gained such popularity, because many began to repost, it made them smile. on the other hand, lady gaga even had a very similar hairstyle, so i saw a photo on the internet, i don’t know whether it’s photoshop or not, but it’s literally the same winter cherry, you just need to change the outfit a little, it already seems like such an interesting stylistic decision, would you try such an image, yes, you want to say, well, for some party in the style of gatby , maybe i would try in the style of frauchosin, i suggest, this would be a good party, where we would all come in such wigs, okay, that's it -i’m not ready for this yet. winter cherry, this hairstyle, as
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nina said, can be called a skunk - it’s chilling, chilling, yes, yes, approximately, i’m interested in what rock and roll looks like, but it didn’t come to him, here’s alexander rogov too, there there was something experimental, something between winter cherry, please note, what a fringe, the rest of the brunette fringe, look, some kind of spring molting has attacked. well, everything is already approaching summer, no, he was kissed by a unicorn, that’s why he has such a flower or a unicorn, well, in any case, you know, what’s most important is that after getting their hair done, people leave with a smile on their face. eh, this is generally the mood that is most important, the question is, is it a smile, you know, or bewilderment, still delight and therefore, friends, don’t be afraid to experiment in the spring, it’s time, you must admit, none of us are getting any younger yet, except, apparently, jackie chana, judging by how good he looks, the actor recently turned 70 years old, and he is sometimes even called the man with a hundred
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fractures, but chan still amazes with his incredible shape and activity, also with... remember that the actor starred in more than 140 films, and, by the way, he began his creative career as a stuntman, they say that jackie chan’s heroes cannot be confused with other action heroes, most often he played charming and simple-minded good-natured people who deftly skillfully repelled the villains, in jackie chan, it seems to me, managed to create such a unique image in the sense that he always had the opportunity to choose his heroes, and he even said himself that he always chooses them exclusively according to some three. masha, would you refuse such a person, i wouldn’t, i mean, he chose his heroes himself, so go ahead and refuse him, but i listened to the three rules, what the criteria should be, the three rules, first of all, his heroes owe someone -someone should help , this hero needs support, it’s especially good if this is a child, some young girl or an elderly person, but they must also be
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very small, dexterous, cunning and at the same time very kind, kind, it seems to me.
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a recipe for some original breakfast, we have one, and a recipe from the original food blogger anatoly moiseev. we watch, we record, we try. good morning, today we are making a simple version of cordon blue, very tasty chicken spring rolls. translated from french, cordon blue is a blue ribbon. culinary historians are still wondering why it was called that. and i suggest try the world famous dish for breakfast. to prepare, we need chicken fillet, ham, hard cheese, eggs, flour, breadcrumbs and parsley, put the chicken fillet on a cutting board, cover with cling film and beat so that the thickness of the piece is more or less uniform over the entire area, salt and pepper fillet to taste, finely
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chop the parsley, place a slice of ham on top of the chop with a plate of cheese, sprinkle with parsley, carefully roll into a tight roll so that the melted cheese cannot leak out, to do this, bend the edges of the fillet a little, lightly beat the egg with salt, prepare three plates with flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs. first roll the rolls in flour, then soak them in the eggs and finally in breadcrumbs, place them on a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 200° for about 25 minutes, cook until crispy and golden brown, the usual combination of cheese and ham plays out amazingly
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in the spicy chicken fillet rolls , they look... like a real work of art. no wonder there are legends that what else in the 15th century , the main dish among french monarchs was always cordon blue. a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit! hello! the most effective workout is when larger muscles are involved. that is , some of the largest in this case are the legs and small muscles, for example, the shoulders, this is exactly the kind of training we will do today, legs-shoulders, let's go, the first exercise we will do is the chair exercise, we all know it very well, in a half-squat, naturally, as if you were sitting in a chair, we have an angle of 90°, that is, the knees do not go forward beyond the toes, and for a little weighting
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we gave a light medicine ball, you can take any weight, maybe a small bottle and so on, in this fixed position we stand for 30 seconds, two- three approaches, here our legs and shoulders also work well, because we hold the weight on outstretched arms, let’s start! the second exercise we will have is the so-called frog, but we will not croak, we will jump. in a half-squat position, kolya, we rest our hands on the floor, great, then we jump as much as possible high up, clap and come back. down, we do 15 such jumps, a break and two more approaches, let's go,
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and the third exercise, in which the back will even be involved a little, but the shoulders will work well, the only thing that is most important is technique, so, since we sit down evenly, the legs are stretched. forward in front of you, your back is absolutely straight, the most important thing here is to fix your back and keep it as level as possible, pull your arms up, stretch them out completely, now stretch our shoulder blades down to an angle of 90° as you exhale, we squeeze up and bring our shoulder blades together, great, we don’t lift our shoulders, we work only with our shoulder blades, that is, these are the movements of the back, two or three sets of 10-12 times.
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so, to increase the effectiveness of your training, alternate exercises for large and small muscle groups, for example, in one session you can strengthen the muscles of the legs and shoulder girdle. backs. the chair exercise is performed for 30 seconds. the frog should be repeated at least 15 times, and the back muscle exercise should be repeated from 10 to 12. the optimal number of approaches is 2-3. control exercise technique and have fun. we meet people worthy of admiration.
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before getting married, i asked my wife how many children she wants? she says: three, i say: okay, i say, well, go ahead, i say, at least, no less, today the lord has had mercy on our family and given us six children. it’s not for nothing that i used to love mutik as a child. a daughter, four sons, yes, this is the case when this happened to me, they will talk about themselves and their hobbies, my parents instilled in me from childhood very versatile interest in sports, i just love to run, i love skating, my mother always went to the skating rink with me as a child, and they will also share the secrets of their success, a woman is happy only then, despite the fact that she always looks for happiness from the outside, our woman today, happiness is actually... inside, all difficulties are surmountable, in order to somehow , at least cope a little, in a large family, first of all, you need, so to speak, a schedule or routine. watch the
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belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. the treasury building was built in 1807, a. the lady who lived in this castle, plowed the simple lad, the vyaskovag, and for the sustrech all these underground hadas were published, and not to forget, let’s go.
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see the project route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel . april 10, now we can say for sure, we remind you that wednesday continues, today that yes, spring has come, if anyone
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doubts it from now on. know that real sakura has officially bloomed in grodno. congratulations. congratulations, that's for sure. yes, the traditional japanese tree is already delighting the residents of grodno with its delicate pink petals. there are 15 trees in total; they can be found immediately behind the lovers’ bench in the zhelebya park. so hurry up and enjoy this beauty. by the way, in japan there is even a special concept for this process, hanami, that’s what it’s called. there it is customary to spread blankets and have picnics overlooking the cherry blossom trees. yes, moreover, the japanese create interactive maps so that you can navigate where the ideal conditions for observation are now. if you haven’t had time to admire the trees in your city, you can go to the neighboring region, this is true, yes, by the way, weather forecasters say that such hot weather, which has now settled in belarus, contributes to the fact that sakura blooms faster than this necessary, so if you want to admire the cherry blossoms, even in minsk, in the botanical garden, it is blooming, then scientists say that by the end of the week
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you have time, and later, unfortunately... out of the heat, alas, the sakura will bloom, it will bloom, well, thank you olya, applications and password, in general, you have marked everything for yourself, i hope you have taken notes, let's go in search of sakura, yes friends, and now we offer you to go on a virtual trip, you know where in thailand it’s great that there is a reason, the thai police have created a special unit to catch wild monkeys in the tourist town of lubburri. previously, animals were a local attraction, but after the pandemic the situation has changed, there are a lot of them, they flock to... and wander around the city in crowds, robbing residents and tourists, wow, criminality, yes, instead of pistols, the police were armed with slingshots and cages, and the main task is to catch the leaders of monkey gangs, that is, look, they have gangs, yes, there are leaders in these gangs in order for these same gangs to eventually disintegrate, in a few days the employees were able to catch more than twenty primates, they will be temporarily sent to the environmental center of the province of saraburi, in the meantime, a monkey park is being completed in labari itself, and in
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the end they hope. change all the annoying ones neighbors, i only have one question, how do they determine who is the leader in the gang, that’s how you can see it from the monkeys, that’s for sure, this is not a predictable situation, but it seems to me that the one who would do as many tricky things as possible business, then he is the leader, or you know, as an option, look, they rob tourists, i don’t know, they take away chains, some earrings, they probably give all this to the leader of the gang, he sits like a gypsy baron, you know, there’s a bracelet there are earrings here, it’s immediately clear that there is a little gold, and if i find it, yes, it’s something like this.
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my name is svetlana belskaya, i work as a primary school teacher at gymnasium number 13 in minsk. my morning starts at 6:00 with a small glass of water, then i prepare breakfast and try to get to work early to avoid morning traffic jams. morning at the workplace begins filling out documentation. then the class gradually fills with children's voices, my profession, perhaps, alone. one of the most difficult teaching positions, because a modern primary school teacher is a professional who possesses a set of qualities that contribute successful transfer of knowledge, when necessary i am an artist, when necessary languages, mathematician, dancer, or even a singer, i teach all subjects in primary school, my task is to select educational material, methods and techniques in such a way that it is easy for children to learn
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even... the most difficult topic: teaching children is my life’s work. i believe in what i do, i believe that my students will grow up to be talented, smart and... worthy citizens of our country. friends often ask whether it is difficult for teachers to work, but hardly anyone can say that it is easy. of course, i am no exception either, but school is the most amazing country, where every moment is a search for something new, interesting, where there is no time for the secondary and unnecessary. it is important not to overlook, not to miss and not to be late, i try to keep up with the demands of time. they force you to look for ways to improve yourself and develop. most primary school teachers are united in one thing, in their love for their profession and children. if you love, you will help, support, teach, and prevent you from stumbling.
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the teacher must be the sun because the sun shines and warms everyone equally. i love my job because it makes my country's morning. so i also wanted to say that it was not in vain that our heroine touched on the topic of the sun, because today a very sunny, warm day awaits us, olga venskaya will tell you all the details right now, she will tell you and navigate through the temperature picture. so, friends, how great is the degree of sunny embrace today, and very hot embraces await us sunny in minsk plus 24-26 in brest, even more modest than in minsk, indicators 22:24, in vitebsk. the same in gomel and mogilev in grodno today 21:23 it’s literally a little cooler, but it also seems to me that it’s not even spring hot, but summer hot. what this means is that the beach season is getting closer and many people are now very
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worried about how to lose those extra pounds that they acquired during the cold winter season. so, we suggest you figure out what to eat to lose weight together with healthy lifestyle experts. good morning, my name is tatyana and i am an expert on a healthy lifestyle, let's look at the myths about eating habits, detox, wellness, low-calorie diets, whatever they have come up with to quickly lose extra pounds, does it work or is it just a myth. myth number one: a strict diet is the only way out. some people eat apples or cucumbers, some eat only chicken breast, and some completely refuse food, replacing it with juices and tea. the menu for all options is different, but the essence
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is the same: create a nutrient deficiency in order to start the fat burning process. yes, a strict diet will help you lose weight, but the effect won't last long. when you return to your normal diet, your body will not be able to handle it. amount of calories, the result will settle on the sides and stomach. the best option is not a strict diet for a couple of weeks, but a well- balanced diet that you need to stick to for the rest of your life. myth number two: i definitely can’t lose weight. some people have been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for many years and eventually lose all hope. it begins to seem to them that losing weight is simply impossible in their case, because they have heredity and a wide bone. yes, genetic a predisposition to obesity exists, but not every person who has it suffers from excess weight. in the matter of losing weight , a lot is decided by physical activity, eating habits, and of course, a person’s willpower.
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losing excess weight is possible in almost any situation. the main thing is to approach the issue wisely. a strict diet is not the only way to say goodbye to extra pounds, much less call it healthy. you can, to get your body in shape, you need to make friends with healthy food, you won’t even notice how you will get a new useful habit, without strict limits and giving up your favorite products. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the variety of products on store shelves today gives the buyer unlimited freedom of choice, but
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it is easy to get lost in this variety. a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy, the stalk should be green, not wrinkled. a proper breakfast is the key to health and well-being. mood, today we will cook rice pancakes with tender vegetable filling, i can’t wait to start cooking, it sounds just amazing, let’s figure out how much it will be with... i’ll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up, stretching the front back of the thigh, first we’ll stretch the front of the thigh, now it’s time to walk , go for a run with full strength to meet this day. look in the project tomorrow. champion on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. u belovezhskaya pushcha is right here in your yard. how far is she, well, just like that, in meters, so? she's probably in front of the house. we're going to walk through real swamps today, right? through the swamp, which is near domat, which, again , is not dedicated twenty meters away. seeing this building, he will say that i don’t know, it’s a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, not like the birds, i it seems not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s a blue-headed nut, we don’t see any blades at this mill. the mechanisms froze in the winter and
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didn’t work, and this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round, i’m from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. no, let’s start with the fact that i once watched an interview with our president, and this means that after this interview, and during the interview , the name of the land of good justice arose in me, image, image, yes, there was a lot of good energy in this interview, so the name was formed, then i came to work one sunny day, good afternoon.
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i’ll say that this song is simply captivating, just as it suggests some kind of mass performance of the song by the whole country, tell me who else you involved in the performance of this composition, which means that the team of the center of culture and leisure of the city of zhodino, an honored group of the republic of belarus, came with me, silver trill under the direction of neli ambartsumyan, exemplary gold studio and show extreme ballet, all together right now at the concert venue of dobroya ranitsa belarus, you will perform this wonderful composition, the land of good rights, all together.
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from the little radzina, which i sleep, i guessed us, with jingling expressions, we are lost... there were routes, where we will return in the future, for the strength that we are given by the land, my land, the lakes near dubra, the land of good
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deeds ў, to all the sirs i and back with you belarus belarus. so you are free to sleep and marami ў bright for the first time, shake the edges of the land, the flow of life is just an hour of payment, i berazhli, you suffered hell dzeda, hell pradzeda, admachyny, stvarўsya gety les, dze vuski. the chains have been restored to the paths, the downstream and downstream, we have saved and fallen higher, my land, i am in the dark, the land of good
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people, to all the sirs i and back. belarus is with you, as you are free to sleep forever, and marami and bright in front of you, stretch your borders. how free are you to sleep and mararanas and the bright front of the skin of the land, touch my
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edge, i’m kind to all the good people. i and belarus are with you, as you sleep away the wars forever, and marami and light on perad kroch, kraіnysya tryma, my kraіnysya, my land i blow, the land of good things. to all the sirs, i and back with you belarus, as if you are free in the evening, you will sleep and marami brighter in advance, and the lands of the good
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lands on the right. good morning belarus.
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live broadcast news on belarus 1, in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch in this issue. last day to nominate delegates.


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